《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 CHINESE SCIENCE ABSTRACTS (Monthly, Established in 2006) Vol.10 No.1, 2015 (Sum No.103) Published on January 15, 2015

Chinese Science Abstracts

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中国学术期刊文摘(英文版) (月刊,2006 年创刊) 第 10 卷第1 期(总第 103 期) 2015 年 1 月 15 日出版


主 管:中国科学技术协会 目 次 支持单位:中国科协学会学术部

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Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts

Hot Topic

Ebola Virus ·Editor's Note· In February 2014, the Ebola virus erupted in Guinea, and had spread to seven countries such as Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, America, Spain and Mali. The Ebola virus is pathogens of the Ebola virus disease (once called Ebola haemorrhagic fever), discovered at first in the outbreak of the central African region in 1976. So far, 5 of the Ebola genus have been confirmed. The pathogen in the outbreak of west Africa is Zaire Ebola virus. The gene sequence analysis shows that the homology is 97% between the pathogen with the usual type of Zaire Ebola virus. The virus had a certain variation. According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), 15145 people were infected with ebola virus, and 5420 people were dead in the worldwide by November 15, 2014. The number of infection and death in this Ebola outbreak hit an all-time high. On November 10, 2014, Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) announced that the infection cases of Ebola virus in Liberia was reduced for the first time, but at the same time pointed out that this did not mean the end of the out- break. Currently, the main method against Ebola virus is injecting NPC1 blocking agent. But when NPC1 protein is transporting cholesterol in cells, it will block cholesterol transport routes, and cause Nyman peak. Therapeutic antibodies (ZmappTM) are also being researched in actively. Two medical workers who were infected by Ebola virus had accepted the treatment of the experimental drug. According to the effect, the Ebola haemorrhagic fever can be cured. Favipivir, Japan's new anti-flu drug, also has a certain therapeutic effect on the ebola virus disease. On November 26, 2014, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that the first Ebola vaccine, cADV-EBOV, was successful in clinical trials. VSV-EBOV, Canada types vaccine, also had begun to do clinical trials. In August 2014, "jk-05", the drug against Ebola virus, was through the expert review, and was approved to be the special medicine for army. In September 2014, the detec- tion reagents of Ebola virus nucleic acid, antigen and antibody have been successfully developed by Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC). The test reagents were carried by the laboratory tests team of China CDC, and will be used in virus detection tasks in Sierra Leone. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 This issue got the support of GAO Fu academician (deputy director of Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention; director of Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microorganisms and Immunology of Chinese Academy of Sciences; researcher at Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences).

·Data Rankings· By November 27, 2014, according to China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database (CNKI) and Web of Science (WOS), the num- bers of journal papers about Ebola virus research are 231 and 1373 respectively. The results of paper number of organization, paper number of author, paper number of periodical, and cited frequency are as follows.

Number of Published Papers of Institutions in CNKI Number of Published Papers of Institutions in WOS Institutions Number of Papers Institutions Number of Papers Academy of Military Medical Sciences 9 United States Department of Defense 177 The Chinese Academy of Preventive 7 United States Army 174 Medicine Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute Centers for Disease Control Prevention 6 149 (CAAS) USA Chinese Center For Disease Control 5 National Institutes of Health USA 138 and Prevention China Animal Health and Epidemiolo- National Institute of Allergy Infectious 4 103 gy Center Diseases (Sources: CNKI, Web of Science)

1 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015

Number of Published Papers of Authors in CNKI Number of Published Papers of Authors in WOS Authors Institutions Number of Papers Authors Number of Papers Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute MA Zhi-yong 6 FELDMANN H 111 (CAAS) Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute LIU Yang 6 ANONYMOUS 81 (CAAS) SHAO Dong- Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute 4 GEISBERT TW 57 hua (CAAS) Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute SHI Zi-xue 4 ROLLIN PE 57 (CAAS) WANG Hao- Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute 4 KAWAOKA Y 51 ting (CAAS) XIA Xian- Academy of Military Medical Sciences 4 JAHRLING PB 49 zhu (Sources: CNKI, Web of Science)

Number of Published Papers of Journals in CNKI Number of Published Papers of Journals in WOS Journals Number of Papers Journals Number of Papers Disease Surveillance 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅14 Journal of Virology 119 Infectious Disease Information 12 Journal of Infectious Diseases 116

Port Health Control 11 Lancet 69

Foreign Medical information 8 British Medical Journal 57

Chinese Journal of Zoonoses 7 Virology 50 (Sources: CNKI, Web of Science)

According to CNKI, highly cited papers about Ebola virus research are as follows.

Highly Cited Papers in CNKI

Citation Title First Authors Sources Frequency Development of an antigen capture ELISA against Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary 9 VP40 protein of Ebola virus using monoclonal WANG Shujie Medicine, 2008, 30(4): 309-313 antibodies Progress on Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and Ebola Chinese Journal of Comparative Medcine, 6 XU Li-li Viruses 2011, 21(1): 70-74 Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine, 5 Progress in study on Ebola hemorrhagic fever CHEN Hua-xin 2000, 17(4): 201-203 (Sources: CNKI) According to Web of Science, highly cited papers about Ebola virus research are as follows.

2 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts

Highly Cited Papers in WOS

Citation Title First Authors Sources Frequency HIV-I and Ebola virus encode small peptide motifs 436 that recruit Tsg101 to sites of particle assembly to Martin-Serrano Nature Medicine, 2001, 7(12): 1313-1319 facilitate egress Development of a preventive vaccine for Ebola 383 Sullivan, NJ Nature, 2000, 408(6812): 605-609 virus infection in primates

340 Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus Leroy, EM Nature, 2005, 438(7068): 575-576

C-type lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN mediate cel- 297 Alvarez, CP Journal of Virology, 2002, 76(13): 6841-6844 lular entry by Ebola virus in cis and in trans

281 Endosomal proteolysis of the Ebola virus glyco- Chandran, K Science, 2005, 308(5728): 1643-1645 protein is necessary for infection

Proceedings of The National Academy of Asystem for functional analysis of Ebola virus 268 Takada, A Sciences of The United States of America, glycoprotein 1997, 94(26): 14764-14769 Crystal structure of the Ebola virus membrane fu- 263 sion subunit, GP2, from the envelope glycoprotein Weissenhorn, W Molecular Cell, 1998, 2(5): 605-616 ectodomain Lipid raft microdomains:《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 A gateway for compart- Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2002, 255 mentalized trafficking of Ebola and Marburg virus- Bavari, S 195(5): 593-602 es

The virion glycoproteins of Ebola viruses are en- Proceedings of The National Academy of 251 coded in two reading frames and are expressed Sanchez, A Sciences of The United States Of America, through transcriptional editing 1996, 93(8): 3602-3607

Accelerated vaccination for Ebola virus haemorr- 246 Sullivan, NJ Nature, 2003, 424(6949): 681-684 hagic fever in non-human primates (Sources: Web of Science)

·Highly Cited Papers· Citation frenquency:9 Development of an antigen capture ELISA against VP40 protein of Ebola virus using monoclonal antibodies WANG -jie; WANG Xi-jun; HU Sen; et al. Abstract: In this study, a (mAbs) against VP40 protein of Ebola virus (EBOV), Zaire species, wereproduced using a recombinant VP40 derived from E.coli. The mAbs was shown to be highly specific in Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence detec- tion. An antigen capture ELSIA was developed using mAbs purified from ascites and labeled with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The assay was able to detect protein VP40 of EBOV expressed by recombinant baculovirus. The established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay therefore could be a useful diagnosis tool for use in the field. Keywords: Ebola virus; VP40 protein; monoclonal antibody Sources: Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2008,30(4): 309-313 Email: WANG Shu-jie; [email protected]

3 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Citation frequency: 7 Progress on Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and Ebola Viruses XU Li-li; Lian-feng Abstract: Ebola Virus, which was first identified in 1976 during outbreaks in Ebola River vally, is an zoonotic pathogen that causes highly lethal hemorrhagic fever syndrome in human and nonhuman primates. Since the high mortality rates of Ebola viruses, up to 88% in humans. Ebola viruses are listed in the most dangerous viruses to humans by World Health Organization. Comprehending the characterization and pathogenesis of Ebola hemorrhagic fever and Ebola viruses, is very important for the prevention and control of this disease. Keywords: Ebola hemorrhagic fever; Ebola virus Sources: Chinese Journal of Comparative Medcine, 2011, 21(1):70-74 Email: ZHANG Lian-feng; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 436 HIV-I and Ebola virus encode small peptide motifs that recruit Tsg101 to sites of particle assembly to facilitate egress Martin-Serrano, J; Zang, T; Bieniasz, PD Abstract: Retroviral Gag proteins encode sequences, termed late domains, which facilitate the final stages of particle budding from the plasma membrane. We report here that interactions between Tsg101, a factor involved in endosomal protein sorting, and short peptide motifs in the HIV-1 Gag late domain and Ebola virus matrix (EbVp40) proteins are essential for efficient egress of HIV-1 virions and Ebola virus-like particles. EbVp40 recruits Tsg101 to sites of particle assembly and a short, EbVp40-derived Tsg101-binding peptide sequence can functionally substitute for the HIV-1 Gag late domain. Notably, recruitment of Tsg101 to assembling virions restores budding competence to a late-domain-defective HIV-1 in the complete absence of viral late domain. These studies define an essential virus-host interaction that is conserved in two unrelated viruses. Because the Tsg101 is recruited by small, conserved viral sequence motifs, agents that mimic these structures are potential inhibitors of the replication of these lethal human pathogens. Keywords: rous-sarcoma virus; vesicular stomatitis-virus; proline-rich motif; Gag polyprotein; matrix protein; ubiquitin ligase; type-1; domain; release; replication 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Sources: Nature Medicine, 2001, 7(12): 1313-1319

Citation frequency: 383 Development of a preventive vaccine for Ebola virus infection in primates Sullivan, NJ; Sanchez, A; Rollin, PE; et al. Abstract: Outbreaks of haemorrhagic fever caused by the Ebola virus are associated with high mortality rates that are a distinguishing feature of this human pathogen. The highest lethality is associated with the Zaire subtype, one of four strains identified to date(1,2). Its rapid progression allows little opportunity to develop natural immunity, and there is currently no effective anti-viral therapy. Therefore, vaccination offers a promising intervention to prevent infection and limit spread. Here we describe a highly effective vaccine strategy for Ebola virus infection in non-human primates. A combination of DNA immunization and boosting with adenoviral vectors that encode viral proteins generated cellular and humoral immunity in cynomolgus macaques. Challenge with a lethal dose of the highly pathogenic, wild-type, 1976 Mayinga strain of Ebola Zaire virus resulted in uniform infection in controls, who progressed to a moribund state and death in less than one week. In contrast, all vaccinated were asymptomatic for more than six months, with no detectable virus after the initial challenge. These findings demonstrate that it is possible to develop a preventive vaccine against Ebola virus infection in primates. Keywords: T-cell induction; protective efficacy; immune-responses; recombinant; immunization; adenovirus; protein; malaria; immunoge- nicity; therapy Sources: Nature, 2000, 408(6812): 605-609

Citation frequency: 340 Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus Eric M. Leroy; Brice Kumulungui; Xavier Pourrut Abstract: The first recorded human outbreak of Ebola virus was in 1976, but the wild reservoir of this virus is still unknown1. Here we test for Ebola in more than a thousand small vertebrates that were collected during Ebola outbreaks in humans and great apes between 2001 and 2003 in Gabon and the Republic of the Congo. We find evidence of asymptomatic infection by Ebola virus in three species of fruit bat,

4 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts indicating that these animals may be acting as a reservoir for this deadly virus. Keywords: decline; Africa Sources: Nature, 438(7068): 575-576 Email: Leroy, EM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 297 C-type lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN mediate cellular entry by Ebola virus in cis and in trans Alvarez, CP; Lasala, F; Carrillo, J; et al. Abstract: Ebola virus is a highly lethal pathogen responsible for several outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever. Here we show that the primate lentiviral binding C-type lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN act as cofactors for cellular entry by Ebola virus. Furthermore, DC-SIGN on the surface of dendritic cells is able to function as a trans receptor, binding Ebola virus-pseudotyped lentiviral particles and transmitting infection to susceptible cells. Our data underscore a role for DC-SIGN and L-SIGN in the infective process and pathogenicity of Ebola virus infection. Keywords: immunodeficiency-virus; receptor; protein; cells; identification; expression; infection; lines Sources: Journal of Virology, 2002, 76(13): 6841-6844

Citation frequency: 281 Endosomal proteolysis of the Ebola virus glycoprotein is necessary for infection Chandran, K; Sullivan, NJ; Felbor, U; et al. Abstract: Ebola virus (EboV) causes rapidly fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and there is currently no effective treatment. We found that the infection of African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells by vesicular stornatitis viruses bearing the EboV gtycoprotein (GP) requires the activity of endosomal cysteine proteases. Using selective protease inhibitors and protease-deficient cell lines, we identified an essential role for cathepsin B (CatB) and an accessory role for cathepsin L (CatL) in EboV GP-dependent entry. Biochemical studies demonstrate that CatB and CatL mediate entry by carrying out proteolysis of the EboV GP subunit GP1 and support a multistep mechanism that explains the relative contributions of these enzymes《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 to infection. CatB and CatB/CatL inhibitors diminish the multiplication of infectious EboV-Zaire in cultured cells and may merit investigation as anti-EboV drugs. Keywords: envelope glycoprotein; cathepsin-B; influenza hemagglutinin; membrane-fusion; inhibitors; cysteine;entry; proteinases; cells; mice Sources: Science, 2005, 308(5728): 1643-1645 Email: Cunningham, JM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 268 A system for functional analysis of Ebola virus glycoprotein Takada, A; Robison, C; Goto, H; et al. Abstract: Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates, resulting in mortality rates of up to 90%. Studies of this virus have been hampered by its extraordinary pathogenicity, which requires biosafety level 4 containment. To circumvent this problem, we developed a novel complementation system for functional analysis of Ebola virus glycoproteins, It relies on a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) that contains the green fluorescent protein gene instead of the receptor-binding G protein gene (VSV Delta G*). Herein we show that Ebola Reston virus glycoprotein (ResGP) is efficiently incorporated into VSV particles. This recombinant VSV with integrated ResGP (VSV Delta G*-ResGP) infected primate cells more efficiently than any of the other mammalian or avian cells examined, in a manner consistent with the host range tropism of Ebola virus, whereas VSV Delta G* complemented with VSV G protein (VSV Delta G*-G) efficiently infected the majority of the cells tested. We also tested the utility of this system for investigating the cellular receptors for Ebola virus. Chemical modification of cells to alter their surface proteins markedly reduced their susceptibility to VSV Delta G*-ResGP but not to VSV Delta G*-G. These findings suggest that cell surface glycoproteins with N-linked oligosaccharide chains contribute to the entry of Ebola viruses, presumably acting as a specific receptor and/or cofactor for virus entry. Thus, our VSV system should be useful for inves- tigating the functions of glycoproteins from highly pathogenic viruses or those incapable of being cultured in vitro. Keywords: vesicular stomatitis-virus; marburg virus; expression; cells; replication; protein; gene; elements; receptor; entry Sources: Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 1997, 94(26): 14764-14769 Email: Kawaoka, Y; [email protected]

5 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Citation frequency: 263 Crystal structure of the Ebola virus membrane fusion subunit, GP2, from the envelope glycoprotein ectodomain Weissenhorn, W; Carfi, A; Lee, KH; et al. Abstract: We have determined the structure of GP2 from the Ebola virus membrane fusion glycoprotein by X-ray crystallography. The molecule contains a central triple-stranded coiled coil followed by a disulfide-bonded loop homologous to an immunosuppressive sequence in retroviral glycoproteins, which reverses the chain direction and connects to an a helix packed antiparallel to the core helices. The struc- ture suggests that fusion peptides near the N termini form disulfide-bonded loops at one end of the molecule and that the C-terminal mem- brane anchors are at the same end. In this conformation, GP2 could both bridge two membranes and facilitate their apposition to initiate membrane fusion. We also find a heptad irregularity like that in low-pH-induced influenza HA2 and a solvent ion trapped in a coiled coil like that in retroviral TMs. Keywords: influenza-virus; marburg virus; HIV-1 GP41; conformational-changes; electron-microscopy; escherichia-coli; atomic-structure; coiled coils; hemagglutinin; protein Sources: Molecular Cell, 1998, 2(5): 605-616

Citation frequency: 255 Lipid raft microdomains: A gateway for compartmentalized trafficking of Ebola and Marburg viruses Bavari, S; Bosio, CM; Wiegand, E; et al. Abstract: Spatiotemporal aspects of filovirus entry and release are poorly understood. Lipid rafts act as functional platforms for multiple cellular signaling and trafficking processes. Here, we report the compartmentalization of Ebola and Marburg viral proteins within lipid rafts during viral assembly and budding. Filoviruses released from infected cells incorporated raft-associated molecules, suggesting that viral exit occurs at the rafts. Ectopic expression of Ebola matrix protein and glycoprotein supported raft-dependent release of filamentous, vi- rus-like particles (VLPs), strikingly similar to live virus as revealed by electron microscopy. Our findings also revealed that the entry of filoviruses requires functional rafts, identifying rafts as the site of virus attack. The identification of rafts as the gateway for the entry and exit of filoviruses and raft-dependent《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 generation of VLPs have important implications for development of therapeutics and vaccination strategies against infections with Ebola and Marburg viruses. Keywords: filovirus; Ebola; rafts; budding; VLP Sources: Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2002, 195(5): 593-602

Citation frequency: 251 The virion glycoproteins of Ebola viruses are encoded in two reading frames and are expressed through transcriptional editing Sanchez, A; Trappier, SG; Mahy, BWJ; et al. Abstract: In late 1994 and early 1995, Ebola (EBO) virus dramatically reemerged in Africa, causing human disease in the Ivory Coast and Zaire. Analysis of the entire glycoprotein genes of these viruses and those of other EBO virus subtypes has shown that the virion glyco- protein (130 kDa) is encoded in two reading frames, which are linked by transcriptional editing. This editing results in the addition of an extra nontemplated adenosine within a run of seven adenosines near the middle of the coding region. The primary gene product is a smaller (50-70 kDa), nonstructural, secreted glycoprotein, which is produced in large amounts and has an unknown function. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that EBO virus subtypes are genetically diverse and that the recent Ivory Coast isolate represents a new (fourth) subtype of EBO virus, In contrast, the EBO virus isolate from the 1995 outbreak in Kikwit, Zaire, is virtually identical to the virus that caused a similar epidemic in Yambuku, Zaire, almost 20 years earlier. This genetic stability may indicate that EBO viruses have coevolved with their natural reservoirs and do not change appreciably in the wild. Keywords: filovirus; glycoprotein gene; phylogenetic analysis Sources: Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 1996, 93(8): 3602-3607

Citation frequency: 246 Accelerated vaccination for Ebola virus haemorrhagic fever in non-human primates Sullivan, NJ; Geisbert, TW; Geisbert, JB; et al. Abstract: Containment of highly lethal Ebola virus outbreaks poses a serious public health challenge. Although an experimental vaccine

6 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts has successfully protected non-human primates against disease(1), more than six months was required to complete the immunizations, making it impractical to limit an acute epidemic. Here, we report the development of accelerated vaccination against Ebola virus in non-human primates. The antibody response to immunization with an adenoviral (ADV) vector encoding the Ebola glycoprotein (GP) was induced more rapidly than with DNA priming and ADV boosting, but it was of lower magnitude. To determine whether this earlier immune response could nonetheless protect against disease, cynomolgus macaques were challenged with Ebola virus after vaccination with ADV-GP and nucleoprotein (NP) vectors. Protection was highly effective and correlated with the generation of Ebola-specific CD8(+) T-cell and antibody responses. Even when animals were immunized once with ADV-GP/NP and challenged 28 days later, they remained resistant to challenge with either low or high doses of virus. This accelerated vaccine provides an intervention that may help to limit the epidemic spread of Ebola, and is applicable to other viruses. Keywords: passive transfer; infection; glycoproteins; cytotoxicity; injury; gene Sources: Nature, 2003, 424(6949): 681-684

·Recommended Papers· Ebola Virus Disease: Epidemiology, Ecology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control LI Yu; REN Xiang; LIU Di; et al. Abstract: Ebolavirus is the causative agent of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and was first found in 1976 in Africa. The genus of Ebola virus includes 5 species, of which the 4 species, i.e., Sudan ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus, Taï Forest ebolavirus and Bundibugyo ebola virus caused human cases of EVD in the history. The additional species, Reston ebolavirus, was associated with several outbreaks among mon- keys and was once isolated from domestic pigs of Philippines. EVD has a fatality rate between 25% and 90%, with its outbreaks in humans limited to Africa and mainly happened in central Africa between 10°N and 10°S so far. The ongoing outbreak in West Africa has been the biggest one, with 2615 cases reported as of August 20, 2014. EVD is widely considered to be a zoonosis and its most likely natural reser- voirs are fruit bats based on the current evidence. Ebolavirus can spread within human, mainly through contact of blood and secretions of patients presenting symptoms and the contaminated objects as well. So the health care staff, home care person and individuals with contact of corpse of EVD cases are the high《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 risk population for infection. EVD has an abrupt onset of early symptoms such as fever, anorexia and weakness, which are nonspecific. But the disease can be diagnosed through testing RNA, antigen, or antibody. There have been no licensed drugs or vaccine in the market, while the treatment is still limited to treating the symptoms as they appear and supportive care. The current strategy for prevention and control includes early detection of cases, rapid investigation and response, tracing and close observation of high risk contact, and effective infection control in the health care facilities and the community. Keywords: Ebola virus disease; Ebolavirus; epidemiology Sources: Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(24): 15-24 Email: YU Hong-jie; [email protected]

