Received: March 17, 2020 Accepted: June 21, 2020 Published online: August 18, 2020

The Electrochemical Society of Japan Article Electrochemistry, 88(5), 451–456 (2020)

Improvement of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using the Potential-Pulse Polarization Method Toshi OGUMAa,* and Kazuhisa AZUMIb a Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kitaku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan b Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kitaku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan * Corresponding author: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Electrochemical conversion of CO2 gas emitted to the atmosphere to useful chemicals has been expected to suppress the global greenhouse effect and to conserve the natural resources. For the electrochemical reduction of CO2 on an Ag electrode, the effect of the −3 addition of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate (EMISE) ionic liquid to the aqueous solution of 0.1 mol dm K2CO3, and the effect of the polarization methods, i.e., the potentiostatic polarization and the potential-pulse polarization, on the reduction efficiency were investigated. From the gas chromatography measurement, CO as the main product of CO2 reduction and H2 as a by-product of decomposition were obtained. efficiency of CO formation obtained by the potential-pulse polarization was considerably higher than that obtained by the potentiostatic polarization. The addition of EMISE could add further improvement in the efficiency of CO formation higher than 70%. Such improvement provided by the potential-pulse polarization method and the addition of EMISE was interpreted by the depletion and recovery of the reactants on the electrode in the pulse cycle and promotion of CO2 molecular formation − from HCO3 ions in the dense adsorption layer of EMIM cations on the electrode surface.

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by ECSJ. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,, which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.20-00037]. Uploading "PDF file created by publishers" to institutional repositories or public websites is not permitted by the copyright license agreement.

Keywords : Pulse Polarization, Electrochemical Reduction, Ionic Liquid, Silver Electrode

1. Introduction solvent. Recently, ionic liquids (ILs) have been used as electrolyte solutions for electrochemical processes, owing to their attractive Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the drastic properties such as high ionic conductivity, wide potential window, increase in the consumption of coal and oil has considerably high thermal stability, and negligible volatility. Some ILs also has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as the ability of CO2 absorption. For example, 1-butyl-3-methylimida- 400 ppm in 2016 and recognized nowadays as the dominant causes zolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIMPF6) can absorb CO2 molecular 1 14 of temperature rise. The reduction of CO2 gas emission is, physically with a molar fraction of 0.6 at a pressure of 8 MPa and therefore, the highest-priority issue from the sustainable develop- 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EMIM Ac) can absorb CO2 15 ment perspective. The CO2 capturing and storage to underground chemically with a molar fraction of 0.2. Extensive research has (CCS) have been investigated to reduce CO2 emission to the been, therefore, conducted on the electrochemical reduction of CO2 2,3 16 atmosphere. The electrochemical reduction of CO2 has also been using IL solvents. Zhao et al. investigated the electrochemical attempted because of its simple facility comprises of electrodes reduction of CO2 using BMIMPF6 at various CO2 pressure and and electrolyte, mild operation conditions under the atmospheric revealed that the Faraday efficiency of the CO formation increased 17 pressure, and room temperature. Although the electrochemical CO2 by increasing the CO2 pressure. Pardal et al. reported that the reduction by using electricity produced by fossil fuels does not Faraday efficiency of the CO and H2 formation in an EMIM match the energetic benefit, use of renewable energies is beneficial trifluoromethanesulfonate-based electrolyte solution changed with to leveling the energy consumption and suppress the CO2 emission. the Zn content of the Zn-Cu electrode. The effects of the addition of 17 Several products of CO2 reduction, such as carbon monoxide, ILs to the aqueous solution were also investigated. methane, ethylene, and methanol, were obtained respectively on the In this paper, the electrochemical reduction of CO2 in the mixed 4,5 electrode catalysts of Au, Ag, Cu, and Zn. Reduction products are electrolyte of aqueous K2CO3 solution and 1-ethyl-3-methylimida- also affected by the polarization conditions such as the electrode zolium ethyl sulfate (EMISE) was investigated. Since EMISE was potential or polarization current, the cell temperature, and the gas reported to suppress the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER),18 it is pressure.5–8 Among the molecular products, CO is useful as a quite attractive for the optimizing the electrolyte solutions for the reforming gas and a raw material for organic synthesis (C1 electrochemical CO2 reduction. The-potential pulse polarization chemistry) to produce various compounds.9,10 method was also examined because it has been used to control the Since the CO2 molecule is thermodynamically quite stable and kinetics of the electrochemical process in various electrochemical requires a considerably less-noble polarization potential for its processes such as and plating. In the pulse polarization electrochemical reduction, a side reaction of the electrolyte applied to the electroplating of metals, the evolution of the depletion decomposition takes place simultaneously to reduce the Faraday layer of the metal ions in the electrolyte solution vicinity of the efficiency of CO2 reduction. Improvement of the Faraday efficiency substrate surface is mitigated, and thus uniform electrodeposition of CO2 reduction has been intensively investigated, such as the can be achieved. Such a strategy seems to be useful for efficient 11 suitable crystallographic orientation of the electrode surface, the electrochemical CO2 reduction, although the effect of the potential- 12 modification of the electrode surface with halides, the adjustment pulse polarization on electrochemical CO2 reduction in IL-contains of the electrode morphology13 and a choice of suitable electrolyte electrolyte has not yet been reported.

