Ministry of Commerce ព្រឹត្តិបព្ត្ផ្លូវការ

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Ministry of Commerce ព្រឹត្តិបព្ត្ផ្លូវការ 寒រះ殶ជាណាច寒ររម្ុពជា ជាតិ សាស侶 寒រះម្ហារស寒ត KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA NATION RELIGION KING 寒រសួងពាណិῒជរម្ម 侶យរដ្ឋានរម្មសិទ្ធិបញ្ញា MINISTRY OF COMMERCE Department of Intellectual Property ព្រឹ㿒ិតបព្㿒ផ្ូលវζរ OFFICIAL GAZETTE សប្តា ហ៍ទី១១-១៣ នៃᯒន� ២០២០ Week 11-13 of 2020 27/March/2020 (PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY) 埒នែកទី ១ PP AA RR TT II ការច ប⟒ជីថ្មី NNEEWW RREEGGIISSTTRRAATTIIOONN FFRROOMM RREEGG.. NNoo.. 7755334499 ttoo 7755556600 PPaaggee 11 ttoo 7711 ___________________________________ 1- លេខដ្ឋរ់ពារយ (APPLICATION No. ) 2- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ដ្ឋរ់ពារយ (DATE FILED) 3- ម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (NAME OF APPLICANT) 4- 讶សយដ្ឋានម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (ADDRESS OF APPLICANT) 5- 寒បលទ្ស (COUNTRY) 6- ល្មះភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (NAME OF AGENT) 7- 讶សយដ្ឋានភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (ADDRESS OF AGENT) 8- លេខចុះបញ្ជី (REGISTRATION No) 9- ζេបរិលចេទ្ចុះបញ្ជី (DATE REGISTERED) 10- គំរ ូម្ច➶រ (SPECIMEN OF MARK) 11- ῒរំ ូរ (CLASS) 12- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ផុតរំណត់ (EXPIRY DATE) 埒នែកទី ២ PP AA RR TT IIII RREENNEEWWAALL PPaaggee 7722 ttoo 113344 ___________________________________ 1- លេខដ្ឋរ់ពារយល ម្ើ (ORIGINAL APPLICATION NO .) 2- ζេបរលិ ចេទ្ដ្ឋរ់ពារយល ម្ើ (ORIGINAL DATE FILED) 3- ម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (NAME OF APPLICANT) 4- 讶សយដ្ឋានម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (ADDRESS OF APPLICANT) 5- 寒បលទ្ស (COUNTRY) 6- ល្មះភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (NAME OF AGENT) 7- 讶សយដ្ឋានភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (ADDRESS OF AGENT) 8- លេខចុះបញ្ជីល ម្ើ (ORIGINAL REGISTRATION No) 9- ζេបរលិ ចេទ្ចុះបញ្ជលី ម្ើ ORIGINAL REGISTRATION DATE 10- គំរ ូម្ច➶រ (SPECIMEN OF MARK) 11- ῒរំ ូរ (CLASS) 12- ζេបរលិ ចេទ្ដ្ឋរ់ពារយសុំ ុចុះបញ្ជសាី ជាថ្មី (RENEWAL FILING DATE) 13- ζេបរលិ ចេទ្ចុះបញ្ជសាី ជាថ្មី (RENEWAL REGISTRATION DATE) 14- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ផុតរំណត់ (EXPIRY DATE) 埒នែកទី ៣ PP AA RR TT IIIIII CHANGE, ASSIGNMENT, MERGER AND CANCELLATION PPaaggee 113355 ttoo 220044 ___________________________________ 1- លេខដ្ឋរ់ពារយ (APPLICATION No.) 2- ζេបរិលចេទ្ដ្ឋរ់ពារយ (DATE FILED) 3- ម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (NAME OF APPLICANT) 4- 讶សយដ្ឋានម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (ADDRESS OF APPLICANT) 5- 寒បលទ្ស (COUNTRY) 6- ល្មះភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (NAME OF AGENT) 7- 讶សយដ្ឋានភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (ADDRESS OF AGENT) 8- លេខចុះបញ្ជី (REGISTRATION No) 9- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ននζររត់寒ាចុះបញ្ជី (DATE OF ISSUE) 10- គំរូម្ច➶ រ (SPECIMEN OF MARK) 11- ῒរំ ូរ (CLASS) 12- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ផុតរំណត់ (EXPIRY DATE) 13- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្េុបម្ច➶រ (DATE CANCELLED) 埒នែកទី ៤ PP AA RR TT IIVV CCOORRRREECCTTIIOONN PPaaggee 0000 埒នែកទី ៥ PP AA RR TT VV ច ប⟒ជីម ាកអន្តរជាតិ IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall MMaarrkk RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ((MMaaddrriidd)) PPaaggee 220055 ttoo 330088 ___________________________________ 1- លេខដ្ឋរ់ពារយ (APPLICATION No. ) 2- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ដ្ឋរ់ពារយ (DATE FILED) 3- ម្ចាស់ម្ច➶រ (NAME OF APPLICANT) 4- 讶សយដ្ឋានម្ចា ស់ម្ច➶រ (ADDRESS OF APPLICANT) 5- 寒បលទ្ស (COUNTRY) 6- ល្មះភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (NAME