The Ithacan, 1934-02-23

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The Ithacan, 1934-02-23 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1933-1934 2-23-1934 The thI acan, 1934-02-23 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1934-02-23" (1934). The Ithacan, 1933-1934. 19. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1933-1934 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ' "Scampers" The Oracle! ''Srampers"J Get Your ·Tickets! aran February 28 rOI .. IV. No. 19 Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, Febduary 23, 1934 I. C. Basketball T earn Sergei Rachmaninoff Ithaca College Engages Scores Another Victory Accepts Membership Pryor, Noted Conductor, ·th M h . On I. College Board I n Game W1 ec antes - To Head I. C. Band Dept. ~---------- ·------ At the meeting of the Boar<l ol • T i'rustees of Ithaca College formerly Ben Pismanoff Stars, Making TO TEACH HERE Famous Conductor and Trom­ I • C• W restI tng earn lthaca Conservatory, held' Februar\' bonist, Engaged for Summer 19 Points; Score 50-43. Frosh Loses To E. Stroud. 1 ?, the n~te<l . composer ~nd pian~ Will Probably Continue 1d Also Score Over M. I. virtuoso, Sergei Rachmamnoff, was Fall The Ithaca College wrestling team el.ected a member of the Board. In went down to a 24¼ to 7 ½ defeat his letter of acceptance, to the­ The following is reprinted from Ithaca College's basketball team at the hands of a powerful East man ~f t~~ Board, ~1r ..Rachmamn­ the Ithaca-Journal News and is of continued along its winning way Fri­ Stroudsburg contingent on the local off said: . I ac:ept it with pleasure interest to all students of the college. da\" evening when it downed Mc­ gym floor Saturday night. and certam\r will ?e gla~ to have a Arthur Pryor, eminent American ch;nics Institute at Rochester by a · t d talk from time to tune with mu con- bandmaster, has been \~ngagcd for The Pennsylvan1ans prescn c one . h 'I . D · 50-+3 count. of the most powerful and . · d cermng t e .v usic epartment of the summer session at Ithaca Col­ Ben Pismanoff, stellar scoring ' experience your Institution." lege from July 2 to Aug. 10, and groups of grapplers that has set foot guard of the Blues, once again set Speaking of his r:Iection, Professor will probably i.:ontinue his connec­ on the college gym in many years. It the pace for his mates as he scored Vladimir Karapctoff, the Chairman tion with Ithaca College next Sept­ was evident from the start that the 19 points for the Collegians. of the Board of Trustees, said: "The temher, taking charge of the work visitors had a highly trained squad '.\Icchanics was first to break into Hoard of Trustees, the Facultv and of the concert band in, which he when two of I thacas best men, Eld­ the scoring column. Dillon fouled the students of the College feel ·highly will he assisted In· \Valter Beeler. ridge and Livecchi, were pressed to \\'ctmeyer under the loop and th<! elated and honored by this connec­ Arthur Pryor i~ the last of his ~he limit to eke out a time advantage latter made good both foul attempts. tion with a man whose name alone generation of great band leaders, victory. Incidentally Eldridge and Ben Pismanoff tied the score as he is an inspiration ·to all music lovers. such as P. S. Gilmore, Patrick Con­ Livecchi were the onlv Blue-did bone sank a beautiful two counter from Everyone connected with the College way, who founded the Band and crushers to come th~ough with nc- mid court. The game was a close af­ should feel an added pride and stim- Orchestra School at Ithaca College, tori cs. fair until the latter part of the ulus in striving for a standard of ex­ and John Philip Sousa. first half when the Blues staged a Summaries: '.\Ir. Pryor is also one of the 118 pounds. ~o entry from I. C. cellencc and achievement worth,· of rallr and went into a comfortable Rachmaninoff's name. For se~·eral ARTHUR PRYOR world's best known trombone play­ ( Forfeit) lead. The half ended with Ithaca on years he taught the piano in a prom­ ers. 126 pounds. Eld ridge ( I. C.) de­ the long end of a 29-16 score. inent school in '.\loscow, besides hi Years ago at a concert in Berlin, feated Swingle ( E. S.) 5 :33 time ad- '.\lechanics started the second half intimate connection with the Imperial I. C. Band Plays trombonists of six German reg­ in noble fashion with \Vetmeyer, vantage. Conservatories of '.