451 Electrochemistry, 88(5), 451–456 (2020)

sampled against the total gas phase of 10 cm3 and supplied to the gas chromatography (GC; L.C. Science Co., model INORGA, Molecu- lar Sieve column). In this work, only CO as a product of CO2 reduction and H2 as a by-product of water decomposition were detected. The Faraday efficiencies of CO and H2, fCO and fH2 [%], were calculated from the amount of the product obtained by the GC and the net cathodic charge Q from the equations;

fH2 ¼ 100 nH2zF=Q ð3Þ

fCO ¼ 100 nCOzF=Q ð4Þ where n [mol] is the amount of each product, z is the valency of reaction, and F is the . All experiments were performed a few times to confirm reproducibility. The solubility of CO2 in a mixed solution of water and EMISE 3 was roughly estimated as follows. First, 15 cm CO2 gas was sucked into a 20 cm3 syringe, then 5 cm3 of a degassed solution was added Figure 1. Schematic diagram of two compartment electrochemical to the syringe. The syringe was shaken several times and left for 30 cell. minutes at 293 K. From the volume loss of the CO2 gas phase in the syringe, ¦VCO2, caused by the dissolution in the solution phase, the solubility of dissolved CO2 was calculated as, 2. Experimental sCO2 ¼ 200PVCO2=RT ð5Þ Figure 1 shows a two compartments electrochemical cell made where P is the atmospheric pressure, R is the gas constant, T is the by machining from a poly(chlorotrifluoroethylene) (Daiflonμ) block experimental temperature (293 K), with the ideal gas approximation in which the anodic and the cathodic reactions were separated by a and the assumption that the partial pressure of water in the gas phase TM 19 cation exchange membrane (Nafion 117). Potassium carbonate was negligible compared to the CO2 gas. (>99.5%, Junsei Chemical Co., Ltd.) and 1-ethyl-3-methyl- imidazolium ethyl sulfate (EMISE) (>95.0%, Sigma-Aldrich, Inc.) 3. Results and Discussion were used to prepare the aqueous catholyte of 0.1 mol dm¹3 of ¹3 K2CO3 + x mol dm of EMISE (x = 0, 1.0). The anolyte was an Time-transition of the current density i of Ag electrode during the ¹3 ¹3 aqueous solution of 0.01 vol% of H2SO4 (>95.0%, Junsei Chemical potentiostatic polarization in 0.1 mol dm K2CO3 + x mol dm Co., Ltd.). The EMISE was vacuum dried at 105 °C for 24 h before EMISE (x = 0, 1) solution is shown in Fig. 2(a). The current the experiment. The solution in the compartment was curves show the initial drop and a subsequent steady current at all deaerated by bubbling with the Ar gas (>99.99 vol%)orCO2 gas potentials. Figure 2(b) shows the averaged current density iav at the 3 ¹1 (>99.5 vol%) with a flow rate of 0.1 dm min for more than 1 h. three polarization potentials. This result shows that the iav increased The pH of the catholyte after CO2 gas saturation was ca. 7.1. with lowering the polarization potential, and the addition of EMISE A working electrode of Ag plate (Ag-WE, >99.98%, Nilaco Co., (x = 0) caused an increase in iav at ¹1.4 V and ¹1.5 V but not at Ltd.), a counter electrode of Pt plate (>99.98%, Nilaco Co., Ltd.), ¹1.6 V. and an Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl) reference electrode were used for Figure 3(a) shows the time-transition of the current density i in the three electrodes system. The catholyte was stirred during the the potential-pulse polarization. The transition shows the initial electrochemical measurements. A potentiostat/galvanostat (Ivium increase of i in the cathodic