Personal Diary 1944

Flying Officer / Navigator James Harrington (Harry) Doe (Born 20 December 1922 – Missing in action 29 July 1944)

Introduction The following is a transcript from the 1944 diary of James Harrington (Harry) Doe, a young Flying Officer and Navigator with the Royal Canadian Air Force (#622 Squadron, RAF Mildenhall), whose Lancaster bomber was shot down over eastern France in July 1944. Harry, along with friend and fellow RCAF Flying Officer Harold Sherman (Al) Peabody, was thought to have survived the crash.

Harry was my uncle. His older brother, my father Robert Eldon (Bob) Doe, was in Britain at the same time as Harry, serving in the Royal Navy. He and Harry coordinated leave periods to see each whenever possible. Yet, because my dad was reluctant to talk about the loss of his brother, the details of Harry’s life during the war were largely unknown to me. Upon my father’s passing in 2005, I was given a shoe box containing Harry’s effects – including this diary, his address book, two scrapbooks from my grandmother, squadron photos, and his official RCAF log books.

Also included were accounts of the crash from the mayor of Petitmont (a town near the crash site), a local forester, and a local catholic priest. From these accounts, I was able to piece together a narrative for the night of the crash, which I posted to the Canadian Virtual War Memorial as captions to photographs of Doe and Peabody: 232310?James%20Harrington%20Doe 1804042?Harold Sherman Peabody

I began transcribing the diary in earnest in November 2017, after I was contacted by brothers Jon and Robert Peck, who were searching for information about their cousin, Al Peabody – the pilot of Harry’s downed plane. The Pecks had engaged Bishop’s University History Department (Sherbrooke, Quebec) to assist in their Harry Doe, 1943 inquiry. The results of this investigation, by students Sean Summerfield and Megan Whitworth, strongly suggest that Al and Harry were captured, interrogated, and executed by members of the German SS.1

I have completed this transcription to honor and add to the memory of Al Peabody and Harry Doe, by a faithful documentation of their young lives in wartime Britain in the run up to their last mission in July, 1944.

Harry’s Journey Harry Doe was born in Calgary, Alberta, in 1922. His father, a WWI pilot, encouraged his love of airplanes, and Harry spent much of his youth competing in championships for model airplane construction and flight.2 Harry

PAGE 1! OF !15 quarterbacked for Oak Bay High School, and championed as light-weight class boxer in the Greater Victoria Schoolboy Boxing Competition.3

In November 1941, at the age of 18, Harry enlisted in the RCAF.4 After early studies as an aircraft mechanic (#1 Technical Training School), he began navigation training (#4 Initial Training School and #2 Air Observer’s School, both in Edmonton, Alberta).

Harry was commissioned as Pilot Observer and awarded his Navigation wings in August 1943. Soon thereafter he shipped out to #3 Personnel Reception Center (Bournemouth, UK). His first flying assignment came in early November 1943 to #1 (O) Advanced Flying Unit, RAF Wigtown, where he was posted in January 1944 – the start of his diary entries.5

By mid-January, Harry was posted to #12 Operational Training Unit, RAF Chipping-Warden, where he and RCAF Flying Officer Al Peabody “tied up” as a first step in forming a seven-man bomber crew. With Al as Pilot, and Harry as Navigator, other crew members included RCAF Flying Officer Ronald Louis (Lew) Fiddick as Bomber-Aimer and RAF Flight Sargent Percy William Buckley (Buck) as Air Gunner.5 Harry with his father, 1943.

During run-up to D-Day, Harry and Al trained and flew extensively together (mid-February to late July). The two friends also spent significant off-hours together on leave around UK. On at least two occasions Harry and Al were on leave together in the company of my father, Lt. Bob Doe RCNVR.

After the D-day invasion, Peabody’s crew flew eight combat missions including night strikes against the V-2 facility at St-Omer and the V-1 site at Rimeux, daylight battle support at Villers-Bocage and Caen, and night bombings of the Homberg oil plant and Stuttgart.6

The crew’s ninth mission (again targeting Stuttgart) was be their last. They were shot down over Lorraine, France at 01:30 on 29 July 1944. Of the seven-man crew, three were killed on impact, one was held prisoner in a German POW camp, and one evaded capture. Harry and Al were thought to have survived the crash, but the exact details of what happened to them in the aftermath remains a mystery.

Bob Doe, Harry Doe, and Al Peabody (left to right), July 1944. – R. A. Doe, Los Gatos, California, 11 March 2018

Note: For clarity, a glossary of Bomber Command terms, slang, and locations is provided at the end of this document, along with a list of persons mentioned by name.

