A 33-Year Evaluation of Resistance and Pathogenicity in the Apple
HORTSCIENCE 44(3):599–608. 2009. tification of scab-resistant cultivars is impor- tant for both commercial producers and retailers of crabapples (Romer et al., 2003) A 33-year Evaluation of Resistance and for commercial apple breeding programs that seek to develop scab-resistant apples and Pathogenicity in the Apple (Janick, 2002; Shay et al., 1962). Host plant resistance is considered one of Scab–crabapples Pathosystem the most efficient and effective methods to control plant diseases with much of the Janna Beckerman1 breeding effort within the genus Malus Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University, 915 directed to evaluate resistance to apple scab. West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 The V. inaequalis–Malus interaction is one of the earliest examples demonstrating gene- James Chatfield for-gene interactions (Boone, 1971; Hough, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio Agricultural 1944; Williams and Shay, 1957). The gene- for-gene theory states that for every major Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH 44691-4096 gene conferring resistance (R) in the host, Erik Draper there exists a corresponding avirulence (AVR) gene in the pathogen (Flor, 1956; Hammond- The Ohio State University Extension Service, Geauga County, OH Kosack and Jones, 1997). Disease resistance 44021-9521 results only when the corresponding product Additional index words. Malus, Venturia inaequalis, avirulence, durable resistance of a dominant resistance gene (R) recognizes a dominant Avr gene product from the path- Abstract. Crabapples (Malus spp.) are popular ornamental trees in the commercial and ogen. Disease results when the loss or alter- residential landscape. Over a 33-year period at the Secrest Arboretum, Wooster, OH, 287 ation of the pathogen avirulence gene (now accessions of ornamental crabapple were evaluated for their resistance to apple scab denoted as avr) fails to trigger recognition by caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis.
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