1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE G823 favoring the General Welfare Act <H. ·R. 5620), the petitions National Park, in the form· if was originally introduced; to being signed by the following: Mrs. George Schmitz, Herman the Committee on the Public Lands. Peters, Pauline Kohling, Bertha Fink, Mrs. Wflliam L. Heller, 3577. Also, petition of the Transport Workers Union of Elizabeth C. Hetzel, Ernie Hector, Carrie Gross, Jules Garno, Greater New York, favoring continuation of the adult edu­ Joseph Garno, Charles Anderson, Michael Blimm, Lena Bowes, cation program of the Works Progress Administration and Mrs. Danz, Martin F. Wheadrick, Sadie Van Horne, Herman the Casey bill (H. R. 6470); to the Committee on Appro­ Koehn, William F. Kirsch, Frank N. Prentice, A. J. Bletzer, priations. Mary Bletzer, Mrs. S. Scoller, Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. J. A. 3578. By Mr. SCHAEFER of Illinois: Petition of the Illi­ Schwartz, Marhisa H. Schwartz, Thomas Mitchell, Frances nois State Federation of Labor, R. G. Soderstrom, president, Lundergan, Hans W. Fincke, Eva Willman, and ·985 other urging enactment of Senate bill 2460, relating to the devel­ citizens; to the Committee on Ways and Means. opment of vocational education in the several States and 3560. By Mr. HINSHAW: Petition of Nona Tubbs and 270 Territories; to the Committee on Education. other residents of Pasadena, Calif., urging the Seventy-sixth 3579. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Veterans of For­ Congress to enact H;ouse bill 5620, the General Welfare Act; eign Wars of the United States, Evansville, Ind., urging to the Committee on Ways and Means. consideration of their resolution with reference to the Grover 3561. By Mr. JARMAN: Resolution of the court of county Cleveland Bergdoll case; to the Committee on World War commissioners of Greene County, Ala., relating to further Veterans' Legislation. improvements of navigation on Warrior River in Alabama 3580. Also, petition of the County Wexford Men's and between Demopolis and Tuscaloosa, Ala.; to the Committee Women's P. S. and B. Association, of New York, urging con­ on Rivers and Harbors. sideration of their resolution with reference to the fifth an­ 3562. By Mr. KRAMER: Resolution of the Senate of the nual Commodore John Barry pilgrimage; to the Committee State of California, relating to the construction and mainte­ on Foreign Affairs. nance of a veterans' general facility and hospital in Humboldt 3581. Also, petition of the Ohio Valley Improvement As­ County; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legisla­ sociation, Cincinnati, Ohio, urging consideration of their tion. resolution with reference to Senate bill 2009, concerning freight rates; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign 3563. Also, resolution of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train­ Commerce. men, relating to the appropriation of an additional $100,000 for the La Follette committee so that it may complete its investigation in California, Oregon, and Washington; to the SENATE Committee on Appropriations. 3564. Also, resolution of the Assembly and the Senate of. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 the State of California, relating to the civil liberties investi­ (Legislative day of Monday, June 5, 1939) gation; to the Committee on Appropriations. The Senate met at 1 o'clock p. m., on the expiration of 3565. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the American Manu­ the recess. facturing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.,"opposing the Fulmer bill <H. R. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the 57); to the Committee on Agriculture. following prayer: 3566. Also, petition of the American Photo Engravers As­ sociation, New York City, concerning the Social Security Act Eternal God, ruler and guide of the destinies of nations, <H. R. 6497); to the Committee on Ways and Means. our everlasting Father in whom are found the springs of 3567. Also, petition of the Emergency Conservation Com­ all parental tenderness and grace: We thank Thee for the mittee, New York City, concerning the Gearhart bill <H. R. manifold blessings bestowed upon us as a nation; for the 3794) ; to the Committee on the Public Lands. ideals of government, of liberty and justice, so largely in­ 3568. Also, petition of the Transport Workers Union o! herited from the mother country to which today America Greater New York, Local 100, favoring the Casey bill <H. R. pays loving tribute as she welcomes to her heart the British 6470); to the Committee on Appropriations. sovereign and his gracious queen. Preserve them in health 3569. Also, petition of Daniel H. Barber, White Plains, and strength; . may Thine everlasting arms encircle them, N. Y., concerning Senate bill 2009; to the Committee on and may their happy sojourn in our midst be to us, to them, Interstate and Foreign Commerce. and to their people a source of blessed understanding, as 3570. Also, petition of the Department of Agriculture, together we face the problems of tomorrow in the spirit of State of Texas, opposing the proposal to subsidize cotton closer friendship and of deeper consecration to our God. exports; to the Committee on Ways and Means. We ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. 