[1] Summerfield, Sean, “The Peabody Project,” Senior Thesis, Bishops University, 2017 [2] Victoria Daily Times, 5 August 1944 [3] The Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C., p.10, 4 Apr 1941 [4] The Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C., p.9, 26 Apr 1942 [5] J. H. Doe Service Estate RCAF Flying Log Book, Navigation Log Book, and 1944 Diary [6] No. 622 Squadron Operations Record Book

PAGE 2! OF !15 Prelude (from Harry’s diary) SUN 9/1/44 Slept late. Night flight scrubbed. Had piss up in mess. Names on ceiling. If I should die MON 10/1/44 and you bury me Got cleared. Caught train. Supper at Dumphreys. And send my things [End post at #1(O) AFU, RAF Wigtown] across the sea, TUE 11/1/44 One favor, ere Arrived London late. Phoned Angela, Mrs. Nulty, and Mrs. you let me be G-W. Caught 2:10 from Paddington. Arrived Station [RAF Chipping-Warden] for supper. Please burn this [Harry begins his post at #12 OTU, RAF Chipping-Warden] ruddy diary. WED 12/1/44 Toured Station. All usual bull. Good grub. Had everything on my bed last night. Got a fire tonight and its too hot. January Wrote Mom & Bob.

[Diary begins with Harry located at #1(O) AFU, RAF Wigtown, THU 13/1/44 where he has trained since 2/11/1943.] Classes all day. Interesting stuff. Plot (D.R.) tonight. Not enough pilots. Wrote Angela. SAT 1/1/44 Flew yesterday afternoon with a terrific hangover. FRI 14/1/44 Midnight detail scrubbed. Must write: Uncle & Win, Harry Worked all day. Mess dinner at night. Developed into piss- & Nel, W.C. Minister up after G/C left. Tied up with Al Peabody - pilot. Good type. SUN 2/1/44 Slept till noon. Went for a long walk with Jimmy /J/ for [First diary mention of Flying Officer H.S. Peabody. This taxi. Wrote Mrs. G-W. Had a few beers. evening’s chaotic meeting in the mess is most likely describing the “instant courtship” when airmen (pilots, navigators, MON 3/1/44 gunners, etc.) are instructed to sort themselves into flight crew. Late for classes: W/T O.O. Went to “Thunderbirds.” Personal communication from Bob Doe, ca. 1975.]

TUE 4/1/44 Hoisted the old rag. In pool but flying nights. Wrote Murphy. Parcels from Ken & Win, and Nel & Harry.

WED 5/1/44 Flew 5 detail. Slept all day. Letter from Mom. Saw MAC in hospital. Went to flicks “Happy Go Lucky.” Detail scrubbed. Away to bed.

THU 6/1/44 Slept till noon. CO’s parade. Saw Canadian liaison officer. Wrote Mom, Unc & Win, Nel & Harry, and Helen.

FRI 7/1/44 Detail scrubbed. Slept till noon. Going to Chipping- Warden. Played Poker with Ozy. Detail scrubbed. Went to Kirkinner drinking.

SAT 8/1/44 Slept till noon. Letter from Mom. Wrote Rev. McPherson, Andersons. Booked for “Casablanca” but had to fly. Had feed in hut after. Must write Harold, Bob, Don, Mom, Dorothy McFarlane.

PAGE 3! OF !15 Al Peabody, SAT 22/1/44 June 1944. Classes in morning. Afternoon off. Banbury with Al. Saw show. Came back early. John Cracker here. Card from B.C. House, letter from Dorothy McFarlane & card from Mathews.

SUN 23/1/44 Church this morning & P.T. Classes this afternoon. Pinched some coal & did some sewing.

MON 24/1/44 Crew drill all day. Letters from Mom 4th - 9th. Wire from Bob. Answered. Uncle Harry’s Cigs. Bob phoned. Wrote Mom, Harold, Harry and Nel.

TUE 25/1/44 Same as usual. Bags of P.T. Went to flicks: “Miss London LTD.”

WED 26/1/44 Classes as usual. Sort of a piss up in mess [with] a local. Big line shoot. Letter from Elvins.

