2015 Compilation of Internship Reports Iii Solubility of Perfl Uorocarbons Under Geothermal Conditions

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2015 Compilation of Internship Reports Iii Solubility of Perfl Uorocarbons Under Geothermal Conditions BNL-108447-2015 A Compilation of Internship Reports 2015 Prepared for The Offi ce of Educational Programs Brookhaven National Laboratory Offi ce of Educational Programs Offi ce of Educational Programs, 2012 Compilation of Internship Reports 1 DISCLAIMER This work was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors or their employees, makes any warranty, ex- press or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party’s use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or rep- resents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specifi c commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily con- stitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or refl ect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Table of Contents Automatically detecting typical failure signatures to improve Sun-photometer data quality . 7 Brooke Adams Examining the water gas shift reaction using Pt-CeOx-TiO2 powder catalysts . 11 Balal Aslam Harmonic fl ow in heavy ion collisions: a search for phase transition and v2 correlations . 16 Mamoudou Ba Erin O’Brien Wind farm: feasibility and environmental impacts . 20 Matthew Bernard Acoustic click to mount: using sound pulses to solve the crystal harvesting bottleneck for high throughput screening applications . 25 Mary T. Bollard, Liam McCarthy, Alexander Scalia, et al. Ionizing Radiation and its Effect on the DNA of the Human Body . 33 Nicholas Bonura Simulating beamline confi gurations for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment . 36 Brendon Bullard Design and analysis of the inner hadronic calorimeter installation fi xture for the sPHENIX Project at RHIC . 41 Daniel Cacace Modeling a coating system for photocathodes for Low Energy Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider electron Cooling. 47 Patrick Carroll Using anomaly detection to facilitate intelligence gathering for satellite imagery . 50 Daniel Cisek Replacement cost estimates for overduty electrical panels at the Brookhaven National Laboratory . 55 William Clark Foundation for the processes involved in conducting an energy audit of building 902 . 59 Keith Combs Developing a watchdog program to oversee environmental sensors at the Northeast Solar Energy Research Center . 61 Lee R. Combs Maintaining micro climates during nano-liter chemical dispensations using custom designed source plate lids . 67 Ashley M. Drozd, Bryan J. Foley, Mary T. Bollard, et al. Offi ce of Educational Programs, 2015 Compilation of Internship Reports iii Solubility of perfl uorocarbons under geothermal conditions . 71 Yassien Fadul and Juan Sosa Characterizing reconstructions in different Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers . 73 Samantha Fortuna The effi ciency of 4-poster tick management stations on three tick species populations within Brookhaven National Laboratory . 78 Tayelor Gosselin The shallow-to-deep transition in convective clouds during the Green Ocean Amazon 2014/5 campaign . 83 Cari Gostic Automated testing of nuclear data using zero- power nuclear reactors . 86 Mecheal Greene Optimization of a fast camera with a twenty-nanosecond resolution . 90 Jon Gustafson Drell-Yan studies and simulations at 500 GeV for pp collisions. 95 Samuel George Heppelmann A study of the performance of non-volatile dual in-line memory . .100 Shawn Hoose Understanding the polarization switching exhibited by Moth-Eye Nanostructures . .102 Alexander S. Kaiser Thick CCD sensor characterization using interferometry techniques . .105 Alexander Karlis Atomic scale investigations of model TiO2(110) catalysts . .108 Alexander Kramer Developing and optimizing the assembly process to manufacture an electromagnetic caloriometer module for sPHENIX . 111 Spencer Laddy-Locks Simulating electron showers in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment far detector . 114 Jacob Larkin Effects of laser exposure on the niobium tin surface . 