CONSULTATION DOCUMENT PROPOSED EXPANSION FOR ALSAGER SCHOOL Hassall Road, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2HR Headteacher: Mr Richard Middlebrook Tel: 01270 871100 Email:
[email protected] Consultation document for a proposal to permanently expand Alsager School Consultation period 26th June 2017 to 24st July 2017 This consultation document sets out: Information about Alsager School Why we need more school places in the Alsager area Why we are proposing that Alsager School expands The expansion proposal How you can give your views What happens after the consultation The consultation timetable Alsager School Alsager School is part of Alsager Multi Academy Trust and is located at Hassall Road, Alsager, Stoke- on-Trent ST7 2HR. The school normally would admit 235 children into the cohort of each year. Due to exceptional demand, appeals and an increase in Looked After Children and Children with an Education Healthcare Plan the school has admitted more than this number in 2 of the previous 3 years and will again for September 2017. Due to significant housing developments creating the need for additional places, as well as the current basic need for more pupil places as evidenced by applications over the past 3 years, the proposal is to permanently expand the school from a PAN (pupil admission number) of 235 to 265. This would start in September 2019 with Year 7 only. Why do we need more secondary school places in Alsager? The council has a statutory duty to ensure that there are sufficient pupil places to meet the current and future demand for pupil places. Similar to other areas in Cheshire East, Alsager has been facing a growth in the demand for places driven by: Housing developments in the Alsager area In the past three years and this current year the school has been oversubscribed Page 1 of 4 CONSULTATION DOCUMENT PROPOSED EXPANSION FOR ALSAGER SCHOOL The forecasts for pupil numbers in this area, based on October 2015 school census data, show a continuing need for growth.