\.loscow and Pctro­ iments gathered to hear him. :'\fr. 135 pounds. Livecchi (I. C.) de­ Bailey Hall Concert Rochester star, sinking_ many diffi­ grad. He is also interested in drama Pryor played a selection in which feated \V right ( E. S.) 1 :40 time ad- cult tries. However, the Rochester and poetry, having written three oper- The ltha:a CollcJ.?:e Con:crt Band, he produced his own bass ac­ attack was soon cut short and another vantage. as and a number of vocal composi- conducted hy \Valter Beeler, gave companiment, jumping three or four · HS pounds Radalonge ( E. S.) de­ scoring drive allowed the Ithacans tions. As to his ability as orchestral an hour's priJJ!:ram in Baile,· Hall 011 octaves between notes. After the con­ deated Roberts (I. C.) 2:40 Fall. to coast to victorv. conductor, it h~s been said that he Friday afternoon, Fehruan·· I b. Thl' cert the Germans approached a Gcr­ 155 pounds. Rosmik (E. S.) de­ The score doe; by no means show could h~vc acl11.eved . f,ame as .su~h, concert wa; given as a {cature for !llan-spcaking member of the Prrnr feated Jackson (I. 3:+5 time ad- the superiority of the Blues. Every C.) even without his ab1l1ty as pianist. Cornell's 27th annual Farm and hand, with a request to. examine the man on the Ithaca squad saw action vantage. an? c~mposer. In addition to the in- Home \\'eek. Lorraine Johnston master's instrument. They spent a 165 pounds. Ringler ( E. S.) de­ and all of them contributed to the 50 sp1rat1on of '.\'1.r. Rachmaninoff's was vocal soloist with the h;md, and quarter of an hour looking it over, point total but two. feated Avery ( I. C.) l :55 Fall. name and p~rsonality, we al~o expect Glenn Brown, xylophone ,:oloist. The taking it completely apart in the pro­ 175 pounds. Summerhill (E. S.) v~lua?le as:1stance and adVlcc from hand played to a lar!,!:e, if itinerant, cess. At the end they went away, I. C. FROSH WIN GAME defeated Green (I. C.) 5:53 Fall. h1~ .m laying out the fundamental audience, who apparenth· enjoyed shakinl,!; their hca<ls skeptically. - Unlimited. Fuller (I. C.) and pol1c1cs of the College. the recreation hour. soloists "It's impo~iblc," the,· declared. In th~ preliminary game the lt~a- Skovonskv (E. S.) \Vrcstled to a '.\.Ir. Rachmaninoff was born in were heartih· applauded and encored. "It's just another Yankee· trick." ca. Yearlings· outscored the Mechanics 10 mmu· r·e d raw. :u r. Pryor is a product of St. hosh 50-34. The Blue Frosh soon Final Score-East Stroudsburg 1873 in the province of Novgorod, PROGRA'.\I Russia, and left Russia after the re- '.\larch ::\Iilitaire from Suite Joseph, liissouri, and of musical took the lead and h~ld a fir~ hand 24½; Ithaca 7'/,, volution. His home is in New York Algcrienne .' .. Saint-Sae·ns family. His father was a bandmaster, throughout the entire affair. Al ---0-- his mother a pianist. He started his City, but he .spen~s much time in Overture: Tannhauser . \Vagner Kaufman and Clark were high scor­ musical education with the piano be­ concert tours m this country and Vocal Solo: m for the Collegians, getting 14 and "Scampers" Assembly fore his fingers could stretch an oc­ 10 points respectively. Draws Many Students abroad. Ah, Jc \"CUX vine, from Romeo tave, passing from that to the violin, -o---- and Juliet.. ....... Gounod Summary: which he studied for seven wars. In S. A. I. PLEDGES Lorraine Johnston 1888, when he was 18, h·e joined Ithaca College Varsity G( 50)F p At a meeting of the student body Capriccio Espagnolc Rimsky-Korsakow the Stanley Opera Company as con­ Hawley, rf ......................... -......... 3 2 8 in th.e Little 1~heatkrc, I \Vedncsday The following freshmen women ductor and pianist, touring with that L k. f morning at ten o c1 oc , t 1e announce- were pledged to Sigma Alpha Iota, a. Alborada ar ·m, r ............ ····· ····-·········· .... O l l ment was made that a revival of the h. \ • ariations troupe for three years. :\Ieanwhile, National Professional ~Iusic F ratcr­ he had learned to play the trombone. c. Alborada nity, on \Vcdnesday, February 21: ~~f1~;~~nl,f fr···::::::::::::::::::·:::::::::::·:·:::i 6 1s~~:~;:t~: !t~~iec;:!~;e ,tui:e:~ d. Scene and Cypsy Song "I di~coverc<l,' said '.\Ir. Prvor, Gladys Bunnell, Ithaca, ::'\. Y. 1 on, c ······················ ..................... 1 day evening, February 28th. e. Fandango of the Asturias "that I was a natural trombonist. 1-farjorie Burd, Canisteo, ~. Y. lg ........................................ ll 13 The program was opened with a Xylophone Solo: "'.\Jae" and ":\lac" The art came to me, if not as natural­ t;ta~, 11arjorie Gibson, Poland, ~.
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