PRIDE 2008| Two Spirits, One Community ABUSE | the Damage of Staying 'In”: the Secret That Can Kill You

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PRIDE 2008| Two Spirits, One Community ABUSE | the Damage of Staying 'In”: the Secret That Can Kill You Volume 17, Issue 5 Wednesday | 4.2.2008 serving the entire spectrum of the community since 1992 Carrie Underwood pg 13 “The Clean House “ at Interplayers in Spokane | photo by Fred Swink The damage of staying ‘in”: ABUSE | The secret that can kill you. Domestic violence in the problem is likely under- their sexual orientation or a GLBT victim may turn to equate levels of experience the GLBT community is reported. Facing a system the nature of their relation- for help may have difficulty and training to work with a serious issue. The rates which is often oppressive ship. in providing the same level GLBT victims and flimsy or of domestic violence in and hostile towards those Additionally, even those of service as to a heterosex- non-existant laws to enforce same-gender relationships who identify as anything who attempt to report vio- ual victim. Not only might on behalf of the victim. is roughly the same as do- other than “straight”, those lence in their alterative rela- personal attitudes towards Although much advance- mestic violence against involved in same-gender tionship run into obsticles. the GLBT community ment has been made in the heterosexual women. As in battering frequently report Police officers, prosecutors, come into play, but these provision of services, the opposite-gendered couples, being afraid of revealing judges and others to whom providers may have inad- enforcement of the law, and lll | page 8 PRIDE 2008| Two Spirits, One Community SPOKANE | Parade and Rainbow For updates, parade or booth in- June 13, 2008 Festival plans are underway. The formation, visit Heritage Pride Institute following information is current at Pride 2008 events announced June 14, 2008 the time of printing: June 6, 2008 Mom & Pop Annual Breakfast, Parade staging starts at 11 am, One Night Stand (For Pride) 9-11 am, PFLAG at Dempsey’s June 14th, on the pedestrian walk presented by the Spokane LGBT Brass Rail - Blueberry pancakes, ba- on Wall Street between Main Av- Film Festival is the official kick-off con, sausage, scrambled eggs, coffee enue and Spokane Falls Blvd. for Pride, Riverpoint Campus Au- and juice. $5 suggested donation Rainbow Festival ditorium, 668 North Riverpoint goes towards GLBTQ scholarships. Gondola Meadows, River Front Blvd. For more information go to Park. Christopher Lawrence and a guest will be serving as Masters of June 7, 2008 Ceremonies in the park as we cel- MCC 12th Annual Party Cruise ebrate 17 years of PRIDE! in Spo- for Pride on Saturday, June 7. kane. Watch for Auntie Bijou! The Boards at 1:30 pm, Cruise 2-4 pm Pride 2008 theme is “Two Spirits on Lake Coeur d’Alene, Emmanuel - One Community” and we would Metropolitan Community Church love to see you there. The Rainbow of Spokane. Music, dancing and Festival will have more entertain- prize drawings. 21 or older please. ment, activities, contests and prizes Contact Ginny at way2qt_99@ya- than ever before, including the very for tickets or information. popular Baking Contest and the June 9, 2008 Flower Design Competition. Rainbow Awards, 7 pm, Center- The Annual Wedding. Stage, Pride Foundation. Honoring Continuous live stage entertain- individuals and organizations whose ment will last until 5:30 pm. efforts have positively impacted the Family Play Area will now have GLBTQA community of the Inland entertainment, educational and fun Northwest. Held every year as part games building projects, booths, of Spokane’s Pride festivities. Free. giant blow up bounce-around toys June 11, 2008 and much more. Inland Northwest Business Alli- Youth After Party - To be deter- ance Luncheon, 11:30 am - 1 pm. mined. $15 with RSVP for members and Kinsey Sicks headlines at 8:30 invited guests. $18 at the door. pm in the Bing Crosby Theater. Po- Stonewall News Publiser’s Re- litical Comedy ala Drag apella. ception, hosted by Holiday Inn Tickets are $15. Call Ticketswest Express on the Rock, time to be de- at (509) 325-7328 or visit tickets- termined. Mature content. 2 • 4.2.2008 Stonewall News Published by Kniws Media Group, LLC A member of The Inland Northwest Business Alliance International Briefs Fred Swink, Publisher and Editor in Chief Candice Cullitan, Copy Editor Rhonda Brown, Merq News Editor Gay rights advocate resigns as Prime Minister Political Correspondent DUBLIN | Irish Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland has an- nounced his resignation following an investigation into corruption. Bertie Ahern, 56, has been Taoiseach since June 1997 and has been a Ukrainian gay paper faces criminal charges strong supporter of gay rights in Ireland. Last year he told the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN): KIEV | Kiev’s public prosecutor is targeting a well-regarded gay newspa- “Our sexual orientation is not an incidental attribute. It is an es- per under laws banning the distribution of pornography, while