City of Stad Johannesburg

P.O. Box 8Posbus 3 J - } 1049 Office of the Town Clerk Tel. 34-1 1 11 { * £ s a sTelefoonburo s s a Please ask for/Spreek asseblief Kantoor von die Stadsklerk Our R .(. 1 ___ 205/5 Mr./Mnr. Scholtz. JOHANNESBURG On* V«rw Your R*f U 1 4 JAN 1959

Mrs. Marcelle Soldberg P.O. Box 10876, JOHANNESBURG.


xlIS iS S li^ UJ? BEFSiiSiiC E BOOKb JO ■,v0i-J3i;

The Non-European Affairs Committee has given very careful considera­ tion to the representations of the Federation of South African Women on the issue of reference books to Native women. Reference books are, as you know, being issued to Native women in Johannesburg by the Union Department of Bantu Administration and Development in terms of the Abolition of Passes and Co-Ordination of Documents Act, 1952. The Council consequently has no power or jurisdiction to do anything about it. However, as the Council was well aware of the existence of a considerable measure of apprehension in the minds of Natives of Johannesburg in regard to the consequences which the issue of reference books to Native women may have and felt that it was in duty bound to bring the existence of this apprehension to the attention of the Government, it submitted representations to the responsible authori­ ties and intends to pursue the matter.

I am Your obedient servant

If desired, a similar letter in the other language w ill be sent to you on your written request made within 7 days of the date of this letter.

Die brief sal in die ander landstaal aan u gestuur word indien u dit binne sewe dae no die briefdatum hierbo skriftelik versoek. The provincial Secretary African National Congress \ 1

Dear Friend, I learn to my amazement and distress that letter cf ajqsa appreciation on behalf of the Federation of South African Women aadressed to your Executive has been misinterpreted. I write to assue I write to assure you and your Committee that there was no hidden meaning or Intended reproach when I wrote M This friendly co-operation was greater than we have ever experienced in the past. 11 It was merely a sincere and spontaneous expression of aporeciatlon of the co-ooeration and assistance we had received. These worda were not Intended to convey thatcwe had not received any co-operatinn or asslstar in the past. We most certainly had, but this occasion surpassed all othe and I felt that It would be courteous and friendly of the Federation t

Helen Joseph Joint Regional Secret gth February 1959 The Provincial Secretary

African National Congress Women* s League.

tear Friend

t This is the official letter to inform you that we are proceeding with the organisation of the protest of he domestic servants t the Native Commissioner on March gth 1959. Mr^ Kate mX^kato and Mrs Dorcas Noncqwa of your Executive will be able to give you the reports from the meetings of the working committee for the demonstration.

Official letters have been sent to all the Congresses to notify them of the demonstration and to ask for their suoport. We hope the A.N.C.W.L.will also alert the women's branches for this demonstrat­ ion so that we may mobilise the domestic servants and the daily workers in domestic service and the washerwomen who are resident in the non- European townsnips. It is hoped too that there will be a large number of .he courageous women who were arrested in the great anti-pass demonstratK of OctoDer 1958.

Yours in the struggle,

fiuth Matseoane

Hlen Joseph Joint SEcretarle

P.S.The leaflets for toe demonstration win be ready from r.K_____ gth February 1959 %

The Provincial Secretary, African National Congress ( Transvaal)

Dear Friend, In accordance with the resolution passed at our great

v - — Conference on 25th January, that women would continue to protest until the cry goes up from the whole Transvaal, the Federation of S.A.» men

togethr/. with the A.N.C.W's League, Is arranging a demonstration of domesti

servants to the Native Commissioner in Fordsburg for Thursday $th March V at The women will protest not only against passes but will make

a strong protest against the permits recently imposed upon African in

Johannesburg. It is hoped that this demonstration will include women who

were tricked intd taking passes as well as those who who have refused to

take them. An approach is also being m d e to European housewives to pro­ test on the same owoasion both on behalf of their enoloyees and to expresi

their disgust at the deception of the official letters calling

uoon them to " register H their domestic servants and to send them to

tale out passes. The demonstration will of course Include women whok are

in domestic service but not resident with their employer, such as daily ip workers and washecwomen . We loofc forward too to a militant response from

those courageous women who were arrested during the great anti-pass aem- onatrations of October 195$. ~ for th. maximum support h T t J u l “ " ^ *fri0“ Congress 1 8 ^ ‘^nstrstlon ^<1 we aalr *v «. «s soon „ the leaflet, for th - therefore thit le a for the demonstration are r«.rt» y Bm61ne the« *» >° ur Johannesburg branohe ,0“ * U 1 " * lrt 1 and resident in the townships *l u Pal ' **“* "" ln *>—t »• «PPreolat.a al.o if J0U tB «» — lall, *, give full suoport to this a ^ <^ii~ d e ^ m n a t r a t io n s o t h .t v may cs arranged to popularise this project. «Peclsl meetings ,,

*°urs tlie Stru^ie,

Huth Matfleoaoe

Helen Jo«epli J°lnt Seor*tarle 8 . The Secretary. Transvaal Indian Y0uth Congress, joiL\::rrSDur.c-.

