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Altered Sulfide (H2S) Metabolism in Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

Valeria Tiranti and Massimo Zeviani

Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani Center for Research on Children’s Mitochondrial Disorders, Unit of Molecular Neurogenetics, Institute of Neurology “Carlo Besta,” Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) Foundation, Milan, Italy Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Hydrogen sulfide (sulfide, H2S) is a colorless, water-soluble gas with a typical smell of rotten eggs. In the past, it has been investigated for its role as a potent toxic gas emanating from sewers and swamps or as a by-product of industrial processes. At high concentrations, H2S is a powerful inhibitor of ; in trace amounts, it is an important signaling molecule, like nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO), together termed “gasotransmitters.” This review will cover the physiological role and the pathogenic effects of H2S, focusing on ethylmalonic encephalopathy, a human mitochondrial disorder caused by genetic abnormalities of sulfide metabolism. We will also discuss the options that are now conceivable for preventing genetically driven chronic H2S toxicity, taking into account that a complete understanding of the physiopathology of H2S has still to be achieved.

ecause of its fame as a deadly gas, the phys- and cystathionine g-lyase (CSE, EC Biological role of H2S had been long over-, which both utilize L-cysteine as a sub- looked, until Abe and Kimura in 1996 (Abe strate (Stipanuk and Beck 1982; Hosoki et al. and Kimura 1996) demonstrated that H2Sisa 1997; Zhao et al. 2001). L-cysteine is taken up neuromodulator that facilitates the induction of with the diet, extracted from endogenous pro- long-term potentiation (LTP) by enhancing the teins, or synthesized endogenously viatrans-sul- activity of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) re- furation of serine by L-methionine. In humans, ceptors in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. the end products of cysteine catabolism H2S was later shown to induce relaxation of are sulfate (which accounts for 77%–92% of smooth muscle, to regulate the release of insu- the total sulfur excreted in the urine), sulfate lin, and to act as a mediator of inflammation. esters (7%–9%), and taurine (2%–6%) (Stip- The physiological importance of H2S has anuk 2004) (Fig. 1). In some tissues, both CBS further been supported by demonstrating that and CSE can generate H2S, whereas in others H2S is endogenously produced in mammals only one enzyme is present (Diwakar and by two pyridoxal-50-phosphate-dependent en- Ravindranath 2007). For instance, CBS is pre- zymes, cystathionine b-synthase (CBS, EC dominantly expressed in the nervous system but

Editors: Douglas C. Wallace and Richard J. Youle Additional Perspectives on Mitochondria available at Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011437 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2013;5:a011437

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V. Tiranti and M. Zeviani

Methionine Homocysteine GNMT MAT CBS Cystathionine CSE

CBS CSE AAT H2S Cys Pyruvate + H2S SDO SDO dependent CDO dependent 2– 2– SO4 Cysteine sulfinate SO4

Hypoxanthine AAT CSD

Xanthine oxidase Mo- Sulfinylpyruvate Hypotaurine + O2 Aldehyde oxidase HDH RSSH Xanthine 2– 2– Pyruvate + SO3 S2O3 Taurine Mo-cofactor Xanthine oxidase SUOX

2– Uric acid SO4

Figure 1. Sulfide production. Methionine, derived from alimentary sources, is converted into S-adenosylme- thionine by methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT). S-adenosylmethionine is hydrolyzed to homocysteine by glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT). Cystathionine b-synthase (CBS) transfers serine to homocysteine and produces cystathionine. Cystathionine g-lyase (CSE) converts cystathionine to cysteine (Cys). One pathway of cysteine metabolism involves its oxidation to cysteine sulfinate by cysteine deoxygenase (CDO), which is then converted to hypotaurine by cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase (CSD); hypotaurine is eventually oxidated to taurine by hypotaurine dehydrogenase (HDH). In mitochondria, cysteine can be converted to 3-mercaptopy- ruvate by aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), which can then be converted to H2S by 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfur transferase. The conversion of cysteine sulfinate to sulfinyl pyruvate by AAT, followed by a nonenzymatic reaction, can also yield sulfite, which is then oxidized to sulfate by sulfite oxidase (SUOX) in a (GSH)-dependent process. The H2S produced by either AATor CBS/CSE can be further oxidized by a (SDO/ETHE1)-dependent pathway (see Fig. 2). The metabolic pathway carried out by Moco- dependent enzymes is encircled in red (see text for details).

