H.–G. & M. Hoprich & Family e–mail:
[email protected] Jacob Rauschenfels–Gasse 8/10 SKYPE ID: HansMaggiHoprich A–7000 Eisenstadt Internet: <www.DMGint.de/index-EN.html> AUSTRIA Mobile (WhatsApp / Telegram): +43–664–5544021 Tel.: +43–2682–76021 TT – ‘Travelling Together’ (EXTRA) “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.” (Ezekiel 36:26) Dear Friends, End of March 2017 Here at last the report on our visit to South America, complete with colour photos. We apologize for not having been able to send it out earlier due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you so much for bearing with us. Please enjoy travelling with us to Chile Peru Brazil As we wrote down our memories and looked through the many photos, we re–lived it all! When you get them, we hope you will catch something of the amazement that we felt during our entire trip and may it be an inspiration to you… We would love to have your reactions and responses to it. Our next ‘TT’ (92) is coming soon. This comes with all our love, Hans–Georg, Margret & Annika DMG interpersonal e.V., Buchenauerhof 2, D–74889 Sinsheim, www.dmgint.de/about-us.html ENGLAND: SIM–DMG, acc no 60829838, Barclays Bank West Norwood, London SE27 9DW, Bank code 20–94–67 IBAN: GB14 BARC 2094 6760 8298 38, BIC: BARCGB22, or send cheques to: SIM–UK, The Treasurer, Wetheringsett Manor, Wetheringsett, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5QX, Please state purpose: „DMG P10260 Hoprich“ UNITED STATES: Bank transfers: SIM–DMG Account No. 650551381, Bank of America, Charlotte NC 28255, or send cheques to: SIM–USA Receipting department, P.O.