May 2016 Volume 16 Issue 69 Facebook: Councillor Paul Ainslie Twitter: @cllrainslie Twitter: @Ainslie_ward43 Facebook: Paul Ainslie Instagram: paulainslie Dear Ward 43 Residents, The weather has finally started to feel like Spring bringing with it a lots of community events in Ward43! Check out the events listed in the section of this report, and support all of our community organizations who work hard to build better neighbourhoods! I would like to remind pedestrians, motorists and cyclists to take extra care, especially when travelling in residential neighbourhoods. It's critical to be aware of your surroundings at all times....road safety is everyone's responsibility. The City’s Transportation Department is distributing yellow “Please Slow Down” safety lawn signs through my Constituency Office. These signs are meant to encourage all motorists to drive safely as they travel in our neighbourhoods. If you would like a "Please Slow Down" lawn sign they are available at my constituency office. If you will be picking one up please call 416-396- 7222 or e-mail
[email protected]. On May 4, 2016 during Toronto City Council my amendment to remove the need for non-profit and community groups to register with Lobbyist Registrar was adopted. This is very good news as it would have caused undue distress to community groups and non-profits when working with their City Councillor on any issue. I am thankful for all your support! To view the item please see section 8 of this report. Please also view the section on Sir Robert Borden CI School in Section 10.