newspa- CONTACT INFORMATION sential part of who and what we are. All citizens, regardless of sexual per kiosks across the city openly sell explicit erotic heterosexual maga- orientation, stand equal in the eyes of our laws.” zines. Stonewall News Since 2003 Nash Mir, the oldest Ukrainian LGBT human rights or- 7115 N Division St, Ste B-116 Thailand joins gay blood ban ganisation, has published Gay.Ua newspaper. Spokane, WA 99208 “The newspaper is registered as an “information, for leisure, and BANGCOCK | The Thai Red Cross Society has decided to reject blood erotic” edition,”” Nash Mir said in a statement donations from homosexual men in a move which has met with strong opposition from human rights organizations. Irish teachers face dismissal for being gay Stonewall News is copyrighted under It said it had large amounts of unused blood that had tested HIV- federal law. Any reproduction of its positive. DUBLIN | Irish teachers face dismissal for being gayGay and lesbian contents is prohibited unless written Most of the infected blood was reportedly from men who were hav- teachers in Ireland could be sacked if their lifestyle is seen as undermin- permission is obtained. ing unprotected sex with other men, according the director of the Na- ing the religious ethos of schools, a conference was told this week. © 2007 Stonewall News. All Rights tional Blood Centre, Soisaang Pikulsod. Thailand is not the first country Members of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) group at the Irish reserved. Stonewall News is published to ban gay men from donating blood. National Teachers’ Organisation conference said that the Employment by Kniws Media Group, LLC., a Wash- Equality Act permits schools to dismiss homosexual teachers from reli- ington State Corporation founded in Greeks consider recognising same-sex couples gious schools. June, 2007 Section 37 of the Act states that schools that promote certain reli- One copy of Stonewall News is avail- ATHENS } Greek authorities are considering adopting a law that would gious values can take action to protect their “religious ethos.” able free of charge for each reader at allow same-sex couples to be recognised by a civil ceremony, the coun- current distribution locations. Copies of try’s NET TV said on Monday. Mayor “not ready” to support gay rights Stonewall News which have not been The Greek Justice Ministry pledged to establish a working group on picked up for the purpose of reading the rights of gay couples living together, which would “analyse all as- VILNIUS | Mayor One of Europe’s most bigoted politicians has once them are the property of Kniws Media pects of the issue, international practice and the existing domestic legal again defended naked prejudice in his city. Group, LLC. Any unauthorized person and social framework.” Juozas Imbrasas, the Mayor of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, was who takes or moves multiple copies of The New Democracy-led government is expected to introduce legisla- asked by journalists if he would back a campaign affirming freedom of Stonewall News to prevent other people tion later in the year that will offer several rights to unmarried couples. assembly and expression for LGBT people in Europe. from seeing or reading them shall be 19 mayors from across the EU have signed up, but Mr Imbrasas considered guilty of theft. Violators will MEP questions EU discrimination directive said: “I am not ready for such things yet.” His response was unsurpris- be prosecuted. ing considering that Vilnius city council has effectively banned any gay SUBSCRIPTIONS BRUSSLES | A British Member of the European Parliament has spoken Pride events. Subscribe at or of his concerns that there is a lack of commitment to gay rights from the by sending $52 for a one year subscrip- European Commission President Jose Manuel Borroso. Cuban parliament considers LGBT rights bill tion payable to Kniws Media Group, to Michael Cashman, who represents the West Midlands, has voiced his the address above. concern over reports that the Commission is backtracking on its com- HAVANA | A draft lesbian, gay and trans rights bill will be considered mitment to tackle discrimination. by Cuban legislators today. DISCLAIMER “Barroso gave the Parliament assurances that it would bring forward The proposed new law would grant equal rights to all citizens and is a Directive to combat discrimination on the remaining grounds of Ar- the first step towards same-sex unions and access to gender reassignment The presence of the name of ticle 13,” said Mr Cashman. surgery. any individual in this publication Mariela Castro, director of the National Sex Education Centre, shall not be deemed an indication Gay Iranian spared deportation from Greece said: of the sexual orientation of that “A relevant resolution will be signed in the nearest future by the Min- individual or any individual with ATHENS | Gay rights activists in Greece are celebrating after their gov- istry of Health, which will determine the procedure for such surgery.” a similar name.

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