OUT OF THE SHADOWS: MAKING MENTAL HEALTH A GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY ORGANIZED BY: WORLD BANK GROUP/WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WORLD BANK GROUP APRIL 13-14, 2016 · WASHINGTON, D.C. Report of Proceedings of Event To access dedicated site, visit: http://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2016/03/09/out-of-the-shadows-making-mental-health-a-global-priority Acknowledgements This summary report was prepared in May 2016 by a WBG/WHO team including Patricio V. Marquez, Shekhar Saxena, Sheila Dutta, Dan Chisholm, Natalia Tejada, Laura Lozano-Montes and Ishani Premaratne, on the basis of reports prepared by Takashi Izutsu, Daniel Vigo, Margarita Puerto Gomez, Alys Willman, Beverly Pringle, Dévora Kestel, Joshua Chauvin, Alison Brunier, Dan Chisholm, and Andrew Blasi, the rapporteurs of the event, and other event documentation. Comments provided by Prof. Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University Asia Center, and Pamela Collins, US National Institute of Mental Health. For any additional information about the event or related documentation, please contact Patricio V. Marquez, Lead Health Specialist, World Bank Group:
[email protected]. The event was convened by the World Bank Group (WBG) and the World Health Organization (WHO), with the support of an Organizing Committee and the collaboration of International Partners, as follows: Core Organizing Committee World Bank Group (WBG): Patricio Marquez, Lead Public Health Specialist, HNP Global Practice, Tim Evans, Senior Director, HNP Global Practice. World Health Organization (WHO) Lead: Shekhar Saxena, Dan Chisholm, and Laura Lozano Montes, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization. Chair of the Working Group: Professor Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University Asia Center.