SAT 15/1/44 THU 27/1/44 Very Stiff. Climbing rafters last night. Classes all day. Classes as usual. Went to “Nice Girl.” Al, WOP [Wireless Damn cold. Flicks cancelled so wrote Mom & Mr. Elvin. Operators], & Gunners went on leave. [First mention of Mr. Elvin, former WWI RFC Observer and future Sir Arthur Elvin MBE, who hosted Harry and his brother FRI 28/1/44 at his home, Norfolk House, at times during their leave periods. Classes - GEE & D.R.I. Snooker - bath & bed. Personal communication from Bob Doe ca. 1975.] SAT 29/1/44 SUN 16/1/44 Classes as usual. ENSA show booked so went to flicks Classes all day also tonight. “Nightmare.” Back to mess & entertained ENSA girls. Must write Don, Dorothy McF, & Mathews. MON 17/1/44 Tooth filled this morning. Soccer game this afternoon. No SUN 30/1/44 bikes yet. Went to flicks “Variety Jubilee.” Classes all day. Ozzy, Slim, and Hump got leave. No 48 for us. Snooker all night. Wrote Bob. TUE 18/1/44 Classes & clothing Parade. Sweater & underwear. Sat MON 31/1/44 around mess. Put on “C” Flight for 2nd NAV time. Tonight’s flight scrubbed. Got astro-watch 7215/42. Wire from Bob. Will WED 19/1/44 phone tomorrow. Classes same as usual.

THU 20/1/44 Flight Sgt. P.W. Classes as usual. Got a gunner - Buckley. Saw “Shadow of “Buck” Buckley, a Doubt.” served as tail [First mention of Sgt. Percy William Buckley. Presumably young gunnery for Percy “Buck” Buckley was a good match for Peabody & Doe Peabody’s crew. and is added as the Gunner to their flight crew.]

FRI 21/1/44 Classes all day. Drinking & dancing at night at Wardington. Good Time.

PAGE 4! OF !15 WED 9/2/44 February Packed this morning & moved to [RAF] Edgehill this afternoon. Same hut as Al and Lew. Wrote Mom, McKay, TUE 1/2/44 and Dorothy McF. D.R.I. all day. Bob phoned tonight. Coming tomorrow. [Harry, Peabody, and Fiddick are now officially in the same hut, Beat Lew at snooker. Wrote “Mom.” presumably for aircrew cohesion.] [First mention of Flying Officer Ronald Louis (Lew) Fiddick, who served as the Peabody crew’s Bomber-Aimer.] THU 10/2/44 Few lectures. No 48. Saw “The Great Waltze.” WED 2/2/44 Bob arrived at noon. Showed him around the Station, Equipment etc. I had to fly while Bob ran up my mess bill.

THU 3/2/44 Up for lunch. Did not have to fly so had a few drinks with Bob. Went to bed early. Letter from Mom & MAC.

FRI 4/2/44 Up at 630. Saw Bob off in blinding snow. Flew tonight but came back early - petrol trouble. 2 eggs today.

SAT 5/2/44 Shipped off this afternoon with Jimmie. Saw Murph & met Angela at train. Out to Monica’s & Alan’s. Missed bus - Alan drove us back.

SUN 6/2/44 Lew Fiddick, Harry Doe, and Al Peabody, RAF Mildenhall, June, 1944. Hung around Flight all day. Detailed to fly but it was scrubbed. FRI 11/2/44 MON 7/2/44 No flying. Went to ENSA show. Cast in mess afterwards. Worked shots in morning. Flew at night - way out in North Big crap game. Cleaned. Sea. SAT 12/2/44 TUE 8/2/44 Flew morning & afternoon. Had controls both times. Slept till noon. Read a book all afternoon & night. Whole Missed my calling. Went to Edgehill with Buck for bacon & day very satisfactorily wasted. egg. Parcel from Nel and Harry. [Flight log indicates this is first flight with Al Peabody.]

SUN 13/2/44 Nothing Exciting. Bath & Bed.

MON 14/2/44 D.R.I., stand by & AMh. Went to Edgehill with crew for chicken dinner.

TUE 15/2/44 Orderly Officer today. Al flew.

WED 16/2/44 Started on DRI. GEE all afternoon. Letter from Brown. Rest of boys flying so went to “Star Spangled Rhythm.”

Position of radar and navigation aids in bombers (Imperial War Memorial E(MOS)1404).

PAGE 5! OF !15 MON 28/2/44 Flew morning & noon & evening & stand by. Got to bed at 5:00 AM.

TUE 29/2/44 Flew afternoon & evening. Got to bed at 12.


Formation of Mk.I bombers similar to type WED 1/3/44 used for night bomber crew training at #12 OTU, RAF Chipping- Missed breakfast & flew. Also at noon. Finished letter to Warden (Imperial War Museum CH7). Brown. Flew twice at night.

