
a b

FIG. 1-TWO LOWPASS FILTERS. Even though the filters use different components, they perform in a similiar fashion.


Because almost every analog circuit contains some filters, understandinghow to work with them is important. Here we'll discuss the basics of both active and passive types.

THE MAIN PURPOSE OF AN ANALOG FILTER In addition to bandpass and band- age (because can be expensive circuit is to either pass or reject signals rejection filters, circuits can be designed and hard to find); they are generally easier based on their frequency. There are many to only pass frequencies that are either to tune; they can provide gain (and thus types of frequency-selective filter cir- above or below a certain . they do not necessarily have any insertion cuits; their action can usually be de- If the circuit passes only frequencies that loss); they have a high input impedance, termined from their names. For example, are below the cutoff, the circuit is called a and have a low output impedance. a band-rejection filter will pass all fre- lo~~passfilter, while a circuit that passes A filter can be in a circuit with active quencies except those in a specific band. those frequencies above the cutoff is a devices and still not be an active filter. Consider what happens if a parallel re- higlzpass filter. For example, if a resonant circuit is con- sonant circuit is connected in series with a All of the different filters fall into one . nected in series with two active devices signal source. It lets all frequencies pass of two categories: active or passive. Pas- (such as transistors) it is called a passive freely, with the exception of those in a sive filters are composed of passive com- filter. But, if the same resonant circuit is small band of frequencies around the cir- ponents such as , , and part of afeedback loop, it is then called an cuit's resonant,freque~zcy.(At its resonant inductors. Inductors, however, are un- active filter. We saw an example of such frequency, the parallel circuit the- desirable at some frequencies because of an active filter when we discussed a tape- oretically acts as an infinite impedance. their size andlor practical performance. player preamplifer during our discussion That impedance is greatly reduced at off- (At low frequencies, a real 's of feedback (see the July 1983 issue of resonant frequencies.) properties vary considerably from those -Electronics) . On the other hand, should the parallel of an ideal inductor.)Active filters consist L-C circuit be placed across (in parallel of passive elements along with an active Basic filters with) the signal source, only the narrow element such as a transistor or an A rudimentary passive filter consists of band previously rejected would be integrated-circuit op-amp. Active filters an R-C network or an R-L network. allowed to pass from the source to the are usually designed without using in- Those networks can be found in many . Thus, we have just described a ductors. Therefore they have the advan- different types of electronic equipment bandpnss filter. tage of being less expensive on the aver- performing different roles. For example, w in power supplies, such circuits are used to filter undesirable ripple. In audio 0 , different R-C networks are g (MAXIMUM) - ---I- I used in tone-control, scratch-filter, and I- a3 rumble-filter circuits. I-3 Let's take a look at some actual filter 0 W circuits and determine the effect they will >- I- have on signals that are fed to them. TWO 5 W FIG. 6-A MORE COMPLEX filter circuit. This filter circuits-that perform the same a: filter has more than one corner frequency. function using different components- are shown in Fig. 1. When a low- '018 '014 '012 10 410 810 frequency signal is fed to either one of FREUUENCY-Hz those circuits, the output is identical with FIG. 4-THE OUTPUT OF THE HIGHPASS fllters case it is 2.7K + Ry. Using equation 1, shown in Fig. 3 decreases as the frequency de- we determine that f',, = 11 the input. However, as the frequency is creases. increased, the output is reduced-thus 2s1(2.7K + Ro)C. The frequency at which they are lowpass filters. The output rolls the rolloff starts is j;,, as shown in Fig. 4. off at the rate shown by the curve in Fig. each curve, the slope is the same-6-dB- The next step is to place a short across 2. The important frequency to note is.f,,. per-oc tave. the output and leave e,, open. There is no Any of these filter circuits can be parallel R-C combination in the circuit placed between two amplifier stages. If when that is done; the only frequency

