Clinical Medicine 临床医学

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Clinical Medicine 临床医学 Weighted Academic Level Index System 加权学术水平指数系统 Global Scientific Index GSIndex on July 2021 环球科技指数 2021年7月 CLINICAL MEDICINE 临床医学 3799 Best Institutes on the World 世界3799个最好的机构 Http:// Institute of Supply Chain Management 供应链学会 Address: 6/F Bangkok Bank Building, 490 Nathan Road, Hong Kong Email: [email protected] RGS Index Institutes GS Index 相对环球科技指数(哈佛 机构 环球科技指数 大学 HARVARD UNIVERSITY =100 ) 1 HARVARD UNIVERSITY 116962272 100 2 HARVARD UNIV MEDICAL AFFILIATES 103521567 88.5085 3 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 90426265 77.3123 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SYSTEM 81134060 69.3677 5 US DEPT HLTH HUMAN SERVICES 69856687 59.7258 6 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 64818544 55.4183 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH) 7 57259575 48.9556 - USA 8 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM 56167931 48.0223 9 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 50222471 42.9390 10 BRIGHAM & WOMEN'S HOSPITAL 44532620 38.0743 11 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 44114121 37.7165 12 MAYO CLINIC 40513091 34.6377 MEMORIAL SLOAN KETTERING CANCER 13 38823111 33.1928 CENTER 14 UNIV TORONTO AFFILIATES 38721410 33.1059 ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE HOPITAUX PARIS 15 38423998 32.8516 (APHP) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN 16 38140979 32.6096 FRANCISCO 17 DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE 38111409 32.5844 18 MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL 37897170 32.4012 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE 19 37694890 32.2282 LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 20 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 37212289 31.8156 21 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 35522765 30.3711 22 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE 35335695 30.2112 23 UTMD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER 34621830 29.6009 24 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 33162570 28.3532 25 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 32842195 28.0793 QUEENSLAND CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH 26 32583038 27.8577 RESEARCH PENNSYLVANIA COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF 27 31820471 27.2058 HIGHER EDUCATION (PCSHE) INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH METRICS & 28 31527327 26.9551 EVALUATION 29 DUKE UNIVERSITY 28743351 24.5749 30 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 28532051 24.3942 31 IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON 28266029 24.1668 32 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH 27971444 23.9149 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS 33 27660889 23.6494 ANGELES 34 STANFORD UNIVERSITY 27503308 23.5147 35 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 27328651 23.3654 36 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SYSTEM 27313512 23.3524 37 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 27231568 23.2824 38 US DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 26608762 22.7499 VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 39 25919530 22.1606 (VHA) 40 UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 25759211 22.0235 41 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS 25368563 21.6895 42 NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) 24664244 21.0874 43 EMORY UNIVERSITY 23932701 20.4619 44 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (WUSTL) 22988929 19.6550 HARVARD T.H. CHAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC 45 22701040 19.4089 HEALTH 46 ERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM 22567611 19.2948 INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH 47 22504417 19.2407 ON CANCER (IARC) 48 YALE UNIVERSITY 22409391 19.1595 49 UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 22388964 19.1420 50 ERASMUS MC 22119302 18.9115 51 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY 21520877 18.3998 52 KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET 21356406 18.2592 53 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 21048789 17.9962 54 UNICANCER 21020372 17.9719 55 UNIV SYS OHIO 20870061 17.8434 56 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 20792538 17.7771 HSE UNIVERSITY (NATIONAL RESEARCH 57 20635830 17.6432 UNIVERSITY HIGHER SCHOOL OF UNIVERSITYECONOMICS) OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL 58 20118477 17.2008 HILL 59 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 20093009 17.1791 60 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO SYSTEM 19967520 17.0718 61 ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER AMSTERDAM 19898485 17.0127 CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL & 62 19799858 16.9284 PREVENTION - USA 63 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 19799589 16.9282 64 KU LEUVEN 19188857 16.4060 65 UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM 19061964 16.2975 66 JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE 19048503 16.2860 67 BIRZEIT UNIVERSITY 18786490 16.0620 68 CORNELL UNIVERSITY 18622390 15.9217 69 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA SYSTEM 18557259 15.8660 RUPRECHT KARLS UNIVERSITY 70 18413425 15.7430 HEIDELBERG 71 MCMASTER UNIVERSITY 18410106 15.7402 72 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM 18327519 15.6696 73 CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION 18298621 15.6449 74 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 17668270 15.1060 75 UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA 17521830 14.9808 76 UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK TORONTO 17384172 14.8631 LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE & TROPICAL 77 17367392 14.8487 MEDICINE PACIFIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH & 78 17286324 14.7794 EVALUATION (PIRE) 79 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON 17181855 14.6901 INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PSIQUIATRIA 80 16663093 14.2466 RAMON DE LA FUENTE MUNIZ 81 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH 16611390 14.2023 82 GUSTAVE ROUSSY 16293867 13.9309 83 BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 16168649 13.8238 ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT 84 16141089 13.8003 SINAI 85 HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE 16133706 13.7939 86 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 15836113 13.5395 87 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 15245449 13.0345 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO ANSCHUTZ 