Ebola Virus Disease: virology, pathogenesis, therapy, and vaccines CHENG Ying; LIU Jun; LI Yu; et al. Abstract: Outbreaks of Ebola virus disease (EVD) have been occurring in West Africa (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria) since December 2013. The etiological agent of this disease, a member of the Ebola virus genus, was first recognized in 1976. Ebolaviruses have a non-segmented, enveloped, negative-sense RNA genome and are members of the Filoviridae family. There are five recognized species within the Ebola virus genus: Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV), Sudan ebolavirus (SEBOV), Taï Forest ebola virus (TAFV), Bundibugyo ebolavi- rus (BDBV), and Reston ebolavirus (RESTV). The genomes of these viruses contain trailer sequences at the 3’and 5’ends, and genes en- coding the following proteins (from the 3’to the 5’end): NP, VP35, VP40, GP, VP30, VP24, and L. Ebola viruses are classified as category A pathogens, and should be operated under biosafety level four laboratory conditions. The target cells of Ebola viruses are hepatocytes, endothelial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. By depressing innate and adaptive immune responses and increasing vascular permea- bility, the viruses cause lesions on the liver and other organs. Symptoms of EVD include fever, hemorrhaging, dysfunction, and septic shock. There are currently no licensed antiviral drugs or vaccines against EVD. Therapies under development, or that have been studied in phase I clinical trials, include: the anti-influenza drug T-705, which possibly prevents virus replication in cells; ZMapp, an optimized “cocktail” therapy that includes three humanized antibodies; TKM-Ebola, an RNA interference-based gene therapy; and modulators of coagulation and inflammation. Vaccines under development include replicationdeficient vaccines with good safety but long induction times, and live attenuated vaccines with good efficacy but some safety concerns. Further investigation into virology, immunopathology, and pa- thogenesis of Ebolaviruses will benefit drug and vaccine research and development. At the same time, promising therapies and vaccines

7 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 should be fast-tracked to human clinical trials. Keywords: Ebolavirus; genome; immunity; pathogenic mechanism; therapy drug; vaccine Sources: Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(30): 2889-2989

Development of a duplex fluorescence RT-PCR assay for detecting four pathogenic subtypes of Ebola Virus ZHONG Yu-Qing; ZHEN Kui; SU Jin-kun; et al. Abstract: Objective To develop a duplex fluorescence RT-CR assay for detecting four pathogenie subtypes of Ebola virus including the subtypes of Sudan Zaire Bendi bujiao and Ivory Coast. Methods Based on the conserved sequence of nucleoprotein ( NP) gene of four subtypes of Ebola virus two sets of primers and probes were designed corresponding to the Sudan/Zaire subtype and to Bendi bu-jiao/Ivory Coast subtype. Using the Ebola virus RNA of four subtypes transcribed in vitro as templates the reaction condition were optimized and the specificity sensitivity and reproducibility were tested. Then a duplex fluorescence RT-CR assay was developed. Results The specificity of the method was high on detection the Ebola virus nucleic acid. There were no cross reactions with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus Dengue virus yellow fever virus West Nile virus Japanese encephalitis virus and Chikungunya virus. Detection sensitivities of two sets of primers and probes c;an reach a minimum of 50 copies/ul. Duplicate detec;tions for three times had better repeatability at four dilu- tions (2×108,2×106,2×104,2×102 copies/uL) of positive control RNA templates of subtypes of Sudan and Bendi bujiao. Conclusion The duplex 1luorescence RT-PCR assay can simultaneously detect the four subtypes of Ebola virus with high sensitivity and specificity and can he used for detection on suspected cases of Ebola virus infection. Keywords: Ebola Virus;Polymerise Chain Reaction Sources: South China Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2014, 40 (5): 416-420

Discussion on Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies for Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever From Shaoyin Syndrome in Shanhan Lun LIU Qing-quan Abstract: Currently Ebola virus《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 outbreaks in west African countries and China grants emergency humanitarian relief. World Health Or- ganization has announced that the outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in African is an emergent public health incident of international concern. The National Health and Family Planning Commission has implemented Prevention and Control Program of Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever. Although there is no experience in treating Ebola hemorrhagic fever with Chinese medicine,but Chinese medicine has participated in the control and treatment of hemorrhagic fever and obtained good effect in the history. The onset and symptoms of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is consistent with the pathogenesis of Shaoyin Syndrome in Shan-hanlun(Treatise On Cold Pathogenic Diseases), The onset of Ehola hemorrhagic fever is from one condition and high mortality. Currently Ehola hemorrhagic fever can be divided into four stakes and treated from Sources: Journa lof Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2014, 55 (18): 1555-1557

Analysis on Five Elements' Motion and Six Kinds of Natural Factors(Wuyun Liuqi) of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fevers in West Africa GU Zhi-shan Abstract: Objective To discuss the treatment to present Ebola epidemic situation in West Africa. Method From TCM Wuyun Liuqi and incubative pathogen theory, it analyses the etiology and pathogenesis, treatment rules and methods, medication and formulae features of present Ebola hemorrhagic fevers in West Africa. Result The present Ebola hemorrhagic fevers epidemic situation in West Africa is related with Wuyun Liuqi and incubative pathogen; the pathogenesis emphasis is in incubative cold injuring Yang, the treatment is mainly based on relative articles in Shaoyin Diseases of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, dispersing the incubative pathogen, carefully applying heavy dosage of drugs of clearing away heat and toxic materials; also referring to Monkshood and Camellia Decoction and Zhengyang Decoction, this year’s 3-natural factors Yunqi decoctions. Conclusion The abnormal natural factors(yunqi) is the main reason for Ebola epidemic situation; to reinforce TCM Yunqi theory research has great meaning for Ebola hemorrhagic fevers inWest Africa. Keywords: Ebola virus; epidemic situation; West Africa; Wuyun Liuqi Sources: Journal of ZheJiang Chinese Medical University, 2014, 38 (9): 1041-1043

8 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts

Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa - The First 9 Months of the Epidemic and Forward Projections Aylward, Bruce; Barboza, Philippe; Bawo, Luke; et al. Abstract: BACKGROUND On March 23, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) was notified of an outbreak of Ebola virus dis- ease (EVD) in Guinea. On August 8, the WHO declared the epidemic to be a "public health emergency of international concern." METHODS By September 14, 2014, a total of 4507 probable and confirmed cases, including 2296 deaths from EVD (Zaire species) had been reported from five countries in West Africa - Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. We analyzed a detailed subset of data on 3343 confirmed and 667 probable Ebola cases collected in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone as of September 14. RESULTS The majority of patients are 15 to 44 years of age (49.9% male), and we estimate that the case fatality rate is 70.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 69 to 73) among persons with known clinical outcome of infection. The course of infection, including signs and symptoms, incubation period (11.4 days), and serial interval (15.3 days), is similar to that reported in previous outbreaks of EVD. On the basis of the initial periods of exponential growth, the estimated basic reproduction numbers (R-0) are 1.71 (95% CI, 1.44 to 2.01) for Gui- nea, 1.83 (95% CI, 1.72 to 1.94) for Liberia, and 2.02 (95% CI, 1.79 to 2.26) for Sierra Leone. The estimated current reproduction numbers (R) are 1.81 (95% CI, 1.60 to 2.03) for Guinea, 1.51 (95% CI, 1.41 to 1.60) for Liberia, and 1.38 (95% CI, 1.27 to 1.51) for Sierra Leone; the corresponding doubling times are 15.7 days (95% CI, 12.9 to 20.3) for Guinea, 23.6 days (95% CI, 20.2 to 28.2) for Liberia, and 30.2 days (95% CI, 23.6 to 42.3) for Sierra Leone. Assuming no change in the control measures for this epidemic, by November 2, 2014, the cumulative reported numbers of confirmed and probable cases are predicted to be 5740 in Guinea, 9890 in Liberia, and 5000 in Sierra Leone, exceeding 20,000 in total. CONCLUSIONS These data indicate that without improvements in control measures, the numbers of cases of and deaths from EVD are expected to continue increasing from hundreds to thousands per week in the coming months Keywords: hemorrhagic-fever; clinical-observations; congo; outbreak; kikwit; zaire; transmission; uganda Sources: New England Journal of Medicine, 2014, 371(16): 1481-1495 Email: Donnelly, CA; [email protected]

Emergence of Zaire Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Baize, Sylvain; Pannetier, Delphine; Oestereich, Lisa; et al. Abstract: In March 2014, the World Health Organization was notified of an outbreak of a communicable disease characterized by fever, severe diarrhea, vomiting, and a high fatality rate in Guinea. Virologic investigation identified Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) as the causative agent. Full-length genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis showed that EBOV from Guinea forms a separate clade in relationship to the known EBOV strains from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. Epidemiologic investigation linked the laboratory-confirmed cases with the presumed first fatality of the outbreak in December 2013. This study demonstrates the emergence of a new EBOV strain in Guinea. Keywords: hemorrhagic-fever; lassa-virus; filoviruses; infection; models; assay Sources: New England Journal of Medicine, 2014, 371(15): 1418-1425 Email: Gunther, S; [email protected]

Reversion of advanced Ebola virus disease in nonhuman primates with ZMapp Qiu, Xiangguo; Wong, Gary; Audet, Jonathan; et al. Abstract: Without an approved vaccine or treatments, Ebola outbreak management has been limited to palliative care and barrier methods to prevent transmission. These approaches, however, have yet to end the 2014 outbreak of Ebola after its prolonged presence in West Africa. Here we show that a combination of monoclonal antibodies (ZMapp), optimized from two previous antibody cocktails, is able to rescue 100% of rhesus macaques when treatment is initiated up to 5 days post-challenge. High fever, viraemia and abnormalities in blood count and blood chemistry were evident in many animals before ZMapp intervention. Advanced disease, as indicated by elevated liver enzymes, mucosal haemorrhages and generalized petechia could be reversed, leading to full recovery. ELISA and neutralizing antibody assays indi- cate that ZMapp is cross-reactive with the Guinean variant of Ebola. ZMapp exceeds the efficacy of any other therapeutics described so far, and results warrant further development of this cocktail for clinical use. Keywords: monoclonal-antibodies; hemorrhagic-fever; postexposure protection; mediated protection; guinea-pigs; infection; challenge Sources: Nature, 2014, 514(7520): 47-53 Email: Zeitlin, L; [email protected]

9 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015

Genomic surveillance elucidates Ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak Gire, Stephen K; Goba, Augustine; Andersen, Kristian G; et al. Abstract: In its largest outbreak, Ebola virus disease is spreading through Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. We sequenced 99 Ebola virus genomes from 78 patients in Sierra Leone to similar to 2000x coverage. We observed a rapid accumulation of interhost and intrahost genetic variation, allowing us to characterize patterns of viral transmission over the initial weeks of the epidemic. This West Afri- can variant likely diverged from central African lineages around 2004, crossed from Guinea to Sierra Leone in May 2014, and has exhibited sustained human-to-human transmission subsequently, with no evidence of additional zoonotic sources. Because many of the mutations alter protein sequences and other biologically meaningful targets, they should be monitored for impact on diagnostics, vaccines, and thera- pies critical to outbreak response. Keywords: purifying selection; hemorrhagic-fever; dengue virus; polymerase; RNA Sources: Science, 2014, 345(6202): 1368-1372 Email: Goba, A; [email protected]

Shed GP of Ebola Virus Triggers Immune Activation and Increased Vascular Permeability Escudero-Pérez B; Volchkova VA; Dolnik O; et al. Abstract: During Ebola virus (EBOV) infection a significant amount of surface glycoprotein GP is shed from infected cells in a soluble form due to cleavage by cellular metalloprotease TACE. Shed GP and non-structural secreted glycoprotein sGP, both expressed from the same GP gene, have been detected in the blood of human patients and experimentally infected animals. In this study we demonstrate that shed GP could play a particular role during EBOV infection. In effect it binds and activates non-infected dendritic cells and macrophages inducing the secretion of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL1β, IL6, IL8, IL12p40, and IL1-RA, IL10). Activation of these cells by shed GP correlates with the increase in surface expression of co-stimulatory molecules CD40, CD80, CD83 and CD86. Contrary to shed GP, secreted sGP activates neither DC nor macrophages while it could bind DCs. In this study, we show that shed GP activity is likely mediated through cellular toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and is dependent on GPglycosylation. Treatment of cells with anti-TLR4 antibody completely abolishes shed GP-induced《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 activation of cells. We also demonstrate that shedGP activity is negated upon addition of man- nose-binding sera lectin MBL, a molecule known to interact with sugar arrays present on the surface of different microorganisms. Further- more, we highlight the ability of shed GP to affect endothelial cell function both directly and indirectly, demonstrating the interplay be- tween shed GP, systemic cytokine release and increased vascular permeability. In conclusion, shed GP released from virus-infected cells could activate non-infected DCs and macrophages causing the massive release of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and effect vascu- larpermeability. These activities could be at the heart of the excessive and dysregulated inflammatory host reactions to infection and thus contribute to high virus pathogenicity. Sources: PLoS Pathogens, 2014, 10(11): e1004509

Evaluating Ebola Therapies — The Case for RCTs Cox E; Borio L; Temple R Abstract: The worst Ebola epidemic in history is ongoing. With the number of deaths from Ebola virus disease (EVD) already in the thou- sands and predicted to rise to tens of thousands, 1 the situation is tragic. No treatments have yet been shown to be safe and effective in ptients with EVD. Some candidate therapies have shown benefit in animal models of infection, and others have shown activity against cer- tain Ebola strains in cell culture, but concerns have been raised about possible toxicity of some of these agents. There is an urgent need to identify therapies that are effective and safe, and well-designed. Sources: The New England journal of medicine, published on December 3, 2014, at NEJM.org

(Editor in charge: WANG Shuai-shuai, WEI Xia-wen)

10 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts

High Impact Papers

Highly Cited Papers TOP5 Source: Web of Science Publication date: 2013.1—2014.11 Retrieval date: 2014.12.1

ACOUSTICS Citation frequency: 72 EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Ultrasound Elastography. Part 1: Basic Principles and Technology Bamber, J; Cosgrove, D; Dietrich, CF; et al. Abstract: The technical part of these Guidelines and Recommendations, produced under the auspices of EFSUMB, provides an introduc- tion to the physical principles and technology on which all forms of current commercially available ultrasound elastography are based. A difference in shear modulus is the common underlying physical mechanism that provides tissue contrast in all elastograms. The relationship between the alternative technologies is considered in terms of the method used to take advantage of this. The practical advantages and dis- advantages associated with each of the techniques are described, and guidance is provided on optimisation of scanning technique, image display, image interpretation and some of the known image artefacts. Keywords: acoustic radiation force; in-vivo demonstration; transient elastography; elastic properties; soft-tissue; liver fibrosis; hepatitis-c; breast; strain; contrast Sources: Ultraschall in Der Medizin, 2013, 34(2): 169-184 Email: Bamber, J; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 57 EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Ultrasound Elastography. Part 2: Clinical Applications Cosgrove, D; Piscaglia, F; Bamber, J; et al. Abstract: The clinical part of these《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Guidelines and Recommendations produced under the auspices of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology EFSUMB assesses the clinically used applications of all forms of elastography, stressing the evi- dence from meta-analyses and giving practical advice for their uses and interpretation. Diffuse liver disease forms the largest section, re- flecting the wide experience with transient and shear wave elastography. Then follow the breast, thyroid, gastro-intestinal tract, endoscopic elastography, the prostate and the musculo-skeletal system using strain and shear wave elastography as appropriate. The document is in- tended to form a reference and to guide clinical users in a practical way. Keywords: radiation force impulse; real-time elastography; chronic hepatitis-c; liver stiffness measurement; shear-wave elastography; malig- nant thyroid-nodules; associazione medici endocrinologi; inflammatory-bowel-disease; prostate-cancer detection; focal pancreatic lesions Sources: Ultraschall in Der Medizin, 2013, 34(3): 238-253 Email: Cosgrove, D; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 47 Guidelines and Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in the Liver - Update 2012 A WFUMB-EFSUMB Initiative in Cooperation With Representatives of AFSUMB, AIUM, ASUM, FLAUS and ICUS Claudon, M; Dietrich, CF; Choi, BI; et al. Abstract: Initially, a set of guidelines for the use of ultrasound contrast agents was published in 2004 dealing only with liver applications. A second edition of the guidelines in 2008 reflected changes in the available contrast agents and updated the guidelines for the liver, as well as implementing some non-liver applications. Time has moved on, and the need for international guidelines on the use of CEUS in the liver has become apparent. The present document describes the third iteration of recommendations for the hepatic use of contrast enhanced ul- trasound (CEUS) using contrast specific imaging techniques. This joint WFUMB-EFSUMB initiative has implicated experts from major leading ultrasound societies worldwide. These liver CEUS guidelines are simultaneously published in the official journals of both organiz- ing federations (i.e., Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology for WFUMB and Ultraschall in der Medizin/European Journal of Ultrasound for EFSUMB). These guidelines and recommendations provide general advice on the use of all currently clinically available ultrasound con- trast agents (UCA). They are intended to create standard protocols for the use and administration of UCA in liver applications on an inter- national basis and improve the management of patients worldwide. Keywords: small hepatocellular-carcinoma; gastrointestinal stromal tumors; guided radiofrequency ablation; hepatic-artery thrombosis; degum multicenter trial; intraoperative ultrasonography; colorectal-cancer; b-mode; peripheral cholangiocarcinoma; quantitative assessment Sources: Ultraschall in Der Medizin, 2013, 34(1): 11-29 Email: Dietrich, CF; [email protected]

11 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Citation frequency: 40 Guidelines And Good Clinical Practice Recommendations For Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (Ceus) In The Liver - Update 2012 A Wfumb-Efsumb Initiative In Cooperation With Representatives Of Afsumb, Aium, Asum, Flaus And Icus Claudon, M; Dietrich, CF; Choi, BI; et al. Abstract: Initially, a set of guidelines for the use of ultrasound contrast agents was published in 2004 dealing only with liver applications. A second edition of the guidelines in 2008 reflected changes in the available contrast agents and updated the guidelines for the liver, as well as implementing some non-liver applications. Time has moved on, and the need for international guidelines on the use of CEUS in the liver has become apparent. The present document describes the third iteration of recommendations for the hepatic use of contrast enhanced ul- trasound (CEUS) using contrast specific imaging techniques. This joint WFUMB-EFSUMB initiative has implicated experts from major leading ultrasound societies worldwide. These liver CEUS guidelines are simultaneously published in the official journals of both organiz- ing federations (i.e., Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology for WFUMB and Ultraschall in der Medizin/European Journal of Ultrasound for EFSUMB). These guidelines and recommendations provide general advice on the use of all currently clinically available ultrasound con- trast agents (UCA). They are intended to create standard protocols for the use and administration of UCA in liver applications on an inter- national basis and improve the management of patients worldwide. Keywords: small hepatocellular-carcinoma; gastrointestinal stromal tumors; guided radiofrequency ablation; hepatic-artery thrombosis; degum multicenter trial; intraoperative ultrasonography; colorectal-cancer; b-mode; peripheral cholangiocarcinoma; quantitative assess- ment Sources: Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2013, 39(2): 187-210 Email: Dietrich, CF; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 34 Implementation of maternal blood cell-free DNA testing in early screening for aneuploidies Gil, MM; Quezada, MS; Bregant, B; et al. Abstract: Objective To explore the feasibility of routine maternal blood cell-free (cf) DNA testing in screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 at 10 weeks' gestation. Method In this prospective study, women attending The Fetal Medicine Centre in London, UK, between October 2012 and April 2013, with singleton pregnancy and live fetus with CRL 32-45 mm, were screened for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by cfDNA testing at 10 weeks and the combined《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 test at 12 weeks. Results cfDNA testing was performed in 1005 singleton pregnancies with a median maternal age of 37 (range, 20-49) years. Risks for trisomies were provided for 957 (95.2%) cases and in 98.0% these were available within 14 days from sampling. In 48 (4.8%) cases no result was provided due to problems with delivery to the laboratory, low fetal fraction or assay failure. Repeat sampling was performed in 40 cases and a result obtained in 27 (67.5%) of these. In 11 cases the risk score for trisomy 21 and in five cases that for trisomy 18 was > 99%, in one the risk for trisomy 13 was 34% and in 968 the risk for each of the three triso- mies was < 0.01%. The suspected trisomies were confirmed by karyotyping after chorionic villus sampling (CVS), except in one case of trisomy 18 in which the karyotype was normal. On the basis of the maternal age distribution of the study population, the expected and ob- served numbers for each of the three trisomies were similar. Both cfDNA and combined testing detected all trisomies, but the estimated false-positive rates (FPR) were 0.1% and 3.4%, respectively. Conclusion Routine screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by cfDNA testing at 10 weeks is feasible and has a lower FPR than does combined testing, but abnormal results require confirmation by CVS. Keywords: fetal nuchal-translucency; chromosomal-abnormalities; prenatal-diagnosis; down-syndrome; trisomy-21; risk; age Sources: Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2013, 42(1): 34-40 Email: Nicolaides, KH; [email protected]

AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Citation frequency: 32 Role and significance of beta-glucosidases in the hydrolysis of cellulose for bioethanol production Singhania, RR; Patel, AK; Sukumaran, RK; et al. Abstract: One of the major challenges in the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into liquid biofuels includes the search for a glucose tolerant beta-gulucosidase. Beta-glucosidase is the key enzyme component present in cellulase and completes the final step during cellulose hydrolysis by converting the cellobiose to glucose. This reaction is always under control as it gets inhibited by its product glucose. It is a major bottleneck in the efficient biomass conversion by cellulase. To circumvent this problem several strategies have been adopted which we have discussed in the article along with its production strategies and general properties. It plays a very significant role in bioethanol production from biomass through enzymatic route. Hence several amendments took place in the commercial preparation of cellulase for biomass hydrolysis, which contains higher and improved beta-glucosidase for efficient biomass conversion. This article presents beta- glucosidase as the key component for bioethanol from biomass through enzymatic route.