- - 7----- 7- that's done, the comer frequency, ,f,,, is indicated in the response calculations of still as predicted by equation 1- the filter is,f,, and its curve in Fig. 4. presuming that the impedance of the cir- Now let's look at a more complex filter cuit feeding the filter is zero and the input circuit-one in which there will be Inore a3 i-3 impedance of the circuit at the output of than one corner frequency. We will use 0 the filter is infinite. Otherwise, resistors the procedure noted above to analyze the LL in series with the input to the filter and in circuit in Fig. 6 and find those comer parallel with the output from the filter, frequencies. One f,, corner frequency is must be considered when determining&,. the beginning of the rolloff characteristic For example, assume that the circuit in curve and a secondj'" corner frequency is 10 8 10 10 2 lo 210 410 a/0 Fig. 3-a is connected between two transis- on a curve with rising characteristics. The FREOUENCY Hr tors, as shown in Fig. 5-a. Figure 5-b is two res~~ltingcurves are then added to FIG. 2-THE OUTPUT OF THE LOWPASS fllters the equivalent circuit involving the filter provide a curve illustrating the overall shown ~n Fig. 1 decreases as the frequency in- and transistors. (The function of response of the circuit as shown in Fig. 7. creases. C1 is to DC-isolate the transis- First, we short einand note the total resis- tor from the filter. That capacitor is usual- tance across C-R3 in parallel with the ly of such magnitude that it can be treated sum of R1 and R2. Substituting this infor- That's the frequency where the output has as a short for all signal .) It can be mation into equation 1, we find that one of dropped 3 dB from its maximum value simplified by determining the equivalent the corner frequencies, where the high- (0.707 of the maximum). That corner resistance. Ry, of all resistances at the frequency roll off starts, is: ,fr-ecluet~cy(also called the half-power output. The final circuit is shown in Fig. point) can be determined from the values 5-c. Equation 1 applies there also. of the components in the circuit. For the The analysis of this circuit-as well as R-C circuit in Fig. I-a: more complex filter circuits that have We continue by leaving e,, open and more than one corner frequency4an be shorting e,,,,. Then, R2 is across both R3 accomplished in two simple steps. First, and C. By inserting those values into short the input, ei,,, and note the total equation 1 we find for the second corner For the R-L circuit in Fig. 1B: resistance across the capacitor. In this frequency:

Figure 3 shows two circuits, either of which can be used to attenuate the 10x1 fre- quencies (thereby creating a highpass fil- ter). Note that the curve shown in Fig. 4, when compared to Fig. 2, is symmetric about the y-axis. In Fig. 2, the output drops in the linear portion of the curve by 6-dB every time the frequency is doubled. In Fig. 4, the output drops by 6-dB every time the frequency is halved. The impor- tant point is that in the linear portion of ul 0 z B 7" W 01; 1 l el"n{t U;1 0 a b 9 FIG. 3-TWO HIGHPASS FILTERS that use dif- ferent components but perform similiarly. equivalent circuit. .) CURVE WlTH f,, those filters are shown in Figs. 9 and 11 CORNERFREQUENCY To minimize their interrelated effects, The curves add as shown in Fig. 7. The components should be chosen so that the total curve indicates the overall response 4 -10 CORNERFREQUENCY R2-C2 circuit has a minor shunting effect of the filter. The two equations differ olily w w TOTAL EFFECT on R1 and C1 and that the R1-C1 combina- by the resistance factors. Because R21 lR3 -20 OF TWO FILTER tion has only a ininor affect on loading the is smaller than (R1 + R2)l lR3,,f,,, is high- 5 SECTIONS R2-C2 combination. It is best if the two er in frequency than isf,,, . A similar pro- % -30 circuits were completely isolated from cedure may be used to determine the fre- each other by placing each R-C filter be- quency response of other complex tween different transistors in a three-tran- arrangements. fol 2fO1 4fO1 8fO1 32iO164fO1 sistor amplifier circuit. f02 2f02 4fo2 16fo2 32foz Active filters FREQUENCY-Hz FIG. 9-THIS FREQUENCY-RESPONSE CURVE An active filter involving bipolar tran- CURVE WlTH fO2 shows how the rolloff is sharpened by using CORNER FREQUENCY sistors, is shown in Fig. 12. Here we more than one filter. assume that RE 1s much greater than re, the internal emitter resistance of Q2. Capacitor C1, along with the output im- the two sections are then added to determine pedance of QI and the input impedance of the circuit's overall response. Q2, form one high pass filter. The corner TOTAL RESPONSE Other two-section filters (two R-C net- frequency, fill, due to those components CURVE works) can be combined to generate a band- is pass filter circuit. That is illustrated in Fig. CURVE WITH fol -20 CORNERFREQUENCY 10. There is low frequency rolloff due to the C I -R 1 section of the filter and high frequen- fo~2f01 4fo~afol 16f0132foi cy rolloff due to the R2-C2 filter. The corner if we assume that the impedance of C2 is f 02 zf02 4fo2 8f02 FREQUENCY-Hz much higher than RF atf, Hz. Here, Rc is FIG. ?-FREQUENCY RESPONSE curve of the the impedance at the input of the filter, c~rcuitshown in Fig. 6. PRE is the impedance reflected from the emitter circuit of Q2 into its base circuit, and PREIIR,, the equivalent resistance of Sharpening the rolloff R, in parallel with PRE, is the resistance Rolloff using but one R-C or one R-L at the output of the filter. Due to those network, cannot exceed a 6 dB-per- resistances, the output rolls off at fre- octave rolloff rate. However. a faster rol- quencies below f;,, . loff rate can be achieved by using inore FIG. 10-BANDPASS FILTER USING two R-C A second corner frequency, f,,, is than one filter in a circuit. An arrange- networks. caused by the presence of C2 and RF in ment using two lowpass filters connected the emitter circuit. Because C2 shunts a in series is in Fig. 8. There, R I -C 1 is one portion (RF) of the total resistance in the network with a corner frequency at ,f;,,. frequencies. f,l andj;,?. are determined for emitter circuit, feedback due to the pres- the R 1-C I combination and the R2-C2 com- ence of this is reduced as the bination, respectively. When ,f,! is sub- frequency increases. Hence beginning at stantially less than ,fi12. the response curve ,f;,,, the output increases with the applied for the circuit is as shown in Fig. 1 I-a. frequency. It is equal to 1,'2xC2RF. Sho~ld,fi,~be higher in frequency than,f;,?, the curve in Fig. 11-b applies. In the circuits drawn in Figs. 8 and 10, the R2-C2 combinations probably have some effect on ,f,,,. (The responses of FIG. 8-TO INCREASE THE ROLLOFF RATE, you can use more than one filter In a circuit.