is also active in the liver and kidney (Enokido to play an important role in the mucosal dam- et al. 2005). CSE is mainly expressed in liver, as age of ulcerative colitis (Rowan et al. 2009). well as vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle A third, however marginal, source of H2Sis (e.g., the small intestine and stomach [Awata the nonenzymatic reduction of elemental sul- et al. 1995; Ishii et al. 2004]). fur, which is present in traces in human (Westley Both CBS and CSE activities increase in rat and Westley 1991) and mouse (Buzaleh et al. brain after birth, reaching adult levels at week 1991) blood, into H2S by electrons provided four (Awata et al. 1995). through glycolysis (Searcy and Lee 1998). An important additional source of H2Sis The main catabolic pathway of H2S takes the enterobacterial anaerobic flora. The intesti- place in mitochondria and consists of a series nal epithelium expresses specialized enzyme of oxidative reactions ultimately yielding sul- 2– 2– systems that efficiently convert H2S into thio- fate (SO4 ), with thiosulfate (S2O3 ) and sulfite 2– sulfate and sulfate, to both prevent the local (SO3 ) as intermediate compounds (Beau- increase of H2S to toxic levels and its entry champ et al. 1984; Szabo` 2007). The existence of through the portal vein system in the liver and such a pathway has been known for more than other organs. Excessive production and absorp- 20 years (Powell and Somero 1986), although tion of H2S, as well as reduced detoxification by the enzymatic actors and detailed steps have colonic epithelial cells (colonocytes), is thought been elucidated (Hildebrandt and Grieshaber

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Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

–2 SO3 TST HS–1 O2 –2 GSSH SO–2 SO4 –2 3 –1 SSO3 HS HS–1 GSH SDO TSR SUOX –2 SSO3 Matrix SQR Q Q OX III OX SQR Qred Qred Intermembrane space

Figure 2. Proposed pathway for sulfide oxidation. H2S is produced from cysteine (see Fig. 1) and is initially fixed by a membrane-bound sulfide quinone oxidoreductase (SQR). The electrons extracted from H2S enter the respiratory chain at the level of the quinone pool (UQH/UQ), are then transferred to complex III (cIII), and are finally fixed by cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV, cIV) to molecular oxygen with the formation of water. A sulfur dioxygenase (SDO/ETHE1), present as an Fe-binding dimer in the , oxidizes the persulfide to sulfite (H2SO3) in a reaction that includes molecular oxygen and water. See text for details. SUOX, sulfite oxidase; TST, thiosulfate sulfur transferase; TSR, thiosulfate reductase.