Dear Friend, In accordance with the resolution passed at out great Conference on 25th January, that women would continue to protest until the cry goes up from the whole Transvaal, the Federation of S.A. Women together with the A.N.C/’S League, is arranging a demonstration of domestic servants to the Native Commissioner in Fordsburg for Thursday 5th 1 larch at 2p.m. The women will protest not only against passes but will make a strong protest against the permits recently imposed upon African women in Johannesburg. It is hoped that this demonstration will include women who were tricked into taking passes as well as thd>se who have refused to take theijj. An approach is also being made to European housewives te protest on the same occasion both on behalf of their employees and to express their disgust at the deception of the official letters calling upon them to "register” tbeir domestic servants and to send ther to take out passes. The demonstration will of course include women who are in domestic service but not resident with their employer, such as daily workers and washerwomen. e look forward too, to a militant response from those courageous wor-en who were arrested during the great anti-pass demonstrations of October* 1958. We know that we can rely upon your organisation for the maximum sup' ort for this demonstration and we ask you once again therefore, to help us vritb the production of the leaflets as well as with the organisation of some Indian women to join the protest on the 5th March. We hope that the Indian women will also bring their domestic servdnts to the demonstration. Yours in the strug le, Ruth Matseoane, "PINT SECRETARIES. Helen Joseph. S.A. Congress of Democrats, Johannesburg Region, JOHA.'HESHJRG.

Dear friend, In accordance with the resolution passed at our great Conference on 25th January, that -women would continue to rotest until the cry goes up from the whole Transvaal, the federation of S.A. Women together with the A.N.C.,TfS League, is arranging a demonstration of domestic servants to the Native Commissioner in Fordsburg for Thursday 5th March, at 2p.m. The women will protest not only against passes but will make a strong protest against permits recently imposed upon African women in Johannesburg. It is hoped that this demonstration will include i/omen who v;ere tricked into taking passes as well as those who have refused to take them. An approach is also being made to European housewives to protect on the same occasioh both on behalf of their employees and to express their disgust at the deception of the official letters calling upon them to "register" their domestic_servants and to send them to take out passes. The demonstration *7ill of course, include women who are in domestic service, but not resident with their employer, such as daily workers and washerwomen. lie look forward too, to a militant response from those courageous wom^n who were arrested during the ~reat anti-pass demonstrations of October,195?. ~ We know that we can rely upon the Congress of Democrats to give us the maximum support for this demonstration and we ask you therefore, to assist us not only by mobilising the C.O.D. members to bring their domostic servants to the demonstration personally if possible, but to 3oin with other European women in the±± own protest to the Native Commissioner. We are initiating informal discussions with t’ e Liberal and Laboui? parties and the on this aspect and anything that C.O.D. can do to assist us will be greatly appreciated.

Yours in the struggle,

y sr Ruth Matseoane \° JOINT SECRETARIES. Helen Joseph C-&~)

19th February, 1959.

The Native Commissioner, JOHA i'ESBURG.

Dear sir,

On behalf of nany African women who are employed in Johannesburg as domestic servants, oth resident and non-resident, the Federation of South African Women, together with the African National Congress Women*s League, wishes to request you to receive these African t/omen at your office in Fordsburg on Thursday, 5th l^rch at 3.30p.m. The domestic servants wish to present to you personally their protest against the issuing of passes tc African women in Johannesburg and wish particularly to inform you of their feelings in connection with the naans employed by your department to induce the domestic servants to take out passes. Some of those who have taken the masses may wish to put their '-oint of vim-/ to you. The recent, intro­ duction of the employment permit system in Joha nesburg and the application of Ifetive Labour Regulations to African women are amongst the matters which the women wish to discuss with you as ti e Native Co r issioner for this area. You are therefore most earnestly requested to be present at the Fords’urg Offices on llarch 5th to meet the representative of the women who have expressed their intention of cominc personally to you on that day. Yours faithfully,


