You Call This a Media Market? You isbn 978-961-6455-49-7 9 789616 455497 YOU CALL THIS A MEDIA MARKET? The Role of the State in the Media Sector in Slovenia sandra b. hrvatin 12,00 eur brankica petkoviæ oovitekvitek aang.inddng.indd 1 55.. 22.. 22008008 111:39:311:39:31 . aang.inddng.indd 1 55.. 22.. 22008008 111:37:551:37:55 peace institute metelkova 6 si-1000 ljubljana e:
[email protected] <> published by: peace institute edition: mediawatch <> editor: brankica petkoviæ you call this a media market? The Role of the State in the Media Sector in Slovenia authors: sandra b. hrvatin, brankica petkoviæ translation: olga vukoviæ design: id studio, cover: karlo medjugorac typography: goudy & goudy sans, itc print: tiskarna hren print-run: 250 copies, first edition © 2008 mirovni inštitut The publishing of this book was made possible by the Open Society Institute. cip - Kataloþni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjiþnica, Ljubljana 316.774 659.37.4 bašiæ-hrvatin, sandra you call this a media market? : The Role of the State in the Media Sector in Slovenia / Sandra B. Hrvatin, Brankica Petkoviæ ; [translation Olga Vukoviæ]. - Ljubljana : Peace Institute, 200o. - (Edition Mediawatch) Prevod dela: In temu pravite medijski trg? isbn 978-961-6455-49-7 1. Petkoviæ, Brankica 237344768 . aang.inddng.indd 2 55.. 22.. 22008008 111:37:551:37:55 YOU CALL THIS A MEDIA MARKET? The Role of the State in the Media Sector in Slovenia sandra b. hrvatin, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana e:
[email protected] brankica petkoviæ, Peace Institute, Ljubljana e:
[email protected] .