Year Items Donor 1 Fiske, Eustace, E. 76.1 1 Wilder, Donald, Mrs. 76.2 Gill, Russell, Mrs. 76.3 4 5 Morin, Roland, Rev. 76.4 1 Byam, Edwin, Dr. 76.5 12 Parlee, Ralph, Mrs. 76.6 1 Chelms. Historical Society 76.7 1 Hinckley, William, Mr.& Mrs. 76.8 Day, William, A. 76.9 1 7 Warren, Miriam, Miss 76.10 1 Open Gate Garden Club 76.11 1 Emmons, Henry, Mrs. 76.12 6 Chelms. Historical Comm 76.13 2 MacDougall, Allister, Mr.&Mrs. 76.14 63 River Valley House 76.15 1 Norton, Edward, Mrs. 76.16 Farnum, Harold, Mrs. 76.17 12 5 Lahue, Richard, C. 76.18 Nelson, Herbert 76.19 5 3 Hood, Edward 76.20 18 Tec Art Studios 76.21 1 American Brands, Inc. 76.22 2 Sturtevant, Herbert 76.23 3 Norton, Edward, Mrs. 76.24 2 Cowdkry, Frank, Mrs. 76.25 1 Stewart, George, Mr.& Mrs 76,26 1 Lovering, Priscilla, Miss 76.27 1 Foster, Ida, Lovering 76.28 1 Fogg, Donald, Mrs. 76.29 5 Watt, Charles, Mr.& Mrs. 76.30 1 Wilder, Donald, Mrs. 76.31 Scoboria, Marjorie, Miss 76.32 15 3 Shedd, Harry, Jr. 76.33 2 Dana, Leslie, Mrs. 76.34 2 Gullion, Bruce, Mrs. 76.35 4 annonymous 76.36 1 Norton, Edward, Mrs. 76.37 1 National Park Service 76.38 4 Lahue, Richard, O. 76 .39 20 Day, Raymond, A. 76 .40 1 Stevens, Hazel, Miss 76.41 2 Grade 2, Westland School 76 .42 2 Simard, Roland, Mrs. 76.43 3 Lahue, Richard, C. 76.44 1 Pettee, Cristy 76.46 14 Watt, Charles, E. 76.47 Fogg, Donald, Mrs, 76.48 7 Chelms. Historical Society 76.49 5 5 Stott, Michael 76.50 2 Study Group, C.H.S. 76.51 27 Emmons, Natalie, G. 76.52 2 Hinckley, William, Mrs. 76.53 20 Lust, Donald, Mrs. 76.54 10 Ryan, Harold, Mrs. 76.55 13 Hudson Historical Society 76.56 1 Koulas, Samuel 76.57 29 Charlton, Robert, Mrs. 76.58 9 Shedd, Harry 76.59 Stevens, Hazel, Miss 76.60 3

mab 1979 Year Items Donor 76.61 15 Scoboria, Marjorie, Miss 76.62 1 Estate: Jessie A. Stewart 76.63 13 Davis, Harold, J. 76.64 1 Chelms. Historical Society 76.65 1 Watt, Charles, E. 76.66 1 Wahlgren, Mildred, Mrs. 76.67 1 Parkhurst, George, A. 76.66 1 C'Hara,O'Hara, C Mrs. 76.67 12 Stevens, Hazel, Miss 76.68 23 Watt, Charles, E. Sr. 76.69 12 Pettee, Cristy 7(40 13ou-retaLt,/t o 1..,e.t

mab 1979 76.1

Mr./Mrs. Eustace B. Fiske 1 Billerica Rd., C helmsford. Mass. received: 1-9-1976 J.F. acknowledged: same registered: 1-13-1976 J.F. labeled: 1-22-1976 J.F. donor card: nab 1979 object card: mab 1979

metal scraps: of bell from tower of Chelmsford Meeting House which burned Feb. 14, 1842; salvaged and saved by Eliza Winn Fiske. - irregular shapes; 1*" and 1*" long; larger piece is *4' wide at one end; - tied together with twine and fastened to a e* x 2" card. Note: Several hand bells were made from the molten metal of that bell and have been preserved in the homes of many old Chelmsford families. 76.2

Mrs. Donald E. Nilder nee, Ethel Timmins 50 Parkeryille Rd., South Chelmsford, Ma. Box 106 received: 1-22-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 2-6-1976 J.F. registered: 1-23-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor cards 'r -lb 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 graduation program: Class of 1894, Centre High School, Chelmsford, Mass.; held at Town Hall June 21, 1894 - Manilla cardboard covers, 4 3/4 x 6 3/4", bound at *enter of fold with bright yellow 1/8" ribbon; - page 1 of inside folded sheet lists graduates and class officers; - center spread for program and confer- ring of diplomas - p. 4 contains "Class Ode", words by Ednah F. Byam

(program had been pasted on notebook paper and is stuck to back) 76.3

Mrs. Russell Blandy Gill 339 South Harvey Ave., Oak Park, Illinois 60302

received: 1-20-1976 G.A.P. acknowledged: 1-22-1976 J.F. registered: 2-6-1976 J.F. labeled: 2-6-1976 J.F. and donor card: mat) 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 color photo: of portrait painting of Adeline Warren Douglass; She was born in Chelmsford, the daughter of Isaac Warren (1777-1840) of Chelmsford and Nancy Lamson of Carlisle. Date of birth: 8-23-1806; married Roswell Douglass in 1831; she died in Lowell 10-26-1838. - Their daughter, Henrietta Merrill Douglass, born in Lowell in 1833, married Edgat Sewell Parkhurst of Chelmsford (b. 1834) in 1860. - Their children: Lillian Blandy Parkhurst, 2 other daughters, and Samuel Parkhurst, all born in Chelmsford; all buried in Forefathers' Cemetery, Chelmsford - Roswell Douglass started the first and shuttle works in Lowell about 1825. 2 jewelry box of Adeline Warren: mahoga wood; 4 round brass feet at corners; "Adeline " inscribed in gold writing across top of hinged cover; - inside is lined with flower figured wall paper; mirror, 7* x 5*", is glued inside cover; - size of box: 10 x 7 3/4"; 2*" deep; cover is 1" deep; closed, box is 3*" deep; - small lock in center of front; key, 1i" long is attached to card identifying box as that of Adeline Warren Douglass, donor's great-grandmother, born 1806

3 Bible: polyglot edition; belonged to Edgar Sewell Parkhurst who lived in the rarkhurst House at # 35 High St., (in recent times known as the Symmes house)

- size: j A " . ,2-LAjk_ b• .1% gars s 4 genealogy papers: of Russell Blandy Gill, 1901. son of Lillian Blandy Parkhurst Gill; traces families of Douglass, Conant, Warren and Parkhurst 76 .4

Rev. Roland E. Morin First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 1-31-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 2-3-1976 J.F. registered: 2-2-1976 J.F. labeled: 2-2-1976 J.F. Tat 17 donor card: object card: mab 1979

0/1. sermon: Patriots Defined; morning Bicentennial Service, Sunday, April 20, 1975;

- 5 pp. typewritten on light blue sheets, 8* x 11" program: Bicentennial Service 1775 - 1975; of the First Congregational Society (Unitarian) of Chelmsford, Mass. - pictured on front is the 4th Meeting House, dedicated April 18, 1843, showing the horse sheds at the left; in tones of blue on white background, with lettering in red; - order of service printed inside; history of the Religious Society on back, with its purposes a) separate sheet: contains words of the two hymns, "America" and "America the Beautiful"

sermon: Have We Guarded What The Sires Have Won?; evening Bicentennial Service, Sunday April 20, 1975; 5 pp. typewritten on light blue sheets, 8i x 11"

4 program: Bicentennial Candlelight Service 1775 - 1975; of the First Congregational Society (Unitarian) of Chelmsford, Mass. - pictured on front: the 4th Meeting House, dedicated April 18, 1843; showing the horse sheds at the left; printed in tones of blue on white background; lettering in red; - inside: order of service honoring the men from Chelmsford who answered the Call to Arms on April 19, 1775; - service attended by the present day Chelmsford Colonial Minutemen, Richard H. Rienstra, Captain; 76.4

Morin - 2

- the service included a Roll Call, or reading of the names of the original Chelmsford Minutemen and a Roll Call of the 1975 Colonial Minutemen of Chelmsford

Note: Both services were attended by church members and townspeople of all faiths and most in authen- tic Colonial eoatumes. The Meeting House was filled to capacity at both services and rang with the enthusiasm, inspiration and re-dedica- tion of all in attendance. memo: note "from the desk of Mr. Arnold J. Lovering, Chelmsford Selectman"; sent to Rev. Roland E. Morin in appreciation of his part in the services. - Town Seal on letterhead: size of sheet: 4 7/8 x 7 3/4" 76.5

Dr. Edwin C. Byam Suffield, Conn. 06078

received: 2-4-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 2-6-1976 J.F. registered: 2-4-1976 J.F. object card: mab 1979 labeled: 2-4-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979

1 book: Descendants of George Byam (? - 1680) by Edwin Colby 18 Byam; genealogical record of the Byam Family from P_•-% 1680 to the present day - complimantary copy from the author - printed in U.S.A.; Rich Lithographing Co. - hard covers in green with black lettering - size, 9i x 6 1/8 x 1,4" 76.6

Mrs. Ralph Parlee nee, Muriel Bridges 135 Pine Hill Rd. Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 2-5-1976 J•P. acknowledged: 2-6-1976 J.F. registered: 2-5-1976 J.F. object card: mab 1979 labeled: 2-5-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 ADVERTISING CARDS Set of cards depicting important events in the life of Daniel Webster. From the collection of Muriel's mother, :'ors. Bridges. Postcards advertize Webster Cigars; on back of each card at left: "Be Wise, Smoke Webster Cigars"; signed "Gus" - "get the nut brown colors"; on front of each card is a framed portrait of Daniel Webster as he appeared when Secretary of State, 1841-1843; size of cards: 5i x 34" 1 Elms Farm, New Hampshire: where Daniel Webster spent his childhood. days; - picture of a rambling farmhouse 2 Daniel Webster debating at school: picture of school room with four desks and stools for pupils, a map and globe 3 Daniel Webster as a school teacher: teacher's desk and high stool, pupils' desks and small stools; 2 boys, 2 girls 4 Daniel Webster elected to Congress, 1813: D.W. speaking from a balcony to cheering crowd 5 D. Webster arguing the famous Dartmouth Colleke Case, 1817; Webster standing beside table; 3 men seaated in front of Judge's stand; Judgeovith white wig, seated behind desk 6 D. Webster at the Dedication of the Bunker Hill Monument, 1825; Bunker Hill Monument on left; Webster and 4 other dignitaries on speaking platform which is decorated in red, white, and blue; crowd below 7 Daniel Webster, member of the U.S. Senate 1827-1839, 1845; speaking from his desk beside another man; several other men in background 76.6 Parlee - 2 -

8 Daniel Webster departing for Tour of Europe, 1339; standing on board ship with top had and cane; ship's captain behind him and 2 passengers waving; 6 sailors in row boat; sailing ship in background 9 Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, 1841 - 1843; seated at desk with quill pen and papers

C/10 photo postcard: Brownie float in a 4th of July parade (1925, ?) - "The Coming Scouts" in flower costumes with Mrs; Paul Dutton, Councillor; - black and white; size 5* x 3i" 11 photo: Addie M. Davis (left) and Grace Vaugn (right) seated, painting a sign; Old Mill House on right; black and white, size 34 x 4" 12 photo: Grace Vaughn and Addle M. Davis gardening; rear of Old Mill House in background; - black and white, size 4i x 76 .7

Chelmsford Historical Society received: 2-17-1976 J.F. by purchase -- $10.00 registered: 2-20-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. object card: mab 1979 dcncr card mab 1979

1 book: James Franklin Gilman, 19th Century Painter by Adele Godchaux Dawson

A carefully researched biography of the artist who traveled throughout the towns of New England painting farm scenes and houses around the countryside; - illustrated with many of his works

Among the local paintings and the old Dutton Homestead, the Ezekiel Byam House (Waite Farm), and the Proctor House 76.8

Mr./Mrs. William liinckley 25 Barton Hill Rd. Chelmsford, Mass. received. : 2-20-1976 J.F. acknowledged: same registered: 2-21-1976 J.F. labeled: 2-21-1976 J.F. donor card: mar' 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 photo: picture of the Eben Marshall House, formerly on Boston Rd., corner of Warren Ave.; at the present time, the site of the Living and Learning Day Care Center/School - size of picture: 5 x 7"; black and white Note: Eben Marshall was a cabinet maker having his shop in the rear of his property. It is presently used as headquarters for the American Legion Post #212 and its Auxiliary. Prior to the Legion's ownership, it was used as a tea room by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Field. The picture was taken by Mr. Hinckley, former owner of the Marshall House, who resided there with his wife previous to its razing. A beautiful little farm house with recessed front door with shutter . 76 .9

Raymond A. Day 7 Pine Hill Ave. Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 2-11-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 2-11-1976 J.F. labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

0/ 1 Town Seal of Chelmsford, Massachusetts: stamp impressed on heavy light brown paper; round with serrated edges; 2" diameter; - Revolutionary Monument in center with lettering: "Let the Children Guard What the Sires Rave Won" and "Chelmsford, Mass." above and below the monument. 76.10

Miss Miriam E. Warren 91 Boston Rd. Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 2-23-1976 J.F.; 3-11-1976 J.F. acknowledged: same J.F.; same J.F. registered: 2-23-1976 and 3-12-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 school composition: The Fiske House by Elizabeth F. Warren, gti April 2, 1902 - contains some interesting facts not generally known. - hand written; 2 pages with blank paper covers; tied at top with red ribbon; size, 8 x 10" Note: Elizabeth was born in 1890 in Chelmsford, the daughter of Joseph E. and Lily (Elizabeth) Fiske Warren; a direct descendant of the Rev. John Fiske, Chelmsford's first misnister (1665) 0/2 school composition: The History, of Chelmsford by Elizabeth F. Warren, Center Grammar School, Grade 8; May 23, 1905; an historical sketch of the town -- its patriotic support of the Wars; education; principle manufactures and industries; - illustrations and map - hand written on lined paper; 10 pp. written on both sides; size, 8 x 10*" SCHOOL PICTURES