The Secretary. Transvaal Indian Congress, J OHA'i IIESTTJRG,

Dear Friend, In accordance with the resolution passed at our great Conference on 25th January, that women would continue to protest until the cry goes up from the whole Transvaal, the Federation of S,A. Women together with fie A.N, C,W*S League, is arranging a demonstration of dpmestic servants to the Native Commissioner in Fords u"g for Thursday 5th March at 2p,m, The women will protest not only against passes but will make a strong protest against the permits recently imposed upon African women in Johannesburg. It is hoped that this demonstration will include women who were tricked into taking passes as well as those who have refused to tatethem, An approach is also being rade to European housewives, to protest on the same occasion both on behalf of t, eir employees and to express their disgust at the deception of the official letters calling upon them to "register" their domestic servants and to send them to ta^re out passes. The demonstration will of course include women who are in domestic service but not resident with their employer, such as daily workers and washerwomen. We look forward too, to a militant response from those courageous women who were arrested during the great anti-pass demonstrations of October, 1956* We know that we can rely upon your organisation for the maximum support for this demonstration and we ask you once again therefore, to help us with the production of the leaflets as well as with the organisation of some Indian women to join the protest on the 5th March, We hope that the Indian women will als bring their domestic servants to the demonstration. Yours in the struggle, Ruth Matseoane JOINT SECRETARIES Helen Joseph - (TRA.NSVA L)

10th February, 1959.

The Secreta^, S.A.C.T.U., Union Centre* JO H A H IES ljT'.G «

Dear Friend, In accordance with the resolution massed at our great Conference on 25th January, that women woild continue to rotest until the cry goes ttd from the W ole Transvaal, the ederation of S.A. Women together vith the A.N.C.''*S League, is arranging a demonstration ofdomestic servants to the Native Commissioner in Fordsburg for Thursday 5th Inarch at 2p.m. The women will protest not only against passes but will mate a strong protest against the permits recently imposed upon African women in Johannesburg. It is oped that this demonstration will include women \fho were tricked into talcing passes as well as those who have refused to take them. An approach is also being made to European housewives to protest on the same occasion both on behalf of their employees and to express their disgust at the deception of the of icial letters calling upon them to "register" their domestic servants and to send them to take out passes. !^he demonstration will of course include women who are in domestic service but not resident with their employer, such as daily workers and washerwomen. ”e look forward too, to a militant response fror those coura eous women who were arrpsted during the great anti-pass demonstrations of October, 19^8. We know that we ^an rely upon your organisation for su 'port for this demonstration and we ask you therefore to give us all possible assistance in organising the domestic servants for this prdject.

Yours In the struggle,

Ruth Matseoane, JOINT.SECRETARIES. Helen Joseph. 319 Orlando East P.O. Orlando JOHANNESBURG. IOth February,1959.

Miss Helen Joseph: Secretary of the Federation of S.A. Women P.O. Box 10876 JOHANNESBURG.

Dear Madam,

I have been instructed by Non-European nurses in Johannes­ burg to extend to your Federation on their behalf the appreciation for the stand your Federation took on the question of passes for women.

Enclosed please find £4-I0-0d as a donation to help those who were arrested to pay for fines.

Yours sincerely.

(Miss) G.Khala. 11th February 1959 The Secretary African National Congress Women's League (Transvaal)

Dear Friend,

Y"U h111 haTe received reports from the members of the Working Committee of the progress In the preparations for the demon­ stration of domestic servants to the Native Commissioner on 5th March, we now enclose letters for the Johannesburg Branches of the A.N.C.Womir League, and hope that will be despatched with a S S & j & g letter fro. your Executive as soon as noRsihio q,m4n , . . possible. Similar letters have been sent to t the provincial Executive of the African National Congresa for forwarding « e the Johannesburg Branches. Leafleta are being supplied to Miss Mngoma for Alexandre Townahlp, to Mrs Dorcas Noncqwa for tne S.W.Reglon and to Mra Kate Molale for the Weetern Areas. Mrs Marcslle Soldberg will be talcing she leaflets personal!, to the various groups of domestl servants.

It is hoped that this demonstration win receive the enthuslas support of the branches and that every effort will be made to draw in women in domestic service, both those who have and those who have not t ' taken passes.

/ Yours in the struggle,

/s)„^ Hele'n Joseph Ruth Matseoane Joint Secretaries, e x ' " ?

(Tr nsvaal)

1 1 th February 1959 The Provincial Secretary,

African National Congress.(Transvaal)

Dear Friend,

Further to our letter to you of gth February 1959 Informing you of the forthcoming demonstration of domestic servants to the Native Commissionery in Fordsburg on 5th March, we enclose letters to the A.N.C. branches in Johannesburg which we hope you will forward as soon as possibl with a covering letter from your Executive calling for suoport for the demonstration.