OF AGENT) 7- 讶សយដ្ឋានភ្នារ់Ꮆរ (ADDRESS OF AGENT) 8- លេខចុះបញ្ជី (REGISTRATION No) 9- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ចុះបញ្ជី (DATE REGISTERED) 10- គំរ ូម្ច➶រ (SPECIMEN OF MARK) 11- ῒរំ ូរ (CLASS) 12- ζេបរ ិលចេទ្ផុតរំណត់ (EXPIRY DATE) DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 1- 89632/D /2019 2- 16/12/2019 3- BRIGHT OPPORTUNITY INVESMENT CO., LTD. 4- No 16 CDE, Street 337, Sangkat Beong Kak 1, Khan Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- BRIGHT OPPORTUNITY INVESMENT CO., LTD. 7- 8- 75349 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 12- 16/12/2029 __________________________________ 1- 88739/D /2019 2- 30/10/2019 3- Mr. KHEM YUOS PANHA 4- Phum Kampong Bay Khang Choeung, Sangkat Kampong Bay, Krong Kampot, Kampot Province, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mr. KHEM YUOS PANHA 7- 8- 75350 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 41 12- 30/10/2029 __________________________________ 1- 88445/D /2019 2- 09/10/2019 3- Mrs. KOY DOUNGRASY 4- Plov Lum, Ph um Kouk Khleang, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mrs. KOY DOUNGRASY 7- 8- 75351 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 3 12- 09/10/2029 __________________________________ 1 DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 1- 88400/D /2019 2- 07/10/2019 3- Mr. Mao Chanrith 4- Phum Kan Touk Chemg, Sangkat Kan Touk, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mr. Mao Chanrith 7- 8- 75352 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 19 12- 07/10/2029 __________________________________ 1- 84307/D /2019 2- 27/02/2019 3- NILEDA Co., Ltd. 4- No. A3+4, Street 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok,Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- ALIAT PHEAVY PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED 7- No.20E1, Street 88 Sangkat Wat Phnom Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh Cambodia 8- 75353 9- 10/03/2020 10- Ramida Gold 11- 5 12- 27/02/2029 __________________________________ 1- 84308/D /2019 2- 27/02/2019 3- NILEDA Co., Ltd. 4- No. A3+4, Street 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok,Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- ALIAT PHEAVY PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED 7- No.20E1, Street 88 Sangkat Wat Phnom Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh Cambodia 8- 75354 9- 10/03/2020 10- Alba 11- 5 12- 27/02/2029 __________________________________ 1- 84310/D /2019 2- 27/02/2019 3- NILEDA Co., Ltd. 2 DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 4- No. A3+4, Street 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok,Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- ALIAT PHEAVY PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED 7- No.20E1, Street 88 Sangkat Wat Phnom Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh Cambodia 8- 75355 9- 10/03/2020 10- Tata 11- 5 12- 27/02/2029 __________________________________ 1- 88898/D /2019 2- 05/11/2019 3- Ms. Hong Mengchou 4- No. 176, Street 371, Phum Kbal Tumnoup, Sangkat Boeung Tumpun, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Ms. Hong Mengchou 7- 8- 75356 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 43 12- 05/11/2029 __________________________________ 1- 89114/D /2019 2- 20/11/2019 3- Ms. BO PHANG 4- No. 130, Plov Lum, Phum Borey Kamkor, Sangkat Teuk Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Ms. BO PHANG 7- 8- 75357 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 43 12- 20/11/2029 __________________________________ 1- 89091/D /2019 2- 19/11/2019 3- Mr. Heng Santera 3 DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 