2008) and further refined (Jackson et al. 2012) thus preventing the interaction of H2S with only recently. The pathway proposed by Hilde- critical enzymatic activities. Additional sources brandt (2008), later modified by Jackson, is of sulfite are known, for instance by the cys- shown in Figure 2. The pathway consists of (1) teine dioxygenase/aspartate aminotransferase a mitochondrial inner-membrane-bound sul- (CDO/AAT) system (Cooper et al. 2002; Sti- fide quinone reductase (SQR) (Theissen and panuk and Ueki 2010), converting cysteine Martin 2008), which fixes H2S to sulfite to pro- into b-sulfinylpyruvate, which then decompos- duce thiosulfate; (2) mitochondrial thiosulfate es into pyruvate and sulfite. sulfur transferase, also known as rhodanese, which reconstitutes sulphite from thiosulfate H S: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES by fixating the sulfane sulfur of the latter onto 2 an –SH-containing substrate, for instance glu- Sulfur, an essential element for life, occurs in tathione, GSH, to form a persulfide (R-S-SH) different oxidation states, from –2 (as in sulfide, 2– 2–) species; (3) a mitochondrial matrix sulfur diox- S )toþ6 (as in sulfate, SO4 . Sulfur is pres- ygenase (SDO), which oxidizes the sulfur atom ent in living organisms as a constituent of pro- extracted from persulfide, converting it again teins (mainly in sulfurated amino acids such as 2– into sulfite (SO3 ); and (4) mitochondrial sul- cysteine and methionine), in coenzymes (for fite oxidase, which further oxidizes sulfite into instance CoA, biotine, and thiamine), and as 2– sulfate (SO4 ). Thiosulfate can also be convert- a component of -sulfur clusters in metal- ed into two molecules of sulfate by the com- loproteins. From a physical–chemical stand- bined action of a thiosulfate reductase (Mu¨ller point, H2S is the sulfur analog of water, but et al. 2004) and sulfite oxidase (Feng et al. 2007). because its intermolecular bonds are weaker Additional mechanisms of detoxification rely than H2O, at room temperature and atmospher- on the fixation of H2S to methemoglobin, ic pressure, it is a gas. In mammals, at a physi- which is formed from hemoglobin by oxidation ological pH of 7.4, approximately one-third of of the Fe center, for instance by sodium nitrate, H2S exists as the undissociated form and two- to produce sulfo-methemoglobin, or on the ad- thirds as the hydrosulfide anion (HS–) (Reif- ministration of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) fenstein et al. 1992). In the undissociated form, (Beauchamp et al. 1984), which is able to fixate H2S can easily penetrate the plasma membranes H2S to produce glutathione persufide (GSSH), of cells because of its high solubility in lipids.

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V. Tiranti and M. Zeviani

PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIONS OF H2S a consistent feature of CSE knockout mice, con- firming that H2S plays a role as a smooth-mus- A preliminary question, however crucial for un- cle relaxant and suggesting that it may physio- derstanding the pathophysiology of sulfide me- logically regulate blood pressure (Yang et al. tabolism, is how much free H2S is present in 2008). tissues and body fluids of mammalian organ- This effect could, however, be mediated by isms. Free H2S is difficult to measure, mainly a quenching action of H2S on nitric oxide because of its high volatility and the interference (NO), possibly via the formation of a nitrothiol of cysteine residues contained in , intermediate (Whiteman et al. 2006). A coun- which hamper the results of the most common teracting action by H2S on vasodilation induced analytical methods based on spectrophotomet- by NO could explain why low concentrations ric assays from tissue extracts. Levels as high as of H2S (10–100 mM) induce vasoconstriction, 30–150 mM have been reported in different tis- whereas concentrations over 100 mM induce sues in normal conditions (Goodwin et al. 1989; vasorelaxation (Ali et al. 2006). A second mech- Mitchell et al. 1993; Ogasawara et al. 1994; Wang anism of interaction between H2S and NO may 2002; Fiorucci et al. 2006;), a remarkable over- involve transcriptional regulation of CSE, which estimation since these values are well above the is induced by NO (Zhao et al. 2001). It is thus olfactory threshold for H2S and are clearly as- possible that the vasorelaxant effect of H2Smay sociated with severe toxicity in vivo, as shown in be mediated, at least in part, by a local regula- both cells and mammalian organisms. Using a tory effect on the NO concentration. gas-chromatographic assay that avoids interfer- H2S induces the proliferation of smooth- ence by cysteines, Furne et al. (2008) have re- muscle cells by activating the PI3 Kinase/Akt cently shown that the concentration of free pathway, thus stimulating angiogenesis (Cai sulfide in mouse liver and brain is 15 nM, that et al. 2007) and apoptosis by activating the is 1023 2 1024 less than the values obtained by mitogen-activatedproteinkinase(MAPK)path- spectrophotometric assays. way (Yang et al. 2004). Recent studies have demonstrated for H2Sa Finally, H2S can directly modulate the func- multiplicity of physiological functions, includ- tion of the heart, with negative inotropic and ing up-regulation of antioxidant systems and chronotropic effects (Ferdinandy et al. 2007), amplification of the effects produced by known which are mediated by activation of KAT P chan- antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) nels. This mechanism results in the hyperpolar- and glutathione (Whiteman 2004; Yan 2006); ization of the membrane potential, closure of up-regulation of anti-inflammatory and cyto- L-type calcium channels, and consequent re- protective including heme oxygenase duction of contraction strength dependent on (HO1, also known as HMOX1) in pulmonary calcium-activated calcium release. In addition, smooth-muscle cells (Qingyou et al. 2004) and the activation of KAT P channels depresses the macrophages (Oh et al. 2006). In the CNS, low activity of the sinoatrial pacemaker, thus reduc- concentrations of H2S are sufficient to increase ing the heart rate (Xu et al. 2008). the production of cAMP, enhance NMDA- The several effects that H2S exerts on the receptor-mediated responses, and facilitate the cardiovascular system suggest that it may have induction of long-term potentiation in hippo- a protective role during ischemia/reperfusion campal neurons (Kimura and Kimura 2004). injury. During ischemia, cells are in hypoxic H2S displays a number of different effects on conditions, and subsequent reperfusion and myocardial cells and vascular smooth muscle. reoxygenation lead to inflammation and cell By activating KAT P channels, H2S increases the death by increasing reactive oxygen species membrane potential of vascular smooth-mus- (ROS) production, increasing mitochondrial cle cells that become hyperpolarized, there- Ca2þ overload, and opening the mitochondrial fore causing vasorelaxation (Zhao et al. 2001; permeability transition pore (mPTP) (Ferdi- Elsey et al. 2010). Accordingly, hypertension is nandy et al. 2007). In experimental ischemia/

