
Generating Messages from Diffs

Sven van Hal Mathieu Post Kasper Wendel Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT be exploited by machine learning. The hypothesis is that methods Commit messages aid developers in their understanding of a con- based on machine learning, given enough training data, are able tinuously evolving . However, developers not always doc- to extract more contextual information and latent factors about ument code changes properly. Automatically generating commit the why of a change. Furthermore, Allamanis et al. [1] state that messages would relieve this burden on developers. is “a form of human communication [and] has similar Recently, a number of different works have demonstrated the statistical properties to natural language corpora”. Following the feasibility of using methods from neural machine translation to success of (deep) machine learning in the field of natural language generate commit messages. This work aims to reproduce a promi- processing, neural networks seem promising for automated commit nent research paper in this field, as well as attempt to improve upon message generation as well. their results by proposing a novel preprocessing technique. Jiang et al. [12] have demonstrated that generating commit mes- A reproduction of the reference neural machine translation sages with neural networks is feasible. This work aims to reproduce model was able to achieve slightly better results on the same dataset. the results from [12] on the same and a different dataset. Addition- When applying more rigorous preprocessing, however, the per- ally, efforts are made to improve upon these results by applying a formance dropped significantly. This demonstrates the inherent different data processing technique. More specific, the following shortcoming of current commit message generation models, which research questions will be answered: perform well by memorizing certain constructs. RQ1: Can the results from Jiang et al. [12] be reproduced? Future research directions might include improving embed- RQ2: Does a more rigorous dataset processing technique im- dings and focusing on specific groups of commits. prove the results of the neural model? This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, background KEYWORDS information about deep neural networks and neural machine trans- Commit Message Generation, Software Engineering, Sequence-to- lation is covered. In Section 3, the state-of-the-art in commit mes- Sequence, Neural Machine Translation sage generation from source code changes is reviewed. Section 4 describes the implementation of the neural model. Section 5 covers 1 INTRODUCTION preprocessing techniques and analyzes the resulting dataset char- acteristics. Section 6 presents the evaluation results and Section 7 is a continuous process: developers incre- discusses the performance and limitations. Section 8 summarizes mentally add, change or remove code and store software revisions the findings and points to promising future research directions. in a System (VCS). Each (or: diff ) is provided with a commit message, which is a short, human-readable 2 BACKGROUND summary of the what and why of the change [6]. Commit messages document the development process and aid 2.1 Neural Machine Translation developers in their understanding of the state of the software and A recent development in deep learning is sequence-to-sequence its evolution over time. However, developers do not always prop- learning for Neural Machine Translation [7, 25]. Translation can erly document code changes or write commit messages of low be seen as a probabilistic process, where the goal is to find a target quality [9]. This applies to code documentation in general and sentence y = (y1,...,yn) from a source sequence x = (x1,..., xm) negatively impacts developer performance [22]. Automatically gen- that maximizes the conditional probability of y given the source arXiv:1911.11690v1 [cs.SE] 26 Nov 2019 erating high-quality commit messages from diffs would relieve the sentence x, mathematically depicted as arg maxy p(y|x) [4]. But this burden of writing commit messages off developers, and improve conditional distribution is of course not given and has to be learned the documentation of the codebase. by a model from the supplied data. Sutskever et al. [25] and Cho As demonstrated by Buse and Weimer [6], Cortes-Coy et al. [8] et al. [7] both have proposed a structure to learn this distribution: and Shen et al. [24], predefined rules and text templates can be used a model that consists of a encoder and decoder component that are to generate commit messages that are largely preferred to developer- trained simultaneously. The encoder component tries to encode written messages in terms of descriptiveness. However, the main the variable length input sequence x to a fixed length hidden state drawbacks of these methods are that 1) only the what of a change vector. This hidden state is then supplied to the decoder component is described, 2) the generated messages are too comprehensive to that tries to decode it into the variable length target sequence y. replace short commit messages, and 3) these methods do neither A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is used in this to sequentially scale nor generalize on unseen constructions, because of the use of read the variable length sequence and produces a fixed size vector. hand-crafted templates and rules. Over the years, different architectural changes of encoder and According to a recent study by Jiang and McMillan [13], code decoder components were proposed. Sutskever et al. [25] introduces changes and commit messages exhibit distinct patterns that can multi-layered RNN with Long-Short-Term memory units (LSTM), where both the encoder and decoder consist of multiple layers (4 number of issues with BLEU, such as the fact that sentences have to in their research). Each layer in the encoder produces a fixed size be identical to get the highest score and that a higher BLEU score hidden state that is passed onto the corresponding layer in the not always equals a better translation. The metric is computed decoder, where the results are combined