ISSUE 16 Linda Thompson Que Sera, North Street, Flixton YO11 3UA Tele/Fax 01723 892162 [email protected]

Please see notice board at top of North Street.

Parish Council Meetings are held every first Tuesday in the month unless otherwise stated in the minutes displayed in the 4 Village AND FLIXTON Y.C.A. Noticeboards :-  Outside the Village Hall, Programme For 2011 Meeting are on 1st Tuesday in each  Top of North Street month.You don’t need to be a  By post box on A 1039 member. ALL ARE WELCOME.  Main Street Folkton The first 15 minutes is an OPEN MEETING which November 1st SLIDESHOW BY R. CHILD- anyone can come to then the Council set about BOOKED FEE. the business on the Agenda. December 6th. WREATHES AND GARLANDS Parishioners are welcome to stay but can play no further part in the proceedings. If you ROANNE NURSERY. would like to view items on the agenda they are available in the Village Hall on the THIS YEARS CHRISTMAS SUPPER IS ON Saturday prior to the meeting 10:30-11:30 Your Parish Councillors are:- Chairman Mr.M Brown 01723890516 25TH.NOVEMBER Vice Chairman Mr.B.Found 01723891256 Mr. T.Cresswell 01723890752 Mr.A. Bower 01723890101 IN THE VILLAGE HALL STARTING AT 7:00P.M. Mr.C. Hodgson 01723859000 THE DECK DENE SINGERS WILL BE ENTERTAIN- Mr.K.Robinson 01723890731 Mrs. J.Carroll 01723891548 ING US. TICKETS ARE £7:50 EACH AND ARE Mrs L.Thompson 01723892162 AVAILABLE FROM ANY Y.C.A. MEMBERTELE Mr. T. Moxlow 01723891236 Parish Clerk Mr.C.Adnitt 01723513949 LINDA THOMPSON 01723892162. The N.Y.C.C. Councillor is Mr. J. Blackburn The S.B.C. Councillors are :-Mr.G.Allanson Mr. N. Harvey. COUNTY COUNCILLOR JOHN BLACKBURN WRITE Since I wrote my last article for the Parish News, my life has taken on a major change. As many of you will know I have been elected to the position of Mayor of The Borough of Scar- borough and this is indeed a great honour. There has been a Mayor of Scarborough since 1836. He/She is the first citizen of the Borough, the Queens representative in the Borough and the Chairman of the Council. I am delighted that this year the Mayor is a resident of the Southern Area of the Borough, and as the County Councillor for the Hertford & Cayton Division I hope to be able to attend at least one official function in each village. I will of course continue to represent Folkton and Flixton as your County Councillor. There is no doubt that being Mayor takes over your life. The Mayor acts as an ambassador for the area, working to promote the Borough within and outside the area. Thus having both a democratic and ceremonial role to perform in the Council and the Borough. Vital to Any Mayor is the support of the Mayores or Consort and my wife Jackie and I will have attended over 150 engage- ments by the time you receive this Parish News. We do not choose were we go, we go were we are requested, but we enjoy the experience of meeting lots of people at many varied events.The Mayoress' also has the responsibility of Chairing her community fund which raises money for many local organi- sations during the year. As I have already said our engagements are many and varied, and it is not always the high profile events that we enjoy the most. I particularly enjoy visiting schools as Mayor and also showing some of them around the Town Hall. I am particularly looking forward to hosting the children from Hunmanby School gardening club, following their success as the top mvbn school in in Bloom. Our first engagement was the 80th anniversary of the miniature railway and I particularly enjoyed performing the opening ceremony at the smallest pub in Yorkshire by pulling the first pint and drinking it. Armed Forces Day was a very memorable occasion as was our visit to the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. Every Mayor is expected to have a theme for his or her year and this year I have chosen to have two, those being Sport and Happiness. With regard to sport, I am keen to see improved facilities were necessary throughout the Borough. Naturally I am keen to see progress with the new sports vil- lage and in particular the new football stadium. I recently visited the KC stadium in Hull, together with officers from the council and directors of Scarborough Athletic football club. The object of the visit was to learn how the council, the foot- ball club and rugby league club had worked together on their project, and I was particularly keen to learn more about their hybrid pitch, which in my opinion is just what we need in our new stadium I have received a request for a running track and I have already made enquiries regarding land and fund- ing for such a venture. It is my opinion that facilities for ath- letics are lacking in Scarborough. I have also visited the swimming pool to discuss our plans for a new pool in Scar- borough. I am keen to meet with anybody who wishes to dis- cuss the provision of sports facilities in the Borough. Being Mayor and Mayor’s is hard work, but it is enjoyable. People are always pleased to see us, and in my opinion it is vital to bring a little happiness into people lives. Yes being Mayor has a serious side to it but if we can have a laugh with the many people we meet it is so much more rewarding. Well that is it for now. 5 months down and 7 to go, many more engagements, lots more people to meet and functions to per- form, I cant wait.