12 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Keywords: trichoderma-reesei cellulase; myceliophthora sp imi-387099; pichia-pastoris; family 3; paecilomyces-thermophila; differential expression; functional expression; aspergillus-fumigatus; glycosyl hydrolases; enhanced production Sources: Bioresource Technology, 2013, 127: 500-507 Email: Singhania, RR; [email protected]

Citation frequency:31 Inhibitory effect of lignin during cellulose bioconversion: The effect of lignin chemistry on non-productive enzyme adsorption Rahikainen, JL; Martin-Sampedro, R; Heikkinen, H; et al. Abstract: The effect of lignin as an inhibitory biopolymer for the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass was studied; specially addressing the role of lignin in non-productive enzyme adsorption. Botanical origin and biomass pre-treatment give rise to differences in lignin structure and the effect of these differences on enzyme binding and inhibition were elucidated. Lignin was isolated from steam ex- plosion (SE) pre-treated and non-treated spruce and wheat straw and used for the preparation of ultrathin films for enzyme binding studies. Binding of Trichoderma reesei Cel7A (CBHI) and the corresponding Cel7A-core, lacking the linker and the cellulose-binding domain, to the lignin films was monitored using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). SE pre-treatment altered the lignin structure, leading to in- creased enzyme adsorption. Thus, the positive effect of SE pre-treatment, opening the cell wall matrix to make polysaccharides more ac- cessible, may be compromised by the structural changes of lignin that increase non-productive enzyme adsorption. Keywords: steam-explosion pretreatment; trichoderma-reesei; cellobiohydrolase-i; wheat-straw; thin-films; hydrolysis; wood; softwood; surface; delignification Sources: Bioresource Technology, 2013, 133: 270-278 Email: Rahikainen, JL; [email protected]

Citation frequency:28 Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of microalgae for biofuel production: State of the art review and future prospects Barreiro, DL; Prins, W; Ronsse, F; et al. Abstract: Among the various types of biomass, microalgae have the potential of becoming a significant energy source for biofuel produc- tion in the coming years. Currently,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 research is mainly focusing on optimization of the cultivation methods and the conversion of just a single microalgae fraction (lipids for biodiesel production). Hydrothermal liquefaction is a method for thermochemical conversion of wet microalgae, producing a liquid energy carrier called 'bio-oil' or 'biocrude', next to gaseous, aqueous and solid by-products. A review of the available literature is presented here, analyzing the influence of parameters such as temperature, holding time and catalyst dosage on the yield and properties of the different product fractions. Also, the strain selection and the status of the technology for hydrothermal processes are analyzed. Finally, based on the findings obtained from the literature review, directions for future research are suggested. Keywords: supercritical water; oil production; chlorella-protothecoides; dunaliella-tertiolecta; nannochloropsis sp; bio-oil; thermochemical liquefaction; catalytic gasification; marine microalgae; renewable fuels Sources: Biomass & Bioenergy, 2013, 53: 113-127 Email: Barreiro, DL; [email protected]

Citation frequency:26 Development of model for mechanical properties of tapioca starch based edible films Maran, JP; Sivakumar, V; Sridhar, R; et al. Abstract: Eco-efficient products are the new generation of bio-based products prepared with sustainable materials, which agree with eco- logical and economic requirements including environmentally acceptable disposal of post-user waste. Increasing environmental concerns associated with handling of plastic waste has emphasized the importance of developing biodegradable edible films from starch. The objec- tive of this study is to develop models and study the individual and interactive effects of the process variables on the mechanical properties of tapioca starch-based edible films using Box-Behnken design. Box-Behnken design with four factors at three levels was employed to evaluate the individual and interactive effects of process parameters (tapioca starch 1-3 g; glycerol 0.5-1.0 ml; agar 0.5-1.0 g; and span 80:0.1-0.5 ml) on the tensile strength, elongation. Young's modulus, puncture force, and puncture deformation respectively. The results were analyzed using Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA). For each response, second order polynomial regression models were developed and it showed good fit of the experimental data with high coefficient of determination (R-2) and a close agreement between experimental and predicted values was found. The response surface and contour plots were constructed for representing the relationship between the process parameters and the responses. Keywords: response-surface methodology; water-vapor permeability; box-behnken design; physical-properties; cassava starch; micro- structural characterization; functional-properties; plasticized starch; tensile properties; thermal-properties Sources: Industrial Crops and Products, 2013, 42: 159-168 Email: Sivakumar, V; [email protected]

13 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Citation frequency:26 Biosynthesis, characterisation and anti-bacterial effect of plant-mediated silver nanoparticles using Artemisia nilagirica Vijayakumar, M; Priya, K; Nancy, FT; et al. Abstract: Currently, there is an increasing commercial demand for nanoparticles due to their wide applicability in various markets, such as medicine, catalysis, electronics, chemistry and energy. In this report, a simple and eco-friendly chemical reaction for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from Artemisia nilagirica (Asteraceae) has been developed. Silver nitrate was used as the metal precursor and hy- drazine hydrate as a reducing agent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) were used to charac- terise the nanoparticles obtained from A. nilagirica. The morphology of the AgNPs was determined by SEM and the average diameter of the particles was determined as 70-90 nm. The EDX analysis of the nanoparticles dispersion, using a range of 2-4 keV. confirmed the presence of elemental silver, with no other impurity peaks detected. In addition, the characterised AgNPs has the potential for various medical and industrial applications. The results showed that microbial susceptibility to AgNPs is different for each microorganism. Keywords: antimicrobial activity; escherichia-coli; microscopy; reduction; bacteria; extract Sources: Industrial Crops and Products, 2013, 41: 235-240 Email: Vijayakumar, M; [email protected]

AGRICULTURE DAIRY ANIMAL SCIENCE Citation frequency: 29 Genomic imputation and evaluation using high-density Holstein genotypes VanRaden, PM; Null, DJ; Sargolzaei, M; et al. Abstract: Genomic evaluations for 161,341 Holsteins were computed by using 311,725 of 777,962 markers on the IIlumina BovineHD Genotyping BeadChip (HD). Initial edits with 1,741 HD genotypes from 5 breeds revealed that 636,967 markers were usable but that half were redundant. Holstein genotypes were from 1;510 animals with HD markers, 82,358 animals with 45;187 (50K) markers, 1,797 animals with 8,031 (8K) markers, 20,177 animals with 6,836 (6K) markers, 52,270 animals with 2;683 (3K) markers; and 3,229 nongenotyped dams (OK) with >90% of haplotypes imputable because they had 4 or more genotyped progeny. The Holstein HD genotypes were from 1;142 US, Canadian, British; and Italian sires, 196 other sires, 138 cows in a US Department of Agriculture research herd (Beltsville; MD), and 34 other females. Percentages of correctly imputed genotypes were tested by applying the programs findhap and FImpute to a simu- lated chromosome for an earlier 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅population that had only 1;112 animals with HD genotypes and none with 8K genotypes. For each chip, 1% of the genotypes were missing and 0.02% were incorrect initially. After imputation of missing markers with findhap; percentages of genotypes correct were 99.9% from HD; 99.0% from 50K, 94.6% from 6K, 90.5% from 3K, and 93.5% from OK. With FImpute, 99.96% were correct from HD, 99.3% from 50K, 94.7% from 6K, 91.1% from 3K, and 95.1% from OK genotypes. Accuracy for the 3K and 6K genotypes further improved by approximately 2 percentage points if imputed first to 50K and then to HD instead of imputing all genotypes directly to HD. Evaluations were tested by using imputed actual genotypes and August 2008 phenotypes to predict deregressed evaluations of US bulls proven after August 2008. For 28 traits tested; the estimated genomic reliability averaged 61.1% when using 311,725 markers vs. 60.7% when using 45,187 markers vs. 29.6% from the traditional parent average. Squared correlations with future data were slightly greater for 16 traits and slightly less for 12 with HD than with 50K evaluations. The observed 0.4 percentage point average increase in re- liability was less favorable than the 0.9 expected from simulation but was similar to actual gains from other HD studies. The largest HD and 50K marker effects were often located at very similar positions. The single-breed evaluation tested here and previous single-breed or multi- breed evaluations have not produced large gains. Increasing the number of HD genotypes used for imputation above 1;074 did not improve the reliability of Holstein genomic evaluations. Keywords: predictions; traits; panels Sources: Journal of Dairy Science, 2013, 96(1): 668-678 Email: VanRaden, PM; [email protected]

Citation frequency:24 Recent developments in altering the fatty acid composition of ruminant-derived foods Shingfield, KJ; Bonnet, M; Scollan, ND Abstract: There is increasing evidence to indicate that nutrition is an important factor involved in the onset and development of several chronic human diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), type II diabetes and obesity. Clinical studies implicate excessive consumption of medium-chain saturated fatty acids (SFA) and trans-fatty acids (TFA) as risk factors for CVD, and in the aetiology of other chronic conditions. Ruminant-derived foods are significant sources of medium-chain SFA and TFA in the human diet, but also provide high-quality protein, essential micronutrients and several bioactive lipids. Altering the fatty acid composition of ruminant-derived foods offers the opportunity to align the consumption of fatty acids in human populations with public health policies without the need for sub- stantial changes in eating habits. Replacing conserved forages with fresh grass or dietary plant oil and oilseed supplements can be used to lower medium-chain and total SFA content and increase cis-9 18:1, total conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty

14 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts acids (PUFA) to a variable extent in ruminant milk. However, inclusion of oil or marine algae in the ruminant diet results in marginal enrichment of 20- or 22-carbon PUFA in milk. Studies in growing ruminants have confirmed that the same nutritional strategies improve the balance of n-6/n-3 PUFA, and increase CLA and long-chain n-3 PUFA in ruminant meat, but the potential to lower medium-chain and total SFA is limited. Attempts to alter meat and milk fatty acid composition through changes in the diet fed to ruminants are often accompa- nied by several-fold increases in TFA concentrations. In extreme cases, the distribution of trans 18:1 and 18:2 isomers in ruminant foods may resemble that of partially hydrogenated plant oils. Changes in milk fat or muscle lipid composition in response to diet are now known to be accompanied by tissue-specific alterations in the expression of one or more lipogenic genes. Breed influences both milk and muscle fat content, although recent studies have confirmed the occurrence of genetic variability in transcript abundance and activity of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis and identified polymorphisms for several key lipogenic genes in lactating and growing cattle. Although nutrition is the major factor influencing the fatty acid composition of ruminant-derived foods, further progress can be expected through the use of genomic or marker-assisted selection to increase the frequency of favourable genotypes and the formulation of diets to exploit this genetic potential. Keywords: conjugated linoleic-acid; stearoyl-coa desaturase; japanese black cattle; lactating dairy-cows; subcutaneous adipose-tissue; element-binding protein-1; fed maize silage; mammary lipogenic enzymes; sunflower-seed oil; red-clover silage Sources: Animal, 2013, 7: 132-162 Email: Shingfield, KJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 21 Prospects from agroecology and industrial ecology for animal production in the 21st century Dumont, B; Fortun-Lamothe, L; Jouven, M; et al. Abstract: Agroecology and industrial ecology can be viewed as complementary means for reducing the environmental footprint of animal farming systems: agroecology mainly by stimulating natural processes to reduce inputs, and industrial ecology by closing system loops, thereby reducing demand for raw materials, lowering pollution and saving on waste treatment. Surprisingly, animal farming systems have so far been ignored in most agroecological thinking. On the basis of a study by Altieri, who identified the key ecological processes to be optimized, we propose five principles for the design of sustainable animal production systems: (i) adopting management practices aiming to improve animal health, (ii) decreasing the inputs needed for production, (iii) decreasing pollution by optimizing the metabolic functioning of farming systems, (iv) enhancing diversity within animal production systems to strengthen their resilience and (v) preserving biological diversity in agroecosystems by adapting management practices. We then discuss how these different principles combine to generate envi- ronmental, social and economic 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅performance in six animal production systems (ruminants, pigs, rabbits and aquaculture) covering a long gradient of intensification. The two principles concerning economy of inputs and reduction of pollution emerged in nearly all the case stu- dies, a finding that can be explained by the economic and regulatory constraints affecting animal production. Integrated management of animal health was seldom mobilized, as alternatives to chemical drugs have only recently been investigated, and the results are not yet transferable to farming practices. A number of ecological functions and ecosystem services (recycling of nutrients, forage yield, pollination, resistance to weed invasion, etc.) are closely linked to biodiversity, and their persistence depends largely on maintaining biological diversity in agroecosystems. We conclude that the development of such ecology-based alternatives for animal production implies changes in the positions adopted by technicians and extension services, researchers and policymakers. Animal production systems should not only be con- sidered holistically, but also in the diversity of their local and regional conditions. The ability of farmers to make their own decisions on the basis of the close monitoring of system performance is most important to ensure system sustainability. Keywords: recirculating aquaculture systems; crop-livestock systems; life-cycle assessment; carp cyprinus-carpio; farming systems; graz- ing intensity; sustainable aquaculture; pollinating insects; species richness; food-production Sources: Animal, 2013, 7(6): 1028-1043 Email: Dumont, B; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 21 Gastrointestinal health and function in weaned pigs: a review of feeding strategies to control post-weaning diarrhoea without using in-feed antimicrobial compounds Heo, JM; Opapeju, FO; Pluske, JR; et al. Abstract: For the last several decades, antimicrobial compounds have been used to promote piglet growth at weaning through the preven- tion of subclinical and clinical disease. There are, however, increasing concerns in relation to the development of antibiotic-resistant bac- terial strains and the potential of these and associated resistance genes to impact on human health. As a consequence, European Union (EU) banned the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in swine and livestock production on 1 January 2006. Furthermore, minerals such as zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) are not feasible alternatives/replacements to antibiotics because their excretion is a possible threat to the environment. Consequently, there is a need to develop feeding programs to serve as a means for controlling problems associated with the weaning transi- tion without using antimicrobial compounds. This review, therefore, is focused on some of nutritional strategies that are known to improve structure and function of gastrointestinal tract and (or) promote post-weaning growth with special emphasis on probiotics, prebiotics, or- ganic acids, trace minerals and dietary protein source and level.

15 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: enterotoxigenic escherichia-coli; conjugated linoleic-acid; antibiotic growth promoters; small-intestinal morphology; me- dium-chain triglycerides; digestive enzyme-activity; spray-dried porcine; cereal nonstarch polysaccharides; receptor gene-expression; hu- man colonic microbiota Sources: Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2013, 97(2): 207-237 Email: Nyachoti, CM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 20 Accuracy of prediction of genomic breeding values for residual feed intake and carcass and meat quality traits in Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and composite beef cattle Bolormaa, S; Pryce, JE; Kemper, K; et al. Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of genomic predictions for 19 traits including feed efficiency, growth, and car- cass and meat quality traits in beef cattle. The 10,181 cattle in our study had real or imputed genotypes for 729,068 SNP although not all cattle were measured for all traits. Animals included Bos taurus, Brahman, composite, and crossbred animals. Genomic EBV (GEBV) were calculated using 2 methods of genomic prediction [BayesR and genomic BLUP (GBLUP)] either using a common training dataset for all breeds or using a training dataset comprising only animals of the same breed. Accuracies of GEBV were assessed using 5-fold cross-validation. The accuracy of genomic prediction varied by trait and by method. Traits with a large number of recorded and genotyped animals and with high heritability gave the greatest accuracy of GEBV. Using GBLUP, the average accuracy was 0.27 across traits and breeds, but the accuracies between breeds and between traits varied widely. When the training population was restricted to animals from the same breed as the validation population, GBLUP accuracies declined by an average of 0.04. The greatest decline in accuracy was found for the 4 composite breeds. The BayesR accuracies were greater by an average of 0.03 than GBLUP accuracies, particularly for traits with known genes of moderate to large effect mutations segregating. The accuracies of 0.43 to 0.48 for IGF-I traits were among the greatest in the study. Although accuracies are low compared with those observed in dairy cattle, genomic selection would still be beneficial for traits that are hard to improve by conventional selection, such as tenderness and residual feed intake. BayesR identified many of the same quan- titative trait loci as a genomewide association study but appeared to map them more precisely. All traits appear to be highly polygenic with thousands of SNP independently associated with each trait. Keywords: single nucleotide polymorphism; phenotypic characterization; genotypes; tenderness; multibreed; efficiency; temperate; genet- ics; descent; impact 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Sources: Journal of Animal Science, 2013, 91(7): 3088-3104 Email: Bolormaa, S; [email protected]

AGRICULTURE MULTIDISCIPLINARY Citation frequency:47 The knowns, known unknowns and unknowns of sequestration of soil organic carbon Stockmann, U; Adams, MA; Crawford, JW; et al. Abstract: Soil contains approximately 2344 Gt (1 gigaton = 1 billion tonnes) of organic carbon globally and is the largest terrestrial pool of organic carbon. Small changes in the soil organic carbon stock could result in significant impacts on the atmospheric carbon concentration. The fluxes of soil organic carbon vary in response to a host of potential environmental and anthropogenic driving factors. Scientists world- wide are contemplating questions such as: 'What is the average net change in soil organic carbon due to environmental conditions or man- agement practices?', 'How can soil organic carbon sequestration be enhanced to achieve some mitigation of atmospheric carbon dioxide?' and 'Will this secure soil quality?'. These questions are far reaching, because maintaining and improving the world's soil resource is impera- tive to providing sufficient food and fibre to a growing population. Additional challenges are expected through climate change and its po- tential to increase food shortages. This review highlights knowledge of the amount of carbon stored in soils globally, and the potential for carbon sequestration in soil. It also discusses successful methods and models used to determine and estimate carbon pools and fluxes. This knowledge and technology underpins decisions to protect the soil resource. Keywords: land-use change; microbial community structure; natural c-13 abundance; matter dynamics; litter decomposition; cli- mate-change; nitrogen mineralization; temperature sensitivity; environmental-change; agricultural soils Sources: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2013, 164: 80-99 Email: Stockmann, U; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 21 Does landscape composition affect pest abundance and their control by natural enemies? A review Veres, A; Petit, S; Conord, C; et al. Abstract: Landscape management could contribute to sustainable pest control. Landscape composition, in particular, could either directly impact a pest abundance by affecting its dispersal, mortality or reproduction, or indirectly by affecting its natural enemies. We performed an analysis of the scientific literature to assess how the proportion of different land covers at the landscape level is related to the abundance of

16 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts pests or to their control by natural enemies. Of 72 independent case studies, 45 reported an effect of landscape composition. Results con- firmed the suspected suppressive effect of landscape scale amounts of semi-natural areas on in-field pests: landscapes with higher propor- tions of semi-natural areas exhibited lower pest abundance or higher pest control in fields. Contrarily, there was no clear direction in rela- tionships between pests and pest control and landscape when the latter was described as the overall proportion of cultivated area or as that of crops host to particular pests. The analysis of original articles indicates that this lack of direction may be due to the diversity of land use intensity in the studied landscapes and to a too rough categorizing of land covers. This pleads for a better consideration of the functionality of crops and of their management in landscapes. Keywords: winter oilseed rape; biological-control; land-use; agricultural landscapes; parasitoid interactions; ecosystem service; farming practices; biodiversity; diversity; agroecosystems Sources: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2013, 166(): 110-117 Email: Lavigne, C; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 20 Using sediment tracing to assess processes and spatial patterns of erosion in grazed rangelands, Burdekin River basin, Australia Wilkinson, SN; Hancock, GJ; Bartley, R; et al. Abstract: Identifying how agricultural practices can be changed to reduce sediment loss requires knowledge of the erosion processes and spatial areas contributing to end of catchment sediment loads. The Burdekin River basin in northeast Australia is a priority for such know- ledge because of its large size (130,000 km2), ongoing public investment in changing agricultural practices, and because sediment exports are known to affect the health of a significant aquatic ecosystem, the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). This study applied sediment tracing tech- niques within the Burdekin River basin to identify the contributions of surface versus subsurface soil, and spatial areas to fine sediment export. Tracer properties included fallout radionuclides and geochemistry. The contributions of each sediment source to river sediment were identified with 95% confidence intervals using a Monte-Carlo numerical mixing model. Between 77% and 89% of fine sediment loss in the study area was derived from subsurface soil sources. High-resolution monitoring of river suspended sediment concentrations indicated that sediment sources were in close proximity to the drainage network, since concentrations were higher on the rising limb than the falling limb of large hydrographs. Gully erosion is likely to be the dominant subsurface soil erosion process, although channel bank erosion and hillslope filling cannot be discounted. The results contrast with previous sediment budget spatial modelling, which predicted that hillslope erosion was the dominant sediment《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 source in the area, thus demonstrating the need to independently verify modelling predictions where input datasets are poor. The contribution of surface soil to river sediment was generally similar between catchments which were currently grazed and two catchments where livestock grazing ceased 7 years ago. Concurrent increases in vegetation cover in the non-grazed catch- ments indicate that surface erosion rates had declined, suggesting that subsurface soil erosion rates had also declined by a similar amount. The estimated contributions of spatial source areas within the large study catchments had narrower confidence intervals when source areas were defined using sediment from geologically distinct river tributaries, rather than using soil sampled from geological units in the catch- ment, since tributary sediment had less-variable geochemistry than catchment soil. Programs to reduce fine sediment losses from the Burdekin River basin should primarily focus on reducing sub-surface soil erosion proximal to the basin's drainage network. Understanding the biophysical processes of pollutant generation is important to help guide on-ground activities to improve water quality. Keywords: great-barrier-reef; grazing land management; suspended sediment; fallout radionuclides; gully erosion; water-quality; catch- ment; coral; queensland; impacts Sources: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2013, 180: 90-102 Email: Wilkinson, SN; [email protected]