THU 2/3/44 Slept till 4 P.M. Flew one detail. THU 17/2/44 GEE lecture. manip. Ping pong with Jimmy & Lew. Fell in FRI 3/3/44 trench on way to mess. Sober too. Letter from Mom, Flew CCG & bombed. Went to Thompsons for supper with washed sox. Al. New Inn.

FRI 18/2/44 SAT 4/3/44 Lectures. Talk from U.S. Army. Mess dinner but I had to Got cleared in morning. Bus full so walked to Thompsons. eat early. Sat around hut with Al and Lew. Met Ane at train. Supper & New Inn.

SAT 19/2/44 SUN 5/3/44 Had a few drinks & went to Tysoe to pub and dance. Good Arrived 9:00. Mon drove me back. Bits of gen here & there. time. Went to “Gentleman Jim.” Mailed letters to Mom & Mary.

SUN 20/2/44 MON 6/3/44 D.R.I., GEE. Wrote Mom, Nel, & Harry. Can’t fly, no gunners.

MON 21/2/44 TUE 7/3/44 D.R.I. with Jimmy. American here for lunch. Stays at Grope all day. Letter from Mom & card from Nadine. WIGAMS. Wrote Mom. Poker game - , lub up.

TUE 22/2/44 WED 8/3/44 Astro & DRI. Went to Mon & Alans for supper. Letter from 3 hr. flip - North Sea. Mom (Feb 7). THU 9/3/44 WED 23/2/44 No flying. Wrote Mom. Poker. Went to Policeman’s Dance in Banbury with Al & Lew. Quite drunk. FRI 10/3/44 No flying. Bath, supper & poker. Had mushroom soup. THU 24/2/44 Got back from Banbury & had to fly. Splitting headache. SAT 11/3/44 Morning trip. Went to ENSA show “Mr. Bolfry” FRI 25/2/44 Flew afternoon & night. Parcel from Mom. Indian sox. SUN 12/3/44 Cross Country. Was in rear turret. Poker in mess. SAT 26/2/44 Stand by for flying. Poker game in mess. MON 13/3/44 ERIC over London etc. Wind 115 mph. dog tired. SUN 27/2/44 Stand by for flying. Poker & craps till 2:00. TUE 14/3/44 Grope all day. Poker in evening.

PAGE 6! OF !15 WED 15/3/44 SUN 19/3/44 Wet dingy drill in Northampton. Letter from Buck at Bob phoned. Flew Cardigan Bay. Moncton. Hill pranged. MON 20/3/44 [Sometime after 12/2/44, Sgt. Buckley was apparently posted Letters from Dad & Mom. Flew 3 hr night. to RAF Air Training School - No. 31 Personnel Depot at Moncton, New Brunswick. TUE 21/3/44 – THU 23/3/44 Flying Officer Don Hill was known to Peabody’s crew, as well [No entry] as to fellow RCAF Flying Officer Bruce Johnson’s crew. Johnson’s diary entry from 16/3/44 gives a bit of detail on “Hill FRI 24/3/44 pronged” (see intro to Glossary). “Hill left his undercart up and Big do in Sgt’s mess. landed last night burnt right out – everybody got out but the second navigator was burnt bad, and the rear gunner was just SAT 25/3/44 burnt.”] [No entry] [This marks the end of Harry’s post at #12 OTU RAF THU 16/3/44 Edgehill, and the beginning of extended leave to London Wire from Bob. Hodge pranged. and Liverpool.]

FRI 17/3/44 SUN 26/3/44 Al & Smith sick. Went to Banbury with Lew & Jimmie. Left Chipping via Mandford [?]. Got room at Mount Royal. Missed Mon, but went to dance. MON 27/3/44 SAT 18/3/44 Saw boys at Strand Palladium. Saw Col. McDougal Drunk. Back from Banbury at noon. Hospital booked so didn’t fly. Brevets Club. Wince, Ned & Car - Covent Gdns. Wrote Helen. TUE 28/3/44 Lunch with Doc McDougal. Boys at show. Wire from Bob.

WED 29/3/44 Call from Bob, Leave cancelled.

THU 30/3/44 Went to Liverpool with Al. Bit of stag on Board.

FRI 31/3/44 To Tovers 3 wrens.


SAT 1/4/44 To Chester with Bob, Doug, Al, Atcheson, Jack, etc.

SUN 2/4/44 Back to London. Forgot kit bag. Night at Mount Royal.

