barfordthe bugle The Magazine of Great Barford Parish Council Winter 2020


Great Barford Parish Council See centre page The Parish Council Office, Green End Farm, 108 Green End Road,Great Barford, pull-out Beds MK44 3HD (by appointment only) SOUTHALL’S Home Farm Road Great Barford MK44 3JF T u r key s Tel: 01234 870333 FOR A TRADITIONAL FLAVOURED CHRISTMAS Reared At ‘Home Farm’ by The ‘Southall Family’ Producing Top Quality Poultry For Over 60 Years Whole Turkeys, Crowns, Butterflys, Boned & Rolled, Chickens and all the trimmings Email: [email protected]

Tree specific page ARTWORK OVL ad_Layout 1 07/11/2012 11:45 Page 1

A comprehensive range of tree services from a local dedicated tree surgeon with twenty years experience within the tree industry

Home Farm, Collection times: + All aspects of Tree Maintenance + Tree Felling and Tree Care + Sectional Dismantling Bedford Road, 22nd-23rd December + Crown Reduction/Thinning + Dead Wood Removed Great Barford, 8.30am-5.30pm + Hedges Reduced and Trimmed + Tree Planting + Fruit Tree Pruning + Member of the Royal Bedfordshire 24th December + Fully insured and Skilled Arborist Forestry Society MK44 3JF 8.00am - 2.00pm Contact us today for a free quote

Telephone: 01234 828895 Mobile: 07949 368374 E: [email protected] Email: [email protected] T: 01234 870333 Great Barford Parish Council

Councillors Office Opening Times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday DI AMES 09.00am to 12.30pm NOREEN BYRNE (subject to change due to training, DUNCAN EDGAR Council commitments and holiday) DERRICK FOLBIGG  DAVID GARRARD

ANN LOVESEY MBE 01234 870245 GRAHAM PENDREY [email protected] JAMES RUDGLEY STUART SOUTHALL an answerphone is available if calling PETER WARD outside of the office hours. TIM WOOD

Congratulation to Jing Lin in Swans class who won this years Christmas drawing competition Submit Your Photo!

The Bugle Committee is always looking for seasonal photographs from around the village to place on the cover of the Bugle. If you would like to submit a photograph, please contact the Clerk at: Contributions for the next Issue of [email protected] The Bugle

should be sent to the Parish Clerk before

Monday 1st February

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 03 Chair's Report

As I write, we are just SIDs on New Road entering another Covid-19 With the relaxing of National Lockdown, and the previous Covid hopefully we will be back restriction, work had to a less restrictive regional continued around the tier system by the time you village. We all know read this. speeding is an issue, and when our Speed Device was installed on New Neighbourhood Plan Road, it was able to put As reported in the Autumn Bugle, the some figures to what was first Coronavirus lockdown disrupted our previously subjective observation. After a long Neighbourhood Plan activities. We put things wait, and many queries as to when, the Borough on hold for a while, then had to switch to the Highways Team has now installed a back to magic of “tinterweb” and go to virtual meetings. back Speed Indicator Device on New Road, just Things have progressed somewhat over the last north of the Woodpecker Close junction. These few months, and we now have a completed units are solar powered, so had to be positioned Draft Plan we want to share with you. away from the trees, but are effectively about half way along the 30mph stretch. Go to the centre pages, and you will find you can pull out the centre-fold to have a four page Residents’ comments are encouraging, in that leaflet giving brief details of where we are, the SIDs do seem to be having the desired what is in the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, how effect of highlighting vehicle speed, slowing to access details and then respond in a Public traffic, and educating drivers to the 30mph Consultation. speed limit in force on that part of the road.

The Consultation will be going live on 14 Dog Poo December, and last for 7 weeks. We hope It has been very noticeable recently, that there you like the plan; it explains about the new are more and more instances of people not development need placed on us by the clearing up after their dog. It is an offence to Bedford Borough Council’s Local Plan 2030. allow dog fowling in a public place, and you This imposed a requirement for Great Barford can be find yourself on the receiving end of a to accommodate 500 new homes. Our Draft Fixed Penalty Notice for failing to remove your Neighbourhood Plan sets out the philosophy dog’s fowling. And that doesn’t mean bagging and reasoning for where we have allocated it and leaving the bag hanging in a bush either these houses, along with design principles to – that is classed at littering, with its own Fixed make the development more palatable. Many Penalty Notice. Bag it and Bin properly. See other issues are addressed as well. If accepted, note on the back page of this magazine for an the plan will manage and control the future explanation of the fines. evolution of Great Barford over the coming years and beyond. Lock and Weir Bridge The dog walkers and ramblers amongst you may The consultation will be advertised around the have noticed we have had graffiti removed from village, your views are important, so please get the brick pier at the east end of the weir bridge. involved, and give us your feedback. The scrawl had appeared several months ago, but due to delays with the March time Covid-19

04 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Chair's Report lockdown, Lots of brambles and unkempt bushes have the Borough’s been removed from the northern boundary. Graffiti Cleaning This has created a much brighter and nice open Squad had only aspect to the area. Gone is the dark corner managed to do that has attracted anti-social behaviour in the their clean-up in past. In fact, in clearing the undergrowth, the early October. contractor found evidence of drug related items. So hopefully, without a dark corner to The Environment hide in, this sort of activity will stop. Something Agency regularly do some checks and else we would like to encourage is the use of maintenance at the lock, and have taken the the car park barrier – closing this when the car initiative to do some wild flower planting in park is not in use for Village Hall activities will long beds, and more recently have put in lots discourage unwelcome visitors. of lavender bushes on the sloping banks. It is hoped this planting will look pleasant and Yellow Lines attract insect pollinators and bees to the area. After the fiasco of the Village Green visitor invasion we endured during Lockdown One, While we’re talking about the weir, the parking by the river became a major issue. Environment Agency has a scheme to do some Various initiatives were undertaken, but an major inspection and refurbishment work on effective measure was the deployment of no- the lock and weir bridge over winter. They plan parking cones around the Woodpecker Close/ to seal the lock, and drain it down to allow New Road junction. This has now been followed them to work inside the pen and do whatever up with proposals for a more permanent repairs are necessary. The footbridge will also solution of double yellow lines in the same be inspected and maintenance carried out. It is area. The Borough Highways are undertaking expected this may mean the footbridge will be a consultation on this, and can hopefully closed while work is in progress. implement a solution before we see any resurgence of high visitor numbers at the river. Village Hall Car Park Users of the Village Hall, and anyone using the Play Equipment Rights of Way Footpaths in that area, will have To add a bit of noticed the recent tidy up and refresh we have excitement to our done to the bushes and trees surrounding the somewhat Covid car park. Some would say this has been long constrained lives, we overdue, but in reality, trees and bushes grow have had a new “Tipi” rapidly, and unless they get a regular hair cut, carousel installed in they quickly revert back to nature. the Jubilee Play Area, and we’re looking at enhancing the play and exercise equipment on the Playing Field too – fancy the excitement of a 25m long zip-wire ?

