Trivent Publishing © The Authors, 2015 Available online at Philosophy, Communication, Media sciences Series Volume Saint Gerard of Cenad: Tradition and Innovation The Bollandists’ Life of Saint Gerard Boris Stojkovski University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History Novi Sad, Serbia,
[email protected] Abstract In this paper I will provide some commentaries on the structure of the Bollandists’ “Life of Saint Gerard,” which can be found in the sixth volume of the Acta Sanctorum Septembris. The Life itself consists of four parts: a sort of preface, i.e. a historical commentary, a chronology of the most important events in the life of Saint Gerard and Vita, which is, in fact, a version of the well-known Legenda minor, and some appendices. The foreword is of the most scholarly value because it lists many interesting older works used by the Bollandist writer. Keywords Saint Gerard of Cenad; Acta Sanctorum; Bollandists; Legenda minor; hagiography This paper presents parts of the findings from research for the project Vojvodina In The Context Of European History- Војвођански простор у контексту европске историје (no. 177002), financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia. This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY- NC-ND 4.0) license, which permits others to copy or share the article, provided original work is properly cited and that this is not done for commercial purposes. Users may not remix, transform, or build upon the material and may not distribute the modified material ( B.