9781862394735 Backmatter.Pdf by Guest on 29 September 2021 388 INDEX
Index Numbers in italic indicate figures, numbers in bold indicate tables Aberdeen, water supply 184 Middle Ages 194 Aberfan colliery disaster 298,299 modern era 197-198 Abyssinian wells232, 160, see also Norton tube well radioactivity 197 adits 128-135, 130-132, 134, 150 Roman baths 193 Gibraltar 251-252 temperature 196-197 pre- 1600 128-129 Bath stone, use in caisson 17-18 use of explosives 129 Batheaston Mining Company 26-27 Africa beam engines 137 North Beeby-Thompson, Arthur (1873-1968) 6, 169, 230, British hydrogeological work 219-225 254 World War II, water supply 171-172, 173, 174, 220, Belfast, water supply 184, 185-186, 188 221 Bevan, Benjamin (1773-1833) 18-19 Southern Rhodesia, resistivity measurement 263-268 boreholes 3 West artificial recharge 351-352 aquifers 231-232, 231,233 data 1 borehole siting 6, 233,235 Gibraltar 250, 251, see also Gibraltar, water supply British geological surveys 229-230, 232 military 160, 165, 168 British hydrogeological work 229-235 observation 329, 349, 352 water supply 232 seasonal use 276 Allenheads lead mine, Northumberland 140-141,141 Southern Rhodesia, resistivity measurement 263-268 Alre catchment scheme 348-350 United Kingdom, data collection 273-274 Anderson, James (1739-1808) 24, 25 West Africa 233, 235 Andrews, John Napier (1930-1994) 8 work of William Whitaker 56-58 Ansted, David Thomas (1814-1880)160 4, 159, Bostock, R. 93, 96, 97 Aquae Sulis 193 Boult, J. 93-94, 98, 99, 101 aquifer Boulton, Norman Savage (1899-1984) 6, 7, 319-322, confined, London 113-114 319, 364 Denge Beach 356-360
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