5V3 Primary grade: taken on steps of Centre School, Chelmsford, June 1898 ■ ArIA" Identification: Top Row: 1 Doris Byfield 2 Jessie Chamberlain 3 Ernest 4 Mary Higgins 5 John Johnson 6 Nellie Hills 7 Paul 8 'ones 9 Esther Hills 10 Louise 2nd Row (down): 1 Hosmer Sweetsir 2 Raymond Dutton 3 Alfred Douglass 4 Leroy Bliss 5 John Higgins 6 Ada Kettlety 76.10

Warren - 2 -

7 Laura Richardson 8 Royal Dutton 9 Katie Paul 3rd Row (down) 1 Paul 2 Elizabeth Warren 3 Abbott Russell 4 Charles Douglas 4th Row (down) 1 Jessie Atwood 2 Irene Worthen 3 Edwin Eriksen 4 Charles Parkhurst 5 Genet (Jeanette ?) Byfield 6 7 Ida Lovering Front Row: 1 Edward Russell 2 Fred Russell 3 Hazel Knowlton 4 Reuberta Parkhurst 5 Margaret Knowlton 6 Ethel Wright v Second Primary, Chelmsford, 1899; interior; children seated at desks; Miss Litchfield, teacher; Arthur I. Emerson, photographer; - size: 7 5/8 x 4 5/4"; mounted, 10 x 71,-" Identification: Front Row: 1)LactR , e,h4.1.450n 2 Hosmer Sweetser 3 4 5 6 Elizabeth Warren 7 E 11. exikse.-4 4th Row: end, next to blackboard, Jessie Atwood Class picture: Chelmsford High School Freshman Class; taken on picnic at Canobie Lake, 1911 - size of picture, 4 x 2 7/8"; mounted on heavy dark grey cardboard, 5 1/8 x 4 1/8" Identification: Front: 1 Emil Hartford 2 Marjorie Armstrong 3 Thora Koford 4 5 Mabel Paignon 6 Homer Noel 7 Adelbert Adams 8 Arthur Melvin 76.10

Warren - 3 -

Back Row: 1 Elmer Hill 2 Catherine Green 3 Lottie Cheney 4 Blanch Spaulding (absent, day of picnic - Miriam Warren) 6 snapshot: Chelmsford High School, class of 1913; - size 44 x 2 5/8"; unmounted - Identification - (l.-r.) 1 Alec Park 2 Ruth Whittemore 3 Mildred Winning 4 Margaret Flynn Gertrude Lapham 6 Elmer Harris, Principal 7 snapshot: Teachers of Chelmsford High School, 1913; (l.-r.) Miss Gardner Mr. Harris Miss Potter size of picture: 4i x 2 3/4"; unmounted 76.11 Open Gate Garden Club Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 2-22-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: registered: 2-23-1976 J.F. ✓ labeled:111--)-1-77 donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

la compote/covered jar: "Disciples of Democracy", honoring the Nation's Bicentennial; fashioned from the finest crystal by the Fenton Art Glass Company, Williamstown, West Virginia; handmade - commissioned by the Aational Council of State Garden Clubs - detailed cameos of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin encircle the compote - markings beneath base: "U.S.A. Bicentennial Commemorative 1776 - 1976" in a circle surround- ing a 3/4" floral center with the words: "National Councuncil of State Garden Clubs" im- mediately around it; the trade name, "Fenton" appears inside the compote within an oval in the bottom. - overall size: 4i" diameter at top; 5:10 high; 3-4" base;re band etched around botfbm of compote, above base b cover: matching crystal; 44" in diameter, with American Bicentennial eagles as a finial on top; etched band, 3/8" wide rims the lower edge of cover


Mrs. Henry Emmons (Natalie G.) 9 Clear St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 2-22-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 2-23-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-23-1976 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 iron bank: cast in 2 molds in shape of a Boston Terrier C vNOCietL t,1 dog; painted white with black markings; red tongue and nostrils, and red with name, g o tA "Fido" in front; 1i" slot is at the base of the head in back, just above collar. - a set in screw holds bank together; - grey felt on base of bank allows it to be used as door stop or on desk without scratching surface. - height: 5"x 4"long x 3" wide 76.13

Chelmsford Historical Commission

received: 2-17-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 3-18-1976 J.F. labeled: 3-18-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

Pictures from "The Sentinel" newspaper; black and white. 1 "Sylvia": the mannequin at the Barrett-Byam House; in front of the mural of Boston Harbor as it was in early Colonial period; "crazy quilt" afghan muslin shown on horsehair sofa. - size: 3 3/8 x 3i" 2 Mrs. Donald H. Fifogg speaking on Colonial History to 3rd grade children at the Barrett-Byam House - size 44 x 3 3/8" Mrs. McManaway demonstrating spinning with the "walking" wheel for class in spinning at the museum - size 3 3/8 x 44" 4 Consuelo Scarth making bread at the Christmas Open House, 1975; placing bread dough in pan; Mary Ortalano at right - size 3 3/8 x 3*" (..k' 5 Hazel Stevens beside old South Chelmsford Post Office - size 44 x 5i" John P. Richardson and speaker on"Glass" - size itix 5 x 4" Mr. and Mrs. Allister MacDougall 46 Boston Rd., Westford, Mass. received: 3-1-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered:3-2-1976 J.F. labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

8'2/1 photograph: Nettie Byam posing as a milkmaid in doorway of old barn at the Heywood Garrison House; - in dark print dress with long white apron and straw hat with ribbon; milk pail on her arm; - size of picture: 5 1/8 x 7 1/8"; 7 x 9" mounted Note: Nettie Amelia yam was the daughter of Frank Colby Byam of South Chelmsford, and a sister of Lyman A. Byam (1875) and Lucy Hannah Byam (1877)

2 collection of slides: taken by Mrs. MacDougall; - 1955 pictures of Tercentennial events in Chelmsford: parade, flower show, art exhibit, Open House Tour, Unitarian Church and antique silver - 1963 pictures of Old Houses; Fiske House and Gardens Fiske girls with doll collection 76.15 Board of Directors River Valley House, Mrs. Donald Adams, Chairman 520 Fletcher St., Lowell, Mass.

received: 2-20-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 3-7-1976 J.F. registered: 2-1 and 10-1976 Workshop

✓ labeled:3-6-773E ; 5 -)- - -7 7 object card: mab 1979 donor card: mab 1979

COLLECTION OF , LACES, UNDERWEAR, BONNETS AND ACCESSORIES 1 apron: ; with drawn-work inserts; Si 31" long, 314" wide; waist 16" on gathered band; Italian hemmed inserts, one 4" and two 1i"

el 2 apfon: white ; 36" long, 37k" wide; 3i" lace insert at ; 154" waist, gathered, with band

. 3 apron: white plaid cotton; 32" long; waist 16"; 4" lace on bottom and on end of ties

4 apron: white cotton with scalloped Hamburg lace; 34" long, 36" wide; gathered on waist band quilted bonnet: grey ; hand sewn; lined in tan cambric; ribbon ties, grey with black edge trim • 6 night cap: white cotton edged with lace; hamburg strip on top; gathered panel in back; 2 ties

S I ' 7 evening blouse: black jet beaded net over China silk, over satin faced taffeta fitted waist; - 11 whale bone stays, 7 to 9" in length; - fitted inner belt, 14" woven black tape; - elbow length with pleated China silk double ; - 13 black hooks and, eyes for closing - )" Watt( 230,14 gi - 8 blouse: black squared net with small embroidered circles over thin black silk; - net collar with black sequin and dull, black bead trim - set-in black lace front - sleeves, 15" in underarm ; sequin and bead trim - 20" underarm, seam to seam ( apparently an altered blouse with satin peplum) 76.15

River Valley - 2

' 9 evening cape: black; trimmed with braid and lined with satin; beaded fringe made of 2" beads, covered with braid; bottom in points; 2'.5:- std4q, eel/dr - size: it..,A(t4ibibisit'.3.. 2 ".+Y.Ativ,47pei4telpithei -s

- 10 evening cape: black velvet; front lined in irridescent brown silkfringe on bottom;bdowcrodiete.4)v.o. :" et - size: .A;/6.,s,c..-.1iN.4-10.1.0(/ > 6,1K yi • 11 cape: black ; circular; depth, 24"; black velvet collar and a triangular, hooded, deco- rative collar of heavy black silk; 15" from neck to point; - closing has 4 hooks and hand-made eyes.

4 12 capelet: fine faille silk, lined with dark green silk; - front, 12" deep; back, 14"; - collar is shaped, 2*" wide

el • 13 cape: small faille, 7" depth in center back; pleated faille ruffle, 2*"; lace border; scalloped net embroidered with fine guimpe, 9" deep; faille edged with design in black beads. needs a bit of mending) • 14 cape: black wool; embroidered in black4Loverpadding; . edged withacerWrVite,si-cie.pthattedvat. - tp 14x hS biAktGiG/vM e..00 &Y. Swnie tv,410 Vv. tt,nier., qn.15 bertha collar: eggshell white lace; comes into 2 points 16 double collar: white net with gathered ruffle on edge, 2i" wide.

ci017a white linen scarf: 45" x 6"; embroidered on each end W) b white linen scarf: 45" x 3i"; with embroidered ends.

31 18 square: ecru knit silk, trimmed with lace; 28" square , 19 square: black fine-knit, with fringe; 44" square

gl 20 collar: black handmade taffeta with stiffening; cotton lace trim; 33" long Si • 21 scarf: black chiffon, hemstitched edge; 55" long x 16*" wide; - in envelope from "The Miley Shops" 214 Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass.

,••••■ < 1 t 22 cape collar: black lace, fichu-type el • 23 scarf: black lace mantilla type 76.15

River Valley - 3 —

0 '24 scarf: black lace; 52" a 6" ki, 25 coat: black moire silk; label: "i.M.Wilson & Co. 723 Boylston St., Boston Handmade" - satin lined top, interlined; — 3 silk covered on deep avi4 rf dowvi - sleeves are cuffed and trimmed with self material and silk cord and 8 self covered buttons; length of , 17" from underarm - front closing; 2 frogs of self material; hooks and eyes at - skirt front: same decoration as on sleeves, but larger size - skirt back: bias material fits into back in deep point; 30" from point to bottom of hem

i • 26 evening coat: black taffeta; 521" long; - shoulder to sleeve, 23";,,,A. - white ribbon with black trim on small, attached dollar and cuffs; - black braid down front; no fastening; - black braid trim around bottom - 23" from side to side - each panel in front is 14" •27 jacket: black silk;tuxedo collar; lined; - satin covered beads and silk braid trim on collar and cuffs, fronts and center back (7s'ik - princess back; 17" from underarm across back; vc)- length, 27", neck to bottom L> s / ee - sleeve, 18k" from inner seam - with satin flower - label: "James A. Houston - Boston" a,b decorations: black silk soutache loops back of a decorated button; done with needle and ; four drops of black silk cord and small round covered beads cl i 28 jacket: black lace; slashed in back; size 14- i1 - set-it, sI te_Nrcs , 4;-) tx( wy)st sk, 1.111.- K St 29 jacket: Navy blue figured cut-velvet;w -kace trimming on sleeves; also 3 buttons - 16 buttons in front; - stand-up collar - little peplum on back ('v` j9 (I° 30a shoulder cape: black China silk, accordian pleated b bonnet or boa: 76.15 River Valley - 4 -

31 basque/ waist: black satin, with 23" leg-o-mutton sleeves; with 2 rows of grosgrain trim; - 17 buttons on front - 8 stays on inside; - 10" side front; 17" across back at arms - back 21" long ending in a pointed, fitted peplum - 5" collar with satin and lace 32 shirtwaist: black mull with lace border trim; - stand-up collar (lace) - leg-o-mutton sleeves with lace cuffs having 2 tiny buttons; - hook and eye fastening down back; - lined with silk; size 16 - 33 shirtwaist: black lace over orchid silk broadcloth; - black tucked taffeta trim on bottom; - leg-o-mutton sleeves; - whalebone stays; hook and eye fastening; - size 10 - 12 J1 34 shirtwaist: black bombazine, lined with cambric; - white cord at neck; black lace insertion neck trim; also etoeurftim on sleeves; - 18" from back of neck to bottom of peplum - 7i" underarm seam; I*" insertion - in front, bead and sequin on net panel with insertion on either side - 14" sleeves; A,)belt sl - 35 shirtwaist: black bombazine; lined with cambric; - soutache braid trim; lace vestee with mandarin neck - center back, 16" - sleeve underarm, 164" - waist line, 36" gokb- c1 4 36 shirtwaist: fine black broadcloth; cambric lined; A ev,- a,--4? - stand-up collar, 2" of pleated chiffonA with white silk cord at neck; wired stays in collar - black taffeta sailor collar with chenille in clover design - front closing; pleated chiffon vestee, like standup collar; 12 cut steel buttons, 3/8" diameter; turned back trim of black taffeta, same as sailor collar - cuffs: 2" in black taffeta, same chenille and white cord trim - sleeves: underarm length, 16"; set into cambric ; armhole in broadcloth finished gives layered look - underarm waist length length, 10*" - back: gathered to make peplum to go under skirt; take tie stitched across gathering in back; 3 large eyes to hook skirt into. 7S.15 River Valley - 5 - si/k 14r4-.4 f 37 basque: black siIir; lined, boned, and beautifully finished; - collar: 2:" with an inch foldover; - lining has 13 bones; - black folded lace drapes from shoulder seam to bottom of V front - sleeves: underarm, 18"; leg-o-mutton, of one piece of cloth from to arm hole; - front closure with 13 hooks; - back: made of 7 pieces, shaped; - lined peplum laid in in center back , 38 shirtwaist: brown and white irridescent silk with black velvet trim; size 12 - 14

s4 39 shawl: black wool, hand embroidered, with silk fringe; triangular shape; 90" long c?()40a,b shawls: white cotton triangles with 1*" of on 2 sides; 76" ki 41 stole: black wool-backed faille and satin; - heavily trimmed with braid and embroidery; - 13k" wide at top; tapered; - 54" from tip to tip in long panels