direction and subsequent decay during ¹2 Technologies Co., model Compactstat) was used for the elec- the polarization at Ec and the decrease of i to almost 0 mA cm at trochemical polarization. Two kinds of polarization methods were 0 V. The small decay of the anodic current observed at 0 V may compared, the potentiostatic polarization and the potential-pulse contain not only the charging current of the electric double layer but ¹ polarization. Three cathodic polarization potentials for CO2 also the oxidation reaction of H2 or OH produced in a previous reduction were chosen as Ec = ¹1.4 V, ¹1.5 V, and ¹1.6 V in the cathodic cycle at Ec. Since the of the cathodic current potentiostatic polarization method. The averaged current density iav decay at EC was significant comparing to that of the anodic charge at for the potentiostatic polarization at each Ec was calculated from the 0 V, it is speculated that the cathodic current decay at EC corresponds equation; to the evolving depletion layer of the reactant in the vicinity of the electrode surface. Figure 3(b) shows the averaged polarization iav ¼ Qc=t ð1Þ current iBav as a function of Ec and concentration of EMISE. The where Qc [C] is the amount of the cathodic charge, and t is the addition of the EMISE (x = 1) increased the iBav at all Ec. polarization period. In the potential-pulse polarization, the polar- Noda et al. reported that the main product of electrochemical 4 ization potential was switched between the Ec = ¹1.4, ¹1.5, or CO2 reduction on an Ag cathode was CO. Figure 4 shows the ¹1.6 V for 5 s and E0 = 0 V for 5 s. The duty ratio was r = 0.5. The Faraday efficiency fCO and fH2 under the potentiostatic polarization net cathodic charge Q of the potential-pulse polarization was (a) and the potential-pulse polarization (b) in a CO2-saturated ¹3 ¹3 calculated from the cathodic charge Qc and the anodic charge Qa as 0.1 mol dm K2CO3 + x mol dm EMISE (x = 0, 1) solutions. Q = Qc + Qa. The averaged polarization current iBav during the duty Since the polarization current changes with the polarization period of the potential-pulse polarization was obtained from the potential, the polarization time was adjusted so that the cathodic equation; charge Q was about 3 C in the potentiostatic polarization and the 0 potential-pulse polarization. In the potentiostatic polarization shown i av ¼ Q=rt: ð2Þ in Fig. 4(a) at x = 0, fCO increases with lowering the polarization For the quantitative analysis of the products in the cathodic potential from 20.0% at ¹1.4 V to 61.9% at ¹1.6 V, as listed in reduction of CO2, a closed electrochemical cell saturated with CO2 Table 1. The same tendency was observed at x = 1 that fCO increases 3 gas was used. The cell atmosphere with a volume of 0.5 cm was with lowering the polarization potential from fCO = 40.1% at ¹1.4 V

452 Electrochemistry, 88(5), 451–456 (2020)

0 3.5 (a) (b) 0.1M K2CO3 + xM EMISE 3.0 x=0 -2 x=1 2.5 -2 -2 2.0 -4

/ mA cm 1.5 av / mA cm i i -

0.1M K2CO3 + xM EMISE 1.0 -6 E / V x=0 x=1 -1.4 -1.5 0.5 -1.6 -8 0.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 t / s E / V vs Ag/AgCl

¹3 ¹3 Figure 2. (a) Time-transition of the polarization current density of Ag electrode immersed in 0.1 mol dm K2CO3 + x mol dm EMISE (x = 0, 1.0) solution during the potentiostatic polarization at Ec = ¹1.4 V, ¹1.5 V, and ¹1.6 V. (b) Averaged polarization current density (iav) as a function of polarization potential.

