A Report by The Civilitas Foundation , THE CIVILITAS FOUNDATION ARMENIA IN 2010


Copyright 2010 by the Civilitas Foundation All Rights Reserved Printed in Armenia

The Civilitas Foundation One Northern Avenue, Suite 30 Yerevan, Armenia [email protected]

UDC 323 (479.25): 338 (479.25)

Armenia in 2010. A Year of Uncertainty / The Civilitas Foundation Yerevan, Civilitas Foundation, 2010

52 p., 21 x 29.7cm

ISBN 978-99941-2-503-6

1. Armenia - History - 1991. 2. Armenia - Yearbooks. 3. Armenia - Economics.

This publication has been made possible by support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.

The views expressed herein are those of the Civilitas Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ARMENIA IN 2010 THE CIVILITAS FOUNDATION


PREFACE...... 4







This Report was launched three • What should the educational system offer in order to nurture identity and years ago to fill a gap – the missing also transform a small nation into a Armenian perspective to the body competitive global participant? of analysis about Armenia and the • What is the acceptable tradeoff between individual liberties and the collective region offered by the international good?

community. • How far is Armenian society willing to go These end-of-year reflections are intended to help to protect the most vulnerable? grasp past and events, and serve as tools to • How to wisely and genuinely disentangle shape the future. from business interests?

2010 marked the culmination of nearly two decades • How to introduce liberal, open, of Armenia’s independence. Perhaps for that government supports for deep, reason, given independent Armenia’s level of social, sustainable, broad-reaching economic economic and political development, the reactions growth? and assessments in this report are more severe. • What price is Armenia willing to pay to The year 2011 will mark the beginning of the third protect the environment, for healthy, decade of independent statehood. This will compel ecological and economic benefit? us to examine the causes for what most indexes and • How to enable true publicly accessible ratings consider inadequate external economic and quality health care? political competitiveness and insufficient internal social and democratic transformation. • How to instill trust and hope in the justice system? Successive governments have offered neither credible big-picture visions nor genuine short-term • How to secure the integrity of soldiers implementable solutions in response to citizens’ as individuals and the armed forces as an visible and understandable dissatisfaction. Nor institution? have the drivers of – media and non- • How to achieve essential Armenia- governmental organizations -- demonstrated the Diaspora cooperation? readiness, judjment and wisdom to ask and debate the profound questions. In each of the significant areas of people’s daily lives, what should be the objectives? The answer These are some of the urgent questions to be asked: should be the affirmation found in the Armenian • What are Armenia’s necessary security Constitution: to turn Armenia into a sovereign, requirements? democratic, social state governed by rule of law. • How to revamp Armenia’s domestic Anniversaries offer the benefit of hindsight and at political system to make it healthy and the same time, inevitably intensify expectations. inclusive? Armenia’s 20th year to come will be no exception.



This publication is intended to be As for the Karabakh negotiation process, in 2010, it entered a phase of uncertainty, unpredictability and an annual overview of the politi- danger. cal and economic situation in Ar- Internally, Armenian society saw a growing tension menia, as well as those global and between personal freedoms taken for granted, and regional developments that affect an expectation of greater civic freedoms. The result was a growing number of home-grown citizen this country and the region. in an otherwise politically unremarkable year. The middle class searched for prosperity We had described 2009 as the year and well-being in an economically and politically of promise and reality. It was a year unpredictable and non-transparent environment. As a result, instead of middle class contentment that promised far more than it nurturing a country of optimists, middle class delivered as borne out by regional, discontent fed a growing legion of pessimists. domestic and political realities. This was further aggravated by a recognition that institutions both in the economic and public sphere – from schools to police to tax collectors – appeared In Armenia in 2010, glaring catastrophes or evident to be structurally unchanging, and therefore achievements were absent even as the economic perhaps unchangeable. Both the international and political troubles continued to take a real toll. community and the country’s own citizens began to That this sort of standstill was itself an obstacle to view this not as a very long wave of uncertainty, but economic and political progress became obvious a permanent state of capitulation. given the steps that were not taken. Economically, the government utilized all available In 2010, the region’s internal uncertainties were fiscal and monetary options to dig its way out of compounded by global uncertainties vis-à-vis the economic crisis. It succeeded to the extent the region. Whether as a result of the US- that it prevented financial circumstances from resetting of the previous year, or a series of choices deteriorating further. But in 2010, the government forcibly or voluntarily made, the inclusion of the could not or would not tackle politically sensitive in the Russian sphere of influence became reforms. As a consequence, the lack of diversity more pronounced. and competitiveness, as well as interdependence of businessmen and government officials remained the There was no improvement in Armenia’s relations fundamental impediments to economic growth. with its eastern and western neighbors. When Armenia- protocols were frozen, so were Indeed, in 2010, there were fundamental structural official Ankara-Yerevan relations. This ended up impediments to growth all around – politically, disappointing the optimists, baffling the mediators economically and socially. So, the year ended as it and vindicating the critics. began – with personal and national uncertainty.



Neither the ‘reset’ in the US-Russia For Russia, 2010 meant a consolidation of its position in the entire former Soviet space, not just relationship nor the policy of Zero the South Caucasus. Problems with Neighbors in Turkey With the victory of the acceptable-to-Russia Viktor transformed the environment for Yanukovych in the presidential elections in Ukraine, Armenia or the South Caucasus. the forced resignation of Kyrgyzstan’s Kurmanbek Bakiyev from the presidency and his departure from Abkhazia and South Ossetia re- the country, and its contemptuous posture toward mained a source of tension between Georgia’s Mikheil Saakashvili, Russia demonstrated that the Color Revolutions favored by the West had Georgia and Russia, the Nagorno failed. Karabakh resolution process did In the South Caucasus, too, Russia took on a more not move even a small step forward, confident and assertive presence. With Tbilisi, and the Turkey-Armenia border Russia simply took a wait-and-see approach until the next Georgian elections. But it was different remained closed. with Armenia and Azerbaijan.

In Armenia, the Russian presence was accentuated by the Kremlin extending the presence of a Russian military base in Gyumri from 25 to 49 years. Russia had also signed 49-year basing agreements with Abkhazia in February and South Ossetia in April. In addition, the Russian role in Armenia’s economic and regional agenda was expanded. The two presidents met nine times during the year – an unprecedented frequency and one that left its mark, both practically – in the domestic sphere as well – and symbolically.

Azerbaijan, too, tilted ever-more northward. There was a dramatic increase in the volume of gas sales by Azerbaijan to Russia, and prospects for the construction of the European Union-favored Nabucco pipeline appeared less hopeful.

Turkey-Russia relations improved. When Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited Ankara in May, numerous agreements were signed, including the elimination of the visa regime between the two



countries. Russia and Turkey have also drafted an Even as Turkey removed Armenia, Iran and Syria intergovernmental agreement for the projected oil from its official list of countries viewed as threats, it pipeline that is to cross from the northern Turkish added Israel to the list, thus further fueling the year’s city of Samsun, near the Black Sea, to the southern question – Was Turkey tilting from West to East? port of Çeyhan. This structure will enable Moscow to supply the oil pipeline with 25 million tons Despite its new assertiveness in the Middle East, of crude oil per year, and up to three times that Turkey’s pronouncements indicated that it remains amount in the future. committed to its decades-old goal of achieving full European Union membership. In fact, it rejected proposals made earlier this year by France and In Armenia, the Russian presence was Germany for a Privileged Partnership with the EU, accentuated by the Kremlin extending something less than full membership. Nevertheless, the presence of a Russian military by year’s end, the repeated delays in the process had hit a new low. For the first time, no new negotiating base in Gyumri from 25 to 49 years chapters had been opened during an entire six month EU presidency period due to lack of progress on other matters. For Turkey, 2010 was a year that saw its increased engagement in the region and beyond, Apprehensive and resentful at the prospect of being in accordance with its aspiration to the role of sacrificed on the “reset” altar,Georgia sought to regional power. Turkey’s return to the Near and further strengthen its established cooperation with Middle East, which many have described as Neo- Turkey, and to take its relations with Iran to a new Ottomanism, recalling Turkey’s multicultural and level. imperial past, was heralded as an attempt to fix old mistakes in the region. On the one hand, Turkey The acute tensions in Georgian-Russian was able to achieve a qualitatively new level of relations resulting from the August 2008 war, relations with immediate neighbors and former the subsequent formal recognition by Moscow adversaries Greece, Syria, Iraq, and Iran; on the of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent other hand, Turkey did not manage to straighten sovereign states, and Georgia’s severing of out the three main political challenges facing it – in diplomatic relations in retaliation persisted Cyprus, in its own eastern and southeastern regions in 2010. Georgia continued to block Russia’s with the Kurdish population, and with Armenia. application for membership of the World Trade Organization; repeatedly reaffirmed its The absence of success in these three critical areas determination to join NATO and the European undermined its policy of “Zero Problems with Union, and its right to re-arm (despite US Neighbors.” Moreover, although Turkey is perceived reluctance to supply the desired weaponry.) most favorably in the Arab world, due to its very vocal and public condemnation of Israel’s treatment Further, it embarked on a new strategy of seeking to of Palestinians, Ankara’s role in the resolution of the drive a wedge between Moscow and the population most entrenched problem of the Middle East, the of the North Caucasus. The Georgian authorities Palestinian-Israeli conflict, decreased significantly. began Internet television broadcasting in Russian to



the North Caucasus with the stated aim of providing only. Earlier in the year, the first direct flight since an alternative source of news about developments the August 2008 War between Moscow and Tbilisi in the region. Georgia hosted academic conferences was reinstated. in Tbilisi on the killings and expulsions of the Circassians from their homeland by Tsarist Russian forces in 1864. Tbilisi further antagonized Moscow Turkey did not manage to straighten by unilaterally exempting residents of the North out the three main political Caucasus republics from the need to acquire entry challenges facing it – in Cyprus, in visas for visits to Georgia of up to 90 days. In the its own eastern and southeastern wake of that decision, Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov joined the chorus of Russian regions with the Kurdish population, officials accusing Georgia of providing covert support and with Armenia for the North Caucasus Islamic insurgency.

In late November, the Georgian parliament began Meanwhile, tensions have arisen in Russia’s relations preparing for an international media campaign with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Abkhaz arguing that Russia does not have the “moral leadership is under pressure from Moscow to right” to host the 2014 Winter Olympics so near agree to restore property belonging to persons the site of killings in Abkhazia – even though in who fled Abkhazia during the 1992-1993 war and 2007 President Saakashvili hailed the Olympic subsequently acquired Russian citizenship; the Committee’s choice of Sochi as the venue for the Abkhaz opposition is resisting such concessions. 2014 winter games. In South Ossetia, Moscow is seeking to put a stop to the ongoing embezzlement of billions of rubles Saakashvili himself, as well as senior Georgian officials, Russia allocated for post-conflict reconstruction. repeatedly professed their readiness to embark at any time on talks without preconditions on those Georgia’s relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey (its issues that constitute the fundamentals of bilateral biggest trade partner, with bilateral annual trade relations, namely the withdrawal of Russian forces totaling around $1 billion) are ruled by economic from Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the restoration pragmatism, as reflected in the resumption in May of Georgia’s territorial integrity. The Kremlin ruled out of construction work on the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars any relations with Tbilisi so long as Mikheil Saakashvili rail link (suspended in December 2009) and the is in power in Georgia. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin trilateral agreements signed between Georgia, has, on several occasions, received members of the Azerbaijan and Romania in April and September on Georgian opposition in Moscow. the transport of Azerbaijani natural gas to Europe. Turkish economic presence in the Adjarian region After remaining closed for several years because of Georgia continues to grow. of “renovations,” the Georgian-Russian border checkpoint at Kazbegi-Upper Lars was opened mid- Georgia also launched an overture to Iran in May, just year – not without mediation by , who weeks after President Saakashvili felt the US snubbed after all, are as dependent on that access to Russia, as him by not scheduling a one-on-one meeting between are the Georgians. The crossing is for freight traffic him and President Barack Obama on the sidelines



of the nuclear security summit in Washington. From partnership and mutual assistance. One month later, the outset, Georgian officials argued that the desire Aliyev visited Ankara where he and Turkish Prime for closer ties with Tehran should not be construed as Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed on the detracting from, or directed against, Georgia’s strategic formation of a Council for Strategic Partnership. alliance with Washington, given that the primary In November, the Azerbaijani government signed focus is economic cooperation and trade. A bilateral an agreement with a Turkish company on the joint agreement was signed in November on visa-free travel, production of 107mm and 122mm rockets. the opening of an Iranian consulate in Batumi, and the start of direct flights between Tbilisi and Tehran. However, Azerbaijan has not reciprocated the unilateral abolition by Ankara last year of the Azerbaijan, encouraged by the freezing of the Turkish visa requirement for Azerbaijanis wishing to visit rapprochement process with Armenia, appeared Turkey nor Iran’s lifting of the visa requirement for increasingly to prioritize cooperation with Turkey and Azerbaijanis visiting Iran for up to two weeks. Iran over its strained relations with Washington. Azerbaijan does not technically have a strategic alliance with Russia, such as the one that exists Apprehensive and resentful at the between Russia and Armenia, nevertheless prospect of being sacrificed on the Azerbaijani-Russian relations continued to maximize “reset” altar, Georgia sought to the existing potential for mutually beneficial cooperation. Russian President Medvedev visited further strengthen its established Baku in September, signing an agreement on the cooperation with Turkey, and to take formal delimitation of the border between the two its relations with Iran to a new level countries that some analysts claim is detrimental to their republic’s interests. Also signed during Medvedev’s visit was a further agreement – the third Within days of the suspension of the protocol in one year – on purchases by Russia’s Gazprom of process, the Turkish prime minister and foreign Azerbaijani natural gas. The volume of sales thus minister publicly reaffirmed Turkey’s obligations rose from 500 million cubic meters annually in 2009 under the 1921 to protect to one billion cubic meters in 2010 and two billion Azerbaijan’s Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in 2011, with no ceiling set for further purchases. from “threats” posed by Armenia. In addition, there have been recurring rumors, not denied by either side, about the sale to Azerbaijan of Turkey and Azerbaijan finally signed a long-awaited the Russian S-300 air-defense system. agreement paving the way for negotiations on the export via Turkey to Europe of gas from the second The course of Azerbaijani-Iranian relations reflects stage (provisionally scheduled for 2016-2017) of Washington’s dwindling influence on Baku on exploitation of Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz field. the one hand, and the potential advantages for Azerbaijan of capitalizing on increasingly close During a visit to Baku in mid-August, Turkish Turkish-Iranian ties, on the other. While Azerbaijan President Abdullah Gül and Azerbaijani President is bound by the UN General Assembly’s Resolution Ilham Aliyev signed a declaration on strategic 1929, it is apparently reluctant to compromise



commercial ties with Iran by complying with the U-turn. It did stay and complete the construction of additional sanctions on Iran imposed by the US and Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant. the European Union.