Around the various Committees briefly {only one to report on] Southern Parish Cluster Minutes Present: - Councillors- Cayton - John Blackburn (Chairman) & Roberta Swiers Muston - Godfrey Allanson & Brian Stevenson – Tony Willis Osgodby - Peter Southward & Eileen Vickers Folkton - Jill Carroll & Linda Thompson Reighton & Speeton Linda Wilson Hunmanby – Philip Todd & Harvey Stockdale Also present were: - Jo Ireland (Regeneration & Planning Services) & Ian Anderson (Head of Legal & Support Services) Scarborough Borough Council; Councillor Simon Green (Cayton Ward); Michelle Donohoe-Moncrieff Chair Hunmanby Parish Council ; Clerk to the Cluster Helen Carter & one mem- ber of the public. Prior to the start of the meeting John Blackburn welcomed Tony Willis, Harvey Stockdale, Brian Ste- venson & Simon Green to their first meeting. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN for 2011/12 Councillor Blackburn was nominated by Eileen Vickers & seconded by Roberta Swiers. There being no other nominations John Blackburn was elected chair- man. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN for 2011/12 Councillor Allanson was nominated by John Black- burn & seconded by Roberta Swiers. There being no other nominations Godfrey Allanson was elected the vice-chairman. APOLOGIES had been received from – Candida Kirby &Tricia Peake - Reighton & Speeton; Diane Glanvill - Filey; Councillor Mike Cockerill; Councillor Sam Cross & NY Police. POLICE REPORT was circulated at the meeting. Members discussed the breakdown of the figures in that village crimes are included with those that happen at the camps & separate figures would give a better indication of what is happening in each village. The clerk is to contact the police to request separate figures on future reports. LT advised the information in the Flixton paragraph was incorrect; the 2 flower display tubs had been taken from the bus shelter not a garden. This to be mentioned to the police. The police had been seen in Cayton using the speed gun; EV requested that a session is arranged with Osgodby members, the clerk will ask the police. A copy of the police report is at- tached. MATTERS ARISING from the minutes of the last meeting:- Maintenance & Caretaking Survey members were reminded their Parish Councils need to com- plete this & return it to Jo Ireland by 30/6. The clerk will remind the clerks by email. CONSTITUTION & GOVERNANCE Ian briefed members on the present position. The documents have been referred to YLCA & they in turn have referred them to NALC. YLCA have spoken with him & they are supportive of the cluster & what it is doing but had reservations about the wording of the draft constitution & agreement - terms of reference may be used instead of constitution. The re- sponse will be made to the cluster clerk & to each individual council as it is they that are members. Folkton membership of YLCA has lapsed & they presently do not have a clerk, any response is to be sent to Linda Thompson by the clerk. AREA COMMITTEE GRANT/OPTIONS FOR FUNDING Jo requested that the paper discussed at our last meeting was taken back to each Parish Council for discussion by their members. The parish views will then be discussed at our August meeting. Jo went onto discuss the Community, Environment & Economy Development Plan documents (Filey & the Southern Parishes) which have been circulated to all clerks. Exhibitions are being arranged & the consultation commenced on 10th June for 6 weeks. It is important these are discussed at parish level & she is to arrange for several copies to be made available to each parish in order that they can be distributed to individual members. Tied in is the updating of Parish Plans; if any parish needs assistance to do this contact they can contact Jo or Matthew Joseph & involve forward planning. CLUSTER FINANCE the clerk reported:- Financial year end 31st March 2011 - end of year figures were circulated. Income £1,967.62 expen- diture £350.57. Balance held £9,623.62. A Nil precept has been levied for 2011/12. The figures were accepted with the clerk to request David Latham to audit the figures at a cost of £15/20.

