COUNCIL 2021/22

Introduction to Council Tax

Your Council Tax helps to pay for public services in  and includes the following:

• Children’s Social Care Part of your Council Tax also pays for the • Council education functions following services and is collected on and youth services their behalf by Doncaster Council: • Adult Social Care and older people • Public transport, road maintenance • Fire and Rescue and street lighting Authority • Street cleaning, waste • and Crime collection and disposal Commissioner • Leisure centres, libraries, culture and tourism If you live in a parish, your Council Tax • Parks & open spaces also contributes to services provided in • Public health your own area. • Environmental & building services • Supporting business & creating jobs

Further information about these charges can be seen on your bill and in the Council Tax table. BUDGET DONCASTER 2021 How much does it cost to deliver council services to the people of Doncaster every day

Children’s Council education functions Culture, leisure Supporting businesses Social Care and youth services & tourism & creating jobs

£206,000 £146,000 £22,000 £10,000

Road maintenance Public transport Libraries Public health & street lighting

£59,000 £48,000 £8,000 £73,000

Adult Social Care Communities Parks & open Treasury & older people spaces management & pensions

£387,000 £16,000 £6,000 £61,000

Street cleaning, waste Environmental & Council tax, business Corporate services collection & disposal building services rates & benefits

£91,000 £53,000 £17,000 £22,000

Excludes costs funded by Housing Benefit Grant and expenditure incurred by Parish Councils and schools.

But Council Tax gives us £322,000 per day TO T AL - the euivalent of ust over three uarters £1,225,000 needed for Adult Social Care & older people. Your Council Tax bill Appeals against your property band

How much you pay depends on the Contact the Valuation Office within six value of your property on 1 April 1991, months of becoming the taxpayer if you the number of adults living at your think your property band is wrong. The address, and the circumstances of those property band can only be changed adults. The Valuation Office, part of for specific reasons, for example, if you HM Revenues and Customs, values all have bought a property and the Council properties. Properties are placed in one Tax has increased because previous of eight bands from A – up to £40,000 building work has put it into a higher (in 1991) to H - over £320,000 (in 1991). band, or if part of the property has been Bands can increase when a property is demolished. sold if significant building improvements Beware of telephone calls from people have been made. To find Council Tax claiming to be from the Council offering charges and bands, go to: substantial refunds in return for an administration fee because your property is in the wrong band. Never give out your personal information in such situations. Changes in your circumstances

If you move house, or there are any other Appeals regarding discounts, changes in your circumstances which exemptions and the name of may affect the amount of Council Tax you the taxpayer pay, you must let the Council Tax Office know immediately. If your application for a discount, If you receive any reduction in your bill exemption or disabled person’s reduction and you are no longer entitled to it, you has been turned down, or if the bill is in must notify the Council Tax Office within your name or you are not the owner or 21 days. If you do not you may incur a resident of the property and a request penalty. to change the Council Tax records has been refused, you should appeal directly A penalty may also apply if you to the Council Tax Office. Your appeal knowingly provide false information. will be dealt with inside two months. If your appeal is unsuccessful you can then appeal to the Valuation Tribunal. What if I think my Council Tax is You must still pay Council Tax while any wrong? appeal is outstanding. If you think a mistake has been made, To tell us you’ve moved or to make an first contact the Council Tax Office and appeal, go to: provide the information needed for it to be rectified; a formal appeal may not be necessary. Completion notice appeals

Appeals should be made direct to the Valuation Tribunal, however before making an appeal you should contact the Council Tax Office regarding the date given. If there are significant reasons why the date cannot be met, it may be renegotiated in certain circumstances without needing to make a formal appeal. To dispute a completion date, go to: South Yorkshire Valuation Office 03000 501501 [email protected] If you think your Rateable Value is wrong Valuation Tribunal Contact the South Yorkshire Valuation Office (Business Rates only). 0300 123 2035 [email protected]


Don’t forget your furniture, your pets… or your right to vote! If you’ve just moved house, you will need to register to vote again. It’s incredibly important that you do, otherwise you may not be able to vote. Now that you’ve installed your fridge and updated your Council Tax, take a few minutes to update the Electoral Register at your new address to make sure you don’t miss out. Then you can get back to unpacking all those boxes. Update your details by visiting: It only takes three minutes. Make sure you include your previous address when completing the online form so you can be removed from the register at your old address. Budget information

Council Tax Increases and Referendum limits

Doncaster Council has increased its Council Tax by 2.9% for 2021/22. The increase is made up of 2 elements, a core Council Tax increase of 1.4% as set out in the 2021/22 Revenue Budget Report and The Adult Social Care Precept of 1.5%. The Adult Social Care Precept is further explained below. The percentage increases shown on Council Tax bills must be shown to one decimal place.

