1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE G823 favoring the General Welfare Act

The message also announ~ed that the House had disagreed vigor of potential achievement has awakened the deeper to the amendments of the Senate to the bill

ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HOUSE DOCUMENT 272--cONTll~ENTAL TOLL By Mr. BANKHEAD: ROADS; HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT S. 2585. A bill to reimburse the Cotton Cooperative ·Asso­ Mr. HAYDEN, from the Committee on Printing, reported ciations for losses occasioned by the Federal Farm Board's a concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 19), which was con­ stabilization operations, and for other purposes; to the Com­ sidered by unanimous consent and agreed to, as follows: mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. Resolved by the Sena.te (the House of Representatives concur­ By Mr. SHEPPARD: ring), That 16,000 additional copies of House Document No. 272, S. 2586