FILEY YOUTH FOUNDATION further discussion of the report prepared by the clerk for the May meeting took place. Before a decision is made, the clerk is to seek clarification from Filey TC about the stipulation that in future years a levy is to be made on all parishes. Members agreed to consider the matter further at their next meeting. PARISH REPORTS Dog Fouling EV of Osgodby Community Council had prepared a report on how OCC had been successful in reducing dog fouling in their village. Examples of posters, poo bags, notices were circu- lated to members. The lamp post notices in various villages relating to fines for dog fouling have been painted over & as the fine has recently increased from £100 to £1000, the clerk is to write to Scarborough Borough Council asking if the notices will be replaced. Libraries - HS of Hunmanby PC read out a report relating to the closure of Hunmanby library, in- cluding the impact this will have on the volunteer home library service. M D-M also spoke of her concerns. After discussion, members agreed to support both Hunmanby & Filey relating to this issue as closure of Hunmanby library will impact on Filey library. Members agreed a letter was to be sent to Gary Fielden, Asst Chief Executive, County Council expressing the concerns of the cluster members & supporting Hunmanby & Filey. Wind Farms HS of Hunmanby PC read out a report requesting support from cluster members in the campaign to stop Wind Farms being built in the area. After discussion, members agreed a letter would be sent to The Chief Executive of both NYCC & SBC seeking their policies on the future siting of Wind Farms & if any areas have been earmarked.

OCTOBER Present: - Councillors- Cayton - John Blackburn (Chairman) & Roberta Swiers Muston - Godfrey Allanson & Brian Stevenson Filey – Diane Glanvill & Tony Willis Osgodby - Peter Southward & Eileen Vickers Reighton & Speeton – Tricia Peake & Linda Wilson Folkton – Linda Thompson Hunmanby – Harvey Stockdale & Gerald Dibnah Gristhorpe & Leberston – Arsand Lokottarn Also present were: - Inspector Leo Suret NY Police; Jo Ireland (Regeneration & Planning Services) & Ian Anderson (Head of Legal & Support Services) SBC; Mike Cockerill SBC; Phil Todd Hunmanby PC; Kath Wilkie Filey4Wards; David & Marion Raine Seamer PC; Clerk to the Cluster Helen Carter. APOLOGIES had been received from Jill Carroll Folkton PC & Nick Harvey SBC. POLICE REPORT was circulated at the meeting & discussed with Insp. Leo Suret. The new staffing structure has been in place since March, he now has more officers & crime is on a downward trend. Members asked questions & received replies from Leo. A request was made for a breakdown of figures for the camps separate to those of the villages. He will see what he can do & inform the clerk. Leo was thanked for attending & he left the meeting. A copy of the police report is attached. MATTERS ARISING from the minutes of the last meeting:- Dog Fouling Notices on lamp posts members to receive the response from SBC. Hunmanby Library members to receive the response from NYCC. Wind Farms members to receive the response from NYCC & SBC. Details of the responses received in respect of these matters was circulated to members to take back to their respective councils. SPEAKER members welcomed Nick Edwards Head of Finance & Asset Management (SBC). He gave a presentation on SBC budget 2012/13, specifically Southern Area Cluster Bids submitted for funding, seeking the involvement & feedback from members on how to spend any money available. Comments were made by members & questions raised; “Voice Your Choice” was discussed as being the best method of deciding funding requests. Nick will keep the Cluster involved; probably return in January & consider “Voice your Choice”. Nick was thanked for attending & he left the meeting PLEASE GO TO PAGE 8