6.j , 42 skirt: summer linen; flat front; gored; gathered in back; 24" ; skirt has been shortened -- 38" in length now; - 3 ruffles, 2k" deep of same material, hand em- broidered in medium brown and off-white - topping 2nd and 3rd ruffles, 3/4" bias strip of linen edged with brown material, same sua shade as embroidered flowers; - width at bottom, 87" 43 evening skirt: pale blue figured silk; trimmed with pale blue silk bands and black French knots; - in back - hook and eye closing - 20" waist 44 evening skirt: gray, black and white print satin; - 27" waist 45 overskirt: black lace; gathered at waist; falls into points. 46 overskirt: black lace with tie in top; scalloped medallions at bottom, 4" wide; 47" around • 47 petticoat: black taffeta; (made over) - waist, 31"; length, 39" 76.15 River Valley - 6 -

8 1 '48 lady's drawers: handmade; fitted waist band, 35", fastened with 2 pearl buttons; - open seat, 18" from waist to crotch; - trimmed with ruffle from 2"-7" wide and hand knitted lace, 4" wide; top of ruffle finished with 1" tape, snowflaked e/. 49 lady's drawers: white cotton, with handmade knot crocheted edge, 3" wide

50 man's vest: black satin lined with chamois; holes punched Si through chamois for ventilation; - five 1" black snaps with gold fleur-de-lis; - underarms joined by 3 tapes, 1 3/8" wide x 5i" long; - width at front, underarms, 17k" - back width, 134"; - machine stitched (needs repair) 51 vest: quilted black China silk, lined in white; all hand sewn; 15" across shoulders; length of back, 114"; 6 buttons with braid on inside.

, 52a,b pr. stockings: hand knitted lady's stockings; linen; - length, 22" leg, 8" foot - top: 101" in drop stitch - fancy ribbing, 14" - lacy leaf pattern, 5i" 53 comb: tortoise shell; 6 prongs; 34" high x 3" wide 54 parasol: natural linen; wooden handle

55 black lace: 4 yards x 10" wide 56 pieces of black lace sewed together in points 3" wide 57a,b,pe a, pieces of black sleeve lace: 10k" wide x 14" long d. 1 piece " " : double, 28" long , 58a,b 2 pieces black lace: 24" long x 3" wide; pointed 59 piece black lace: pointed; 31" x 3" 60 piece of black chiffon lace outwork; insertion; 32" x 3i ° 61 piece of black lace: pointed; 74" wide x 33" long 62 ": figured with Dutch girls; 3" wide x 342

63 buttons: 20 black jet buttons; flat; 7/16" across (in envelope) 76.16

Mrs. Edward W. Norton 115 Robin Hill Rd. Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-8-1976 J.F. acknowledged: same registered: 3-8-1976 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 booklet: Revere Bells by Edward and Evelyn Stickney 9 McMahon Rd., "Woodman Acres", Bedford, Mass. 01730 - first published in 1956; revised 1961, 1965; copyright 1968 - history and listings of bells made by Paul Revere, his sons, Paul Jr. and Joseph Warren Revere, and by his grandson Paul; - 20 pp. with 2pp addenda - booklet paper covered in heavy blue cardboard with drawing of Revere bell at top left in black, with black lettering: "Revere Bells" and names of authors; - sire 6 x 9" 76.17

Mrs. liarold Farnum 49 Middle St., Gloucester, Mass. received: March 1976 H.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 3-31-1976 J.F. labeled: 3-31-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 booklet: New Reflections on Old Glass, Bulletin of the National Early American Glass Club; - contains article by Helen Farngm (p. 22): "Three Important, Related Glass Factories in Boston, Chelmsford, and South Boston". 2a booklet: America's First Army by Burke Davis; illustrated ! , e,rA.P., with drawings and action photos of the Colonial Williamsburg Militia Company; b 33-r.p.m. L.P. rAirding of an actual militia muster with fifes' and drums and live firing of 18th century weapons; - published by Colonial Williamsburg, Va; - printed in U.S.A.; copyright 1962 - cover: dark blue background; night scene of canon fire and militiamen; white lettering; size, 8 3/8 x 10i" 0✓3 brochure: Welcome to the Freedom Trail and the Many Worlds OF Boston; a walking tour of famous historic shrines; sponsored by John Hancock co. - contains short history of Boston, map and numbered sites,and lists places off the Freedom Trail in and around. Boston. 4a booklet: The Sargent-Murray-Gilman-Hough House Association OF Gloucester, Mass. with list of collections by rooms; - cover: blue with black lettering; - size, 5i x 7" b photo: corner cupboard in Judith Sargent Tea Room - size, 4* x 8" postcard: Murray-Gilman House, Gloucester, Mass.

6 postcard: drawing of three animals by John Singer Sargent at age 5

7 postcard: Universalist Church, Gloucester, Mass.; night view with tower lighted; also front lights and 76. 17

Farnum - 2 -

and windows over front door; - the first Universalist Church in America, organized 1770; present building dedicated in 1806 21/ 8 mounted clipping: The Middlesex Tavern; photo of "the ancient inn at Lowell where Lafayette one spent the night, and tow-boat captains and dispatch riders gath- ered" - mounted on orange construction paper, 84 x 11" 9 mounted clippings: relating to Chelmsford Industries and Printing in Chelmsford - mounted on orange construction paper, 84 x 11" 10 mounted clippings: relating to Mills of the Town - mounted on orange construction paper, 84 x 11"

11 newspaper: Pilgrim Times vol. 1, No. 1; Plimouth Planta- tion, Plymouth, Mass. - copyright 1963 by Plimouth Plantation Box 1620, Plymouth, Mass. - edited by the staff of Plimouth Plantation - 16pp.; illustrated with photographs and drawings - size, 11 x 17"

12 advertising card: Willard House and Clock Shop, Grafton, Mss. - location of the tall clock (grandfather clock) of Ezekiel Byam of South Chelmsford; - picture of the old Willard House in red on a. white background; red lettering; - size 4: x ,i" 7 6. 18

Richard 0. Lchue, Sr. 9 Clear St. Chelmsford, Mass. reebtOd4.3,23-1976 J.?• acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 4-4-1976 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

PROGRAMS CELEBRATING THE BICENTENNIAL 1✓1a,b Annual Spring Concert by the Chelmsford Choral Society; 5 a Bicentennial Salute; - held March 13, 1976 at McCarthy Junior High School - featuring the winning song in the Chelms- ford Town Song Contest by Ralph E. Funaro, "Let Children Guard what Sires -lave Won" - white folder with red and blue lettering and the Bicentennial "logo" with Chelmsford Seal on cover; size 54 x 8J, " 61 Re-Enactment of The Chelmsford Annual Town Meeting of March 4 _112.6 - held in the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, site of the original Meeting House; - contains "notes, explanations and divers amusements" and "conclusions" from research done. - typewritten program; size 54 x 8k" 3a,b,c St. Mary's Bicentennial Cabaret: held Mar. 19, 1976 at the Parish hall; - single fold progran; white background with lain blue lettering and Bicentennial "logo" with Town Seal on cover; size 5i x 84" a,b tickets: St. Mary's Bicentennial Cabaret, 3-19-1976, 43.5o per person; - ticket size: 3 3/4 x 2 1/8"; - white with blue lettering -5 program: Bicentennial 17Z6 - 1976 All Saints' Episcopal ("0\k-1 11 Church - founded 1867; chapel built 1882 - Bicentennial Candlelight Service, April 25, 1976 honoring the Rev. Wilson waters, Rector from 1992 - 1923 and author of the "History of Chelms- ford"; sponsored and conducted by the Chelms- ford Colonial Minutemen 76.18

Lahue - 2

- History of All Saints' Church on the back of program, with list of all rectors - printed in blue on white, with picture of the church in tones of blue on front cover; - Town "logo" in lower left corner; - size 5;! x 8;" 76.19

Ar. Herbert Nelson 215 Chelmsford St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-23-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.P. registered: 7-23-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-23-1976 F.deJ. donor card: Tr 1") 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 stump puller: iron; 52" long overall - chain hook, 9"x4" with 2i_" hook at right ® 0 angles at top - "S" hook, 9 x 3 x 2" - lever: 17" long x 2" wide with 2 rectangular iron bands, 1 1/8" wide and 4" long x 3"wide -- one at the end and one in center - toothed trammel with chain link at top; trammel enclosed in an iron loop 43" long x 4" tapering to 3" carpenter's plane: 9 x 2" overall size; wooden, with iron shave in bottom 1 3/4" wide; round, - wooden handle at end, 14" high x 14" diam.; - iron lever adjusts 6" blade; - brass screw in back moves blade forward or back thread cutter: wooden; heads on wooden screws are hand cut; - wooden vise, 3i x 14" with 24" handles on either end; - *" wooden screw, 34'" long in center of vise thread cutter: wooden; 34" long x 14 wide; 1" side width; handles 2"; - wooden screw, 2 3/4" long, is 3/4" in diam. at top xi" at bottom marking gauge: wooden, with 2 narrow 4" brass strips; - 9" x 3/4" marked rule inset in wooden block 2"x2"x1"; - li" is set in from end of rule; - brass thumb screw tightens or loosens the rule 76.20

Mr. Edward Hood 28 Montview Rd-, Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-29-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 4-4-1926 J.F. labeled: 4-4-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

01 clipping from "Lowell Courier Citizen": West Chelmsford Methodist Episcopal Church Is Totally Destroyed by Fire; - picture of the church, built in 1887 by William C. Edwards of West Chelmsford and of the ruins after the fire on July 16, 1920. 6 2 clipping: West Chelmsford Church Destroyed lu Fire; - "Pastor and bucket brigade work hard in vain effort to save Methodist Episcopal Structure". clipping from "Lowell Courier Citizen", Jan. 17, 1922: Dedicate New Church in West Chelmsford Today; k picture of new structure 76.21

Tee Art Studios 31 Biillerica St., Chelmford, Mass. received: April, 1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: registered: 4-8-1976 J.F. labeled: 4-8-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

11.10 m1111

PHOTOS TAKEN AT THE BARRETT*BYAM HOMESTEAD at the Christmas Open House, Dec. 16, 1975 - black and white glossy prints - size 10 x 8 1/8" Chelmsford Historical Society President and Mrs.Richrd O. Lahue, Sr. beside the Thomas Barrett chest and Bible Box given in memory of Richard and Warren Lahue's mother and father. 2 Henry Eriksen and Richard O. Lahue, Jr. in front of fireplace at the Barrett-Byam House W3 James Scarth demonstrating fireplace cooking 1; 4 View from corner of Library into old kitchen Sq„,5 Objects in Library window av/6 Turner collection of Chelmsford Glass; Ars. Edward W. Norton g17 Helen Poland, guide in West Bedroom, tens story of the diamond pattern quilt; Mrs. Colmer, Cristy Pettee and Henry Eriksen are interested listeners. e1/8 Guest viewing military exhibit in showcase. PRINTS - in black and white, glossy, size 9 7/8 x 7 7/8" - made from photographic glass plates of Chelmsford's earlier photographer, Arthur I. Emerson. 1 1/ 9 Triangle in Central Square, Chelmsford; Fiske House on right; S.W.Parkhurst Store, left rear; Town Scales and Watering Trough show behind fence in rear. le- Town Hall, North Rd.; Richardson-Davis House beyond and Chelmsford Center School next keyond that, showing tower with bell; Flagpole on Common with Winn House in rear; old road marker 76.21

Tee Art - 2 -

between Westford and North Roads; Railroad tracks in foreground with trainman's "shanty" on right; roads at this time are unpaved.

8 ..1/ 11 Miss Frances Clarke's class on steps of Revolutionary War Monument on Common El'/12 Home of Edwin Hinchman Warren, South St., Chelmsford (now #77 Boston Rd.) Note: During the mid 1900's th name of "South St" was changed to"Boston Rd." E Y13 Digging a Well: hauling stone wth horse; may have been on High St. or Westford St. F 1/14 Bronze tablet marking grave of Wannalancet, Saateia of the Merrimack River Indians and son of Passacon- away. Like his father, Wannalancet was a faithful friend of the early New England colonists. - The tablet may be seen on the Tyngsboro- Dunstable Rd. set in a boulder at the sideof road. 0/15 Middlesex Canal: two views with Lowell mills in background 0/16 Attic scene: Gertie Byam spinning in attic of the Barrett- Byam Homestead, Chatadord Y17a,b Methodist Episcopal Church, West Chelmsford; built 1887; burned in 1920 whepoeq 18a,b Marshall's Hall: at rear of Methodist Episcopal Church, West Chelmsford; 2 boys seated on steps. 76.22

American Brands, Inc. 245 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 received: by mail acknowledged: registered: 4-8-1976 J.F. labeled: 4-8-1976 J.F. donor card: -lab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 book: The American Revolution: Three Views; - three distinguished lectures selected from a series sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute in celebration of the Bicentennial of the United States - Foreword by Robert K. Heimann, chairman and president of American Brands. Inc. a "The American Revolution as a Successful Revolution" by Irving Kristol, professor of Urban Values at New York University; - delivered at St. John's Church, Washington b "The Revolution of Sober Expectations" by Martin Diamond, professor of Political Science, Northern Illinois University; - delivered at Independence Square, Philadelphia, in the House of Representatives Chamber, Congress Hall c "Freedom In A Revolutionary Economy" by G. Warren Nutter, former Ass't. Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and professor of Economics at the University of Virginia; - delivered in the Great Hall of the Wren Building, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.