Citation frequency:20 Selection of experimental treatments, methods used and evolution of management guidelines for comparing and measuring three grazed farmlet systems Scott, JM; Gaden, CA; Edwards, C; et al. Abstract: The Cicerone Project was a collaborative effort by livestock producers, researchers and extension specialists, which aimed to explore the profitability and sustainability of grazing enterprises on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. A major part of the Project was the creation of a moderate scale, unreplicated farmlet experiment. The process of selecting the farmlet treatments and the design of the experiment involved considerable negotiation over an extended period in order to achieve 'ownership' by all those involved. The farmlets were designed to compare a typical farmlet (B) as the control with a second farmlet (A), which received higher levels of pas- ture renovation and soil fertility, and a third (C), which employed intensive rotational grazing management with short graze and long rest periods. Management guidelines were developed for all soil, pasture, livestock and grazing management decisions on the three farmlets. Whole-farmlet data are presented for the pastures sown, fertiliser applied, supplement fed, the stocking rates attained and the pattern of graze and rest periods over the experimental period from July 2000 to December 2006. Over the first 4 years of the trial, pastures were renovated on 71% of farmlet A while 8% of each of farmlets B and C were renovated. The rates of fertiliser applied to the three farmlets

17 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 varied according to soil test values and the different target values for soil phosphorus and sulfur. In thefirst year of the trial (2000-01), the annual average stocking rates on farmlets A, B and C were 9.5, 7.9 and 9.1 dry sheep eqivalents/ha, respectively, whereas by the fifth year (2005), the stocking rates were 11.2, 7.8 and 7.4 dry sheep equivalents/ha, respectively. This paper provides details of the general methods used in the farmlet trial, of relevance to a series of related papers which explore all aspects of the farmlet experiment and its findings. It also reports on the selection and definition of the farmlet treatments and describes how the guidelines evolved over the duration of the trial in response to the practical realities of conducting this complex, agroecosystem experiment. Keywords: grazing systems; botanical composition; national experiment; western victoria; pastures; australia; sustainability; productivity; program; sheep Sources: Animal Production Science, 2013, 53(7-8): 628-642 Email: Scott, JM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 18 Nitrogen losses from the soil/plant system: a review Cameron, KC; Di, HJ; Moir, JL Abstract: Losses of nitrogen from the soil/plant system not only reduce soil fertility and plant yield but can also create adverse impacts on the environment. Ammonia emissions into the atmosphere contribute to acid rain and represent an indirect source of nitrous oxide green- house gas emissions. Nitrate leaching losses into rivers and lakes can cause eutrophication resulting in excessive growth of aquatic weeds and algae, which can reduce fish populations and the recreational value of the water. Nitrate contamination of drinking water supplies can cause health risks. Legislation that is designed to limit nitrate leaching losses from land has become a constraint on agricultural land use in many countries. Nitrous oxide emissions into the atmosphere contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and also make a significant con- tribution to climate change. This review describes the nitrogen cycle in temperate soil/plant systems, the processes involved in each of the individual nitrogen loss pathways, the factors affecting the amounts of losses and the methods that are available to reduce these losses. The review has shown that careful management of temperate soil/plant systems using best management practices and newly developed tech- nologies can increase the sustainability of agriculture and reduce its impact on the environment. Keywords: nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide; surface-applied urea; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria; nitrate leaching losses; dairy shed effluent; 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate dmpp; grazed pasture soil; new-zealand pasture; filled pore-space; oxide emissions Sources: Annals of Applied Biology, 2013, 162(2): 145-173 Email: Cameron, KC; [email protected] 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 AGRONOMY Citation frequency: 63 Climate change, phenology, and phenological control of vegetation feedbacks to the climate system Richardson, AD; Keenan, TF; Migliavacca, M; et al. Abstract: Vegetation phenology is highly sensitive to climate change. Phenology also controls many feedbacks of vegetation to the climate system by influencing the seasonality of albedo, surface roughness length, canopy conductance, and fluxes of water, energy, CO2 and bio- genic volatile organic compounds. In this review, we first discuss the environmental drivers of phenology, and the impacts of climate change on phenology, in different biomes. We then examine the vegetation-climate feedbacks that are mediated by phenology, and assess the potential impact on these feedbacks of shifts in phenology driven by climate change. We finish with an overview of phenological mod- eling and we suggest ways in which models might be improved using existing data sets. Several key weaknesses in our current understand- ing emerge from this analysis. First, we need a better understanding of the drivers of phenology, particularly in under-studied biomes (e.g. tropical forests). We do not have a mechanistic understanding of the role of photoperiod, even in well-studied biomes. In all biomes, the factors controlling senescence and dormancy are not well-documented. Second, for the most part (i.e. with the exception of phenology im- pacts on CO2 exchange) we have only a qualitative understanding of the feedbacks between vegetation and climate that are mediated by phenology. We need to quantify the magnitude of these feedbacks, and ensure that they are accurately reproduced by models. Third, we need to work towards a new understanding of phenological processes that enables progress beyond the modeling paradigms currently in use. Accurate representation of phenological processes in models that couple the land surface to the climate system is particularly important, especially when such models are being used to predict future climate. Keywords: terrestrial biosphere model; net ecosystem productivity; volatile organic-compounds; northern hardwood forest; carbon-dioxide exchange; spring starting earlier; boreal aspen forest; leaf bud burst; deciduous forest; interannual variability Sources: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 169: 156-173 Email: Richardson, AD; [email protected]

Citation frequency:54 Hyperaccumulators of metal and metalloid trace elements: Facts and fiction van der Ent, A; Baker, AJM; Reeves, RD; et al. Abstract: Plants that accumulate metal and metalloid trace elements to extraordinarily high concentrations in their living biomass have inspired much research worldwide during the last decades. Hyperaccumulators have been recorded and experimentally confirmed for ele-

18 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts ments such as nickel, zinc, cadmium, manganese, arsenic and selenium. However, to date, hyperaccumulation of lead, copper, cobalt, chromium and thallium remain largely unconfirmed. Recent uses of the term in relation to rare-earth elements require critical evaluation. Since the mid-1970s the term 'hyperaccumulator' has been used millions of times by thousands of people, with varying degrees of precision, aptness and understanding that have not always corresponded with the views of the originators of the terminology and of the present au- thors. There is therefore a need to clarify the circumstances in which the term 'hyperaccumulator' is appropriate and to set out the conditions that should be met when the terms are used. We outline here the main considerations for establishing metal or metalloid hyperaccumulation status of plants, (re)define some of the terminology and note potential pitfalls. Unambiguous communication will require the international scientific community to adopt standard terminology and methods for confirm- ing the reliability of analytical data in relation to metal and metalloid hyperaccumulators. Keywords: rare-earth-elements; thlaspi-caerulescens; arabidopsis-halleri; new-caledonia; cadmium hyperaccumulator; manganese accu- mulation; nickel accumulation; hyper-accumulator; ultramafic soils; genetic-basis Sources: Plant and Soil, 2013, 362(1-2): 319-334 Email: van der Ent, A; [email protected]

Citation frequency:41 Improvement of the Oryza sativa Nipponbare reference genome using next generation sequence and optical map data Kawahara, Y; de la Bastide, M; Hamilton, JP et al. Abstract: Rice research has been enabled by access to the high quality reference genome sequence generated in 2005 by the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP). To further facilitate genomic-enabled research, we have updated and validated the genome assembly and sequence for the Nipponbare cultivar of Oryza sativa (japonica group). The Nipponbare genome assembly was updated by revising and validating the minimal tiling path of clones with the optical map for rice. Sequencing errors in the revised genome assembly were identified by re-sequencing the genome of two different Nipponbare individuals using the Illumina Genome Analyzer II/IIx platform. A total of 4,886 sequencing errors were identified in 321 Mb of the assembled genome indicating an error rate in the original IRGSP assembly of only 0.15 per 10,000 nucleotides. A small number (five) of insertions/deletions were identified using longer reads generated using the Roche 454 pyrosequencing platform. As the re-sequencing data were generated from two different individuals, we were able to identify a number of allelic differences between the original individual used in the IRGSP effort and the two individuals used in the《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 re-sequencing effort. The revised assembly, termed Os-Nipponbare-Reference-IRGSP-1.0, is now being used in updated releases of the Rice Annotation Project and the Michigan State University Rice Genome Annotation Project, thereby pro- viding a unified set of pseudomolecules for the rice community. A revised, error-corrected, and validated assembly of the Nipponbare cultivar of rice was generated using optical map data, re-sequencing data, and manual curation that will facilitate on-going and future research in rice. Detection of polymorphisms between three different Nipponbare individuals highlights that allelic differences between individuals should be considered in diversity studies. Keywords: single-nucleotide polymorphisms; rice genome; annotation; DNA; association; resolution; alignment; resource; japonica; indica Sources: Rice, 2013, 6: 4 Email: Itoh, T; [email protected]

Citation frequency:37 Biochar and its effects on plant productivity and nutrient cycling: a meta-analysis Biederman, LA; Harpole, WS Abstract: Biochar is a carbon-rich coproduct resulting from pyrolyzing biomass. When applied to the soil it resists decomposition, effec- tively sequestering the applied carbon and mitigating anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Other promoted benefits of biochar application to soil include increased plant productivity and reduced nutrient leaching. However, the effects of biochar are variable and it remains unclear if recent enthusiasm can be justified. We evaluate ecosystem responses to biochar application with a meta-analysis of 371 independent studies culled from 114 published manuscripts. We find that despite variability introduced by soil and climate, the addition of biochar to soils re- sulted, on average, in increased aboveground productivity, crop yield, soil microbial biomass, rhizobia nodulation, plant K tissue concentra- tion, soil phosphorus (P), soil potassium (K), total soil nitrogen (N), and total soil carbon (C) compared with control conditions. Soil pH also tended to increase, becoming less acidic, following the addition of biochar. Variables that showed no significant mean response to bio- char included belowground productivity, the ratio of aboveground:belowground biomass, mycorrhizal colonization of roots, plant tissue N, and soil P concentration, and soil inorganic N. Additional analyses found no detectable relationship between the amount of biochar added and aboveground productivity. Our results provide the first quantitative review of the effects of biochar on multiple ecosystem functions and the central tendencies suggest that biochar holds promise in being a win-win-win solution to energy, carbon storage, and ecosystem function. However, biochar's impacts on a fourth component, the downstream nontarget environments, remain unknown and present a crit- ical research gap.

19 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; soil microbial biomass; coastal-plain soil; climate-change; black carbon; nitrogen-fixation; acti- vated carbon; chemical-properties; charcoal hearths; field experiment Sources: Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 2013, 5(2): 202-214 Email: Biederman, LA; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 36 The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Protocols and pilot studies Rosenzweig, C; Jones, JW; Hatfield, JL; et al. Abstract: The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) is a major international effort linking the climate, crop, and economic modeling communities with cutting-edge information technology to produce improved crop and economic models and the next generation of climate impact projections for the agricultural sector. The goals of AgMIP are to improve substantially the characte- rization of world food security due to climate change and to enhance adaptation capacity in both developing and developed countries. Ana- lyses of the agricultural impacts of climate variability and change require a transdisciplinary effort to consistently link state-of-the-art cli- mate scenarios to crop and economic models. Crop model outputs are aggregated as inputs to regional and global economic models to de- termine regional vulnerabilities, changes in comparative advantage, price effects, and potential adaptation strategies in the agricultural sec- tor. Climate, Crop Modeling, Economics, and Information Technology Team Protocols are presented to guide coordinated climate, crop modeling, economics, and information technology research activities around the world, along with AgMIP Cross-Cutting Themes that ad- dress uncertainty, aggregation and scaling, and the development of Representative Agricultural Pathways (RAPs) to enable testing of cli- mate change adaptations in the context of other regional and global trends. The organization of research activities by geographic region and specific crops is described, along with project milestones. Pilot results demonstrate AgMIP's role in assessing climate impacts with explicit representation of uncertainties in climate scenarios and simulations using crop and economic models. An intercomparison of wheat model simulations near Obregon, Mexico reveals inter-model differences in yield sensitivity to [CO2] with model uncertainty holding approximately steady as concentrations rise, while uncertainty re- lated to choice of crop model increases with rising temperatures. Wheat model simulations with mid-century climate scenarios project a slight decline in absolute yields that is more sensitive to selection of crop model than to global climate model, emissions scenario, or cli- mate scenario downscaling method. A comparison of regional and national-scale economic simulations finds a large sensitivity of projected yield changes to the simulations'《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 resolved scales. Finally, a global economic model intercomparison example demonstrates that improve- ments in the understanding of agriculture futures arise from integration of the range of uncertainty in crop, climate, and economic modeling results in multi-model assessments. Keywords: stochastic weather generators; climate-change research; cropgro-soybean model; integrated assessment; US agriculture; system model; elevated CO2; yield; impacts; variability Sources: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 170: 166-182 Email: Rosenzweig, C; [email protected]

ALLERGY Citation frequency: 47 Update on allergy immunotherapy: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology/ European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology/PRACTALL consensus report Burks, AW; Calderon, MA; Casale, T; et al. Abstract: Allergy immunotherapy (AIT) is an effective treatment for allergic asthma and rhinitis, as well as venom-induced anaphylaxis. In addition to reducing symptoms, AIT can change the course of allergic disease and induce allergen-specific immune tolerance. In current clinical practice immunotherapy is delivered either subcutaneously or sublingually; some allergens, such as grass pollen, can be delivered through either route, whereas others, such as venoms, are only delivered subcutaneously. Both subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy appear to have a duration of efficacy of up to 12 years, and both can prevent the development of asthma and new allergen sensitivities. In spite of the advances with AIT, safer and more effective AIT strategies are needed, especially for patients with asthma, atopic dermatitis, or food allergy. Novel approaches to improve AIT include use of adjuvants or recombinant allergens and alternate routes of administration. As part of the PRACTALL initiatives, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology nominated an expert team to develop a comprehensive consensus report on the mechanisms of AIT and its use in clinical practice, as well as unmet needs and ongoing developments in AIT. This resulting report is endorsed by both academies. Keywords: grass-pollen immunotherapy; oral tolerance induction; t-regulatory-cells; cows milk allergy; sublingual immunotherapy; double-blind; subcutaneous immunotherapy; rush immunotherapy; systemic reactions; food allergy Sources: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013, 131(5): 1288 Email: Burks, AW; [email protected]

20 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Citation frequency:42 Corticosteroid resistance in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Barnes, PJ Abstract: Reduced responsiveness to the anti-inflammatory effects of corticosteroids is a major barrier to effective management of asthma in smokers and patients with severe asthma and in the majority of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The mole- cular mechanisms leading to steroid resistance are now better understood, and this has identified new targets for therapy. In patients with severe asthma, several molecular mechanisms have been identified that might account for reduced steroid responsiveness, including re- duced nuclear translocation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) alpha after binding corticosteroids. This might be due to modification of the GR by means of phosphorylation as a result of activation of several kinases (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase alpha, p38 mito- gen-activated protein kinase gamma, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1), which in turn might be due to reduced activity and expression of phosphatases, such as mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 and protein phosphatase A2. Other mechanisms proposed include increased expression of GR beta, which competes with and thus inhibits activated GR alpha; increased secretion of macrophage migration inhibitory factor; competition with the transcription factor activator protein 1; and reduced expression of histone deacetylase (HDAC) 2. HDAC2 appears to mediate the action of steroids to switch off activated inflammatory genes, but in patients with COPD, patients with se- vere asthma, and smokers with asthma, HDAC2 activity and expression are reduced by oxidative stress through activation of phosphoinosi- tide 3-kinase delta. Strategies for managing steroid resistance include alternative anti-inflammatory drugs, but a novel approach is to re- verse steroid resistance by increasing HDAC2 expression, which can be achieved with theophylline and phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta inhibitors. Long-acting beta(2)-agonists can also increase steroid responsiveness by reversing GR alpha phosphorylation. Identifying the molecular mechanisms of steroid resistance in asthmatic patients and patients with COPD can thus lead to more effective anti-inflammatory treatments. Keywords: glucocorticoid-receptor-beta; migration inhibitory factor; blood mononuclear-cells; histone deacetylase 2; inhaled combination therapy; regulatory t-cells; gene-expression; airway inflammation; insensitive asthma; bronchial-asthma Sources: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013, 131(3): 636-645 Email: Barnes, PJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 40 The multifunctional role of filaggrin in allergic skin disease 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅McAleer, MA; Irvine, AD Abstract: Filaggrin is a major structural protein in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Mutations in the filaggrin gene are the most sig- nificant known genetic risk factor for the development of atopic dermatitis. Mutations in the human filaggrin gene (FLG) also confer risk for the associated allergic diseases of food allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis. These discoveries have highlighted the importance of skin barrier function in the pathogenesis of atopic diseases and have motivated a surge in research characterizing the filaggrin-deficient skin barrier and its consequences. In this review we discuss the mechanisms through which mutations in this protein contribute to the pathoge- nesis of atopic dermatitis and associated atopic conditions. We focus on recent human and murine discoveries characterizing the filag- grin-deficient epidermis with respect to biophysical, immunologic, and microbiome abnormalities. Keywords: thymic stromal lymphopoietin; transepidermal water-loss; down-regulates filaggrin; of-function mutations; in-vivo expression; atopic-dermatitis; staphylococcus-aureus; null mutations; t-cells; epithelial-cells Sources: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013, 131(2): 280-291 Email: Irvine, AD; [email protected]

Citation frequency:40 Sublingual immunotherapy for peanut allergy: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial Fleischer, DM; Burks, AW; Vickery, BP; et al. Abstract: Background: There are presently no available therapeutic options for patients with peanut allergy. Objective: We sought to investigate the safety, efficacy, and immunologic effects of peanut sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). Methods: After a baseline oral food challenge (OFC) of up to 2 g of peanut powder (approximately 50% protein; median successfully con- sumed dose [SCD], 46 mg), 40 subjects, aged 12 to 37 years (median, 15 years), were randomized 1:1 across 5 sites to daily peanut or pla- cebo SLIT. A 5-g OFC was performed after 44 weeks, followed by unblinding; placebo-treated subjects then crossed over to higher dose peanut SLIT, followed by a subsequent crossover Week 44 5-g OFC. Week 44 OFCs from both groups were compared with baseline OFCs; subjects successfully consuming 5 g or at least 10-fold more peanut powder than the baseline OFC threshold were considered responders. Results: After 44 weeks of SLIT, 14 (70%) of 20 subjects receiving peanut SLIT were responders compared with 3 (15%) of 20 subjects receiving placebo (P <0.001). In peanut SLIT responders, median SCD increased from 3.5 to 496 mg. After 68 weeks of SLIT, median SCD significantly increased to 996 mg (compared with Week 44, P = .05). The median SCD at the Week 44 Crossover OFC was signifi- cantly higher than baseline (603 vs 71 mg, P = .02). Seven (44%) of 16 crossover subjects were responders; median SCD increased from 21 to 496 mg among responders. Of 10,855 peanut doses through the Week 44 OFCs, 63.1% were symptom free; excluding oral-pharyngeal

21 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 symptoms, 95.2% were symptom free. Conclusions: Peanut SLIT safely induced a modest level of desensitization in a majority of subjects compared with placebo. Longer dura- tion of therapy showed statistically significant increases in the SCD. Keywords: quality-of-life; oral tolerance induction; hazelnut food allergy; cows milk allergy; natural-history; anaphylactic reactions; re- source implications; budget impact; kiwi fruit; children Sources: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013, 131(1): 119-127 Email: Fleischer, DM; [email protected]

Citation frequency:38 Empiric 6-food elimination diet induced and maintained prolonged remission in patients with adult eosinophilic esophagitis: A prospective study on the food cause of the disease Lucendo, AJ; Arias, A; Gonzalez-Cervera, J; et al. Abstract: Background: Although empiric exclusion from the diet of the 6 food groups most likely to trigger allergies achieves eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) remission in children, data on its prolonged efficacy and effects on adults are lacking. Objective: We sought to evaluate the efficacy of a 6-food elimination diet in inducing and maintaining prolonged remission in patients with adult EoE. Methods: Sixty-seven consecutive patients with adult EoE were prospectively recruited and treated exclusively with a diet avoiding cereals, milk, eggs, fish/seafood, legumes/peanuts, and soy for 6 weeks. Subsequent challenge was undertaken by sequentially reintroducing all excluded single foods, followed by endoscopy and biopsies, which were developed every 6 weeks in case of response (eosinophil peak count reduction to <15/high-power field [hpf]). A food was considered a trigger for EoE and removed from the diet if pathologic eosino- philic infiltration (>= 15 eosinophils/hpf) reappeared. Food-specific serum IgE measurements and skin prick tests were performed before initiating the diet. Results: Forty-nine (73.1%) patients exhibited significantly reduced eosinophil peak counts (<15 eosinophils/hpf) before sequential sin- gle-food reintroduction. A single offending food antigen was identified in 35.71% of patients, 2 food triggers were identified in 30.95%, and 3 or more food triggers were identified in 33.3%. Cow's milk was the most common food antigen (61.9%), followed by wheat (28.6%), eggs (26.2%), and legumes (23.8%). Prior allergy tests showed no concordance with food-reintroduction challenge results. All patients who continued to avoid the offending foods maintained histopathologic and clinical EoE remission for up to 3 years. Conclusions: An empiric 6-food 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅elimination diet effectively induced remission of active adult EoE, which was maintained for up to 3 years with individually tailored, limited exclusion diets. Keywords: causative foods; patch tests; skin prick; children; allergy; prevalence; identification; population; therapy Sources: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013, 131(3): 797-804 Email: Lucendo, AJ; [email protected]

