Congressional Record—Senate S5876

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Congressional Record—Senate S5876 S5876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 25, 2005 DeMint Inhofe Shelby that we will have an early time in the perspectives on managerial conduct, DeWine Isakson Smith morning to come to work and we do their philosophy on how much latitude Dole Kyl Snowe Domenici Landrieu Specter not spend all the morning on morning a President should have in nominating Ensign Lott Sununu business. subordinates, and many other factors. Enzi Lugar Talent Mr. FRIST. Madam President, calling On top of these different perspec- Frist Martinez Thomas upon my earlier cardiac surgical days, tives, allegations were raised about Graham McCain Thune Grassley McConnell we will start as early in the morning as Secretary Bolton that led to an ex- Vitter Gregg Murkowski panded inquiry. Republicans and Demo- Voinovich the Democratic leader would like. Hagel Roberts Warner In all seriousness, we will agree upon crats differed on some procedural as- Hatch Santorum pects related to this inquiry, as well as Hutchison Sessions a time in the morning so that we will have plenty of time. on the relevance of some allegations NAYS—43 Mr. REID. I also say if, in fact, there and documents. Despite these sub- Akaka Durbin Murray is more time needed tonight, would the stantive disagreements, we were able Baucus Feingold Nelson (FL) distinguished leader allow Members to to work together in an effort that rep- Bayh Feinstein Nelson (NE) resents one of the most intense and Biden Harkin Obama move past 6:30 tonight on debate. Bingaman Jeffords Pryor Mr. FRIST. Madam President, we most far-reaching examinations of a Boxer Johnson Reed would be happy to. nominee in my experience. Cantwell Kennedy Reid The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The Foreign Relations Committee Carper Kerry Rockefeller Chafee Kohl has interviewed 29 witnesses, producing Salazar objection, it is so ordered. Clinton Lautenberg approximately 1,000 pages of tran- Sarbanes The clerk will report the nomination. Conrad Leahy Schumer The assistant legislative clerk read scripts. We have received and reviewed Corzine Levin more than 830 pages of documents from Dayton Lieberman Stabenow the nomination of John Robert Bolton, Dodd Lincoln Wyden of Maryland, to be the Representative the State Department, from USAID, Dorgan Mikulski of the United States of America to the and the CIA regarding the Bolton nom- ination. We have questioned Secretary PRESENT AND GIVING A LIVE PAIR, AS United Nations, with the rank and sta- PREVIOUSLY RECORDED tus of Ambassador Extraordinary and Bolton in person for 7 hours, and we have received responses to nearly 100 Mr. Stevens, for Plenipotentiary, and the Representa- questions for the record, many con- NOT VOTING—1 tive of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Na- taining numerous subparts. The depth Inouye tions. and breadth of the 11-week inquiry is The nomination was confirmed. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. particularly notable, given that Sec- retary Bolton has been confirmed 4 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The COLEMAN). The Senator from Indiana. President will be notified of the Sen- Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, the Sen- times by the Senate already and that ate’s action. ate meets today to debate the nomina- most of us have had personal experi- Mr. FRIST. I move to reconsider the tion of John Bolton to be U.S. Ambas- ences with him. I thank both Democrat and Repub- vote and I move to lay that motion on sador to the United Nations. In this ca- lican members of our Foreign Rela- the table. pacity, he would play an important tions Committee for their patience and The motion to lay on the table was role in securing greater international their perseverance throughout this agreed to. support for the national security and process. Although we disagree in our foreign policy objectives of the United f conclusions, we share the view that the States. It is my judgment that Sec- NOMINATION OF JOHN ROBERT committee must work together even retary Bolton should be confirmed as when we have different perspectives. BOLTON TO BE THE REPRESENT- U.S. Ambassador to the United Na- ATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES We also agreed that the nomination tions. has provided an opportunity for debate OF AMERICA TO THE UNITED In recent years, the Foreign Rela- NATIONS on larger issues related to the conduct tions Committee has made a special ef- of U.S. foreign policy. Mr. FRIST. Madam President, I ask fort to work in a bipartisan manner. At the core of any nomination proc- unanimous consent that the Senate For 3 straight years, we have reported ess is the question of whether the now proceed to the consideration of Ex- out foreign affairs authorization bills nominee is qualified to undertake the ecutive Calendar No. 103, the nomina- by unanimous votes. During the last task for which he or she is nominated. tion of