Weighted Academic Level Index System 加权学术水平指数系统

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Weighted Academic Level Index System 加权学术水平指数系统 Weighted Academic Level Index System 加权学术水平指数系统 Global Scientific Index GSIndex on January 2021 环球科技指数 2021年1月 CLINICAL MEDICINE 临床医学 3778 Best Institutes on the World 世界3778个最好的机构 Http://www.walindex.com Institute of Supply Chain Management 供应链学会 Address: 6/F Bangkok Bank Building, 490 Nathan Road, Hong Kong Email: [email protected] RGS Index Institutes GS Index 相对环球科技指数(哈佛 机构 环球科技指数 大学 HARVARD UNIVERSITY =100 ) 1 HARVARD UNIVERSITY 103321851 100 2 HARVARD UNIV MEDICAL AFFILIATES 91504823 88.5629 3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SYSTEM 72256085 69.9330 4 US DEPT HLTH HUMAN SERVICES 63773044 61.7227 5 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 58708236 56.8207 6 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 56226739 54.4190 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH) 7 51655336 49.9946 - USA 8 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM 49665071 48.0683 9 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 43476424 42.0786 10 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 38956116 37.7037 11 BRIGHAM & WOMEN'S HOSPITAL 38887193 37.6369 12 MAYO CLINIC 35397453 34.2594 ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE HOPITAUX PARIS 13 34827094 33.7074 (APHP) MEMORIAL SLOAN KETTERING CANCER 14 33595921 32.5158 CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN 15 33587330 32.5075 FRANCISCO 16 UNIV TORONTO AFFILIATES 33528093 32.4501 17 DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE 33314830 32.2437 18 MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL 33249561 32.1806 19 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 33116061 32.0514 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE 20 32699876 31.6486 LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 21 UTMD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER 30490903 29.5106 22 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 30077670 29.1107 23 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE 29935609 28.9732 24 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 28348375 27.4370 25 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 27607413 26.7198 PENNSYLVANIA COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF 26 27518005 26.6333 HIGHER EDUCATION (PCSHE) 27 DUKE UNIVERSITY 25769743 24.9412 28 US DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 24354731 23.5717 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS 29 24305305 23.5239 ANGELES 30 IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON 24169379 23.3923 31 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 24161033 23.3842 32 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SYSTEM 24147548 23.3712 33 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH 24056863 23.2834 VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 34 23819999 23.0542 (VHA) QUEENSLAND CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH 35 23589271 22.8309 RESEARCH 36 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 23122867 22.3795 37 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS 23008389 22.2687 38 STANFORD UNIVERSITY 22845072 22.1106 INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH METRICS & 39 22653865 21.9255 EVALUATION 40 NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) 22332122 21.6141 41 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 21150614 20.4706 42 UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 21134440 20.4550 43 ERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM 20849050 20.1787 44 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (WUSTL) 20730701 20.0642 45 ERASMUS MC 20475849 19.8175 46 EMORY UNIVERSITY 20172380 19.5238 47 UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN 19271020 18.6514 48 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY 18979717 18.3695 HARVARD T.H. CHAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC 49 18841054 18.2353 HEALTH 50 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 18700474 18.0992 51 YALE UNIVERSITY 18311463 17.7227 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL 52 18233317 17.6471 HILL 53 KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET 18223744 17.6378 54 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO SYSTEM 18177833 17.5934 55 UNIV SYS OHIO 18166486 17.5824 56 UNICANCER 18149507 17.5660 57 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 17715329 17.1458 CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL & 58 17549070 16.9849 PREVENTION - USA 59 ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER AMSTERDAM 17447383 16.8864 60 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 17318540 16.7617 61 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 17286090 16.7303 62 UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM 16861859 16.3197 63 KU LEUVEN 16569235 16.0365 64 JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE 16333454 15.8083 65 CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION 16277010 15.7537 66 MCMASTER UNIVERSITY 15992934 15.4788 RUPRECHT KARLS UNIVERSITY 67 15679846 15.1757 HEIDELBERG 68 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA SYSTEM 15508928 15.0103 69 UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK TORONTO 15478053 14.9804 70 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM 15359498 14.8657 71 CORNELL UNIVERSITY 15320801 14.8282 72 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 14945112 14.4646 LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE & TROPICAL 73 14766124 14.2914 MEDICINE 74 UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA 14642761 14.1720 HSE UNIVERSITY (NATIONAL RESEARCH 75 14615641 14.1457 UNIVERSITY HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS) 76 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON 14590607 14.1215 INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH 77 14549349 14.0816 ON CANCER (IARC) 78 HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE 14316738 13.8564 BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL 79 14080717 13.6280 CENTER 80 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH 13975930 13.5266 81 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 13926541 13.4788 82 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 13862576 13.4169 83 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB 13828787 13.3842 84 GUSTAVE ROUSSY 13780292 13.3372 85 BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 13655630 13.2166 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO ANSCHUTZ 86 13490242 13.0565 MEDICAL CAMPUS 87 MCGILL UNIVERSITY 13431335 12.9995 88 BOSTON UNIVERSITY 13404222 12.9733 89 ROYAL MARSDEN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 13403388 12.9725 ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT 90 13395525 12.9649 SINAI 91 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM 12874796 12.4609 92 HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN 12797443 12.3860 93 FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN 12738720 12.3292 94 UTRECHT UNIVERSITY 12715008 12.3062 CHARITE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF 95 12686233 12.2784 BERLIN 96 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 12506867 12.1048 97 ANGELES CLINIC & RESEARCH INSTITUTE 12402063 12.0033 98 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION 12299158 11.9037 99 STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA 12253288 11.8593 100 UNIV PARIS SACLAY COMUE 12082114 11.6937 101 UNIVERSITE PARIS SACLAY 12063189 11.6754 CIBER - CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION 102 12007937 11.6219 BIOMEDICA EN RED 103 SORBONNE UNIVERSITE 11952943 11.5687 104 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM 11822550 11.4424 105 UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN 11820791 11.4407 INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PSIQUIATRIA 106 11703917 11.3276 RAMON DE LA FUENTE MUNIZ NIH NATIONAL HEART LUNG & BLOOD 107 11698253 11.3221 INSTITUTE (NHLBI) UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN 108 11676265 11.3009 MEDICAL CENTER DALLAS 109 FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER CENTER 11639682 11.2655 PACIFIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH & 110 11457420 11.0891 EVALUATION (PIRE) DAVID GEFFEN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT 111 11371482 11.0059 UCLA 112 UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 11292675 10.9296 113 HOSPITAL CLINIC DE BARCELONA 11247678 10.8861 114 OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY 11236279 10.8750 115 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 11214572 10.8540 116 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW 11136815 10.7788 117 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 11135161 10.7772 118 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 11112420 10.7551 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF 119 11062506 10.7068 TECHNOLOGY (MIT) 120 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL LEUVEN 11055953 10.7005 JOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF 121 10955338 10.6031 PUBLIC HEALTH 122 UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL 10744723 10.3993 123 ROCHE HOLDING 10731588 10.3866 124 UTRECHT UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 10683153 10.3397 125 UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND 10624882 10.2833 126 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA SYSTEM 10571839 10.2319 127 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWIN CITIES 10362716 10.0295 128 MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY 10335425 10.0031 129 MONASH UNIVERSITY 10312388 9.9808 130 LEIDEN UNIVERSITY 10287855 9.9571 131 RADBOUD UNIVERSITY NIJMEGEN 10196514 9.8687 132 CEDARS SINAI MEDICAL CENTER 10142441 9.8164 133 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER 10128148 9.8025 134 BOSTON CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 10072245 9.7484 135 UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY 9917493 9.5986 136 UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 9829657 9.5136 137 FEINBERG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 9776315 9.4620 138 QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY LONDON 9722721 9.4101 139 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY 9712356 9.4001 140 UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH 9700870 9.3890 141 RIGSHOSPITALET 9406671 9.1042 142 DEBRE MARKOS UNIV 9307252 9.0080 143 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 9274287 8.9761 144 UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH 9227958 8.9313 VICTORIAN INFECTIOUS DISEASES 145 9109886 8.8170 REFERENCE LABORATORY 146 LUND UNIVERSITY 9015743 8.7259 147 UPPSALA UNIVERSITY 8987910 8.6989 148 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 8926401 8.6394 149 UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA 8906688 8.6203 150 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA 8818034 8.5345 151 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI 8809850 8.5266 GERMAN CANCER RESEARCH CENTER 152 8722389 8.4420 (DKFZ) 153 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON 8614695 8.3377 154 UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL 8545435 8.2707 CDC NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH 155 8535943 8.2615 STATISTICS (NCHS) 156 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI 8496215 8.2231 157 PRINCESS MARGARET CANCER CENTRE 8420092 8.1494 158 UNIVERSITY OF MILAN 8382308 8.1128 159 BRITISH COLUMBIA CANCER AGENCY 8333723 8.0658 160 BROWN UNIVERSITY 8313401 8.0461 H LEE MOFFITT CANCER CENTER & 161 8296194 8.0295 RESEARCH INSTITUTE 162 INDIANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 8280921 8.0147 163 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 8241249 7.9763 164 UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA 8218355 7.9541 165 UTAH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION 8205792 7.9420 166 BROAD INSTITUTE 8070536 7.8111 GUY'S & ST THOMAS' NHS FOUNDATION 167 7991276 7.7344 TRUST UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 168 7964242 7.7082 SYDNEY 169 UNIV BRETAGNE LOIRE 7917167 7.6626 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (SUNY) 170 7852659 7.6002 SYSTEM 171 BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY 7780241 7.5301 172 GENENTECH 7755101 7.5058 173 SARAH CANNON RESEARCH INSTITUTE 7749558 7.5004 174 INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH - UK 7630407 7.3851 175 WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY 7560686 7.3176 176 SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (SNU) 7516641 7.2750 177 PETER MACCALLUM CANCER CENTER 7476864 7.2365 178 JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY 7474163 7.2339 179 KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 7447257 7.2078 180 UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG 7418622 7.1801 181 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 7410872 7.1726 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR 182 7302905 7.0681 POPULATION SCIENCES 183 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY 7283498 7.0493 184 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER 7227409 6.9950 185 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM 7221268 6.9891 186 CTR CHRON DIS CONTROL 7204171 6.9726 187 NOVARTIS 7195437 6.9641 188 UNIVERSITY OF DUISBURG ESSEN 7171409 6.9408 189 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARI VALL D'HEBRON 7157502
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