- book is paper covered, with illustrations taken from the Encyclodedia Britannica, 1797 - size, 6 x 10"; light tan background with sketches of 5 cannon on both front and back covers. L 76.23

Herbert Sturtevant San Francisco, Calif. (formerly of Chelmsford) received: ON LOAN 4-17-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: J.F. /Contract of LOAN registered: loan card: object card: mab 1979 donor card mab 1979

1 1862 sword: used in battle of Bull Run; - in possession of General Ames of Peterboro, N.H. - made by Christopher Roby in the sword factory o\A in West Chelmsford - bill of sale price, ip275.; estimated value, 4350. j Note: This sword aunt sold by Mr. Sturtevant dm \‘7 Sept. 1976 to a direct descendant of General Ames musician's sword: made by C. Roby, West Chelmsford; - bill of sale price, '46.5.; est. value


r"-"-it &S r t". 14S7cro 76.24

Mrs. Edward W. Norton 115 Robin Hill Rd. Chelmsford, Mass. received: 4-15-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 5-17-1976 J.F. registered: 4-26-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 and 2 programs: A Century of Service; Central Congrega- tional Church in Chelmsford, 1876 - 1976 - Morning Service of Worship, April 11, 1976, with Litany of Re-Dedication - 19th Century Musicale in Church Sancturary, at 4:00 p.m. - Birthday Dinner, April 13, 1976; held at the Banqueteer Restaurant, Chelmsford; followed by an original drama, "The Story of What Has Been", written by Betty Lewis and di- rected by John Smith with Dr. Howard K. Moore, Narrator - a Centennial History of the Central Congrega- tional Church, April 13, 1876-1976; com- piled by Clinton Vincent - list of Ministers and dates of service

- size of program: 8 1/8 x 9e; cream background with red lettering and 1/8" red rippled edge on right side of front cover, with pictures of the first and second churches in tones of red; two double fold pages inside

3 line drawing, of the Barrett-Byam Homestead used in one section of the Chelmsford Bicentennial Quilt - rec'd: 4-27-1976 J.F. 76.25

Mrs. Frank Cowdray (nee, Evelyn Byam) 52 Bridge St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 4-24-1976 H. Emmons acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.P. registered: 8-3-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

NEWSPAPERS (old, brittle; only items of interest to Chelmsford's history saved)

1 clipping: Central Baptist Church lawn party, June 27, 1924; and Class of 1925, Chelmsford High School, outing at Canobie Lake 2 clipping: death of Mrs. Jane Heald, a native of Chelmsford; mother of three sons: Fred, George of Carlisle, and William of Lowell; and of three daughters, one of whom was Mrs. Nellie Byam of Milford, N.H. 76.26

Mr. Mrs. George T. Stewart

received: 4-24-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 4-26-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-23-1976 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 shot pouch: copper; decorated with hunting scenes -- v\ ■ 2 stags standing, and 5 reclining does; 2 A 2-sf 2 pheasants in brass below; a baying hunting dog in upper section of pouch; - same designs on both sides of pouch - brass fitting at neck with brass thumb lever for releasing shot; - 13" thong fastens in rings attached to neck of pouch 1 3/4" down; - narrow brass tube extends 14" up from brass cap; - overall length, 8"; 3±" at widest section 7 6.27

Miss Priscilla Lovering 365 Elm St., Apt. 25 Gardner, Mass. 01440 received: 5-25-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 1 . 1-9-1976 /Contract of Gift registered: labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

,.ORLD WAR I ARMY UAIFORM of Asa Louis Lovering, r descendant of Jacob Spaulding of Chelnsford 76.28

Mrs. Ida Lovering Foster 6 Westland Ave., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 5-25-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. ✓Contract of Gift registered: 7-23-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-23-1976 F.deJ. donor: card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

art glass dish: milk glass in pale green; fluted and scalloped; - hand painted by donor's mother, Sarah Ann Wood , c. 1386 - dimensions: Note: Ida Lovering was born in the left corner, upstairs bedroom of the old Wood Homestead* -- where Sunny Acres Nursing Home is now, on Billerica Rd. * see oil painting of Wood Homestead in keeping room of Barrett-Byam House. - Mrs. Foster is a descendant of Jacob Spaulding of Chelmsford; a sister of Asa. Louis Lovering who lost his life in World War I. 76. 29

Mrs. Donald H. Fogg (nee, Julia P. Warren) 91 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 5-15-1976 J.F. acknowledged: registered: labeled: donor card: m ab 1979 object card: mab 1979

dORLD WAR II ARMY OFFICER'S UNIFORM of Capt. Donald H. Fogg of Chelmsford 2\ 76.30

Mr./Mrs. Charles L.. Watt 14 Orchard Lane, Chelmsford, Mass. received: 5-18 and 27, 1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 7-14-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-14-1976 donor card: Tab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1-4 bound volumes: The Chelmsford Bentitnal for the years 1971 - 1974 - herd green covers - size, 18 x 22 5/8 x 2"

5 large "chunk" of clear Chelmsford glass: size, - from the estate of George F. Snow, West Chelmsford 76.31

Mrs. Donald B. Wiler nee, Ethel Timmins 50 Parkerville Hd., South Chelnsford, Mass. received: 5-27-1976 J.F. acknowledged: same J.F. registered: 7-14-1976 J.F. labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

MIN Mb Am.

1 hairpin: tiny,tortoise shell; round head; - size 14" long with 1/8" head 76. 32

Miss Aarjorie B. Scoboria Miss Phyllis G. Scoboria 15 West Riding, wellesley, Mass. 02181

received: 5-18-1976 H.S. acknowledged: 6-26-1976 J.F. registered: 6-20-1976 J.F. labeled: 6-22-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 Commonwealth of Mass. Commission of Charles Edwin Adams Bartlett as Capt. of Company K, 6th Regimental Infantry; - dated at Boston April 19, 1870 - size 204 x 16" (condition: very brittle, torn edges) 2 tinted drawing: Army Camp of Mass. Sixth Regiment Volunteers, at Suffolk, Va., 1863; 1 - numbered identifications, 1 - 11 - published by I.C.Eastman, Bookseller and Stationer, Lowell, Mass. - from an original drawing in possession of Col. A. S. Follansbee - size 26 x 19"; should be framed (condition: very brittle, torn -- needs restoration) 3 Military Orders to Capt. C.E.A.Bartlett by Command of Col. Follansbee, Thomas 0. Allen, Adjt; from Iy4 h r< L-, Headquarters *4ixth Regiment Mass. Volunteers; Camp Suffolk, Va.; dated Dec. 8, 1862 - order to "detail 1 corporal and 3 men for guard duty at Riddick's white house on Surnmerton Road near the depot"; - also "proceed with your commend to Fort Hausemond this evening, and there remain until Reveille tomorrow morning".

4 Discharge papers of C.E.A.Bartlett, Capt. of Co. K, 6th Regiment, Mass. Infantry Volunteers; ?E, v) 1 - enrolled Aug. 30, 1862 to serve 9 months; - discharged June 3, 1863 at Lowell, Mass. by reason of expiration of term of service. - size of document: 8* x 11" 5 packet of Civil War Letters of Capt. C.E.A.Bartlett to his family, from Suffolk, Va., r ' ( r F 1861 - 1862 76.32

Scoboria - 2 -

cl y 6 picture: Charles I. E. Bartlett, Capt. Co. K of Mass. Vol- unteers; - taken in military uniform with sword and white gloves; hat on small drapery- covered table; - size 2* x 4"; photo by Simpson, Lowell c 7 picture: Capt. Charles X.A.Bar*lett, 1862; head and shoulder view; beard and moustache; wavy hair parted on left side; - size 2j x 4" prg, 8 Rules and Regulations of the Charlestown Assemblies: Dec. 1822 - signed by Rufus Parks, Secretary - addressed on back to Mr. Henry Bartlett 1.-1ft - size 9* x 7*" Note: Henry Bartlett, brother of Dr. John Call Bartlett -- or perhaps this was a cousin, Henry, because he was a doctor. ?) 9 book: Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts; with the report of the j-\bROZ•( Quartermaster-General for the year ending Dec. 3, 1866; - published in Boston, 1867; - information on the 6th Regiment, Mass. Volunteer Militia on pp. 15 and 17 - hard cover in black with copper lettering and Mass. coat-of-arms at base of on left. size 6 x 9*" q 10 eulogy: In Memoriam -- Charles E.A.Bartlett, Sept. 5, 1836 - April 4, 1900 vi 6 A t*- - review of his life - account of the funeral service - address by Rev. J.L. Seward, D.D. - Resolutions booklet size, 5 3/8 x 74" in glossy finish cream paper, tied at left with white cord; - lettering in black on cover 11 book: The Life and Adventures of Captain John Smith by George S. Hillard; - pub. in Boston and London for "The Library of American Biography"conducted by Jared Sparks; no date; - written on -leaf: "Master Charles E.A. Bartlett from his Grandfather, G.B."; - leather binding with marbleized covers; - size 4i x 6 3/4" 76.32

Scoboria - 3 -

p✓12 photograph: School House, Chelmsford, Mass. -- march 26, 1895 -- Susie M. Emerson"; - the James Emerson barn and windmill in left background. - This school stood on the site of the present Center Fire Station, across from the Common, on North Rd. - size of picture: 5 3/16 x 4 3/16" (somewhat faded) 13 Photograph: the J. Adams Bartlett House (in 1976, the Riney House) in Central Square; - taken in 1892 by Arthur I. Emerson - Identification: on left: Mary Greenleaf, sister of Emma Bartlett center, standing: Fanny Biden seated: Emma Bartlett, wife of J.Adams Bartlett on lawn: Bertha Bartlett, their daughter, and dog, Spot on right: Mary Biden - size of picture: 8 3/8 x 5 3/16" 14 photograph: the Bartlett's Windmill; situated on the hill c14 , behind the Charles E. Bartlett House (#15 P 1 Bartlett St.) - size of picture: 5 3/16 x 8 3/8"

15 handkerchief: 12" square white linen with 1 1/8" lace edge; 2i" wide at the 4 corners. 76.33

Harry Shedd, Jr. 80 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Aass.

received: 5-18-1976 H.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: labeled: 7-23-1976 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 carpenter's plane: R.A1561T g AISJUSrAaLE Cs I3LANICr..7S cl • S 131.0.0EC OaL t•15101-A'l 1- 0 ° 0‘ ,,p0c1- 3 p A\-%-t 7 6. 34

Mrs. Leslie Dana

9 Lantern Lane Chelmsford, Mass. received: 5-21-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

,101. •••■

1 hat: boy's beaver top hat; c Am>av- *,i's R

2 hand : beaver, with bead trim; V F 14.1OLiti 5 -1 A-1 G MPIS-ce P Notei___MaraI bag was made from the fur taken e) 0 ."/2 ---- from a man's top hat. 76.35

Mrs. Bruce Gullion 16 Kensington Drive Chelmsford, Mass. received: 5-28-1976 L.B. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 6-17-1976 J.F. labeled: 6-17-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 pr. pillow cases: white linen; handmade, with 2" hand crocheted insertion set in 2" above the 3" hem; size: 33 x 21*"

pr. bolster cases: white linen; handmade, with 14" hand crocheted lace on both ends; - hand embroidered in white butterfly and trailing vine design; - size: 36 x 21i" Note: Handwork of Mr. Gullion's grand- mother. 76. 36

Annonymous Donor

received: 5-18-1976 L.4.N. acknowledged: same registered: 7-23-1976 J.F. labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

c 1 pink granite: from Madison, N.H.; cut in Chelmsford at Fletcher's quarry; - size, 5i x 4 x 2 grey/oatmeal granite: from Mason, N.H.; cut in Chelmsford at Fletcher's uarry; - size, 44 x 3 x 2"

3 granite piece: fine grained, gray; size, 3 x 34 x 2"

4 granite piece: fine grained, gray; size, 2 x 2i x 1i"

Note: Both #3 and #4 came from Fletcher's Chelmsford quarry.