ANATOMY MORPHOLOGY Citation frequency: 24 Hippocampal microRNA-132 mediates stress-inducible cognitive deficits through its acetylcholinesterase target Shaltiel, G; Hanan, M; Wolf, Y; et al. Abstract: Diverse stress stimuli induce long-lasting cognitive deficits, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are still incompletely understood. Here, we report three different stress models demonstrating that stress-inducible increases in microRNA-132 (miR-132) and consequent decreases in its acetylcholinesterase (AChE) target are causally involved. In a mild model of predator scent-induced anxiety, we demonstrate long-lasting hippocampal elevation of miR-132, accompanied by and associated with reduced AChE activity. Using lentivir- al-mediated suppression of "synaptic" AChE-S mRNA, we quantified footshock stress-inducible changes in miR-132 and AChE and its corresponding cognitive damages. Stressed mice showed long-lasting impairments in the Morris water maze. In contrast, pre-stress injected AChE-suppressing lentivirus, but not a control virus, reduced hippocampal levels of both miR-132 and AChE and maintained similar cog- nitive performance to that of na < ve, non-stressed mice. To dissociate between miR-132 and synaptic AChE-S as potential causes for stress-inducible cognitive deficits, we further used engineered TgR mice with enforced over-expression of the soluble "readthrough" AChE-R variant without the 3'-untranslated region binding site for miR-132. TgR mice displayed excess AChE-R in hippocampal neurons, enhanced c-fos labeling and correspondingly intensified reaction to the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine. They further showed excessive hippocampal expression of miR-132, accompanied by reduced host AChE-S mRNA and the GTPase activator p250GAP target of miR-132. At the behavioral level, TgR mice showed abnormal nocturnal locomotion patterns and serial maze mal-performance in spite of their re- duced AChE-S levels. Our findings attribute stress-inducible cognitive impairments to cholinergic-mediated induction of miR-132 and consequently suppressed ACHE-S, opening venues for intercepting these miR-132-mediated damages. Keywords: long-term potentiation; anterior cingulate cortex; messenger-rna; readthrough acetylcholinesterase; circadian-clock; fear mem- ory; in-vivo; c-fos; expression; brain Sources: Brain Structure & Function, 2013, 218(1): 59-72 Email: Soreq, H; [email protected]

22 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Citation frequency: 23 Novel sex-determining genes in fish and sex chromosome evolution Kikuchi, K; Hamaguchi, S Abstract: Although the molecular mechanisms underlying many developmental events are conserved across vertebrate taxa, the lability at the top of the sex-determining (SD) cascade has been evident from the fact that four master SD genes have been identified: mammalian Sry; chicken DMRT1; medaka Dmy; and Xenopus laevis DM-W. This diversity is thought to be associated with the turnover of sex chromo- somes, which is likely to be more frequent in and other poikilotherms than in therian mammals and birds. Recently, four novel can- didates for vertebrate SD genes were reported, all of them in fishes. These include amhy in the Patagonian pejerrey, Gsdf in Oryzias luzo- nensis, Amhr2 in fugu and sdY in rainbow trout. These studies provide a good opportunity to infer patterns from the seemingly chaotic picture of sex determination systems. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of the master SD genes in fishes. Develop- mental Dynamics 242:339353, 2013. Keywords: anti-mullerian hormone; turtle trachemys-scripta; germ-cell proliferation; medaka oryzias-latipes; cytochrome-b gene; dm-domain gene; inhibiting substance; y-chromosome; odontesthes-bonariensis; patagonina-hatcheri Sources: Developmental Dynamics, 2013, 242(4): 339-353 Email: Kikuchi, K; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 21 Analysis of the subcomponents and cortical terminations of the perisylvian superior longitudinal fasciculus: a fiber dissection and DTI tractography study Martino, J; Hamer, PCD; Berger, MS; et al. Abstract: The anatomy of the perisylvian component of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) has recently been reviewed by numer- ous diffusion tensor imaging tractography (DTI) studies. However, little is known about the exact cortical terminations of this tract. The aim of the present work is to isolate the different subcomponents of this tract with fiber dissection and DTI tractography, and to identify the exact cortical connections. Twelve postmortem human hemispheres (6 right and 6 left) were dissected using the cortex-sparing fiber dissec- tion. In addition, three healthy brains were analyzed using DTI-based tractography software. The different components of the perisylvian SLF were isolated and the fibers were followed until the cortical terminations. Three segments of the perisylvian SLF were identified: (1) anterior segment, connecting the supramarginal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus with the precentral gyrus, (2) posterior segment, con- necting the posterior portion of the《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 middle temporal gyrus with the angular gyrus, and (3) long segment of the arcuate fasciculus that con- nects the middle and inferior temporal gyri with the precentral gyrus and posterior portion of the inferior and middle frontal gyri. In the present study, three different components of the perisylvian SLF were identified. For the first time, our dissections revealed that each com- ponent was connected to a specific cortical area within the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. By accurately depicting not only the trajec- tory but also cortical connections of this bundle, it is possible to develop new insights into the putative functional role of this tract. Keywords: human brain; white-matter; language pathways; arcuate fasciculus; anatomic dissection; temporal-lobe; in-vivo; occipitofrontal fasciculus; neurocognitive networks; functional-anatomy Sources: Brain Structure & Function, 2013, 218(1): 105-121 Email: Martino, J; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 18 Predictions not commands: active inference in the motor system Adams, RA; Shipp, S; Friston, KJ Abstract: The descending projections from motor cortex share many features with top-down or backward connections in visual cortex; for example, corticospinal projections originate in infragranular layers, are highly divergent and (along with descending cortico-cortical projec- tions) target cells expressing NMDA receptors. This is somewhat paradoxical because backward modulatory characteristics would not be expected of driving motor command signals. We resolve this apparent paradox using a functional characterisation of the motor system based on Helmholtz's ideas about perception; namely, that perception is inference on the causes of visual sensations. We explain behaviour in terms of inference on the causes of proprioceptive sensations. This explanation appeals to active inference, in which higher cortical le- vels send descending proprioceptive predictions, rather than motor commands. This process mirrors perceptual inference in sensory cortex, where descending connections convey predictions, while ascending connections convey prediction errors. The anatomical substrate of this recurrent message passing is a hierarchical system consisting of functionally asymmetric driving (ascending) and modulatory (descending) connections: an arrangement that we show is almost exactly recapitulated in the motor system, in terms of its laminar, topographic and physiological characteristics. This perspective casts classical motor reflexes as minimising prediction errors and may provide a principled explanation for why motor cortex is agranular. Keywords: ventral premotor cortex; classical receptive-field; posterior parietal cortex; optimal feedback-control; upper-limb motoneurons; visual cortical areas; free-energy principle; dorsal column nuclei; frontal-lobe inputs; mouse barrel cortex Sources: Brain Structure & Function, 2013, 218(3): 611-643 Email: Adams, RA; [email protected]

23 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Citation frequency: 17 An Infernal Trio: The chemokine CXCL12 and its receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 in tumor biology Hattermann, K; Mentlein, R Abstract: Chemokines are small peptide mediators that play a role in many physiological and pathological processes. Apart from their initially discovered function in trafficking of leukocytes, they also influence migration, proliferation, survival and gene expression of a variety of cell types in their respective microenvironment. Chemokines can exert these effects via their respective G protein-coupled recep- tor. Over the recent decade, the involvement of chemokines and their respective receptors in tumor biology has been successively eluci- dated. This review will focus on the signaling and effects of the widespread chemokine CXCL12 and its long known G protein-coupled receptor CXCR4 and the recently discovered non-G protein-coupled receptor CXCR7 with a detailed reflection on glioma biology. Keywords: breast-cancer cells; stromal-derived factor-1-alpha; protein-coupled receptor; central-nervous-system; human glioma-cells; pancreatic-cancer; prostate-cancer; stem-cells; in-vivo; transendothelial migration Sources: Annals of Anatomy-anatomischer Anzeiger, 2013, 195(2): 103-110 Email: Hattermann, K; [email protected]

ANDROLOGY Citation frequency: 14 Digit ratio (2D:4D) in Klinefelter's syndrome Manning, JT; Kilduff, LP; Trivers, R Abstract: The ratio of second to fourth digit length (2D:4D) is a correlate of prenatal testosterone. High 2D:4D is associated with low pre- natal testosterone, and reduced sensitivity to testosterone. Klinefelter's syndrome (KS; 47 XXY) affects the endocrine system, such that low testosterone levels are found in KS foetuses, new-borns and adults. To date, there are no published data regarding the pattern of 2D:4D in KS males. Here we consider 2D:4D in KS individuals (n = 51), their relatives (16 fathers and 15 mothers) and an unaffected control sample of 153 men and 153 women. Adult KS individuals were taller than their fathers and had shorter fingers than fathers and male controls. Compared with fathers, male controls and mothers, KS males had shorter fingers relative to height. With regard to 2D:4D, KS individuals had higher 2D:4D than fathers (right and left hands), male controls (right and left hands) and mothers (left hands). Among KS males older than 13 years there were 34 individuals currently prescribed testosterone and nine not prescribed. In comparison to the former, the latter individuals had higher right 2D:4D and higher《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 right-left 2D:4D. We conclude that KS males have mean 2D:4D values similar to those found in female population norms. In addition, testosterone supplementation in KS males may be most common for individuals with low right 2D:4D. Keywords: androgen receptor polymorphism; finger length; testosterone; 2nd; patterns; males; 2d/4d; inactivation; phenotype; children Sources: Andrology, 2013, 1(1): 94-99 Email: Manning, JT; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 13 High-energy diets may induce a pre-diabetic state altering testicular glycolytic metabolic profile and male reproductive parameters Rato, L; Alves, MG; Dias, TR; et al. Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that may arise from diet habits and is growing to epidemic proportions. Young male diabetic patients present high infertility/subfertility prevalence resulting from impaired reproductive function and poor semen quality. We aimed to evaluate the effects of a high-energy diet (HED) on glucose tolerance/insulin levels and correlate the observed effects on male reproductive function with overall testicular metabolism. After 1month, HED fed rats showed increased glycaemic levels, impaired glucose tolerance and hypoinsulinaemia. Moreover, an imbalance of intratesticular and serum testosterone levels was observed, whereas those of 17-estradiol were not altered. High-energy diet also affected the reproductive parameters, with HED rats exhibiting a significant increase in abnormal sperm morphology. Glycolytic metabolism was favoured in testicles of HED rats with an increased expression of both glucose transporters 1 (GLUT1) and 3 (GLUT3) and the enzyme phosphofrutokinase 1. Moreover, lactate production and the expression of metabol- ism- associated genes and proteins involved in lactate production and transport were also enhanced by HED. Alanine testicular content was decreased and thus intratesticular lactate/alanine ratio in HED rats was increased, suggesting increased oxidative stress. Other energetic substrates such as acetate and creatine were not altered in testis from HED rats, but intratesticular glycine content was increased in those animals. Taken together, these results suggest that HED induces a pre-diabetic state that may impair reproductive function by modulating over- all testicular metabolism. This is the first report on testicular metabolic features and mechanisms related with the onset of a pre-diabetic state. Keywords: rat sertoli-cells; diabetes-mellitus; insulin-secretion; glucose-tolerance; oxidative stress; body-weight; in-vitro; transport; hyperglycemia; testis Sources: Andrology, 2013, 1(3): 495-504 Email: Oliveira, PF; [email protected]

24 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Citation frequency: 12 Microdissection testicular sperm extraction: an update Dabaja, AA; Schlegel, PN Abstract: Patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) were once considered to be infertile with few treatment options due to the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. In the last two decades, the advent of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and the application of various testicular sperm retrieval techniques, including fine needle aspiration (FNA), conventional testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and microdissection testicular sperm extraction (micro-TESE) have revolutionized treatment in this group of men. Because most men with NOA will have isolated regions of spermatogenesis within the testis, studies have illustrated that sperm can be retrieved in most men with NOA, including Klinefelter's syndrome (KS), prior history of chemotherapy and cryptorchidism. Micro-TESE, when compared with con- ventional TESE has a higher sperm retrieval rate (SRR) with fewer postoperative complications and negative effects on testicular function. In this article, we will compare the efficacy of the different procedures of sperm extraction, discuss the medical treatment and the role of testosterone optimization in men with NOA and describe the micro-TESE surgical technique. Furthermore, we will update our overall ex- perience to allow counseling on the prognosis of sperm retrieval for the specific subsets of NOA. Keywords: nonobstructive azoospermia; klinefelter-syndrome; enzymatic digestion; men; injection; tissue; retrieval; spermatogenesis; multiple; spermatozoa Sources: Asian Journal of Andrology, 2013, 15(1): 35-39 Email: Schlegel, PN; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 11 Oxidative status in granulosa cells of infertile women undergoing IVF Karuputhula, NB; Chattopadhyay, R; Chakravarty, B; et al. Abstract: Studies on elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in granulosa cells (GC) and its subsequent effect on fertilization are limited. Oxidative stress (OS) mediated alterations in GC of infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET) was investigated. GC were obtained from 28 women with endometriosis (Group A), 26 women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (Group B), and 32 women with tubal factor infertility (Group C). GC characteristics including cell count, viability, morphology and number of oocytes retrieved, and oocyte quality were assessed. OS parameters such as ROS, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and DNA fragmentation were also studied a《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅nd IVF outcome parameters assessed. An similar to 20 fold increase in GC ROS generation was observed in Group B as compared to Group C. Though not as high as Group B, Group A also showed significantly high ROS levels compared with Group C. More than 100-fold decrease in MMP in Group B compared with Group C was observed. A similar trend was observed in Group A, where MMP decreased 7 fold. Significant apoptosis was evident in Groups A and B supported by depolarization of MMP and significant increase in DNA damage. IVF outcome parameters including fertilization rate, good quality embryo formation rate, and pregnancy outcome were adversely affected in Group B. It is hypothesized that similar to 20 fold increase in ROS generation in GC of PCOS women plays an adverse role in affecting the IVF success rate. It was of note that the IVF outcome parameters of women with endometriosis were not af- fected. Keywords: in-vitro fertilization; polycystic-ovary-syndrome; follicular-fluid; apoptosis; program; proliferation; receptor; quality; oocytes; embryos Sources: Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 2013, 59(2): 91-98 Email: Chaudhury, K; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 10 Obesity leads to higher risk of sperm DNA damage in infertile patients Dupont, C; Faure, C; Sermondade, N; et al. Abstract: There has been a growing interest over the past few years in the impact of male nutrition on fertility. Infertility has been linked to male overweight or obesity, and conventional semen parameter values seem to be altered in case of high body mass index (BMI). A few studies assessing the impact of BMI on sperm DNA integrity have been published, but they did not lead to a strong consensus. Our objec- tive was to explore further the relationship between sperm DNA integrity and BMI, through a 3-year multicentre study. Three hundred and thirty male partners in subfertile couples were included. Using the terminal uridine nick-end labelling (TUNEL) assay, we observed an increased rate of sperm DNA damage in obese men (odds ratio (95% confidence interval): 2.5 (1.2-5.1)). Keywords: body-mass index; assisted reproductive technology; in-vitro fertilization; blastocyst development; oxidative stress; embryo quality; impact; parameters; integrity; men Sources: Asian Journal of Andrology, 2013, 15(5): 622-625 Email: Dupont, C; [email protected]

25 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 ANESTHESIOLOGY Citation frequency: 66 Management of severe perioperative bleeding Guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology Kozek-Langenecker, SA; Afshari, A; Albaladejo, P; et al. Abstract: The aims of severe perioperative bleeding management are three-fold. First, preoperative identification by anamesis and labora- tory testing of those patients for whom the perioperative bleeding risk may be increased. Second, implementation of strategies for correct- ing preoperative anaemia and stabilisation of the macro- and microcirculations in order to optimise the patient's tolerance to bleeding. Third, targeted procoagulant interventions to reduce the amount of bleeding, morbidity, mortality and costs. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide an overview of current knowledge on the subject with an assessment of the quality of the evidence in order to allow anaesthetists throughout Europe to integrate this knowledge into daily patient care wherever possible. The Guidelines Committee of the European So- ciety of Anaesthesiology (ESA) formed a task force with members of scientific subcommittees and individual expert members of the ESA. Electronic databases were searched without language restrictions from the year 2000 until 2012. These searches produced 20 664 abstracts. Relevant systematic reviews with meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional sur- veys were selected. At the suggestion of the ESA Guideline Committee, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) grading system was initially used to assess the level of evidence and to grade recommendations. During the process of guideline development, the official position of the ESA changed to favour the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) sys- tem. This report includes general recommendations as well as specific recommendations in various fields of surgical interventions. The final draft guideline was posted on the ESA website for four weeks and the link was sent to all ESA members. Comments were collated and the guidelines amended as appropriate. When the final draft was complete, the Guidelines Committee and ESA Board ratified the guidelines. Keywords: activated factor-vii; recombinant-factor-viia; prothrombin complex concentrate; fresh-frozen plasma; von-willebrand-disease; red-blood-cell; randomized controlled-trial; orthotopic liver-transplantation; bypass graft-surgery; total hip-replacement Sources: European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2013, 30(6): 270-382 Email: Kozek-Langenecker, SA; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 49 Effects of Fibrinogen《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Concentrate as First-line Therapy during Major Aortic Replacement Surgery A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial Rahe-Meyer, N; Solomon, C; Hanke, A; et al. Abstract: Background: Fibrinogen is suggested to play an important role in managing major bleeding. However, clinical evidence regard- ing the effect of fibrinogen concentrate (derived from human plasma) on transfusion is limited. The authors assessed whether fibrinogen concentrate can reduce blood transfusion when given as intraoperative, targeted, first-line hemostatic therapy in bleeding patients under- going aortic replacement surgery. Methods: In this single-center, prospective, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, patients aged 18 yr or older undergoing elective thorac- ic or thoracoabdominal aortic replacement surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass were randomized to fibrinogen concentrate or place- bo, administered intraoperatively. Study medication was given if patients had clinically relevant coagulopathic bleeding immediately after removal from cardiopulmonary bypass and completion of surgical hemostasis. Dosing was individualized using the fibrin-based thromboe- lastometry test. If bleeding continued, a standardized transfusion protocol was followed. Results: Twenty-nine patients in the fibrinogen concentrate group and 32 patients in the placebo group were eligible for the efficacy analy- sis. During the first 24 h after the administration of study medication, patients in the fibrinogen concentrate group received fewer allogeneic blood components than did patients in the placebo group (median, 2 vs. 13 U; P < 0.001; primary endpoint). Total avoidance of transfusion was achieved in 13 (45%) of 29 patients in the fibrinogen concentrate group, whereas 32 (100%) of 32 patients in the placebo group re- ceived transfusion (P < 0.001). There was no observed safety concern with using fibrinogen concentrate during aortic surgery. Conclusions: Hemostatic therapy with fibrinogen concentrate in patients undergoing aortic surgery significantly reduced the transfusion of allogeneic blood products. Larger multicenter studies are necessary to confirm the role of fibrinogen concentrate in the management of perioperative bleeding in patients with life-threatening coagulopathy. Keywords: cardiopulmonary bypass-surgery; cardiac-surgery; transfusion; plasma; trauma; thromboelastometry; management; thrombo- cytopenia; cryoprecipitate; hemostasis Sources: Anesthesiology, 2013, 118(1): 40-50 Email: Rahe-Meyer, N; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 43 Safety of Modern Starches Used During Surgery Van Der Linden, P; James, M; Mythen, M; et al. Abstract: Various hydroxyethyl starch (HES) preparations have been used for decades to augment blood volume. There has been concern

26 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts recently regarding possible adverse outcomes when using HES in the intensive care setting, especially in patients with septic shock. How- ever, the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of HES preparations depend on their chemical composition and source material. Thus, different clinical conditions could result in differing effectiveness and safety for these preparations. Consequently, we assessed the safety of tetrastarches when used during surgery, using a formal search, that yielded 59 primary full publications of studies that met a priori inclusion criteria and randomly allocated 4529 patients with 2139 patients treated with tetrastarch compared with 2390 patients treated with a comparator. There were no indications that the use of tetrastarches during surgery induces adverse renal effects as assessed by change or absolute concentrations of serum creatinine or need for renal replacement therapy (39 trials, 3389 patients), increased blood loss (38 trials, 3280 patients), allogeneic erythrocyte transfusion (20 trials, 2151 patients; odds ratio for HES transfusion 0.73 [95% confidence interval = 0.61-0.87], P = 0.0005), or increased mortality (odds ratio for HES mortality = 0.51 [0.24-1.05], P = 0.079). Keywords: randomized clinical-trial; major orthopedic-surgery; acute normovolemic hemodilution; impair blood-coagulation; primary hip-arthroplasty; 6-percent hes 130/0.42; hydroxyethyl starch; cardiac-surgery; volume replacement; renal-function Sources: Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2013, 116(1): 35-48 Email: Weiskopf, RB; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 42 Protective during General Anesthesia for Open Abdominal Surgery Improves Postoperative Pulmonary Function Severgnini, P; Selmo, G; Lanza, C; et al. Abstract: Background: The impact of intraoperative ventilation on postoperative pulmonary complications is not defined. The authors aimed at determining the effectiveness of protective mechanical ventilation during open abdominal surgery on a modified Clinical Pulmo- nary Infection Score as primary outcome and postoperative pulmonary function. Methods: Prospective randomized, open-label, clinical trial performed in 56 patients scheduled to undergo elective open abdominal surgery lasting more than 2 h. Patients were assigned by envelopes to mechanical ventilation with tidal volume of 9 ml/kg ideal body weight and zero-positive end-expiratory pressure (standard ventilation strategy) or tidal volumes of 7 ml/kg ideal body weight, 10 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure, and recruitment maneuvers (protective ventilation strategy). Modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score, gas exchange, and pulmonary functional tests were measured preoperatively, as well as at days 1, 3, and 5 after surgery. Results: Patients ventilated protectively showed better pulmonary functional tests up to day 5, fewer alterations on chest x-ray up to day 3 and higher arterial oxygenation in《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 air at days 1, 3, and 5 (mmHg; mean ± SD): 77.1 ± 13.0 versus 64.9 ± 11.3 (P = 0.0006), 80.5 ± 10.1 versus 69.7 ± 9.3 (P = 0.0002), and 82.1 ± 10.7 versus 78.5 ± 21.7 (P = 0.44) respectively. The modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score was lower in the protective ventilation strategy at days 1 and 3. The percentage of patients in hospital at day 28 after surgery was not different between groups (7 vs. 15% respectively, P = 0.42). Conclusion: A protective ventilation strategy during abdominal surgery lasting more than 2 h improved respiratory function and reduced the modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score without affecting length of hospital stay. Keywords: lower tidal volumes; acute lung injury; end-expiratory pressure; respiratory-distress-syndrome; randomized clinical-trial; col- lege-of-physicians; cardiac-surgery; inflammatory response; noncardiothoracic surgery; cardiopulmonary bypass Sources: Anesthesiology, 2013, 118(6): 1307-1321 Email: Severgnini, P; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 35 Effect of Waxy Maize-derived Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 on Renal Function in Surgical Patients Martin, C; Jacob, M; Vicaut, E; et al. Abstract: Background: The aim of this meta-analysis was to evaluate renal safety with the active substance of the latest generation of waxy maize-derived hydroxyethyl starch in surgical patients. The authors focused on prospective, randomized, controlled studies that docu- mented clinically relevant variables with regard to renal effects of waxy maize-derived hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.40. Materials and methods: The authors carefully searched for all available prospective, randomized studies and evaluated the greatest delta from baseline values in renal safety variables (serum creatinine values, calculated creatinine clearance, incidence of renal replacement therapy, and acute renal failure). The authors included 17 studies that analyzed patients (n = 1,230) undergoing a variety of surgical proce- dures. Results: For maximum serum creatinine values, the effect size estimate was 0.068 (95% CI = -0.227 to 0.362), P = 0.65. For calculated creatinine clearance values, pooled risk difference was 0.302 (95% CI = -0.098 to 0.703), P = 0.14. For incidence of acute renal failure, pooled risk difference was 0.0003 (95% CI = -0.018 to 0.019), P = 0.98. For incidence of renal replacement therapy, pooled risk difference was -0.003 (95% CI = -0.028 to 0.022), P = 0.85. Conclusions: The authors found no evidence for renal dysfunction caused by modern waxy maize-derived hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.40 in surgical patients.