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Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

reperfusion tests, the treatment with H2Sispro- spiratory syndrome. These two injuries are the tective, either before the induction of ischemia most likely cause of death after acute exposure (preconditioning) or before the reperfusion to H2S, whereas chronic exposure to low levels phase (postconditioning). These effects are me- determines irritant effects including upper air- diated by activation of the cardioprotective way inflammation, conjunctivitis, and wheez- PI3K/Akt pathway, activation of KAT P channels, ing. A direct effect of H2S on the respiratory and increase of the free thiol pool, which acts as center in the brainstem, resulting in apnea, is ROS scavenger, thus inhibiting the opening of likely to be caused by inhibition of COX activity mPTP. The protective effects of H2S in ische- (Yalamanchili and Smith 2008). mia/reperfusion experiments have been further confirmed in a mouse model characterized by H S IN ETHYLMALONIC a twofold increase of H S in the myocardium 2 2 ENCEPHALOPATHY (EE) due to transgenic overexpression of CSE (Elrod et al. 2007). Ethylmalonic encephalopathy (EE) (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man [OMIM] #602473) (Burlina et al. 1991) is a severe mito- TOXIC EFFECTS OF H S 2 chondrial disease of early infancy, clinically Whereas at physiological (nanomolar) concen- characterized by a combination of progressive trations, Although H2S acts as a cytoprotective encephalopathy, vascular lesions determining agent, at micromolar concentrations, it can bouts of petechial purpura and orthostatic acro- interfere with a variety of cellular functions, cyanosis (Fig. 3A), and chronic hemorrhagic including mitochondrial respiration, via inhibi- diarrhea. Neurological symptoms include psy- tion of cytochrome c oxidase (COX, EC chomotor regression, spastic tetraparesis, axial (Hill et al. 1984). COX activity is inhibited by hypotonia, dystonia, and seizures, reflecting the the formation of a covalent bond between H2S presence of patchy, bilateral lesions in the basal and the Fe atom coordinated by heme a, which nuclei and brainstem gray matter (Fig. 3B). The is exquisitely sensitive to the toxic action of H2S onset is in the first months after birth; children (and cyanide as well). The chronic exposure and usually die within the first decade. binding of H2S to COX causes accelerated deg- Biochemically, EE is characterized by the radation of its subunits (Di Meo et al. unusual combination of severe deficiency of 2011), thus reducing the amount of fully assem- COX, the terminal component of the mito- bled and functionally active enzyme. chondrial respiratory chain, in muscle (Fig. H2S is also an inhibitor of carbonic anhy- 3C) and brain, leading to high levels of lactate drase (EC (Coleman 1967), an effect in blood, and accumulation of ethylmalonate that could explain the alterations of ventilatory (ethylmalonic acid, EMA) in urines (Fig. 3D). dynamics in response to inhaled H2S due to EMA, a dicarboxylic organic acid produced by changes in the reactivity and distribution of in- the carboxylation of butyrate, is a hallmark of trapulmonary CO2 receptors (Klentz and Fedde enzymatic defects of b-oxidation of fatty acids 1978). and branched-chain amino acids, for instance A further effect of H2S is inhibition of en- defects of the short-chain and branched-chain zymatic activity of short-chain acylCoA dehy- acylCoA dehydrogenase (SCAD, BCAD) (Bur- drogenase (SCAD), which can cause dicarbox- lina et al. 1991; Gregersen et al. 2000; Korman ylic aciduria (Pedersen et al. 2003). 2006). Like in SCAD and BCAD deficiency, ac- Acute exposure to gaseous H2S causes an- cumulation of C4- and C5-acylcarnitines has oxic brain injury, pulmonary edema, and death been documented in blood of EE patients. (Yalamanchili and Smith 2008). Neurological However, SCAD and BCAD activities are nor- impairment is consistent with prolonged brain mal in EE fibroblasts (Nowaczyk et al. 1998) and hypoxia, whereas respiratory insufficiency and muscle, therefore excluding them from being pulmonary edema are consistent with acute re- the primary abnormality in this disease. For still