John Bolton, to be U.N. ambas- Congress, we met 247 times, which was I have no doubt Secretary Bolton is ex- sador; provided further that the debate 50 percent more frequently than any tremely well qualified. He has just up to 6:30 this evening be equally di- other committee in the Senate. In al- served 4 years in a key under secretary vided between the chairman and rank- most every case, the subject of the position that technically outranks the ing member; I further ask that if a clo- meeting and the selection of witnesses post for which he is being nominated. ture motion is filed on the nomination, enjoyed bipartisan support. He has succeeded in several high-pro- notwithstanding the provisions of rule We have undertaken the cooperative file negotiation settings. He was the XXII, that vote occur at 6 p.m. on path, not because we always agree, but primary negotiator in the creation of Thursday with a live quorum waived; because we know the stakes are high the successful Proliferation Security provided further that when the Senate for our country in the international Initiative and the landmark Moscow resumes debate on the nomination on arena. We face severe threats capable Treaty. He played a large role in the Thursday, all time until 6 p.m. be of undermining our national security agreement with Libya on the surrender equally divided as stated above; fur- and our economic well-being. We be- of that nation’s weapons of mass de- ther, that if cloture is invoked on the lieve we should strive to approach struction program and the ‘‘10 Plus 10 nomination, the Senate then proceed these questions with as much unity as Over 10’’ agreement that resulted in $10 to a vote on the confirmation of the possible. billion in pledges from other G–8 coun- nomination with no further inter- On the John Bolton nomination, our tries to secure former Soviet Union vening action or debate; provided fur- committee could not develop a con- weapons of mass destruction arsenals. ther that following that vote, the sensus position. From the start, mem- These are among the Bush administra- President be immediately notified of bers had widely divergent views of Sec- tion’s most important and indisputable the Senate’s action and the Senate re- retary Bolton and his suitability for foreign policy successes. sume legislative Senate; finally, I ask the U.N. ambassadorship. Members Opponents have argued that Sec- consent during the debate on the nomi- formed different opinions about the retary Bolton’s personality will pre- nation, Senator VOINOVICH be in con- nominee based on their assessment of vent him from being effective at the trol of 1 hour of debate. the role of the United Nations, their in- U.N., but his diplomatic successes over Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- terpretation of Secretary Bolton’s the last 4 years belie that expectation. ject, could we have some assurance statements, their judgments on the Few in Government have thought more from the distinguished majority leader testimony of many witnesses, their about U.N. reform than has John VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:22 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S25MY5.REC S25MY5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY May 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5877 Bolton. He served 4 years as the Assist- that is within the chain of command of liferation, and many other inter- ant Secretary of State overseeing the President and the Secretary of national problems have created mo- international organizations under the State. The Ambassador to the United mentum in favor of constructive re- first President Bush. He has written Nations reports directly to the Presi- forms at the U.N. and commented extensively on that dent and to the Secretary of State. In Secretary General Kofi Annan has subject. fact, historically this ambassadorship proposed a substantial reform plan During his confirmation hearing, has reflected directly on the President. that will provide a platform for further Secretary Bolton demonstrated an im- The ambassador is seen as the Presi- reform initiatives and discussions. The pressive command of issues related to dent’s voice at the U.N. Consequently, United States must be a leader in the the United Nations. Senator BIDEN ac- there are few positions in Government effort to improve the United Nations, knowledged to the nominee at his hear- where the President should have more particularly its accountability. At a ing that: latitude in choosing his nominee. In time when the United States is appeal- There is no question you have extensive my judgment, it would take absolutely ing for greater international help in experience in UN affairs. extraordinary circumstances for the Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in troubled Deputy Secretary Rich Armitage re- Senate to tell the President he cannot spots around the world, a diminish- cently told reporters: have his choice to carry out his direc- ment of U.N.
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