into a target sequence using “a combination of unigram-precision, unigram-recall, and a prediction. One unexplainable factor noted by the authors of this measure of fragmentation that is designed to directly capture how architecture is that it produces better results if the source sequence well-ordered the matched words in the machine translation are in is reversed. Note that in each step during decoding, the LSTM only relation to the reference” [5]. has access to the hidden state from the previous timestep, and the previous predicted token. Cho et al. [7] uses a slightly different approach in their model and 3 RELATED WORK uses Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) as RNN components. The encoder The first works about commit message generation were published reads the source sequence sequentially and produces a hidden state, independently at the same time by Loyola et al. [18] and Jiang et al. denoted as the context vector. Decoding of a token can now be done [12]. Both approaches feature a similar attentional RNN encoder- based on the previously hidden state of the decoder, the previous decoder architecture. predicted token, and the generated context vector. The intuition Loyola et al. [18] use a vanilla encoder-decoder architecture, of this architecture is that it reduces information compression as similar to the architecture Iyer et al. [11] used for code summariza- each decoder step has access to the whole source sequence. The tion. The encoder network is simply a lookup table for the input decoder hidden states now only need to retrain information that token embedding. The decoder network is a RNN with dropout- was previously predicted. regularized long short-term memory (LSTM) cells. Dropout is also Still, the performance of this process suffers when input sen- used at the encoder layer and reduces the risk of overfitting on the tences start to increase and the information can not be compressed training data. A global attention model is used to help the decoder into hidden states [7]. Bahdanau et al. [4] therefore extended the focus on the most important parts of the diffs. encoder decoder model such that it learns to align and translate Jiang et al. [12] propose a more intricate architecture, where the jointly with the help of attention. At each time decoding step, the encoder network is also a RNN. This way, the token embedding model searches for a set of position in the source sentence where can be trained for better model performance. The authors do not the most relevant information is concentrated. The context vectors implement the network themselves, but instead use Nematus, a corresponding to these positions and the previous generated pre- specialized toolkit for neural machine translation [23]. Besides dicted tokens are then used for prediction of the target sequence. It using dropout in all layers, Nematus also uses the computationally is also possible to compute attention in different ways as shown by more efficient GRU cells instead of LSTM cells. Luong et al. [19]. Liu et al. [17] investigate the model and results of [12] and found that memorization is the largest contributor to their good results. 2.2 Evaluation Metrics For almost all correctly generated commit messages, a very similar BLEU [21] is the most frequently used similarity metric to evaluate commits was found in the training set. By removing the noisy com- the quality of machine translations. BLEU measures how many mits, the model performance drops by 55%. To illustrate the short- word sequences from the reference text occur in the generated comings, Liu et al. [17] propose NNGen, a naive nearest-neighbor text and uses a (slightly modified) n-gram precision to generate a based approach that re-uses commit messages from similar diffs. score. Sentences with the most overlapping n-grams score high- NNGen outperforms [12] by 20% in terms of BLEU score, which est. BLEU can be used to calculate the quality of an entire set of underlines the similarity in the training and test sets. text pairs, which enables researchers to ac- The most recent work on commit message generation, by Liu curately compare the performance of different models on the same et al. [16], states that the main drawback of the earlier approaches dataset. BLEU can be configured with different n-gram sizes, which by Loyola et al. [18] and Jiang et al. [12] is the inability to generate is denoted by BLEU-n (e.g. BLEU-4). out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. Commit messages often contain Another widely used metric is ROUGE [15]. ROUGE can be used references to specific class names or functions, related to unique to calculate recall and F1 scores in addition to precision. This is code from a project. When this identifier is omitted from a predicted done by looking at which n-grams in the generated text occur in commit message, it might not make sense. the reference text. ROUGE is often used to evaluate the quality To mitigate this problem, pointer-generator network PtrGNCMsg of machine-generated text summaries, where a word-for-word re- is introduced: an improved sequence-to-sequence model that is able production of the reference text that gives a high BLEU score is to copy words from the input sequence with a certain probabil- not appreciated. Still, the generated summary should reflect the ity [16]. The network uses an adapted attentional RNN encoder- original text. ROUGE has a number of specialized extensions, of decoder architecture, where, at each decoder prediction step, “the which ROUGE-L is most appropriate to evaluate commit messages. RNN decoder calculates the probability pcopy of copying words from ROUGE-L measures the longest common subsequence between the source sentence according to the attention distribution, and the messages to “capture the sentence level structure in a natural way” probability pvocab of selecting words in the vocabulary” [16]. By [15]. combining the vocabulary, input sequence and probabilities, the Lastly, METEOR is a similarity metric that uses the harmonic model is able to generate valid commit messages containing OOV mean between precision and recall. METEOR attempts to correct a words.