The conlbination of R2 and C2 is a second filter network, with a corner freq~~encyat fir?. Those corner frequencies are de- terinined through use of eq~~ation1 for each R-C co~nbination.Curves with those comer frequencies are shown in Fig. 9. FIG. 12-ACTIVE TRANSISTOR FILTER has Each curve illustrates a rolloff at the rate three corner frequencies. of 6 dB-per-octave. Adding the two curves results in a characteristic with an WI Next consider the total resistance in the eventual rolloff of 12 dB-per-octave. V1Z a0 TOTAL emitter circuit not shunted by C2. It is RT RESPONSE If more resistors and capacitors are added wW = RE+ R,IP where RBI@is the resist- to a circuit of the type shown in Fig. 8, a CURVE ance reflected from the base circuit into LA_--1 -. procedure similar to that used with the cir- f01 f02 the emitter circuit. A corner frequency cuit in Fig. 6 may also be used. But this FREQUENCY-Hz due to the action of those resistances m time. the circuit must be split into two por- b along with the C2-RF coinbination is ,f,,, 2 H tions with each containing the individual FIG. 11-FREQUENCY-RESPONSE CURVES. = 1I2slC2(RFR,I(RF + R,)). be- rn rilter sections, and each section is analyzed The response when f,, is less than f,, is shown gins to roll off at that frequency. rn in a. It is equal to that of the two original curves n as if the other section does not exist. The below the 0-dB level. Shown in b is the response It is obvious that,f,,, is at a higher fre- g effects on the frequency response of each of when f,, is less than f,,. quency than is j;,? because the resistance E through C1-high frequencies are fed CURVE WITH through C1 back to the input, to increase fO2 CORNER FREQUENCY the rolloff rate. In both lowpass-filter cir- cuits, Rl and R2 are usually made equal-about 10,000 . TOTAL RESPONSE Highpass filters can be formed using circuits identical to those drawn in Fig. 14. All that's necessary is to interchange the locations of components in the R 1 -C I d fOl CORNER ; I fo3 CORNER FREQUENCY Dz filter as well as components in the R2-C2 FREQUENCY I filter. As before, equation 3 applies. f01 f02 '03 FIG. 15-ACTIVE BANDPASS FILTER using an In the article on high frequency circuits FREQUENCY -Hz op-amp. (see the August 1983 issue of Wadio- FIG. 13-CURVE SHOWING THE THREE corner frequencies and how they add to provide the Electronics), the Q of an L-C circuit was overall circuit response. defined. That same definition also applies where R1 and C1 are the components in to bandpass and band-rejection types of one of the R-C networks and R2 and C2 R-C circuits. As you recall, the Q of a in the denominator of the equation forf,,, are the components in the second R-C bandpass circuit is equal to j;,ICf;,-fL) is lower than that for jb2. Usually, f,, is network. An inverting circuit could just wherej;, is the center or resonant frequen- lower than either fO2 or fO3 because the as well have been used here. Figure 14-b cy, ,fH is the frequency above of Cl and the input and output shows shuch an arrangement. Equation 3 where the gain has dropped 3-dB from resistors in the circuit, are all large. The still applies. Negative feedback is applied what it is at resonance, and,fl is the fre- value of R, is seldom negligible when quency below resonance with the 3-dB considering the factors in equation forf,, gain reduction. because C2 can frequently be considered We will now be looking at some inore as an open circuit at fOl Hz. active filters and we will present a number Four curves are shown in Fig. 13. of different equations for determining the Three of these represent the response of various C's and R's that are needed. We individual filter sections in the circuit, will not derive the equations: the filters with rolloff or increases start- will be presented in "cookbook" form. ing at the three corner frequencies. The You'll achieve good performance if the total curve shows the overall effect on the given relationships are observed. Rolloff response of the combination of the three. will approach the 'ideals of 40 dB-per- octave for the circuits we'll discuss. Using op-amps A typical bandpass filter circuit using Now we'll look at an active filter that is resistors and capacitors is shown in Fig. designed around an op-amp. In the circuit 15. Before you determine what com- shown in Fig. 14-a, the capacitor in the ponents you use. you must calculate just feedback loop attenuates the high fre- what Q must be. Let us say you want a quencies, therefore, the circuit behaves peak response at 1000 Hz and that the as a lowpass filter. The frequency at gain should be down 3 dB at 900 Hz and which the output has been attenuated 3 dB 1100 Hz. Q must then be 10001 can be approximated from equation 1 (1 100-900) = 5. when R and C are identical in both filter Continue the design by letting C1 be sections. If they should differ, then equal to C2. Calculate Rl by setting it = FIG. 16-ACTIVE BAND-REJECTION filters us- equal to 100,000lQ. Because Q 5, R I ing op-amps. The filter shown in b uses a twin-T = 20,000 ohms. The relationship for de- circuit. termining R2 is 5250/Q, so in this ex-

