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FORMATO PDF Ranking Instituciones No Acadã©Micas Por Sub áRea Ranking Instituciones No Académicas por sub área OCDE 2020 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología > 2.06 Ingeniería Médica PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Chinese Academy of Sciences 1 5,000 FRANCE Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2 5,000 USA VA Boston Healthcare System 3 5,000 FRANCE Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm) 4 5,000 USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA 5 5,000 USA Harvard School of Dental Medicine 6 5,000 USA Massachusetts General Hospital 7 5,000 GERMANY Helmholtz Association 8 5,000 USA Mayo Clinic 9 5,000 SINGAPORE Agency for Science Technology & Research (ASTAR) 10 5,000 NETHERLANDS Utrecht University Medical Center 11 5,000 CHINA University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS 12 5,000 ITALY Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) 13 5,000 FRANCE CNRS - Institute for Engineering & Systems Sciences (INSIS) 14 5,000 SPAIN CIBER - Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red 15 5,000 USA UTMD Anderson Cancer Center 16 5,000 USA Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 17 5,000 FRANCE Assistance Publique Hopitaux Paris (APHP) 18 5,000 USA Boston Children's Hospital 19 5,000 CANADA University Health Network Toronto 20 5,000 FRANCE Inria 21 5,000 NETHERLANDS Erasmus University Medical Center 22 5,000 USA Howard Hughes Medical Institute 23 5,000 GERMANY Max Planck Society 24 5,000 USA NIH Clinical Center (CC) 25 5,000 NETHERLANDS Philips 26 5,000 CHINA Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences - Peking Union Medical College 27 5,000 FRANCE CNRS - National Institute for Biology (INSB) 28 5,000 USA The Methodist Hospital - Houston 29 5,000 USA The Methodist Hospital System 30 5,000 SPAIN CIBERBBN 31 5,000 SPAIN Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) 32 5,000 CHINA Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS 33 5,000 USA Cleveland Clinic Foundation 34 5,000 USA Johns Hopkins Medicine 35 5,000 GERMANY German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) 36 5,000 ITALY Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT 37 5,000 FRANCE UNICANCER 38 5,000 SOUTH KOREA Yonsei University Health System 39 5,000 JAPAN RIKEN 40 5,000 NETHERLANDS Philips Research 41 5,000 CHINA Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS 42 5,000 USA NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) 43 5,000 USA University of Illinois Chicago Hospital 44 5,000 ITALY Padua Hospital 45 5,000 NETHERLANDS Academic Medical Center Amsterdam 46 5,000 GERMANY Fraunhofer Gesellschaft 47 5,000 GERMANY Siemens AG 48 5,000 CHINA Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS 49 5,000 Página 1 Ranking Instituciones No Académicas por sub área OCDE 2020 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología > 2.06 Ingeniería Médica PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA Broad Institute 50 5,000 USA US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) 51 4,999 FRANCE CHU Lyon 52 4,998 USA Cedars Sinai Medical Center 53 4,996 BELGIUM University Hospital Leuven 54 4,995 USA Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 55 4,994 SOUTH KOREA Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST) 56 4,993 USA United States Department of Energy (DOE) 57 4,991 CHINA Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital 58 4,990 CANADA Ottawa Hospital Research Institute 59 4,989 USA Shirley Ryan AbilityLab 60 4,988 USA International Business Machines (IBM) 61 4,986 FRANCE CEA 62 4,985 SINGAPORE Institute for Infocomm Research 63 4,984 SWITZERLAND University Hospital of Bern 64 4,983 USA Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 65 4,982 CHINA National Center for Nanoscience & Technology - China 66 4,980 UNITED KINGDOM Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust 67 4,979 BELGIUM IMEC 68 4,978 JAPAN Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) 69 4,977 CZECH REPUBLIC Czech Academy of Sciences 70 4,975 USA United States Department of Defense 71 4,974 SOUTH KOREA Seoul National University Hospital 72 4,973 USA General Electric 73 4,972 USA Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 74 4,970 SPAIN Barcelona Institute of Science & Technology 75 4,969 POLAND Polish Academy of Sciences 76 4,968 RUSSIA Russian Academy of Sciences 77 4,967 FRANCE Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) 78 4,966 GERMANY CARL GUSTAV CARUS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 79 4,964 FRANCE CNRS - Institute of Chemistry (INC) 80 4,963 USA Children's National Health System 81 4,962 SINGAPORE Institute of Medical Biology 82 4,961 SOUTH KOREA Samsung Medical Center 83 4,959 TAIWAN Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 84 4,958 GERMANY Helmholtz-Center Munich - German Research Center for Environmental Health 85 4,957 CANADA Princess Margaret Cancer Centre 86 4,956 CANADA Sinai Health System Toronto 87 4,954 CHINA Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS 88 4,953 AUSTRALIA Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 89 4,952 GERMANY RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 90 4,951 TAIWAN National Taiwan University Hospital 91 4,950 