Azerbaijani officials blamed Iran for flooding caused ARMENIA – IRAN by problems with a dam at their border. Iran reacted Armenia and Iran enjoy healthy political relations. to several incidents involving the destruction or Although within international organizations near-destruction of mosques in Azerbaijan. One Iran votes favoring Azerbaijan’s position on the was torn down following a ruling issued by a Baku Karabakh conflict, in the bilateral and regional Economic Court. In the case of another, the State context, Iran has succeeded in remaining Oil Company of Azerbaijan said the destruction balanced and neutral regarding both Armenia and was necessary for technical reasons. But in May, Azerbaijan. In turn, despite international political Iran’s religious leadership threatened to issue a an and economic pressures, Armenia has resisted steps appropriate fatwa if the destruction did not end. which Iran would perceive as going counter to its Iran continued to remain involved in regional national interest. Such reciprocal consideration, in processes, despite the international policy of what is otherwise an uncertain environment, has economically isolating the Islamic Republic. placed the bilateral political agenda on firm ground In late November, plans were announced for a and made prospects for maintaining and growing economic relations possible. summit of the Iranian, Turkish and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in Tehran, to discuss trilateral cooperation, including the possible creation of The course of Azerbaijani-Iranian an economic zone on the borders of Turkey, Iran relations reflects Washington’s and Nakhichevan. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had earlier held a trilateral meeting dwindling influence on Baku on with Turkey’s Prime Minister and Brazil’s President the one hand, and the potential Lula da Silva in Tehran. advantages for Azerbaijan of Tehran has also been able to maintain good relations capitalizing on increasingly close with its immediate neighbors, Afghanistan and Iraq, Turkish-Iranian ties, on the other and has influenced internal developments there.

As for Iranian-Russian relations, it appears that In recent years, Iran and Armenia completed two Washington has succeeded in securing a more significant energy projects together as part of a gas- neutral Russian position towards Iran, perhaps in for-electricity deal: the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline return for an acceptance of the enhanced Russian was completed in 2007, and 220 kW high voltage role in the Caucasus. Moscow went along with the electricity lines were constructed. This year, the new international sanctions and constraints against energy ministers of the two countries met at the Iran in the summer of 2010, and at the same time Hrazdan Thermal Power Station, about 50 km (31 reversed its previous decision to sell Iran several miles) north of Yerevan, where they participated in S-300 missile systems. But it did not do a complete the official groundbreaking for a third high voltage



line, this one with a 400 kW capacity, to extend 275 Yerevan-Nakhichevan-Julfa-Tabriz line would be km (170 miles) from the power station south towards usable. the Iran-Armenia border, to deliver electricity generated from Iranian gas. Plans to build an oil refinery on the border have been shelved, again for economic reasons, according During the same meeting, the two ministers signed to high-level government officials on both sides. a document on another project, long anticipated – The other project for which there are no concrete construction of two hydropower stations on the Arax plans is the oft-mentioned Iran-Armenia pipeline River. The agreement stipulates that the $323 million and storage terminal for refined oil, despite an project will be fundamentally financed and operated announcement by Armenia’s Prime Minister by Iran, 793 million kWh of energy transported to , during a fall trip to Tehran, that Iran annually, and the stations transferred to Armenia’s construction would begin soon. ownership 15 years later. Construction is expected to commence in 2011 and take five years to complete. Clearly, the momentum that initially existed in Iranian- Armenian economic relations has not been sustained. The reasons include post-election instability in both In recent years, Iran and Armenia countries, the disinterest of international organizations in a north-south energy or transportation corridor, and completed two significant energy sanctions and limitations imposed on Iran. As a result, projects together as part of a gas-for- some programs have simply remained at the level of electricity deal: the Iran-Armenia good intentions. gas pipeline was completed in 2007, This is evidenced in the low volume of bilateral and 220 kW high voltage electricity trade – $200 million, annually – which is lines were constructed approximately equal to the trade between Armenia and Turkey, which takes place without open borders, across Georgian territory. The one Other projects on the drawing board are significant positive change is a noticeable increase continuously delayed. Chief among them is an in the number of Iranian tourists visiting Armenia – Armenia-Iran rail line, expected to stretch 313 km estimates are 80,000 this year. (200 miles) across several mountain ranges, and could cost as much as $4 billion. The dilemma There are occasional problems in Armenian-Iranian with the construction of such infrastructure is that relations, such as the Iranian denunciation of the neither Iran-Armenia nor Iran-Armenia-Georgia visit to Armenia by Nobel Prize winner, attorney freight transport would offer sufficient economic and human rights activist Shireen Ebadi, within incentives to justify such expenditure. For that the framework of the International Federation for reason, no international entity has been willing to Human Rights conference in Yerevan in April. The make this level of investment. The rail line would Armenian authorities, who did nothing to obstruct make economic sense if the Azerbaijan and Turkey her visit, were themselves dissatisfied when she blockade of Armenia were to be lifted, but in vocally and visibly supported the demands of the that case, the urgency would disappear, since the Armenian opposition.



This resulted in the postponement of a few high- Following the hot war with Russia, Georgia had few level Iran-Armenia visits. Nevertheless, during the foreign policy direction options. The Russian threat, year, Armenia’s prime minister, as well as the defense or Georgia’s perception of it, moved it towards and foreign ministers, visited Tehran. Conversely, the West. Until 2005, Russia was Georgia’s largest Iran’s foreign and energy ministers visited Armenia, trading partner. Today, Turkey occupies that place as did the president of Iran’s Parliament. with Azerbaijan coming in second at $486 million.

ARMENIA-GEORGIA Armenia and Georgia have very different, often conflicting, foreign Armenia and Georgia have very different, often policy priorities, and these seriously conflicting, foreign policy priorities, and these seriously weaken bilateral relations between them. weaken bilateral relations between These differences are not always articulated nor them addressed at high-level meetings, yet often they do determine the nature, depth and scope of Armenian-Georgian dealings. As evidence, the Such economic linkages, and especially in the two countries do not focus on transforming their energy sector, explain Georgia’s pro-Azerbaijani relations to a strategic one, or liberalizing their leanings in international organizations. Add to customs regime, or simplifying border crossing that the fact that Armenia votes against Georgian procedures, or undertaking any one of a myriad proposed resolutions on Abkhazia and South other possibilities to benefit from what would Ossetia. In September, at the UN General Assembly, appear to be a natural alliance. Armenia along with 16 other countries, including Russia, voted against the right of displaced persons The areas of divergence that prevent such a strategic to return to their homes in Abkhazia and South association are Georgia’s active pursuit of NATO Ossetia. The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs membership, Armenia’s alliance with Russia expressed disappointment with the vote, but added with whom Georgia has no diplomatic relations, that this should not cause a break in relations and Georgia’s economic and political ties with between Tbilisi and Yerevan. Azerbaijan and Turkey with whom Armenia has no relations. In addition, Armenia and Georgia are at Another potential stumbling block in Armenia- opposite ends of the spectrum on the right of self- Georgia relations is the continuing process of determination: Georgia has two secessionist regions border delimitation. It is not a cause of bilateral and is therefore not a supporter of the principle of problems, but a symptom of the non-urgency of the self-determination. Armenia supports the right of relationship. Nagorno Karabakh to self-determination. Finally, Georgia’s policies regarding its Armenian minority Perhaps the greatest point of tension on the are troublesome for Armenia. Yet, Armenia is strictly bilateral agenda is the situation of Georgia’s disproportionately dependent on Georgia and Armenian minority and their perceived treatment. therefore must take into account these differences, More than 90,000 Armenians live in Tbilisi, yet the even as it searches for a peaceful, stable relationship. number of Armenian schools is steadily decreasing.



Armenians claim this is an overt attempt to weaken In both cases, the source of the conflict is in the ethnic identity and belonging. Georgians respond very different perceptions of history and identity. that Armenians increasingly send their children Georgia’s leadership is increasingly articulating its to Russian or Georgian schools, and therefore vision for a unitary Georgia, a nation-state, made enrollment in Armenian schools is dropping. The up of Georgians. Armenians, who have lived in government says the purpose is integration, the Tbilisi and Javakheti for centuries, believe they Armenian minority accuses the government of open belong there, and therein lies the source of the efforts at forced assimilation. strain. In addition, the Georgian government’s loud proclamations of Western orientation and values make it easy for the Armenian minority to expect Georgia has two secessionist regions Western treatment. and is therefore not a supporter of The frequent visits of high-level officials help the principle of self-determination. ameliorate the situation. More and more, these Armenia supports the right of visits – such as Armenian President ’s Nagorno Karabakh to self- in early 2010 – are not just to Tbilisi, but also to Batumi, on the Adjarian coast. An ever-increasing determination number of Armenian tourists also visit Batumi each summer – numbers exceed 100,000 – and the value of social and economic interaction of this The other expression of these same tensions is the magnitude is not lost on the Georgian establishment. status of the Armenian Church in Georgia. In And despite Armenia’s taking a second place to the contrast to Armenia, where there are over 60 legally Turkey-Azerbaijan tandem for Georgia, Armenia’s recognized and registered religious organizations, rather neutral role in the Georgia-Russia imbroglio the only religious organization that enjoys legal has also not gone unnoticed. recognition and the right to be registered in Georgia is the Georgian Orthodox Church. The ARMENIA - TURKEY Armenian Church in Georgia, which has existed

and continuously functioned there for centuries, Although Turkey-Armenia trade amounted to may only be registered as a non-governmental approximately $200 million last year, this figure organization, which is also true of other Christian is not expected to increase significantly so long as churches, denominations, as well as the Jewish the land border between the two countries remains and Muslim communities. Religious minorities closed. In 2010, it was confirmed that Turkey in Georgia find this unacceptable for a number of will keep the border closed for the foreseeable reasons, among them the limited rights accorded to future after the Turkey-Armenia normalization non-governmental organizations, the difference in process which was made very public in 2008, when status and standing before Georgian civil and judicial Armenia’s president invited his Turkish counterpart authorities, the vast differences in tax legislation to Yerevan to watch football together, collapsed. and charitable regulations, and the basic desire to be This ended up disappointing the optimists, baffling treated equally and without discrimination. the mediators and vindicating the critics.



The speed and optimism with which the two In other words, in 2009, Yerevan and Ankara sides initially moved forward were based on two announced an outline of a plan for the normalization fundamental miscalculations. The Armenian side of relations just two days before the annual believed that Turkey, which had closed the border commemoration of the Armenian Genocide precisely with Armenia to demonstrate solidarity with in order to offer US President Obama a reason to Azerbaijan in 1993, when it had lost territories stand down from his campaign pledge to use the term in the military conflict over Nagorno Karabakh, ‘genocide’ in his remarks about that day. could somehow in fact re-open the border without the progress that Azerbaijan wanted to see on the The speed and optimism with which Karabakh issue. The Turkish side, too, had made its own assumptions. They perhaps thought they the two sides initially moved forward could in fact push Azerbaijan to become more were based on two fundamental flexible, and see the benefit of open borders for the miscalculations security environment in the region. Moreover, the Turkish leadership estimated that the Karabakh process would be moving along sufficiently quickly Almost immediately after the Road Map and positively so that by the time Turkey and announcement, Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan Armenia had agreed on protocols, there would be publicly conditioned, for the first time, the Turkey- some tangible progress on Karabakh, acceptable Armenia process to progress on Karabakh. By to Azerbaijan, thus freeing Turkey to open the October 10, 2009, when the protocols were signed border. in Zurich by the two foreign ministers, under the watchful eyes of the top diplomats of the US, EU, The calculations were off. The protocols were Russia, France, the Karabakh linkage was an open suspended and the two sides are engaged in secret – repeatedly mentioned by Turkey and accusation and counteraccusation. The very public rejected by Armenia. In fact, the problem was so recriminations and retorts are wildly different, contentious that the Zurich signing ceremony was surprisingly undiplomatic, and their messages almost derailed, and there was no agreement on uncertain. any of the participants making public statements after the signing, given the diametrically different The process came to a standstill on April 22, 2010, position each was likely to take. not coincidentally precisely one year after the announcement of a Road Map for the normalization Following the signing, the Armenian government of relations. The significance of these April dates were submitted the protocols to the Constitutional Court. obvious to most and later confirmed by WikiLeaks The timing was criticized – too late to influence cables – Turkey had aggressively used the Turkey- the signing and too early to take into consideration Armenia protocols, particularly the prospect of their any legislative amendments – but the Court ruled, ratification, to pressure American leaders against nonetheless. The Constitutional Court, in taking US recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and in into consideration the concerns and resistance made favor of a pro-Azerbaijani settlement of the Nagorno public, attempted to minimize the grounds for Karabakh conflict. objections. In early 2010, the Court ruled that none



of the provisions of the protocols can in any way quickly claimed that the cessation of the process relate to either the historical veracity of the Genocide was Armenia’s unilateral decision and attempted to or the Karabakh conflict and its resolution. shape international public opinion.

