Oregon’s Forage Fish Resources: A Fisheries Management and Conservation Strategy Perspective

Gregory Krutzikowsky Marine Resources Program Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

Forage Fish Workshop Presentation October 10, 2019 ODFW Mission:

“To protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations.” Fisheries Management & Conservation Strategy Oregon’s Forage Fish Resources • Anchovies – Northern Anchovy • Smelts – Surf , Eulachon, Whitebait Smelt, Longfin Smelt, , • Herrings – American Shad, Pacific Herring, Pacific • Silversides – Topsmelt, Jacksmelt, Grunion • Sand Lances – Pacific Sand Lance • Sauries – Pacific Saury • Jacks – Jack Mackerel • Mackerels – Pacific Mackerel • Mesopelagic fishes - lanternfish, deep-sea smelts, barracudina, and bristlemouths • Pelagic Squids Forage “fish” that are commercial fishery target species in Oregon:

• Pacific Sardine • Northern Anchovy • Pacific Mackerel • Market Squid • Pacific Herring Forage “fish” that are prohibited as commercial fishery target species in Oregon:

• Mesopelagic fishes - lanternfish, deep-sea smelts, barracudina, and bristlemouths • Pacific Sand Lance • Pacific Saury • Silversides (excluding Grunion) • Smelts of the family Osmeridae • Pelagic squids (except Market Squid) Strategy Species: Forage Fish


Northern Anchovy Longfin Smelt

Surf Smelt Pacific Herring Topsmelt

Pacific Sand Lance Strategy Species: Forage Fish Predators Avian & Marine Mammal

Tufted Puffin Fork-tailed Storm Petrel Leach’s Storm Petrel Caspian Tern

Marbled Murrlet California Brown Pelican

Harbor Seal Steller Harbor Porpoise Oregon Nearshore Strategy Recommendations

Research & Monitoring

Education & Management Outreach & Policy Fishery Management Overview

• Management Partners • Pacific Fishery Management Council • National Marine Fisheries Service • Management Process • Public process at • PFMC meetings • Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission meetings • Data Collected • Fishery-dependent data • Fishery-independent data Fishery-dependent data Landings data recorded on fish tickets

Anchovy,Sardine,Herring, Northern PacificPacific


600000 500000100000000

500000 40000080000000

400000 30000060000000 Anchovy,Sardine,Herring, Northern Pacific 300000

20000040000000 200000

10000020000000 100000

0 0 19201920 194019401940 196019601960 198019801980 200020002000 202020202020 Fishery-dependent data Landings data recorded on fish tickets

Figure from Hill et al. 2019 – Assessment of the Pacific Sardine resource Fishery-dependent data Logbook data recorded by fishermen

Fishery-dependent data Biological sampling of catch

• Length • Weight • Age • Sex NOAA Fisheries Survey Vessel

• Scientific echosounders • Multi-beam Sonar • Imaging Sonar • Scanning Sonar Echo Classification

38 kHz

120 kHz Acoustic-Trawl Surveys Recent trawl sampling effort

Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Summer 2018 Summer 2019 Nearshore Measurements Acknowledgments

• Colleagues at ODFW & PFMC too numerous to name • Juan Zwolinski at the NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC for use of his slides and information on the acoustic-trawl survey • Photographers who graciously provided pictures: David Pereksta, Ian Chun, Kathy Munsel & Trevan Cornwell & Holly Huchko & Scott Malvich @ ODFW, Doug Markel @ OSU, Martin Rapheal @ US Forest Service, Geoff Schester @ Oceana, Janna Nichols, Laurie Weitkamp @ NMFS, Oregon Coast Aquarium, US Fish and Wildlife Service Questions?

Photo courtesy Geoff Shester, Oceana