4- Ou Smach Village, Sangkat Ou Smach, Samraong Municipality, Oddor Meanchey Province, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mr. Heng Santera 7- 8- 75358 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 42 12- 19/11/2029 __________________________________ 1- 89090/D /2019 2- 19/11/2019 3- NAM PHONG AGRICULTURE CO., LTD. 4- Street 115, Sangkat Kampong Samnanh, Takhmao Municipality, Kandal Province, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- NAM PHONG AGRICULTURE CO., LTD. 7- 8- 75359 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 7 12- 19/11/2029 __________________________________ 1- 88823/D /2019 2- 01/11/2019 3- C&T VILLA CO., LTD. 4- No. 5CE1, Street 18E, Sangkat Ou Baek K'am, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- C&T VILLA CO., LTD. 7- 8- 75360 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 36 12- 01/11/2029 __________________________________ 1- 87854/D /2019 2- 05/09/2019 3- Sothy Davita 4 DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 4- No. 80, National Road 5, Phum Spean Kpos, Sangkat Kilometre No. 6, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Sothy Davita 7- 8- 75361 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 3 12- 05/09/2029 __________________________________ 1- 88471/D /2019 2- 10/10/2019 3- CHORN VANNA 4- Phum Sleng, Kdeydong Commune, Kanpong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- CHORN VANNA 7- 8- 75362 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 3 12- 10/10/2029 __________________________________ 1- 86401/D /2019 2- 01/07/2019 3- Ms. SOU SREY OUN 4- #478, Street/Group 9, Ous Touk Village, Kampong Preang Commune, Sangke District, Battambong Province, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Ms. SOU SREY OUN 7- #478, Street/Group 9, Ous Touk Village, Kampong Preang Commune, Sangke District, Battambong Province Cambodia 8- 75363 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 3 12- 01/07/2029 __________________________________ 1- 84817 /2019 2- 02/04/2019 5 DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 3- CJ CORPORATION 4- 12, SOWOL-RO 2-GIL, JUNG-GU, SEOUL, Republic of Korea 5- Republic of Korea 6- KIMLY IP SERVICE 7- Borey Piphup Thmey, Somrong Andeth No. 22, St. No. 3, Phum Raungchack, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Cambodia 8- 75364 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 16 12- 02/04/2029 __________________________________ 1- 85338/D /2019 2- 09/05/2019 3- Mr. LEANG HAV 4- #233, Street 413, Group 11, Ortakang1 Village, Toul Ta Ak Commune, Battambong City, Battambong Province, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mr. LEANG HAV 7- #233, Street 413, Group 11, Ortakang1 Village, Toul Ta Ak Commune, Battambong City, Battambong Province Cambodia 8- 75365 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 30 12- 09/05/2029 __________________________________ 1- 86199/D /2019 2- 25/06/2019 3- Mrs. SOK CHANTHOU 4- No. 24, Street 396, Phum Denn Chan, Sangkat Chbar Ampov 2, Khan Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mrs. SOK CHANTHOU 7- 8- 75366 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 30 12- 25/06/2029 __________________________________ 1- 86156/D /2019 6 DIP Weekly Official Gazette, Week 11-13 of 2020, March 27, 2020 2- 22/06/2019 3- Mr. SOY RATHA 4- Koh Sampeay Village, Koh Sampeay Commune, Siem Bok District,, Stoeng Treng Provice, Cambodia 5- Cambodia 6- Mr. SOY RATHA 7- Koh Sampeay Village, Koh Sampeay Commune, Siem Bok District, Stoeng Treng Cambodia 8- 75367 9- 10/03/2020 10- 11- 42 12- 22/06/2029 __________________________________ 1- 85339/D /2019 2- 09/05/2019 3- Ms.
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