Furthermore, the Turkish side announced at various By October 2009, when the protocols levels that there is ongoing, albeit quiet, diplomacy were signed in Zurich by the two between Armenia and Turkey. The intent, as evidenced by the publication of special instructions foreign ministers, under the watchful issued by Ankara to its diplomatic representations, eyes of the top diplomats of the US, was to convince public opinion internationally that EU, Russia, France, the Karabakh the bilateral process is not dead, and thus to put the brakes on the Armenian Genocide recognition linkage was an open secret process, yet again. As a result, in the last months of 2010, Armenia was forced to frequently repeat that Subsequently, President Sargsyan introduced the there is no quiet diplomacy, no Zurich Round Two, protocols to the National Assembly and assured the nor any other new process. world that the Armenian parliament would ratify Needless to say, the optimists were disappointed. them. The Turkish foreign minister announced that Some had hoped that Turkey would be bold enough the protocols could be ratified within three days by to disregard Azerbaijan’s real or perceived threats, his country’s parliament but that it had not done so confident that an open region would in the end because of the unresolved Karabakh question. benefit Azerbaijan by enabling a peace-minded, Turkey, which had for the last half year, at the non-zero-sum agreement. Further, the optimists also highest levels, insisted that the protocols did in fact clearly counted on the fact that by not including the have bearing over those two issues, cited the Court’s terms “genocide” or “Karabakh” in the documents, statement and accused Armenia of sabotage. The and by merely vaguely referring to them, such Armenian side realized that the Turks would not circumvention of very divisive and difficult issues or could not open the border, and subsequently would somehow be possible. suspended the process in April. Neither worked. There was disappointment all The decree came after President Sargsyan’s meetings around. Turkey confirmed Armenians’ worst fears with US President Obama and Turkish Prime when they later dismissed the deliberate vagueness Minister Erdogan in Washington, then with that had been adopted and openly articulated their Russian President Medvedev in Moscow. The conditions. Armenian authorities were finally compelled to accept that it was no longer possible to continue The mediators were baffled. They had gotten as far presenting the desirable as reality. as Zurich, they witnessed a signing, meetings at the levels of presidents, and yet, the nuances they Those who had served as godfathers of the protocols did not understand or wished to ignore came back process – the US, Switzerland and other European to haunt and derail the entire process. They were states – were pleased that Armenia suspended further bewildered by the new bitterness that is the process rather than end it. The Turkish side visible at the highest levels.



But the critics were not. Those who had raised where scores of Armenians and Turks gathered and the alarm that the process was unfeasible and the listened to both Armenian and Turkish speakers documents inadequate were vindicated. Fears that remember the genocide of 1915. a sloppy process would lead to failure were proven true. But worse, predictions that bilateral relations would be even more adversely affected also came Armenia’s Constitutional Court, to pass. Those who insisted that trying was better in taking into consideration the than not trying, or that trying couldn’t hurt, are now faced with a pendulum that has shifted from concerns and resistance made public, groundless elation in 2008 to unnecessary hostility attempted to minimize the grounds in 2010. The sides have much to explain to their for concern own publics and the international community, yet the messages are unclear. As a result, the present discourse is limited to blame and distrust. Months later, in September, the Turkish government finally relented and allowed the re- Finally, by suspending the protocols rather than consecration of the historic tenth century Holy completely dismissing them, the Armenian side Cross Armenian Church on Akhtamar Island in the has created a situation where there is no longer eastern Turkish city of Van. What had heretofore even slight pressure on Turkey to open the border. been beautifully restored as a ‘museum,’ could now Instead, Turkey has now taken on the right to serve as a house of worship for a special annual become an active negotiator in the Karabakh religious service. A liturgy was planned, but at the process, aggressively pushing for a resolution, in last minute, ostensibly because this was in the run- various forums, while clearly remaining a protector up to local elections and the ruling party did not of Azerbaijani interests. want to antagonize conservative voters, permission was denied to put a cross on the dome. The situation In the meanwhile, Turkey continues to expend simply confirmed for many that the process political and financial capital on denying the was a public relations campaign by the Turkish Armenian Genocide and officially challenging or government, and not a true expression of tolerance. worse, punishing those who recognize it. In the An equal number protested the easy dismissal of spring, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US what is nevertheless a useful, positive step toward House of Representatives and soon after, the Swedish acknowledgement of the historic Armenian parliament, both adopted resolutions recognizing presence in Turkey. the Armenian Genocide. Ankara retaliated. US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton personally appealed to the Congress not to vote on House Resolution NAGORNO KARABAKH 252. Sweden’s prime minister telephoned his Turkish CONFLICT colleague and publicly apologized. If the Karabakh negotiation process in 2010 could On the other hand, within Turkey, there were be described in one sentence, it would be that it several first-ever occurrences in 2010. April 24 entered a phase of uncertainty, unpredictability was commemorated in a central Istanbul square, and danger.



The uncertainty is due to a situation where, for that Armenia would not accept Madrid Revised, the first time in more than half a decade, there’s no insisting that it was simply a working draft and that single document which all parties recognize as the the only legitimate negotiating document remained text that serves as basis for negotiations. the one submitted in Madrid, in 2007.

In June, at the second meeting of the presidents in If the Karabakh negotiation 2010, again with President Medvedev as mediator, process in 2010 could be described this time in Saint Petersburg, the document must have changed so much that it was reported that in one sentence, it would be that Azerbaijan’s president publicly abandoned Russia’s it entered a phase of uncertainty, northern capital, in dissatisfaction. Azerbaijan stated that the new document was not legitimate, unpredictability and danger since it had been presented by the Russian side alone, without the presence and consent of the The Madrid Document had evolved over the several other co-chairs. Hours later, as a result of one of years of the Prague Process and had been deposited the largest military provocations since the May with the OSCE Secretariat in 2008, following its 1994 ceasefire, four Armenian soldiers were killed presentation by the top diplomats of the Minsk when an Azerbaijani unit succeeded in penetrating Group co-chair countries at the OSCE Ministerial Karabakh’s defensive positions. Council in Madrid in 2007. The sides recognized By the third meeting of the presidents, in Astrakhan the document as a basis for further negotiations, in October, the air was full of publicly traded albeit each with its own concerns and reservations. accusations and threats. On the ground, the tension This document remained the negotiating document was reflected in the unprecedented level of ceasefire after Armenia’s new administration came into violations and sniper fire along the line of contact. office in April 2008. It was the subject of talks If in earlier periods there had been public arguments throughout 2009, when the presidents of Armenia about specific aspects of the negotiating document, and Azerbaijan met six times under the aegis of the now the debate was not over the content of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. document, but about which document should serve The presidents’ first meeting of 2010 was in Sochi, as a basis for future negotiations. Russia, in January, and like the two meetings In Astrakhan, the presidents did not answer this that followed during the year, was held with the question but signed yet another declaration, mediation of the Russian President. reaffirming the provisions of the November 2008 For this meeting, the Minsk Group co-chairs, in Meiendorf Declaration. In addition, they put on accordance with their custom, presented yet another paper something they had been doing for years: to revision of the former document, modified per exchange prisoners of war and return the bodies of prior discussions. This document, which they called the deceased, with the assistance of the co-chairs of Madrid Revised, had apparently been so one-sidedly the Minsk Group and the International Committee altered that now it was acceptable to Azerbaijan. of the Red Cross. There was no mention of It quickly became evident from public comments Karabakh in the Astrakhan document.



That uncertainty inevitably compounded political because it has said overtly that only such a unpredictability. In the months prior to the resolution will make it possible to open the border. OSCE Summit in Astana in early December, expectations were high that the presidents of the The pressure is on in all quarters, including the Minsk Group co-chair countries would meet UN, where Azerbaijan this year again introduced with the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. a resolution on “The Situation in the Occupied Not only did such a meeting not materialize, Territories.” Later, they withdrew the resolution but neither did a standard meeting of the two in exchange for a new fact-finding mission to the presidents. The fact that two presidents were in territories surrounding Karabakh, as a follow-up to the same city, for the same summit, and chose not the one conducted five years ago. to use the opportunity to meet to make some, albeit minor, progress, is an indicator of the great amount of unpredictability that has become a part The Madrid Document had evolved of this process. This is evidenced by the general over the several years of the Prague absence of respect and diplomatic decorum in Process. This document remained the tone and content of public statements uttered throughout the year by the leadership or by their the negotiating document after spokesmen. Armenia’s new administration came

Finally, this uncertain and unpredictable phase into office in April 2008 in the history of the conflict has also become a dangerous one. The quantity and intensity of Yet despite such pressure and continuing incidents along the line of contact are cause for expectations, nothing concrete came of the most serious alarm. According to official statistics, there important forum of the year, the OSCE Summit are over 30 violations of the ceasefire daily. in Astana. The Political Declaration of the OSCE’s highest annual meeting usually includes In addition, Azerbaijan has significantly increased a paragraph, agreed on by the sides and the Minsk its military budget. The allocations for military Group co-chairs, that reflects the year’s progress. expenditures in 2011 will exceed $3 billion, and This year, there was no such language. Instead, comprise nearly 20 percent of the state budget, there was a statement by the heads of delegations of surpassing the combined total state budgets of the three co-chair countries, and the presidents of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. That trend will Armenia and Azerbaijan. deepen in the coming years, Azerbaijani oil will not peak for another four or five years, and it is oil revenues that are fueling Azerbaijan’s budget, and In support of the Minsk Process, there was a perceptions of power. presidential statement made at the G20 Summit in Canada in June as well, which essentially reaffirmed Turkey’s continued involvement internationally the declaration a year earlier by the G8, at L’Aquila, is also fueling Azerbaijan’s perception of hidden Italy. In all three statements, France, the United advantage. Turkey explains its involvement in States, and Russia reaffirmed the return of territories pursuing a resolution of the Karabakh conflict, surrounding Karabakh, the granting of interim



status to Karabakh, a final determination of the a number of times in Moscow and other world status of Nagorno Karabakh via a legally binding capitals through the mediation of the Patriarch of the expression of will by its population, the return of Russian Orthodox Church, this was the first time one displaced persons and refugees. of them hosted the other. The Catholicos and the Grand Mufti once again confirmed the non-religious nature of the conflict, the necessity for the Nagorno If in earlier periods there had been Karabakh conflict to be solved only through peaceful public arguments about specific means, rejected the use of force, and encouraged the aspects of the negotiating document, continuation of dialogue between the parties. During now the debate was not over the his short stay in Baku, the Catholicos had a lengthy meeting with President Aliyev. content of the document, but about which document should serve as a BEYOND THE REGION basis for future negotiations Armenia’s engagement with three power centers – Russia, Europe and the United States – was again While these discussions continued, the characterized by varied degrees of intensity. Russia International Criminal Court in The Hague issued a retained a greater role than the other two powers. verdict on Kosovo’s legal status, which immediately The year was also marked by high-level US and triggered contradictory responses. Azerbaijan European contacts with Armenian and regional repeated the international community’s line that leaders, as well as a promise of a new level of the Kosovo situation is unique and does not apply integration with the European Union. to Karabakh. Armenians, on the other hand, stated that the Kosovo independence process proves Greater assertiveness and activity by Russia resulted that self-determination is the dominant norm in in many high-level meetings, and in some greater international relations. dependency on the part of Armenia on Russia. The Karabakh held its fifth parliamentary elections this same cannot be said of Armenia’s relations with the year, reinforcing its de-facto sovereignty and electing other two power centers. The public face of Armenian- 33 parliamentarians from three parties. Meanwhile, American relations revolved not around bilateral the world observed Azerbaijan’s parliamentary issues, but rather on the US interest in pursuing elections as well, where the president’s party again improved Armenia-Turkey relations. Privately, those captured the majority of the seats. relations continued as they have for nearly two decades in a delicate dance between support for development Although visits between Armenian and Azerbaijani and expectations of improved democratic governance. high-level officials are nearly non-existent, 2010 saw Armenian-European relations, far less defined, were an unusual visit. In April, Karekin II, the Catholicos less than satisfying for both sides, with neither side of All Armenians, visited Baku for 12 hours, at certain of what the other expects. the invitation of Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh, the spiritual leader of the Muslims of In perhaps the year’s most positive development for the Caucasus. Although the two had met previously the region, Russia and Georgia – after protracted



talks mediated in part by Armenia – agreed to re- gas and economic aid, no such incentives were evident open the Lars border crossing that after a four-year in Armenia’s deal, which seemed to have been rushed closure again provides an overland connection for by the Russian president’s travel schedule, leaving little freight traffic between Armenia and Russia. time for domestic discussions in Armenia.