3.5 (a) 0 V Ec 0 V Ec 0 V Ec (b) 0.1M K2CO3 + xM EMISE 0 3.0 x=0 x=1 2.5 -2

-2 -2 2.0 / mA cm

/ mA cm 1.5 av i´

-4 i´ - 0.1M K2CO3 + xM EMISE Ec / V x=0 x=1 1.0 -1.4 -6 -1.5 0.5 -1.6 0.0 60 70 80 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 t / s E / V vs. Ag/AgCl

¹3 ¹3 Figure 3. (a) Time-transition of the polarization current density of Ag electrode immersed in 0.1 mol dm K2CO3 + x mol dm EMISE (x = 0, 1.0) solution during the potential-pulse polarization at 0 V/¹1.4 V, 0 V/¹1.5 V, and 0 V/¹1.6 V. (b) Averaged current density (iBav)as a function of polarization potential.

to 56.8% at ¹1.6 V. Therefore, the addition of EMISE to the K2CO3 about three times larger than that without EMISE addition, while the aqueous solution considerably increases fCO at ¹1.4 V but not at iH2 was almost unchanged. On the other hand, the effect of EMISE ¹1.5 V or ¹1.6 V. Figure 4(b) shows the fCO obtained for the addition on the iCO or iH2 at EC = ¹1.5 V or ¹1.6 V was unclear. In potential-pulse polarization. In all conditions, fCO was considerably the results of the pulse polarization shown in Fig. 5(b), the iCO larger than that obtained in the potentiostatic polarization shown in increased considerably compared to the results of the potentiostatic Fig. 4(a). For example, at x = 0, fCO was in the range from 57.7% to polarization shown in Fig. 5(a) and the iH2 decreased, whether 69.6% and slightly increased with lowering the cathodic potential EMISE was contained or not at all potentials. Therefore, the from ¹1.4 V to ¹1.6 V. When EMISE was added (x = 1), fCO was potential-pulse polarization increased ico and decreased iH2, i.e., further increased to the range from 72% to 73% without potential promotes the CO2 reduction and suppresses the HER. dependence. The fCO obtained by the potential-pulse polarization The favorable effect of the EMISE addition on the electrochem- in the present work is higher than that obtained using the Ag ical reduction of CO2 can be attributed to, for example, (i) the 5,20,21 22 electrodes, electrodeposited Ag catalyst, and similar to the increase in the concentration of CO2 molecular in aqueous solution, value obtained by using Ag-Cu bimetallic catalyst.23 (ii) suppression of HER, and (iii) the catalytic effect of adsorbing The partial current density of CO reduction, iCO, and HER, iH2 EMIM cations for electrochemical CO2 reduction on the Ag-WE were calculated from the iav (or iBav) and the Faraday efficiency of surface. To verify the possibility (i), the solubility of CO2, sCO2,in each product, fCO, and fH2,as three solutions, a–c, were compared in Table 2. The sCO2 in EMISE

iCO ¼ fCOiav; ð6Þ (b) is larger than that in H2O(a) but not so much. The measured sCO2 in H2O + 1 M EMISE (c) is the same as that calculated from the iH2 ¼ fH2iav: ð7Þ molar fraction of H2O and EMISE (d). Since the sCO2 in the K2CO3 The resultant iCO and iH2 in various conditions are listed in Table 1 solution is considerably higher than that of pure water due to and plotted in Fig. 5. In the results of the potentiostatic polarization chemical equilibrium reaction, it seems reasonable that the at ¹1.4 V shown in Fig. 5(a), the addition of EMISE increased iCO contribution of additional EMISE to K2CO3 is negligible. For the

453 Electrochemistry, 88(5), 451–456 (2020)

0.1M K2CO3 + xM EMISE 0.1M K2CO3 + xM EMISE (a) x=0 x=1 (b) x=0 x=1 100 fCO 100 fCO fH2 fH2 / % / % / f 80 f 80

60 60

40 40 Faradey efficiency, efficiency, Faradey Faraday efficiency, 20 20

0 0 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 E / V vs Ag/AgCl E / V vs Ag/AgCl

¹3 ¹3 Figure 4. Faraday efficiency of CO and H2 formation in K2CO3 (0.1 mol dm )/EMISE (x = 0, 1.0 mol dm ) solutions at EC = ¹1.4 V, ¹1.5 V, and ¹1.6 V for (a) potentiostatic polarization, and (b) pulse polarization.