27 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: acute normovolemic hemodilution; randomized controlled-trial; major orthopedic-surgery; primary hip-arthroplasty; car- diac-surgery; severe sepsis; cardiopulmonary bypass; perioperative hypotension; fluid resuscitation; volume replacement Sources: Anesthesiology, 2013, 118(2): 387-394 Email: Martin, C; [email protected]

ARCHITECTURE Citation frequency: 8 Baroque Structural Ceiling Over the Leopoldinum Auditorium in Wroclaw University: Tests, Conservation, and a Strengthening Concept Jasienko, J; Nowak, TP; Bednarz, L Abstract: The article presents tests of the 18th-century timber structural ceiling, reinforced with steel plate girders at the beginning of the 20th century, over the baroque Leopoldinum Auditorium in the Main Building of Wroclaw University (Wroclaw, Poland). The tests in- cluded: material tests of the timber and the steel, moisture content tests, resistographic tests, and static and dynamic tests of the structure. A conservation program based on the results of the tests has been proposed. The presented research is part of extensive investigations aimed at developing a reliable and comprehensive conservation program. Sources: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2014, 8(2): 269-289 Email: Nowak, TP; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 5 Archaeological Consolidation of Unesco Masonry Structures in Oman: The Sumhuram Citadel of Khor Rori and the Al Balid Fortress Sassu, M; Andreini, M; Casapulla, C; et al. Abstract: A series of missions, starting from early 2005 up to 2009, have been managed to restore the ancient city walls of Sumhuram(4th century BC to 6th century AD) in the site of Khor Rori, with a group of archaeologists of the University of Pisa. Also, from early 2007, a series of missions have been managed to consolidate the dry masonry Fortress in UNESCO site of Al Balid erected circa 1100 AD with archaeologists of the University of Missouri. Both sites are located in the area of Salalah in southern part of the Sultanate of Oman. The sequence of dry season and rainy season during the Khareef period (Monsoon phenomena) caused several collapses on the excavated ma- sonry structures, with risks for safety《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 of visitors and archaeologists. The walls of Sumhuram, affected by the loss of connection between the two limestone masonry faces, have been rebuilt with the original texture of bricks using a new mix design for mortar joints with the same colors, consistency, and proper strength and durability. The safety level of the consolidation works is evaluated by observing on site the shape of the collapse surfaces and using the classical limit analysis approach. The collapses of Al Balid dry masonry walls have been origi- nated by the loss of permeability of the external wall faces due to the progressive filling of joint by soil. Consolidation activities consisted of rebuilding with the same blocks down and substituting the earth behind the external layers with gravel and high permeability filling. An analytical model of dry rigid block masonry with frictional interfaces has been used to represent the out-of-plane behavior, in order to de- fine the maximum height of excavation and the maximum free height of the restored walls to guarantee safety for workers. Keywords: limit analysis; rigid blocks Sources: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2013, 7(4): 339-374 Email: Andreini, M; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 4 Refurbishment of a Traditional Timber Floor with a Reversible Technique: Importance of the Investigation Campaign for Design and Control of the Intervention Riggio, M; Tomasi, R; Piazza, M Abstract: The strengthening and stiffening of traditional timber floors with the addition of timber planks and the use of dry connections falls into the category of traditional repair methods. Nevertheless, a high degree of innovation and scientific/industrial research is implicit in some modern applications of this type of intervention. If newly developed systems are to be satisfactorily adopted to repair ancient structures, their effectiveness and reliability need to be adequately evaluated. The study highlights the importance of investigation actions for the design, calibration, and control of intervention in the restoration of heritage structures. On the occasion of the adoption of an inno- vative timber-to-timber strengthening technique for the rehabilitation of a traditional timber floor in a mediaeval castle in Italy, a thorough investigation was carried out. Tests were performed in situ on the structural elements, in both the original and the repaired condition, and the results were compared with those obtained in the laboratory on a dismantled member. Despite some differences between the experi- mental conditions on site and in the laboratory, the two testing campaigns showed a good agreement of results. In particular, an increase of more than four times the effective bending stiffness was achieved, in both cases, after repair. Sources: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2014, 8(1): 74-93 Email: Riggio, M; [email protected]

28 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Citation frequency: 3 Compression and Sonic Tests to Assess Effectiveness of Grout Injection on Three-Leaf Stone Masonry Walls Silva, B; Dalla Benetta, M; da Porto, F; et al. Abstract: The results of an experimental campaign on multi-leaf stone masonry panels (scales 1:1 and 2:3), in original conditions and after consolidation with natural hydraulic lime grout injection are presented. The specimens were constructed with one of the most common structural techniques, widely employed on minor historical buildings throughout Europe. Experimental research included a series of de- structive (DT) monotonic and cyclic uni-axial compression tests on three-leaf and single-leaf stone masonry panels. Mechanical tests were complemented by non-destructive tests (NDT) on the walls before and after strengthening. Both NDT and DT allowed assessment of the effectiveness of grout injection as a consolidation technique and gave better insights on its influence on the behavior of this type of masonry. An attempt to establish a relation between sonic velocity and mechanical parameters for this specific type of masonry was also carried out. Keywords: brick masonry; behavior Sources: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2014, 8(3): 408-435 Email: Silva, B; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 3 Monitoring of Complex Structure for Structural Control Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Tls) and Photogrammetry Guarnieri, A; Milan, N; Vettore, A Abstract: The demand for high-definition surveys within cultural heritage-related projects represents one of the main factors that promoted the use of laser scanning technology and photogrammetry. By measuring millions of points within relatively short time periods, terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) allows to researchers to derive complete and very detailed three-dimensional (3D) models of real objects from ac- quired point clouds. These features drew in recent years the interest of surveyors, engineers, architects, and archaeologists towards the laser scanning technique as an invaluable surveying tool for 3D modeling of sites and artifacts of cultural heritage. A wide variety of objects, such as small pieces of pottery, statues, buildings, and large areas of archaeological sites, have been scanned and modeled for various pur- poses like preservation, reconstruction, study, and museum exhibitions. However, the use of TLS systems for stability control is still a re- search field not much investigated. In the view of in-depth investigation on this topic, a 3-years project has been established to evaluate the use of multiple surveying techniques《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 for the stability control of a complex historical structure. To this aim, TLS, total station (TS) and pho- togrammetry are being employed for stability control monitoring with finite element model (FEM) analysis applied to an historical building, Teatro Olimpico (Olympic Theatre), in Vicenza, Italy. The main goal of this work is to analyze and verify the stability over time of this kind of structure by applying FEM analysis to a highly detailed 3D model of the theater. To date, three consecutive surveys of the theater have been carried out with consumer digital-reflex camera Nikon D200, a Leica Laser Scanner (HDS 3000) and a Leica Total Station (TCR 705). The first survey comprised approximately 250 pictures to derive a global and complete 3D model of theater with an inexpensive measuring and modeling photogrammetry software (Photomodeler). In the second study, the historical structure was fully surveyed with a TLS, the Leica HDS 3000, to produce a complete 3D model. A set of scans of complex elements, such as the wood trompe l'oeil onstage scenery, statues, and fine trim, were acquired in this stage. This article presents the results from the repeated surveys and highlights the issues and difficulties related to the laser scanning and photogrammetry of an unusual and complex geometry such as the one provided by the Olympic Theater in Vicenza. Keywords: registration Sources: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2013, 7(1): 54-67 Email: Guarnieri, A; [email protected]

ASTRONOMY ASTROPHYSICS Citation frequency: 475 Nine-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (Wmap) Observations: Cosmological Parameter Results Hinshaw, G; Larson, D; Komatsu, E; et al. Abstract: We present cosmological parameter constraints based on the final nine-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe WMAP data, in conjunction with a number of additional cosmological data sets. The WMAP data alone, and in combination, continue to be remarkably well fit by a six-parameter Delta ACDM model. When WMAP data are combined with measurements of the high-l cosmic microwave 2 2 background anisotropy, the baryon acoustic oscillation scale, and the Hubble constant, the matter and energy densities, Ωbh , Ωch , and Ωa, are each determined to a precision of similar to 1.5%. The amplitude of the primordial spectrum is measured to within 3%, and there is now evidence for a tilt in the primordial spectrum at the 5 sigma level, confirming the first detection of tilt based on the five-year WMAP data. At the end of the WMAP mission, the nine-year data decrease the allowable volume of the six-dimensional Delta CDM parameter space by a factor of 68,000 relative to pre-WMAP measurements. We investigate a number of data combinations and show that their Delta CDM

29 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 parameter fits are consistent. New limits on deviations from the six-parameter model are presented, for example: the fractional contribution +0.0039 of tensor modes is limited to r < 0.13 (95% CL); the spatial curvature parameter is limited to Ωk = -0.0027-0.0038 ; the summed mass of neutrinos is limited to ∑mv< 0.44 eV (95% CL); and the number of relativistic species is found to lie within Neff = 3.84 ± 0.40, when the full data are analyzed. The joint constraint on N-eff and the primordial helium abundance, Y-He, agrees with the prediction of standard big bang nucleosynthesis. We compare recent Planck measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with our seven-year measurements, and show their mutual agreement. Our analysis of the polarization pattern around temperature extrema is updated. This confirms a fundamental pre- diction of the standard cosmological model and provides a striking illustration of acoustic oscillations and adiabatic initial conditions in the early universe. Keywords: baryon acoustic-oscillations; south-pole telescope; digital sky survey; supernova legacy survey; hubble-space-telescope; back- ground power spectrum; brightest cluster sample; massive galaxy clusters; ia supernovae; dark energy Sources: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2013, 208(2) Email: Hinshaw, G; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 231 Nine-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (Wmap) Observations: Final Maps and Results Bennett, CL; Larson, D; Weiland, JL; et al. Abstract: We present the final nine-year maps and basic results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission. The full nine-year analysis of the time-ordered data provides updated characterizations and calibrations of the experiment. We also provide new nine-year full sky temperature maps that were processed to reduce the asymmetry of the effective beams. Temperature and polarization sky maps are examined to separate cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy from foreground emission, and both types of signals are analyzed in detail. We provide new point source catalogs as well as new diffuse and point source foreground masks. An updated tem- plate-removal process is used for cosmological analysis; new foreground fits are performed, and new foreground reduced CMB maps are presented. We now implement an optimal C-1 weighting to compute the temperature angular power spectrum. The WMAP mission has re- sulted in a highly constrained Delta CDM cosmological model with precise and accurate parameters in agreement with a host of other cos- mological measurements. When WMAP data are combined with finer scale CMB, baryon acoustic oscillation, and Hubble constant mea- surements, we find that big bang nucleosynthesis is well supported and there is no compelling evidence for a non-standard number of neu- trino species (Neff = 3.84 ± 0.40).《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 The model fit also implies that the age of the universe is t0 = 13.772 ± 0.059 Gyr, and the fit Hubble con- -1 -1 stant is H0 = 69.32 ± 0.80 km s Mpc . Inflation is also supported: the fluctuations are adiabatic, with Gaussian random phases; the detec- tion of a deviation of the scalar spectral index from unity, reported earlier by the WMAP team, now has high statistical significance (ns) = +0.0039 0.9608 ± 0.0080); and the universe is close to flat/Euclidean (Ωk) = -0.0027-0.0038 ). Overall, the WMAP mission has resulted in a re- duction of the cosmological parameter volume by a factor of 68,000 for the standard six-parameter Delta CDM model, based on CMB data alone. For a model including tensors, the allowed seven-parameter volume has been reduced by a factor 117,000. Other cosmological ob- servations are in accord with the CMB predictions, and the combined data reduces the cosmological parameter volume even further. With no significant anomalies and an adequate goodness of fit, the inflationary flat Delta CDM model and its precise and accurate parameters rooted in WMAP data stands as the standard model of cosmology. Keywords: nrao pmn surveys; observations cosmological interpretation; galactic foreground emission; systematic-error limits; angular power spectrum; point-source search; h-alpha emission; source catalog; radiometer characterization; background anisotropies Sources: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2013, 208(2) Email: Bennett, CL; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 221 Planetary candidates observed by Kepler. III. analysis of the first 16 months of data Batalha, NM; Rowe, JF; Bryson, ST; et al. Abstract: New transiting planet candidates are identified in 16 months (2009 May-2010 September) of data from the Kepler spacecraft. Nearly 5000 periodic transit-like signals are vetted against astrophysical and instrumental false positives yielding 1108 viable new planet candidates, bringing the total count up to over 2300. Improved vetting metrics are employed, contributing to higher catalog reliability. Most notable is the noise-weighted robust averaging of multiquarter photo-center offsets derived from difference image analysis that identifies likely background eclipsing binaries. Twenty-two months of photometry are used for the purpose of characterizing each of the candidates. Ephemerides (transit epoch, T-0, and orbital period, P) are tabulated as well as the products of light curve modeling: reduced radius (R-P / R-star), reduced semimajor axis (d / R-star), and impact parameter (b). The largest fractional increases are seen for the smallest planet can- didates (201% for candidates smaller than 2R(circle plus). compared to 53% for candidates larger than 2R.) and those at longer orbital pe- riods (124% for candidates outside of 50 day orbits versus 86% for candidates inside of 50 day orbits). The gains are larger than expected from increasing the observing window from 13 months (Quarters 1-5) to 16 months (Quarters 1-6) even in regions of parameter space where one would have expected the previous catalogs to be complete. Analyses of planet frequencies based on previous catalogs will be affected by such incompleteness. The fraction of all planet candidate host stars with multiple candidates has grown from 17% to 20%, and

30 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts the paucity of short-period giant planets in multiple systems is still evident. The progression toward smaller planets at longer orbital periods with each new catalog release suggests that Earth-size planets in the habitable zone are forthcoming if, indeed, such planets are abundant. Keywords: solar-type stars; sun-like star; target stars; eclipsing binaries; habitable planets; input catalog; data release; low-mass; systems; metallicities Sources: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2013, 204(2): 24 Email: Batalha, NM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 140 The baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey of SDSS-III Dawson, KS; Schlegel, DJ; Ahn, CP; et al. Abstract: The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) is designed to measure the scale of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in the clustering of matter over a larger volume than the combined efforts of all previous spectroscopic surveys of large-scale structure. BOSS uses 1.5 million luminous galaxies as faint as i = 19.9 over 10,000 deg(2) to measure BAO to redshifts z < 0.7. Observations of neutral hydrogen in the Ly alpha forest in more than 150,000 quasar spectra (g < 22) will constrain BAO over the redshift range 2.15 < z < 3.5. Early results from BOSS include the first detection of the large-scale three-dimensional clustering of the Ly alpha forest and a strong detec- tion from the Data Release 9 data set of the BAO in the clustering of massive galaxies at an effective redshift z = 0.57. We project that BOSS will yield measurements of the angular diameter distance d(A) to an accuracy of 1.0% at redshifts z = 0.3 and z = 0.57 and mea- surements of H(z) to 1.8% and 1.7% at the same redshifts. Forecasts for Ly alpha forest constraints predict a measurement of an overall dilation factor that scales the highly degenerate D-A(z) and H-1(z) parameters to an accuracy of 1.9% at z similar to 2.5 when the survey is complete. Here, we provide an overview of the selection of spectroscopic targets, planning of observations, and analysis of data and data quality of BOSS. Keywords: digital-sky-survey; ly-alpha forest; broad-absorption-line; luminous red galaxies; active galactic nuclei; large-area telescope; principal component analysis; quasar target selection; high-redshift quasars; probing dark energy Sources: Astronomical Journal, 2013, 145(1): 10 Email: Dawson, KS; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 135 The Average Star Formation Histories of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos from z=0-8 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Behroozi, PS; Wechsler, RH; Conroy, C Abstract: We present a robust method to constrain average galaxy star formation rates (SFRs), star formation histories (SFHs), and the intracluster light (ICL) as a function of halo mass. Our results are consistent with observed galaxy stellar mass functions, specific star for- mation rates (SSFRs), and cosmic star formation rates (CSFRs) from z = 0 to z = 8. We consider the effects of a wide range of uncertainties on our results, including those affecting stellar masses, SFRs, and the halo mass function at the heart of our analysis. As they are relevant to our method, we also present new calibrations of the dark matter halo mass function, halo mass accretion histories, and halo-subhalo merger rates out to z = 8. We also provide new compilations of CSFRs and SSFRs; more recent measurements are now consistent with the buildup of the cosmic stellar mass density at all redshifts. Implications of our work include: halos near 10(12) M-circle dot are the most efficient at forming stars at all redshifts, the baryon conversion efficiency of massive halos drops markedly after z similar to 2.5 (consistent with theo- ries of cold-mode accretion), the ICL for massive galaxies is expected to be significant out to at least z similar to 1-1.5, and dwarf galaxies at low redshifts have higher stellar mass to halo mass ratios than previous expectations and form later than in most theoretical models. Fi- nally, we provide new fitting formulae for SFHs that are more accurate than the standard declining tau model. Our approach places a wide variety of observations relating to the SFH of galaxies into a self-consistent framework based on the modern understanding of structure formation in Lambda CDM. Constraints on the stellar mass-halo mass relationship and SFRs are available for download online. Keywords: stellar mass function; brightest cluster galaxies; lyman-break galaxies; observations cosmological interpretation; extragalactic legacy survey; uv luminosity function; formation rate density; early release science; k-selected galaxies; medium-band survey Sources: Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 770(1): 57

AUTOMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS Citation frequency: 123 Data-driven monitoring for stochastic systems and its application on batch process Yin, S; Ding, SX; Sari, AHA; et al. Abstract: Batch processes are characterised by a prescribed processing of raw materials into final products for a finite duration and play an important role in many industrial sectors due to the low-volume and high-value products. Process dynamics and stochastic disturbances are inherent characteristics of batch processes, which cause monitoring of batch processes a challenging problem in practice. To solve this problem, a subspace-aided data-driven approach is presented in this article for batch process monitoring. The advantages of the proposed approach lie in its simple form and its abilities to deal with stochastic disturbances and process dynamics existing in the process. The kernel density estimation, which serves as a non-parametric way of estimating the probability density function, is utilised for threshold calculation.