There seemed to be positive impact on Armenia- Russia trade. Bilateral trade turnover stood at more While there is believed to be public than $700 million for the first nine months of 2010 and political support in Armenia – on track to rebound to $1 billion mark first reached for Russian military presence – in 2008 prior to the global economic slowdown. comprising some 3000 personnel Throughout the year, high-level Russian-Armenian and, more importantly, combat dialogue remained intense with Armenia’s president aircraft and modern surface-to-air traveling to Russia eight times and Yerevan hosting the Russian president in August, in conjunction missile batteries – extension of with the annual meeting of the Collective Security the 1995 treaty was not without Treaty Organization. controversy

It was during this visit that an agreement was signed to extend the Russian-Armenian military treaty. Treaty language was altered to suggest that Russian Responding to Russia’s request, Armenia agreed to forces were now to protect Armenia’s interests extend Russian military deployment in Armenia until (rather than Russia’s alone) and there were renewed 2044. expectations of transfer of advanced military The move appeared to be part of Russia’s efforts to technology from Russia to Armenia. But questions define its long-term military posture in the former remained about the pace and exact nature of such Soviet south. In prior months, Russia achieved a transfers as well as the actual role Russian forces would similar extension for naval presence in Ukraine and play should Armenia be the target of aggression. it formalized its military presence in Abkhazia and Critics further noted Russia’s plans to step up South Ossetia. military cooperation with Azerbaijan – the most While there is believed to be public and political likely source of aggression against Armenia – support in Armenia for Russian military presence including reported plans to sell surface-to-air – comprising some 3000 personnel and, more missile batteries that are more advanced than importantly, combat aircraft and modern surface-to- the ones deployed in Armenia, and that in air missile batteries – extension of the 1995 treaty combination with Azerbaijan’s greater aircraft was not without controversy. holdings, would provide it with significant military advantage over Armenia in the air. This Concerns focused on two areas. Whereas in the case of mid-range anti-air system has fundamentally a Ukraine, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russia offered defensive significance and can significantly affect financial incentives such as reduced price for natural the balance of forces.



Russia had previously confirmed selling tanks and process, Armenian-American relations should have armored vehicles to Azerbaijan in recent years been at an all-time high. Instead, they appeared to lack and Moscow may have also facilitated delivery of real confidence or certainty. other weapons systems that Azerbaijan purchased from Belarus and Ukraine. These policies seem to In April, President Sargsyan met with President run counter to Russia’s alliance commitments to Obama, when the Armenian leader was invited Armenia and stated concerns over regional stability. to a summit on nuclear safety in Washington. Remarkably, this conference was the reason for the first visit by an Armenian president to the American President Sargsyan’s visit to capital in nine years. Washington was a consolation prize President Sargsyan’s visit to Washington was of sorts, recognizing both Sargsyan’s a consolation prize of sorts, recognizing both politically controversial outreach to Sargsyan’s politically controversial outreach to Turkey in a US-mediated process Turkey in a US-mediated process and failure of that process to produce promised results for Armenia. and failure of that process to produce promised results for Armenia Following that visit, President Sargsyan responded to US requests not to abandon the protocols that Armenia signed with Turkey in 2009 and declared Russia’s President Medvedev continued to play a the process of normalization suspended until leading role in bringing Armenian and Azerbaijani Turkey renews its interest. presidents together three times during the year – within the Minsk Group framework. In the meantime, President Obama adjusted his annual statement on the Armenian Genocide away Since assuming the presidency, President Sargsyan from his pre-election promise for the second year in held his first meeting with Russia’s Prime Minister a row. And the Administration effectively opposed Putin in Moscow since June 2008. a congressional Genocide resolution, although it was passed by the House of Representatives Foreign In September, cease-fire violations on the Line of Affairs Committee. Contact were of sufficient concern as to be the subject of talks between the US defense secretary In October, US Vice President Joe Biden said in and the visiting Russian defense minister. Probably videotaped off-the-cuff remarks, that President as a result, the following week at the United Nations Sargsyan was ready to trade genocide recognition in New York, in his first meeting with Azerbaijan’s for relations with Turkey and was in effect to blame President Aliyev, President Obama publicly called for President Obama’s position rather than Obama on Azerbaijan abide by the cease-fire. himself. That claim was quickly denied by President Sargsyan as well as the US Embassy in Armenia. In a year when Armenia and the United States shared With that US position, the little immediate important foreign policy goals and Armenia complied impetus that Turkey had to pay heed to the process readily with America’s direction and encouragement with Armenia appears to have dissipated, with no in urging forward the Armenia-Turkey normalization bilateral meetings reported since April.



In July, Armenia was one of five countries that difficult legal battle with Turkish commercial interests Secretary of State Clinton toured in as many in the United States – as heirs to fortunes confiscated days. The 24-hour visit was largely symbolic with from Ottoman Armenians – with a lawsuit filed in Los Clinton visiting the Genocide memorial in what Angeles in July. In November, a Federal Court ruling was announced to be a “private capacity.” It was reversed a 2009 ruling that Genocide-era insurance also the first visit by an American secretary of state claims in California courts are unconstitutional, paving to Armenia since 1992. Following a meeting with the way for additional claims. President Sargsyan, she said she raised the issue of press freedoms, and welcomed the work done by civil society in all areas, including fair, free elections, better The public face of Armenian- access to health care, greater flow of information, and trying to heal the wounds of history. American relations revolved not around bilateral issues, but rather The Armenian community of the United States, on the US interest in pursuing often taking foundational credit for the bilateral relationship, appeared resigned to yet another US improved Armenia-Turkey relations Administration failing to recognize the Genocide even when US relations with Turkey were at the In Washington, the Armenian lobby showcased its lowest point in decades. Armenian activists did muscle by blocking Matthew J. Bryza as nominee for win a congressional allocation expanding US aid US Ambassador to Azerbaijan. Bryza was criticized to Karabakh to $10 million a year. Overall, US for his performance as envoy for Karabakh talks programs in Karabakh amounted to more than $35 and his perceived close ties with the Azerbaijani million since 1998, but an additional $25 million in leadership were questioned. congressionally-allocated funds were left unspent. This approach reflects both Congress’s desire to Armenian lobbyists also renewed efforts to promote satisfy its Armenian constituency by allocating a US-Armenia free trade agreement. From January- funds for Karabakh and State Department’s efforts September, bilateral trade measured approximately not to antagonize their Azerbaijani supporters by $150 million, on track for about a 30 percent not spending the funds. increase over 2009. In both years, an increase in Armenia’s exports to the US was due to shipments Politically, with the Republican victory in the of aluminum foil. House of Representatives, Armenians lost some key champions in the Congressional leadership. But While in 2010, the volume of US assistance to there was also lingering hope that the new majority, Armenia remained near 2009 levels, longer-term traditionally gung-ho on foreign policy and ready to decline continued. The original Millennium ignore concerns of the White House, might become Challenge Account commitment for $235 million more assertive on Armenian Genocide vis-à-vis had been reduced to about $175 million due to Turkey, as a way of threatening it for its policies on Armenia’s poor governance record. Thus, the MCC Iran and Israel. would not complete road construction. Instead, the irrigated agriculture project was headed for On another Genocide “front,” Armenian Americans completion with apparently no prospects for launched what promises to be a protracted and extension beyond 2011.



With curtailment of MCC funding, the European involved in various facets of the Armenian Union may thus replace the US as Armenia’s government’s decision-making. chief source of foreign aid for the first time since independence. From 2011 to 2013, the European The European Parliament passed Resolution 2216 Union is expected to advance at least €157.3 million in May, within which the Parliament called for “the ($208 million) in aid to Armenia. withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan, accompanied by deployment Brussels, arguably the least imposing of the three of international forces to be organized with respect power centers, continues to advance European of the UN Charter in order to provide the necessary engagement with Armenia. In addition to security guarantees in a period of transition, which continuing assistance programs, the European Union will ensure the security of the population of Nagorno formally launched talks on Association Agreements Karabakh and allow displaced persons to return to with the three Caucasus states in July. Armenia says it their homes.” Immediate responses by Armenia’s top continues to make its engagement with Euro-Atlantic leadership, including the president of the National organizations a priority, yet it appears hesitant in Assembly and the foreign minister, noted that the identifying what it is it wants from the EU, and resolution’s language contradicts the European especially the new Eastern Partnership. Parliament’s own resolutions passed since 1998, as well as the positions of the OSCE and the EU.

Politically, with the Republican In late December, the European Union’s Armenia victory in the House of Parliamentary Cooperation Committee concluded Representatives, Armenians its meeting with a document that calls on Armenia’s leadership to take practical steps to separate business lost some key champions in the from politics, and to work towards bringing police Democratic leadership arrest and interrogation practices in line with European standards.

The Association mechanism promises greater Trade ties continued to solidify and expand. Bulgaria economic cooperation – via free trade agreements emerged as the largest importer of Armenian goods and visa facilitation – and closer political – $107 million between January-September 2010. As association short of membership. Armenia in years past, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium expects to benefit from the trade allowances while remained Armenia’s key trade partners. Europe continues to insist on standardization, certification, intellectual property rights and public In February, Armenia deployed a peace-keeping procurement procedures, as well as pressing for unit to serve with German forces in Afghanistan. economic monopolies to be dismantled in order to Armenia also continued to participate in NATO’s allow maximal benefit from new opportunities. It Kosovo mission. is uncertain how far the Armenian authorities are prepared to go to meet these expectations. 2010 also saw Armenian presidential visits to four main European capitals, with trips to London in Starting in April 2009, Armenia has hosted the February, Paris in March, Brussels in May when he EU Advisory Group, which has been described met with the European Council President, and Berlin as a unique engagement with European advisors in June.



In his meeting with the NATO Secretary General In Russia-Turkey relations, the warming will in May, President Sargsyan called on the alliance to continue, especialy in the energy sector. The align its public position on the Karabakh conflict Moscow-Ankara political ties will be reinforced with that of the OSCE and stop highlighting if Turkey manages to keep a certain distance from territorial integrity without reference to the right to the US and the EU, and is able to perform as a bold self-determination. regional player.

But in November, when it became clear that Turkey will continue to pursue its Zero Problems a NATO summit communiqué would remain with Neighbors Policy, however, the credibility unchanged, President Sargsyan, rather than taking and effectiveness of the policy will diminish so long advantage of the opportunity presented by a as Ankara retains an uncompromising position summit, took the unprecedented step of canceling regarding Cyprus and Armenia, and towards the his participation. The ruling party described this Kurdish issue. New approaches to domestic and as an “understandable boycott.” But it was unclear foreign policy are possible only after Turkey holds how a boycott would bring Armenians any closer parliamentary elections in June, and if the AK Party to promoting understanding by the international retains its single party majority. community of Armenia’s position. Progress in Armenia-Turkey relations is unlikely, for many reasons, including the upcoming Turkish OUTLOOK elections. Turkey will continue to insist on linkage between the normalization of relations In 2011, the uncertainty will continue in East- and progress in the Karabakh negotiations, at West relations. The US-Russia resetting will not the same time as it tries to sustain the impression lead to significant changes in the Caucasus. The that the Armenia-Turkey process is still alive, in West and Russia will continue to differ on the order to impede the already diminished drive for European security architecture, on South Ossetia international genocide recognition. and Abkhazia. Russia will continue to deepen its presence and influence in the Caucasus. The Karabakh settlement process will remain uncertain. The sides will continue to argue not on the The Russia-Georgia relationship will remain tense. contents of a document, but on which document is on Georgia will insist on the removal of Russian forces the negotiating table. Azerbaijan, in its bilateral and from Abkhazia and South Osetia on the one hand, multilateral relations, will continue to offer rhetoric on while repeating its readiness to negotiate with a military “settlement” of the Karabakh conflict. Russia on the other. Moscow will continue to refuse to negotiate as long as Saakashvili is still president. POLICY OPTIONS Armenia must maintain its policy of positive Russia-Azerbaijan cooperation will preserve the neutrality regarding the Russia-Georgia and Iran momentum of previous years especially in the and the West tensions. energy sector. Moscow will attempt to conduct an equidistant relationship with Armenia and with Armenia must attempt to do away with the Azerbaijan, although in its public pronouncements uncertainties surrounding foreign policy in general, Armenia will still be called the strategic partner. and the Karabakh and Armenia-Turkey issues in



particular. In the case of the Karabakh settlement Euro-integration is one of the few unifying foreign process, the uncertainty pertains to the negotiating policy directions for Armenia and Georgia. As document. This is a serious threat for Armenians, cooperation intensifies with the European Union, and persisting disagreement over the document Armenia and Georgia must work together. Armenia can endanger the existence of the concept of self- and Georgia, with their similar rankings in determination in the negotiations and in any new democratization, economic liberalization and value negotiating document. systems, are more attractive together as a market, for Europe. Armenia must not respond to Azerbaijan’s military threats with a reciprocal “threat” of its de jure China and India’s presence is increasingly felt in recognition of Nagorno Karabakh. The de-jure the South Caucasus. Armenia must expend special recognition of Nagorno Karabakh by Armenia must effort to reach new levels of bilateral cooperation not be a counter step, rather a conceptual anchor with China, the world’s second largest . and outcome.

As Baku relentlessly preaches its version of Karabakh’s right to self-determination, that is, within Azerbaijan’s borders, Armenia must make clear Karabakh’s self-determination attributes for the international community.

Notwithstanding the Azerbaijani president’s admonition to his country’s non-governmental organizations to not visit Armenia or Karabakh, Armenia should encourage contact between journalists, NGOs, artists and other professionals from Karabakh, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Uncertainty must be removed from Armenia-Turkey relations. This “frozen” status, with the border closed, gives Armenia nothing, while it allows Turkey to exploit the situation unilaterally both on the Karabakh conflict and on Genocide recognition.

Given little chance that Turkey will remove the blockade of Armenia or that Azerbaijan-Armenia transportation routes will be opened, Armenia must deepen bilateral ties with its two other neighbors – Georgia and Iran. Taking into consideration the recent closeness between the two, Armenia must endeavor to become the land link connecting the northern and southern neighbors.