h FIG. 14-ACTIVE LOWPASS FILTER. The signal is fed to the non-inverting op-amp input in a, and FIG. 17-LOWPASS FILTERS. The circuit shown in a is a constant-K T-section filter; b shows a 2 to the inverting input in b. constant-K x-section; c shows an M-derived T-section, and d shows an M-derived x-section filter. dicated in equation 3, is:

Once Q has been determined, the ratio of R2 to R1 in the circuit can be set equal to 4Q'. Make Rl equal to about 100,00O/Q, R3 equal to about 5250iQ and R4 equal to about 50 x R3. Using this information, calculate the C's for the circuit through use of equation 3. Another type of notch filter (often called the twin-T arrangement) built around an op-amp is shown in Fig. 16-b. In that circuit, f, can be determined using equation 1. Because Q can be very high, the rolloff is sharp. Constant-k and m-derived filters b d Constant-k filters get their name from FIG. 18-HIGHPASS FILTERS. The circuit shown in a is a constant-K T-sect~onfilter; b shows a the fact that the product of the capacitive constant-K rc-section; c shows an M-derived T-section, and d shows an M-derived n-section filter. and reactances (Xc X X,) is constant at all frequencies. They exhibit reasonably sharp rolloff with a smooth ample, R2 should be set equal to 1050 C = 1/2nfo JR3(Rl llR2). (5) passband. However, sharpness of rolloff ohms The value of R3 is equal to the Substitutingfo = lWO, R3 = looO,OOO, can be improved considerably by using an product of 20,000 ohms and For this Q. and ~111~2= 998 into equation 5 yields m-derived filter. problem, R3 = 100,000 ohms. the fact that C = 0.016 kf. If you follow An m-derived filter can be recognized For the circuit in Fig. 15 the results, you can obtain a capable filter- by the parallel-resonant or series- ing circuit. resonant circuit in series or across the line respectively. They -produce essentially f0 = JC1C2R3(R1ilR2) (4' A band rejection or notch filter is in Because C 1 is identical to C2, the product Fig. 16-a. ~kre,Q is determined as be- infinite attenuation of the frequency to of the two is C? To de- fore. Capacitor C1 is usually made equal which they are tuned (thus zero transmis- termine C, equation 4 becomes to C2 and the resonant frequency, as in- sion of that frequency along the line). Schematics of both constant-k and m- derived filters are shown in Figs. 17 through 19. Component values in the circuits de- pend on the resistance at the input to the filter circuit as well as the resistance at its output. In this discussion, we assume thein to be equal-that is the usual case. We denote that resistance by the letter R. If input and output resistances differ, letR equal the average value of the resistance at the input and output. Rolloff will be affected by that mismatch. But resistance can be adjusted to the ideal by merely adding the proper transistor circuits at the input and output of the filter. In the bandpass circuits, the Q of the coils do affect the sharpness of rolloff, but only to a minor degree. Rolloff at the low end of the pass band starts at f, while rolloff at the high end of the passband starts at J,. Cf, and f, were defined above). For these circuits the resonant frequency is equal to The various filter circuits shown in- clude ,equations to indicate the approxi- mate values of the components to be used in the circuits. Using those, you should be able to design a practical circuit. Several constant-k or nl-derived filter sections may be combined to sharpen rolloff and increase attenuation at dif- ferent frequencies, if required. Input and output impedance matching will not be disturbed by such combinations. * d Next time we'll look at another aspect FIG. 19-BANDPASS FILTERS. The circuit shown in a is a constant-K T-section fllter; b shows a of solid-state devices-how they can be constant-K rr-section; c shows an M-der~vedT-section, and d shows an M-derlved x-section filter. used in switching applications. R-E