88 15042753 12.8612 MEDICAL CAMPUS 89 MCGILL UNIVERSITY 15030969 12.8511 90 BOSTON UNIVERSITY 14982240 12.8095 CIBER - CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION 91 14955109 12.7863 BIOMEDICA EN RED 92 ROYAL MARSDEN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 14942474 12.7755 BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL 93 14782934 12.6391 CENTER 94 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 14601157 12.4836 95 UNIV PARIS SACLAY COMUE 14526243 12.4196 96 UNIVERSITE PARIS SACLAY 14523857 12.4176 97 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION 14438205 12.3443 98 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB 14405062 12.3160 99 UTRECHT UNIVERSITY 14362996 12.2800 100 HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN 14270150 12.2006 101 FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN 14254419 12.1872 CHARITE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF 102 14189010 12.1313 BERLIN 103 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM 13960031 11.9355 104 STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA 13945266 11.9229 NIH NATIONAL HEART LUNG & BLOOD 105 13916553 11.8983 INSTITUTE (NHLBI) 106 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM 13906049 11.8893 107 FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER CENTER 13896423 11.8811 108 SORBONNE UNIVERSITE 13776327 11.7784 109 UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN 13768458 11.7717 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN 110 13507186 11.5483 MEDICAL CENTER DALLAS 111 OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY 13283472 11.3571 112 UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 13263008 11.3396 113 UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA 13156961 11.2489 114 HOSPITAL CLINIC DE BARCELONA 13132521 11.2280 115 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 13007336 11.1210 JOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF 116 12967911 11.0873 PUBLIC HEALTH 117 DEBRE MARKOS UNIV 12962641 11.0828 DAVID GEFFEN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT 118 12871953 11.0052 UCLA 119 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 12815410 10.9569 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF 120 12797102 10.9412 TECHNOLOGY (MIT) 121 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 12736901 10.8898 122 MONASH UNIVERSITY 12718718 10.8742 123 UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND 12664006 10.8274 124 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL LEUVEN 12317635 10.5313 125 UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL 12311834 10.5263 126 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW 12288346 10.5062 VICTORIAN INFECTIOUS DISEASES 127 12246723 10.4707 REFERENCE LABORATORY 128 UTRECHT UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 12042157 10.2958 129 UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY 11940747 10.2091 130 FEINBERG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 11766789 10.0603 131 JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY 11721372 10.0215 132 BOSTON CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 11553519 9.8780 133 CEDARS SINAI MEDICAL CENTER 11542138 9.8683 134 UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 11528482 9.8566 135 ROCHE HOLDING 11505419 9.8369 136 QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY LONDON 11436603 9.7780 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR 137 11352727 9.7063 POPULATION SCIENCES 138 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA SYSTEM 11298344 9.6598 139 ANGELES CLINIC & RESEARCH INSTITUTE 11289001 9.6518 140 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER 11274982 9.6398 141 RADBOUD UNIVERSITY NIJMEGEN 11222082 9.5946 142 RIGSHOSPITALET 11039640 9.4386 143 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWIN CITIES 11030295 9.4306 144 UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH 11007223 9.4109 145 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 11000370 9.4051 146 CTR CHRON DIS CONTROL 10946413 9.3589 147 HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL 10919557 9.3360 148 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 10896388 9.3162 149 LEIDEN UNIVERSITY 10873406 9.2965 150 BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY 10727925 9.1721 151 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY 10660366 9.1144 152 MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY 10655140 9.1099 LEIDEN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 153 10509087 8.9850 (LUMC) 154 UPPSALA UNIVERSITY 10472322 8.9536 155 UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH 10422657 8.9111 GERMAN CANCER RESEARCH CENTER 156 10412578 8.9025 (DKFZ) 157 SARAH CANNON RESEARCH INSTITUTE 10337759 8.8385 158 LUND UNIVERSITY 10336699 8.8376 159 UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL 10312341 8.8168 160 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI 10303054 8.8089 161 HEALTH SERVICES ACADEMY 10213957 8.7327 162 UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA 10121806 8.6539 CHINESE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL 163 10015362 8.5629 & PREVENTION 164 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON 9912999 8.4754 165 RAFFLES HOSPITAL 9848567 8.4203 166 BROWN UNIVERSITY 9729790 8.3187 167 BRITISH COLUMBIA CANCER AGENCY 9710912 8.3026 168 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI 9706472 8.2988 169 UNIVERSITY OF MILAN 9702478 8.2954 H LEE MOFFITT CANCER CENTER & 170 9685752 8.2811 RESEARCH INSTITUTE 171 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA 9637199 8.2396 UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 172 9632853 8.2359 SYDNEY NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICAL 173 9579185 8.1900 SCIENCES OF UKRAINE 174 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 9553666 8.1682 175 UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION 9513726 8.1340 GUY'S & ST THOMAS' NHS FOUNDATION 176 9487372 8.1115 TRUST 177 UNIV BRETAGNE LOIRE 9402534 8.0389 178 UNIVERSIDAD DE CARTAGENA 9298058 7.9496 179 SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (SNU) 9281833 7.9357 180 BROAD INSTITUTE 9275492 7.9303 181 NATL INST HLTH 9209772 7.8741 182 GENENTECH 9201648 7.8672 183 PUBLIC HEALTH FOUNDATION OF INDIA 9182508 7.8508 NATIONAL CENTER FOR CHRONIC & 184 9145534 7.8192 NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, CHINESE CENTER FOR 185 REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY 8952293 7.6540 186 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 8940311 7.6438 187 PRINCESS MARGARET CANCER CENTRE 8906067 7.6145 188 UNIVERSITY
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