Analysis of magnetic resonance in Metamaterial structure Rajni#1, Anupma Marwaha#2 #1 Asstt. Prof. Shaheed Bhagat Singh College of Engg. And Technology,Ferozepur(Pb.)(India), #2 Assoc. Prof., Sant Longowal Institute of Engg. And Technology,Sangrur(Pb.)(India)
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[email protected] Abstract: ‘Metamaterials’ is one of the most 1. Introduction recent topics in several areas of science and technology due to its vast potential in various Metamaterials are artificial materials synthesized applications. These are artificially fabricated by embedding specific inclusions like periodic materials which exhibit negative permittivity structures in host media. These materials have and/or negative permeability. The unusual the unique property of negative permittivity electromagnetic properties of metamaterial and/or negative permeability not encountered in have opened more opportunities for better the nature. If materials have both parameters antenna design to surmount the limitations of negative at the same time, then they exhibit an conventional antennas. Metamaterials have effective negative index of refraction and are created many designs in a broad frequency referred to as Left-Handed Metamaterials spectrum from microwave to millimeter wave (LHM). This name is given to these materials to optical structures. The edifice building because the electric field, magnetic field and the blocks of metamaterials are synthetically wave vector form a left-handed system. These fabricated periodic structures of having materials offer a new dimension to the antenna lattice constants smaller than the wavelength applications. The phase velocity and group of the incident radiation. Thus metamaterial velocity in these materials are anti-parallel to properties can be controlled by the design of each other i.e.