And as this is the Winter Bugle, on behalf of the Parish Council, I would like to wish you all a safe BEFORE and Happy Christmas and New Year.

GRAHAM PENDREY AFTER CHAIR, PARISH COUNCIL Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 05 Borough Councillor Report

Community Hub easily found on the Borough website The Council’s Community Hub was revived during the second lockdown. It formed a valuable link with the many voluntary groups Local Plan Consultation that existed in the community and which have The first round of local plan consultation has been and continue to be active in supporting now closed. The consultation considered the vulnerable during the continuing the time period that the plan should cover Coronavirus pandemic. The lessons learned and the broad locations for growth and was have not been lost. Thank you to all those who responded to by the Parish Council and many volunteered their time or made donations. individuals. The plan is likely to be very similar If,during the Tier 2 restrictions period, you to the one up to 2030 just completed but the know os someone who needs support or has Borough was ordered to produce another an urgent problem please contact us on one because the 2030 plan did not deal with of the numbers at the end of this article. issues such as the pressures from the “Oxford -Cambridge Arc”. The pressures arising from Town Deal investment plan the growing population and the attendant As part of a bid for up to £25m of Government housing shortage are considerable but one funding the Town Deal Board has prepared bit of positive news is that the government’s a report containing information about ideas targets for housing in Bedford are likely to be for the Borough’s future role in the Oxford revised downwards. Cambridge Arc and clean growth- which might be of interest to residents. Properties submitted under the call for sites in http://www.councillorsupport.bedford. Great Barford can be seen at (Bedford.opus4. ) Draft%20Town%20Investment%20Plan%20 APP%20A%20-%20Bedford%20Town%20 National Planning Consultations Investment%20Plan.pdf The Planning For The Future White Paper contained many proposals for speeding up the Local Government Boundary Review planning process. Many of us are concerned The draft proposals have now been published. that these proposals, if implemented, will The proposal is to split Great Barford Ward reduce the influence of local residents, both and combine Great Barford, Wilden and individuals and Parish and Borough Councils, Willington into one single member ward. in relation to planning developments both The draft recommendations are subject to a large and small. We have drafted a response consultation which closes on 7th December. criticising the proposals as has the Borough Council. eastern/bedfordshire/bedford Pavement Parking Litter and bins This has been a long running problem affecting Green bin collections ceased at the end of many villages, unfortunately all too often by November which poses problems for those the time any enforcement action is taken the of us who live near trees! It is not obvious offending vehicle has moved. However, the that the Borough has any clear idea of when Govt has concluded a consultation nationally seasons start and finish. The recycling centre with three options: in Barker’s Lane is remaining open with the on-line booking system still in place. It can be 1. Improving and shortening the Traffic

06 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Borough Councillor Report

Regulation Order process, under which local of children aged 0-5 who may be feeling authorities can already prohibit pavement cut off at the moment and particularly over parking. Christmas The Borough Children’s Centres are operating online via Facebook and Zoom with 2. A legislative change to allow local activities and support https://m.facebook. authorities with civil parking enforcement com/bedfordcc/ http://www.ecpbedford. powers to enforce against ‘unnecessary org/ and there are many other support obstruction of the pavement’. options available:

3. A legislative change to introduce a As ever, if we can be of assistance please do London-style pavement parking prohibition get in touch. throughout . Cllr Stephen Moon The third option will make enforcement much 01234 870 061 easier. [email protected] Cllr Phillippa Martin-Moran-Bryant Support for families 07813 939249 A reminder that there is still a range of [email protected] support available to families, including those Facebook @greatbarfordward

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 07 2020 - An unusual year

For everyone, 2020 has been a very unusual year. Here at the Auction Centre Café we have always encouraged customers to enjoy the atmosphere of a real live auction while trying some of our homemade treats. However, with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic we had to very quickly re-adjust, offering only a take away menu.

As a level of normality has returned we have been able to open our doors once again and invite you back to enjoy our locally sourced food, wide selection of homemade bakes, daily specials and hot drinks. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to host group functions and have missed the hubbub of the crowds but are looking forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year.

So a big thank you to all our customers for their support during these unusual times.




08 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Neighbourhood Plan Update

After putting things on-hold for a while, we have We have carefully considered various options made good progress in recent months. Last of how the parish can accommodate the 500 time I reported we were preparing a screening new homes, as required by the Borough’s Local report to establish the level of influence our Plan 2030. When you take account of the major Neighbourhood Plan, and in particular the issues of: flood risk areas; potential increased allocated development, would have on the traffic through the heart of the village; and environment. The Strategic Environmental negative visual impact, there is only one area Assessment (SEA) Screening Report we that on balance will have the minimum overall produced was sent to the statutory consultees negative impact AND can provide opportunities of: for enhancing local facilities – Great Barford West. Natural England, Environment Agency and Historic England. Previous published surveys suggest around 2/3 of vehicle movements are to/from the Bedford All three agreed with our screening; that direction, so placing development to the west there would be no significant effect on the will reduce the potential for increased traffic environment. to navigate the critical High Street and side roads. Not building to the east avoids flood Initially it was thought we might be able to risk areas identified on government flood risk utilise the BBC Local Plan Habitat Regulations maps. And avoiding the high ground to the Assessment (HRA), but after contacting the north will respect the recommendations in the recommended ecology consultant, it became BBC Landscape Sensitivity Study for Group 1 & clear that the HRA in support of the LP2030 2 Villages – a document in support of the BBC was not specific about delegated development Local Plan 2030. in any of the evolving Neighbourhood Plans. It was felt that there may be impacts on the The four centre pages of this Barford Bugle water quality in the and on Magazine, form a “Flyer” to promote the Reg groundwater. All Neighbourhood Plans should 14 Public Consultation. It describes how we got therefore undergo a further HRA screening to to where we are, gives a quick summary of the determine whether the possible effects can be plan’s main points, and shows you where you sufficiently removed by the correct wording can find the full technical details, the plan and of the plan. This is particularly true for Great a response form to give us feedback. You can Barford as it is both right next to the river and see the allocation map on the centre page of has a large development allocation. the “Flyer” pull-out.

We commissioned an independent HRA The Pre-Submission Public Consultation, at the screening report, and fortunately this concluded Regulation 14 Stage of the Neighbourhood that with a few minor additions to the text and Plan legislation will go live on 14 December policies, our Neighbourhood Plan would have 2020, and will last for 7 weeks (it has to be no significant effect on the important Natura at least 6 weeks). Because of Covid social 2000 nature conservation sites downstream of distancing and meeting with others restrictions, Great Barford. this will primarily be an online consultation. See the Flyer back page for where to find This gave us the green light to finalise the Draft further details of all documents. Your views are Neighbourhood Plan. important, so please get involved, and submit your comments.