Leaflets have been supplied to you for distribution anongst w°men in domestic service.both those resident In Johannesburg and in the town­ ships and have alsA b en supplied to the fexA.N.C.W1sLeague for the South Western Rfegion, the Western Areas -nd Alexandra To nship. For further information,t please bontact Mrs Marcelle Goldberg or Mrs Helen Joseph. Yours in the struggle, / J Rutn Matseoane Helen Joseph A. I. i Joint Secretaries. f i p e v > c ' Z - ~ ) SOUTH AFRICAN CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS

PHONE 23-6501 Please address all correspondence to 30 PROGRESS BUILDINGS, — — — -P-X -6-7.B-1-» J oha.^.n.e.s,b,u r S •------, 56 COMMISSIONER STREET. P.O. DOX 6781 JOHANNESBURG.

19th February, 1959.

'^he Joint Secretaries, Federation of South African Women (Transvaal) P.O. Box 10876, J ohannesburg.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your letter of 10th February, 1959 advising us of the demonstration of domestic servants against Reference Books which will take place on Thursday 5th March, 1959.

Your letter was considered at the last meeting of my Manage­ ment Committee and it was agreed to give this demonstration our full support and to inform as many of our members as possible about it. We wish you every success.

With fraternal greetings,

Yours sincerely,

L. MASSINA. General Secretary. Gcliewe in u Antwoord tc vcrwys aa In Reply Please Quote




The Secretary, Federation of South African Women, P.O. Box 10876, JOHANNESBURG.


I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 19th February, 1959, and to point out that the provisions of Act No.67 of 1952 as amended, must be complied with in so far as Native women are concerned. It 1s the Government's policy to give Native women a fair chance to procure reference books before the fixed date is proclaimed. Those who do not make use of that opportunity will only have themselves to blame for any hardships they may suffer should they be without books sfter the fixed date. I have thus to express regret that I am not prepared to meet a deputation in order to discuss the matters referred to in your letter under reply. Your reference to an "employment permit system" is not understood and I suggest that In regard to this matter you contact the Municipal Non-European Affairs Department, 80, Albert Street, Johannesburg.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sir,

We the undersigned representing domestic servants of Johannesburg are shocked and distressed at your reply to the letter sent to you on our behalf by the Presid nt of the Trans- vail Kegion of the Federation of South African Women and your refusal to meet us on the 5th March, 1959,

It is the first time in Johannesburg that there has been any refusal to meet African women when they wished to bring their grievances and their protests to the authorities. We maintain that it is our right to approach you as the Native Commissioner and to request you to receive our representatives*

The issuing of reference books to African women has caused great anxiety and distress and as domestic servants we particulary wish to put our point ofview to you.

Un Thursday, March 5th, therefore domestic servants ill come to your offices in Carr Street, F rdsburg where they will personally present their signed protests. On their behalf we, their elected spokeswomen, most earnestly request you to reconsider your refusal to meet us and to give us the opportunity of discussion with you.

Yours faithfully, r i c a n **Y[ationcil ^ o n c j r e A A UMBUTHO WESIZWE — LEKHOTLA LA SECHABA ^ -

All Communications to be addressed to the Provincial Secretary

PHONE 33-4069 p.o. b o x 9207 JOHANNESBURG 31> BEZUTDENHOUT ST., J" OHANNESBURG-. 12th/3/59. The Secretary, The Federation of 3.A. Women, JOHANNESBURG.

Dear Friend,

The African National Congress is sponsoring

Anti-Pass Lass Regional Conference on Sunday 15th inst.,

from 9 a.m. One will be held at Liberty Hall, Indian Section, 12th Street; Benoni and another at Freedom

Square cor. Morris and Victoria Streets .

I hereby wih to request you to send us speakers and/or fratenal regards to both Conferences.

Yours fratenally,

ilXs4j • Hadebe.


The Provincial Secretary,

African National Congress,Transvaal.

Dear Friend, I enclose a copy of a letter received from Miss Khala on behalf of Non-European nurses of JohannesDurg, together with the sum of £4.-lQ.-0d which they hve donated to help those who were arrested to pay for fines.

I am sure that your organisation will be able to direct this money to where it is most needed and I should be glad if you

could inform me at some later stage on whose behalf it has been expende<

Yours in the Struggle,

Ruth Matseoane Joint Hon. Secretaj Helen Joseph MloS Gladys Khala, 319 Orlando East P.O.Orlando Dear Miss Khala,

On behalf of the Federation of South African Women I want to ask you to convey tothe Non—European nurdes of Johannesburg our most sincere appreciation of their generous agnation of £4.-l©.-0d to help those who were arrested to pay their fines. I enclose an offiwial receipt from the Federation and fe have handed the money to the A.N.C. wno were responsible for all the arrangements forthe payment of fines and who are in touch with xa individual women who were arrested. Yours in the struggle,

Ruth Matseoane Helen Joseph Joint Secretaries

Collection Number: AD1137


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