Polity handbook for Quick Revision SSARP Education www.ssarpeducation.wordpress.com 7/7/17 UPSC SSC IBPS Railway UPSC SSC IBPS Railway Like us & Do subscribe as well to get latest updates 7/7/2017 Chapter 1 1 SSARP Education SSARP Idea and framing of constitution According to Wade and Philips, "Constitution means a document having a special legal sanctity which sets out the framework and the principal functions of the organs of the Government of a State and declares the principles governing the operation of those organs”. • The idea of constitution of India was put forward by M. N. Roy in 1934. • It was first demanded by the Indian National Congress in 1935. • The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly set up under the Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946. Constituent Assembly • The Assembly consisted of 389 members representing provinces (292), states (93), the Chief 918004513339 + Commissioner Provinces (3) and Baluchistan (1). • First meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on 9.12.1946 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Sachidanand Sinha(Provisional Chairman) • Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected its Permanent Chairman on 11.12.1946. • The Assembly made a substantial progress and adopted the "Objective Resolution" moved by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru,which later became the Preamble of the Constitution. • B.N.Rao was an Advisor to Constituent Assembly but he was not a member. Drafting Committee • On 29th Aug, 1947, The Constituent Assembly set up 13 committees for framing the constitution.
[email protected] On the basis of the reports of these committees, a draft of the Constitution was prepared by a seven- member Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr B R Ambedkar.