Minutes of Regular Meeting of Market Weighton Town Council
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6341 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 18 TH APRIL 2012 AT 7.00PM Present: Councillor Hemmerman (Town Mayor and Chair) Botting Chicken Frith King Macqualter Peaks (a) Rudd Smith Stellings Townshend Clerk to the Meeting Mrs Lesley-Jane Holt 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Peaks. 2. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE TOWN COUNCIL A resident informed the Council that an Allotment Association had now been set up and that he had agreed to be the Chair Person of the association. The resident set out what they wanted from MWTC and what they would give in return and that they would work in close liaison with the MWTC. The resident also asked that MWTC reconsider allowing cockerels on the allotment as some allotment holders wished to breed rare hens and whilst section 12 of the Allotments Act 1950 stated that “not cockerels for reasons which will be examined later in this document” the notes suggested that there should be no cockerels due to the Control of Pollution Act 1974 (as amended) but that this act is likely not to attract such a prohibition in a rural area (unlike an urban area – due to noise nuisance) due to the fact that if a person moved to the country next to an allotment site with cockerels then that is something that they might have to accept. This matter was discussed and it was agreed that the matter go to the Cemetery and Parks Committee on the 30 th May for further discussion and then ratification of that decision at the next Full Regular Meeting. It was however proposed by Cllr King and seconded by Cllr Chicken that allotment holders be allowed to keep the cockerels that were presently on the allotments until at such time a full decision had been made. A resident informed the Council that whilst a campaign against access to Northgate Vale was being conducted they wanted to let the Council know that there was no objection against the Health Centre or the houses to be built just the access to these facilities due to its unsuitability. Another resident mentioned that Calendar News and the Yorkshire Post were doing a feature on this. The residents felt the present facilities on Londesborough Road were adequate in their opinion. The residents wished to have Lovells (the developers) and the Landowners to get together and talk about this. The residents wanted MWTC to publicly support this campaign and stated there was to be a meeting at the Bay Horse at 6.30 the next day to discuss this. The residents also asked Cllr Rudd (Ward Councillor) to take the matter to ERYC to let them know this matter was just about the access problems. The residents invited Councillors to take a look at their website. All residents left the meeting. 3. DECLARATIONS OF A PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST – Members to declare any interest in items on the Agenda and the nature of those interest. No Councillors signed the book and declared a personal and prejudicial interest. 4. MINUTES OF THE MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 21ST MARCH 2012 It was proposed by Cllr Stellings and seconded by Cllr Botting that the previous Minutes be signed as a true and correct record. AGREED. 6342 5. ONGOING MATTERS AND PROGRESS REPORTS – Town Clerk The Clerk stated there was nothing to report as everything was covered by the Agenda but was happy to answer any queries. There were no queries. 6. TO GIVE AN UPDATE ON THE POSITION WITH REGARD TO FILLING THE VACANCIES FOR THE TWO TOWN COUNCILLORS The Clerk informed Councillors that there was an election on 26 th April and that quite a few residents had been in to ask what the two candidates were like and had been referred to ERYC but the Clerk had written to the candidates asking that they produce information for residents. Cllr King stated that it was outside the remit of the MWTC to contact the candidates and this should be done by the ERYC. The Clerk stated that she had contacted ERYC who said it was outside their remit. The Clerk informed Councillors that the co-option notice was on the board with regard to the second vacancy. To date three prospective councillors had sent in a co-option notice – two of whom were candidates in the election. The Clerk was asked that co-option letters be passed to Councillors once the election was over. 7. TO DISCUSS THE UP TO DATE POSITION ON THE PORTAS PILOT Cllr Hemmerman stated that the form had gone off within the time limit and a video had been done and sent via U-tube and that a letter of support had been done by the ERYC and sent off as per the requirements. The Clerk was asked to invite the interested businesses to the next Town Planning Meeting and make it an agenda item. 8. TO DISCUSS A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Cllr Hemmerman had attended a seminar on this item recently and felt that, under the new Localism Bill; development would have to fit into such a plan and could be refused on those grounds if it didn’t. The Clerk was asked to e mail ERNLLCA asking that Cllrs Townshend, Hemmerman, Frith, Smith, King and Chicken be put forward for the appropriate training. 