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 09 From the Great Barford & Roxton Village Agent

Our Village Agent, Teresa Moon, is here to help older people in Bedford Borough Council villages to access the services and support they might need. Her services are free. Leave your contact details on 0800 039 1234 and she will return your call.

Do you, or someone you know, need support following bereavement? Bedford Daycare Hospice is providing a free counselling / bereavement support service, not just for Hospice patients, but available to all communities in Bedford and surrounding areas. Call 01234 352015 or email [email protected] to arrange confidential weekly sessions of up to an hour via phone or video link. Face to face support will be available once lockdown is lifted.

Are you aware of the Herbert Protocol for people with dementia? The Herbert Protocol encourages people with dementia to register their details with the police, along with a current photograph. Should that person get lost or go missing, the police can access that information instantly, mobilising their resources as quickly as possible to find the person and return them to safety. People can sign up to the protocol by calling on 101 or email [email protected]

Are you interested in Befriending? A new Bedford-based Befriending Service was launched in April this year by Project 41 and offers weekly contact in order to build friendship. During the Covid crisis the service is being run as a telephone service with trained volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, or if you are lonely and would like to have someone visit you, contact Cath Cameron, Linking Lives Befriending Service, Woodside Church, Dover Crescent, Bedford, MK41 8QH or email [email protected]

Would a helpful gadget make your life easier? We have a range of handy gadgets to distribute to people who may be struggling to manage on their own during the Covid crisis, including a jar opener, button hook and zip puller; automatic night light; handy reacher; long-handled shoe horn; shoe remover or seat belt helper. We can also offer washable fabric masks with adjustable ties. Our masks are made locally, in coloured floral fabrics and also black prints. They have an aluminium strip which shapes them over the nose - this does not affect the mask’s washability. Just call our Freephone 0800 039 1234

Need help with filling in forms? If you are struggling with paperwork, such as Blue Badge, Bus Pass, Council Tax Reduction, Housing Benefit and Attendance Allowance applications, our Village Agent is happy to help you.

Contact your Village Agent on Freephone 0800 039 1234 (This is an answerphone service, so please be ready to leave your name, address & telephone number, & we will aim to call you back within 48 hours.)

10 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Willington has been a place for growing and nurturing beautiful plants since the 1890s, when the original nursery was founded by Isaac Godber, grandfather of one of the present partners. Few of today’s Garden Centres can claim over 100 years of continuous family involvement.

Frosts at Willington combines the traditional values of high quality, value for money and unrivalled service with a commitment to excellence in horticulture.


Frosts Garden Centre, Sandy Road, Willington, Bedford, MK44 3QP, Tel: 01234 838777

WinterBarford 2020 Bugle - 128.5mm x 190mm.indd 1 thebarford13/03/2019bugle 09:55:43 11 12 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 TOTS AND TEENIES Toddler Group GREAT BARFORD VILLAGE HALL

Every Tuesday 9:45-11:30 (term time only) £2.50 for 1 adult and 1 child £1 per child or adult thereafter

Price includes tea/coffee & snack for child Friendly group, lots of activities, toys, craft, messy play, singing for all ages 0-5.

Contact Nicci : 07970114030

Due to Covid19 we are not open but plan to reopen as soon as possible

GREAT BARFORD NURSERY Places Available now

A centre of excellence for teaching and learning

Please contact the school office for more information

Great Barford Primary Academy Come and see our nursery and join in some Silver Street activities with our early years staff Great Barford MK44 3JU Tel: 01234 870342 E: W:

SpringAutumn 2020 2020 the thebarfordbarfordbuglebugle 13 13 Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 13 bugle

1. What country is Britain's oldest Ally?

2. What is the shortest sentence in the Bible?

3. What is taken to FA Cup Final each year, but never used?

4. What is measured on the Beaufort scale?

5. In which year did Michael Fish, weatherman, famously say that there was no hurricane coming?

6. The musical 'West Side Story' is said to be based on which Shakespeare play?

7. Which horse is the only one to win the Grand National three times.

8. Who is the present quizmaster of Mastermind?

9. In which county is the town of Chelmsford?

10. Which is known as the senior service?

11. From where was Lorraine Chase "truely wafted" if not "from paradise" ?

12. For what is Elgar's "Pomp & Circumstance March no2" better known? Answers on page 41

14 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 The home of Cruise Select Over 20 Years Leading the Waves in Bedfordshire as Cruise Specialists As an independent, family owned travel agency, we’re more than just travel agents; we’re travel specialists.

Whether you want a beach break, a honeymoon, golfing holiday, safari trip, cruise, escorted tour, short break or tailor make something that’s bespoke to your needs, just ask us! Sometimes, nothing beats speaking to a human, especially a friendly professional!


Make an appointment to visit us in Mill Street, Bedford 01234 326778 BOOK WITH CONFIDENCE [email protected] ABTA & ATOL protected

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 15 @Roxton Garden Centre MK44 3DY Freshly harvested vegetables and fruit; Locally grown or made; everything in Season. Open Wednesday-Sunday. We stock fresh milk. Best Quality, Best Prices

[email protected] Phone: 07522 559010

TCS Painting LocalTCS friendly Painting Painter SmallLocal Interior friendly Painting Painter Work Also...FenceSmall Interior and DeckingPainting Staining Work Phil...Also...Fence 07799 012107 and Decking or 01234 Staining 300769 Phil...Bedford 07799 and 012107 Surrounding or 01234 Villages 300769 Bedford and Surrounding Villages TCS PaintingPhil... Local07799 friendly 012107 Painter Weekly Auctions or Visit the Bedford Auction Centre to enjoy Small Interior Painting Work 01234 300769 the excitement of a live auction. Antique & Modern Furniture • Clocks • Books Also...Fence and Decking Staining Ceramics & Glassware • Pictures & Prints Bicycles • Jewellery & Watches • Collectables Phil... 07799 012107 or 01234 300769 Garage Tools & Equipment • Household Electrical Items Office Furniture & Equipment • Retail Products & Stock Bedford and Surrounding Villages Vehicles • Horticultural & Commercial Equipment Building Materials • Garden Furniture & Effects Eastcotts Park, Wallis Way, Bedford MK42 0PE 01234 266 366

16 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 �iam � �liss �lumbing � Heating

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[email protected] 07805 540432 )41>1 "8A9.5:3 5? 85?? [email protected] 540432

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 17 FRONT COVER COMPETITION

Kitty in Falcons Gracie in Falcons

Annabelle in Falcons Emily in Falcons

18 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 FRONT COVER COMPETITION

Lana in Kestrels Peggy in Kestrels

Lily in Kestrels Lucy in Kestrels

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 19 FRONT COVER COMPETITION

Leila in Larks Bonnie in Larks

Holly in Larks

20 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

• A document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area. • Written by the Local Community rather than the Local Planning Authority. • A powerful tool to ensure the community controls its future development.