Joint Authorities

The South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority has set an increase of 1.99%. Any increase of 2% or over in 2021/22 in The Fire and Rescue Authority precept would trigger a local referendum. The South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner has set an increase of 7.57%. Further information can be found online at: and at: by searching under budget.

Adult Social Care Precept

The Secretary of State made an offer to adult social care authorities. (“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in , councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.) The offer was the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional “precept” on its council tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting its expenditure on adult social care from the fnancial year 2016-17. It was originally made in respect of the fnancial years up to and including 2019-20. If the Secretary of State chooses to renew this offer in respect of a particular fnancial year, this is subject to the approval of the House of Commons. Where the money goes (£m) 2021/22

1 Adults, Health and ellbeing £14.7 2 Corporate Resources £41.2

Council ide £20.2 1 Learning and Opportunities £123.5 inc. Childrens Services Trust Economy & Environment £97.3 Housing Benefits £56.5 Total £503.4

Excludes expenditure incurred by Parish Councils and Schools 2

here the money comes from m

Source of funding 2021/2022 2020/21

1 Council Tax requirement for Council services £119. £11.2 2 Collection Fund Surplus -£2.1 £0.9 Revenue Support Grant & Top Up Grant £55.3 £55.2

Retained Business Rates £2. £49.5 Other Government Grants inc. Housing Benefits £17.3 £14.1 Other Income & Customer and Client Contributions £112.3 £110.5 Use of Reserves £24.3 -£.3

2021/22 0. Total 2020/21 0.1 Total

1 1

2 2

Retained Business Rates are much lower in 2021/22 due to recovering the deficit from 2020/21 caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of Reserves includes £19m of Government funding received in 2020/21 carried forward into 2021/22 to offset the recovery of the Retained Business Rates deficit. Spending plans 2020/21 - 2021/22

2020/21 2021/22

Gross Gross Net Gross Gross Net Expenditure Income Expenditure Expenditure Income Expenditure (£000) (£000) (£000) (£000) (£000) (£000)

477,702 110,469 367,233 Council Services 491,382 112,490 378,892

12,257 12,257 SY Integrated Transport Authority 12,034 12,034

132 132 Environment Agency 132 132

490,091 110,469 379,622 TOTAL 503,548 112,490 391,058

728 205 523 Thorne - Moorends Town Council 606 94 512

395 163 232 Armthorpe 349 113 236

274 74 200 Hatfield Town Council 291 89 202

201 0 201 Rossington 201 0 201

207 20 187 Sprotbrough & Cusworth 229 42 187

250 78 172 Stainforth 279 107 172

208 70 138 232 67 165

Excludes expenditure incurred by Parish Councils and Schools

The impact of Gross Expenditure on Council Tax (£000)

Decrease in Gross Expenditure for Council Services 13,680

Decrease in Gross Expenditure for Levying Bodies -223

Total Increase in Gross Expenditure 13,457

Represented by

Increase in Grant Funding & Other Income -14,948

Decrease in Council Tax Requirement 1,491

Total Increase in Gross Income -13,457

Per band D Property the change equals 40.75

• Gross Expenditure is spending incurred by the Council prior to any income being taken into account. • Levying Bodies charge the Council for the provision of services and these include the provision of public transport by the South Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority. BUDGET DONCASTER 2021 How we spend your Band A Council Tax. Please remember that Council Tax only funds 23 of our costs

Children’s Council education functions Culture, leisure Supporting businesses Social Care and youth services & tourism & creating jobs

£163 £115 £17 £8

Road maintenance Public transport Libraries Public health & street lighting

£47 £37 £6 £57

Adult Social Care Communities Parks & open Treasury & older people spaces management & pensions

£305 £12 £4 £48

Street cleaning, waste Environmental & Council tax, business Corporate services collection & disposal building services rates & benefits

£72 £42 £14 £17

* E

**Based on a Band A property for 2021/22. TOTAL The total figure does not include the money ** £964.07 you pay to support the Police and Fire Services. BUDGET DONCASTER 2021 BUDGET DONCASTER 2021 How is your council funded How we spend your Band A Council Tax. Please remember that Council Tax only funds 23 of our costs