SEPTEMBER Public Question Time Concerns were raised at the position used by the Police CCTV Van, and it was suggested they could use the Welborn Court Entrance. Following discussion it was agreed to write to the Police suggesting this location. Residents asked what was happening with the Forden Road Footpath, and it was explained that two formal objections have been received. Whilst NYCC were in favour of approval, the matter has to be referred to the Secretary of State for a decision. It was highlighted that the public were advised not to use the path until the Secretary of State’s decision has been obtained. Matters Arising 102/11 It was explained that no grants were available for the cleaning and restoration of the War Memorial at the present time. 6/2 Following a question, it was explained that a donation of £270 was made to the Village Hall Committee. Report from County Councillor Concerns were raised about the damage caused by vehicles on Crook Lane, and Cllr J Blackburn was asked if Tarmac could be provided. It was also highlighted that the road over the Carr required resurfacing. It was highlighted that the white lines required repainting on Carr Bridge, together with the road markings on Flixton Hill. It was felt that the pot holes on Folkton Brow required repairs, and the grids were in need of cleaning out. Branches on the grass verge on Main Street required removal, and a heavy branch was hanging over the road required cutting off. Report from Borough Councillor It was explained that the structure on Carr View Caravan Park was a temporary structure and as such did not require planning permission. Potential noise issues were raised although it was understood that problems had arisen to date. Cllr Allanson agreed to investigate possible funding for the War Memorial cleaning, possibly through the Par‐ ish Cluster or Model Agreement. It was noted that YLCA membership had been taken out by the Parish Council and he thought it was a good source of advice. Southern Area Committee money has been transferred to the Cluster. Details of the process were to be deter‐ mined. Southern Area Cluster funding was required by the Cricket Club. It was noted that a response on the LDF had been supplied by Cllr M Brown. Muston & Yedingham Drainage Board wished to take over responsibility for the River Hertford from the Envi‐ ronment Agency. However the bridges have been neglected and no vegetation clearance has taken place, it was understood that funding was being sought to bring the river up to standards. Cllr Allanson advised that the “Wetlands” scheme was still ongoing. He also advised that he was now on a new Scrutiny Committee, Environmental & Economy. A Cluster Meeting was to be held on 16th September, and was open to the public. He advised that St. Nicholas Street, Scarborough was to be closed from 26th September to 9th October for water mains work, and that traffic congestion was expected. Bus services were to be re‐routed. Planning Applications Three planning application were received:‐ Application for a wind turbine at Folkton Wold Farm. Application for a Sports Hall by the Cricket Club. Some points were raised previously. Application of a Road Change on Wolds. Correspondence Letter received from SBC requesting view of the convenience of Polling Stations and requesting comments from the Parish Council. It was felt that the existing arrangements were suitable and the clerk was to respond to SBC accordingly. Comments were raised about the recent felling of trees in the Conservation Area. It was understood that Scarborough Council had written to the person concerned and that he had promised to replace the trees. It was agreed that the Parish Council was to send a letter expressing its views. Concerns were raised that the beck has become overgrown and required cleaning out. It was agreed that this would be discussed at the next meeting. It was felt that a formal rental agreement was required for the Common Land, with various ideas suggested. Maps were to be obtained by the clerk showing the boundaries of the Common Land. The matter was to be investigated and discussed further at a later date. Finance The clerk provided a report on the current finances. The following accounts were received for payment, Petrol for mover £40, and Mazars (External Auditors) £186. Approved. The following payment has been received, One year’s rent for Common Land £5. Any Other Business Cllr Moxlow advised that he had received a request from the Wilf Ward Trust for a donation towards a motor‐ ised scooter for a local resident. It was understood that a fundraising event was being organised by the Trust in an attempt to raise £600. Following a discussion it was agreed to discuss the issues fully at the next meet‐ ing.

Concerns were raised at on‐going occurrences of speeding along Back Lane. Registration numbers of offend‐ ers have been given to the Police and members of public was requested to assist in reporting offences.