The political year 2010 ended as it sufficiently to raise the specter of a new sort of uncertaintly. began – by reinforcing the status quo in domestic life, and substan- The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, which had formally left the coalition the previous year because tially diminishing expectations of of the president’s insistence on pushing forward the change in society. No substantial Armenia-Turkey protocols, did not transform their agenda or activities in any significant way. Their steps were taken to tackle the causes political ambitions remained unclear. and consequences of the deep The other coalition party, Prosperous Armenia, also public political crisis exacerbated took steps to signal its readiness to compete with by the 2008 presidential election. the ruling Republican Party. Nor were there efforts to lessen the Finally, the Armenian National Congress (ANC), effects of the crisis by introducing carrying the banner of the opposition, itself prevaricated in its statements and activities in ways genuine liberalizing reforms. Thus that rendered vague its own positions and potential. the past remained murky, the pres- Thus, both the political and economic GINI ent and future uncertain. coefficients grew even as political and economic processes progressed in unpredictable and uncertain The already growing gap between the elites and ways. The first notable political event of the year the population grew a bit wider – not simply was the special election held in the electoral economically but politically. The majority of the district whose representative in Parliament, one of public, disconnected from political processes, independent Armenia’s first major businessmen observed the workings of the state services and and one of the first to enter politics, Khachatur concluded that the ruling party’s hold on the Sukiasyan, laid down his mandate and left the various institutions of society – , taxation, country. He did so after spending some time in police, media – had become even more unyielding. hiding following charges brought against him in the aftermath of the 2008 election, in the context The political and economic elites or those closest of his close affiliation with former president and to power and most affected by them, became unsuccessful presidential candidate Levon Ter increasingly disheartened and pessimistic about the Petrossian. His parliamentary seat was sought by ability of the ruling party and leaders to maintain another opposition leader, Nikol Pashinyan, editor order, give direction and ensure some predictability of the daily newspaper Haykakan Zhamanak, who and certainty in economic and political processes. was himself being held in detention on charges of organizing mass disorder. Internal processes were affected by regional developments and the continuing economic In the midst of formal and informal charges of crisis. Domestic political forces were reconfigured impropriety by the Armenian National Congress,



the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, and But the Council of Europe’s engagement was others, the winner was a heretofore little-known not as profound as in past years. In March, the member of the National Unity Party. Also monitors requested that the government provide remarkable was the fact that voter turnout did not them with a timetable for reforms. The opposition exceed 20 percent, in a district whose residents Armenian National Congress responded before the are considered knowledgeable and politically government did. This received no rejoinder from savvy. Thus, this low figure, even in the Center either the authorities or the Europeans. There was District of Yerevan where voters had a chance to no public debate, nor was there one later, when the elect an arrested member of the opposition to the ANC presented a 100-Step Economy program, National Assembly, either was simply typical for a presented to the European ambassadors, as well as special election, or reflected the population’s deep the public. The ANC did not pursue discussions disenchantment. on the specifics of either its economic or political proposals.

The already growing gap between the The Armenian National Congress was consistent elites and the population grew a bit and successful in using the presence in Yerevan of wider – not simply economically but European policy and opinion makers to publicly express its dissatisfaction and its demands. One such politically event, in October, was the Future of Forum of the Council of Europe, this year held in Yerevan. Prior to that, in early April, an ANC Nine days after the election, Pashinyan’s guilty demonstration was made to coincide with the verdict was issued and he was sentenced to serve annual conference of the respected International seven years. This was subsequently cut in half. Federation for Human Rights, held in Yerevan. He remained in prison, but continued to be a Conference participants, including well-known significant political player with his editorials, which human rights defenders from various countries, appeared daily until the end of the year, savaging the actually joined the demonstrators who were calling authorities and sanctifying the Ter-Petrossian-led for the release of imprisoned political activists. opposition. The conference was held in the Philharmonic Hall, There were other changes, too, in Parliament. No in Opera Square, although the square itself, the longer did the Parliament’s Council of Europe site of the post-election sit-in in February 2008, delegation include the vocal member of the remained unavailable for public meetings. The opposition Heritage Party, Zaruhi Postanjyan, who opposition staged its protest at the Matenadaran consistently raised Armenia’s domestic challenges in while the area around the opera continued to be Strasbourg. Officials explained that the coalition’s used for various entertainment purposes. Rule of Law Party representative replaced the former coalition member ARF. The ARF, in turn, The year 2010 was one of uncertainty and internal with more parliamentarians than the Heritage challenges for the ANC, which at its irregular Party, and now a non-coalition member, became the public demonstrations announced time-outs “opposition” in the delegation. coupled with an expectancy for transformative



events. In the absence of a role in the National The pro-government Rule of Law party made Assembly, and without the opportunity for similar changes. But it was the Prosperous Armenia substantial input in domestic politics, the ANC Party’s changes, both cosmetic and substantial, began to experience internal problems, natural to that transformed the perception of the group and such a situation. The history-making Armenian its leader, businessman-parliamentarian Gagik National Movement (ANM) which led the Tsarukian, and their relationship with their partner, Karabakh and environmental movements in the late the ruling Republican Party. 1980s and subsequently was independent Armenia’s home-grown political force, is the party at the The Prosperous Party took on the veneer of a real core of the ANC. But in 2010, the president and player, with frequent press appearances in the vice-president of the ANM resigned, amid charges company of visiting foreign dignitaries as well as a by internal opponents, that the two officers were in variety of local constituencies. collusion with the authorities.

The ensuing elections for a new president were Domestic political forces were followed by charges of election manipulation. reconfigured sufficiently to raise the The accusation was made by Karapet Rubinyan, specter of a new sort of uncertaintly a prominent ANM member and former Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly. He resigned after explaining that the ANC has been transformed As the Prosperous Armenia Party worked to into a locomotive for one man, its leader, former reinforce its independent image publicly, the party’s President Ter Petrossian, and that there was no longer leader and others freely exchanged words with the room for a plurality of opinions. Subsequently, Republican Party, including a charge by Tsarukian another prominent ANM member and former of the incompetence of the Minister of Economy. foreign minister Alexander Arzoumanian also voiced Although the minister was removed from his post concerns about the absence of liberalism in the party at the end of the year, the Republicans rejected and in the country generally. Tsarukian’s criticism.

Although these discussions went no further and had When a similar critical comment was made by no public consequence, the public’s perception of a former President Robert Kocharian, whose public solid opposition was weakened. political pronouncements were rare, rumors flew wild about a possible tandem between the two The coalition’s status, too, appeared vague, following enabling Kocharian’s return to politics. some moves by the Prosperous Armenia Party. In the fall, the party held on to its portfolios in the ARF members echoed these economic critiques, but cabinet but made new appointments. The deputy their focus was on the Turkey-Armenia protocols. speaker of the National Assembly was removed In the period of debate over the desirability of and another installed, within the party’s mandate. the Turkey-Armenia protocols, a dozen different Neither the coalition nor the government bothered organizations formed a citizen with the to interpret such moves. Everyone assumed the ARF, under the NO banner. When the protocols changes were internal party matters. were frozen in April, the public NO campaign died.



The borders remained closed, the prospects for complied with a directive of the prime minister and improved relations remained foggy, and the anti- replaced by Hrair Tovmasyan, a young attorney, protocol forces found no other theme around which former member of the Armenian Democratic Party to rally their resources. Thus the hope of some, that and experienced with international organizations. the government’s foreign policy failure would be transformed to a domestic issue, died. Ironically, There were resignations and new appointments the country’s leadership, the same proponents of throughout the economic team. The Minister the protocols who a year earlier were predicting of Economy, Nerses Yeritsyan who had only imminent improvement of Armenia-Turkey recently become a card-carrying Republican, and relations and open borders, now, in 2010, created was considered a favorite of the international their own official version of a NO Campaign, by community but not of local businessmen, was mounting an anti-Turkey crusade. replaced. Minister of Finance Tigran Davtyan, once deputy minister of economy, was appointed minister. The finance ministry’s top post went to Thus, both the political and economic Vatche Gabrielyan, who like Yeritsyan came out of GINI coefficients grew even as the Central Bank. All three are seen as being part political and economic processes of Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s team. These tactical steps are seen as moves by the president to progressed in unpredictable and positively impact public opinion. uncertain ways Armenia’s international ratings in 2010 were not encouraging. Freedom House, the international Despite lack of success in foreign policy and in human rights and advocacy organization, judged certain economic sectors, at year’s end, the ruling Armenia to be ‘somewhat free’ for the second Republican Party of Armenia initiated certain year in a row. Armenia received a six, which is unexpected reshuffling and consolidating of only one place away from the ‘not free’ category. positions and image. Transparency International, the anti-corruption organization, indicated that Armenia rates 120 The rearranging began when the President accepted out of 180 countries in perceptions of corruption. the resignation of Yerevan’s mayor The Economist Intelligence Unit gave Armenia over a violent incident between the mayor’s four points more than last year, which still places entourage and one of the president’s protocol team. it at 109 among 167 countries, when neighbor Initially, this seemed like a personal settling of Azerbaijan is at 137 and Georgia at 104. accounts coupled with an effort by the president to establish a better public image, and perhaps rein In 2010, the phenomenon of practical and effective in the excesses of the political and economic elite. citizen initiatives was significant. Although they , president of ArmRusGasard, remained at the level of public calls for action, one of the largest Armenian companies and the rather than strategized plans of action, they single gas distributor, was elected mayor by the City succeeded in rallying support from a variety of Council. In the meanwhile, Gevorg Danielyan, geographic and demographic constituencies. There minister of justice, was removed for not having were several in particular that gained popularity.



“We Are the City” aimed to raise awareness of government had its ups and downs. Various the need to protect the city’s parks from further meetings and protests by the organizations resulted development. The other campaign, “We Oppose in preventing the passage of legislation in the Foreign Language Schools” attempted to pre- National Assembly. On the other hand, the Justice empt the government attempt to amend the law Ministry used the power of the administrative on language, and pass new legislation allowing decision, mid-year, to unilaterally create an oversight public school instruction to take place exclusively body to monitor the fiscal and administrative in a foreign language. By year’s end the Law on activities and fiscal reporting in the sector. The Language was indeed changed opening the way for agency has not actually conducted any work. the controversial changes in the education law.

Another movement embraced the open-air The Armenian National Congress amphitheater adjacent to the Moscow Theater and was consistent and successful in using called for preventing its destruction. That appeared the presence in Yerevan of European to have been successful. policy and opinion makers to Throughout the year, environmentalists were active publicly express its dissatisfaction in calling attention to the need to protect the Teghut and its demands Forest in the northern Lori region. In addition a new campaign took off when it became clear that there will be renewed uranium mining in Syunik. The situation in thePolice Department remained worrisome. In April, a young man died while under In the fall, there was a huge outcry against a police custody in the city of Charentsavan. The revision of the law on maternity leave, which immediate official explanation was suicide, although cut the maternity payment allowances to levels it’s been heavily tested in court with evidence of lower than most professional working women’s violence. The proceedings are continuing and all salaries. Nevertheless, after the law was passed suspicions lie with those in law enforcement. the governmnet said it would ask the National Assembly for a review. In the absence of political access and responsiveness, there was some hope that citizen initiatives might Cases of abuse and violence against women and become the instruments by which citizens can express children also drew public attention, both in and their opinions. For this to succeed, the Armenian outside Armenia. The death of a young mother at media must be transformed. Yet, in 2010, they the hands of family members raised concern about remained hamstrung by a lack of political freedom, the weakness of domestic violence legislation. financial independence and objectivity that translates The abuse of children at a residential special into inadequate news reporting and analysis. education facility raised voices about the inefficient implementation of legislation. Armenia continues to fare rather poorly in global press freedom rankings. In 2010, Reporters Sans The struggle between the community of non- Frontières, an international media watchdog, governmental organizations and the Armenian ranked Armenia 101st out of 178 countries that



were surveyed in the latest Press Freedom Index limitations on freedom of the media” envisaged published. Still, that was an improvement over the by the government bill. The government claimed Paris-based group’s 2009 index that put Armenia in to have accepted most of these recommendations 111th place. Decreased violence against journalists before having the parliament pass the bill in June. The appears to have been instrumental in the country’s OSCE Media Representative insisted, however, that improved rating. the proposals “of crucial importance” were ignored.

The March 2010 passage by the National Assembly The OSCE, as well as the European Union and of amendments to a number of media-related laws the United States, urged the authorities to make included the decriminalization of libel offenses. But further changes in the bill. President Serzh Sargsyan others toughened financial sanctions for defamation reportedly pledged to do so during his July 4 of character. Media watchdogs expressed concern meeting with the visiting US Secretary of State. that this could make it easier for authorities to Sargsyan subsequently tasked Armenia’s Human muzzle independent or pro-opposition outlets. Rights Defender to form a working group of state officials and media experts to draft such changes.

In the absence of political access and Nevertheless, the tender announced and responsiveness, there was some hope implemented by the National Commission on that citizen initiatives might become Television and Radio was held in late December. Only two frequences had more than one bidder. the instruments by which citizens can In one of them, A1+, Armenia’s independent express their opinions broadcaster controversially taken off the air in 2002, was vying for a broadcasting frequency currently held by the ArmNews TV channel. A1+ lost again, The Armenian government faced strong domestic as did the populist, unpredictable ALM channel. and international criticism as it pushed through the National Assembly in May a set of amendments to The amended law on broadcasting also called into a law on television and radio that were meant to question the continued existence of GALA TV, regulate local broadcasters’ mandatory transition to another, functioning independent station based in digital broadcasting by July 2013. Armenia’s leading Gyumri. It stipulates that there can be no more than media associations believe that the real purpose of one TV channel in each of Armenia’s ten these changes is to enable the authorities to retain outside Yerevan after 2015. There are presently their strong influence on the broadcast media’s news four such channels operating in Gyumri and the coverage by decreasing the number of outlets. surrounding Shirak . All of them except GALA are loyal to the government. GALA indeed lost These concerns were echoed by the Organization the tender and is scheduled to lose its license in 2015. for Security and Cooperation in Europe and its Representative on Media Freedom in particular. While retaining their tight grip on the airwaves, They submitted to the Armenian authorities specific the authorities have remained largely tolerant of recommendations which would eliminate “undue print and online media not controlled by them.