9. TO CONSIDER CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL SINCE THE LAST REGULAR MEETING – 21 ST MARCH 2012 ERYC 1. E-Mail - Terry Weaver, Re: Proposed No Waiting at Any Time Restrictions on Langdale Road & Sancton Rd, Market Weighton. 2. E-Mail from Hazel Bainton, Re: Third Local Transport Plan – Network Management Duty - Summary of consultation and responses to Question 6 on Local Issues 3. Notice of Rent Review – Land at St Helens Well, Market Weighton 4. Flood Liaison Group 5. E-Mail from Jenny Crabb Re: Cycle Parking Provision 6. East Riding Community Partnerships – 50+ Health Lifestyles & Information Event, 20 th April 11am-3pm, Market Weighton Community Hall 7. East Riding Parish News 8. Parish Council Vacancy 9. Letter from Jonathan Sykes Re: Disabled Parking Bay Query 10. E-Mail from Andy Potter – Re: Parking Bays at St Helens Well Proper Quote for work – Proposed by Cllr Rudd and seconded by Cllr Townshend that that this be accepted. AGREED. Work complete aprox 4 wks. 11. Portas Pilot Information GENERAL 1. Copies of letters sent by Residents of Northgate Vale, Market Weighton, to ERYC, Re: Planning Application DC/12/00891/STPLF for 49 Dwellings & Health Centre 2. Sandersons Solicitors: Proposed Cemetery Extension 3. E-Mail - Steve Shaw, Re: Success on proposal to empower Town & Parish Councils 4. Press Release from Residents of Northgate Vale & Holme Road 5. E-Mail from Joe Allenby Re: Bikes in Market Weighton TC write – not responsibility of MWTC 6343 6. E-Mail from Adam Fowler Re: No 34 Bus Stops in Market Weighton Too near to town if at Montracon needs to be further down 7. E-Mail from J Curwen Re: Watering – Red Lion (C & P) Agreed at Cemetery and Parks and all ok with this 8. E-Mail Re: National Market Day, Market Trader News Rate Card 9. Press Release from Mr Wood Re: Health Centre Planning Application 10. Thank you note from Hilary Walton – Resident Warden, Scotts Croft 11. Draft Minutes of Action Access A1079 Meeting held 23 rd March 2012 12. ERNLLCA Newsletter 13. ERNLLCA – Membership Cover for year 14. RNIB (supporting blind and partially sighted people) – Request 15. Market Weighton Civic Society – Thank you letter for use of Chambers 16. Press Release Re: 49 Houses and Health Centre Planning Application 17. E-Mail from ERNLLCA Re: 2012 Code of Conduct Agenda item for next Regular to adopt East Riding version 18. ER & NL Branch Newsletter 19. Letter from Allotment Plot Holder, Re: Cockerels 20. Community Hall Management Committee Minutes from Meeting held on 14 th March 2012 21. PlantScape Update – Jubilee Edition 22. British Red Cross – Cllr Diane Peaks Agreed that Cllr Peaks should do this course (Emergency Plan). TC to arrange direct liaison with Cllr Peaks and the Company 23. Copy of letter sent to ERYC, Re: Proposed New development 24. Letter from Resident, Re: Lovel Developments 25. Press Release No 4 – Planning App – Health Centre 26. E-Mail from Gareth Scott Re: Planning 27. Environment Agency Works On Mill Beck TC to invite to next regular meeting 28. Empowering Town and Parish Councils – Local Works Individual responses to be made if required 29. Community Hall - thank you letter 10. TO CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD SINCE LAST REGULAR MEETING Cemetery and Parks 4 th April 2012 It was AGREED to recommend to full Council that: • The Clerk contact the gentleman who used to work for RoSPA and take up his offer of doing one park with the other at half price as the East Riding were no longer doing these park checks rather than going for the 3 quote option. Agreed. • A 5% increase is added to the burial charges with effect from 1 st April 2012. Agreed Personnel 4 th April 2012 It was AGREED to recommend to full Council that: • A new contract be drawn up for the Market Organiser for 7 hours per month for the LPM with any additional hours being recompensed as additional hours and that the Market Organiser be invited to a personnel meeting to explain the position as suggested in the ERNLLCA e mail. 6 for 3 against - Agreed • Staff talks further about a uniform and come back with suggestions to full council.