2 4 APPROACH 4.1 Data Collection A dataset was created for the and the # programming lan- guage. To gather these, the Github API was used to retrieve the top 1000 most-starred repositories for both languages. The choice to separate these datasets is due to the fact that a sequence to se- quence deep learning model was trained, as will be explained in Section 4.2. The tokens in the input sequence, the git diff files, must originate from the same distribution of input data. Therefore, the decision was made to train a model per programming language. Also, commit messages can be structured differently per program- ming language as coding convention vary. Therefore, training a model per language could lead to more accurate git commit message generation. For each repository, the most recent commits of the default branch (the master branch in most cases) were retrieved. For each commit, the commit message and the raw git diff output of the commit and it’s parent commit were saved. Commits that did not fulfill the following criteria were ignored: Figure 1: The encoder-decoder model that is used for this • With more than one parent commit ( commits). research. Both the encoder and decoder consist of a GRU, • Without a parent commit (initial commits). and the encoder is bidirectional. At each time step, a score is • With diffs bigger than 1MB. computed for each encoder hidden state based on the previ- Also, all messages and diff were encoded in UTF-8. Characters not ous decoder hidden state. This score is changed to a probabil- supported by this encoding are replaced with the unicode replace- ity (softmax) and multiplied with the corresponding hidden ment character. All commits in the default branch, beginning with state to yield a context/alignment vector. The input of the the most recent one, were collected until all commits in the branch decoder for the nex time step is then the sum of these con- were considered or until 10K commits were collected for that repos- text vectors and the previous output of the decoder. Image itory. This results in a dataset for Java with 610.484 messages with from [14]. diffs and a dataset for C# with 1.572.274 messages with diffs.

4.1.1 Training, Validation and Test Set Splits. The collected data end of the sequence. At each time step t, the hidden state h is needs to be divided into three distinct sets that have no overlap. t computed as: These sets will be used as training, validation or testing data respec- tively. Also, the collected dataset is rather large in size compared to the dataset that Jiang et al. used. Therefore, the decision was ht = f (ht−1, xt ) made to select a equal amount, 36000 objects, at random from the The function f is a non-linear function such as a LSTM or GRU, collected dataset. The splits were then created from this subset of which both have the same characteristic of providing memory. In 36000 objects according to a ratio of 0.8, 0.1 and 0.1 for training, this research, the bidirectional GRU was used according to the validation and testing respectively. This division applies for all network of [4] that encode the sequence in both a forward manner dataset that were either collected or preprocessed according to our −→ ←− as h , and backward as h . This means the hidden state at each procedure. t t −→ ←− time step t consists of a concatenation of both states: ht = [ht ,ht ]. Note that each sequence contains a start () and stop () 4.2 Encoder-Decoder Model −→ ←− symbol, and thus x0 =< sos > and x0 =< eos > are the initial input The approach to generate commit message from a git diff file tokens. If all tokens of the sequence are seen by the encoder then will be the same as Jiang et al., namely with the neural machine the hidden states are passed to the attention layer and decoder. As translation approach that does sequence to sequence learning. The the decoder is not bidirectional, it initial supplied context vector is model that is to be used is from Bahdanau et al., a encoder-decoder computed as: model that uses attention to attend to the important parts of the ′ −→ ←− git diff sequence x during the generation of the commit message h0 = f (д(ht ,ht )) sequence y. A schematic view is given in Figure 1. Each of the where f is the tanh activation function and д is a feedforward layer. components of the model will be discussed more thoroughly in the sections below. 4.2.2 Decoder. The decoder processes the provided hidden states ′ ht from the encoder, and computes a decoder hidden state ht and 4.2.1 Encoder. The encoder processes the variable length source the conditional distribution of the target token yt according to the sequence x = (x1,..., xt ) one token at a time until it reaches the following equations:

3 ROUGE precision and recall. The ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2 scores ′ ′ are based on the overlap of unigrams and bigrams respectively. ht = f (ht−1,yt−1,ct ) ′ ROUGE-L is based on the longest common subsequence (LCS) and p(yt |yt−1,...,y1,ct ) = д(ht ,yt−1,ct ) ROUGE-W builds further on this by using weighted LCSes which where ct is the context vector and f and д are both non-linear favors consecutive subsequences. functions. In this research, f is again a GRU like in the encoder. For the function д, it needs to predict probabilities between 0 and 1 4.4 Model Training and is therefore the sof tmax function. The context vectors ct are Extra techniques were implemented to effectively train a model computed by the Attention layer. that performs well. Firstly, teacher forcing is used where with a 4.2.3 Attention. The attention used in this model is additive atten- predefined probability we take the real yt instead of the predicted tion according to Bahdanau et al.. As the decoder section mentions, yˆt [26]. Secondly, two techniques from NLP are applied: packing the context vectors ct are used in each time step t. The context and masking. With packing, the length of the source sequence is vectors are computed as: supplied to the model such that it stops all extra padding tokens are ignored. With masking, a mask is created over all values that T Õ are not padding. This mask can then be used to in the computation ct = αtihi i=1 for attention so that padding tokens are ignored. The model was trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) where the attention α are probabilities that are computed with with an initial learning rate of 0.1. The learning rate was reduced the sof tmax function: with factor 0.1 if no improvements were made on the validation loss  exp eij for 10 epochs. Early stopping of the training process was done if αij = = sof tmax(eij ) ÍT ( ) no validation loss improvement was seen for 20 epochs. All models k=1 exp eik were trained on a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 GPU with 6GB of e alignment model The variable is the score on how well the source memory. After each epoch, the intermediate model was saved and j i ts at index matches the target at index match and is computed the model with the least validation loss was used for evaluation. as: e = a h′ ,h  ij i−1 j 5 DATASET PREPARATION The function a is the alignment model and is defined as a feedfor- Sound data preprocessing is crucial for a generalizable model. In ward layer in this research and is jointly trained with the total Section 5.1, the preprocessing approach from Jiang et al. [12] is model. discussed. Section 5.2 proposes an alternative, more rigorous pre- 4.2.4 Embeddings. A trainable embedding layer E is used in both processing technique. Section 5.3 discusses the characteristics of the encoder and decoder to get numerical representations of the preprocessed datasets. source and target tokens respectively. This matrix consists of E ∈ Rm×k where m is the size of the corresponding vocabulary and k 5.1 Reference Method is the embedding dimension. A token can now be looked with the Jiang et al. [12] use their own dataset containing 2M commits from one-hot encoding of the token in the vocabulary. Dropout was used the top 1000 Java projects on GitHub, published earlier in [13]. after the embedding layers as this leads to a better generalization Commit messages and diffs are cleaned and filtered, to arrive ata error in RNN’s [10]. final dataset of 32k pairs. 4.2.5 Optimize function. The goal of the network is to maximize The dataset is filtered by removing merge and rollback commits the conditional log-likelihood of the target sequence given the input and diffs larger than 1MB. Diffs containing more than 100 tokens sequence by adjusting the model parameters: and commit messages with more than 30 tokens are discarded. N Then, a Verb-Direct Object filter is applied to commit messages and 1 Õ selects only messages starting with a verb that has a direct object max logp (yi |xi ;θ) θ N i=1 dependant [12]. where N is the amount of objects in the dataset, θ are the parame- The commit messages are cleaned by extracting only the first sentence and removing issue IDs; diffs are cleaned by removing ters of the model, and xi yi are tokens from the source and target sequence respectively. In this research, this goal was achieved by commit IDs. Both diffs and commit messages are tokenized by minimizing the cross entropy loss, as this gives the same optimal whitespace and punctuation [12]. set of parameters θ. 5.2 Alternative Method 4.3 Evaluation Liu et al. [17] thoroughly analyzed the dataset from [12] and found During training, the model is evaluated on the validation data by that their dataset is noisy. To improve the quality of the dataset – computing the cross entropy loss. The model with the lowest loss the hypothesis is that more extensive preprocessing would enable will be considered the best model. During testing, for all models the a model to better learn and generalize over the relations between BLEU scores are computed according to [21] and the ROUGE F1 code changes and commit messages – the preprocessing pipeline scores are computed according to [15], which is a combination of proposed by [12] is extended. 4 o frdnatifrainta sntifraiefrcommit for informative not is generation. that message contain information diffs redundant that of is lot hypothesis a The preprocessing. to subject also Diffs. 5.2.2 Messages. Commit 5.2.1 machine for follows. used be to [ unsuitable translation are which commits, rollback prepend- by correction pronoun. detecting ing verb Automated 2: Figure is,apeiiayfle sapidta eoe l mergeand all that removes is applied filter preliminary a First, (2) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) odi o lsiida eba is,ascnaycheck secondary a first, at as verb classified not is word sen- first the Only tokenize. sentence Punkt NLTK the with r pi,nnEgihtkn r eoe n l oesare tokens all and removed lowercased. are tokens non-English sub-tokens split, Again, kept. are (en- is change name) the class of or context method capsulating the ofthe only and The location removed is change isretained. extension and filename the Cleaning. kept. are deletions additions or either with files Only independently. further cessed Parsing. in shown is 2. construct Figure example An messages. remaining " any with prepended message, first the the on If verb. a with starts sentence by a relaxed that therefore requiring is only constraint V-DO The subject sentence. the a omitting of messages, commit devel- concise because write as nouns, opers classified often are have verbs that experiments shown Initial grammar. invalid uses text source Filter. removed.Verb are tokens 30 than more Filter. removed. Length is Message punctuation trailing and Redun- whitespace tags. dant (PoS) extract part-of-speech to respective SpaCy their Thissentence toolkit and language tokens isretained. natural by acommit parsed of then is line first the of tence Tokenizing. lowercased. is message commit al et Liu ( placeholder sub-tokens a and with token replaced Further- are messages. numbers version commit all the more, from removed are hashes " Cleaning. [Label] AFTER BEFORE 12 PRON otayt h praho in tal et Jiang of approach the to Contrary I .Te,cmi esgsaddfsaepoesdas processed are diffs and messages commit Then, ].

