Clear Lake Super Neighborhood

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Clear Lake Super Neighborhood City of Houston Department of Health and Human Services 1999-2003 Office of Surveillance and Public Health Preparedness CommunityCommunity HealthHealth ProfilesProfiles Clear Lake Super Neighborhood Providing Health Information for Community Action Community Health Profiles 1999-2003 This community health profile highlights impor- Introduction tant health issues facing the residents of the Clear Lake Super Neighborhood. In Houston, a “super neighborhood” is a geo- graphically defined area where residents, civic organizations, institutions and businesses work together to identify, plan, and set priorities to address the needs and concerns of their com- munity. The boundaries of each super neighbor- hood rely on major physical features such as bayous or freeways to group together contigu- ous communities that share common physical characteristics, identity or infrastructure. Clear Lake Super Neighborhood will hereinafter be referred to as “Clear Lake”. It is the intention of the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS), in devel- oping health profiles such as this, to promote a better understanding by local residents, commu- nity-based organizations, community leaders, medical providers, and the public health commu- nity of the unique character and circumstances of our various communities, and to draw atten- tion to those matters that contribute to the great- est of health disparities among the citizens of our growing, culturally and ethnically diverse city. Table of Contents This profile also represents an effort on the part of HDHHS to provide a “baseline” of indicators of health in our communities, against which fu- ture trends in conditions can be measured and Community Resources………...................3 monitored, and appropriate public health ac- The Super Neighborhood at a Glance..….4 tions, taken. Major Causes of Death…………….…..….6 Years of Potential Life Lost…….….…..….7 We hope that this health profile will support Maternal and Child Health.......…….….....8 these efforts in Clear Lake and across the City Births to Teen Mothers…….…….....…..…9 of Houston. Infant Mortality…………………….….......10 Leading Causes of Hospitalization……...11 Crime………………………...………….....12 Tuberculosis……………………………….13 Stephen L. Williams, M.Ed., M.P.A. Drowning and Submersions……....…..…13 Director Food-related Illness……………………....13 Houston Department of Health and Environmental Health & Safety……….…14 Human Services HIV/AIDS……………………………….….15 Gonorrhea………………………………....16 Syphilis……………………………………..17 Chlamydia……………………………….…18 Technical Notes…………………………...19 2 The Health of Clear Lake Super Neighborhood Community Health Profiles 1999-2003 The health of a community depends to a great Community Resources extent upon the availability and accessibility of its resources. The Health of Clear Lake Super Neighborhood 3 Community Health Profiles 1999-2003 Clear Lake The total population of Clear Lake was 58,513, according to the 2000 census.* at a Glance 60-64 65+ Yrs 0-4 Yrs Age Yrs 6% 8% 3% 5-9 Yrs 50-59 8% Yrs At the time of the 2000 census, nearly one- 10-19 12% third (30%) of Clear Lake residents were un- Yrs der the age of 20. Nearly two-thirds (64%) 40-49 14% Yrs were between 20 and 64 years of age, and 20-29 6% were 65 or older. 18% 30-39 Yrs Yrs 14% 17% Race, Ethnicity, National Origin The majority of residents in Clear Lake were Hispanic White. Asian and other Non-Hispanics were Asian and 10% the second largest racial/ethnic group, though other Non- they comprised only 14% of the population. Hispanic Fifteen percent of the population were of other 14% races. Black Non- Hispanic Of the total population, a majority (44%) were 5% White Non- native Texans; 15% were foreign born. Hispanic 71% Employment Not in the Labor Force 27% A large proportion (70%) of Clear Lake resi- dents, ages 16 and over, were employed in Unemployed 1999. 3% Employed 70% * Data Source: U.S. Census 2000. Total population was calculated from census block-level data using Summary File 1. For pur- poses of describing demographics using Summary File 3, the super neighborhood is defined by the following census geographies: Tracts 3402 through 3410; and Tract 3413, Block Groups 2-4. 4 The Health of Clear Lake Super Neighborhood Community Health Profiles 1999-2003 Inc ome Poverty Income less greater than than the the poverty Only 5% of the population in Clear Lake poverty level level but less was below the poverty level in 1999. Just 5% than tw ice the 13% of all residents in the super neighbor- poverty level hood had incomes less than twice the 8% poverty level. Inc ome Of those living below the poverty level, greater than 29% were children under 18 years of age; or equal to 5% were adults 65 and older. tw ice the poverty level 87% Education Just 6% of Clear Lake residents, ages 25 and over, reported that they had not Graduate degree and higher 21% graduated from high school. Bachelor degree 34% Thirteen percent of residents reported a high school diploma (or the equivalent) as Associate degree 6% their highest level of educational attain- ment. Some college, no degree 21% Approximately 82% of residents had at- High school graduate / equivalent 13% tained education beyond the high school level, with 61% earning a college degree. 