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V. Tiranti and M. Zeviani


C Patient Control

DE 440del11 505+1G>A 406A>G 487C>T 604insG 3G>T 187C>T 505+1G>T 376-1G>T ) Urea GCCCCdel 488G>A 559insC 6 9 113A>G 131delAG 375+5G>A 8 482G>A 554T>G 222insA 230delA 7 Ethylmalonate 34C>T 2-Ketoglutarate 6 7654321 5 4 Isobutyrylglycine Isovalerylglycine 3 EX4del 2 * 1 *

Abundance (1 × 10 0 Time EX1-7del

Figure 3. Ethylmalonic encephalopathy: clinical and molecular features. (A) Skin areas with petechial hemor- rhages are indicated by arrows. The insets show the acrocyanosis. (B) T2-weighted MRI images of a transverse section of the brain: symmetrical, patchy, high-intensity signals are present in the head of nucleus caudatus and putamen (arrows). (C) COX activity is virtually absent in skeletal muscle of an EE patient as compared to normal reactivity present in control. (D) Gas-chromatographic profile of urinary organic acids in EE. The abnormal peak of ethylmalonic acid (EMA) is indicated in red. Asterisks indicate internal standards. (E) ETHE1 mutations identified in our patients. Missense (gray) and nonsense (white) mutations are indicated along the schematic representation of the ETHE1 cDNA subdivided in the corresponding exons (indicated by numbers). The black areas represent the 50 and 30 UTRs. The genomic organization is shown below the cDNA.