Children’s Council education functions Culture, leisure Supporting businesses Social Care and youth services & tourism & creating jobs Retained Business Rates Government Other Council Funding Income Tax £27m 5 £222m £112m £118m 44 23 23 Use of £163 £115 £17 £8 Reserves £24m Road maintenance Public transport Libraries Public health TOTAL INCOME £504m (100) 5 & street lighting

*Excludes expenditure incurred by Parish Councils and Schools ** Other income includes Customer and Client Contributions and funding from the NHS and other external organisations ***Retained Business Rates are much lower in 2021/22 due to recovering the deficit from 2020/21 caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. ****The use of Reserves includes £19m of Government funding received in 2020/21 £47 £37 £6 £57 carried forward into 2021/22 to offset the recovery of the Retained Business Rates deficit.

Adult Social Care Communities Parks & open Treasury Ways to reduce your bill Discounts & older people spaces management & Single Occupier Discount pensions Local Council Tax Reduction If you are the only adult living in your property If you are on a low income, you you could get a 25% discount. may be entitled to Local Council Tax Reduction. Local Council This depends on who uses your property as £305 £12 £4 £48 Tax Reduction is based on your their main address even if they don’t spend all income, savings and other capital of their time there. For example partners who you have, and who lives with have moved away for employment reasons Street cleaning, waste Environmental & Council tax, business Corporate services you. If you think your Council Tax only, may still be classed as having their main collection & disposal building services rates & benefits Reduction is wrong you should home in Doncaster. If you suspect that someone contact Benefits in the first is claiming a discount and they shouldn’t be you instance. A formal right of can contact the Council in confidence. appeal exists direct to the Single occupier discount review Valuation Tribunal. Doncaster households are being urged to tell £72 £42 £14 £17 For further information the Council if they are claiming Council Tax and to make a claim on line, discounts they are not entitled to. The Council visit carries out a 12 month rolling review of single * E counciltaxreduction occupier discounts in a bid to ensure only those entitled receive a discount. The review will be **Based on a Band A property for 2021/22. done by comparing Council Tax information TOTAL The total figure does not include the money with other databases to identify those cases ** £964.07 you pay to support the Police and Fire Services. where more than one adult is living at an Other Discounts address and a discount is still being claimed. Some adults don’t count for Council Households can contact Revenues by: Tax purposes even though they live at the address – some examples are full • Using an online form at: time students, people in residential care, and some carers. • Email: [email protected] A 25% discount can be given if only one • Visiting the Council offices at: adult at an address counts. In certain Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU. circumstances a 50% discount can be given if no adults count. Please make sure you return your review letter as failure to do so will result in your You may also be entitled to a 50% discount being cancelled. discount if you have an annexe to your main home which has been separately banded for Council Tax, but which is either used by you or certain members of your family as their main home.

Exemptions Do you care for, live with or In certain circumstances and for a set know somebody living with period of time, you may not have to pay Council Tax at all. For example if the Alzheimer’s or Dementia? property is only occupied by people that are suffering from a mental impairment such as Alzheimer’s or Depending on the household Dementia. circumstances a COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNT might apply. Disabilities If a disabled person lives in your The level of discount that property (adult or child), they use a can be awarded can range wheelchair indoors, or the property from 25% through to a 100% has been adapted in a specific way, exemption depending on the e.g. if a room has been taken out of individual circumstances. household use for the disabled person, then a reduction equivalent to moving Find out more at: into a lower property band may be given. or call 01302 734454. You need to make an application for all of the above. If you need further information or a full list of all discount If you struggle to get online visit or exemption groups please visit: your local library or the Civic Office, Waterdale for help and support. Ways to Pay In addition, Citizens Advice also offers free advice at: Customers have a huge range of choice in how to pay. All options can be seen with your Council Tax bill. Direct Debit is the What if I don’t pay? Council’s preferred payment option as it Doncaster Council will always work with is cheaper to administer. The easiest way those people who are facing financial to set up a Direct Debit is using our on line difficulty, however those that refuse to form. Please go to: pay will be pursued vigorously. Please be aware that if you don’t pay in line with the bill you have been sent, the following will for other options go to: occur: 1. A reminder will be sent asking you to Please note if you have arrears including bring your account up to date court costs you will need to contact us. 2. If you do not pay as instructed a Summons will be sent to you. This Are you having difficulty paying? will add £48.00 costs to your account