Table 1. Average polarization current iCO and iH2, faradaic formation efficiency difference of polarization mode, fCO and fH2, formed on Ag- ¹3 ¹3 WE immersed in solution consisting of K2CO3 (0.1 mol dm ) and EMISE electrolyte solution (x = 0, 1.0 mol dm ) saturated with CO2, under the cathodic polarization at EC.

¹3 ¹2 ¹2 ¹2 Polarization x [mol dm ] Ec [V vs. Ag/AgCl] fCO [%] fH2 [%] fCO/( fH2 + fCO) iav [mA cm ] iCO [mA cm ] iH2 [mA cm ] static 0 ¹1.4 20.0 66.7 0.23 ¹0.72 ¹0.14 ¹0.48 static 0 ¹1.5 50.1 38.3 0.57 ¹1.46 ¹0.73 ¹0.56 static 0 ¹1.6 61.9 22.8 0.73 ¹3.11 ¹1.92 ¹0.71 static 1 ¹1.4 40.1 45.0 0.47 ¹1.13 ¹0.45 ¹0.51 static 1 ¹1.5 45.8 37.9 0.55 ¹1.75 ¹0.80 ¹0.66 static 1 ¹1.6 56.8 31.6 0.64 ¹2.96 ¹1.68 ¹0.94 pulse 0 ¹1.4 57.7 27.4 0.68 ¹0.62 ¹0.36 ¹0.17 pulse 0 ¹1.5 64.3 16.7 0.79 ¹1.54 ¹0.99 ¹0.26 pulse 0 ¹1.6 69.6 12.2 0.85 ¹2.96 ¹2.06 ¹0.36 pulse 1 ¹1.4 72.3 12.4 0.85 ¹1.04 ¹0.76 ¹0.13 pulse 1 ¹1.5 72.2 14.9 0.83 ¹2.14 ¹1.54 ¹0.32 pulse 1 ¹1.6 73.2 10.9 0.87 ¹3.28 ¹2.40 ¹0.36

(a) (b) Potentiostatic 3 3 x=0 x=1 Potential-pulse x = 0 x = 1 iCO iCO iH2 iH2 -2 -2 2 2

/ mA cm / mA / mA cm / mA av av i

i' -


1 1

0 0 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4

E / V vs. Ag/AgCl E / V vs. Ag/AgCl

¹3 Figure 5. Averaged polarization current and calculated partial current of CO and H2 formation in K2CO3 (0.1 mol dm )/EMISE (x = 0, 1.0 mol dm¹3) solutions at ¹1.4 V, ¹1.5 V, and ¹1.6 V for (a) potentiostatic and (b) pulse polarization.

possibility (ii), the difference in the partial current of HER (iH2) with required to form a reaction intermediate for cathodic reduction. or without EMISE addition was not significant at the same Rosen et al. proposed that EMIM cation of ionic liquid adsorb polarization potentials, as seen in Fig. 5. Therefore, the possibility densely on the Ag electrode surface,24 and the EMIM cation forms a (iii) is examined below. Since CO2 is stable, a high is complex with CO2 to lower the energy state of CO2, i.e., reducing

454 Electrochemistry, 88(5), 451–456 (2020)

Table 2. Solubility of CO2 (sCO2) in three solutions (a–c)at 293 K, PCO2 = 1 atm. Solution d is the calculated value.

¹3 Solution sCO2 [mol dm ]

a H2O 0.037 b EMISE 0.058

c H2O + 1 M EMISE 0.041

d H2O + 1 M EMISE, calc. 0.041

25 the overpotential for cathodic reduction of CO2. Thus, the dense adsorption of EMISE can be regarded as the catalyst (the possibility (iii)). At ¹1.4 V, the addition of EMISE caused the improvement in the fco, and the increase of the iCO more than three times. However, such catalytic effect becomes invalid at ¹1.5 V or ¹1.6 V in the Figure 6. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 and hydrogen potentiostatic polarization. Probably, the structure of the adsorption evolution reaction on an Ag electrode in the potential-pulse layer of the EMIM(ad) is perturbed by the increasing HER on the polarization. surface at high polarization current. On the other hand, the potential-pulse polarization promotes the CO2 reduction and the HER suppression at all potentials with or 0.1 M K CO ( -1.4V ) without EMISE, as seen in Figs. 4 and 5. The HER and CO2 2 3 fCO reduction proceed competitively on the Ag electrode. Figure 6 100 fH2 shows the probable scheme of the competitive reactions on the Ag