Dog Fouling remained a problem and dog owners were requested to clean up any mess left by their dogs. Offenders were to be reported to the Dog Warden. OCTOBER Public Question Time Concerns were raised at the speed some cars are travelling down Back Lane. Cllr Hodgson reminded residents to take a note of offending vehicle number plates and he would give the details to the Police. The Council to write to the Police to convey their concerns and invite them to the next Council meeting. Residents asked what was happening with the Forden Road Footpath, and it was explained the matter has been referred to the Secretary of State and we are waiting for their decision. It was highlighted that the public were advised not to use the path until the Secretary of State’s decision has been obtained. Residents are concerned about the state of the derelict building behind Manor Farm, Flixton. The Council to write to the owner of the building. Report from County Councillor Cllr Blackburn was meeting with Nick West Thursday 7th October and would discuss on going tasks. Report from Borough Councillor Cllr Allanson, Chairman of the Transport Forum reported that NYCC were seeking to stop the Government, under the Localism Bill, were to modernise the planning guidance procedure to make it simpler to implement. Donations To Charity/ Funds for Parish Grants. Cllr Hodgson stated that he felt the Council should have a fund available for Parishoners to apply for grants. Cllr Carroll said that this was really what participatory budgeting was all about. It was agreed to discuss the matter when the precept was on the agenda. Village Hall Cllr Found has applied to the Lottery fund for them to consider a request for a grant. Cllr Found asked if the Council, as owners of the village hall, would apply to Awards for All for a grant. Cllr Carroll asked for proof that the village hall was owned by the Council. Further discussions next meeting.

Planning Applications 1.Wind Turbines at Woodhouse Farm Flixton. A discussion took place and the applicant told members that the turbines would be 400m away from the nearest property. All in favour. 2.Two story extension with garage at Folkton. Planning Committee to discuss. Any Other Business Cllr Carroll reported that she had been to meeting at Scarborough Borough Council regarding the Local‐ ism Bill. One of the matters discussed was changes to the Code of Conduct which was awaiting the House of Commons approval. SOUTHERN PARISH CLUSTER CONTINUED. Adoption of the Joint Agreements & entering into The Model Area Agreement with Scarbor- ough Borough Council for the Area Committee grant. These 2 agenda items were discussed together. The clerk reported: Osgodby Village Council & Cayton Parish Council had agreed to the establishment of a Joint Committee with the other councils; agreed to Cayton Parish Council acting as the host authority for the joint committee & agreed to delegate to the Joint Committee authority to enter into an agreement with the Scarborough Borough Council for the management of functions exercised through the Joint Committee for and on behalf of the Borough Council, subject to the Parish representative reporting to Parish Council meetings upon the activities of the Joint Committee. Muston Parish Council & Reighton Parish Council had also agreed to approve & support in princi- ple the agreements. Hunmanby PC was to discuss the agreements at their meeting on 26th October. Filey Town Council the response received by the clerk was that a request be made via the Town Council’s Cluster Representatives to the Southern Parish Cluster meeting to be held on 17 October 2011, that both of the revised draft agreements be sent back to the Yorkshire Local Councils Asso- ciation (YLCA) and the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) for their comments and con- sideration and expressing all the concerns raised. A decision had not been received from Folkton PC or Gristhorpe & Leberston PC. Ian Anderson advised the documents have already been referred to YLCA & NALC & any amend- ments made were minor. He briefed members on the purpose of the agreements which would enable the councils to work together, make decisions together & to accept money from SBC through the Model Agreement & spend it in a manner agreed to by all members. A Host Council is required to look after the business of the Cluster; a clerk needs to be employed. The Model Agreement (a docu- ment councils are familiar with) is with The Cluster & has no impact on individual councils Model Agreements & never will. The Model Agreement may develop in the future but at the present time is required for the funding available. Following general discussion during which Councillor Blackburn, the clerk & Ian Anderson advised they are prepared to go to a councils meeting to discuss any issues a council may have, the mem- bers agreed that a final decision would be made at the January 2012 meeting to enable matters to move forward. It is hoped all councils will have adopted the agreements by the January meeting. No further request was specifically made by Filey Town Council representatives of referral back to YLCA/NALC. Options available for spending the Area Committee grant funding after a brief discussion it was agreed that until a decision regarding the Agreements had been approved no decision could be taken regarding spending the money. Further discussion would take place at the January meeting. Winter Maintenance Cayton have formed a working group; Hunmanby are looking at doing so. NYCC are holding a training session on 20th October. Councillor Stevenson raised the issue of the road between Muston & Hunmanby not being salted/gritted early enough in the day to keep it open even though it is a priority 2 road on NYCC network. It is also a bus route. It was agreed, the clerk would write to NYCC to request that more is done this winter to keep it open. PARISH CLUSTER FINANCE the clerk reported:- David Latham has confirmed he carried out an audit of the final accounts of the Cluster for year end 31/3/2011 on 13th July 2011 and has no queries. Members agreed his fee of £9.20 could be paid. Funds held as at 30th September 2011 total £9,308.83. Godfrey Allanson has been added as a signatory to the bank account in place of Aileen Newbury. Precept 2012/13 a Nil precept was set in 2011/12. Members agreed a Nil precept would be raised for 2012/13. Administration costs – a summary breakdown of costs incurred was circulated. An amount of £20 was agreed to. A breakdown will be available to the auditor. Clerk payment a summary breakdown was circulated. Members agreed to pay 10 hours for the June meeting; additional work 5 hours; October meeting 10 hours. Total 25 hours @ £10.49 per hour = £262.25 plus £20 total £282.25. PARISH REPORTS Councillor Eileen Vickers raised the matter that SBC planners no longer advise councils of decisions made re planning applications. Members were informed the matter had been raised at a recent YLCA meeting & Jill Low Scarborough Borough Council Planning manager had been invited to their next meeting. Repair of faulty street lights was raised. The clerk informed members if faults were reported on web- sites, a reference was obtained & any problems could be followed up. It is up to individual councils to find out if their street lights are owned by SBC or NYCC. FILEY YOUTH FOUNDATION the response received from Filey Town council was circulated. The conditions remain the same - “The Filey Youth Foundation agreed to pass their existing balance (£522.06 as at 4.7.11) to the Cluster to administer as a separate ring fenced fund (specifically for youth) with future contributions from all the Cluster Members being levied on an annual basis. So therefore these funds would have to be specifically earmarked for youth projects and the Cluster would need to administer the grant applications”. After discussion it was agreed to reply to Filey TC that the members were unable to take over the scheme on the terms requested.