MON 3/4/44 Over to Strand.

TUE 4/4/44 Out with Atch to Hammersmith etc.

WED 5/4/44 Golfing with Al at Elvins. [Arthur (A.J.) Elvin’s London home, “Norfolk House” Ingram The Canadian Forces Hospitality and Information Ave. NW 11, abuts Hampstead Golf Club where Harry and Al Bureau provided welcome services to troops posted Peabody likely played.] in the UK.

PAGE 7! OF !15 THU 6/4/44 [Beginning of Harry’s post to 1653 Heavy Conversion Unit, RAF Went to “Soldier for Xmas” with Lew & CWACs. Chedburgh]

[End of Harry’s extended leave; beginning of his FRI 14/4/44 Drove to Chedburgh: too late for evening show. Started apparent waiting period at RAF Methwold.] letter to Mary. FRI 7/4/44 SAT 15/4/44 Arrived Methwold. Letter from Mom. Letter to B.C. house. Went to “Heaven can Wait.” SAT 8/4/44 SUN 16/4/44 Gen in thr morning. letter from Mom, Mary, Dorothy & Went on sick parade. Wrote Mom & Mary. Bill. Memo Eilien Morrison. 2 floors. MON 17/4/44 – FRI 21/4/44 [No entry] SUN 9/4/44 Church in Methwold. Arthur & Jimmy. SAT 22/4/44 MON 10/4/44 Supps all day. In to Bury. Came right back. Greyhound Dance at Methwold. and dance.

TUE 11/4/44 SUN 23/4/44 Early Show “Coney Island.” Strolled to town with Hank. Played badminton with Babs - Bridge after supper. Pub & dance. Bought ten eggs. MON 24/4/44 WED 12/4/44 Supps in morning. Bridge in afternoon. Read in evening. Had few drinks & went to Methwold. Letter from Uncle TUE 25/4/44 Ken & card B.C. home. Bought Victory Bond. Supps in morning. Morse with THU 13/4/44 Arthur in afternoon. Haircut. Finished “Commando Posted. Got clearances. Early show “Elephant Boy.” Packed Escape.” & to bed. Book from church. WED 26/4/44 – THU 27/4/44 [No entry]

FRI 28/4/44 Lost ball game 33-8. Wrote Nulty’s.

SAT 29/4/44 Hank & Jimmy on 48. To Bury for buy stuff for Arthur. fun. Wrote Mom. To Greyhound with Buck & Dave.

SUN 30/4/44 [No entry]


MON 1/5/44 [No entry]

TUE 2/5/44 Got 48. Got to London 2:30. Went to Elvins played golf. A.J. on B.B.C.

WED 3/5/44 Golf in morning. Read book. Golf with A.J. in evening.

Postcard announcing impending cigarette delivery .

PAGE 8! OF !15 THU 4/5/44 SAT 20/5/44 Golf in morning. Mirabelle with Mrs. E & friend, me, Mess party. Murph. Wired flowers home. Brevet club. Left Murph & Al & Lews room. SUN 21/5/44 Slept til noon. Splitting headache. Wrote Mon & Allen, FRI 5/5/44 Mom. Caught train 4:25 back at 8:15. Supps. Went to “Now Voyager.” MON 22/5/44 Flew F/A. SAT 6/5/44 Day off. slept all morning. Wrote Mom & Dorothy. TUE 23/5/44 Greyhound & dance. Got cleared & packed. Saw “Background to Danger.” [This marks the end of Harry’s post at 1653 Heavy SUN 7/5/44 Conversion Unit, RAF Chedburgh, and the beginning of Supps. all day. Ball game in evening. Saw Ian Low at an apparent few days of farm-related labor.] Marquis. Back to mess - shower - crap game.

MON 8/5/44 Flew in afternoon. In both turrets. Letter from Mom.

TUE 9/5/44 Morning and afternoon in turrets. Chocolate from Dorothy. Ball game. Bed early.

WED 10/5/44 Soloed today. P28. Had Lew’s peaches. Hank & Al on 48. Wrote Bob and started one to Nel & Harry.

THU 11/5/44 Flew morning & afternoon. Went to dance.

FRI 12/5/44 Flew in morning. Talk from AVM. Circuits at Mildenhall. Bed around 3.

SAT 13/5/44 Diary entries 7-12 May. Up for lunch. Letter from Buck. WED 24/5/44 SUN 14/5/44 Up at six. Train 8:20. Banbury at 3:30. Did fence, fed [No entry] cows, pigs. New Inn.