How did we get to where we are and what happens next?

Step 1: Getting set up and deciding on the neighbourhood area

The Parish Council resolved to create a Neighbourhood Plan. We decided to create a plan covering the whole parish. The Local Planning Authority agreed, and designated the area. We established a steering group, made up from both Residents and Councillors, and then started work.

Step 2: Community consultation and evidence

A Neighbourhood Plan is community led. The steering group undertook a parish wide survey – to find out what’s important where you live, what you’d like to improve, and what your vision for the local area is.

Then we started to gather evidence to back up the community’s ideas. We then produced the planning policies that will make the vision a reality.

This pre-submission consultation is to find out what you think about the draft Neighbourhood Plan. It will run for 7 weeks from 14th December 2020.

Step 3: Submitting the plan

Once the final draft Neighbourhood Plan is complete, it will be submitted to the Local Authority. They’ll check what has been done, and that all required documents have been submitted. The Local Authority will then arrange for a six week period to gather comments. These will then be passed to an independent examiner to check that the plan meets all essential conditions.

Finally, if the plan passes these tests, the Local Authority will organise a public referendum (vote), so that everyone who lives in the neighbourhood area can decide whether they support it.

If more than 50% of the voters are in favour of the plan, the Local Authority must adopt it, and it becomes part of the Local Plan. So any decisions about whether or not to grant planning permission in our parish in the future must be made by taking the Neighbourhood Plan into consideration.

1.1 Neighbourhood Plan - Summary

The Neighbourhood Plan process has enabled the Parish Council to investigate with our community what local issues are important. Based on those findings, the steering group has put together a draft document which has been able to define issues of concern, areas of local greenspace, important access networks, historic and landscape features.

A critical requirement of the plan was the need to meet the Borough’s requirement to allocate sufficient land for the erection of 500 new homes.

Following public consultation exercises it became clear that there was a preference from those participating to keep additional development away from the floodplain and from the congested areas of the High Street, Silver Street, and the historic core near the river.

It is essential that the provision of new housing is accompanied by key infrastructure to meet the needs of new and existing residents. During our process, changes to the education system in the Borough saw our former lower and middle schools combine to become a primary. As a result of these changes, the demand for school places in the village has reduced and a new school site is no longer necessary.

Our village has many attractive streets and buildings. We want to encourage new development that fully respects these and creates attractive new spaces for us all to appreciate.

The GP surgery continues to struggle on an inadequate site in Silver Street. New development should address this, and so the Neighbourhood Plan proposes on or off site provision of a new medical centre with the opportunity to expand associated services.


2 Neighbourhood Plan - Summary

Although the allocated land could accommodate many more, only 500 houses are necessary. The complete area is therefore not required to be built out, so allowing for lots of green open space and amenities, or remain as agricultural.

The issues are set out in more detail in the draft plan. Due to the legal requirements of the Neighbourhood Plan process it is a lengthy document but we hope you will find it informative and you will be able to understand the processes we have gone through to achieve a sustainable future for our community.

The plan is important for the future of our village and we hope you will engage with us. All comments received will be considered very carefully.

Your views are very important.

Please tell us what you think.


3 Where to find further details

This Pre-Submission Consultation will run for 7 weeks from 14 Dec 2020.

The Great Barford Parish Council website, Neighbourhood Plan pages, will host the Draft Neighbourhood Plan document and supporting technical papers. Go on-line at: All available information will be accessible to read/download from there.

Give your feedback

The on-line response form: Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultation (Reg 14) Comment Form will be found with the Draft Plan documents. It is designed to be filled in and submitted on-line.

Please enter details in all boxes and submit a separate form for each section you want to comment on.

Hard copies of the form may be printed and returned to the mail box at:

The Parish Council Office or a consultation collection box at: Green End Farm Great Barford Post Office 108 Green End Road 8-10 High Street Great Barford Great Barford Beds Beds MK44 3HD MK44 3LB

Need something clarified, or don’t have internet access?

If you have a query, we may be able to help explain the contents of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, or to arrange access for a short-term loan of a paper copy of the Plan document...

Contact the Clerk’s Office on tel: 01234 870245 email: [email protected]

We may be able to compile common queries and produce a FAQ for the website, or a leaflet for non internet users.

Covid restrictions permitting, we may try to host a Drop-In session to answer queries, part-way through the consultation, at the Village Hall – Date and details to be arranged.

4. 4

Great Barford Church of England Primary Academy

Starting School (Reception) September 2021 If your child is starting school in September 2021, you need to ensure you have applied for their place by

15th January 2021. Great Barford Primary is a growing school offering an exciting and innovative learning experience for children from 2 years 9 months to 11 year olds in a stimulating environment.

We provide a very nurturing and happy environment, where every child feels secure and valued.

Apply online at:

Ofsted Feb 2019 Early Years Provision– Good

Children get a positive start in the early years. Good teaching and effective leadership ensure that all children achieve well. The learning environment has been carefully thought out and is stimulating for children. Both indoors and outside, children’s independence is encouraged and children work well together.

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 25 FRONT COVER COMPETITION

Alexa in Owls Felicity in Owls

Annie in Owls

26 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 FRONT COVER COMPETITION

Jing Ran in Swallows Jacob in Swallows

Chloe in Swallows

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 27 FRONT COVER COMPETITION

Dylan in Swans Daisy in Swans

Cora in Swans Tulicia in Swans

28 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Great Barford Bowls and Petanque Club

Well, as I reported in September, we did manage to get quite a lot of activity in the Petanque group and recover the internal competitions in the Bowls section between the lockdowns. The finals weekend in September saw all but one competition completed – The author’s one appearance in the weekend’s deciding games was a thorough trouncing but many of the other that we have had a good season of bowls, games were nail-biting encounters. Due certainly value for money and given all the to unforeseen circumstances the Bygraves circumstances. I know I’m biased, but I Triples Competition had to be postponed believe the Match of the Season was the to the following Friday. I could (and 113th, the Triples Final. probably should have) list all the winners but their names are on our website www. Triples League Winners Ray/Keith/Anne (well played Runners Up Steve/Maz/Marianne worth a look for more details about the in an 18 End final to decide the trophy results and club activities anyway). However, winners. Ideal conditions: bright sunshine, I cannot do better than quote our Captain fresh and breezy, with the green looking of Bowls, Keith, who wrote in the latest of exceptionally good. SM&M already had 6 his inimitable emails - final appearances between them, RK&A none: after 3 final defeats would Marianne 113 matches to decide the Club’s 9 internal be a winner at last? competitions, in a much more competitive way than last year … and I like to think SM&M were off to a flyer, 8 - 0 ahead after 3 Ends. The more senior triple showed stamina and clawed their way back into the match thanks to magic from Ray and a little bit of luck. It was 12 - 12 after 14 Ends, and RK&A lead 16 - 14 with one to play.