Scarborough Roads Liaison Councillor Bower attended this meeting and Stephen Wright Traffic Signals Engineer gave a presentation about Traffic Lights and Integrated Transport System in Scarborough. YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN ’ S ASSOCIATION PRESENT AN

ON FRIDAY25TH.November AT 7:00 P.M.


St. John the Evangelist Church

ST JOHN the Evangelist Church Folkton was seasonably decorated for the harvest festival. The organist was Steve Westaway and the service was conducted by Rev Tony Marsh: As well as the normal harvest hymns Rev Marsh requested and old hymn written by Moody and Sankey (Bringing in the Sheaves) which Steve played with gusto and was sung by the con- gregation with great joy. A harvest supper was held in the village hall. A raffle raised £50 for church funds .The church warden Bryan Found thanked all those who had helped in anyway to make the evening such a happy one.

Any children teenagers or adults who would be interested in helping St. John the Evangelist Church at Folkton put on a Nativity / Carol Service at the Church in December please get in touch with Linda Thompson 01723 892162 or come to a meeting at the Village Hall on Monday 14th. November when we can discuss how we can progress this initiative.

The Church has decided not to put on a Christmas Fayre this year due to the threat of inclement weather and such a busy time of year for everyone. We are going to do a Spring Fayre instead has this was quite Successful earlier this year. A date has not been decided upon yet but it will possible be in April.


The 2011 season was another successful one for the cricket club. The pre- season started ominously with a burst pipe causing much damage, and thanks must go to all the members who worked very hard to ensure the pavilion was ready in time for the first games. On the field, the highlight for the senior teams was the promotion as champions of the 2nd XI back to the Beckett Premier League. The first XI had a nail biting finish to the season when they secured their position in the York Senior League First Division on the very last day. Congratu- lations must go to the 3rd XI who maintained their league position whilst fielding many young (and one or two not so young!) players. The junior section continues to go from strength to strength. There are now over 40 juniors with the club field- ing teams in the Under 15’s and Under 11’s leagues. The club has 4 qualified coaches and offers a safe environment for boys and girls of all abilities to learn and enjoy the game. If anyone wishes to join for the 2012 season please contact the secretary. A measure of the juniors success is in the number of players now playing representative cricket for The Scarborough & District, North Yorkshire and also Yorkshire Schools. Well done to all. The club has also hosted a number of functions including birthday parties and christenings and is available for use by non-members. The secretary, David Hutchinson, can be contacted on davidhutchin- [email protected] or 07771 686263. Secretary David Hutchinson Folkton & Flixton CC

