The Rhipiceridae of Taiwan and Japan

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The Rhipiceridae of Taiwan and Japan Zoological Studies 44(4): 437-444 (2005) The Rhipiceridae of Taiwan and Japan (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dascilloidea) Chi-Feng Lee1,*, Masataka Satô2, and Masahiro Sakai3 1Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C. 2Dia Cuore 306, Kamegahora 3-1404, Midoriku, Nagoya 458-0804, Japan 3Entomological Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Ehime University, 3-5-7 Tarumi, Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture 790-8566, Japan (Accepted August 20, 2005) Chi-Feng Lee, Masataka Satô, and Masahiro Sakai (2005) The Rhipiceridae of Taiwan and Japan (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dascilloidea). Zoological Studies 44(4): 437-444. Species of the family Rhipiceridae in Taiwan and Japan are reviewed. Three known species are regarded as valid: Sandalus kani Sakai and Sakai (1981), S. segnis Lewis (1887), and S. sauteri Emden (1924). Sandalus takizawai Nakane (1985) is a junior synonym of S. sauteri Emden. Sandalus taiwanicus Lee et al., sp. nov. and S. sauteri lanyuensis Lee et al., ssp. nov. are described and S. segnis Lewis (1887) is recorded in Taiwan for the first time. Key words: Taxonomy, Sandalus, New species, Cicada parasite beetles The common name,“cicada parasite bee- Tibicen bihamatus (Motschulsky). tles”, of the Rhipiceridae reflects the biology of Rhipiceridae is a relatively small family, Sandalus larvae. According to observations in including 7 genera and about 100 species North America (Elzinga 1977), the female of (Lawrence 2005). Only the genus Sandalus Sandalus niger Knoch deposits enormous num- Knoch occurs in East Asia. Four species of bers of eggs (16,864 eggs; counted by Rings Sandalus have been reported from Taiwan and 1942) in holes or under bark of elms where Japan: S. segnis Lewis (1887) recorded from the cicadas possibly oviposit. Eggs are usually main islands of Japan (Ohno 1995), S. kani Sakai washed off by the first rain and hatch into triun- and Sakai (1981) from Amami-Ôshima I., S. tak- gulin larvae. A late-instar ectoparasitic larva was izawai Nakane (1985) from Ishigaki I., and S. discovered within the nymphal exuviae of a dead sauteri Emden (1924) from Taiwan. Although cicada which had failed to emerge from its burrow Sakai and Sakai (1981) and Nakane (1985) men- (Craighead 1921). Young (1956) observed an tioned some diagnostic characters for distinguish- abrupt abundance of S. niger adults in southern ing species, some of them are neither reliable nor Indiana, and he suggested that the emergence of useful. This paper provides a comprehensive this rhipicerid might have been connected with the study of the taxonomy of Sandalus from Taiwan emergence of periodical cicadas (Magicicada and Japan. Some diagnostic characters are pro- spp.) in the preceding year. posed through a comparison of all species. Regarding the Far Eastern species, Fukuda (1969) reported the ovipositing behavior of S. seg- nis Lewis in Aomori Prefecture, Japan; he also MATERIALS AND METHODS stated that the host cicada of this species is pre- sumably Terpnosia nigricosta (Motschulsky) or Specimens were examined with a Leica *To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. Tel: 886-2-27899525. Fax: 886-2-27858059. E-mail: [email protected] 437 438 Zoological Studies 44(4): 437-444 (2005) MZ95 stereoscopic microscope under diffuse light- small, connecting with mesosternum. Anterior ing. Genitalia and antennae were examined with a margin of mesosternum with a forward process, Nikon Optiphot transmitted light microscope and posterior margin with a bilobed process. illustrated with the aid of a drawing tube. Scutellum small, rhomboid. Metasternum large, Illustrations of punctures on the pronotum were with transverse suture parallel to posterior margin. made with Photoshop software. Elytra punctuate and pubescent, with longitudinal Specimens examined are deposited in the fol- and transverse carinae. All legs similar in shape; lowing museums or institutions (letter codes large- 1st and 2nd coxae globular, hind coxae transverse; ly follow Arnett et al. 1993): BMNH, The Natural trochanters small, but distinct; femora with ventral History Museum, London, UK; BPBM, Bernice P. groves for receiving tibiae; tibiae roughened, dor- Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, USA; DEI, sal side bearing various teeth, ventral surface Deutsches Entomologisches Institut im ZALF, smooth, apex with 2 long curved spurs; tarsi 5- Müncheberg, Germany; EIHU, Hokkaido Univ., segmented, 1st 4 segments lobed, with paired, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; EUMJ, Ehime ventral, densely setose lobes; claws simple; University, Matsuyama, Japan; HY, Collection of H. empodium club-shaped, bearing hairs near apex. Yoshitomi, Hokkaido, Japan; MNHN, Muséum Abdomen with 5 ventrites, densely pubescent. , National d Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; Male genitalia trilobate, symmetrical; penis with NCHU, National Chung Hsing Univ., Taichung, dorsal and ventral lobes, ventral lobe more slender Taiwan; NMNS, National Museum of Natural than dorsal lobe, apex recurved; apices of para- Science, Taichung, Taiwan; TARI, Taiwan meres rounded, with sparse hairs; basal piece Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung, short, transverse. Taiwan; TFRI, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Notes: This genus has attracted the attention Taipei, Taiwan. of many Japanese entomologists. Ohno (1995) counted 104 papers on S. segnis Lewis and the allied species. In Taiwanese and Japanese SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNTS species, antenomeres 10 and 11 are separated, differing from the fused antenomeres in American Genus Sandalus Knoch, 1801 species. Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropical, eastern Diagnosis: Head elongate-quadrate, weakly Palaearctic, Oriental and Afrotropical regions (25 deflexed, inserted slightly into pronotum, and with species: Katovich 2002). prominent antennal tubercles. Eyes relatively large and visible. Antennae 11-segmented, flabel- Sandalus kani Sakai and Sakai late from segments 3 to 11 in male, serrate to (Figs. 1A, B, 2C, 4A, 5A) pectinate from segments 3 to 9 in female, 2 apical segments fused in females of some species. Sandalus kani Sakai and Sakai 1981: 151; Nakane 1985: 33. Mentum triangular and plate-like; submentum reduced; ligula small, conical, and densely setose; Type series: Holotype ♂ (Fig. 1A, B): palpus 3-segmented, 1st segment much smaller “(Chuohrinodoh) Amami Kagoshima, 1st July, than others, 2nd and 3rd segments subequal in 1980 Hikaru Kan leg. / Holotype Sandalus kani length, apex of apical segment pointed, all seg- Sakai et Sakai 1981 (red)”(EUMJ, examined). ments covered with fine hairs except for apex of Description: Male: Length 10.8 mm, width 4.8 apical segment. Lacinia reduced; galea well mm. Body oblong, about 2.1 times longer than developed, cylindrical, setose or spinose; palpus wide; coloration dark brown, but elytra brown; base 4-segmented, 1st segment small, other segments of elytra and 1st to basal 1/2 of 3rd abdominal seg- cylindrical and with dense hairs except on apex. ments yellowish-brown; head, pronotum, venter, Mandibles large, apices strongly and abruptly and base of elytra clothed with yellowish-brown curved inward, unidentate. Labrum small, bilobed, pubescence, remainder of elytra and last abdomi- fused to head. nal sternite clothed with blackish-brown pubes- Pronotum densely punctate and setose, cence. Pronotum trapezoidal, slightly depressed transverse, basally widened; apical margin round- on each side of middle at rear of anterior margin ed; basal margin smooth or weakly crenulate, and anteriad posterior margin, moderately angular median lobe bidentate; base of pronotum distinctly near hind corner of lateral margin (Fig. 2C); punc- narrower than bases of elytra. Prosternal process tures of 2 sizes: large punctures much fewer and Lee et al. -- Rhipiceridae of Taiwan and Japan 439 larger than small punctures (Fig. 4A). Elytra elon- Female: Similar to male, but larger (16.5 mm); gate, about 1.6 times as long as wide, each with 3 coloration blackish; elytral pubescence yellowish- distinct longitudinal carinae; intervals finely punc- brown; elytral punctures smaller; elytral carinae tured. Genitalia: parameres like those of S. distinct, a number of cross-carinae present on ely- sauteri; apex of ventral lobe recurved like that of S. tra; antennae similar to those of S. segnis. taiwanicus, but recurved area and teeth smaller Diagnosis: This species is similar to S. sauteri (Fig. 5A). but has a greater number of large-sized pronotal (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) Fig. 1. Habitus and labels of Sandalus species. (A) Habitus of the holotype of S. kani; (B) labels of the holotype of S. kani; (C) habitus of the syntype of S. sauteri sauteri; (D) labels of the syntype of S. sauteri sauteri; (E) habitus of the paratype of S. takizawai; (F) labels of the paratype of S. takizawai; (G) habitus of S. segnis; (H) habitus of S. taiwanicus. 440 Zoological Studies 44(4): 437-444 (2005) punctures and differs by the fine elytral punctures. apices; apex of ventral lobe open, ring-like, with Distribution: Japan (Amami-Ôshima I.). lateral, upcurved teeth (Fig. 5B). Female: Similar to male, but larger (20.0 mm); Sandalus sauteri sauteri Emden elytral pubescence yellowish-brown; elytral carinae (Figs. 1C, D, 2B, 3C, 4B, 5B, E) more prominent, elytral punctures tiny; antennal segments 3-11 (Fig 3C) pectinate, progressively Sandalus sauteri Emden 1924: 28; Miwa 1928: 374. longer toward segment 8, then progressively short- Sandalus takizawai Nakane 1985: 35. syn. nov. ened toward apical segment; apical
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    Insects and Other Arthropods of Economic Importance in Indiana During 1970 1 R. W. Meyer and J. V. Osmund Department of Entomology Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Abstract A summary of arthropod activity in major economic crops in Indiana in 1970 is presented together with notes on the presence and/or abundance of arthropods on other crops, ornamentals, shade and fruit trees, records of insects new to the state or not previously recorded, and their present distribution. A general description of climatic conditions which possibly in- fluenced the size of insect populations and the severity of their attacks directly as well as indirectly through their influence on food crops and cultural practices follows. During the winter of 1969-1970, Indiana temperatures averaged 4°F below normal in December, 11 °F below in January, and 3°F below in February and in March, with less than normal precipitation and above normal snowfall. A warming trend beginning in April kept the growing degree days in the northern portion of the state above normal, and in the southern, much above normal until the end of July. Alfalfa, which averaged 2 inches during the last week in March in southern districts, reached 15 inches by mid-April. Ade- quate to more than adequate surface and subsoil moisture, however, delayed field work so that plowing for corn and soybeans was behind until April 20; only 10% of the corn was planted by the eighth of May as against 20% in normal years. Planting was rapid after that and by the 22nd of May reached the normal of 60% complete.
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