0 F WA T 5 S? E S /4 76.37

Mrs. Edward W. Norton 115 Robin Hill Rd. Chelmsford, Mass. received: 4- 1976 acknowledged: 5-17-1976 J.F. registered: 5-17-1976 J.F. labeled: 5-17-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 leaflet: stapled; Children's 19th Century Trading Cards; - 8 pp.; from "coronet Magazine" with delightful advertising illustrations; - front cover: black background, with orange, red and white lettering; large hand holding baby; - size, 5i x 73/4"

House gift: twin index card file for office; Value, $11.00 - takes 8 x 5" cards 76.38

U.S. Dept. of the Interior National Park Service Douglas L. Griffin, Chief Historic American Engineering Record

received: by mail, 5-15-1976 acknowledged: registered: 6-18-1976 J.V. labeled: 6-18-1976 J.F. donor card: mat 1979 object card: mab 1979

10 1 publication booklet: The Lower Merrimack River Valley; - an inventory of historic engineering ( 124 Af-/ and industrial sites; - sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Museum, North Andover, Mass. and Historic American Record, Nat'l. Park Service, Washington, D.C.; - directed and edited by Peter M. Molloy - paper cover; 110pp. - white background with blue lettering and drawing of a bridge; - size, 84 x 10 3/4" 76.39

Richard 0. Lahue, Sr. 9 Clear St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 5-18-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 6-18-1976 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 booklet: The Story of Fiesta; with current values; by l.-1°)PArS, Sharon and Bob Huxford; - copyright 1974; published by Collectors Books, Paducah, K. - glossy paper cover in yellow and dark blue-green, with graduated sizes of red, yellow and blue plates, green cup and saucer, and cream tea pot; - trademark: Spanish dancer - size 5i x 8"

El 2 photo copy: District School #2, Chelmsford, at corner of Locke Rd. and Davis Rd.; now the Garvey 1N6eAku House; - glossy finish, black and white - size 10 x 81" 3 photo copy: District School #2, Chelmsford, front View showing two entrances; boy in foreground unidentified 4 photo copy: District School #2, Chelmsford, side view showing stonewall in foreground; shed in right rear of building 76.40

Raymond A. Day 7 Pine Hill Ave., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 6-15-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 6-15-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 197c object card: mab 1979

THE ARMY SKETCH BOOK in 20 Volumes 9 e„ v1_\6 ict- An Artist's Story of the (Civil) War by Edwin Forbes, Special Artist with the Armies in the Field; - Army Life Publishing Company, 47 E Tenth St., N.Y. \? - entered at New York Post Office, 1894 - paper bound in grey-green with sketch of an exploding shell behind the dark green letters, "The Army Sketch Book"; - size of volumes: 10 x 13 3/4"

1 Vol. No. 1 Chapter I Awaiting the Attack -- a trip along the lines during a battle " II Artillery in Action -- the light battery " III A Week with the Cavalry " IV The Pontoon Train -- the engineers 2 2 " V The Ever-Hungry Soldier " VI The Drummer Boys " VII Winter Huts -- The Commissary's Head- quarters " VIII A Scouting Party

ti 3 " 3 " IX A Night March ts X Christmas at the Front " XI The Army Herd " XII The Moving Column 4 " 4 " XIII The Soup Kettle -- Winter Camp " XIV Marching Throuh the Rain " XV The Reserve Line " XVI The President's Review , 5 3 5 0 XVII Coffee Coolers " XVIII Cavalry Escorts, Orderlies, and Foragers " XIX Re-forming the Line " XX Reconnoitering

6 " " 6 " XXI The Newspaper Correspondent " XXII Unbridged Rivers " XXIII The "Bummer" " XXIV The Vidette • • 76.40 Day - 2 -

6 Vol. No. 7 Chap. XXV Going Into Camp " XXVI Roadside Refreshment " XXVII The Advance Guard " XXVIII Army Bread

8 8 " XXIX A Night in Summer Camp -- "Tattoo" XXX A Morning Call " XXXI Building Breastworks " XXXII Picket Duty in the Rain s 9 " 9y " XXXIII Officer's Winter Quarters " XXXIV Newspapers in Camp " XXXV A Defeated Army " XXXVI The Army Blacksmith 10 1' 10 " XXXVII Advance of the Cavalry Corps " XXXVIII Officers' Cooks and Servants • XXXIX The Crime of Desertion O XL The Rear of the Column 11 " " 11 XLI Traffic Between the Lines • XLII The Halt of the Column • XLIII Washing Day -- Clothes drying on the march O XLIV Confederate Charges

12 " " 12 0 XLV Among the Batteries " XLVI Returning from Outpost Duty " XLVII Army Uniforms " XLIIII Crossing the Pontoon 1 3 91 13 " XLIX The Signal Service O L Abandoned Picket Huts -- A Wagoner's Camp O LI Exhaustion -- Parades and Drills LII The Fodder Question

14 " " 14 LIII A Mud March LIV On the River Bank LV Waiting for Something to Turn Up O LVI Breastworks, Abates, Tangles, Etc. 15 " " 15 LVII The Outer Picket Line " LVIII Scouting -- Old Campaigners • LVIX The Reliable Contraband LX Rallying the Line

16 " " 16 0 LXI The Supply Trains LXII The Sutler " LXIII On the Road to Camp • LXIV Supporting a Battery • 76.40

Day - 3 -

17 Vol. No. 17 Chap. LXV Watching a Battle:- LXVI Abandoned Camps " LXVII "Home, Sweet Home" " LXVIII Military Railroads 18 " 18 LXIX Taken Prisoner LXX Southern Homes -- Slave Cabins • LXXI Field Hospitals " LXXZI% Jacks of All Trades 19 " 19 " LXXIII Negro Refugees • LXXIV Cavalry Raids • LXXV Great Sieges of the War " LXXVI Army Punishments 20 " 20 " LXXVII Fighting in the Dark " LXXVIII Locating the Enemy Line • LXXIX Winter Marching " LXXX The Sanctuary 76.41

Miss Hazel Stevens

44 High St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 5-30-1976 acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 6-23-1976 J.F. labeled: 6-23-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 book: The Stars and the Stripes -- the American Flag as Art and as History from the Birth of the Repub- lic to the Present; by Boleslaw and Marie- Louise D'Otrange Mastai - "The treasures of the Mastai Collection of antique American Flags are reproduced for the first time together with important flags from museums across the country in more than 400 photographs, all in full color." - published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. N.Y., 1973 - jacket cover has 6 pictures of American Flags of different periods of history - back jacket cover: 31 star Naval Flag, circa 1851 - size of book: 12 x 11 x 1" - inscribed on fly leaf with background of 45 pointed stars: "May 30, 1976 -- Given by Hazel Stevens on the Dedication of the Donald Fogg Military Room" 76.42

Children of Grade II Westlands School Chelmsford, Mass. Mrs. lioella Byam, Teacher

received: 6-21-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 6-21-1976 J.F. registered: 6-21-1976 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

crib quilt: hand made by second grade pupils in the Westland School as a Bicentennial gift to the Museum of Chelmsford Historical Society and the people of Chelmsford. - size 46 x 34"; - 3'4" squares in bright colored materials sewn in 5 strips, 39i" long (not all same length); - 2 3/4" light yellow-green strips separate each colored strip, and a 34" wide yellow- green band finishes the sides and forms the hem at each end; - quilt has a filler and is backed with the solid yellow-green; - tacking with dark blue fastens the corners of each colored square; and 3 tacks fasten each yellow-green strip

2 booklet: 1776 - 1976 A Birthday Gift from 2D Westlands School; - 3 single-fold white typewritten pages describe the work of the children in 2D and 2E groups; signatures of those who worked on the project are on the last 2 pages. - cover is of Colonial blue construction paper with black lettering; - booklet is tied at the fold with bright red yarn with a 3" tassel - size of booklet: 6 x 76.4.3

The Simard Family Mrs. Roland S. Simard 4 Westford St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 7-12-1976 J.F. acknowledged: same J.F. registered: labeled: 7-23-1976 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979


V. 1 tool used for making the hub of a wheel 93 0 VC- ¶ lS t LA ,/

2 tool used for making the spokes of a wheel

These tools were formerly used by Maurice Quinlan, wheelwright in Littleton, Mass. They were given to Roland S. Simard of Chelmsford in 1910. 76.44 Richard O. Lahue, Sr. 9 Clear St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 7-15-1976 acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 7-14-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-14-1976; 7-23-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

11/1 program: In Commemmoration of America's Birthday -- 200 Years of Freedom -- 1776 - 1976 - held. July 3rd, 1976 at Elks Hall, Littleton Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. - cover has Bicentennial "logo" in red, white and blue at top right; lettering in blue and red; - inside cover lists Menu - program, listed on right, consists of Social hour; Dinner, with introduction of honored guests, greetings from Town of Chelmsford by Paul C. Hart, Chairman of Selectmen; presentations by Town Celebrations Com. and Rev. War Bicentennial Comm; - Acceptance by Town of Chelmsford, Essex, England and Ontario, Canada;

- Dancing followed . - back cover has quote from Abraham Lincoln, delivered on July 4, 1858; and our Town Motto, "Let the Children Guard What the Sires Have Won" e/2a,b Bicentennial : worn by members of the Chelmsford Bicentennial Commission; attached to ribbon streamers in red, white and blue; blue lettering on white background: "Chelmsford Bicentennial Commission -- '75-'76" - size of pin: 2i" diameter; - ribbons, 2 x 4", indented in center of white stripe to form "V"

3 book: The Bluejackets' Manual -- 1943; 11th edition; 95 1,41)1,\TAp‘f OM published by U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, 1 7/8" Md. size, .5 1/8 x 7 3/4 x - hard bound in dark blue '1/ - book belonged to Richard Omand Lahue, r ‘ 5 Arbor Rd., North Chelmsford, Mass. %.,\ - U.S. Navy Training Center, Sampson, N.Y., - Unit G-12-L Co.524; June 20, 1944 \ Oct. 3, 1944 S.S. Nelson W. Aldrich rki‘" ".1 - 2 newspaper clippings pasted on fly leaf - "LkHUE R 0" printed on inside of cover - separate flyer giving aircraft identification 76.46

Cristy Pettee 90 Westford St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 7-20-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 7-23-1976 J.F. labeled: 7-23-1976 F. deJ. donor card: m3b 1979 object card: mab 1979

516) 1 sign: Chelmsford Ginger Ale; tin; size 35 x 11"; - pictured is a 291" ginger ale bottle; C G VPC. - colors: green, yellow, white, black,blue; 5 -1 &Ike. - map of New England with cities marked where gingerale is sold; - background, dark blue with yellow letter- ing: "Delicious" above bottle - error noted in name of 76.47

Charles E. Watt, Sr. 14 Orchard Lane, Chelmsford, Mass. recei&ed: 6-15-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 8-21-1976 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

Color Slides Dedication Exercises of the Donald H. Fogg Memorial Room - held on the grounds of the Barrett-Byam Homestead on Sunday, May 30, 1976

1 Chelmsford Colonial Minutemen: escort for speakers, Legion- aires and Auxiliaries to place on lawn 2 C.H.S. President, Richard O. Lahue, Sr., Master of Ceremonies 3 View of Audience and speakers 4 George A. Parkhurst, chairman, Chelmsford Revolutionary War Bicentennial Celebrations Commission - spoke on "The Purpose of the Barrett-Byam Museum and the new Donald H. Fogg Memorial Room 5 Chelmsford Minutemen Fife and. Drum Corps: musical selection, "Bartlett's Quick-step", written by Dr. John Call Bartlett of Chelmsford

6 Readings by Louise E. Thompson, Regent, Molly Varnum Chapter, D.A.R. - selections: "Freedom" and "Ring the Bell for Freedom" 7 Capt. Sam Thompson, Chelmsford Colonial Minutemen, presenting Scroll listing the Chelmsford men who served to protect our Country's freedom. in the 18th Century 8 Commander Donald House, Post 212, American Legion, presenting Scroll listing names of men and women who served in the 19th Century 9 Commander Robert MacDonald, Chelmsford Memorial Com. for Veterans of Foreign Wars, presenting Scroll listing names of men and women who served in the 20th Century. 76.47

watt - 2

10 Selected readings, "Flander's Field" and "America's Answer to Flander's Field": reed respectively by Dorothy Trombi, President of Alberton W. Vinci Post 313, A.L.Aixiliary and Alice Russon, Chairman, Bicentennial Activities for A.W.Vinal Post 313 A.L. Auxiliary 11 John P. Richardson, past president of C.H.S. presents "Biography of Captain Donald H. Fogg." 12 Introduction by Ars. D.H.Fogg of Naval Commander George W. Fogg (retired), brother of Capt. Fogg, and members of her family in attendance. 13 Chelmsford Colonial Minutemen proceeding to escort digni- taries and audience back to the Barrett- Byam Homestead 14 patriotic floral arrangement by Miss Ruth Jefts at rear of Memorial Room. 76. 1+8

Mrs. Donald H. Fogg nee, Julia P. Warren 91 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 9-21-1976 registered: 9-21-1976 J.F• labeled: sane donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

Color Slides of Exhibits in the Donald H. Fogg Memorial Room oN 1 portrait of Donald H. Fogg: photographed and tinted in oils by Tech Art of Chelmsford from the original photo presented to Chelmsford High School by the graduating class of 1943 - patriotic floral arrangement below picture contributed for the Dedication Program on May 30, 1976 by his daughter, Dorothy C. Hackbarth (Mrs. William J.) of Sacramento, California 2 Naval Commander (retired) George W. Fogg, brother of Capt. Donald H. Fogg 3 Revolutionary War exhibit: arranged by Raymond Day of the Colonial Minutemen of Chelmsford 4 exhibit of Chelmsford's Volunteer Militia: Capt. Solomon Parkhurst's military hat among items shown 5 exhibit of 91, Chelmsford's Volunteer Militia: showing pictures of the training encampment of Company K, Mass. 6th Regiment 6 Civil War period exhibit, No. 1: arranged by John P. Rich- ardson and daughter using G.A.A.jacket and cap a background of an enlistment broadside of the period: "Young Men! Now is the Time to Enlist!" 7 Civil War period exhibit, No. 2: a display of musket, swords. sabers and bayonets against a. background. broadside, "Attention Phalanx" -- call to enlist under Lowell's Major General Butler - swords displayed were made in the Roby Sword Factory, West Chelmsford, and are all signed with the name "C. Roby, West Chelmsford" - 3 of these swords loaned by Herbert Sturtevant, formerly of Chelmsford. 76.49

Chelmsford Historical Society

received: 8-24-1976 R.O.L. by purchase -- $200 from Michael Stott 70 Warren Ave., Chelmsford registered: labeled: object card: mab 1979 donor card mab 1979

w4 ao s Y t I

3 5-5•4 1.)) 76. 50

Michael Stott 70 Warren Ave., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 8-24-1976 H.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: Total value placed, 5150 labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 bull rake: Ov'T -SIDE CUum -r- 10 %., 5 -roptri a k,n..1,,14 APL ‘4, tEP I *-1 Vot 3 gi..% c_Nuai4 ReVeLvINC -r s ttar C G1 Vt4t gLy STOke t-‘ S AP 5 -ro 5 T-1 r• opt. V I S. pLAy 76.5 1