FLIXTON SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB The Short Mat Bowling Season is under way with Social Bowling on Tuesday Night and Matches on Thursday nights. Anyone interested in joining the Club or would like top come along to watch please get in touch with Mr. Sherburn on 01723369767.

Darts and Dominoes Teams in Fixton and Folkton .

The Cricket Club Darts and Dominoes Team met every Wednesday at the Cricket Club. If you are interested in joining the team please get in touch with Mick Walmsley on 01723890832.

Flixton Playing Fields Association Flixton F.C. Mike Stephenson 01723361024 This team play on a Saturday. Mike reports :- The team is managing to hold it’s own we are in in the Second Division of the Scarborough District League. We have won 3 and lost 3. We are still enjoying playing our games at Flixton.

New F.C. John Orrah 01723585772 or John Chalk 07796293142. This team plays on Saturday P.M.

West Pier Paddy Parks 01723341547 This team plays on Sunday A.M.


At the time the decision was made not to go in for Yorkshire in Bloom there were mixed feelings about this being the right thing to do , however due to illness and family commitments that people in the group have had to deal with it turned out to be the right decision. After all that has happened I do feel that the Village displays have not suffered for most of the year. The beds, tube and wildlife area have all looked fantastic and comments of how well Since our A.G.M. in September we are hopefully back on track and although we have lost members we have also gained new members but there is always room for more people to join us. It doesn’t have to be on a regular basis just if you could give a hand occasionally would help. We have no age restrictions has jobs can be found for young as well as mature people. So if you would like to help keep our villages looking their best please get in touch with me or any member of the Bloom Group. Our next meeting is Tuesday 15th. November at 7 : 30 p.m. At the Foxhound Inn. All are welcome to come to this meeting.

Maps drawn by Maggie Creswell of the Parish of Folkton are available from Councillor Ted Moxlow at a charge of £5 each. All proceeds going to the Parish Council. The map in a larger form can been seen in the Village Hall or in the standard form in the Foxhound Inn.


Car tyres slashed Hunmanby] Filey Safer Neighbourhood Team are seeking any information in relation to tyres be- ing slashed on a Vauxhall parked in Havercroft Road Hunmanby sometime between 7.30pm and 10.30pm on Thursday 20/10 Any information should be reported to the Police on 0845 60 60 24 7 quoting refer- ence number 12110180592 [Shed burglary Hunmanby] Filey Safer Neighbourhood Team are seeking any information in relation to the bur- glary of a shed on farm on Bridlington Road Hunmanby, when a lawnmower was sto- len, sometime between 3.30pm Sunday 16/10 and 12pm Sunday 23/10 Any information should be reported to the Police on 0845 60 60 24 7 quoting refer- ence number 12110179978 Police Warning to 4x4 Vehicle Owners] North Yorkshire Police are warning owners of 4x4 vehicles especially Land Rover Defenders after recent thefts of two of these vehicles in the Hamleton & Richmond- shire Area. Ensure you do not leave your vehicle keys easily accessible to a thief. Fit an immobiliser/alarm and/or Tracker system, use physical security such as steering wheel locks and clamps and use your garage if you have one. Poaching-good news] During this summer, Safer Neighbourhood officer's received a report of illegal hare coarsing in Marishes, near Pickering. They attended within five minutes and caught five people poaching. The culprits were in court last week and received fines totalling £1,200. Thanks to the vigilant farmer for reporting the incident

Folkton Flixton Village Hall The village hall is available for functions .Please get in touch with Ken Robinson on 01723 890731 if you are interested in making a booking

Many thanks to all who have contributed articles for this newsletter I couldn’t produce it without you. Deadline for next issue end of JANUARY 2012