MON 15/5/44 THU 25/5/44 Flying scrubbed. “Stormy Weather” in evening. Up at 9:00. to Banbury for market. Slept all afternoon. Milked & fed pigs etc. TUE 16/5/44 [No entry] FRI 26/5/44 Led cows out to graze. Threshed & milked. Bath & bed. WED 17/5/44 Wrote Mom. Cross-country all day. “Dixie” in evening. SAT 27/5/44 THU 18/5/44 Milked & threshed. Wrote Mom. Flew NFT. Smithy, Jimmy & Ed off to [RAF] Methwold. Nobe out of hospital. Wrote to Bob, Nel, Harry, & Helen. SUN 28/5/44 London with Mon. Saw Murph. Stayed at Nultys. FRI 19/5/44 [Harry begins a post to #3 Lancaster Finishing School, RAF Bullseye over Bristol. ]

PAGE 9! OF !15 MON 29/5/44 Down to train with Murph. Arrived at Feltwell

TUE 30/5/44 – WED 31/5/44 [No entries]


THU 1/6/44 – FRI 2/6/44 [No entry]

SAT 3/6/44 C&L at Massingham. Stayed all night. Blew a tire. Letter Lancaster B Mark III, LM577 "Edith" at #218 Squadron RAF from Mary. Letters from Bob. Chedburgh. In earlier operations at # 622 Squadron (RAF Mildenhall), Edith was flown by Peabody and crew four times, including their first combat mission – a nighttime raid SUN 4/6/44 on the V-2 site near St-Omer (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) on 23 Wrote Mom. C&L at Methwold. June 1944.

MON 5/6/44 Flew X-country. Hell of a trip. THU 15/6/44 Got new battle dress. Wrote Wisemans. TUE 6/6/44 INVASION. Posted to 622 SQN. Bit of a piss-up. FRI 16/6/44 [Harry begins final post to 622 Sqdn RAF Mildenhall.] 2 letters from Mom. Bullseye scrubbed. Got whiskeys for cold. WED 7/6/44 By Lunch at Mildenhall. Mess crowded. SAT 17/6/44 Still got cold. Hot out tonight. CO parade. Mararajal of THU 8/6/44 Kashmir visited Station. Talk from Flying Control and Inst Officers. SUN 18/6/44 FRI 9/6/44 Grounded 2 days. Was on bullseye list but no kite. Wrote [No entry] Mom?

SAT 10/6/44 MON 19/6/44 2 letters from Mom. Must write: Ken & Win, Elvins, Babs Went pubbing in evening with Dick, Dave, Al, & Lew. for snaps, Bob, Mon, Allen, B.C. House, Nultys, Wisemans, G-Wilkinson. TUE 20/6/44 Parcel from Mom. Wrote Mary & sent snap. Did sketch. SUN 11/6/44 Played tennis. Read book. WED 21/6/44 Read ‘All Quiet on the Western Front.’ MON 12/6/44 Air Test in morning. Window in afternoon. O/C C/G THU 22/6/44 rations. Al on Second dickey to Ruhr. Wrote to Mom & Bob. Got snaps from Mom. Cigs from Angela. Cross Country.

[Harry reports that Peabody flew a familiarization combat flight FRI 23/6/44 with another crew as a prelude to his own crew’s combat debut Went to Crossbow target France. Rear turret U/S. Cook on 23 June 1944.] bad ics. [Harry’s first combat mission.] TUE 13/6/44 Started X country. Returned S.O. on fire. SAT 24/6/44 WED 14/6/44 Finished ‘Lost Horizon.’ Wrote Mom & sent snaps. Another Phillips got it on 2nd Dickie from [RAF] Waterbeach. L/S France. Moved to House 6. Went to show. [Harry’s second combat mission.]

PAGE 10! OF 15! SUN 25/6/44 – MON 26/6/44 MON 3/7/44 [No entry] Bob on flip & caught 1202. We left on 4:08. Mount Royal for night. Bob in Transportation Club. Lost Bob’s coat. TUE 27/6/44 Americans here. Exchange. few drinks. TUE 4/7/44 Moved to Cumberland. Went to Savoy with Red Cross girls WED 28/6/44 & Eric. Churchill Club with Doc McDougal. Bottle from Two letters. Hank and Angela. Murph missing. Ops Elvins. scrubbed. Wrote Angela and Hank. WED 5/7/44 THU 29/6/44 Starways Club lunch. Saw “Lisbon Story.” Clubbing with Daylight scrubbed. Night op scrubbed. Bob Knon.

