Copyrighted Material
Index Abacus 2007-ACI, 211–212 American Express, 24–25 Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), American International Group (AIG), 147 146–147 Anchoring, 242–243 Alcoa Inc., 30 Andreassen, Paul, 248 Alternative investments, 163–180, 255 Apple, 118, 256 art, 177–178 AQR Capital, 116–117 commodities, 168–172 Arab oil embargo (1970s), 123 futures contracts, 170–171 Ariel Investments, 35–36 gold, 172–175 Arnott, Robert, 51–52, 79 master limited partnership (MLP), Art, investing in, 177–178 171 The Ascent of Money (Ferguson), 164 oil, 170 “Asian contagion” (1997), 131 rice, 170 Asness, Clifford, 116, 230 timber, 175–177 Asset allocation, 14, 181–197 foreign exchange trading, bonds, 188 164–168COPYRIGHTEDcash MATERIAL and cash equivalents, 188 currency contracts, 166–167 hard or real assets, 188–189 foreign certifi cates of deposit stocks, 187–188 (CDs), 167–168 target-date funds, 191–193 Akre, Chuck, 34 Asset Allocation: Balancing Financial Risk Amaranth Advisors, 2, 229 (Gibson), 183 American Depositary Receipts Asset-backed securities, 92 (ADRs), 134 Availability bias, 241 269 270 INDEX Bailey, Tom, 114–115 BRIC countries, 131 Bank of America, 246 Brinson, Gary, 187 Barbarians at the Gate (Kravis), 221 Bruck, Connie, 101, 102 Bare, Rod, 192 Bucksbaum, John, 153–154 The Battle for Investment Survival Bucksbaum, Martin, 153 (Loeb), 15 Bucksbaum, Matthew, 153 The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism Buffett: The Making of an American (Peterson), 71 Capitalist (Lowenstein), 24 Beebower, Gilbert, 187 Buffett, Warren, 12, 15, 17–26, 28, 32, Behaviorism,
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