[16] . Sentence.", if r pi nobok e ie which arepro- file, per blocks into split are Diffs iHbiseIs rcdn aesi h format the in labels preceding IDs, issue GitHub nta ftefl aht h hne ie only file, changed the to path full the of Instead uoae o-agn spoet rosi the if errors to prone is PoS-tagging Automated etne scmi esgsaefrtparsed first are messages commit is Sentences o-nls hrcesaermvdadthe and removed are characters non-English , n s u b j @mentions omtmsae ihls hn2or 2 than less with messages Commit c Support Support amel NOUN VERB C

s)aeslt aty ae on based Lastly, split. are ase) RsadSA1(commit) SHA-1 and URLs , c I o m d ,i efre oselect to performed is ", o p b o j u n d functionality. functionality. NOUN NOUN [12] .

if are diffs , 5 ihoeo h 0ms curn eb,isedo pligno applying of instead verbs, occurring most 20 the of one with l ftemdl eetandwt h noe ndcdrhidden decoder en encoder the with trained were models the of All h oe rpoesn ehdi ple obt h dataset the both to applied is method preprocessing novel The h rpu nteebdiglyr eestto set were layers embedding the in dropout The file entire of removal the by explained be can phenomenon This eineo h edr diinly h iflnt distribution length diff the Additionally, reader. the of venience 0 oes iue5()rpoue hsdsrbto o h con- the for distribution this reproduces (a) 5 Figure tokens. 100 1 olce yJagadMcMillan and Jiang by collected Characteristics Dataset Processed 5.3 oe.Tebthsz a 4fralmodels. all for 64 trained was the size of batch dimensions and The output 2 model. Table and input in the shown are to correspond dataset these each vocabu- of on thegenerated sizes a vocabulary itcontains The based lary. as tokens ofunique dataset per amount differ different model the of dimension output respectively. 256 and 512 of dimension embedding and dimension parameters Experiment 6.1 RESULTS 6 folders. innested expected the changed files which decreases for length diffs, minimum from filenames distributed. the less evenly but or paths more are lenghts diff long the the and different: gone remarkably is dataset is tail processed distribution every The for work. (d)) this and in (c) used (b), 5 (Figure visualized is of number thatthe maximum found the and towards set skewed test heavily is intheir distribution lengths diff of Distribution. distribution Length the Diff 5.3.2 verbs. detect insteadof better to processor, effort language not an their natural are making by that verbs as such a with start classified that messages Furthermore, commit smaller. discard naturally they dataset their makes This filter. such al et Jiang twofold: is this for McMillan dataset and the Jiang from by retained collected are commits more Substantially Sizes. datasets. Dataset 5.3.1 work. this in collected https://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.tokenize.html#module-nltk.tokenize.punkt (4) (3) al :Dtstszsbfr n fe processing. after and before sizes Dataset 1: Table omn niaos(e.g. indicators comment the of version improved PunctTokenizer an is used tokenizer The changed. lines tion. bymost on sorted are Tokenizing. the diffs. diff Finally, the the from in removed files are changed kept, files are other from extension lines awhitelisted with files changed Filtering. M1[2 .M32K 389K 156K 2.1M 151K 1.6M 2.1M Processed (processed) NMT1 Original 610K [12] NMT1 1000 Top C# 1000 Top Java Dataset if ihmr hn10tkn r icre.Only arediscarded. tokens 100 than more with Diffs if r oeie nwiepc andpunctua- onwhitespace tokenized are Diffs al otisa vriwo h processed the of overview an contains 1 Table 1 hc osntsltlnug prtr or operators language split not does which , [12] . in tal et Jiang ++ [13] [13] , // nyke omt starting commits keep only n h aaadC datasets C# and Java the and etc.) , hnoiial.Tereason The originally. than [12 . fig.5 , 0 . 1 ] h nu and input The . aeanalyzed have Word- Table 2: The vocabulary parameters for each dataset, where the input tokens to the output tokens anymore. This degrades the the number indicate the amount of unique tokens in the model performance as a high percentage of the testing set was in source or target vocabulary. this pattern. On both the Java and C# dataset that was collected in this re- Dataset Source Target search, the trained model also performs rather poorly. Regardless of the programming language that the model is trained upon, the Java Top 1000 30,854 13,871 performance is significantly worse than achieved on the dataset C# Top 1000 24,251 11,382 from [12]. We conclude that this performance difference comes NMT1 [12] 50,004 14,200 from the fact that the model tries to learn to translate long diff NMT1 - processed 28,672 14,817 sequence into short message sequences, something it is unable to do. The testing dataset from [12] contains many easier examples than a real world dataset collected