Major Armenian newspapers continue to be highly education, contains no policy on foreign language critical of the government, dismissing nearly all instruction. Yet, that was the most hotly-contested government statements or initiatives. The country’s topic of the year. two best-selling dailies, are aligned with the radical opposition. In total, their distribution is The Armenian government faced 10,000. Just how profitable or self-sufficient these publications are remains unclear. strong domestic and international criticism as it pushed through the The press is facing growing competition from a National Assembly in May a multitude of internet publications providing faster and less opinionated news coverage. There are set of amendments to a law on presently more than two dozen online news agencies television and radio that were and other publications reporting from Armenia on meant to regulate local broadcasters’ a daily basis. At least three of them were launched in 2010. The most popular of the sites receive more hits mandatory transition to digital per day than the most widely read newspapers. broadcasting by July 2013

While advertisements in printed publications has A poorly conceived and even more poorly presented seen a significant decrease in the last two years, the law whose purpose seemed to be to modify the amount of advertisements appearing on internet legislation in order to allow instruction in a language news sites appears to have grown, some say as much other than Armenian first seized the public’s as 20 percent this year. attention in March when it entered the National Assembly. This led to months of bitter protest and Some of the internet news outlets have this year extreme discussions about identity and education. added video content, making them potential rivals The draft was pulled in favor of another where of TV stations where programming continues to be changes were made in the education legislation, dominated by entertainment programs, local and not on the Law on Language. In December, despite foreign soap operas and foreign films. Television protests, the Law on Language was amended, without news programming remains mostly pro-government addressing the following issues: or innocuous. • Does Armenia have a national policy on In 2010, a government-approved national foreign languages in public education? education plan for 2011-2015, as well as several What derailed the 2007 draft legislation institutional changes aimed at making the education which had been prepared by the Ministry system more responsive, had at their basis the same of Education and Science, did not pass two rights and expectations: equal opportunity and has been generally forgotten? and access to education, improving the quality of • What do other small countries with education and efficient management. unique languages do in similar situations?

This plan that, according to the law, is the • Can the issue be discussed as two separate expression of Armenian government policy on questions – how to teach and strengthen



a nation’s mother tongue and a people’s At the higher education level, questions about the identity, and how to teach and foster quality and relevance of education from a private the learning of foreign languages in institution of higher learning resulted in seven such order to ensure global integration and private colleges losing their licenses completely, and competitiveness? six others, only for certain departments. This was done at least in part to assure competitiveness. In 2010, structural changes continued at three different educational levels. Besides the institutional challenges, corruption in the education system remained a serious problem. Re-introducing broadly accessible pre-school There were more than four dozen incidents of education and ensuring its accessibility to all is still a selling diplomas and grades. A very few were serious educational concern. Of the country’s nearly punished. 1000 and communities, more than 400 don’t have pre-schools. And the rate of attendance But the struggle against corruption was also of of pre-schools is 29.8 nationwide, according to 2008 the moral kind. Much of the year, the ‘odyssey’ figures. surrounding the child abuse charges levelled against a teacher in a Special Education school Rights and expectations: Equal grabbed the public’s attention. After some efforts to blame the whistle-blowers for creating or opportunity and access to education, exaggerating the problem, judicial proceedings improving the quality of education were brought against the teacher and he was and efficient management sentenced to two, then three years, in response to a public outcry. The principal was fired, but no charges were levelled against him. Towards that end, in two marzes – Ararat and Aragatsotn, both agriculturally productive regions, In the army this year, although the number of adjacent to Yerevan, 41 pre-school centers were violent incidents and deaths was lower than in years opened this year, each capable of offering services past, the public debate about the army and the lasting one month to one year. A particular focus of treatment of soldiers was possibly the top news and these centers is to increase access for the children of discussion topic of the year. economically disadvantaged families. In June, four soldiers died as a result of Azerbaijani In 2010, 91 senior high schools opened in Armenia, incursion into Karabakh’s defensive positions. 31 of them in Yerevan. This, in order to correspond to international standards, by adding 11th and Just one month later, a soldier opened fire, killed five 12th grades to the student’s school years. The goal of his fellow soldiers and then himself. Two months is to have 300 good quality senior high schools later, four more soldiers died. During the year, throughout the country. Therefore renovation, there was both official and non-official information refurbishing, curriculum and textbook issues must about other such incidents. In November, four be resolved. The same questions of accessibility soldiers died and four were wounded on the Line of affect senior high schools as well. Contact.



The amount of information about corruption, These questions were asked in the media, and violence and deaths, as well as information about answers were provided by the Defense ministry incidents of brutality – among soldiers, and as well as their newly established Public Council, between commanders and soldiers – overtook manned by a former soldier. The Defense Ministry’s the media and social media. The response of the new spokesperson presented a more open Defense Ministry was surprising. The Minister and communication system. several top officers met with the families of victims, and publicly chastised and removed from command several responsible officers. The amount of information about corruption, violence, and deaths, as The general public consensus seemed to be that the near 50 incidents are significant not because this well as information about incidents number is higher than in years passed, but because of brutality – among soldiers, and the public is now more informed about such between commanders and soldiers – tragedies. overtook the media and social media These incidents raised a multitude of questions: What are the fundamental causes of these violent incidents? Given the increased urgency created by regular What is the social, educational and command Azerbaijani encroachments, and the limited structure in the armed forces that allows for such educational, social and economic services and tragedies to take place without preventive measure protections offered soldiers, the situation promises built in the system? to remain tense.

To what extent are these problems the result of the Finally, structural reforms mean that the army will conditions of the army, and to what extent are they consist of not just draftees and career officers, but an extension of social and moral problems within also professional soldiers, although there is no way society? the last two will suffice and replace the need for a draft, especially so long as the Karabakh conflict Are conditions in the armed forces egalitarian? remains unresolved. Are all layers of society represented in the army? Or is there a distinction between the elite (the In addition to the internal issues of Armenia’s commanders and officers) and the unprotected armed forces, the army continued to undergo layers of society (the soldiers)? a process of increasing civilian control, per Armenia’s IPAP with NATO. Armenia’s Kosovo The absence of trust regarding army life remains a and Afghanistan contingents continued to serve serious problem. Evidence was offered by a recent with allied forces. Caucasus and Resource Center poll that demonstrated that a mere 20 percent of the Arms production in Armenia has increased. There Armenian public trusts that there is no corruption are 2000 different types of arms being locally in the Armenian army. Another 42 percent believes produced – from uniforms to radio and optical there is corruption, of some kind, in the army. instruments, munitions and other supplies.



OUTLOOK Questions and debates on the safety, predictability and desirability of army service will persist, yet the 2011 will be considered a pre-election year, even Defense Ministry’s open engagement will quicken though the May 2012 parliamentary elections structural changes. are 18 months off. This expectant environment will exacerbate tensions between the government and the opposition. All parties, in and out of the POLICY OPTIONS coalition, will begin to position themselves for the elections. On the one hand, this will compound The leadership of the existing political forces must the uncertainty; on the other, if some political recognize that the political field requires such forces take bold and creative steps to create more reconfiguration as to make possible the removal of acceptable and sensible political unions, then there the extant political monopolies and the creation of a may be new hope for a responsive system. healthier balanced political environment that offers choice. The two major parties – the Republican Party and the Prosperous Armenia party – will compete Citizen initiatives can become useful instruments against each other. Such competition is also possible of reform if public institutions recognize the within the Republican Party itself for top positions need for public involvement and the citizenry can on the party slate. conceptualize and define their demands specifically and practically. The opposition too will experience internal clashes. Although the ANC continues to claim that it is the The government will need the support of the public only credible and leading opposition, neither the ARF to meet external challenges. For that purpose the nor the Heritage Party will sit idly by. The authorities role of society must be strengthened and respected. will attempt to revive the marginal opposition. The policy of the government regarding education must be aimed at improving the quality of In the absence of any significant reconfigurations, education in all its aspects, by benefitting from the the reigning apathy will persist and together with totality of the European integration processes. At the effects of the economic crisis, can aggravate the all levels, a transparent qualifications network is wave of emigration already on the increase. required for all private educational institutions. Those television stations which have licenses for Without financial and political independence, it digital broadcast will on the one hand feel more will be difficult for either television or newspapers secure; on the other hand, the government, given to reflect objectively on the country’s problems. the pre-election worries, will continue to leverage its Nevertheless, in a pre-election environment, authority to manage content. the press must become more comprehensive – providing space for problem topics as well as Although domestic reconfigurations will be the those holding differing opinions. Otherwise party center of attention during the year, nevertheless politics and personalized issues will dominate the foreign policy developments, as well as incidents traditional outlets and further reduce the public’s on the Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact will interest and trust. seriously affect domestic developments.



If in 2009, the international Those countries that still feel the need to stimulate their have resorted to monetary policy. economic flurry focused, on the The initial fiscal stimuli which were heavily used one hand, on rescuing the global during the height of the crisis were intended to slow the decline and mitigate its consequences. Later, economy and recovering from the governments injected money into their economies crisis, and on the other hand, to continue to stimulate growth through quantitative easing, and particularly, purchasing of bonds. determining a judicious strategy and timing for an exit from depen- Although this was the case for most, Armenia was among the exceptions. Armenia’s stimulus did not dencies on new growth drivers, yield the anticipated results. The Anti-Crisis Action then 2010 was the year that saw a Plan, intended to minimize decline and prepare the ground for post-crisis recovery, was not effective. In winding down of stimulus pack- addition, long-term consequences of the short-term ages, quantitative easing and tax fixes are profound.

credits. There are the reasons why Armenia’s Anti-Crisis Action Plan did not have the intended effect in 2010: In their wake, these interventions • The government’s program was not left behind enormous debt and accompanied by structural reforms. The deficit. The imperative for austerity economy is not diversified, there is deep monopolization, close interdependencies measures followed. Major western persist between business and government, economies, such as Germany and and a continuing absence of good governance. the UK, and Greece and Ireland, • Competitiveness was neither some grudgingly, some forcibly, mandated nor enabled. Armenia adopted severe, strict budgets. The placed 98 out of 139 countries in 2010, in the World Economic Forum debate then spread to the wisdom Global Competitiveness Report, of the timing of these measures, outperforming only Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic among the CIS given the enduring fragility of the and Eastern European countries. world economy. Although Armenia rates high in the ease of registering a business, but in doing business, Armenia is ranked 93 in protecting investors and 153 in ease of paying taxes, out of 183 countries.



• The government program’s tax minimize the effect and local impact of component was not commensurate to the the global economic crisis but created task of stimulating the economy. Despite a whole new macroeconomic reality a sizable VAT deferral program aimed making future growth much more at helping business, the government challenging. During the year, Armenia became both assertive and selective in faced and continues to be daunted by tax collection, motivated as it was by these serious structural and fundamental high borrowing and high expenditures. challenges: The burden fell disproportionately on • Low diversity, low competitiveness, and small and medium size enterprises, which high monopolization particularly during a crisis period are expected to be the engines of economic • Limited external borrowing capacity growth. • Unsustainable budget deficit • The value of the Armenian Dram (AMD) • High inflation was artificially kept high during the height of the crisis. If the AMD had • Crippling external trade deficit. been allowed to depreciate to its market level, exports would have become more Therefore in 2010, the government’s main policy competitive and the purchasing power direction was to address these post crisis challenges. of those dependent on remittances from The government modified its economic program to abroad would have increased. Instead, out focus on the following vulnerabilities through what of a fear of inflation and concern about it called public-private partnershps: alienating the powerful importers of oil, • growth and poverty reduction sugar, flour, cigarettes and beverages, the AMD was kept high. • fiscal and debt sustainability • large external imbalance • None of the big item ventures in the government program turned into actual • financial stability projects. The construction of a nuclear • competitiveness and good governance. power plant remained distant, as did the north-south highway. The rail line from During the year, the government was faced with the Iran was not even a topic of conversation, dilemma of balancing between the government’s and the Armenian Development Bank big item infrastructure expenditures and social was remembered at year’s end, with the programs on the one hand, and its commitment to appointment of a chairman. fiscal and financial responsibility on the other. • The cost of borrowing for local investors On the fiscal front, the government pursued the remained exuberantly high (above 20 following: percent) and dampened interest in possible investments.Armenia’s hastily- • Reducing the budget deficit from the devised stimulus effort not only did not high 7.5 percent of GDP to 4.8 percent



• Increasing tax revenues to GDP radio • To reduce dollarization in bank by ½ percent through improved tax deposits, in September, the government collection raised from one quarter to one half the proportion of required reserves • Reintroducing the mid-term expenditure on foreign currency deposits to be framework to reduced public debt and maintained in Drams. shift spending towards social programs and investments These were the 2010 across-the-board fiscal and • Keeping the public (and publicly monetary policies – some timely, others too late guaranteed) debt at 50 percent of GDP to be effective. However, it was the real economic in 2011. sector that called out for and did not receive fundamental, profound, real resettings. On the monetary front,