C.H.S. Study Group

received: 8-24-1976 P.H. acknowledged: registered: labeled: 10-28-1976 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

COMMEMORATIVE GLASS Honoring America's Bicentennial 1776 - 1976

1 platter: clear glass; pattern: Ahee

'b I Ulw Uot4 CAC fNt. 7 A LL 3

2 goblet: clear glass; pattern: fte-->V40 ET, 3. , 76.52

Mrs. Natalie u. Emmons 22 Worthen St., Chelmsford, iilass. received: 8-24-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: labeled: 10-28-1976 F.deJ. and J.F. donor card; mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 small parasol: belonged to donor's grandmother Grabau; size,

2 evening vest: black satin; all handmade and embroidered; tan cambric lining; - belonged to donor's grandfather Ladau 3 petticoat: made of horsehair; white;

4 sewing card: containing needleA case and needlework patterns V‘ , 5 gloves: black hand crocheted lace gloves with white Irish crochet trim at cuff, li" wide; 9" from tip of middle finger to edge of cuff 6 belt pin: silver plate; 7 blanket pin: 8 razor strop: 9 basket: small splint basket with handle; shallow; rectangular; size, 119 x 8 x 3" 10 magazine: Country Gentleman, Sept. 1928 CHILDREN'S TOYS lla Puzzle: wooden ball (1 small section missing); size, b original box for 11a; size 12 card: "Sunbonnet Babies", January; circa 1900 0 d 13 card: , July 9 14 child's book: Little Dutch Dots; size 15 children's story: written by Henry Emmons, 1906 16 children's story: written by Henry Emmons, 1908 76.52

Emmons - 2

17 doll's dress: made by Natalie Emmons; size, &6

18 doll's under drawers: made by N. Emmons; size 30 19 doll's stockings: handmade by N. Emnons; size 20 toy metal coat hanger: size 21 toy silver basket with handle in center; two sections, containing tiny napkin ring with napkin and aluminum cutlery; size,

22 gold rim glasses with gold bows: Henry Emmons' first pair

PARTS FOR SPINNING WHEEL 23 wheel head: for spinning wheel; "Benjamin Pierce"

24 wheel disc:

25 spindle with yarn

26 old ribbed cord for spinning wheel ri\ 27 Memorial Flag Pole: given in loving memory of donor's husband, Henry C. Emmons, Vice-President of Chelmsford. Historical Society at the time of his death, 76.53

Mrs. William C Hinckley 25 Barton Hill Rd. Chelmsford, Massl

received: 8-17-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: registered: c--/S>-/47'lirfp labeled: -,3 f le CF, donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

House Gift: 1 American Flag ; , light weight material; Nr , t. o to be flown from the Arnold C. Perham pole on front side of the Barrett-yam House C.- M3 10 el-

2 dress: white dotted organdy and net with detailed embroidery trdom; overall length, 54";15" across shoulders; - square neck edged in 1-k" lily-of-the-valley pattern lace; - 18" sleeves with 3" cuff of embroidered net trim and scalloped; sleeves are attached to net inner bodice; - 14" bib front falls from shoulders, embroidered with3/87717s; conventional "L" design on net is topped by row of floral embroidery; embroidered dots below, and edged with 14" scalloped trim; - an identical 9;-" piece, attached at waist, falls below bib over upper part of skirt - skirt is attached to net lining and loosely shirred for 51"; a 11" tuck tops the 11" em- broidered pattern, repeating the theme in bodice bib, with scalloped edge at bottom of skirt. - back panel, 41" long and 19" wide, falls free from the shoulders; of self material ending in a 10" embroidered and net design, as in bib; scalloped edge at bottom. 76.54

Mrs. Donald Lust 5405 Tower St., Torrance, Calif; 90503 received: 9-9-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 9-29-1976 J.F. registered: 9-27-1976 J.F. labeled: 9-27-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS - Related to the Chamberlain Family and other early families of Chelmsford, Mass. - Mrs. Lust is a descendant of Aaron Chamberlin of Chelmsford 1 summons: Commonwealth of Mass., Court of Common Pleas; to Galen Proctor of Chelmsford, husbandman by Simeon Spaulding of Chelmsford, trader, for unpaid note; 450 charged for security; dated: 12-9-1799 2 summons: Commonwealth of Mass., Court of Common Pleas; to Samuel Chamberlin of Chelmsford, husbandman by Joseph Foster of Chelmsford, yeoman, for unpaid note; 4ii70 charged for security; dated: 3-24-1800 3 summons: Commonwealth of Mass., Court of Common Pleas; to William Bridge of Chelmsford, gentleman, by Timothy Adams of Carlisle, gentleman, for unpaid note; $10.00 for security; dated: 4-1-1800 signed: Jonathan Heald, J.P. 4 4 sheriff's notice: issued by Zacheas Wright, J.P. in Westford to attach the property of or arrest Henry Blaisdell of Chelmsford, husbandman, and he to appear to answer the charge by Silas Richardson of fraudulantly appropriating one and one iron staple and ring" valued at 01.50; damages of '10 to be paid to said Silas; dated 7-10-1804 signed: Zac. Wright -- on reverse: Silas Richardson vs. Henry Blaisdell, Chelmsford July 17, 1804 " Persuant to the within writ, I attached a hat which I took to be the property of the 76.54 Lust - 2 -

within named Henry Blaisdell and gave him a summons." signed: Aaron Chamberlin, Junr., Constable 5 sheriff's notice: Rogers Thing of Westford, gentleman, vs. Henry Blaisdell, husbandman of Chelms- ford; order for arrest_ or seizure of property in the value of :10; signed by Jonathan Heald, J.P. dated at Carlisle 7-20-1804 6 sheriff's notice: to attach the goods or estate of Nathaniel Farrer of Chelmsford, blacksmith, in the value of ,.=.%20; signed by James Abbott, Esq., J.P. of Billerica - to answer to Abel Marshall of Chelmsford. yeoman, for sum of !e12 owed him; dated at Billerica 3-2-1805 signed by James Abbott -- on reverse: Constable's Note Chelmsford March 2, 1305 "Pursuant to the within writ I have attached one pair of oxen the property of Nathaniel Farrer and left a summons at his last piece of aboad (sic) in Chelmsford" signed: Aaron Chamberlin Constable 7 deed: Benjamin Heywood of Jaffrey, N.H., blacksmith, executor of the estate of Joseph Heywood late of Chelmsford, yeoman, to Aaron Chamberlin, Jr. of Chelmsford, yeoman, for the sum of ,025.00 " A certain trackt (sic) of land lying in the Town of Chelmsford containing 5 acres, be the same more or less, bounded as follows, Viz: Beginning at a stake and stones by the road at the northwest corner of Phineas Chamberlin land, Running southwest on the fence as it now stands to Heart Pond, so called, thence west by the Pond to the land of Capt. Zacheus Wright, thence northwest by sd. Wright land to a pine tree at the road. Thence easterly by the road to the bounds first mentioned." dated 12-21-1808 8 probate record: settlement of estate of Aaron Chamberlin of Chelmsford; dated 9-5-1815; - total credits: ;,, t total debits: Balance in favor of estate v 118.09 signed: Isaac Fiske, Reg. 76.54 Lust - 3 -

probate record: dated 10-2-1816; settlement of estate of Aaron Chamberlin of Chelmsford by Aaron Chamberlin, Junr.: - total credits: x290.74 total debits: 245.66 Balance in favor of estate 45.08 signed: James Winthrop, Reg.

10\ deed: from Joseph Foster to Aaron Chamberlin; dated 1-29-1795 witnesses: John Bettyys David Dutton Elizabeth Richardson signed: ZeceV Wright, J.P. Sam'. Bartlett, Regr. 11, order to Mr. Aaron Chamberlin, Jun', Collector for Town of Chelmsford to collect from all persons on the Lists "their respective proportion" of the tax of 400 for the "support of the Gospel Minister", and to turn over all sums to Mr. Azariah Spaulding, Town Treas- urer, or attach the property of any person or persons in an amount equal to their proportion. dated: June 4, 1802 signed by the Assessors, Benjamin Spaulding Joseph Warren William Fletcher 12 order to Mr. Aaron Chamberlin, Juni'• Collector for the Town of Chelmsford to levy and collect from the persons listed his respective proportion of ,500 agreed upon and granted at annual Town Meeting, for the support of the Gospel Minister; and to pay to Mr. Aza.riah Spaulding, Town Treasurer, the sum total of said lists, or to attach property of any person unable to pay, to be sold at "public vendue". dated: July 12, 1803 signed by the Assessors, John (?) Gibson William 0. Fletcher 13 Account of Sale of personal estate of Deacon Aaron Chamberlin, yeoman; lists cover both sides of 2 sheets of paper; dated: Nov. 2, 1815 / 4/ Public Notice: of sale at public vendue of a certain undivided real estate -- one undivided moiety of the home- stead of Deacon Aaron Chamberlin, to be held April 1, 1818, containing 5 acres with the buildings thereon; and 1 undivided moiety of 76.54 Lust - 4 -

14 public notice (continued)

1. 2 Acres woodland on Chestnut Hill, "reserving the widow's dower". dated: Feb. 6, 1818 signed: Aaron Chamberlin (Junr.), Administrator -- notice posted at Willard Reed' tavern in Westford and at Azariah Spaulding's in Chelmsford

15. probate account (2nd): of Aaron Chamberlin of Chelmsford, yeoman, administrator of estate of Aaron Chamberlin, Sen1", gentleman, deceased intestate. dated at Groton Oct. 22, 1817 dated at Cambridge 12-30-1817 16 articles of sale: Chelmsford, April 1, 1818; -- all the real estate of Deacon Aaron Chamberlin, one undivided moiety of each piece plus the buildings, subject to the widow's dower -- (the Homestead) -- 5 acres land with buildings sold to Phineas Wright v176.12 6 acres woodland on Chestnut Hill sold. to Samuel Chamberlin $ 27.62 3 acrds woodland on Chestnut Hill sold to Samuel Davis $ 13.43 2 acres land on Chestnutt1 sold to Phineas Wright -- a rat trap sold to Aaron Byam 40.26 Sales total: 031.42 17 copy: sale of land and buildings of the late Aaron Chamberlin dated at Chelmsford, 4-1-1818 18 invoice: of personal property of estate of Joseph Chamberlin; Total balance: v 1157.95 19 deed: Jacob Osgood of Westford to Joseph Chamberlin of Chelmsford; land containing 14 acres in easterly part of Westford and soutwesterly part of Chelmsford; bounded: "beginning at the northwest corner at the corner of the wall by the road leading to Baptist kanut meeting house; running southeast by said road to corner of wall at land of Isaac Adams, thence running east on the wall to the corner of the wall; running north by Adams land and land of Solomon Byam on the wall to the Town road and wdst by said road to first bound." dated: 3-15-1827 signed: Jacob and Patty Osgood witnesses: Marcus byam Harlot Fletcher 76.54

Lust - 5 -

7.- a Deed of one half of Tomb: Otis Byam to Joseph Chamberlin in Baptist Burying Ground in South Chelmsford. - for sum of .1'02.00 dated: Jan. 6, 1836 76.55

Mrs. Harold S. Ryan formerly of 12 Delwood Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. now residing at 6857 Varna Ave., Van Nuys, Calif. 91405 received: 9-28-1976 N.E. ecknowledged: 9-29-1976 J.F. registered: 2-16-1977 workshop labeled: 4-25-1977 J.F. donor card: mat' 1979 1979 object card: mab

1 bed jacket: white China silk; 5" lace cuffs with inserts for ribbons; small tucks on sleeves and collar; tucked back on collar with 5" lace trim; bow ties with lace trim 2 lady's blouse: smoke grey chiffon; hand embroidered front; lace inserted collar with boning; - ties in back at waistline

' 3 petticoat: fine white cotton; 31" long; waist 27"; - 3 rows of lace insertion; insertion on bottom ruffle apron: white cotton; 41" long; 4" hand crocheted lace on bottom; rows of pointed tucks above lace and on ties; - very beautiful hand work! 5 apron: white linen; hemstitched hem with crocheted lace at bottom in pineapple pattern; waist ties

6 child's slip: wool, with crocheted trim; 23" long; - fastens at each shoulder with 2 small white buttons 7 baby's long coat: cream colored, fine challis (wool); - 37" long; long sleeves gathered at wrist; - hand embroidered ruffle under collar; - two tiers of ruffles, all over shoulders; - embroiderey around bottom of coat, 7" from lower edge; - coat is lined with wool 8 bonnet: baby's veiri-t-el—f-trr-4.1.4-14m; cream colored dimity, lined and trimmed around face edge with white eider down; ribbon ties 76.55

Ryan - 2 -

9 sleigh bunting: baby's lamb's wool carriage robe with slate blue Domet cotton flannel lining; made in England; - size, 23 x 20" "envelope" with 3" scalloped flannel edging; 10" fold-over collar

10 flag/banner: American flag with 45 stars; size 8 x 12 feet Note: This flag hung from the top of the 2nd floor balcony down to the roof of the porte- cochere at the large summer resort in Saco, Maine owned by Mrs. Ryanfs father, Judge Sawyer of Haverhill, Mass. and his sisterw in-law, Mrs. Annie Sanger Dolloff Sawyer The sleigh bunting was used by Mrs. Ryan's son, Dr. Philip S. Ryan when a baby in Haverhill, Mass. in the 1920's. Items #1 through 5 were given to Mrs. Ryan by her aunt, Mrs. Annie Dolloff Sawyer in the 1920's. 76.56

Hudson Historical Society Hudson, Mass. Rev. Robert C. Withington Director received: 10-5-1976 H.J.D. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 10-31-1976 J.F. labeled: 10-31-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