Doncaster Council has a legal obligation to 3. A Liability Order would then be ensure payments are paid on time, it also obtained which allows Doncaster recognises however, that many taxpayers Council to take further action to recover are facing difficulty in the current the unpaid amount. This will also add economic climate. Council Tax is a priority £26.00 costs to your account debt. Follow the advice below if you are 4. Further action can include the use facing difficulty this year: of an Enforcement Agent who can 1. Seek advice on claiming all available remove goods from your property, an discounts and benefit attachment of earnings and certain benefits, a charging order, bankruptcy 2. Get advice early, don’t wait for a and ultimately committal to prison in reminder or summons certain circumstances 3. Spread the cost over 12 months, 5. If it becomes necessary to pass your April to March account to an Enforcement Agent for 4. Ask about special payment further action, the following costs arrangements would be added to your account. It is therefore in your interests to make 5. When asked, provide information about contact as early as possible: your income, household expenditure and employment 6. Renegotiate instalments on arrears to keep your current year up to date 7. Seek Free, Impartial Debt Advice from National Debt Line. Go to: or call Freephone on 0808 808 4000. • Notice of Enforcement (instruction to Long Term Empty Premium. take action) £75.00 per Liability Order Prior to 01/04/20, if a property was empty • First visit by an Enforcement Agent – for more than 2 years, a premium of 50% fixed fee of £235.00 plus 7.5% of any applied resulting in a charge of 150%. balance owed over £1,500.00 • Sale and removal of goods - fixed fee of From 01/04/20, the premium charged on £110.00 plus 7.5% of any balance owed long term empty properties increased in over £1,500.00 plus reasonable storage line with new legislation as follows: and auctioneers fees. These examples assume a standard Council Tax charge of £1,000.00. The level of premium applied depends on the length Refusing to pay? of time the property has remained empty. The billing and collection of Council Empty for 2 to 5 years. 100% premium Tax is covered by legislation set by the = 200% Charge = £2,000.00. Government. Any avoidance tactics used to avoid payment of Council Tax will be Empty for 5+ years. 200% premium tackled by Doncaster Council and will have = 300% Charge = £3,000.00. repercussions for the individual concerned. From 01/04/21, the premium charged on Ultimately you can be sent to prison for properties empty for more than 10 years is; refusing or knowingly avoiding payment and Doncaster Council will not hesitate Empty for 10+ years. 300% premium to use such powers where it is absolutely =400% charge = £4,000.00 necessary. Providing false information Unoccupied and substantially furnished to avoid Council Tax registration and properties are charged 100% from day 1, payment will also be dealt with seriously but do not attract a premium. and action to prosecute individuals concerned will be taken. For details of other exemptions please visit

Empty Properties Information for Landlords and Managing Agents Charges 2021/22 If you let your property it is important that Unless covered by an exemption all empty you tell the Council Tax Office straight and unfurnished property attract a full away, providing the names of the tenants 100% charge from day 1. and their previous addresses. If information is received late and incomplete, then the owner of the property may be charged 100% Council Tax for the period the property was occupied, unless substantial evidence can be provided which confirms the existence of the occupiers. In such cases the production of a tenancy Revenues data, which includes Council agreement which covers a period in the Tax and Business Rates information, may past might not be enough and further also be provided to, and used for checks information may be needed. with other Council departments where it is needed by them to carry out their If the property is let to several individuals functions. the owner may still be responsible for Council Tax even if all people are shown as For example, data can be used to help joint tenants on the agreement. identify properties that have been empty for a while to encourage owners to bring Where the situation is unclear further them back into use and schools may also checks will be used, for example, benefit check Council Tax records where there are records to ensure occupancy of a property enquiries relating to pupil admissions. is consistent with Council Tax information. Contact may also be made with the Customer names and contact addresses occupants. There is now an online form are also being held by Doncaster Council specifically for landlords to tell the Council for the introduction of a single customer that there has been a change in tenancy, account. This will benefit residents in the please go to: future by reducing the number of times a customer needs to notify the Council of a and change. click on ‘tell us a tenant has moved’. Revenues data may also be shared with other organisations where the General Sharing your information Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and The Data Protection Act 2018 allows this to This Authority is under a duty to protect happen. the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information that you For example, information may be shared provide for the prevention and detection with the Police, or HM Revenues and of fraud. Customs if it is needed to prevent or detect a criminal offence, or carry out a It may also share your information with prosecution or to assess or collect any tax other bodies responsible for auditing or duty. or administering public funds for these purposes. This will involve regular data Doncaster Council will also use Credit matching exercises. Reference Agencies to carry out data matching to identify potential fraud. Data matching is where information held on one computer system is compared electronically with information from one or more other computer systems, for example, we will compare the information from Council Tax and The Electoral Register to identify fraud or error. Doncaster Council’s pay policy statement