unexplained reasons, in virtually all cases, the inero et al. 2006) and nine missense (Tiranti origin of these EE families is from or could be et al. 2004, 2006; Di Rocco et al. 2006; Zafeiriou traced to different regions of the Mediterranean et al. 2007) mutations has so far been described. basin or the Arabic peninsula. To date, a total of 70 mutant patients have been In 2004, we demonstrated the presence of identified in our laboratory (V Tiranti and M several pathogenic mutations in a dubbed Zeviani, unpubl.). Western-blot analysis of the ETHE1 for EE 1 (Tiranti et al. 2004). We have Ethe1 protein (Ethe1p) indicated that some of reported a series of 29 patients, presenting a the missense mutations are associated with the fairly homogeneous clinical and biochemical presence of the protein, suggesting that the cor- presentation, in spite of a wide spectrum of responding wild-type amino acid residues have ETHE1 mutations including missense, non- a catalytic function (Tiranti et al. 2006). In fact, sense, frame-shift and deletion of single exons a 3D model of the Ethe1p makes it possible to or of the entire gene (Tiranti et al. 2004, 2006) analyze the spatial location of the amino acid (Fig. 3E, shows only part of the mutations iden- changes predicted by missense mutations and tified). Mutations in the ETHE1 gene have been to classify the mutation as catalytic versus struc- found in 32 patients affected by EE worldwide tural (Tiranti et al. 2006). More recently, the (Di Rocco et al. 2006; Merinero et al. 2006; availability of the crystal structure of the Ethe1p Zafeiriou et al. 2007; Mineri et al. 2008). A total from Arabidopsis thaliana (Holdorf et al. 2008) of 18 nonsense (Tiranti et al. 2004, 2006; Mer- allowed us to demonstrate that the predicted 3D

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Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

model of human Ethe1p was a faithful in silico tralize the endogenous production of H2Sis reconstruction of the presumed real structure of sufficient for COX activity to decrease, but not the native protein (Mineri et al. 2008). for the animals to become sick or for thiosulfate The Ethe1p, a 30 kDa polypeptide located to increase. This observation suggests that mul- in the mitochondrial matrix, functions in vivo tiorgan accumulation of H2S and diffusion of as a homodimeric, Fe-containing sulfur dioxy- exogenously released H2S from the bacterial flo- genase (SDO) activity (Tiranti et al. 2009), ra are both needed to determine the severe met- which we have already mentioned as one of abolic impairment and the fatal clinical course the reactions involved in the catabolic oxidation of Ethe1-less mice and humans. of sulfide to sulfate. Besides COX and SCAD deficiency, other Impaired activity of ETHE1-SDO leads to symptoms of EE are explained by accumulation the accumulation of H2S in critical tissues, in- of H2S, including damage of endothelial cells cluding colonic mucosa, liver, muscle, and and vasodilation, which account for the petechi- brain, up to concentrations that inhibit SCAD ae and the acrocyanosis. Since a substantial and COX activities, therefore accounting for amount of H2S derives from the anaerobic EMA aciduria and high levels of C4 and C5 bacterial flora residing in the intestinal lumen, acylcarnitines, EMA, and lactate in plasma COX activity is markedly reduced in the luminal (Tiranti et al. 2009). Chronic COX inhibition colonocytes of Ethe12/2 mice, whereas it is nor- by accumulated H2S leads to accelerated degra- mal in cryptal colonocytes that are relatively se- dation of the COX protein backbone (Di Meo cluded from the luminal surface. This difference et al. 2011). Although ETHE1 activity is mea- is likely to reflect different exposure of the two surable in all organs, muscle and brain of Ethe1- cell populations to the inhibitory action of exog- 2/2 less (Ethe1 ) mice show both defective COX enous H2S. Excessive production and absorp- activity and reduced COX amount, whereas liv- tion of H2S, as well as reduced detoxification er does not. This may reflect the presence of by colonocytes, is regarded to play an important alternative and highly effective metabolic path- role in the mucosal damage of ulcerative colitis. ways protecting hepatocytes from H2S toxicity. A similar mechanism can well account for the In addition to H2S, which is a highly severe chronic diarrhea afflicting EE patients. unstable, difficult-to-measure gas, its stable de- rivative thiosulfate is also present at very high THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES IN EE concentrations in tissues and body fluids of 2/2 Ethe1 mice and EE patients, and can well be In principle, H2S production from the anaer- considered a specific biomarker of the disease. obes of the large intestine can be attenuated The pathway outlined in Figure 1 explains these by reducing the bacterial contingent, and the findings: H2S is converted into thiosulfate by excess of free H2S can be buffered by suitable the SQR activity. In normal conditions, rhoda- compounds in critical tissues. For instance, nese-TST catalyzes the transfer of the sulfane metronidazole is a drug widely used to combat sulfur from thiosulfate to GSH (or other R-SH anaerobic infections by reducing the bacterial substrate) to form persulfide, which is the sub- load in the large intestine (Kang et al. 2008). strate of the Ethe1-SDO activity, but since the Metronidazole is a nitroimidazole anti-infective latter is missing, the disposal of the sulfane sul- compound that is in fact a pro-drug, being fur is also blocked and consequently both thio- activated in anaerobic organisms by the redox sulfate and sulfide accumulate. enzyme pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase. We have demonstrated that the ablation of Metronidazole is selectively taken up by anaer- Ethe1 restricted to muscle or brain is clearly obic bacteria and sensitive protozoal organisms associated with an isolated COX deficiency in (Samuelson 1999) because of the unique ability the targeted tissue but not in other, Ethe1-com- of these organisms to reduce uptaken metroni- petent, tissues (Di Meo et al. 2011). This data dazole to its active form within their cell bodies. unequivocally demonstrates that failure to neu- The nitro group of metronidazole is chemically