FRI 30/6/44 THU 6/7/44 Daylight - Villers Bocage. [No entry] [Harry’s third combat mission.] FRI 7/7/44 Red Cross H.Q. Bob left. Went to Maxims with the girls & brush. Trans Club with Doc. [End of shared leave with Harry’s brother Bob Doe)

SAT 8/7/44 Breakfast in bed. Golfing at Elvins. Dogs at Wembley. Back to Brevit.

SUN 9/7/44 Nultys with Boys for lunch & dinner and pub.

MON 10/7/44 Bumped into Dave Pudney & Ken Scharfe. Saw Mac & brother in K of C. Went to “Cover Girl.” Caught 5:46 back. Letters from Mon, Jimmy, Bob, Mom.

Peabody and crew participated in the daylight bombing near Villers Bocage, 30 June 1944 (Imperial War Museum CL 344).


SAT 1/7/44 Bob arrived. Wrote Mom. In Bird with Bob.

SUN 2/7/44 In Bird with Bob. [Start of extended leave, the first five days with Harry’s brother Bob and Lt. Eric Macowski, RCNVR)

One of the clubs visited during early July 1944 leave.

PAGE 11! OF !15 TUE 11/7/44 FRI 21/7/44 To Cambridge for dingy drill. Crap game.

WED 12/7/44 SAT 22/7/44 Saw show. Parcel from Mom.

THU 13/7/44 SUN 23/7/44 Stand by. Almost got to Kiel. [Seventh mission; aborted due to unusable intercom.] FRI 14/7/44 Stand by. Down to “Ship” with Mitch. Rugby game etc. in MON 24/7/44 evening. Letter from Hank. 14 none. Wrote Mom & Helen. Went to Stuttgart. SAT 15/7/44 Letter from Harald. Wrote Angela. Beat Ian at Snooker. [Eighth combat mission]

SUN 16/7/44 TUE 25/7/44 [No entry] On radar. Went to show.

MON 17/7/44 WED 26/7/44 Stand by etc. Letter from Ang & Book from Claire

TUE 18/7/44 THU 27/7/44 Daylight on Caen. Read & slept all day. Evening in Bird. op. scrubbed ENSA play.

[Fifth combat mission] FRI 28/7/44 [Harry’s ninth and final combat mission - no further diary WED 19/7/44 entries.] Bars from Nel & Harry. Wrote Mom & Harald.

THU 20/7/44 ******** Went to Homberg. [Sixth combat mission]

Final page of Harry’s RCAF Flight Log.

PAGE 12! OF 15! Flight Crew & Others Mentioned in Diary

Flight Crew Harold Harold Atkinson, Kimberley, B.C. Al Harry (Uncle Harry) Flying Officer Harald S. Peabody J/22396, Sherbrooke, Quebec Harold Kirkup, Harry’s uncle (Nel’s husband), Victoria, B.C. Helen Buck Helen Matthews, Vancouver, B.C. Flying Sgt Percy William Buckley 1813417, London Ken & Win (aka Unc & Win) Lew Kenneth and Winifred Robertson - Harry’s uncle and aunt, Flying Officer Ronald Louis Fiddick J/29707, Victoria, B.C. Victoria, B.C.

Jimmy Others Jimmy Young J/29849, Harry met at RAF Wigtown, later posted to RAF Methwold Allen Mary Friend from Edmonton, Alberta Unknown Andersons Mathews Don Anderson’s family, Victoria, B.C. Mathews family, Vancouver, B.C. Angela McKay Angela Nulty, London N.A. McKay R/138429, friend at #1659 CU RAF Topcliff Bob Mom Lt. Robert Eldon Doe RCNVR - brother of Harry serving in Harry’s mother, Mary Josephine Doe, Victoria, B.C. UK

Brown Monica (Mon) and Alan Unknown Sgt. E. C. Brown R181308, friend at #28 OTU, RAF Wymeswold Mrs. G-W Dad Matriarch of the Green-Wilkinson family, Windsor Forest Harry’s father, Joseph Eldon Doe, Victoria, B.C. Murphy (Murph) Dave Unknown P/O Dave Pudney, High School friend, Vancouver, B.C. Nel Doc McDougal Nellie B. Robertson, Harry’s aunt, Victoria, B.C. Lt. Col McDougal, DDDS Branch CMHQ, Con. Army Eng. Nultys Don Angela Nulty & family, London Don Anderson, friend from Victoria, B.C.