from GitHub. It is still unclear to Note that the hidden and embedding dimensions of the model us how Jiang et al. created the training testing split for their dataset are half of the model that was trained by Jiang et al.. This was due and this likely has a high influence. to the memory limitations of the GPU that was used. 6.2 Testing performance 7.2 Discussion points After training the model with the settings mentioned above, and Certain points in this research are subjected to some critical dis- according to the training procedure in Section 4.4, the model was cussion. Firstly, the models that were trained in this research had evaluated on the testing set. Both the BLEU and ROUGE score were a lower dimensionality than in [12] due to GPU limitations. It is computed and are shown in Table 3. It can be seen that the testing expected that the same kind of results will be achieved if these results on the dataset that were collected and preprocessed in this dimensions are higher, as the model tries to solve a problem that is research are significantly lower. The results on the dataset from unsolvable. Jiang et al. are somewhat similar: 33.63 against the reported 31.92 Another fact is that during translation to a prediction, the tokens in [12] are generated in a greedy fashion and the token with the highest probability is selected. Another approach to do this would be beam- 7 DISCUSSION search, in which multiple option sets are explored to find the set that The results in Table 3 show a significant difference between the has the highest likelihood. This could lead to better translations. obtained performance between the NMT1 dataset from [12] and any other dataset. In this section a qualitative analysis is done to 7.3 Future research explain these results. Also, discussion points of this research and One of the problems of this research is that a sequence of tokens in ideas for future research will be mentioned. the form of a git diff file is unable to capture the structure ofthe 7.1 Qualitative analysis NMT1 code changes. An interesting approach to this problem would be to embed the code before and after the code changes, and subtract One pattern in the commit message that is commonly seen in the or concatenated these embeddings to have a vector representation testing dataset of NMT1 is ignore update ’’, where of the code changes. However, this would require a code embed- differs among commits. A total of 12.76% in the testing ding that can embed multiple functions or files into a single vector set has this pattern and the model was able to classify them all that retains the information. More research in embedding the code correctly. A visualisation of the attention of one of these examples properly could lead to interesting results and message generation. is shown in Appendix A.1. It can be seen that the model is able Another point to improve upon in future research could be to to attend to the path names at the start of the input sequence and first classify commits into multiple categories such as additions, copy the path name to the output to produce the commit message deletions, and refactors. It is hypothesized that these commits have correctly. When we look at another message prepared version a structural difference among them, and training different models 0 . 2 - snapshot in Appendix A.2, for which the prediction could lead to exploitation of these factors and hopefully to better was prepare next development version., the attention is all results. focused on one token in the input namely the slash token. The model is unable to generate the correct output tokens from input 8 CONCLUSION tokens. Still our model achieved a better BLEU score of 33.63 compared The purposes of the current research were (1) to determine if the to the 31.92 in [12]. The only difference that was made in this re- neural approach to generate commit messages from code changes, search was to lower case all of the input tokens during vocabulary as presented by Jiang et al. [12], was reproducible and (2) to inves- generation. This led to a reduced output dimension of 14200 com- tigate if more rigorous preprocessing techniques would improve pared to the 17000 in [12]. Thus the problem was less computational the performance of the model. expensive and our model was able to achieve better results. Experiments showed that a reproduction of the attentional RNN When the preprocessing from Section 5 is applied on the NMT1 encoder-decoder model from Jiang et al. [12] achieves slightly better dataset, only the filename and his extension are retrained from the results on the same dataset. This confirms the reproducibility of full path name. This means that the model can not simply copy [12] under similar circumstances. 6 Table 3: The evaluation results on the testing dataset for each dataset.

