RepLiirhcof the Dhrilpprnes Deparlmentof Edr-rcarron Regicr,u'ii, Centi-ai Visavas DlVl'-;11ryUF BU'J(JL Ctt1,lf TagSilara' October24 2011 DIVISIONMEMORANDUM NaZqGs aell TO FclucatronSupervisorslpSD.S Coor-djnatrng er.incipals/Eiementan, arrciSeourrriary School Hearts PLJBI.IC-PRIVATF PARTNERSHIP (PPP!PROGRAIU SITE APPRAISAL Oneof the actrvrtresof the prrbhc_pr.rvatepartnershrp {ppp)School Buildrng prcgram ts app,'atsa!cl lhe prcpcsedreopient schools. fhe slte site'apprarsalactrvrt,es are scheduledfor lhe wnoternonln ol November{tndu$ve}20.1 1 Thereare $x teams to condttctthe r;lro appralsalPFSED Manila freldrng three protect Fngineersrn addittcn lc cul"lhree {3) {3) DtvtsicnProiect Fngrne.ers and Divrsron physroal Slalito copeup $iltn lhe oeadirne Fac,lilres In thts reqardthe dtvtston offtce wtll prcvtrje the transportatron distrrcl facrlrtv'c io thedrstrrct office and the i^*llprcvrdelhe acccrnrncdaticn ct each tea,,n-vPr/rr('r'\''r Yorrrcoo'eratron on thrsactrvirv rsenicrnerl f.r thesuc-cess of the proqram Travelrng expensesof the DivtstonProtect Enqrneersarirj the DrvrsronFhysrcai slafl shall DrvrsrcnMooF Fund: sublecl r'r be ,.*T[il.,:nainst i;ruar,rr*;;; ,rot rli,t,ig ,uru,,no LORNAE MNCES,Ph.D..CESO V SchooisDivrsron Superrnlendent ;1 ITINERARYOF TRAVEL Nameoi DPE: ROMEOREX ALABA of Travel To conduct Site Appralsalfor PPP Purpose '-'.'.- - -t Name of School I Date i--- o*:ion i --- MuniiiPaiiry 1 REX loi;i ,Buerravista lBago !-s- , NOV*7 E;il F-elrt- -, -, ilsnqr'o;i - i4cryu!.li i:,::H*Ti"i" l lc$ur-11E$ -e lponot igrenavl-le i Nov - - ,anhn, jaG;t"i.i" lbimoui:ilFt i:-"-rqlBotrol i;ili iau.nuu'it' NOV-q l.grrnio*rr jCawag-.'::i-: E"r.,"fHnnnf Ductlavt3La :.: ff: -.
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