The Council is required under section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011 to prepare an annual Pay Policy Statement. The statement must clearly detail the Council’s policy for the pay of the workforce, particularly senior staff and lowest paid employees. The statement is available on the Council’s website. This year, the ratio between the highest and lowest paid staff has remained at 9.46:1. This means the highest salary is 9.46 times more than the lowest salary. The ratio between the highest salary and average salary has reduced from 6.30:1 to 6.20:1. This means the highest salary is now 6.20 more than the average salary. The Council remains committed to reduce the pay difference and increase low pay.

Contact information

Council Tax Web: Information can be Email: [email protected] made available in other formats such Local Council Tax Reduction as Braille or audio Web: tape on request. If Email: [email protected] you know someone To make a payment who may need this Automated Payment Line service, please 0333 2000 324 contact a member of staff for more Customer Services information or if Web: you need any other Email: [email protected] help or advice. Don’t wait in line... Get online

A full range of online services is now If you have a claim for Local Council available for Council Tax, allowing you Tax Reduction you can now access to contact us without having to pick up a information about your claim by creating telephone. Go to: a MyDoncaster account. This will allow counciltax where you can now do all of the you to do the following online: following online. In some instances you will • Claim Discretionary Housing Payments be asked to create a My Doncaster Account, if you have not already. • Claim a Mobility Travel Pass • View your Council Tax Account – to see • Request an Appointee for Council Tax what you have been charged and from Reduction when, any discounts or reductions that • Request a backdate for Council Tax you are receiving, what and when you are Reduction expected to pay, and a list of the payments • Provide your bank details to receive that you have made. If you have a question Council Tax Reduction about your Council Tax bill your online account may provide the answer for you • Report a change in your circumstances • Sign up for E-Billing • Request payments are made direct to your landlord • Make a payment • Provide self-employed earnings • Apply to pay by Direct Debit - if you would information (SE1) like to pay arrears including court costs by Direct Debit you will need to contact us on • Provide student information (ST1) 01302 734454 • Provide a breakdown of your income • Change your payment method or date and expenditure - to support a request to reduce the recovery rate or an • Tell us you have moved address - please Contact information overpayment have as much information as possible Council Tax before completing the form including • View the electronic information you dates, addresses and details of any new have provided Web: occupiers, purchasers or vendors Email: [email protected] • View your entitlement • Tell us a tenant has moved • View award letters we have sent to you • Respond to The Single Occupier Discount Local Council Tax Reduction Creating a MyDoncaster account is quick Review Web: and easy and will give you access to all of Email: [email protected] • Report a missing payment the above services. • Find Council Tax bands and charges To create your account, simply go to: To make a payment Automated Payment Line • Request a copy of your bill • Make a Council Tax Appeal 0333 2000 324 • Add ‘MyCounciltax’ and ‘MyBenefits’ • Dispute a Completion Notice services to your account Customer Services • Submit income and expenditure details in • You will need your Council Tax account Web: support of a payment arrangement number and