Marianne sent the jack long and shot wood changed hands until Ray clipped the jack in the ditch, only to find that left his side one shot down. Steve draws shot with his last Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 29 Great Barford Bowls and Petanque Club wood for a two-shot advantage which Ray we hope you see Bowls and/or Petanque couldn’t change with his last effort. as possible new interests. If so, please get in touch through the website at www. Extra End needed. Facebook This time Marianne goes shorter and Barford-Bowls-Club-927365523974564. follows with a bowl half a yard in front of If you would like to speak to someone, call the jack, dead in line. Anne immediately Joe on 01234 871723 if you are interested counters by going round that to land her in Bowls or Beryl on 01767 449116 if bowl on the jack. Maz struggled to change you want more information about playing things, I put in a reasonably good blocker Petanque. and when I got to the head thought we looked safe. Happy Christmas and may the New Year be good to you. And I leave you with: “We were until Steve’s last wood: he fires against my bowl, that went on to dislodge the jack which ends up a foot from Marianne’s back wood.” One Christmas, a mother asked her young daughter if she could name any of Santa’s “For once Ray could not produce a change reindeers. with his last effort and SM&M had won the “I can name both of them - Rudolph and Olive,” deciding End.” replied the young girl confidently. “Rudolph and Olive?” said the mother, Thanks to Mike we have pictures of Steve quizzically. “Are you sure? Weren’t there more?” bowling his last wood and an analysis of the “No, Mummy, Rudolph and Olive. That’s all!” game-changing result. “Where did you get that idea?” asked the mother. Now, with the Virus and Winter, the “From the song!” The girl replied and she sang, Clubhouse is closed and even the popular “Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very Carpet Bowls is on hold. However, we shiny nose. And if you ever saw it, you would presume you are making plans for your even say it glows. Olive the other reindeer....” social, health and sporting activities of the ‘New Normal’ after COVID-19, Joe Lound-Keast particularly in view of the promising news of vaccines. If you are not yet members,

30 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Speed Display Sign – Roxton Road

The Speed Indicator Device (SID) was moved from High Street, near the Willoughby Close/Pyms Close crossing, to Roxton Road close to where the old fixed speed camera was positioned. The SID was installed on Wednesday 29 July at 12:55 and left on site until Tuesday 09 October at 09:15. In the course of this time the batterySID ranUpdate flat three times, with short breaks in operation.

TheDuring Speed the Indicator early days Device on (SID) site, was road moved works from were High in Street, place on the A421 dual near the Willoughby Close/Pyms Close crossing, to Roxton Road closecarriageway, to where the and old fixedwe suffered speed camera diverted was trafficpositioned. using The the SID C44 Bedford Speed Display Sign – Roxton Road wasRoad/Roxton installed on Wednesday Road. This 29 erroneousJuly at 12:55 rerouting and left on was site correcteduntil to use the Tuesdaydesignated 09 October diversion at 09:15. along In the the course A603 of, thisbut time many the vehiclesbattery still took the short- ran flat three times, with short breaks in operation. The Speed Indicator Device (SID) was moved from Highcut through Street, thenear village. the Willoughby The data Close/Pymsdoes show this increased volume of traffic Close crossing, to Roxton Road close to where the Duringoldwith fixed aroundthe earlyspeed 160days camera vehicleson site, wasroad per workspositioned hour were at peakin. placeThe times. SIDon the However,A421 it must be was installed on Wednesday 29 July at 12:55 and leftdualremembered on carriageway, site until thatTuesday and there we suffered 09was October traffic diverted- lightat traffic 09:15. controlled usingIn roadthe C44 works outside the the course of this time the battery ran flat three times,Bedford with Road/Roxtonshort breaks Road. in operation. This erroneous rerouting was corrected tohousing use the designated development diversion site along on Roxton the A603, Road but many operating vehicles during this time. The stilltemporary took the short-cut lights had through the theeffect village. of interruptingThe data does flow, show andthis then allowing increased volume of traffic with around 160 vehicles per hour at During the early days on site, road works were in placepackets on the of A421 vehicles dual through. The combination of these two events has carriageway, and we suffered diverted traffic using thepeak C44 times. Bedford However, it must be remembered that there was traffic-light controlled road worksskewed outside the the normal housing data development profile, sitebut on it stillRoxton captures Road operating vehicle during count this and time. The Road/Roxton Road. This erroneous rerouting was correctedtemporaryindividual lightsto speeds. use had the the effect of interrupting flow, and then allowing packets of vehicles designated diversion along the A603, but many vehiclesthrough. still The took combination the short of- these two events has skewed the normal data profile, but it still captures vehicle count and individual speeds. cut through the village. The data does show this increasedData is volume presented of traffic in two sets; 29 July to 04 September and 04 September to 06 October. with around 160 vehicles per hour at peak times. However,Data is presented it must in be two sets; 29 July to 04 September and 04 September to 06 October. remembered that there was traffic-light controlled road works outside the RoxtonRoxton Road Road – 29 July – 29 to July04 September to 04 September housing development site on Roxton Road operating during this time. The temporary lights had the effect of interrupting flow, and then allowing packets of vehicles through. The combination of these two events has Going towards Roxton skewed the normal data profile, but it still captures vehicle count and individual speeds.

Data is presented in two sets; 29 July to 04 September and 04 September to 06 October.

29 July to 04 September Roxton Road – going towards Roxton going towards Bedford

SUMMARY Total Daily mph GoingMph towards Bedfordmph 30mph 35mph Over 36 days Count ADT Vmax Vavg 85th% Violation(%) Violation(%) Arriving Vehicle 38,708 1,075 79 28 31 18.8 3.1 Departing Vehicle 46,099 1,280 85 20 27 4.2 1.1

What you see is arriving traffic accelerating away from the lights towards Roxton, and departing traffic slowing down/stopping as it approaches the lights going towards Bedford, with the speed profile in going towards Roxton Winterthis directiongoing 2020 towards biased to Bedford be lower than 30mph. thebarfordbugle 31

SUMMARY Total Daily mph RoxtonMph Roadmph – 04 September30mph to 06 October35mph th Over 36 days Count ADT Vmax Vavg 85 % Violation(%) Violation(%) Arriving Vehicle 38,708 1,075 79 28 31 18.8 3.1 Departing Vehicle 46,099 1,280 85 20 27 4.2 1.1

What you see is arriving traffic accelerating away from the lights towards Roxton, and departing traffic slowing down/stopping as it approaches the lights going towards Bedford, with the speed profile in this direction biased to be lower than 30mph.