31 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 An industrial benchmark of fed-batch penicillin production is finally utilised to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Keywords: principal component analysis; subspace identification; fault-detection; missing measurements; model; diagnosis; pca Sources: International Journal of Systems Science, 2013, 44(7): 1366-1376 Email: Yin, S; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 102 Real-Time Implementation of Fault-Tolerant Control Systems With Performance Optimization Yin, S; Luo, H; Ding, SX Abstract: In this paper, two online schemes for an integrated design of fault-tolerant control (FTC) systems with application to Tennessee Eastman (TE) benchmark are proposed. Based on the data-driven design of the proposed fault-tolerant architecture whose core is an ob- server/residual generator based realization of the Youla parameterization of all stabilization controllers, FTC is achieved by an adaptive residual generator for the online identification of the fault diagnosis relevant vectors, and an iterative optimization method for system per- formance enhancement. The performance and effectiveness of the proposed schemes are demonstrated through the TE benchmark model. Keywords: diagnosis; drives; identification; strategies; design Sources: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(5): 2402-2411 Email: Yin, S; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 78 Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control for Nonlinear Active Suspension Vehicle Systems Using T-S Fuzzy Approach Li, HY; Yu, JY; Hilton, C; et al. Abstract: This paper deals with the adaptive sliding-mode control problem for nonlinear active suspension systems via the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy approach. The varying sprung and unsprung masses, the unknown actuator nonlinearity, and the suspension performances are taken into account simultaneously, and the corresponding mathematical model is established. The T-S fuzzy system is used to describe the original nonlinear system for the control-design aim via the sector nonlinearity approach. A sufficient condition is proposed for the asymp- totical stability of the designing sliding motion. An adaptive sliding-mode controller is designed to guarantee the reachability of the speci- fied switching surface. The condition can be converted to the convex optimization problems. Simulation results for a half-vehicle active suspension model are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes. Keywords: h-infinity control; time-delay《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅; car model; feedback; design Sources: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2013, 60(8): 3328-3338 Email: Li, HY; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 77 Network-Induced Constraints in Networked Control Systems-A Survey Zhang, LX; Gao, HJ; Kaynak, O Abstract: Networked control systems (NCSs) have, in recent years, brought many innovative impacts to control systems. However, great challenges are also met due to the network-induced imperfections. Such network-induced imperfections are handled as various constraints, which should appropriately be considered in the analysis and design of NCSs. In this paper, the main methodologies suggested in the lite- rature to cope with typical network-induced constraints, namely time delays, packet losses and disorder, time-varying transmission intervals, competition of multiple nodes accessing networks, and data quantization are surveyed; the constraints suggested in the literature on the first two types of constraints are updated in different categorizing ways; and those on the latter three types of constraints are extended. Keywords: limited information feedback; input-output stability; to-state stability; h-infinity control; linear-systems; predictive control; special-issue; communication delays; nonlinear-systems; packet drop Sources: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2013, 9(1): 403-416 Email: Zhang, LX; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 64 Coupled-least-squares identification for multivariable systems Ding, F Abstract: This article studies identification problems of multiple linear regression models, which may be described a class of multi-input multi-output systems (i.e. multivariable systems). Based on the coupling identification concept, a novel coupled-least-squares (C-LS) pa- rameter identification algorithm is introduced for the purpose of avoiding the matrix inversion in the multivariable recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm for estimating the parameters of the multiple linear regression models. The analysis indicates that the C-LS algorithm does not involve the matrix inversion and requires less computationally efforts than the multivariable RLS algorithm, and that the parameter estimates given by the C-LS algorithm converge to their true values. Simulation results confirm the presented convergence theorems. Keywords: stochastic regression-models; moving average systems; state-space models; dual-rate systems; parameter-estimation; adaptive prediction; auxiliary model; performance analysis; estimation algorithm; sampled-data Sources: IET Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 7(1): 68-79 Email: Ding, F; [email protected]

32 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS Citation frequency: 309 GROMACS 4.5: a high-throughput and highly parallel open source molecular simulation toolkit Pronk, S; Pall, S; Schulz, R; et al. Abstract: Motivation: Molecular simulation has historically been a low-throughput technique, but faster computers and increasing amounts of genomic and structural data are changing this by enabling large-scale automated simulation of, for instance, many conformers or mutants of biomolecules with or without a range of ligands. At the same time, advances in performance and scaling now make it possible to model complex biomolecular interaction and function in a manner directly testable by experiment. These applications share a need for fast and efficient software that can be deployed on massive scale in clusters, web servers, distributed computing or cloud resources. Results: Here, we present a range of new simulation algorithms and features developed during the past 4 years, leading up to the GROMACS 4.5 software package. The software now automatically handles wide classes of biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, and comes with all commonly used force fields for these molecules built-in. GROMACS supports several implicit solvent models, as well as new free-energy algorithms, and the software now uses multithreading for efficient parallelization even on low-end systems, including win- dows-based workstations. Together with hand-tuned assembly kernels and state-of-the-art parallelization, this provides extremely high per- formance and cost efficiency for high-throughput as well as massively parallel simulations. Keywords: force-field; free-energy; biomolecular simulation; dynamics; model; refinement; transition; efficient; constant; proteins Sources: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(7): 845-854 Email: Lindahl, E; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 227 Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and exploration Thorvaldsdottir, H; Robinson, JT; Mesirov, JP Abstract: Data visualization is an essential component of genomic data analysis. However, the size and diversity of the data sets produced by today's sequencing and array-based profiling methods present major challenges to visualization tools. The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) is a high-performance viewer that efficiently handles large heterogeneous data sets, while providing a smooth and intuitive user ex- perience at all levels of genome resolution. A key characteristic of IGV is its focus on the integrative nature of genomic studies, with sup- port for both array-based and next-generation《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 sequencing data, and the integration of clinical and phenotypic data. Although IGV is often used to view genomic data from public sources, its primary emphasis is to support researchers who wish to visualize and explore their own data sets or those from colleagues. To that end, IGV supports flexible loading of local and remote data sets, and is optimized to provide high-performance data visualization and exploration on standard desktop systems. IGV is freely available for download from http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv, under a GNU LGPL open-source license. Keywords: sequence; format Sources: Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2013, 14(2): 178-192 Email: Robinson, JT; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 97 Cas9 as a versatile tool for engineering biology Mali, P; Esvelt, KM; Church, GM Abstract: RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases derived from clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas systems have dramatically transformed our ability to edit the genomes of diverse organisms. We believe tools and techniques based on Cas9, a single unifying factor capable of colocalizing RNA, DNA and protein, will grant unprecedented control over cellular organization, regulation and behavior. Here we describe the Cas9 targeting methodology, detail current and prospective engineering advances and suggest potential ap- plications ranging from basic science to the clinic. Keywords: RNA-guided endonuclease; zinc-finger nucleases; crispr RNA; gene-expression; transcription factors; lentiviral vector; mam- malian-cells; seed sequence; immune-system; genome Sources: Nature Methods, 2013, 10(10): 957-963 Email: Mali, P; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 94 Heritable genome editing in C. elegans via a CRISPR-Cas9 system Friedland, AE; Tzur, YB; Esvelt, KM; et al. Abstract: We report the use of clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated endonuclease Cas9 to target genomic sequences in the Caenorhabditis elegans germ line using single-guide RNAs that are expressed from a U6 small nuclear RNA promoter. Our results demonstrate that targeted, heritable genetic alterations can be achieved in C. elegans, providing a convenient and effective approach for generating loss-of-function mutants.

33 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: caenorhabditis-elegans; gene-expression; cas systems; endonuclease; bacteria; immunity; cells Sources: Nature Methods, 2013, 10(8): 741 Email: Church, GM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 94 STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner Dobin, A; Davis, CA; Schlesinger, F; et al. Abstract: Motivation: Accurate alignment of high-throughput RNA-seq data is a challenging and yet unsolved problem because of the non-contiguous transcript structure, relatively short read lengths and constantly increasing throughput of the sequencing technologies. Cur- rently available RNA-seq aligners suffer from high mapping error rates, low mapping speed, read length limitation and mapping biases. Results: To align our large (> 80 billon reads) ENCODE Transcriptome RNA-seq dataset, we developed the Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (STAR) software based on a previously undescribed RNA-seq alignment algorithm that uses sequential maximum mappable seed search in uncompressed suffix arrays followed by seed clustering and stitching procedure. STAR outperforms other aligners by a fac- tor of > 50 in mapping speed, aligning to the human genome 550 million 2×76 bp paired-end reads per hour on a modest 12-core server, while at the same time improving alignment sensitivity and precision. In addition to unbiased de novo detection of canonical junctions, STAR can discover non-canonical splices and chimeric (fusion) transcripts, and is also capable of mapping full-length RNA sequences. Using Roche 454 sequencing of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction amplicons, we experimentally validated 1960 novel inter- genic splice junctions with an 80-90% success rate, corroborating the high precision of the STAR mapping strategy. Keywords: splice junctions; alignment; reads; algorithms; sequence; genomes; encode Sources: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(1): 15-21 Email: Dobin, A; [email protected]

BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Citation frequency: 374 Ensembl 2013 Flicek, P; Ahmed, I; Amode, MR; et al. Abstract: The Ensembl project (http://www.ensembl.org) provides genome information for sequenced genomes with a particular focus on human, mouse, zebrafish and rat. Our resources include evidenced-based gene sets for all supported species; large-scale whole genome multiple species alignments《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 across vertebrates and clade-specific alignments for eutherian mammals, primates, birds and fish; vari- ation data resources for 17 species and regulation annotations based on ENCODE and other data sets. Ensembl data are accessible through the genome browser at http://www.ensembl.org and through other tools and programmatic interfaces. Keywords: human genome; database; evolution; discovery; system; cancer; tool; resources; mutations; variants Sources: Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, 41(D1): D48-D55 Email: Flicek, P; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 367 MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 6.0 Tamura, K; Stecher, G; Peterson, D; et al. Abstract: We announce the release of an advanced version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which currently contains facilities for building sequence alignments, inferring phylogenetic histories, and conducting molecular evolutionary analysis. In version 6.0, MEGA now enables the inference of timetrees, as it implements the RelTime method for estimating divergence times for all branching points in a phylogeny. A new Timetree Wizard in MEGA6 facilitates this timetree inference by providing a graphical user interface (GUI) to specify the phylogeny and calibration constraints step-by-step. This version also contains enhanced algorithms to search for the optimal trees under evolutionary criteria and implements a more advanced memory management that can double the size of sequence data sets to which MEGA can be applied. Both GUI and command-line versions of MEGA6 can be downloaded from www.megasoftware.net free of charge. Keywords: divergence times Sources: Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2013, 30(12): 2725-2729 Email: Kumar, S; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 361 MAFFT Multiple Sequence Alignment Software Version 7: Improvements in Performance and Usability Katoh, K; Standley, DM Abstract: We report a major update of the MAFFT multiple sequence alignment program. This version has several new features, including options for adding unaligned sequences into an existing alignment, adjustment of direction in nucleotide alignment, constrained alignment and parallel processing, which were implemented after the previous major update. This report shows actual examples to explain how these features work, alone and in combination. Some examples incorrectly aligned by MAFFT are also shown to clarify its limitations. We dis-

34 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts cuss how to avoid misalignments, and our ongoing efforts to overcome such limitations. Keywords: protein sequences; unaligned sequences; rna sequences; database; tree; algorithm; accuracy; clustal; information; sensitivity Sources: Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2013, 30(4): 772-780 Email: Katoh, K; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 333 The Proteomics Identifications (PRIDE) database and associated tools: status in 2013 Vizcaino, JA; Cote, RG; Csordas, A; et al. Abstract: The PRoteomics IDEntifications (PRIDE, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride) database at the European Bioinformatics Institute is one of the most prominent data repositories of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics data. Here, we summarize recent developments in the PRIDE database and related tools. First, we provide up-to-date statistics in data content, splitting the figures by groups of organisms and species, including peptide and protein identifications, and post-translational modifications. We then describe the tools that are part of the PRIDE submission pipeline, especially the recently developed PRIDE Converter 2 (new submission tool) and PRIDE Inspector (visualiza- tion and analysis tool). We also give an update about the integration of PRIDE with other MS proteomics resources in the context of the ProteomeXchange consortium. Finally, we briefly review the quality control efforts that are ongoing at present and outline our future plans. Keywords: peptide identifications; public repository; protein; standard; workflows; visualize; platform; datasets; library; service Sources: Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, 41(D1): D1063-D1069 Email: Vizcaino, JA; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 307 One-Step Generation of Mice Carrying Mutations in Multiple Genes by CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Genome Engineering Wang, HY; Yang, H; Shivalila, CS; et al. Abstract: Mice carrying mutations in multiple genes are traditionally generated by sequential recombination in embryonic stem cells and/or time-consuming inter-crossing of mice with a single mutation. The CRISPR/Cas system has been adapted as an efficient gene- tar- geting technology with the potential for multiplexed genome editing. We demonstrate that CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing allows the simultaneous disruption of five genes (Tet1, 2, 3, Sry, Uty - 8 alleles) in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with high efficiency. Coinjection of Cas9 mRNA and single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) targeting Tet1 and Tet2 into zygotes generated mice with biallelic mutations in both genes with an efficiency of 80%.《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Finally, we show that coinjection of Cas9 mRNA/sgRNAs with mutant oligos generated precise point mutations simultaneously in two target genes. Thus, the CRISPR/Cas system allows the one-step generation of animals carrying mutations in multiple genes, an approach that will greatly accelerate the in vivo study of functionally redundant genes and of epistatic gene interactions. Keywords: zinc-finger nucleases; embryo microinjection; postnatal-development; knockout rats; bacteria; systems; cells; cas9; tet2; endo- nuclease Sources: Cell, 2013, 153(4): 910-918 Email: Jaenisch, R; [email protected]

BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Citation frequency: 98 Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance Dormann, CF; Elith, J; Bacher, S; et al. Abstract: Collinearity refers to the non independence of predictor variables, usually in a regression-type analysis. It is a common feature of any descriptive ecological data set and can be a problem for parameter estimation because it inflates the variance of regression parameters and hence potentially leads to the wrong identification of relevant predictors in a statistical model. Collinearity is a severe problem when a model is trained on data from one region or time, and predicted to another with a different or unknown structure of collinearity. To demon- strate the reach of the problem of collinearity in ecology, we show how relationships among predictors differ between biomes, change over spatial scales and through time. Across disciplines, different approaches to addressing collinearity problems have been developed, ranging from clustering of predictors, threshold-based pre-selection, through latent variable methods, to shrinkage and regularisation. Using simu- lated data with five predictor-response relationships of increasing complexity and eight levels of collinearity we compared ways to address collinearity with standard multiple regression and machine-learning approaches. We assessed the performance of each approach by testing its impact on prediction to new data. In the extreme, we tested whether the methods were able to identify the true underlying relationship in a training dataset with strong collinearity by evaluating its performance on a test dataset without any collinearity. We found that methods specifically designed for collinearity, such as latent variable methods and tree based models, did not outperform the traditional GLM and threshold-based pre-selection. Our results highlight the value of GLM in combination with penalised methods (particularly ridge) and thre- shold-based pre-selection when omitted variables are considered in the final interpretation. However, all approaches tested yielded de- graded predictions under change in collinearity structure and the folk lore'-thresholds of correlation coefficients between predictor variables of |r| >0.7 was an appropriate indicator for when collinearity begins to severely distort model estimation and subsequent prediction. The use

35 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 of ecological understanding of the system in pre-analysis variable selection and the choice of the least sensitive statistical approaches re- duce the problems of collinearity, but cannot ultimately solve them. Keywords: latent root regression; principal component regression; sliced inverse regression; partial least-squares; dimension reduction; multiple-regression; climate-change; logistic-regression; ridge-regression; ecological data Sources: Ecography, 2013, 36(1): 27-46 Email: Dormann, CF; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 83 Impacts of ocean acidification on marine organisms: quantifying sensitivities and interaction with warming Kroeker, KJ; Kordas, RL; Crim, R; et al. Abstract: Ocean acidification represents a threat to marine species worldwide, and forecasting the ecological impacts of acidification is a high priority for science, management, and policy. As research on the topic expands at an exponential rate, a comprehensive understanding of the variability in organisms' responses and corresponding levels of certainty is necessary to forecast the ecological effects. Here, we per- form the most comprehensive meta-analysis to date by synthesizing the results of 228 studies examining biological responses to ocean aci- dification. The results reveal decreased survival, calcification, growth, development and abundance in response to acidification when the broad range of marine organisms is pooled together. However, the magnitude of these responses varies among taxonomic groups, suggest- ing there is some predictable trait-based variation in sensitivity, despite the investigation of approximately 100 new species in recent re- search. The results also reveal an enhanced sensitivity of mollusk larvae, but suggest that an enhanced sensitivity of early life history stages is not universal across all taxonomic groups. In addition, the variability in species' responses is enhanced when they are exposed to acidifi- cation in multi-species assemblages, suggesting that it is important to consider indirect effects and exercise caution when forecasting abun- dance patterns from single-species laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the results suggest that other factors, such as nutritional status or source population, could cause substantial variation in organisms' responses. Last, the results highlight a trend towards enhanced sensitivity to acidification when taxa are concurrently exposed to elevated seawater temperature. Keywords: climate-change; coral; metaanalysis; carbon; temperature; responses; exposure; fish; ph; calcification Sources: Global Change Biology, 2013, 19(6): 1884-1896 Email: Kroeker, KJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 49 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 The conservation status of the world's reptiles Bohm, M; Collen, B; Baillie, JEM; et al. Abstract: Effective and targeted conservation action requires detailed information about species, their distribution, systematics and ecology as well as the distribution of threat processes which affect them. Knowledge of reptilian diversity remains surprisingly disparate, and inno- vative means of gaining rapid insight into the status of reptiles are needed in order to highlight urgent conservation cases and inform envi- ronmental policy with appropriate biodiversity information in a timely manner. We present the first ever global analysis of extinction risk in reptiles, based on a random representative sample of 1500 species (16% of all currently known species). To our knowledge, our results provide the first analysis of the global conservation status and distribution patterns of reptiles and the threats affecting them, highlighting conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world's reptiles. Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient. The propor- tion of threatened reptile species is highest in freshwater environments, tropical regions and on oceanic islands, while data deficiency was highest in tropical areas, such as Central Africa and , and among fossorial reptiles. Our results emphasise the need for re- search attention to be focussed on tropical areas which are experiencing the most dramatic rates of habitat loss, on fossorial reptiles for which there is a chronic lack of data, and on certain taxa such as snakes for which extinction risk may currently be underestimated due to lack of population information. Conservation actions specifically need to mitigate the effects of human-induced habitat loss and harvesting, which are the predominant threats to reptiles. Keywords: biodiversity conservation; molecular phylogeny; global biodiversity; species-diversity; vertebrates; amphibians; climate; clas- sification; distributions; radiation Sources: Biological Conservation, 2013, 157(): 372-385 Email: Bohm, M; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 43 Climate change and ocean acidification effects on seagrasses and marine macroalgae Koch, M; Bowes, G; Ross, C; et al. Abstract: Although seagrasses and marine macroalgae (macro-autotrophs) play critical ecological roles in reef, lagoon, coastal and open-water ecosystems, their response to ocean acidification (OA) and climate change is not well understood. In this review, we examine marine macro-autotroph biochemistry and physiology relevant to their response to elevated dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC], carbon dio- 2- xide [CO2], and lower carbonate [CO3 ] and pH. We also explore the effects of increasing temperature under climate change and the inte-

36 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts ractions of elevated temperature and [CO2]. Finally, recommendations are made for future research based on this synthesis. A literature review of >100 species revealed that marine macro-autotroph photosynthesis is overwhelmingly C3 (= 85%) with most species capable of - utilizing HCO3 ; however, most are not saturated at current ocean [DIC]. These results, and the presence of CO2-only users, lead us to con- clude that photosynthetic and growth rates of marine macro-autotrophs are likely to increase under elevated [CO2] similar to terrestrial C3 species. In the tropics, many species live close to their thermal limits and will have to up-regulate stress-response systems to tolerate suble- thal temperature exposures with climate change, whereas elevated [CO2] effects on thermal acclimation are unknown. Fundamental linkag- es between elevated [CO2] and temperature on photorespiration, enzyme systems, carbohydrate production, and calcification dictate the need to consider these two parameters simultaneously. Relevant to calcifiers, elevated [CO2] lowers net calcification and this effect is am- plified by high temperature. Although the mechanisms are not clear, OA likely disrupts diffusion and transport systems of H+ and DIC.

These fluxes control micro-environments that promote calcification over dissolution and may be more important than CaCO3 mineralogy in predicting macroalgal responses to OA. Calcareous macroalgae are highly vulnerable to OA, and it is likely that fleshy macroalgae will dominate in a higher CO2 ocean; therefore, it is critical to elucidate the research gaps identified in this review. Keywords: carbon-concentrating mechanisms; reactive oxygen-metabolism; crustose coralline algae; zostera-noltii hornemann; inorganic carbon; atmospheric CO2; elevated CO2; photosynthetic utilization; tropical seagrass; halophila-ovalis Sources: Global Change Biology, 2013, 19(1): 103-132 Email: Koch, M; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 41 Evaluation of terrestrial carbon cycle models for their response to climate variability and to CO2 trends Piao, SL; Sitch, S; Ciais, P; et al. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate 10 process-based terrestrial biosphere models that were used for the IPCC fifth As- sessment Report. The simulated gross primary productivity (GPP) is compared with flux-tower-based estimates by Jung etal. [Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011) G00J07] (JU11). The net primary productivity (NPP) apparent sensitivity to climate variability and at- mospheric CO2 trends is diagnosed from each model output, using statistical functions. The temperature sensitivity is compared against ecosystem field warming experiments results. The CO2 sensitivity of NPP is compared to the results from four Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiments. The simulated global net biome productivity (NBP) is compared with the residual land sink (RLS) of the global car- bon budget from Friedlingstein etal.《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 [Nature Geoscience 3 (2010) 811] (FR10). We found that models produce a higher GPP (133 ± 15Pg Cyr-1) than JU11 (118 ± 6Pg Cyr-1). In response to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, modeled NPP increases on average by 16%

(5-20%) per 100ppm, a slightly larger apparent sensitivity of NPP to CO2 than that measured at the FACE experiment locations (13% per 100ppm). Global NBP differs markedly among individual models, although the mean value of 2.0 +/- 0.8Pg Cyr-1 is remarkably close to the mean value of RLS (2.1 ± 1.2 Pg Cyr-1). The interannual variability in modeled NBP is significantly correlated with that of RLS for the period 1980-2009. Both model-to-model and interannual variation in model GPP is larger than that in model NBP due to the strong coupl- ing causing a positive correlation between ecosystem respiration and GPP in the model. The average linear regression slope of global NBP vs. temperature across the 10 models is -3.0 ± 1.5Pg Cyr-1 degrees C-1, within the uncertainty of what derived from RLS (-3.9 ± 1.1Pg Cyr-1 degrees C-1). However, 9 of 10 models overestimate the regression slope of NBP vs. precipitation, compared with the slope of the observed RLS vs. precipitation. With most models lacking processes that control GPP and NBP in addition to CO2 and climate, the agree- ment between modeled and observation-based GPP and NBP can be fortuitous. Carbon-nitrogen interactions (only separable in one model) significantly influence the simulated response of carbon cycle to temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration, suggesting that nutrients limitations should be included in the next generation of terrestrial biosphere models.