• Price stability was the main objective THE ECONOMIC PICTURE of the government’s inflation targeting Armenia’s economy is clearly not out of the woods. framework. During the early months of After a whopping 14.4 percent decline in 2009, the 2010, concerns emerged about possible economy appeared to be modestly recovering in the inflationary pressure and the government first two quarters of 2010, registering 5.4 and 7.6 gradually tightened the interest rate percent real GDP growth on a year-on-year basis. policy through five successive rate The January to September cumulative GDP growth, increases. After May, with the slowing of however, was a mere 2.8 percent, meaning that growth, the rate remained unchanged. during the third quarter, the economy experienced • Government’s intervention in the negative growth. In October, the decline continued foreign exchange market was mainly bringing cumulative GDP growth for the year to aimed at smoothing large exchange rate date to 2.4 percent. movements, not resisting fundamental trends. Despite promises and tacit attempts to institute structural reforms, and diversify the economy, little • The government continued to strengthen was achieved in 2010. The main macro deficiencies the monetary transmission mechanism, of the Armenian economy, namely unsustainable such as the link between government’s growth drivers, a narrow and resource dominated policy rate and retail rate of banks, export base, and overdependence on private through encouragement of a developing transfers were still prevalent. market for Dram instruments. The law on third party liability insurance passed That the Gross Domestic Product went up by in June 2010, and the law on private 2.8 percent in the period January to September investment funds – passed in December 2010 compared to the same period in 2009, on – are expected to promote market the face of it, seems to indicate that the worst of development. the crisis may be over. Yet, there was a significant



third quarter decline, mostly caused by a negative decreased subsidies, per WTO requirements are trend in agriculture. The projected annual growth visible in the output figures. rate, between 2.5 percent and 2.9 percent is far from the double-digit growth rates recorded in the The only area which demonstrated solid growth was pre-crisis era. Official unemployment figures have the wine and spirits industry thanks to several new fallen slightly from 7.3 percent to 7.1 percent in the investments both in production facilities and new January to September period. vineyards. Attempts were also made at consolidation by forming consortia and cooperatives to protect and promote names and standards. Further Despite promises and tacit attempts development of this sector will hinge on the export to institute structural reforms, and readiness of Armenian producers and increased diversify the economy, little was local and international demand, especially in Russia. achieved in 2010 Industrial output was relatively positive throughout 2010. Overall, Armenia is second in the CIS The volume of grossagricultural output drastically industrial growth rankings with year-on-year decreased from January to September of this year average achievement of 10.9 percent in the period compared to the same period in the previous year. January to September 2010, due largely to the The huge 17.9 percent decline can be explained mining sector where higher global demand for by bad weather – violent rain and hail delayed commodities led to higher prices. planting of staples such as potatoes and tomatoes and decreased the yield of high-end crops such as Construction figures fluctuated throughout the apricots and cherries. Even though the start of the year. A 5.2 percent year-on-year decrease for the year was promising, with a slight increase in the January to September period is an indication of first quarter of 3.2 percent compared to the same the unsustainability of a sector based on an elite period in the previous year, 2010 went into decline market, with few products for the median or low in the summer. The drop in output was 13.1 percent budgets. This decrease comes despite the fact by mid-year. It dropped further by September, that an important component of the government following the disastrous harvest for most products, stimulus package was support to this sector to finish except grapes, where production increased by incomplete projects. 10-15,000 tons to 215,000 metric tons. Meat production too fell in January-August 2010 by 11.5 Retail trade turnover has largely been unaltered percent or 3,500 tons compared to the same period compared to the previous year. The monopolies in 2009. extant throughout the retail sector have made the sector non-responsive to the crisis and resulted in Although bad weather is generally a part of near zero growth. The crisis aftermath has started Armenia’s agricultural picture, the huge drop this to shift the structure in the retail sector in favor of year can be explained by two additional factors. food products. First, the government stimulus largely ignored this sector which comprises on average 25 percent of Unlike retail products, the volume of services has Armenia’s GDP. Second, the continuing effects of increased as much as 7.4 percent from January to



September, over the same period last year. The the same period last year. Indeed, the total value of tourism sector saw the completion of the Tatev exports in January to September was nearly the same Revival Project in Armenia’s southern Syunik as the total for all of 2009. The main three export region. That revolved around the restoration destinations were Bulgaria with 15.2 percent of total and conservation of the Tatev 14th century exports, followed by Germany with 14.2 percent monastery complex which is a UNESCO World and Russia with 13.9 percent. With raw minerals Heritage Candidate site. The project included being sent to Bulgaria and Germany, it is clear that the construction of what turned out to be in 2010, Armenia’s exports remained resource- the longest aerial tramway in the world at its dependent, largely because the non-resource- centerpiece. It is too early to tell whether and how intensive sectors were significantly less competitive. this project, financed by an individual investor, will Armenia has not succeeded in increasing and affect the region’s overall tourism capacity. diversifying exports beyond raw materials thus leaving room for a greater vulnerability to external In the tourism sector generally, a weak support shocks. service base combined with high price margins added to the adverse consequences of the global The economic crisis has had less impact onimports economic crisis. Still, overall, inbound tourism over because the sector is more diversified than exports. the period January to September 2010 increased by In the first nine months of 2010, imports grew 15.6 percent compared to same period last year. about 19 percent, just about equal to the decline of the same sector in 2009. The external trade turnover improved in 2010. The three first quarters registered positive change compared to the previous year. However, the third The government stimulus largely quarter increase was lower. Armenia’s foreign trade ignored agricultural sector which with European Union member states in January- comprises on average 25 percent of September 2010 surged by 29.1 percent year-on- year to over one billion dollars, indicating deeper Armenia’s GDP trade integration. Overall, EU countries accounted for 32.1 percent of Armenia’s foreign trade. Germany is Armenia’s largest trading partner among Net private transfers, which decreased in 2009, saw EU member states, due largely to mining exports a continuous increase during the first six months and accounting for 7.2 percent of trade. Armenian of 2010. Since private transfers from the Diaspora exports to EU countries have skyrocketed by 65.9 tend to be mostly injected into consumption of percent, making up more than half of all 2010 imports and not in high value-added sectors, the January to September exports. Imports from EU transfers have not resulted in sizeable increases in countries increased by 17.1 percent, constituting productivity. 22.5 percent of all imports. The AMD/USDexchange rate depreciated by 6.1 For overall exports, there was a 43.9 percent percent in the first three quarters of 2010 compared increase in the January to September period, over to the same period in 2009, before it began to



show the expected end-of-the-year appreciation. countries. By the end of 2010, Armenia’s external In a comparison between the January to October debt is projected to form about 42 percent of GDP, periods of 2010 and 2009, depreciation stands at and 50 percent in 2012. This already large number 4.7 percent. becomes even more overwhelming when compared to 2008, when the public external debt consisted of State budget revenue – incomes and official transfers just 13.5 percent of GDP. – increased 19.2 percent in the first nine months of 2010, compared to 2009. Expenditures increased at a Inflation has seen a significant increase in the first nine slower rate than revenues – 4.6 percent in the January months of 2010 and has therefore been the object of to September period. Overall, a total of 580.8 billion tight monetary regulation. It is among the highest in AMD were collected in taxes and customs duties the CIS (January-September 2010 compared to 2009) – 37.8 billion more than projected. This represents – 7.8 percent compared to 5.2 percent in Azerbaijan, a 15.5 percent jump over 2009. In addition, there for example. The rise is due largely to was a 9.5 percent increase in the collection rate of • high food and commodity prices on mandatory social security payments. world markets

• the prolonged impact of fiscal and The decrease in construction comes monetary expansionary policies adopted despite the fact that an important in 2009 as a response to the crisis

component of the government • overall negative expectations caused by stimulus package was support to this the 2009 Dram devaluation. sector to finish incomplete projects The Consumer Price Index too bounced between seven and 8.5 percent higher in the January to Total taxes paid by Armenia’s largest corporate September period, over the same time last year. taxpayers grew by 18 percent. However, the increase Throughout 2010, consecutive monthly increases was more a result of indirect tax revenues (VAT in CPI fluctuated around 2.5 percent. The increase and excise taxes) which increased by 29 percent in retail agricultural prices was 17.7 percent for the because there was greater economic activity and first half of the year, then soared to 26 percent for less of it stayed in the shadows. On the other hand, the January to September period, after a miserable direct taxes fell by 5.5 percent, indicating a drop harvest. in corporate profitability. Compared to January to September 2009, the share of direct taxes paid by Thebanking sector remained stable and banks the largest taxpayers decreased from 26 percent to earned around $55 million in 2010. In the first three 21 percent. Nevertheless, reliance on big business quarters of 2010, the banking system’s assets grew essentially means that monopolistic prices are seven percent year-on-year, while liabilities grew eight frequently set for many goods. percent and total capital increased by 10 percent.

With regard to external national debt, Armenia Deposits in foreign currency increased an average was removed from the World Bank list of low-debt of 26.4 percent in the first three quarters of 2010,



compared to the same period last year, whereas time informal ties and practices. The danger for Armenia deposits in AMD increased only 10 percent. This is that if things continue as they are, the country means that in contrast to the Dramization trend may fall into an institutional trap: the informal evident between 2003 and 2007, there is now a rules of the game may become formalized and movement toward dollarization. transparent, predictable rules and an even playing field may be out of reach. Interest rates are still higher than in the pre- crisis period. This is a consequence of the crisis The best example of that danger is the widespread highlighting existing economic and financial risks. co-mingling of politics and business. This results in It’s also due to inflationary pressures. Interest on the creation of business groups and conglomerates deposits increased from 8.3 percent in the second that dominate various branches of the economy and quarter this year to 9.3 percent in the third quarter goods markets, all the while enjoying tax advantages whereas interest rates on loans recorded a slight because of their political status or connections. decrease from 19.5 percent to 18.8 percent. Before the crisis, in the third quarter of 2008 for example, As in previous years, so too this year, according to interest on loans was 16.7 percent. the results of the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report, the lowest scores for Loans have not been easily available for those living Armenia were for its competitive environment: All in remote and border areas, although financial three scores are in the lowest tier among the 139 constraints resulting from the economic crisis countries studied. Moreover, Armenia is next to last have resulted in an acute need for additional loans, in the effectiveness of its anti-monopoly policy. especially in major sectors of the economy such as agriculture, construction and industry. Still, the loan portfolio of commercial banks was 724 million Germany is Armenia’s largest AMD as of September 2009 and 848 million as of September 2010. This last number is nearly 30 trading partner among EU member percent higher than the amount in circulation in states, due largely to mining exports the same period in 2008. This expansion of the and accounting for 7.2 percent of loan portfolio is driven by private sector need while lending to households decreased. Most banks froze trade granting of mortgages and consumer credits.

Those scores are evidence of the lack of essential INSTITUTIONAL MATTERS change in the status of markets in Armenia, despite The urgent need for institutional reform has pronouncements at the highest levels of government not diminished. Even as a second generation of on the importance of free competition. structural reforms is officially proceeding, very little progress is noticeable. The country is still unable Parallel to all that, the government is nevertheless to move to a higher level of free market values and taking steps to strengthen the institutional risks consolidating further the already entrenched capabilities of the economic competitiveness



protection sub-commission. The evidence of that Despite such backing, business circles don’t notice is the new package of legislative reforms proposed real change in the approach of the revenue services. for this year, which includes (a) strengthening So long as agencies are still saddled with plans, or the sub-commission’s powers to prevent anti- quotas for the collection of revenues, agency heads competitiveness and (b) resolving the matter of will naturally deploy the resources available to them the sub-commission’s financial independence. A to collect those amounts. When the privileged status three-year strategic plan has been adopted and if of many large companies is factored into the mix, it’s implemented, the sub-commission would assume an clear why big business is not taxed in proportion to entirely different institutional form. its capacity and output, and why the disproportionate burden falls on small and medium size businesses. Those efforts are condemned to failure so long as This is confirmed by a report by finance ministry one of the most important factors distorting the experts, based on the officially published list of the competitive playing field has not been resolved: the 1,000 largest taxpayers. This multifaceted study finds shadow economy. The struggle against it is outside that big business’s capabilities remain undisclosed. the purview of the sub-commission. Moreover, the Thus, the logical path to resolving the revenue informal rules of the game as they exist directly challenge is to ease the burden of tax and customs prohibit the sub-commission from functioning payments from small and medium size businesses and productively. Evidence of that is the sub- ensure fair implementation. commission’s campaign against anti-competitive agreements in the drug market, which resulted in In 2010, the government attempted to implement first-time-ever penalties against seven large firms the provisions of the amended 2008-2011 strategic that import drugs. However, that 2010 decision was plan for tax collection, to which temporary overturned by the sub-commission’s new leadership. corrections had been made because of the global economic crisis. The main emphasis is on easing the tax obligation of taxpayers and the reduction of As in previous years, so too this corruption by essentially reducing the transactional year, according to the results of the expenses of paying taxes by centralizing and making Global Competitiveness Report, the tax reporting and filing processes more uniform, as well as introducing electronic tax-filing. lowest scores for Armenia were for its competitive environment To achieve more efficient tax collection,