04 September to 06 October Roxton Road – going towards Roxton going towards Bedford

going towards Roxton going towards Bedford

Speed Display Sign – Roxton Road

The Speed Indicator Device (SID) was moved from High Street, near the Willoughby Close/Pyms Close crossing, to Roxton Road close to where the old fixed speed camera was positioned. The SID was installed on Wednesday 29 July at 12:55 and left on site until Tuesday 09 October at 09:15. In the course of this time the battery ran flat three times, with short breaks in operation.

During the early days on site, road works were in place on the A421 dual Speed Display Sign – Roxton Road carriageway, and we suffered diverted traffic using the C44 Bedford Road/Roxton Road. This erroneous rerouting was corrected to use the The Speed Indicator Device (SID) was moved from Highdesignated Street, diversion near the alongWilloughby the A603 Close/Pyms, but many vehicles still took the short- cut through the village. The data does show this increased volume of traffic Close crossing, to Roxton Road close to where the oldSpeed fixed Display speed Sign camera– Roxton Roadwas positioned. The SID was installed on Wednesday 29 July at 12:55 and leftwith on around site until 160 Tuesday vehicles 09 per October hour at at peak 09:15. times. In However, it must be the course of this time the battery ran flat three times,rememberedThe with Speed short Indicator breaks that Device there in (SID) operation. was was trafficmoved -fromlight High controlled Street, near road the Willoughby works outsideClose/Pyms the Close crossing, to Roxton Road close to where the old fixed speed camera was positioned. The SID housingwas installed development on Wednesday 29 site July on at 12:55Roxton and leftRoad on site operating until Tuesday during 09 October this at time. 09:15. TheIn During the early days on site, road works were in placetemporarythe course on the of thisA421lights time dualhadthe battery the effectran flat three of interrupting times, with short flow, breaks and in operation. then allowing carriageway, and we suffered diverted traffic using thepackets C44 Bedfordof vehicles through. The combination of these two events has During the early days on site, road works were in place on the A421 dual Road/Roxton Road. This erroneous rerouting was correctedskewedcarriageway, theto and use normal we thesuffered data diverted profile, traffic but using it thestill C44 captures Bedford vehicle count and designated diversion along the A603, but many vehiclesindividualRoad/Roxton still took speeds.Road. the This short erroneous- rerouting was corrected to use the designated diversion along the A603, but many vehicles still took the short- cut through the village. The data does show this increasedcut through volume the village. of Ttraffiche data does show this increased volume of traffic with around 160 vehicles per hour at peak times. However,Datawith around is preseit 160must vehiclesnted be inper two hour sets;at peak 29 times. July However, to 04 itSeptember must be and 04 September to 06 October. remembered that there was traffic-light controlled road remembered works outsidethat there wasthe traffic -light controlled road works outside the housing development site on Roxton Road operating during this time. The housing development site on Roxton Road operatingRoxtontemporary during lightsRoadthis hadtime. – the 29 Theeffect July of tointerrupting 04 September flow, and then allowing temporary lights had the effect of interrupting flow, and packets then of vehiclesallowing through. The combination of these two events has skewed the normal data profile, but it still captures vehicle count and packets of vehicles through. The combination of theseindividual two eventspeeds.s has skewed the normal data profile, but it still captures vehicle count and individual speeds. Data is presented in two sets; 29 July to 04 September and 04 September to 06 October.

Roxton Road – 29 July to 04 September Data is presented in two sets; 29 July to 04 September and 04 September to 06 October.

Roxton Road – 29 July to 04 September going towards Roxton going towards Bedford

SUMMARY TotalSID UpdateDaily mph Mph mph 30mph 35mph th Overgoing towards36 days Roxton Count ADT goingVmax towards BedfordVavg 85 % Violation(%) Violation(%) Arriving Vehicle 38,708 1,075 79 28 31 18.8 3.1 SUMMARY Total Daily mph Mph mph 30mph 35mph th DepartingOver 36 days VehicleCount 46,099ADT Vmax1, 280Vavg 8585 % Violation(%)20 Violation(%)27 4.2 1.1 Arriving Vehicle 38,708 1,075 79 28 31 18.8 3.1 Departing Vehicle 46,099 1,280 85 20 27 4.2 1.1 What you see is arriving traffic accelerating away from the lights towards Roxton, and departing traffic slowingWhat youyou seedownsee is is arriving arriving/stopping traffic traffic accelerating as accelerating it approaches away away from from the the lights the lights lights towards going towards Roxton, towards Roxton, and departing andBedford departing traffic, with the speed profile in going towards Roxton trafficslowing going slowingdown/stopping towardsdown/stopping as it approaches Bedford as it approaches the lights going the lights towards going Bedford towards, with Bedford,the speed withprofile the in speed thisprofile direction in this direction biased biased to be to lowerbe lower than than 30mph.30mph. this direction biased to be lower than 30mph.

SUMMARY Total Daily mph Mph mph 30mph 35mph RoxtonRoxtonRoxton Road Road Road – – 04 04 September– thSeptember 04 September to 06to October06 October to 06 October Over 36 days Count ADT Vmax Vavg 85 % Violation(%) Violation(%)

Arriving Vehicle 38,708 1,075 79 28 31 18.8 3.1 Going towards Roxton Departing Vehicle 46,099 1,280 85 20 27 4.2 1.1

What you see is arriving traffic accelerating away from the lights towards Roxton, and departing traffic slowing down/stopping as it approaches the lights going towards Bedford, with the speed profile in this direction biased to be lower than 30mph. going towards Roxton going towards Bedford

Roxton Road – 04 September to 06 October going towards Roxton going towards Bedford Going towards Bedford

going towards Roxton going towards Bedford SUMMARY Total Daily mph Mph mph 30mph 35mph Over 28.75 days Count ADT Vmax Vavg 85th% Violation(%) Violation(%) Arriving Vehicle 38,022 1,324 76 28 31 15.4 3.5 Departing Vehicle 39,336 1,370 102 27 30 12.1 3.0

HereHere is isthe the more more normalnormal flow flow profile profile without without diverted diverted traffic and traffic no temporary and no traffictemporary lights. traffic lights.

TheThe A428 A428 closureclosure overnight overnight and andweekends weekends did increase did increasetraffic coming traffic from thecoming Bedford from/ the Bedford/ Renholdinterchange interchange,, with peaks with during peaks the closureduring hoursthe closure showing hours up to showinga four-fold up increase to a four-fold on normal increase levels. on normalThis is levels. seen up This to theis seen weekend up to of the8/9 August.weekend The of increase 8/9 August. in traffic The coming increase from thein traffic Black Cat coming would from theappear Black lessCat significant, would appear but still less increased significant, for about but 10 stilldays increased from Monday for 17about August 10. days from Monday 17 August. You should also bear in mind that the early data was from a time when a lot of people were still 32furloughed, thebarford so thebugle number of vehicle movements may not represent the profile expected Winter under non 2020- Covid-19 conditions.

The second data set is back to more normal activity, and clearly shows increases in late afternoon flow from the Bedford direction, with large increases on Friday afternoons.