9th to 12th grade, no diploma 4% *Due to rounding, the total percentages may not be Less than 9th grade 2% equal to 100. Percent of Residents (25 and older)* Moved from Moved from Population Stability different elsew here State 4% Moved from 12% Forty-four percent of the residents of Clear Lake different had lived in the same house since 1995. More than county in Same one-quarter moved to Clear Lake from other loca- Texas tions in Harris County between 1995 and 1999. 11% house since 1995 Moved from 44% Twenty-seven percent of residents moved to the other area from outside Harris County between 1995 and location in 1999. Harris County 29% Data Source: U.S. Census 2000, Summary File 3 The Health of Clear Lake Super Neighborhood 5 Community Health Profiles 1999-2003 During the years 1999-2003, the residents of the super Major Causes of neighborhood had a lower overall annual average mortality rate than Houston as a whole. However, the mortality rate for heart Death disease was higher in Clear Lake than in Houston. Leading Causes of Mortality, Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, 1999-2003 Clear Lake - Clear Lake Houston Houston Rank Cause of Death Deaths Rates* Rates* Rates All Causes 981 832.7 898.2 -65.5 1 Heart Disease 278 272.2 262.0 10.2 2 Cancer 262 180.4 197.6 -17.2 3 Stroke 68 73.2 76.0 -2.8 Chronic Lower Respiratory 4 30 31.0 31.9 -0.9 Disease 5 Alzheimer's Disease 20 - - 20.5 - - 6 Accidents 50 22.6 34.8 -12.2 7 Diabetes Mellitus 27 20.8 28.0 -7.2 8 Kidney Disease 17 - - 15.8 - - 9 Septicemia 15 - - 18.1 - - 10 Influenza and Pneumonia 10 - - 20.0 - - Other Causes of Death of Particular Interest, Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, 1999-2003 Clear Lake - Clear Lake Houston Houston Cause of Death Deaths Rates* Rates* Rates Coronary Heart Disease 197 193.6 174.1 19.5 Bronchus-Lung Cancer 68 49.6 52.8 -3.2 Motor Vehicle Accident 18 - - 13.2 - - Drug-Induced Cause 19 - - 8.2 - - Firearm Related 8 - - 7.4 - - Cervical Cancer <5 - - 2.2 - - *Age-adjusted mortality rates: annual average deaths per 100,000 population; census 2000 populations as the denominators; age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Million; deaths with known age and disease information. - - Numbers of deaths were too small for rate calculation. Data Sources: Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics; US Census, 2000 6 The Health of Clear Lake Super Neighborhood Community Health Profiles 1999-2003 Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) is an indicator of prema- Years of Potential ture mortality. This indicator suggests social and economic loss owing to premature death. It also gives information on Life Lost (YPLL) the specific causes of deaths affecting younger age groups. Leading Causes Houston Rate of Years of Potential Life Lost of Premature YPLL YPLL YPLL Death Rate* Rate** Rate** (YPLL Rate) Accidents 484.2 497.4 779.0 Cancer 482.1 478.6 816.3 At every age of death, there is a certain number of years of “expected life” that are not lived, and Heart Disease 311.4 312.9 689.3 are therefore “lost”. The amount of lost years of Homicide 260.2 - - - life often differ by cause of death. Many people Conditions consider death before the age of 65 years as Originating in the 182.7 - - - premature. In this community, more years of life Perinatal Periods were lost prematurely due to accidents, cancer, Suicide 165.3 - - - heart disease, homicide, and perinatal period Stroke 76.5 - - - condition related deaths than any other causes. Chronic Liver 67.8 - - - Disease-Cirrhosis The age-adjusted annual average YPLL rates Diabetes Mellitus 33.7 - - - for accidents, cancer and heart disease were Septicemia 23.9 - - - lower in the super neighborhood than that in Houston. Comparison of other age-adjusted Specific Causes of Interest YPLL rates is not possible because of the rela- Motor Vehicle 226.2 - - - Accident tively small number of deaths occurring before age 65 in Clear Lake. YPLL is not reported Drug-Induced 189.2 - - - Cause where fewer than 5 deaths occurred. Coronary Heart 166.7 166.6 376.1 Disease Firearm Related 101.1 - - - Leading Male YPLL Female YPLL Bronchus-Lung 55.1 - - - Causes of Rates Rates Cancer Premature (number of (number of § NOTE: Special cause of death categories may not be mutually exclusive. Death deaths) deaths) * Crude annual average YPLL per 100,000 population under age 65 years. ** Age-adjusted annual average YPLL per 100,000 population under age of Accidents 545.2 (23) 423.0 (19) 65, standardized for 2000 US Standard Million.
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