electrode both at the polarization potential (EC) and the resting / % f 80 potential (0 V) of the potential-pulse polarization. The cathodic reduction of CO2 at EC in a weak alkaline solution proceeds as 60 follows; CO þ H O þ 2e ! CO þ 2OH: ð8Þ 2 2 40

This process causes the alkalization of local solution vicinity of Faraday efficiency, 26 electrode and decreases the CO2 concentration in the equilibrium 20 of carbonic acid. As a result, the rate of CO2 reduction decreases with the polarization time of a single pulse at EC. The depletion 0 0.8 0.5 0.2 of CO2 species near the electrode surface also lessens the CO2 reduction rate, and the HER may be promoted complementary. duty ratio When the cathodic reduction was interrupted by the rest period at + Figure 7. Effect of duty ratio on the Faraday efficiency of CO and 0 V, the local alkalization is mitigated by the diffusion of H ions H formation in K CO (0.1 mol dm¹3) solutions at E = ¹1.4 V for from the bulk of the solution. Diffusion of the carbonic species such 2 2 3 C ¹ 2¹ pulse polarization. as HCO3 and CO3 from the solution also mitigates the depletion of them near the electrode surface to release CO2 by the following equilibrium reaction, 2 ffi CO3 þ H2O ! HCO3 þ OH ; ð9Þ frequency. Since higher e ciency of CO formation is expected to be HCO ! CO þ OH: ð10Þ obtained in the conditions of the shorter rest period and polarization 3 2 period to suppress the H formation, further systematic investigation As a result, the efficiency of the CO2 reaction can be improved. to optimize the pulse polarization condition for efficient CO As seen in Fig. 5, the partial current iH2 at EC = ¹1.4 V to formation is currently undergoing. ¹1.6 V in the potential-pulse polarization was considerably smaller than that at the same EC in the potentiostatic polarization. The Had is 4. Conclusion ¹ ¹ formed by the water decomposition (H2O + e ¼ Had + OH )at EC and consumed by the HER with recombination of two Had In this paper, the effects of the polarization methods and the (2Had ¼ H2). When the electrode potential moves to 0 V, the Had addition of the EMISE ionic liquid to the K2CO3 aqueous solution + 27 may be re-oxidized to H and detached from the electrode surface. on the electrochemical CO2 reduction on an Ag electrode were As a result, the HER is suppressed at the initial stage of the next investigated. From the gas chromatography analysis, the main cathodic pulse at EC. It is also expected from these results that the product of the CO2 reduction was CO, and the side reaction of water fCO can be improved further by reducing the duty ratio r of the pulse decomposition also formed H2. The potential-pulse polarization polarization. Figure 7 shows the dependence of the fCO on r of the considerably improves the Faraday efficiency of CO formation and ¹3 pulse polarization measured in 0.1 mol dm K2CO3 solution. In this suppresses the HER compared with the potentiostatic polarization. figure, it is confirmed that the fCO increased with decreasing r as This result indicates that the supply of the CO2 released from the ¹ fCO = ca. 53% at r = 0.8 to fCO = ca. 70% at r = 0.2, although the HCO3 ions dominant in the solution to the cathode surface averaged polarization current iav decreased with decreasing r. determines the cathodic reduction rate, and the pulse polarization In conclusion, application of the potential pulse polarization and mitigates the evolution of the depletion layer of the reactant vicinity the addition of EMISE to the aqueous solution can improve the of the cathode surface. Further improvement of the Faraday Faraday efficiency of electrochemical CO2 reduction. From the efficiency of CO formation can be achieved by the addition of speculation of current transient shown in Fig. 3, it is reasonable that EMISE ionic liquid to the K2CO3 aqueous solution. Such improve- the efficiencies depend not only on the duty ratio but also on the ment is thought to be provided by the complexing ability of the

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