As with all vehicle speed records, we have captured a few rouge instances of extreme speeding, even when the temporary lights were in operation. But 102mph entering the village is outrageous – the raw data shows a rapid deceleration, but the SID location was well within the 30mph zone.

Rouge values aside, the averages and 85th percentile indicate the vast majority of vehicles abiding by the speed limit, with only around 3% being prosecutable.

SID Update

You should also bear in mind that the early data was from a time when a lot of people were still furloughed, so the number of vehicle movements may not represent the profile expected under non-Covid-19 conditions.

The second data set is back to more normal activity, and clearly shows increases in late afternoon flow from the Bedford direction, with large increases on Friday afternoons.

As with all vehicle speed records, we have captured a few rouge instances of extreme speeding, even when the temporary lights were in operation. But 102mph entering the village is outrageous – the raw data shows a rapid deceleration, but the SID location was well within the 30mph zone.

Rouge values aside, the averages and 85th percentile indicate the vast majority of vehicles abiding by the speed limit, with only around 3% being prosecutable.


Where am I ?



Crest on All Saints Church Wall Church Saints All on Crest C.

Village Sign at Cross Roads Cross at Sign Village

Festival of Britain Plaque - Plaque Britain of Festival B.

Silver Jubilee Stone - The Pound The - Stone Jubilee Silver A.

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 33 around GREAT BARFORD

34 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 35 GREAT BARFORD PARISH COUNCIL would like to give a big thank you to:

All our VOLUNTEER Allan Payne LITTER for compiling PICKERS the who help keep Bugle Quiz our village every edition clean and tidy

Our local All the Great Barford residents for all handyman / their support over grass cutter this difficult year

36 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 BYGONE DAYS A WALK THOUGH HISTORY IN PHOTOS

The Old Barfordians Pre-1950 Assoc. is pleased to announce the publication of this supplement to their earlier book Great Barford - Bygone Days, with an assembled collection of more than 200 photos depicting mid 20th century life in the village.

. The new book can be purchased from The Post BYGONE Office Store in A WALK THROUGH HISTORYDAYS IN PHOTOS the High Street or Southall’s Butchers at Home Farm, Bedford Road.

The RRP is £8.00 Old Barfordian Pre -1950’s Association

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 37 Great Barford Village

For Bookings and to check availability: Great Barford Village Hall Website: For Bookings and to check availability: please call: Tel: 07974 816880 Alternatively please call: Tel: 07974 816880 Great Barford boasts a superb modern village hall catering for up to 160 guests with ample free parking. The hall is located at the far end of the village in Fishers Close and Great Barford boasts a superb modern village hall catering for up to 160 guests with ample free is the ideal venue for weddings, business meetings, anniversaries and private parties. parking. The hall is located at the far end of the village in Fishers Close and is the ideal venue for weddings,Our well businessstocked barmeetings, and enthusiastic anniversaries bar andstaff private offer parties.a warm welcome, great service and competitive prices, the bar is open every Friday evening for villages and their Our well stocked bar and enthusiastic bar staff offer a warm welcome, great service and competitiveguests prices,to sample the our bar hospitality. is open every Friday evening for villagers and their guests to sample our hospitality. If you are interested in making a private booking or checking availability for a regular If you groupare interested we would in love making to hear a private from bookingyou using or either checking of the availability two contact for aopportunities regular group we wouldabove love toand hear we can from always you arrangeusing either a viewing of the and two answer contact any questionsopportunities you might above have. and we can always arrange a viewing and answer any questions you might have.

Follow us on Facebook, for up to date information Follow us on Facebook, for up to date inform

Great Barford Village Hall Association, Fishers Close, Great Barford, Bedfordshire MK44 3HA. Great Barford Village Hall Association, Fishers Close, Great Barford, Bedfordshire MK44 3HA. AA Registered Registered CharityCharity NumberNumber 300035

28 thebarfordbugle Autumn 2019 38 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020

Gt Barford Bugle - Autumn 19 THIS ONE.indd 28 30/08/2019 14:01 GREAT BARFORD PARISH COUNCIL are currently seeking J BB PlasteringPlastering K.E. JONES Your Local Reliable Plasterer SELFPLUMBING EMPLOYED & HEATING Your Local Reliable Plasterer Yourwith Local Over Reliable 10 Years Plasterer Experience HANDY PERSONS Wwithith OverOver 10 10 Years Years Experience Experience

All Aspects of Plastering, No Job Too Small for any upcoming work during the

Contact Me For A Free Quote TEL.summer 01234 period 870869in 2020. All aspectsEmail - [email protected] Plastering, All aspects ofTel Plastering, - 07713724610 No No JobJob TooToo SmallSmall If you have public liability insurance Facebook @boltplastering and would like to be considered for

ContactContact MeMe ForFor AA FreeFree QuoteQuote any handy person jobs please contact Great BarfordMOBILE Parish Council on LIBRARY EmailEmail -- [email protected] J B Plastering T. 01234 870245 Tel Tel -- 0771372461007713724610 FortnightlyE. [email protected] every Monday Your Local Reliable Plasterer FacebookFacebookWith @boltplastering@boltplastering Over 10 Years Experience For mobile times check All Aspects of Plastering, No Job Too Small with Library Contact Me For A Free Quote Email - [email protected] Tel - 07713724610 Facebook @boltplastering GREAT BARFORD PARISH COUNCIL are currently looking for a HANDY PERSON for the village

Hourly rates to be agreed

If you are self employed and have public liability insurance and would like to be considered for this flexible vacancy please contact:

Great Barford Parish Council on

T. 01234 870245 E. [email protected]

Spring 2020 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 the barfordbugle 39 23 Remembrance Day

Like many things this year, Remembrance Day was a little different. Because of Coronavirus restrictions, there was no mass gathering, and no parade along the High Street. To mark this important occasion, a simple Wreath Laying Service took place with just one representative from each organisation permitted to a lay their wreath at an allotted time.

The memorial stone looked resplendent decked in poppies, watched over by the silhouette soldier.

Remembrance Sunday services are traditionally part of communal worship in the church. Under the Covid-19 rules, places of worship were not permitted to open for communal worship. However, Reverend Graham Buckle was able to conduct a shortened service, in the open at the Garden of Remembrance, during which he read out the names of the fallen.

40 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020

Land of Hope and Glory and Hope of Land 12.

Luton Airport! Luton 11.

Royal Navy Royal 10.

Essex 9.

John Humphrys John 8.

Red Rum Red 7.

Romeo and Juliet and Romeo 6.

1987 5.

Wind speed Wind 4.

The losing team's ribbon team's losing The 3.


Jesus Wept Jesus 2.