)1 Order Book: 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 and Inventory of Supplies for mills; - belonged to Christopher Roby of West Chelmsford, Mass. - also contains memorandum lists of estate of Christopher C. Roby - marbled covers with brown leather binding and corners, front and back - size, 5" x 12" Index of Names in alphabetical order: of Levi Snow, Jr. - marbleized covers with brown leather binding at back; size 4 x 12 1/8" 3 Record of Estates Settled: George F. Snow, west Chelmsford, Mass.; 1885 - marbleized covers with leather binding at back; size 7 x 8i" 4 Diary of Lottie L. Snow, West Chelmsford; 1892 - marbleized covers in brown and green with leather binding at back; - size 6 7/8 x 8 3/8"

5 Diary of Lottie L. Snow, West Chelmsford; 1895 - marbleized covers in grey and red with leather binding at back - size 7 x 8 3/8"

6 photo: nan seated in wagon with large dog harnessed to shafts; - unknown; - on reverse: "R.B. Lewis, photographer, Hudson, Mass." - size, 2i x 4 1/8" `'7 Epworth League leaflet: topics for young people's prayer meetings; 1891 - size 3 x 5" Epworth League leaflet: 1892; same as above 76.56 Hudson - 2 -

9 leaflet: Prayer meeting topics for Epworth League; 1894; 3':10 leaflet: ; 1895 - size, lx 5" Y11 Constitution of Epworth League: printed on bright pink paper; 1890 - size 3 x 5"

12 newspaper clipping: west Chelmsford -- Marriage of Rev. Charles E. Spaulding and Miss Mabel E. Spalding; May 11, 1922 (?) 13 program: Dedication of the new West Chelmsford Methodist Episcopal Church, Jan. 18, 1922; - church pictured on cover - size of program: 5 1/8 x 7" 13a penciled list of Ministers 76.57

Samuel Koulas 95 Pine Hill Rd., Chelmsford, Mass-

received: 9-28-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 5-6-1977 J.F. /labeled: 4-28-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 tool: extension for a bit stock; with pedal and universal joint and set screw; iron; - 3" handle turns on iron swivel, with 5" bit stock attachment; 21" bit inserted in end. bIS PlAy 76.58

Mrs. Robert T. Charlton nee, Jane Gage 94 High St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 9-28-1976 H.P. 0.1ixs,vosca &.4 acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. I Ter4' ( 6-4'7" t registered: 2-10-1970 Workshop : 3;t7 vlabeledi, 4-25-1977 J.F. Ag_k. 4-, b. donor card: o object card: mab 1979

1 cape: bronze silk with 2 slash ; lined with brown cambric; interlined with ice wool (soft lamb's wool); round yoke, 7i"; 10" arm openings; length of cape: 50" Note: This cape handmade by Hannah Run$els, ; born 1802; died: 1834 2 corset: handmade of heavy cotton twill; 17 handmade eyelets to lace in back; slot in front in center for inserting a narrow strip of wood; lined; waist: 24"; Note: Made by Mary Anne Morrill Runels (circa a860) who married George Runels in 1845. corset: handmade of heavy twill with linen lining; corded and shaped; 10 unusual bone circles, grooved around the circle so the thread winds around outside and does not show. 4 night cap: shaped, woven plaid cotton; lace trim; ties of self material.

5 baby dress: dimity squared material; raglan sleeves; square (5f neck, shirred into neckband; lace trim at neck and sleeves; 22" long; opening; ftmit full tape ties. (badly stained) Note: Worn by the children of Mary Anne and George Runels 6 skirt or petticoat: young girl's; white linen; hand embroidered in heavy bullion stitch; 21-" long; 22" waist gi 7 blouse: white unbleached cotton trimmed with red; tucked front; sailor-type collar; tucks are gathered into band at waist; corded around top of 94" sleeves; cuffs, 34." at deepest point; 6 buttonholes. 76.58

Chariton - 2 -

BONNETS 8 lady's pug cap: embroidered net with tiny inset in back; 3" from edge to back inset gt 9 baby bonnet: dotted Swiss; tiny baby size; hand made; round inset in back; ribbon ties; two rows of cording 10 lady's cap: hand embroidered and hemstitched; eyelet embroidery; round inset; elaborately de- signed. 11 bonnet: knitted striped net; 1 1/8" ruffle trim; similar material; tape ties; inserted back

12 pantalettes: fine cotton; hand embroidered; 5 3/4" ruffle; top, 10" 13 sleeves: white cotton; 14" above ruffle; 4 0 hand embroidered ruffle; insert, 1 1/8" embroidered : 67i)14 sleeves: ecru silk dotted net; 16" long; Note: M. Marsh's wedding sleeves 0 ,(215 stockings: white cotton: knitted openwork- and embroidered front, 10";overall length, top to heel, 22"; 8" foot Note: Worn by Mary Anne Morrell Dec. 31, 1845 for her wedding to George Runels.

16 fichu: 3 layers of lace; 5" at center back; 39" overall 17 V - front: triangular piece of hand embroisered cotton; size 9 x 7" 18 pr. cuffs: ecru linen; embroidered in eyelet, leaves and scallops; 6i" at wrist; depth, 34". 19 overskirt: black lace embroidered net; scalloped on sides and at bottom; 42" around bottom; sides, 25"; ties at waist. 20 (omitted by error) 21 chignon: brown silk hair net; to hold hair in place at back of neck 2022 gloves: off-white French kid; size 3 or 4; finger, 2 3/4"; hook and eye ; hand sewn 76.58

Charlton - 3 -

glove s: black silk Jersey with shirred cuff; self covered ; size 7

24 hinged comb: 3-tined tortoise shell; decorated with abalone and raothdr-of-pearl leaves. 25 coin purse/Miser's purse: knitted, with 2 silver slides P' diameter; length, 7"; gathered at ends and having a fringe of cut steel and bugle beads, long 26 coin purse: with metal cap closing; design of 4" squares of steel beads on dark blue knit.

27 wedding gown: eggshell satin; Worn by Emma Runels for her marriage in 1911 to Roger Gage; and worn again later by their daughter, Jane for her marriage to Robert T. Charlton. Note: The Gage Family owned the Gage Ice Company of Lowell - waist: 24", with 1" wide tape; 11 boned, hand made corset in the dress of self material; vestee at top of corset is of lace on net; fastens in back - one side of waist, satin over lace; - other side, heavy lace over satin - sleeves: dolman sleeves of lace; 7" to satin trim on edge; - under sleeve: net with lace cuff; 44," at deepest point, extends to depth of lace beneath sleeve - front V of satin comes into pleated belt; trimmed with satin rose; - lace V in front of underskirt, with satin rose trim; - dust ruffle - train (Gown is very fragile -- breaks with touch.) 28 bride's coronet: shirred net on wire head piece, 13k"; front: half circle lace on wired net; trimmed with 3 pearl beads 29 wedding shoes: white satin with white ribbon rosettes; pointed toes; French heels; size 5B; purchased from "Jordan Marsh Co."; - Worn by Jane's mother, 4rs. Roger Gage. 76.59

Harry Shedd

80 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, ;Mass.

received: 10-26-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 10-28-1976 J.F. labeled: 10-28-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

SNAPSHOT PICTURES showing damage in Chelmsford Center by Hurricane of September 21, 1938 size of pictures: 4i x 2 3/4"; black and white in glossy finish

1'/ Fiske House, Central Square: large tree down across the road. 2 Tree across Chelmsford St., opposite Fiske house, obstructing car tracks. 3 Elm tree down: corner of Billerica and Chelmsford Sts., in front of All Saints' Parsonage 4 Large tree uprooted near Wiggin Apartments on North Road. 5 Trees uprooted in front of Russell House on Worthen St. 6 Uprooted trees on Westford St., near Baptist Church 7 "Ye Olde Parsonage", with leaning tree: just beyond Congregational Church 8 Large tree split and across road at Perham's Park: corner of Westford and Worthen Sts.

I/ 9 Damage at the Ted Emerson House on North Rd. 76.61

Miss Marjorie B. Scoboria 15 West Riding Wellesley, Mass.

received: 10-26-1976 H.P. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 10-26-1976 J.F. 4-27-1977 J.F. labeled: 10-28-1976 F.deJ. 1-27-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

watch fob: belonged to donor's cousin, Glendon B. Scoboria; bronze; "hCs" 1916; class of 1916, Chelmsford High School writing case: extension ; iiitation Morocco covers with brass snap clasp; 3 sheets folded blotting paper inside photo: early picture of the 100F (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) building; taken at time the lower floor was occupied by W.C.R.Allan, Druggist. Dr. Arthur G. Scoboria had his office in the upper floor.

4 original letters: George Bartlett of Charleston to his son, Dr. John Call Bartlett in Chelmsford; 1831 - 1833 a Sept. 8, 1831 e Jan. 16, 1832 j Mar. 6, 1833 b " 12, " f May 26, " k Apr. 16, " c Nov. 21, g June 9, d Dec. 10, " h July 17. " i Aug. 18, " 5 original letters: Dr. John Call Bartlett to Maria Adams, written during their engagement, 1832 - 1834 m July 8, 1.832 e Sept. 14, 1832 1 June 8, 1834 b " 13, " f 24, " j " 15, " c " 18, " g " 30, " k " 22, " d " 24, " h Oct. 10, " 1 " 27, " 6 European letters of Harriett M. Bartlett, 1891: an 88 page journal of her trip abroad via the Hamburg - American Packet, "S.S. Normandia", C. Hebich, Commander. Note: These letters have come from the grand-daughter of the writer, Miss Harriett A. Bartlett of Cambridge, daughter of Rarry(k.nri) Bartlett. a Passenger list of the "S.S. Normannia" 76.61

Scoboria - 2 -

7 Memorial booklet: "In Memoriam -- Charles E. A. Bartlett, 1836 - 1900"; husband of Harriette M. (Cooper) Bartlett - a eulogy of his life; funeral services and Address by Rev. J. L. Seward, D.D.; - Resolutions by Boston and Lowell Railroad Corps., Chelmsford. Veterans' Assoc., Sons of the American Revolution, and the Lowell 5¢ Savings Bank; - also an extract from the speech of Solon W. Stevens on Memorial Day, May 30, 1900

FINE NEEDLEWORK towel: homespun white linen; checkered weave with 16-circle square at each intersection of lines; - initials "M-A" cross stitched in blue in upper center; hand hemmed top and bottom; - tape loop for hanging at center top; - size, 20- x 36" Note: Initials "M+A" were for Maria Adams who became Mrs. John Call Bartlett. She was born in 1810, and died, 1882

9 table cover: white linen; plain, with 2" hem; band of hem- stitching just above hem on all 4 sides, extend- ing at corners to outer edges; 28i" square. Note: Made by Mrs. J. Adams Bartlett (born 1846, died, 1936) for her daughter Mary, (Mrs. Arthur G. Scoboria) x 10 table cover: ecru linen; round (33" diam.) with ,1.'" band of green 5/8" in from hem, and a Li" band of pale green above the deeper band; - beautifully embroidered peoples in shades of red, rose and pink, alternating with yellow and brown flowers and green leaves encircle the outer rim of table cover; - center of cloth completely latticed in light green ; - a 2i" ecru crocheted lace edging trims the outer rim of the cloth. Note: Embroidered by Mrs. J. Adams Bartlett (1846 - 1936) 11 table runner: natural linen; made by donor's mother, Mrs. Arthur G. Scoboria, b. 1876; d. 1967) - 10" center panel in heavy crocheted floral pattern; 6i" crocheted side panels at both ends extend up 6i," to a point in center of pattern; a 1 3/4" crocheted border extends on both sides for length of runner; - 31:" knotted fringe at both ends; - size of runner, without fringem 44" x 26" 76.61

Scoboria - 3 -

-12 table runner: dark ecru linen with 5:141 band of linen crochet at each end, 5 3/4" above lower edge of hem; 2 1;" hem is topped by row of fine &ng and a 3" plain linen section below crocheted band. - size, 681" long x 19" wide - made by Trs. Arthur G. Scoboria

ASSORTED DOILIES 13 round,eggshell knit lace doily: extremely fine work; - 12-pointed star in center circle; 12 points in 1 3/4" band suttounding center circle; 2" band of openwork diamond design on outer circle, with 3/8" lacy scallops around edge; - overall diameter, 13" 14 round crocheted doily: eggshell; four plain bands joined by double rows of openwork; 5/8" scalloped edging around outside below 4-row band of openwork; - diameter, 12i" round crocheted doily: light ecru; 3 plain bands separated by i" open chain work; 5/8" band of lattice work between -" and 3/8" xi plain bands is finished with a scalloped and picoted edging; - diameter, 14i" 76.62

Estate of Jessie A. Stewart received: 10-26-1976 H.S. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: labeled: 10-28-1976 F. deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 cider set: clear glass; a pitcher: 76.63

Harold J. Davis 6 Pine Hill Ave., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 10-26-1976 acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 11-1-1976 J.F. labeled: 11-14-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

BOOKS AND MAPS 1 book: Old 6th Regimant of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1775-1861 P,0 by John W. Hanson, Chaplain during the three campaigns in 1861, '62,'63 and '64 - Chelmsford Company K among listed rosters - published in 1866 - hard bound in dark brown with gilt lettering 2 book: The Town Officer by Benjamin F. Thomas, Counselor-at-Law; published 1845 by Warren Lazell; - Digest of the Laws of Mass. in rela- tion to the Powers, Duties, and Liabil- ities of Towns and of Town Officers, with necessary forms. - leather bound; size, 5 x 7 3/4" 3 book: Road Book of Massachusetts for League of American Wheel men; - bicycle routes of New England 13th edition, 1898 - map of Boston at that time - hard bound in green buckram with flap; - gilt lettering and wheel insignia on cover - size, 4 x 7" Note: Belonged to Albert H. Davis, grandfather of Harold J. Davis. 4 zioad Map of New England, 1925; with old road numbers 5 Commonwealth of Mass. Road Map and Detour Bulletin, 1932; - showing roads with new numbering; - road signs and hand signals 6 Automobile Road gf12 of Vermont and New Hampshire; put out by Chelmsford Ginger Ale Co. The Official Guide to Chelmsford, England; an illustrated history; undated, (possibly published 1923) 76.63

