A Abell, Anthony, 47 Abdul Kadir Mohamad, 60
INDEX A ASEAN (Association of Southeast Abell, Anthony, 47 Asian Nations), 51, 53–56, 77, Abdul Kadir Mohamad, 60 85–89, 91–94, 96, 98, 100–101 Abdul Rahman, Tunku, 44, 46, 48, ASEAN-China Summit, 90, 92 50, 54 ASEAN Declaration on the South Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, 59, 80–81 China Sea, 85, 87, 89 Abu Hassan Omar, 57 ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting, 89 Agoncillo, Felipe, 9 ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, 54, 85 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 7 ASEAN Regional Forum, see ARF Alberto, Romulo, 96 Ali Moertopo, 51 B Anderson, General, 8 Bacon, Robert Low, 18 Anifah Aman, 62 B.A. Hamzah, 76 Aquino, Corazon C., 31, 43, 56–58, barangays, 5 62, 71, 85 Barbero, Carmelo Z., 30 Araneta, Salvador, 21 baselines, of the Philippines, 29–31, “archipelagic doctrine”, 106 33–36, 52–53, 114 “archipelagic State”, 36, 122 Basic Principles of the Law of the Sea “archipelagic waters”, 34 in the Montevideo Declaration, ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), 89, 114–15 93, 96 Batanes Islands, 18–19 Arreglado, Juan, 70–71 Bateman, Sam, 76, 96–97 Aruego, Jose M., 21 Bates, John C., 13 ASA (Association of Southeast Asia), Bates Treaty, 13–16, 25 51 Beckman, Robert, 83 Where_Philippines.indb 125 12/9/10 11:33:35 AM 126 Index Bell, James, 50 Commercial Arrangement Area, 81 Benny Moerdani, 51 Committee on Territorial Delimitation Bernas, Joaquin, 18, 31, 55–56 of the Constitutional Beyer, H. Otley, 41–42 Convention, 18 BIMP-EAGA (Brunei Darussalam- Conference on the Law of the Sea, Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines 106–107, 110 East ASEAN Growth Area), 124 Conklin, Harold G., 41–42 Bonifacio, Andrés,
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