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V. Tiranti and M. Zeviani

reduced by ferredoxin (or a ferredoxin-linked chondria derived from cultured patient fibro- metabolic process), and the products are re- blast cells and compared it with healthy controls. sponsible for disrupting the DNA helical struc- Sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQRDL), ture, thus inhibiting nucleic-acid synthesis (Ei- which takes part in the same sulfide pathway as senstein and Schaechter 2007). NAC is a cell- ETHE1, was also underrepresented in EE pa- permeable precursor of glutathione (GSH), an tients. Two proteins, the mitochondrial super- abundant compound in mitochondria (Marı´ oxide dismutase (SOD2) and aldehyde dehydro- et al. 2009), where it acts as one of the physio- genase X (ALDH1B) involved in pathways of logical acceptors of the sulfur atom of H2S op- detoxification and oxidative/reductive stress, erated by SQR. This reaction leads to the forma- were down-regulated in EE. These authors pro- tion of GSSH persulfide, which acts in turn as a pose that redox perturbation could be an addi- substrate for the Ethe1-SDO. If Ethe1-SDO ac- tional factor in the molecular mechanism of EE tivity is missing, GSH can buffer, at least in part, and an additional therapeutic target. accumulating H2S by forming GSSH, which un- Another approach to scavenge circulating like free H2S, is a nontoxic compound (Atkuri sulfide coming from the gut could be restora- et al. 2007). tion of the ETHE1-SDO activity in liver of con- Combined exposure to metronidazole and stitutive Ethe12/2 individuals by using adeno- NAC has been effective in prolonging the sur- associated virus (AAV)-based gene replacement. vival of Ethe12/2 mice and in improving the Because liver is the main checkpoint organ main symptoms in a pilot study on EE patients against toxic compounds from the gut, AAV- (Viscomi et al. 2010), including marked atten- mediated liver-specific ETHE1 expression may uation or disappearance of the vascular lesions be beneficial to Ethe12/2 organisms. This very and diarrhea, as well as amelioration of some strategy has recently been successful in marked- neurological abnormalities. These encouraging ly prolonging the survival of constitutive results suggest that the invariably fatal clinical Ethe12/2 mice (Di Meo et al. 2012). course of EE could be modified by a pharmaco- A complementary strategy, based on the logical protocol based on the off-label use of same rationale, is bone marrow transplantation low-cost, relatively safe drugs. (BMT). BMT has emerged as a major therapeu- More recently, Hildebrandt (2011) demon- tic option in the treatment of malignant dis- strated that sulfide toxicity can be modified by eases and has also become the treatment of the addition of dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) in choice for a number of nonmalignant disorders. rat mitochondria. DHA significantly reduced As for liver-targeted, AAV-based gene replace- the inhibitory effect of sulfide on COX, result- ment, the rationale of BMT-based therapy in ing in higher rates of respiration and sulfide the context of EE is to provide a substantial oxidation. For this purpose, DHA is more suit- contingent of Ethe1-SDO proficient cells able able than ascorbic acid, the main functionally to clear the excess of H2S from plasma and other active form of vitamin C, because its concentra- body fluids. A similar strategy has recently been tion is lower and more flexible. The fraction of proposed for mitochondrial neurogastrointes- oxidized vitamin C reflects the redox state of the tinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE), due to loss cell or organelle and can therefore induce a spe- of activity of thymidine phosphorylase (TP), cific modification of sulfide metabolism. This resulting in high plasma and tissue levels of thy- observation has important clinical implications midine (Thd) and deoxyuridine (dUrd), which because DHA could be used during the treat- become mutagenic on mitochondrial DNA ment of sulfide poisoning either after accidental (Halter et al. 2011). environmental exposure or in patients with EE. Additional useful information, potentially CONCLUDING REMARKS relevant in the treatment of EE, was recently obtained by Palmfeldt and colleagues (2011), Because of the multiple functions of mito- who performed a proteomics study on mito- chondria, not only does OXPHOS impairment