property reference (which Email: [email protected] • Apply for Local Council Tax Reduction if can be found on your bill) to register you are on a low income for ‘MyCounciltax’, or your Benefit Reference number to register for ‘MyBenefits’ Part of the Council’s Area Parish Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H Precepts £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ DONCASTER 1156.81 1349.61 1542.41 1735.21 2120.81 2506.41 2892.02 3470.42 (except where specified below) Adwick on Dearne 4750.00 1184.84 1382.31 1579.78 1777.25 2172.19 2567.13 2962.09 3554.50 Armthorpe 236344.00 1198.14 1397.83 1597.52 1797. 21 2196.59 2595.97 2995.35 3594.42 104534.00 1207.16 1408.36 1609.55 1810.74 2213.12 2615.51 3017.90 3621.48 Auckley 40000.00 1173.88 1369.53 1565.17 1760.82 2152.11 2543.40 2934.70 3521.64 Austerfield 8998.00 1185.10 1382.62 1580.13 1777.65 2172.68 2567. 7 1 2962.75 3555.30 Barnburgh and Harlington 30274.00 1188.20 1386.23 1584.26 1782.29 2178.35 2574.41 2970.49 3564.58 Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall 89760.00 1179.10 1375.61 1572.13 1768.64 2161.67 2554.70 2947. 74 3537. 28 65000.00 1188.79 1386.92 1585.05 1783.18 2179.44 2575.70 2971.97 3566.36 Blaxton 24130.00 1192.16 1390.86 1589.55 1788.24 2185.62 2583.01 2980.40 3576.48 Braithwell with Micklebring 8023.00 1168.88 1363.70 1558.51 1753.32 2142.94 2532.57 2922.20 3506.64 Brodsworth 42000.00 1194.54 1393.63 1592.72 1791.81 2189.99 2588.17 2986.35 3583.62 Burghwallis 5500.00 1182.10 1379.11 1576.13 1773.14 2167.17 2561.20 2955.24 3546.28 Cantley with Branton 41800.00 1175.58 1371.50 1567.4 3 1763.36 2155.22 2547.07 2938.94 3526.72 Clayton with Frickley 5250.00 1194.44 1393.52 1592.59 1791.66 2189.80 2587.95 2986.10 3583.32 Parks 4550.00 1181.27 1378.15 1575.02 1771.90 2165.65 2559.41 2953.17 3543.80 Denaby 2100.00 1167.50 1362.08 1556.66 1751.24 2140.40 2529.56 2918.74 3502.48 Edenthorpe 43500.00 1176.46 1372.53 1568.61 1764.68 2156.83 2548.98 2941.14 3529.36 Edlington 164437.00 1214.18 1416.54 1618.90 1821.26 2225.98 2630.70 3035.44 3642.52 Finningley 26150.00 1181.33 1378.22 1575.10 1771.99 2165.76 2559.54 2953.32 3543.98 Fishlake 31687.00 1250.28 1458.66 1667.04 1875.42 2292.18 2708.94 3125.70 3750.84 Hampole and Skelbrooke 802.00 1163.18 1357.04 1550.90 1744.76 2132.48 2520.20 2907.94 3489.52 Hatfield 202124.00 1189.05 1387. 2 2 1585.40 1783.57 2179.92 2576.26 2972.62 3567.14 Hickleton 6600.00 1195.75 1395.04 1594.33 1793.62 2192.20 2590.78 2989.37 3587. 24 High Melton 3600.00 1173.36 1368.92 1564.48 1760.04 2151.16 2542.28 2933.40 3520.08 Hooton Pagnell 4849.00 1191.20 1389.74 1588.27 1786.80 2183.86 2580.93 2978.00 3573.60 Loversall 1372.00 1173.14 1368.67 1564.19 1759.71 2150.75 2541.80 2932.85 3519.42 Moss and District 6250.00 1169.75 1364.71 1559.66 1754.62 2144.53 2534.45 2924.37 3509.24 Norton 56950.00 1184.91 1382.39 1579.88 1777.36 2172.33 2567. 29 2962.27 3554.72 Owston 1400.00 1171.40 1366.63 1561.86 1757.09 2147.55 2538.01 2928.49 3514.18 Rossington 201000.00 1194.05 1393.06 1592.06 1791.07 2189.08 2587.10 2985.12 3582.14 Sprotbrough and Cusworth 186507.00 1189.28 1387.49 1585.70 1783.91 2180.33 2576.75 2973.19 3567.82 Stainforth 172141.00 1249.74 1458.02 1666.31 1874.60 2291.18 2 707. 75 3124.34 3749.20 Stainton 4200.00 1180.95 1377.77 1574.60 1771.42 2165.07 2558.71 2952.37 3542.84 Sykehouse 7500.00 1182.99 1380.15 157 7.32 1774.48 2168.81 2563.13 2957.47 3548.96 Thorne - Moorends 511850.00 1236.16 1442.19 1648.21 1854.24 2266.29 2678.34 3090.40 3708.48 Thorpe in 1500.00 1169.97 1364.96 1559.96 1754.95 2144.94 2534.92 2924.92 3509.90 84250.00 1184.10 1381.45 1578.80 1776.15 2170.85 2565.55 2960.25 3552.30 Wadworth 20000.00 1191.53 1390.12 1588.70 1787.29 2184.46 2581.64 2978.82 3574.58 Warmsworth 49500.00 1186.20 1383.89 1581.59 1779.29 2174.69 2570.08 2965.49 3558.58