Dorothy Dorothy McFarlane, Vancouver, B.C.

Elvin (aka A.J.) Arthur J. Elvin & family [Joseph Doe’s Observer in RFC from WWI], London

Eric Lt. Eric Mackowski, RCNVR

PAGE 13! OF 15! Glossary of Terms, Slang, and Places

The following glossary was made possible in no small part from the excellent web site dedicated to the detailed war diary of Lancaster Pilot Bruce Johnston and authored by his sons Bruce, Mark, and Scott (

In 1944, Johnston, then a young Canadian from Guelph, Ontario, trained contemporaneously with Peabody’s crew at #12 OTU (Chipping-Warden and Edgehill), #1653 “Con” Unit at RAF Chedburgh, and #3 Lancaster Finishing School at RAF Feltwell.

Flying Officer Bruce Johnston started combat operations with 115 Sqdn (RAF Witchford), completed 30 missions, and survived the war to a long career in medicine. Flying Officer Johnson’s diary mentions Harold S. Peabody as a friend and fellow pilot.

48 “C” Flight 2-day leave One of three smaller groups of planes that comprised the squadron AFU Advanced Flying Unit – a training unit one attends before Chipping–Warden moving on to an Operational Training Unit (OTU) Home base of Operational Training Unit 12, near Banbury

Astro CO Astro navigation Commanding Officer

AVM Cross country Air Vice Marshal, #3 Group, Richard Harrison DFC Training flight across the countryside

Bags CWACs A lot; a great deal or many Canadian Women's Army Corps

Banbury D.R. (compass) Town of Banbury, Oxfordshire, nearly equidistant from RAF Distant Reading compass Edgehill and RAF Chipping-Warden DRI Battle dress Dead Reckoning Instruction/Instruments Woolen working uniform Edgehill BC House Home base of Operational Training Unit 12, near Banbury London office for the Agent General for British Columbia ENSA responsible for coordinating delivery of cigarette rations to overseas servicemen on behalf of their BC relatives Entertainment National Service Association - staged live entertainment for British armed forces. Bird Airplane F/A Fighter Affiliation – bombers practicing defensive Bullseye maneuvers, such as corkscrews, against British fighters A training flight over British cities, to learn evasion techniques for search lights and night fighters Feltwell Home base of 3 Lancaster Finishing School, near Thetford, Bury Norfolk Contraction for town of Bury St. Edmunds, Surrey G/C CCG Group Captain Coastal Command Gunnery

C&L Circuits and landings

PAGE 14! OF 15! GEE Parade Radio navigation system with three transmitters in England Inspection – by timing synchronized pulses from the transmitters navigators could calculate their positions very accurately – Prang it did not extend over the radio horizon, and the Germans Crash a plane, usually on landing or takeoff at the airfield jammed it, but it was a good tool over England and the P.T. North Sea Physical training Gen Second Dickey (2nd Dickie) General information, background Second pilot, often accompanying an experienced crew on a Greyhound mission to see how they worked together, before starting The Chevington Greyhound pub in Chevington, Bury Saint operations with his own crew Edmunds Shooting a real line Grope Telling a story, explaining oneself Ground operational exercise Sick parade Kite The daily military formation by which individuals report as Airplane sick to the medical officer

Kirkinner S.O. Scottish village near RAF Wigtown Starboard Outboard (Engine)

K of C Supps Knights of Columbus, who established subsidized canteens Supplementaries - training on the specialties of other crew in London for military personnel members, such as navigation and bombing

Marquis Transportation (Trans) Club The Marquis of Cornwallis pub in Bury Saint Edmunds Transportation Officer’s Club, London

Massingham Tysoe RAF Great Massingham located 8.1 miles southwest of Small village near RAF Edgehill Fakenham, Norfolk W/T Mess Wireless telegraphy, for morse (not voice) communication Room where meals were eaten Wardington Mess bill Village near RAF Chipping-Warden, Oxfordshire Charge for being a member of the Officers’ Mess Waterbeach Methwold Home base of 514 Squadron, near Cambridge RAF Methwold is located 2.1 miles northeast of Feltwell, Wrens Norfolk Women's Royal Naval Service personnel Monction RAF Air Training School - No. 31 Personnel Depot at Moncton, New Brunswick

New Inn New Inn pub in Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

NFT Night Flying (Fighter) Training

Operational Training Unit (OTU) An OTU was a training unit attended once one left the Advanced Flying Unit (AFU), that specialized in molding airmen into aircrews, who could work as a team

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