Serving our communities since 1889 — $1 Weekend Edition Saturday, March 4, 2017 Familiar Foes at State Napavine Gets the Best of Toledo / Sports 1 Hunter’s Case Dropped $1.2M in Storm Damage Salkum Man Wants Elk’s Antlers Back After Lewis County Officials Tally the Cost of a String Judge Dismisses Charges Against Him / Main 7 of Winter Storms on Infrastructure / Main 6 Former Sheriff Plans to ‘Reset’ Struggling 911 Center CHANGES: Commissioners Lewis County’s 911 Commu- “There’s been an awful lot of nications Center, the Board of upheaval in the last year, year Put 911 Communications Lewis County Commissioners and a half,” he said. “We want- Center in Control of announced Thursday a reor- ed to bring it back to the center “I think we should do more for their ganization of the department’s again.” pay. I think we should do more for Emergency Management management in a last-minute The commissioners planned Department press conference that followed to announce their intention to their work environment ...” The Chronicle’s inquiry into the place the 911 dispatch center By Natalie Johnson changes. under the wing of Lewis County The board’s No. 1 goal in the Steve Mansfield
[email protected] Emergency Management Di- emergency management director discussing endeavor is to stabilize the 911 rector Steve Mansfield at their what should be done for 911 dispatchers After more than a year of center, Commissioner Bobby turmoil and turnover at the Jackson said. please see CENTER, page Main 16 Lewis County PUD and Mossyrock Dam Meeting Packed Centralia With Citizens and Local Leaders City Light Tacoma Power Rep Says Dam Failure Unlikely, Mitigation Necessary Both Likely to Increase Rates in April COMING SOON : Infrastructure Improvements, Maintenance and Increasing Power Rates Have Prompted the Two Agencies to Increase Rates By Aaron Kunkler
[email protected] Electrical rates for residents across Lewis County are likely to rise this spring as both the Lewis County Public Utility District and Centralia City Light eye increases.