3571. Also, petition of Past Exalted Rulers Council, No. 7, Amen. · Eastern District of Pennsylvania, I. B. P. 0. E. of W., urging THE JOURNAL that the Negro race be fully enabled to enter into and par­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, ticipate in all departments of the armed service of the the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. dar day Wednesday, June 7, 1939, was dispensed with, and 3572. Also, petition of Union Barge Line Corporation, River the Journal was approved. Transportation, Pittsburgh, Pa., concerning the Wheeler bill MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT <S. 2009); to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Messages in writing from the President of the United merce. States submitting nominations were communicated to the 3573. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of sundry citizens of Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. Keota, Iowa, urging an appropriation for the construction of a fishway in the Keokuk Dam at Keokuk, Iowa; to the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. 3574. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the American Photo­ Chaffee, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House Engravers Association, Chicago, Ill., concerning amendment had passed without amendment the following bills of the to the Social Security Act <H. R. 6497); to the Committee Senate: on Ways and Means. S.1031. An act to amend section 243 of the Penal Code of 3575. Also, petition of the Union Barge Line Corporation, the United States, as amended by the act of June 15, 1935 Pittsburgh, Pa., opposing the Wheeler bill <S. 2009) ; to the (49 Stat. 378), relating to the marking of packages contain- Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ing wild animals and birds and parts thereof; and 3576. Also, petition of the Emergency Conservation Com­ S.1243. An act to authorize the use of War Department mittee, New York City, urging the passage of the Gearhart equipment for the Confederate Veterans' 1939 reunion at bill <H. R. 3794), for the proposed John Muir-Kings Canyon Trinidad, Colo., August 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1939. 6824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 8 The message also announ~ed that the House had disagreed vigor of potential achievement has awakened the deeper to the amendments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. 5610) depths of our emotional nature. If his exit from the arena making appropriations for the government of the District of of life had been effected similar to the manner of the going Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part down of the slowly descending sun after passing the against the revenues of such District for the fiscal year end­ meridian heights, sorrowing comrades and devoted loved ing June 30, 1940, and for other purposes, asked a conference ones could have better sustained the shock of his passing. with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses But when a familiar star is precipitately blotted from the thereon, and that Mr. CoLLINS, Mr. CASEY of Massachusetts, firmament of the famed and illustrious, then it is that we, Mr. MAHoN, Mr. STEFAN, and Mr. CASE of South Dakota were who have. been so often led by its kindly light are left to appointed managers on the part of the House at the confer­ startling darkness, the envelopment of an inconsolable sor­ ence. row; then it is that rivers of grief pour into the void of our The message further announced that the House had passed aching hearts. the following bills and joint resolution, in which it requested It has been said that the background of a man's life plays the concurrence of the Senate: an important part in the formation of his character. Im­ H. R. 57. An act to provide for the use of net weights in possible it is to know a man without knowing something of interstate and foreign commerce transactions in cotton, to his background. The community in which he has lived, provide for the standardization of bale covering for cotton, the things and people that constitute his early environment and for other purposes; impress and shape his personality and determine his out­ H. R. 4998. An act to amend the Packers and Stockyards look on life. These essentials supply a sort of reference map Act, 1921; for the study of individual character. H. R. 5625. An act to regulate interstate and foreign com­ A few of the things that go to make up the partial back­ merce in seeds; to require labeling and to prevent misrepre­ ground of JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS may be properly reviewed sentation of seeds in interstate commerce; to require certain at this morrient.
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