Resources Directorate Information Governance UNCLASSIFIED Council House Earl Street Coventry CV1 5RR Telephone: 024 76 831909 Email:
[email protected] Our reference: FOI/Req00470 Date: 26th October 2015 Dear Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 Thank you for your recent request for information. Your request has been considered under the above Act. You have requested the following information. 1. The extra allowance given to the Lord Mayor for fulfilling the role during 2014/15 term of office. Under Section 21 FOIA, this information is held and is publicly available within the minutes of the Council Meeting held 24th July 2012. See link below (Minute 41) 12.pdf 2. The cost of all staff who work in the Lord Mayor's office. Total cost for 2014/2015: £112,115.00 3. The cost of the council official cars used to transport the Lord Mayor, including make and model of car or cars, costs for purchasing, maintaining and operating the cars (including drivers). Lord Mayor’s Car: 1COV - Jaguar XJ 3.0D V6 LWB Portfolio Annual leasing cost - £9,036.00 p.a. Civic Car: K1 COV - Jaguar XF 3.0 V6 Diesel Annual leasing cost - £5,498.39 Running costs, including fuel for both vehicles - £3,691.17 The costs relating to Lord Mayor’s Support Officers (chauffeurs) are included in Question 2 above. 4. Any allowance for clothing received by the Lord Mayor for themselves or for their partner and / or expenses claimed for clothing. Nil 5. Expenses for food for the Lord Mayor and food and hospitality for guests of the Lord Mayor.