Dataset BLEU ROUGE-1 ROUGE-2 ROUGE-L ROUGE-W Java top 1000 5.33 23.60 10.87 26.52 19.35 C# top 1000 7.31 26.84 13.16 29.85 22.08 NMT1 [12] 33.63 37.20 23.22 40.01 30.10 NMT1 - processed 3.19 20.26 7.93 23.05 16.37

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8 A VISUALIZED ATTENTION A.1 Ignore update pattern from NMT1 • True message: ignore update ’ modules / apps / foundation / login / . • Predicted message: ignore update ’ modules / apps / foundation / login / .

Figure 3: Attention visualised for a sentence that has the ignore update ’’ pattern. The model is able to attend to the specific words in the path name in the diff file to generate the correct label.

A.2 Another message from NMT1 • True message: prepared version 0 . 2 - snapshot . • Predicted message: prepare next development version .

Figure 4: Attention visualised for a selected example in the testing set. Although the predicted message is close to the real message, the model attends to random parts of the input sequence.

A.3 Distribution of amount of tokens in diffs in the test sets

60 150

100 40

50 20

0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 (a) Number of tokens, test set NMT1 (c) Number of tokens, test set Java Top 1000

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 (b) Number of tokens, test set NMT1-processed (d) Number of tokens, test set C# Top 1000

Figure 5: Distribution of amount of tokens in diffs in the test sets