Mammoth Mountain Ski & Snowboard Team
MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN SKI & SNOWBOARD TEAM Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement Please Print Athlete’s First and Last Name(s): Age: First and Last Name(s): Age: I acknowledge that my child(ren)’s participation in the Mammoth Mountain Ski and Snowboard Team (the “MMSST”) will include a number of activities, both recreational and instructive, that can be HAZARDOUS, including activities both on snow and off snow. These activities are too numerous to list, but include, without limitation, the non-exhaustive list of examples of on-snow and off-snow activities listed below or on the reverse of this page (collectively, the “Sports and Activities”). I have made an informed and voluntary choice for my child(ren) to participate in the Sports and Activities despite the risks presented. In consideration for my child(ren) being permitted to join the MMSST or participate in any program it conducts, I agree on behalf of my child(ren)and on my own behalf to ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, which might be associated with, connected to, or resulting from his/her participation in the Sports and Activities at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, June Mountain Ski Area, or any other place where racing, instruction, Sports and Activities, or related activities may occur. I understand this release is intended to cover all recreational, instructional, and related activities in which my child(ren)may participate as a member of MMSST. I understand that participation in the Sports and Activities involves on-snow risks which are too numerous to spell out, but include, without limitation, variations in terrain and snow conditions, surface and subsurface snow conditions, bare spots, bumps, forest growth, erosion control devices, rocks, cliffs, avalanches and all other slope hazards and obstacles.
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