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Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

determine various degrees of energy failure, but ses cysteine S-conjugate b-lyase reactions. Biochem J 368: so also do a host of additional effects that ac- 253–261. Di Meo I, Fagiolari G, Prelle A, Viscomi C, Zeviani M, count for the intricacy and complexity of the Tiranti V.2011. Chronic exposure to sulfide causes accel- pathophysiology of mitochondrial disorders. erated degradation of cytochrome c oxidase in ethylma- The recent elucidation of the pathogenetic lonic encephalopathy. Antioxid Redox Signal 15: 353– basis of EE has provided evidence for the exis- 362. Di Meo I, Auricchio A, Lamperti C, Burlina A, Viscomi C, tence of yet another mechanism of mitochon- Zeviani M. 2012. Effective AAV-mediated gene therapy in drial energy impairment, namely the genetically a mouse model of ethylmalonic encephalopathy. EMBO determined failure to detoxify OXPHOS poi- Mol Med 4: 1008–1014. Di Rocco M, Caruso U, Briem E, Rossi A, Allegri AE, sons, such as H2S. 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Altered Sulfide (H2S) Metabolism in Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

Valeria Tiranti and Massimo Zeviani

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011437

Subject Collection Mitochondria

Altered Sulfide (H2S) Metabolism in Ethylmalonic Where Killers Meet−−Permeabilization of the Outer Encephalopathy Mitochondrial Membrane during Apoptosis Valeria Tiranti and Massimo Zeviani Tom Bender and Jean-Claude Martinou Mitochondrial DNA Genetics and the Mitochondrial Biogenesis through Activation of Heteroplasmy Conundrum in Evolution and Nuclear Signaling Proteins Disease John E. Dominy and Pere Puigserver Douglas C. Wallace and Dimitra Chalkia The Role of Mitochondria in Cellular Iron−Sulfur Mitochondrial Trafficking in Neurons Protein Biogenesis: Mechanisms, Connected Thomas L. Schwarz Processes, and Diseases Oliver Stehling and Roland Lill Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Fission and Fusion Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Defective Alexander M. van der Bliek, Qinfang Shen and Autophagy in the Pathogenesis of Collagen VI Sumihiro Kawajiri Muscular Dystrophies Paolo Bernardi and Paolo Bonaldo The Mitochondrial Nucleoid: Integrating Clinical and Molecular Features of POLG-Related Mitochondrial DNA into Cellular Homeostasis Mitochondrial Disease Robert Gilkerson, Liliana Bravo, Iraselia Garcia, et Jeffrey D. Stumpf, Russell P. Saneto and William C. al. Copeland Relevance of Mitochondrial Genetics and Mitochondrial Metabolism, Sirtuins, and Aging Metabolism in Cancer Development Michael N. Sack and Toren Finkel Giuseppe Gasparre, Anna Maria Porcelli, Giorgio Lenaz, et al. Mitochondrial Quality Control Mediated by PINK1 Mechanisms of Protein Sorting in Mitochondria and Parkin: Links to Parkinsonism Diana Stojanovski, Maria Bohnert, Nikolaus Derek Narendra, John E. Walker and Richard Youle Pfanner, et al. Mitochondrial Evolution Michael W. Gray

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