117 Zachary Lebens-Higgins Raft optimization and readout test stand design of the raft electronics board for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope . .122 Jessica Li Adding diagnostics to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider’s main magnet power supply phase-loop lock and silicon controlled rectifi er-fi ring board. .125 Raul Martinez Development and commissioning of tools for measurements and online calculation of electron beam lifetime in the National Synchrotron Light Source - II storage ring . .130 Jessica Mele iv Offi ce of Educational Programs, 2015 Compilation of Internship Reports Identifi cation and location of mutated Arabidopsis genes through map-based cloning . .134 Kristina Michta Construction and analysis of reduced graphene oxide/ ruthenium oxide supercapacitors electrodes using electrophoretic deposition . .139 Dakoda W. Mullinax and Z. Amir Targeting lipid abundant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. .142 Kimberly Okoli Visualization of the RHIC Computing Facility . .145 Do Om Development of scientifi c control and computing capabilities at the Inelastic X-ray Scattering beamline, National Synchrotron Light Source II . .147 John Oto Creation of high charge state lithium and calcium ion beams using laser ablation . .151 Kevin Palm An analysis of understory plant diversity in the Long Island Central Pine Barrens. .154 Ari Rice Investigating vortex dynamics in trilayer structures of ferromagnetic materials separated by a nonmagnetic spacer layer . .163 Angelika Rothberg The use of EMPIRE to simulate the neutron induced reactions on 86Kr . .170 Elizabeth Rubino Impacts of white-tailed deer on forest health in the Pine Barrens on Long Island . .177 Taylor Ruhle and Lauren Gazerwitz Determining meteorological system accuracy using a root sum of squares analysis . .181 Megan Safranek Designing the booster to Alternating Gradient Synchrotron injection lines for the electric dipole moment experiment . .186 Michael Severance What does the future hold for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty? . .189 Laura Shanklin Preliminary tasks for charge coupled device quantum effi ciency measurements . .194 Thomas Smith Replacement of the Nd:YAG Chiller . .199 Derek Squires Proton beam production using titanium hydride by means of a laser ion source . .203 Cayla Stifl er Investigating the feasibility of instrument comparison as a means for analyzing data on aerosol concentrations. .206 Ariel Stolz Offi ce of Educational Programs, 2015 Compilation of Internship Reports v Reduction of photon scattering on the X-ray Powder Diffraction beamline’s detector through radiation simulation . 211 Dennis Tao Effects of deer overabundance on bird populations in the Long Island Central Pine Barrens 214 Raffaele Vesia Self-assembly of magnetite block copolymer nanocomposites . .220 Adam Vianna Single bunch emittance measurements via edge radiation . .225 Linnea Zavala Mechanical metrology testing for the Frontier Macromolecular Crystallography (FMX) Beamline and the Highly Automated Macromolecular Crystallography (AMX) Beamline at NSLS-II . .229 Lauren Zipper Application containers as an alternative to virtualization. .233 Joseph Zuhusky vi Offi ce of Educational Programs, 2015 Compilation of Internship Reports Automatically detecting typical failure signatures to improve Sun-photometer data quality Brooke Adams Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901 Laurie Gregory and Richard Wagener Environmental Department, Brookhaven National aboratory, Upton, NY 11973 Abstract cally, and areas near a facility that lets off a lot of smoke can ex- Cimel Sun-photometers collect data used to calculate the perience an overall cooling over time because it consistently gets aerosol optical thickness (AOT), which tells how much light less light than surrounding areas. Uneven cooling across the globe is being refl ected by particles in the air and is important for will affect future climate change, but no one is sure how, therefore climate change research. Due to the way the AOT data is nor- instruments such as the Cimel Sun-photometers have been put all malized, a cosine curve will appear in the data when some- over the world to take measurements and monitor various aspects thing is obstructing the photometer’s tubes. Using Interactive of the atmosphere, including aerosols.1,2 Data Language (IDL), the AOT data was fi t with a multi- One calculation made from the Sun-photometer data is the ple-linear regression to determine if a cosine curve was pres- aerosol optical thickness (AOT). The AOT reveals from the scat- ent. The resulting coeffi cients were plotted and a histogram tered light how thickly the aerosols have collected in a region of made to see if they can be used to fl ag problems automatically. the atmosphere, where a higher AOT corresponds to the atmo- The histogram showed the cosine coeffi cients shifting away sphere being more opaque. The instruments are placed in optimal from zero, even though it wasn’t noticeable by eye, thereby locations around the world. A problem that commonly occurs with successfully detecting a subtle change in transmission in one the Sun-photometers, however, is when an obstruction is present of the
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