Davis - 2 -

8 list of voters: Chelmsford, 1946 9 Town Report: 1923 10 " : 1925

11 'Of if : 1933

12 book: National Handbook of Facts and Figures, with full chronology of the War of the Rebellion; - published 1871 - historical, statistical, documentary, and political - contains list of slave population - contains first Inaugural Address of President Abraham Lincoln - size 5 x 7fr red covers (poor condition) 13 book: History of Lowell's Founding; - the Charter with its Amendments and the Revised Ordinances of the City of Lowell, together with sundry Laws of the Commonwealth; - published under the authority of the City Government, Lowell, 1854; - Lowell Seal in black and white, showing mills - red marbleized covers with leather at back; size 5 3/4 x 8 3/4" (needs rebinding) 76.64

Chelmsford Historical Society received: 10-27-1976 by purchase -- registered: 10-27-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. object card: mab 1979 donor card nab 1979 t book: History of the Town of Westford, Massachusetts,

A 1659 - 1883 by Rev. Edwin R. Hodgman, A.M., member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; - pub. by the Westford Town History Association; in Lowell, Mass. 1883 - a reprint in 1976 in honor of the Bicentennial - bound in dark brown buckram; size, 9? x 61.9 76.65

Charles E. datt, sr. 14 Orchard Lane Chelmsford, Mass. received: 10-27-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-9-1976 J.F. registered: 10-27-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor cord: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 book: Comprehensive Calendar of Bicentennial Events; - State by State event details, listed by date; - pub. by the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Administration - paper covered; black lettering on white, with picture of Old North Bridge and Minutemen crossing over - size 84 x 11 x 17 Reference shelves \iv— 76.66

Mrs. t4ildred wahlgren 150 Wood St., Lowell, Mass.

received: 11-2-1976 R.O.L. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 11-3-1976 J.F. labeled: 11-3-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979 v/1 photostat copy: Bill dated at Boston, 17 Sept., 1823; page 1) made out to the 2nd Congregational Society in Chelmsford for a church bell, 1538 lbs tongue 34 1572 Pay 1000 lbs. @ 40¢ -- 400 572 " 4 370 214.50 614.50 Contra Credit by old bill 1581 lbs @ 400.

214.50 - dated at Boston, Oct. 20, 1823 - Rec'd. payment for J.W. Revere signed: J. Parker page 2) record of purchase of bell from George H. Holbrook; paid cash -- 100 Treasurer's note -- 532.40 payable in one year 632.40

pages 3 & 4) lists of names of those who contributed toward the purchase of the Revere bell, and amounts each paid O'H - 76.66

Ars. Charles O'Hara 144 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 11-13-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-15-1976 J.F. registered: 11-15-1976 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 booklet: The Witchcraft Hysteria of 1692 by Leo Bonfante: "new England Yistorical Series" - paper cover, glossy finish in yellow and white; scene from "witch Trials" on cover; - of booklet, 5i x 8 3/8"

Note: Mrs. Joan O'Hara is a Girl Scout Leader and her troop of girls visited the Barrett- Byam Homestead on Nov. 4, 1976. She was impressed by the story of Martha Barrett Sparks. p_ 76.67

George A. Parkhurst 7 Overlook Drive Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 11-3-1976 J.F. acknowledged: 11-7-1976 J.F. registered: 11-7-1976 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

rvf photograph: students in the "Yellow Schoolhouse" on North Rd.; taken in the Spring of 1888 or Fall of 1887f Mr. Bales, teacher; - a reprint; mounted on cardboard; size, 6 3/4 x 4 3/4" Identification by numbers: 1 James Emerson 20 Florence Robinson 2 Frank Brown 21 Clara Locke 3 Ervin *mitt 22 Amy Marshall Smith 23 4 William Fletcher (7) 24 Bertha Parkhurst 5 Charles Dutton 25 Jennie Wilson 6 Charles Blood 26 7 John Wilson 27 Wintie Gordon 8 Alvin Saunders 28 Harry Merrill 4 9 Mr. Dales, teacher 29 Lillian Warren 10 Arthur Warren 30 Jennie Fulton 11 Fred Park 31 Grace Mansfield (Parker) 12 Ella Hutchinson (Harris) 13 Winthrop Parkhurst 32 Inez Davis 14 114-nest Ar,.msfleld 33 Clara Hutchinson 15 34 Annie Curtin 16 Fred Marshall 35 Roberts 17 Ralph Emerson 36 Emma Bartlett (Dutton) 18 37 Gertrude Fulton (Averill) 19 Edith Emerson (Hill)

T , s - 76.67

Miss Hazel Stevens 44 High St., Chelmsford, MASS. received: 11-15-1976 H.P. acknowledged: 11-16-1976 J.F. registered: 11-16-1976 J.F. labeled: 11-16-1976 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

BOOKS 1 Proceedings in the City of Lowell at the Semi-Centennial of Incorporation of the Town of Lowell, March 1, 1876 - hard bound in black with gilt seal in center of cover; "Art is the Handmaid of Human Good in Lowell"; - mill scene with early railroad; - size 6 x 9-4-" 2 Lowell's 75th Anniversary, March 1, 1901

2 hard bound, matching book #1 (above), in black with gilt lettering and seal on cover; - size 6 x 9 1/8" 3 Lowell - A City of Spindles: published by the Trades and Labor Council of Lowell, Mass., 1900; - hard bound in grey-green with lettering in gilt and dark green; - design of 2 rams' heads, spindle and 2 bobbins; - size 64 x 9" 4 Quaint Bits of Lowell History by Sara Swan Griffin: illustrated; - published. , 1900; - hard bound in grey-green with white lettering on cover; - size 64 x 94" 5 At the Meeting of the Waters: pub. by Lowell Institution for Savings, 1829 - 1929; - "a sketch of Lowell from the discovery of the Merrimack to the present day"; - hard covers in orange with gilt lettering and design on black background; - size 9 1/8 x 5 7/8" S - 76.67 Stevens - 2 -

6 pamphlet: Lowell - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow; kkkitAX22 prepared by Daniel F. Sullivan Company; appeared in Lowell newspapers; issued by the Appleton Office, Lowell, of the Middlesex County National Bank, 1945; - paper cover in light blue with dark blue lettering, seal and sketch of the Bank on front cover; - size 3i x 9"

- pub. at the office of the Journal of Fine Art, Lawrence, Mass. by Walter E. hushforth; - "can be nailed to any part of the world for 17'" - paper cover in white; glossy, with black letterinf; - size 6 3/8 x 41" 8 !maga pages from Lowell Street Directory, 1911; - size 5 3/4 x 9"

9 Maritime History of Massachusetts, 1783 - 1860 BY Samuel Eliot "orrison; illustrated; pub. 1921; - hard bound in dark blue covers; - size 6 x 8 7/8 x 10 Towns of New England and Old England, Ireland and Scotland, Part I; issued by the State Street Trust Company of Boston to Commempiiorate the Tercentenary of the Landing, of the Pilgrims, 1620 - 1920 g illustrated - paper covered in brown and beige - size 7i x 10i" 11 Boston, England and Boston, New England, 1630 - 1930: - paper covered booklet - reproduction of rare prints and historic notes -- presented by the State Stredt Trust Co. in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the naming of Boston - tan covers with dark brown lettering and picture of Pilgrims and "Mayflower" in background; size 6 x 9" S - 76.67


12 Tales of the Observer by Richard H. Edwards, Jr.; published, 1950, by Jordan Marsh Co., Boston, Mass. - hard bound in dark blue with gilt lettering; - design of tricorn, long stem pipe and telescope - size 5 4: x 8 3/8" 76.68

Charles E. Watt, Sr. 14 Orchard Lane Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 11-16-1976 J.F. acknowledsred: 11-19-1976 J.F. registered: 1-11-1977 J.F. labeled: 1-11-1977 J.F. donor card: mats 197 9 mab 1979 object card:

SLIDE COLLECTION The Turner Collection of Chelmsford Glass

1 preserve jar 2

3 9 4 vase/water jar 5 bowl 6 beeker, bowl and jug 7 jug and pitcher 8 apothecary's measure, decanter, medicine bottle 9 sugar bowl end milk pitcher 10 2 small creamers, glass slag 11 small vase, 2 inkwells (center) wine bottle with high pontil (left rear) medicine bottle (right rear) glass stopper (left front) glass mending egg (right front) 12 batons 13 canes: 2 with curved handles (in rear) 2 straight (in front) 14 rolling pin; amber cane with crook; 3-color twist cane (in 3 sections) (Parker gift) 15 glass derby hat; medicine bottle (left); decanter (right) 76.68 Watt - 2 -

16 at top: 2-necked gemmel bottle (for oil and vinegar) cigar holder with water filter (left) pipe with curved stem to filter the smoke (right) center left: silver Masonic emblem center right: glass mending egg 17 apothecary's amber measuring spoon; glass top hat; and solid chunk of Chelmsford glass 18 amber gl-ass hurricane shade: placed over a candle it gave off a lovely glow. 19 20 glass cutter's tools 2 historic flasks: amber; on one side, the first Lowell Railroad; on the other, the American eagle. (cost value of slides: ii,4.87)

21 rifle: Springfield 30-06, Model 1903; Serial # 423919; - manufactured in Rock Island, Illinois - used in the World War I exhibit in the Fogg Memorial Room at the Barrett-Byam Homestead

22 photograph: in black and white; Chelmsford St., Westlands end, before 1915; Ed and Will Carll houses; at end of trolley car tracks below; Riley's at extreme right. 23 photograph: black and white; Chelmsford St. Chelm ord, showing the Perry Farm, later, the Winters' Farm; - now (in 1976) the East Gate Shopping Plaza Shopping Center 76.69

Cristy Pettee 90 0:estford St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 12-7-1976 J.F. acknowledged: registered: 1-26-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 German propaganda/ leaflet: World War II; Adolf Hitler, 1939-1943; - black and white photos; size 5* x 4i" ? German propaganda leaflet: World War II; - handbook, first aid, etc.; - size 4 x 3 American propaganda leaflet: World War II; "White Bombs" published by Office of War Information, London, in cooperation with U.S. Army ETO; restricted; - cover printing in white and red letters on black background; - official U.S. Seal on Title page

AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS - showing bomb damage in German cities in World War II - glossy prints in black and white; size 5i x 5,1" Cologne 13 Hanau \5 Cologne at closer range 14 Linnich 6 Dufendorf 15 Oberhausen 7 Duisberg on Rhine 16 (unlabeled): showing cathedral and bridge 8 across river 9 Dusseldorf 10 11 : showing destruction of bridge and bomb craters 12 Essen 76. 70

Leo Bourgeault Maple Rd. South Chelmsford received: Dec. 1976 L.W.N. acknowledged: J.P.F.

registered: 8 - 7 - 1979 E.W. labeled:

donor card: mat) 1979 object card: mab 1978

U.S. MARINE UNIFORM Eisenhower jacket: khaki colored wool; size 30; width across shoulders in baok: 15"; length, 20"; sleeve length, 25" with 12" wrist band; 2 patch pockets; 4 buttons and button holes down front and one on wrist band Dress jacket: size 30; 30" long; 4-button front; 4 patch Pockets; sleeve length, 25"; coat is fitted at waist with flared back; belt loops attached to side seams - emblem on sleeve: 3 stars above angt alligator head; - 2 stripe chevron 3 dress hat: white linen with black visor; double 5/8" leather buttoned at sides; unbuttons for use as chin strap; size 6 7/8 4 cap: dark khaki green wool; size 6 7/8; bronze Marine emblem, an eagle above "world" globe with anchor on front of cap ; chin strap fastened above visor with 2 buttons on side 5 cap: dark khaki green wool; same as #4 above, but with no emblem; one button missing on chin strap 9k6 kepi: black wool beret with red at top and bottom of head band c( 7' medals Asiatic Pacific Campaign - 1941 - 1945; (49 vklOWAV yellow grosgrain ribbon with red, white and blue stripes 2r 8, medal: American Campaign, 1941 - 1945; y 01 L7t4 . , blue grosgrain ribbon with red, white and blue stripes T 9v medal: World War II - United States of America on back; (4v v1 tv10:4 194 1 - 1945; grosgrain ribbon, striped with red in center and borders of orange, yellow, blue and white. 76.7 0

Bourgeault - 2 eripo medal: silver alloy; U.S. Marine Corps, grenade, submarine, l'l lo rxtof BAR; bars attached by chains above silver Marine Corps insignb 1$11a Marine officer's service bar; colors, red and yellow strips vl with red, white and blue strips bordering (7,; - b Marine stud: eagle with spread wings; gold t.

12 book: "Boot - a Marine in the Making", by Corporal Gilbert P. Bailey, U.S.M.C.R. - photos by Cp;. Edward J. Freeman and Pfc. John N. Birch, Jr. in co-operation with the Public Relations Office, Parris Island, S.C. - hard bound in glossy finish pages; - front cover: bleak and white portrait of Marine; ful length; capitol block letters spell word, "Boot"; - back cover: black and white view of parade preceded by colors and color guard - size of book: 7 3/4 x 10i" 13 booklet: "Camp LeJeune Marines -- on Land, on Sea, in the

Air; 1775 - Semper Fidelis - 19 43" - color photo of Colonial drummer behind twe United States Marines, charging; - back cover: U.S. Marines Color Guard in front of Jefferson Memorial building; - a pictorial history of the U.S. Marine Training Center at Camp LeJeune, N.C. - paper covered; size 71 x 91"