Portugal 1. answers

Hi, I’m Jen, and I’m the consultantHi, I’m Jen, andfor I’mthe the Great consultant Barford for the Slimming Great Barford World Slimming group at your fantastic Village Hall. After a lifetimeWorld of group being at your overweight fantastic Village I found Hall. Afterthe solutiona lifetime of and being lost 3 ½ stone, and it has lasted. Slimming Worldoverweight has I foundtransformed the solution my and lostlife. 3 I ½ would stone, and love it has to lasted. help you as Slimming Slimming World has transformed my life. I would love to help you as WorldSlimming has World helped has help me.ed me.

We are back in the village hall on Thursday evenings –However We are back in the village hall on Thursday evenings –However PRE-BOOKINGPRE-BOOKING IS IS A A MUSTMUST All the same great support and friendship in group, BUT within social All the same great support and friendshipdistancing in group, guidelines. BUT within social distancing guidelines. Please call me in advance to find out more and book your time slot.

Please call me in Meetingadvance THURSDAY to find EVENING out moreS – appointment and book only your time slot.

CONSULTANT - JEN - 07770938583 Meeting THURSDAY EVENINGS – appointment only A warm and friendly welcome awaits you CONSULTANT - JEN - 07770 938583 A warm and friendly welcome awaits you

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 41 Local GP's Surgery & Walk-In Centres

THE SURGERY OPENING HOURS: 16 Silver Street Monday to Friday Great Barford 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 18:00 MK44 3HX Telephone Monday to Friday 01234 870 325 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 18:30 Please contact the local surgery 0845 8500734 Out of Hours for Christmas Opening Times

St Neots Non Registered Patients Health Centre Opening Hours 24 Moores Walk (outside these hours, patients are advised to contact their own registered GP) PE19 1AG Monday to Friday 08:00 - 09:00 & 18:00 - 20:00 01480 219 317 Saturday & Sunday 09:00 - 16:00

Putnoe Opening Hours: Medical Centre Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 2:00pm 93 Queens Drive Sat, Sun & Bank Holidays: Putnoe 8:00 – 5:00pm Bedford MK41 9LE 7 days a week 365 days a year 01234 319992

To advertise in the Barford Bugle please contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected]

Prices for advertising in the Barford Bugle for four consecutive editions are:

Back Cover: Inside: Inside: Single Space £40.00 Single Space £35.00 Half Page £95.00 Double Space £75.00 Double Space £60.00 Full Page: £150.00


42 thebarfordbugle Winter 2020 Reporting Faults

If you see a fault or problem in Great Barford that is the responsibility of Bedford Borough Council please report it using the contacts below:

Roads, footpaths, street light and general highway problems including signage, report to the Highways Helpdesk:

01234 718 003 [email protected]

Environmental concerns such as dog bins, street cleaning, flytipping, waste collection and graffiti contact:

01234 718 060 [email protected]

For any other issues please Dog Warden contact: contact the Borough Council and 01234 718 009 they will advise you as to which department can help. [email protected] 01234 267 422

The Borough Council website provides very useful information on the specific services of the Borough Council and contact details:

If you see a faulty streetlight with a If you are not sure who is responsible PC number please report it to the or if you need help or advice with Parish Clerk. reporting items please contact the Parish Clerk on: For any faults or issues with the graveyard, village green, playing 01234 870245 or field, jubilee play area, allotments or [email protected] areas of open space please contact the Parish Clerk.

Winter 2020 thebarfordbugle 43 The Bobby Scheme Can the Bobby Scheme help you?

The Bobby Scheme is a local charity that provides a free service to over 65s and the vulnerable by improving their home security to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The Bobby Scheme The Bobby men are trainedCan the Bobbylock Scheme fi tters help you?and crime prevention advisers who off er The Bobby Scheme is a local charity that provides a free service to over 65s advice, reassuranceand the vulnerable and by improving fi t their a home range security to reduce of crimesecurity and the devices to make people feel fear of crime. safer in their ownThe Bobby home. men are trained lock fi tters and crime prevention advisers who off er advice, reassurance and fi t a range of security devices to make people feel safer in their own home.

The Bobby SchemeThe Bobby Schemehas hasbeen been running running since 1997 andsince has improved 1997 or enhanced and has improved or enhanced the security ofthe over security of20,000 over 20,000 homes homes across Bedfordshire. across Bedfordshire. If you would likePUBLIC a visit from SPACES the Bobby PROTECTION Scheme ORDERS (PSPO) or know someone who would benefi t

Bedfordplease Borough call 01234-842619 Council aims to promote responsible dog ownership, and offer advice and guidance around keeping dogs If you wouldor visit likeour website a visitat from the Bobby Scheme www.bedspolicepartnership.orgas pets. However, we still see issues with some dog walkers not clearing up afteror their know dog, or someonebagging dog waste who only to would leave it benefi t THE BOBBY SCHEME in inappropriate places like bushes, or other places, instead of a bin. This is an offence under theplease Public Spaces call Protection01234-842619 Orders. Can the Bobby Scheme help you? Under Section 59 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 - Public Spaces Protection Order - Dog Control for The Bobby Scheme is a local charity fouling is Borough wide on public or publicor accessed visit land. our A Fixed website at that provides a free service to over Notice (FPN) of £75 can be issued to persons who fail to 65s and the vulnerable by improving remove their dog’s fouling. their home security to reduce crime They could also be issued with an FPN for littering (£100) under and the fear of crime. The Bobby Section 87 Environmental Protection Act 1990 as well, when they men are trained lockQuality fitters made and crime to measuredeposit the blinds bag of fouling on a tree/bush. prevention advisers• Verticals, who Venetians,offer Romans,advice, Rollers & Perfect Fit reassurance and fit• Free a rangeMeasuring of Service, security Free Fitting TheCall Borough Council encourages responsible dog ownership, and us now devices to make people• Top Brands feel at Competitive safer Pricesin wantsfor a free, to reduce complaints for dog issues such as dog fouling. no obligation their own home. •The Let the Bobby Showroom Scheme come to you quotation!This allows the public, and especially children, access to dog-free has been running • sinceJoin the Empire1997 ofand Happy Customers!has or dog-controlled areas intended for recreational purposes to improve health and well-being, making the Borough a safe and improved or enhanced the security of 01234enjoyable 347110 place to live. over 20,000 homes across Bedfordshire. [email protected] The Borough Council intends to reduce and If you would like a visit from the Bobby tackle issues relating to dogs running loose Scheme or know someone who would and causing a nuisance to others, and also benefit please call. to reduce the potential health implications associated with dog faeces. 01234-842619 or visit our website at Dog Poo – Bag it AND Bin it, you know it makes sense.

QualityQuality made made to to measure measure blinds blinds • Verticals, Venetians, Romans, Rollers & Perfect Fit • Free Measuring Service, Free Fitting Call us now • Top Brands at Competitive Prices for a free, no obligation • Let the Showroom come to you quotation! • Join the Empire of Happy Customers! 01234 347110 [email protected]