SWITZERLAND Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) 92 4,948 ISRAEL Chaim Sheba Medical Center 93 4,947 ARGENTINA Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET) 94 4,946 NETHERLANDS VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 95 4,945 USA University of Nebraska Medical Center 96 4,943 FRANCE Le Reseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP) 97 4,942 Página 2 Ranking Instituciones No Académicas por sub área OCDE 2020 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología > 2.06 Ingeniería Médica PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE USA US Department of Veteran Affairs 98 4,941 ITALY IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli 99 4,940 CANADA Sunnybrook Health Science Center 100 4,938 USA The J David Gladstone Institutes 101 4,937 GERMANY EBERHARD KARLS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 102 4,936 CANADA Sunnybrook Research Institute 103 4,935 SPAIN Hospital Clinic de Barcelona 104 4,934 CANADA Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) 105 4,932 DENMARK Odense University Hospital 106 4,931 USA Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 107 4,930 DENMARK Rigshospitalet 108 4,929 ITALY IRCCS Santa Lucia 109 4,927 CHINA Institute of Automation, CAS 110 4,926 ITALY IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico 111 4,925 USA Salk Institute 112 4,924 ITALY IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi 113 4,922 UNITED KINGDOM Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 114 4,921 JAPAN National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST) 115 4,920 NETHERLANDS Philips Healthcare 116 4,919 USA Rutgers State University Medical Center 117 4,918 TAIWAN Academia Sinica - Taiwan 118 4,916 FINLAND Helsinki University Central Hospital 119 4,915 AUSTRIA Ludwig Boltzmann Institute 120 4,914 BELGIUM Ghent University Hospital 121 4,913 SPAIN Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya 122 4,911 USA Scripps Research Institute 123 4,910 USA Whitehead Institute 124 4,909 ITALY Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 125 4,908 HONG KONG Prince of Wales Hospital 126 4,906 SINGAPORE Singapore National Eye Center 127 4,905 SINGAPORE National Heart Centre Singapore 128 4,904 USA Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center 129 4,903 USA NIH National Heart Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI) 130 4,902 SINGAPORE Bioprocessing Technology Institute 131 4,900 ITALY Fondazione Bruno Kessler 132 4,899 INDIA Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) - India 133 4,898 SOUTH KOREA Seoul St. Mary's Hospital 134 4,897 FRANCE CHU de Montpellier 135 4,895 USA ARUP Laboratories 136 4,894 SWITZERLAND Roche Holding 137 4,893 NETHERLANDS Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences 138 4,892 USA College of American Pathologists 139 4,890 USA Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center 140 4,889 AUSTRALIA Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital 141 4,888 AUSTRALIA Florey Institute of Neuroscience & Mental Health 142 4,887 CHINA Institute of Zoology, CAS 143 4,886 AUSTRALIA Murdoch Children's Research Institute 144 4,884 NETHERLANDS Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) 145 4,883 FRANCE Hopital Universitaire Pitie-Salpetriere - APHP 146 4,882 Página 3 Ranking Instituciones No Académicas por sub área OCDE 2020 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología > 2.06 Ingeniería Médica PAÍS INSTITUCIÓN RANKING PUNTAJE CHINA Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology, CAS 147 4,881 GERMANY German Centre for Cardiovascular Research 148 4,879 JAPAN National Institute for Materials Science 149 4,878 AUSTRALIA Kolling Institute of Medical Research 150 4,877 AUSTRALIA Royal North Shore Hospital 151 4,876 USA National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) - USA 152 4,874 FRANCE CHU de Nantes 153 4,873 USA Henry Ford Hospital 154 4,872 FRANCE Hopital Universitaire Europeen Georges-Pompidou - APHP 155 4,871 AUSTRALIA St Vincents Hospital Sydney 156 4,870 SOUTH KOREA Institute for Basic Science - Korea (IBS) 157 4,868 USA Veterans Health Administration (VHA) 158 4,867 NORWAY Haukeland University Hospital 159 4,866 USA NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging & Bioengineering (NIBIB) 160 4,865 TAIWAN China Medical University Hospital - Taiwan 161 4,863 FINLAND Kuopio University Hospital 162 4,862 USA Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute 163 4,861 TAIWAN Taipei Veterans General Hospital 164 4,860 SOUTH KOREA Pusan National University Hospital 165 4,858 USA UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center 166 4,857 BELGIUM European Commission Joint Research Centre 167 4,856 FRANCE CHU Rennes 168 4,855 SINGAPORE Institute of Bioengineering & Nanotechnology 169 4,854 BELGIUM EC JRC Institute for Reference Materials & Measurements (IRMM) 170 4,852 UNITED KINGDOM University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 171 4,851 CHINA Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS 172 4,850 AUSTRALIA St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne 173 4,849 INDIA Department of Science & Technology (India) 174 4,847 SWITZERLAND Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science & Technology (EMPA) 175 4,846
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