• The government intends to work toward Thetax and customs sectors remain among the risk-based assessments for selection of fundamental obstacles to a favorable business taxpayers for audits environment and free competition. Understanding • The government will also use risk-based this reality, major donor organizations offer assessments to facilitate VAT refunds for special attention and serious financial support to a majority of (non-risk) exporters. both agencies, in the form of financing, technical support, introduction of e-signatures and • The work of tax collection bodies will be e-governance and other programs. made more transparent by increasing the



knowledge base of businesses, especially implementation of an electronic declaration system, small and medium. The tax agencies of and other institutional reforms. Arabkir and Vanadzor will open service centers for this purpose. Just as in the tax and customs sectors, reforms are being introduced in this sector, too, aimed • Rules for operating small businesses are at eliminating bureaucratic obstacles to starting being simplified and those with annual a business and entering a market—both to save incomes of up to six million AMD will be business people time and money and to strengthen exempted from the graduated tax system. competition in certain goods markets. That’s the intent, in particular, behind the efforts to To achieve more effective customs collection, and to implement the “one-stop window” for starting a ease the burden on exporters and importers as well corporation and their electronic registration, to as transactional expenses, noticeably decrease the number of activities that • the State Revenue Service website will require licensing, and to overhaul construction- publish the complete list of documents permit procedures. This remains a good idea, even if required, by type of product, for foreign it is now being introduced yet again. This idea, after trade, as well as documents regarding all, was the one of the reasons for the creation of the post-clearance audit procedures Armenian Development Agency – one institution that’s not a part of any strategy plans. • an automated customs system will be installed The tax and customs sectors remain • risk management in the realm of post- clearance monitoring will be more among the fundamental obstacles to efficiently utilized. a favorable business environment and free competition The programs above as well as other efforts by the government to reform the business environment in Armenia are apparently insufficient, as evidenced The Corporate Governance Rulebook being by the results of the 2011 Doing Business Report developed by the Ministry of Economy is viewed as issued of the World Bank. This is not for lack of important to the process of corporate governance trying, but for focusing on the less critical and less formation in Armenia. It’s intended to regulate serious problems and resisting tackling the large the activities of not only private corporations but entrenched obstacles, most of which are “profit also government-owned enterprises to assure more centers” for low, mid and high-level officials. efficient management of government assets. In eight of the nine topic areas comprising the “overall ease of doing business,” Armenia ranked Although the financial sectorin Armenia is stable, lower in 2011 than in 2010. The one area in which it is still insufficient to promote the country’s Armenia registered progress was “Trading Across economic competitiveness. Evidence of that is Borders,” which went up 21 points, occupying a the Global Competitiveness Report, according to still-too-low 82nd place. That growth is the result which Armenia’s financial market numbers 110 of the simplification of customs procedures, the in terms of development, out of 139 countries



studied; the third most important obstacle for totals nine. Future legislation will probably tackle launching a business, according to the report, is the compulsory health insurance as well as policies to unavailability of financial resources. The large spread cover construction-related issues. between interest rates for savings and for credit, as well as the small size of the total loan portfolios The other new introduction, pension reform in proportion to the GDP are evidence that the is among the most complex, and socially most financial system cannot adequately influence the significant, undertaking in Armenia as elsewhere. real sector of the economy. Its proper, farsighted and ethical formulation and implementation will mean economic and social Two new programs introduced this year – stability for the state. Pension reform in Armenia is compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance and a essential given that the official worker to pensioner restructuring of the state pension system – will help ratio is an alarmingly low one to one, and given the market development for Dram instruments. consequences of the country’s low birth rate in the early 1990s. Compulsory motor-vehicle liability insurance will serve two purposes. The first is to introduce rules Starting in 2011, Armenia will have a new multi-tiered and predictability in the institutional realm dealing pension system. The funds must be invested in stable, with motor-vehicle accidents. The second reason, income generating deposits, with the fundamental and the one more consequential for the economy, is mission of “securing tomorrow’s old age today.” to develop the insurance sector. However, numerous issues and concerns regarding implementation are already being raised having The large spread between interest to do with (a) the lack of maturity of Armenia’s institutions, particularly the financial system; (b) rates for savings and for credit, as the capacity to return the invested sums in the well as the small size of the total future; (c) the additional tax burden on the public loan portfolios in proportion to the and the employers; (d) the proper execution of obligations assumed by the government; (e) the GDP are evidence that the financial high levels of corruption in the country. system cannot adequately influence the real sector of the economy Of course, because these systems are both new to Armenia, they will have shortcomings which will become apparent as they are implemented. There is no unanimity among experts regarding the However, arguably the most critical and timing of the compulsory regulation, nevertheless, economically consequential question is where and the nearly 450,000 automobiles registered in how these funds will be invested. This concern is Armenia must, as of January 2011, be insured. most relevant to the pension system simply because of the scale of that program. Would those sums flow Parallel with the quick growth of the insurance out of the country for the purpose of reinsurance market, the sector consolidated and the number of or investment in other funds, or would they remain insurance companies has reduced by three, and now in-country? Of course, from the country’s point of



view, keeping the funds in Armenia is preferable. limited borrowing capability, high debt and a high The fundamental question, however, is whether the budget deficit. real sector of the economy is sufficiently developed to absorb the accumulated resources. If not, those Demand is likely to remain weak, domestically as funds, which will have accumulated at the expense a result of increased unemployment and poverty of current consumption, will most likely flow out and a decrease in purchasing power, and externally, of the country and help finance other governments Armenia will remain vulnerable to Russia’s and and corporations. Europe’s moderate growth and Euro depreciation.

Thus, the institutions are faced with a double dilemma: Armenia’s budget deficits and external debt will the success of financial sector reforms is immediately remain high despite attempts to bring them down. dependent on fundamental transformations in the Despite the government’s effort to exercise fiscal real sector so as to facilitate the ability of the economy discipline, 2011 is a pre-election year and for to absorb and use the additional funds. On the other political expediency, expenditures will become more hand, the real sector requires additional funding and dominant. mediation in order to grow. Promises and serious efforts notwithstanding, the OUTLOOK government will remain incapable of implementing crucial second-generation reforms, in order not In 2011, the global economy will grow moderately to challenge politically powerful businessmen, but geographically unevenly. China and India will especially in a pre-election year. grow around six to eight percent, raising inflation fears, which will trigger some growth dampening Discriminatory tax collection policy combined with measures. Europe and the US will grow one to three huge concentration in certain sectors will continue percent. The dominant global economic challenge to drive out small and medium business owners, will be debt and deficit reduction. Europe will further shrinking the field and limiting competition. continue to be challenged by sovereign debt issues in the periphery countries. How all this plays out POLICY OPTIONS will impact other countries, including Armenia.

Russia, Armenia’s main trade and economic partner, The government has exhausted and utilized all fiscal will be affected by these developments. Despite and monetary options. Therefore, in 2011, to create high oil prices, the Russian economy will grow new fiscal space, the government has no choice but moderately, thus generating commensurate foreign to tackle politically sensitive reforms with clear direct investments and remittances for Armenia. economic implications.

Armenia’s economic growth will remain anemic. The government should shift gears away from Despite moderate global growth, there will still be macroeconomic policy to reform policy. The lagging effects on Armenia’s economy. Additionally, fundamental impediments to economic growth are as a result of the global crisis, Armenia will be the lack of diversity and competitiveness, as well as burdened with new limitations on growth, such as interdependence of businessmen and government



officials. Reform in these areas ought to be the trends. The Dram ought to be left to itself, to government’s focus. depreciate sufficiently to create a monetary situation beneficial to exports and increase the purchasing The various economic indexes published by power of the population, especially those dependent international agencies must be taken seriously. on outside remittances. They are useful not just for their general ratings, but for the detailed explanations of indicators and categories. To improve competitiveness, government focus should be on strengthening institutions, education, labor, goods and markets efficiency, and technological readiness.

The European Union Association Agreement offers a tremendous opportunity for real reforms, changes, growth in very specific areas that would hugely support economic competitiveness. The Agreement allows Armenia to take away as much as it wants in the way of new measures, regulations, standards. Armenia should take hold of the chance to revisit and revise practices regarding standardization and intellectual property rights in order to foster innovation and competitiveness, not just in the European markets.

The leadership must leave behind the reactive emergency mode thinking of the last two years and re-focus on overall growth. The government’s main policy document – the Sustainable Development Program – requires serious revision, given the new economic conditions created as a result of the economic decline of the past two years.

A second import substitution strategy is needed, to take the earlier (2000-2005) attempt to a higher level, to address various sectors, from food products to high-tech instruments and hardware. This is essential to ameliorate the external balance.

Despite government pronouncements that interference in the exchange rate is only to smooth the variations, there is still resistance to fundamental





GDP Outlook: Armenia’s GDP Outlook: Azerbaijan’s GDP Outlook: Georgia’s Growth: economy will benefit Growth: economy is expected Growth: economy is expected to from growing remittances, to grow further due to slow down slightly in 2011 2.9 percent 4.3 percent 5.5 percent especially from Russia as improving conditions due to limited FDI inflows commodity prices continue in global commodity and continuing need for Inflation: to rebound. Growth is Inflation: markets. Although Inflation: further structural reforms 8 percent expected to hover around 6 percent dependence on 10 percent and strengthening of the three percent in 2011, commodities may have financial system. Domestic GDP: with inflation returning GDP: shielded the country from GDP: demand will continue to the four to five percent the effects of the global to be encouraged by $8.8 bn $52 bn $11.2 bn range. The current account crisis, the country still expansionary policies and balance may also improve sustains serious structural lending programs. GDP per by a couple of percentage GDP per weaknesses including its GDP per capita: points down from the capita: heavy dependence on the capita: Current account deficit $2676 current -14.5%, while $5764 oil and gas sector. Still, $2559 will persist at around (PPP $5178) gross government debt will (PPP $9953) Azerbaijan’s economy will (PPP $5057) 12 percent while public continue to rise to 50% of grow around five percent. debt will increase to 48 GDP. The main challenges percent of GDP. Public Population: Population: Population: facing the country are debt and inflation control 3.2 m Politically, 2011 will 9 m to radically improve the 4.4m will remain two of the be considered a pre- business climate, promote key challenges along election year, although strategic sectors and with enforcing the rule the May 2012 elections investments and reform of law and improving the are 18 months off. the financial sector. investment environment. This environment will exacerbate tensions Politically, having Politically, the opposition between government and concluded parliamentary will try to consolidate and opposition. The various elections in 2010, no will continue to challenge parties in and out of the new political events are the administration in the coalition will start to on the horizon. The run up to parliamentary position themselves for the domestic scene, though elections in 2012. elections. On the one hand, not free, is stable, with Nevertheless, President this will compound the President Aliyev and his Saakashvili will retain uncertainty; on the other, party and supporters power and stability. if some political forces take dominating the political Georgia will also continue bold and creative steps to and economic fields. to develop closer relations create more acceptable and Increased revenues and a and deeper integration sensible political unions, more visible role in world with the EU. On foreign there may be hope for a energy trade will continue policy, relations with responsive system. to feed Azerbaijan’s Russia will remain frozen, more assertive stances on and Georgia will continue In foreign policy, All regional and international to deepen relations with issues will revolve around issues, including Turkey and Azerbaijan. the Karabakh conflict, Karabakh. Azerbaijan’s including relations with military rhetoric vis-à-vis Turkey, which this year will Karabakh will escalate be a more subdued theme in inverse proportion to due mainly to Turkish progress in the Karabakh elections in 2011. talks.




GDP Outlook: Russia’s recovery GDP Outlook: The Turkish GDP Outlook: Stability in Growth: from the crisis has been Growth: economy’s resilience during Growth: international commodity conditioned by a large this financial crisis can markets has maintained 4 percent 7.8 percent 1.5 percent fiscal intervention, stronger be attributed not only the status quo in Iran’s commodity prices as to improving external economy, with slight Inflation: well as market demand. Inflation: conditions and demand Inflation: improvements in GDP. 8 percent In 2011, the economy is 8.2 percent but also to fiscal prudence, 8 percent The economy is expected expected to grow only privatizations and ongoing to expand at about GDP: marginally by half or one GDP: reforms. Political reforms GDP: three percent in spite of point as structural and and a strong government renewed international $1476 bn $729 bn $338 bn other weaknesses persist also seem to have restored pressures and sanctions despite the government’s confidence. In 2011, growth over its nuclear program. GDP per strive for modernization of GDP per will decrease closer to the GDP per Stronger demand on the capita: industry and diversification capita: averages of developed capita: other hand will create new $10521 of the economy, with a $10206 countries, and inflation will $4484 inflationary pressures in (PPP focus on the banking and (PPP be lower. (PPP 2011. high technology sectors. $15806) $13392) $11024) Deregulation and reforms, Politically, this is a critical Domestically, despite as well as careful fiscal year for Turkey. Their 2011 post-election instability, Population: consolidation, will be Population: parliamentary elections Population: the government is more 140.3 m important for achieving 71.5 m will result with the ruling 75.3 m confident. Still, within sustainable growth. AK Party in the lead, albeit power structures, tension with probably a reduced between the presidency The Medvedev- Putin majority. Depending on the and the religious tandem will dominate the strength of that majority, leadership will become political scene, displaying their policies regarding more evident and can lead real or perceptions of EU integration, regional to further government competition. Until the expansion, Cyprus, Armenia reshuffling and efforts for fall, it won’t be clear who and the Kurds will all be both side’s influence. will be the one candidate affected. for the next presidential In foreign relations, race. In the Caucasus, Iran will continue to Russia will continue to be intransigent on the reinforce and consolidate nuclear issue, and with the its influence. In global nuclear negotiator being policy, Russia will continue named foreign minister, to challenge US supremacy that matter will remain and may try to work with Iran’s number one foreign other emerging powers policy goal. Nevertheless, to create a second pole to the West will attempt to counterbalance to US. increase the pressure on Iran, which will result in increased worries in the region.

*All indicators represent estimates for 2010. Sources: The World Bank, IMF World Economic Outlook, EBRD, the Economist, E & V Research Center,