Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2003 No. 77—Part II House of Representatives NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- tive to focus together on nonprolifera- weapons of mass destruction that still TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR tion, the establishment of fellowships exists within the bounds of the former 2004—Continued between the Kurchatov Institute and Soviet states. Mr. HUNTER (during the reading). Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to The letters referred to are as follows: Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous con- focus on nonproliferation, the killing Hon. CURT WELDON, sent that the modifications be consid- in our policy to work with NATO and Member of Congress, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. ered as read and printed in the RECORD. do appropriate cooperative relation- DEAR CONGRESSMAN WELDON. With satisfac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ships in development and deployment of theater missile defenses, to work tion we knew about your new initiative (a objection to the request of the gen- Bill) towards higher cooperation with the tleman from California? with the Russians on early warning, Russian Federation on nonproliferation of There was no objection. the Ramos program, to expand that, to nuclear weapon and other weapons of mass The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. Pursu- create a Teller-Kurchatov alliance for destruction. ant to House Resolution 247, the gen- peace to work together, to provide We think that the Russian Federation and tleman from California (Mr. HUNTER) more in the inherent accountability the United States as the countries, which and the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. and transparency on how we spend possess the biggest inventories of nuclear money in Russia to take apart these warheads, are responsible to the world future SKELTON) each will control 10 minutes. in the matter of deterrence and nonprolifera- The Chair recognizes the gentleman weapons of mass destruction. tion. from California (Mr. HUNTER). This particular bill, which is in fact The especially important role belongs to Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Chairman, I yield as it was introduced, H.R. 1719, was en- transition of the nuclear warhead industry 2 minutes to the distinguished gen- dorsed by the Heritage Foundation, the to peaceful aims—development of eco- tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Carnegie Endowment for Peace, the logically clean nuclear energy. The Russian WELDON), chairman of the Sub- Nuclear Threat Reduction Initiative, and American scientists are especially re- committee on Tactical Air and Land Sam Nunn’s group, the Physicians for sponsible for this. That’s why establishment Social Responsibility, all coming to- of the Teller-Kurchatov Alliance for Peace Forces, and the vice-chairman of the may be an important and useful step. It full committee. gether, along with the Vietnam Vet- would be also extremely important to engage (Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania asked erans Foundation, saying this is the di- students, post-graduates, and young sci- and was given permission to revise and rection we should be moving in. entists in this work. extend his remarks.) My colleagues on both sides of the We consider that establishment of the Nu- Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. aisle, including the gentleman from clear Treaty Reduction Working Group as a Chairman, I thank my chairman for Maryland (Mr. HOYER) on the minority subgroup of Duma-Congress Group will help yielding time to me. side and the gentleman from California to setup an additional control on inter- national and national programs in this field. If for no other reason, I would ask my OX (Mr. C ) on the Republican side, are Dear Mr. Weldon, we wish you success in colleagues to look at this amendment original sponsors. your initiative promotion, and you can en bloc because it contains perhaps one It is a major step forward, a major count on our understanding and assistance. of the most significant pieces of legis- step forward for this Congress, for this With best regards, lation that we have passed in this Con- body in taking the lead on helping to ———. gress. secure these weapons of mass destruc- Approximately 1 month ago, 25 Mem- tion. I thank the distinguished chair- Hon. CURT WELDON, bers of Congress, including the gen- man. Member Of Congress, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. tleman from Texas (Mr. EDWARDS) and Mr. Chairman, I include for the DEAR CONGRESSMAN WELDON: We welcome I, introduced the Nuclear Security Ini- RECORD letters from top Russian lead- your new initiative (a Bill) towards higher tiative Act of 2003. This bill is the first ers thanking this Congress for taking cooperation with the Russian Federation on major, comprehensive expansion of our this bold step, including one letter I re- nonproliferation of nuclear weapon and other efforts to work with the former Soviet ceived yesterday signed by 30 of the top weapons of mass destruction. states to take away the threat of the leaders in the Russian Duma thanking We believe that the Russian Federation use of weapons of mass destruction. this Congress for its leadership role in and the United Sates specially account for The bill authorizes $78 million of helping to provide a vision for a new the world future in the matter of deterrence and nonproliferation being the countries, funding, but, more significantly, in- relationship with Russia that goes be- which possess the biggest inventories of nu- cludes a whole vast, new array of en- yond the Nunn-Lugar program, that al- clear warheads. gaging the Russians, including the es- lows us to truly establish a new frame- The very important matter is to redirect tablishment of a Duma-Congress initia- work in dealing with the issues of the nuclear warhead industry to peaceful b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4585 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:37 May 24, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22MY7.151 H22PT2 H4586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2003 aims—development of ecologically clean nu- gentleman from Minnesota for seeking availability of firefighting resources in clear energy. The especially important role to help our troops, but I believe this the approaching firefighting season. belongs to the Russian and American Sci- amendment will still not respond to I am also aware that the U.S. Forest entists in this process. That’s why establish- their needs. Service is addressing ways of exam- ment of the Teller-Kurchatov Alliance for Peace may be an important and useful step. Unfortunately, the Secretary of Edu- ining the problem, but I believe in the It would be also extremely important to en- cation has done little to actually help short term it is unlikely. I ask if I can gage students, post-graduates, and young our troops with the authority he has obtain the gentleman’s assurance that scientists in this work. been granted. The Secretary recently in conference on this bill he will work We expect that establishment of the Nu- granted two waivers under the existing with me to address my concerns about clear Treat Working Group as a subgroup of HEROS authority, but these waivers the potential negative impacts of this Duma-Congress Group will help to strength- are going to have very little impact on legislation on the commercial fire- en the control on international and national the vast majority of Armed Forces per- fighting industry. programs in this field. Dear Mr. Weldon, we wish you success in sonnel with student loans. The re- Mr. HEFLEY. I appreciate you bring- your initiative promotion, and you can sponse of the Secretary in this area has ing up these concerns. I think they are count on our understanding and assistance. been inadequate. legitimate concerns. We have no desire Sincerely, This amendment and existing law to put the private contractors out of VASILY F. KUZNETSOV, provide the Secretary with the author- business. We only have eight planes in Deputy of the State Duma. ity to ensure that those called up for the Air Force Reserve to do this, and active duty in the military are not fi- they are scattered from coast to coast, Hon. CURT WELDON, nancially disadvantaged, but the stu- so there is no way it would put them Member of Congress, House of Representatives, dent loans of servicemen and women out of business, anyway. Washington, DC We have no desire to do that. The DEAR CONGRESSMAN WELDON. With satisfac- are still accruing interest while they tion we knew about your new initiative (a are in armed combat overseas. The gentleman has raised a legitimate con- Bill) towards higher cooperation with the minimum that can be done for these in- cern, and I pledge to work with the Russian Federation on nonproliferation of dividuals is to ensure that interest on gentleman. It is kind of a dramatic ges- nuclear weapon and other weapons of mass their student loans do not accrue while ture I made there, but I pledge to work destruction. they are defending their country. Un- with the gentleman to try to solve this We think that the Russian Federation and fortunately, the Secretary has not cho- problem in conference. If we do not get the United States as the countries, which sen to act in this area. I encourage him it solved, I will not let it go through. possess the biggest inventories of nuclear warheads, are responsible to the world future to do so.