PERFUME AND LITERATURE The Persistence of the Ephemeral Daniela Ciani Forza Simone Francescato Editors [LINEA saggistica] This publication was made possible thanks to the contribution by: ISBN 978-88-996442-9-1 Copyright © 2017 – LINEA edizioni First edition March 2017 Translation from the original Italian edition by Christina Cawthra Front cover: © Museo Palazzo Mocenigo - Venezia foto di Andrea Morucchio Project and graphics:: Idvisual – Printing: Idvisual – Padova Published by LINEA edizioni Via San Marco, 193/D-3 35129 Padova (Italy) Tel. + Fax +
[email protected] All rights reserved. None of this book may be photocopied, repro- duced, archived, stored or transmitted in any form or using any kind of electronic, mechanical, photographic or digital means, unless in ac- cordance with the laws covering copyright. Daniela Ciani Forza Simone Francescato Editors PERFUME AND LITERATURE The Persistence of the Ephemeral Cosmetica Italia is proud to present Perfume and Literature. The Persistence of the Ephemeral, a publication that illustrates the extensive, diversified roots of perfume in the universe of literature and world culture. This book is testimony to just what degree smells and the world of fragrances have always played a constant role in so- ciety, at all levels and at various latitudes. It is clear that leading the concept of perfume back to alcoholic compositions is restrictive: per- fume encompasses anything that stimulates the sense of smell, offering