Keywords: global vegetation models; atmospheric CO2; rain-forest; nitrogen interactions; primary productivity; land-use; interannual va- riability; tropical forests; plant geography; tree growth Sources: Global Change Biology, 2013, 19(7): 2117-2132 Email: Piao, SL; [email protected]

BIOLOGY Citation frequency: 143 RNA-programmed genome editing in human cells Jinek, M; East, A; Cheng, A; et al. Abstract: Type II CRISPR immune systems in bacteria use a dual RNA-guided DNA endonuclease, Cas9, to cleave foreign DNA at spe- cific sites. We show here that Cas9 assembles with hybrid guide RNAs in human cells and can induce the formation of double-strand DNA breaks ( DSBs) at a site complementary to the guide RNA sequence in genomic DNA. This cleavage activity requires both Cas9 and the complementary binding of the guide RNA. Experiments using extracts from transfected cells show that RNA expression and/or assembly into Cas9 is the limiting factor for Cas9-mediated DNA cleavage. In addition, we find that extension of the RNA sequence at the 3' end enhances DNA targeting activity in vivo. These results show that RNA-programmed genome editing is a facile strategy for introducing site-specific genetic changes in human cells.

37 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: bacteria; immunity; systems; nuclease; archaea Sources: Elife, 2013, 2(): Email: Doudna, J; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 64 The role of biotic interactions in shaping distributions and realised assemblages of species: implications for species distribution modelling Wisz, MS; Pottier, J; Kissling, WD; et al. Abstract: Predicting which species will occur together in the future, and where, remains one of the greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and biotic environments interact with dispersal processes and history across scales. Bio- tic interactions and their dynamics influence species' relationships to climate, and this also has important implications for predicting future distributions of species. It is already well accepted that biotic interactions shape species' spatial distributions at local spatial extents, but the role of these interactions beyond local extents (e.g. 10 km2 to global extents) are usually dismissed as unimportant. In this review we con- solidate evidence for how biotic interactions shape species distributions beyond local extents and review methods for integrating biotic interactions into species distribution modelling tools. Drawing upon evidence from contemporary and palaeoecological studies of individu- al species ranges, functional groups, and species richness patterns, we show that biotic interactions have clearly left their mark on species distributions and realised assemblages of species across all spatial extents. We demonstrate this with examples from within and across trophic groups. A range of species distribution modelling tools is available to quantify species environmental relationships and predict spe- cies occurrence, such as: (i) integrating pairwise dependencies, (ii) using integrative predictors, and (iii) hybridising species distribution models (SDMs) with dynamic models. These methods have typically only been applied to interacting pairs of species at a single time, re- quire a priori ecological knowledge about which species interact, and due to data paucity must assume that biotic interactions are constant in space and time. To better inform the future development of these models across spatial scales, we call for accelerated collection of spa- tially and temporally explicit species data. Ideally, these data should be sampled to reflect variation in the underlying environment across large spatial extents, and at fine spatial resolution. Simplified ecosystems where there are relatively few interacting species and sometimes a wealth of existing ecosystem monitoring data (e.g. arctic, alpine or island habitats) offer settings where the development of modelling tools that account for biotic interactions may be less difficult than elsewhere. Keywords: habitat distribution models; higher-order interactions; climate-change; plant-communities; north-america; soil biota; competi- tive interactions; ecological communities;《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 spatial-distribution; environmental-change Sources: Biological Reviews, 2013, 88(1): 15-30 Email: Wisz, MS; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 44 How does climate change cause extinction? Cahill, AE; Aiello-Lammens, ME; Fisher-Reid, MC; et al. Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change is predicted to be a major cause of species extinctions in the next 100 years. But what will ac- tually cause these extinctions? For example, will it be limited physiological tolerance to high temperatures, changing biotic interactions or other factors? Here, we systematically review the proximate causes of climate-change related extinctions and their empirical support. We find 136 case studies of climatic impacts that are potentially relevant to this topic. However, only seven identified proximate causes of demonstrated local extinctions due to anthropogenic climate change. Among these seven studies, the proximate causes vary widely. Surpri- singly, none show a straightforward relationship between local extinction and limited tolerances to high temperature. Instead, many studies implicate species interactions as an important proximate cause, especially decreases in food availability. We find very similar patterns in studies showing decreases in abundance associated with climate change, and in those studies showing impacts of climatic oscillations. Col- lectively, these results highlight our disturbingly limited knowledge of this crucial issue but also support the idea that changing species interactions are an important cause of documented population declines and extinctions related to climate change. Finally, we briefly outline general research strategies for identifying these proximate causes in future studies. Keywords: mytilus-edulis l.; land-use change; global-change; el-nino; biological invasions; species interactions; population declines; range margins; marine fishes; national-park Sources: Proceedings of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 2013, 280(1750): 20121890 Email: Wiens, JJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 43 Predicting membrane protein types by incorporating protein topology, domains, signal peptides, and physicochemical properties into the general form of Chou's pseudo amino acid composition Chen, YK; Li, KB Abstract: The type information of un-annotated membrane proteins provides an important hint for their biological functions. The experi-

38 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts mental determination of membrane protein types, despite being more accurate and reliable, is not always feasible due to the costly labora- tory procedures, thereby creating a need for the development of bioinformatics methods. This article describes a novel computational clas- sifier for the prediction of membrane protein types using proteins' sequences. The classifier, comprising a collection of one-versus-one support vector machines, makes use of the following sequence attributes: (1) the cationic patch sizes, the orientation, and the topology of transmembrane segments; (2) the amino acid physicochemical properties; (3) the presence of signal peptides or anchors; and (4) the specif- ic protein motifs. A new voting scheme was implemented to cope with the multi-class prediction. Both the training and the testing se- quences were collected from SwissProt. Homologous proteins were removed such that there is no pair of sequences left in the datasets with a sequence identity higher than 40%. The performance of the classifier was evaluated by a Jackknife cross-validation and an independent testing experiments. Results show that the proposed classifier outperforms earlier predictors in prediction accuracy in seven of the eight membrane protein types. The overall accuracy was increased from 78.3% to 88.2%. Unlike earlier approaches which largely depend on position-specific substitution matrices and amino acid compositions, most of the sequence attributes implemented in the proposed classifier have supported literature evidences. The classifier has been deployed as a web server and can be accessed at http://bsaltools.ym.edu.tw/predmpt. Keywords: support vector machines; subcellular location prediction; web server; structural class; feature-selection; fourier-spectrum; anc- hor; pseaac; sites; index Sources: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013, 318: 1-12 Email: Li, KB; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 40 Ribosome structures to near-atomic resolution from thirty thousand cryo-EM particles Bai, XC; Fernandez, IS; McMullan, G; et al. Abstract: Although electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) single-particle analysis has become an important tool for structural biology of large and flexible macro-molecular assemblies, the technique has not yet reached its full potential. Besides fundamental limits imposed by radiation damage, poor detectors and beam-induced sample movement have been shown to degrade attainable resolutions. A new genera- tion of direct electron detectors may ameliorate both effects. Apart from exhibiting improved signal-to-noise performance, these cameras are also fast enough to follow particle movements during electron irradiation. Here, we assess the potentials of this technology for cryo-EM structure determination. Using a newly developed statistical movie processing approach to compensate for beam-induced movement, we show that ribosome reconstructions《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 with unprecedented resolutions may be calculated from almost two orders of magnitude fewer particles than used previously. Therefore, this methodology may expand the scope of high-resolution cryo-EM to a broad range of biological specimens. Keywords: electron cryomicroscopy; radiation-damage; transfer-rna; microscopy; ice; macromolecules; limitations; specimens; contrast; tilt Sources: Elife, 2013, 2: e00461 Email: Scheres, SHW; [email protected]

BIOPHYSICS Citation frequency: 101 Structure and function of long noncoding RNAs in epigenetic regulation Mercer, TR; Mattick, JS Abstract: Genomes of complex organisms encode an abundance and diversity of long noncoding RNAs (IncRNAs) that are expressed throughout the cell and fulfill a wide variety of regulatory roles at almost every stage of gene expression. These roles, which encompass sensory, guiding, scaffolding and allosteric capacities, derive from folded modular domains in IncRNAs. In this diverse functional reper- toire, we focus on the well-characterized ability for IncRNAs to function as epigenetic modulators. Many IncRNAs bind to chroma- tin-modifying proteins and recruit their catalytic activity to specific sites in the genome, thereby modulating chromatin states and impacting gene expression. Considering this regulatory potential in combination with the abundance of IncRNAs suggests that IncRNAs may be part of a broad epigenetic regulatory network. Keywords: x-chromosome inactivation; xist rna; antisense transcription; chromatin modification; binding proteins; gene-expression; en- code regions; hox loci; sequences; evolution Sources: Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2013, 20(3): 300-307 Email: Mattick, JS; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 93 Regulation of nucleosome dynamics by histone modifications Zentner, GE; Henikoff, S Abstract: Chromatin is a dynamic structure that must respond to myriad stimuli to regulate access to DNA, and chemical modification of histones is a major means by which the cell modulates nucleosome mobility and turnover. Histone modifications are linked to essentially every cellular process requiring DNA access, including transcription, replication and repair. Here we consider properties of the major types of histone modification in the context of their associated biological processes to view them in light of the cellular mechanisms that regulate nucleosome dynamics.

39 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: double-strand breaks; DNA-replication; saccharomyces-cerevisiae; h2b ubiquitylation; active chromatin; set2 methylation; adp-ribosylation; gene-expression; h3 methylation; variant h3.3 Sources: Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2013, 20(3): 259-266 Email: Henikoff, S; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 85 Investigation of the freely available easy-to-use software 'EZR' for medical statistics Kanda, Y Abstract: Although there are many commercially available statistical software packages, only a few implement a competing risk analysis or a proportional hazards regression model with time-dependent covariates, which are necessary in studies on hematopoietic SCT. In addi- tion, most packages are not clinician friendly, as they require that commands be written based on statistical languages. This report describes the statistical software 'EZR' (Easy R), which is based on R and R commander. EZR enables the application of statistical functions that are frequently used in clinical studies, such as survival analyses, including competing risk analyses and the use of time-dependent covariates, receiver operating characteristics analyses, meta-analyses, sample size calculation and so on, by point-and-click access. EZR is freely available on our website (http://www.jichi.ac.jp/saitama-sct/SaitamaHP.files/statmed.html) and runs on both Windows (Microsoft Corpora- tion, USA) and Mac OS X (Apple, USA). This report provides instructions for the installation and operation of EZR. Keywords: bone-marrow transplants; competing risk; cumulative incidence; clinician; tests; guide Sources: Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2013, 48(3): 452-458 Email: Kanda, Y; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 76 Natural products: A continuing source of novel drug leads Cragg, GM; Newman, DJ Abstract: Background: Nature has been a source of medicinal products for millennia, with many useful drugs developed from plant sources. Following discovery of the penicillins, drug discovery from microbial sources occurred and diving techniques in the 1970s opened the seas. Combinatorial chemistry (late 1980s), shifted the focus of drug discovery efforts from Nature to the laboratory bench. Scope of Review: This review traces natural products drug discovery, outlining important drugs from natural sources that revolutionized treatment of serious diseases. It is clear Nature will continue to be a major source of new structural leads, and effective drug development depends on multidisciplinary collaborations.《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Major Conclusions: The explosion of genetic information led not only to novel screens, but the genetic techniques permitted the implemen- tation of combinatorial biosynthetic technology and genome mining. The knowledge gained has allowed unknown molecules to be identi- fied. These novel bioactive structures can be optimized by using combinatorial chemistry generating new drug candidates for many diseases. General Significance: The advent of genetic techniques that permitted the isolation / expression of biosynthetic cassettes from microbes may well be the new frontier for natural products lead discovery. It is now apparent that biodiversity may be much greater in those organ- isms. The numbers of potential species involved in the microbial world are many orders of magnitude greater than those of plants and mul- ti-celled animals. Coupling these numbers to the number of currently unexpressed biosynthetic clusters now identified (>10 per species) the potential of microbial diversity remains essentially untapped. Keywords: solid-phase synthesis; uncultivated bacterial symbionts; microtubule-stabilizing agents; sponge kirkpatrickia-varialosa; com- pound library development; diversity-oriented synthesis; biosynthetic gene-cluster; metastatic breast-cancer; fungal cell-wall; marine acti- nomycete Sources: Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-general Subjects, 2013, 1830(6): 3670-3695 Email: Newman, DJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 73 Biomimetic sensor for certain catecholamines employing copper(II) complex and silver nanopar- ticle modified glassy carbon paste electrode Sanghavi, BJ; Mobin, SM; Mathur, P; et al. Abstract: A dimeric Cu(II) complex [Cu(mu(2)-heP)(heP-H)]2 center dot 2ClO(4) (1) containing bidentate (hep-H=2-(2-hydroxyethyl) pyridine) ligand was synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Each Cu-ion in 1 is in a distorted square py- ramidal geometry. Further 1 along with silver nanoparticles (SNPs) have been used as modifier in the construction of a biomimetic sensor (1-SNP-GCPE) for determining certain catecholamines viz., dopamine (DA), levodopa (L-Dopa), epinephrine (EP) and norepinephrine (NE) using cyclic voltammetry, chronocoulometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and adsorptive stripping square wave voltammetry (AdSSWV). Finally, the catalytic properties of the sensor were characterized by chronoamperometry. Employing AdSSWV, the calibration curves showed linear response ranging between 10-6 and 10-9 M for all the four analytes with detection limits (S/N=3) of 8.52×10-10 M, 2.41×10-9 M, 3.96×10-1 M and 3.54×10-1 M for DA, L-Dopa, EP and NE respectively. The lifetime of the biomimetic sensor was 3 months at room temperature. The prepared modified electrode shows several advantages such as simple preparation method, high sensitivi- ty, high stability, ease of preparation and regeneration of the electrode surface by simple polishing along with excellent reproducibility. The

40 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts method has been applied for the selective and precise analysis of DA, L-Dopa, EP and NE in pharmaceutical formulations, urine and blood serum samples. Keywords: potentiometric stripping analysis; hydrophilic interaction chromatography; chemically-modified electrodes; ascorbic-acid; uric-acid; voltammetric determination; electrochemical sensor; folic-acid; capillary-electrophoresis; chloride complex Sources: Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 39(1): 124-132 Email: Srivastava, AK; [email protected]

BIOTECHNOLOGY APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY Citation frequency: 311 Efficient genome editing in zebrafish using a CRISPR-Cas system Hwang, WY; Fu, YF; Reyon, D; et al. Abstract: In bacteria, foreign nucleic acids are silenced by clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) CRISPR-associated (Gas) systems. Bacterial type II CRISPR systems have been adapted to create guide RNAs that direct site-specific DNA cleavage by the Cas9 endonuclease in cultured cells. Here we show that the CRISPR-Cas system functions in vivo to induce targeted genetic modifications in zebrafish embryos with efficiencies similar to those obtained using zinc finger nucleases and transcription activator like effector nucleases. Keywords: zinc-finger nucleases; talens; prokaryotes; bacteria; immunity Sources: Nature Biotechnology, 2013, 31(3): 227-229 Email: Joung, JK; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 309 GROMACS 4.5: a high-throughput and highly parallel open source molecular simulation toolkit Pronk, S; Pall, S; Schulz, R; et al. Abstract: Motivation: Molecular simulation has historically been a low-throughput technique, but faster computers and increasing amounts of genomic and structural data are changing this by enabling large-scale automated simulation of, for instance, many conformers or mutants of biomolecules with or without a range of ligands. At the same time, advances in performance and scaling now make it possible to model complex biomolecular interaction and function in a manner directly testable by experiment. These applications share a need for fast and efficient software that can be deployed on massive scale in clusters, web servers, distributed computing or cloud resources. Results: Here, we present a range of new simulation《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 algorithms and features developed during the past 4 years, leading up to the GROMACS 4.5 software package. The software now automatically handles wide classes of biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, and comes with all commonly used force fields for these molecules built-in. GROMACS supports several implicit solvent models, as well as new free-energy algorithms, and the software now uses multithreading for efficient parallelization even on low-end systems, including win- dows-based workstations. Together with hand-tuned assembly kernels and state-of-the-art parallelization, this provides extremely high per- formance and cost efficiency for high-throughput as well as massively parallel simulations. Keywords: force-field; free-energy; biomolecular simulation; dynamics; model; refinement; transition; efficient; constant; proteins Sources: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(7): 845-854 Email: Lindahl, E; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 270 ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas-based methods for genome engineering Gaj, T; Gersbach, CA; Barbas, CF Abstract: Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) comprise a powerful class of tools that are redefining the boundaries of biological research. These chimeric nucleases are composed of programmable, sequence-specific DNA- binding modules linked to a nonspecific DNA cleavage domain. ZFNs and TALENs enable a broad range of genetic modifications by inducing DNA double-strand breaks that stimulate error-prone nonhomologous end joining or homology-directed repair at specific genomic locations. Here, we review achievements made possible by site-specific nuclease technologies and discuss applications of these reagents for genetic anal- ysis and manipulation. In addition, we highlight the therapeutic potential of ZFNs and TALENs and discuss future prospects for the field, in- cluding the emergence of clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas-based RNA-guided DNA endonucleases. Keywords: zinc-finger nucleases; targeted gene disruption; pluripotent stem-cells; DNA-sequence specificity; double-strand breaks; tran- scription factors; in-vivo; embryo microinjection; effector nucleases; nicking enzyme Sources: Trends in Biotechnology, 2013, 31(7): 397-405 Email: Barbas, CF; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 220 High-frequency off-target mutagenesis induced by CRISPR-Cas nucleases in human cells Fu, YF; Foden, JA; Khayter, C; et al. Abstract: Clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) RNA-guided nucleases (RGNs) have rapidly emerged as a facile and efficient platform for genome editing. Here, we use a human cell-based reporter assay to characterize off-target cleavage of

41 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 CRISPR-associated (Cas) 9-based RGNs. We find that single and double mismatches are tolerated to varying degrees depending on their position along the guide RNA (gRNA)-DNA interface. We also readily detected off-target alterations induced by four out of six RGNs tar- geted to endogenous loci in human cells by examination of partially mismatched sites. The off-target sites we identified harbored up to five mismatches and many were mutagenized with frequencies comparable to (or higher than) those observed at the intended on-target site. Our work demonstrates that RGNs can be highly active even with imperfectly matched RNA-DNA interfaces in human cells, a finding that might confound their use in research and therapeutic applications. Keywords: zinc-finger nucleases; systems; endonuclease; generation; bacteria; archaea; mice Sources: Nature Biotechnology, 2013, 31(9): 822 Email: Joung, JK; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 216 TopHat2: accurate alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions Kim, D; Pertea, G; Trapnell, C; et al. Abstract: TopHat is a popular spliced aligner for RNA-sequence (RNA-seq) experiments. In this paper, we describe TopHat2, which in- corporates many significant enhancements to TopHat. TopHat2 can align reads of various lengths produced by the latest sequencing tech- nologies, while allowing for variable-length indels with respect to the reference genome. In addition to de novo spliced alignment, TopHat2 can align reads across fusion breaks, which can occur after genomic translocations. TopHat2 combines the ability to identify novel splice sites with direct mapping to known transcripts, producing sensitive and accurate alignments, even for highly repetitive genomes or in the presence of pseudogenes. TopHat2 is available at http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/tophat. Keywords: rna-seq; human genome; pseudogenes; discovery; ultrafast; reads Sources: Genome Biology, 2013, 14(4): R36 Email: Kim, D; [email protected]

CELL BIOLOGY Citation frequency: 311 One-Step Generation of Mice Carrying Mutations in Multiple Genes by CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Genome Engineering 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Wang, HY; Yang, H; Shivalila, CS; et al. Abstract: Mice carrying mutations in multiple genes are traditionally generated by sequential recombination in embryonic stem cells and/or time-consuming inter-crossing of mice with a single mutation. The CRISPR/Cas system has been adapted as an efficient gene-targeting technology with the potential for multiplexed genome editing. We demonstrate that CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing allows the simultaneous disruption of five genes (Tet1, 2, 3, Sry, Uty - 8 alleles) in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with high efficiency. Coinjection of Cas9 mRNA and single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) targeting Tet1 and Tet2 into zygotes generated mice with biallelic mutations in both genes with an efficiency of 80%. Finally, we show that coinjection of Cas9 mRNA/sgRNAs with mutant oligos generated precise point mutations simultaneously in two target genes. Thus, the CRISPR/Cas system allows the one-step generation of animals carrying mu- tations in multiple genes, an approach that will greatly accelerate the in vivo study of functionally redundant genes and of epistatic gene interactions. Keywords: zinc-finger nucleases; embryo microinjection; postnatal-development; knockout rats; bacteria; systems; cells; cas9; tet2; endo- nuclease Sources: Cell, 2013, 153(4): 910-918 Email: Jaenisch, R; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 191 INNOVATION TALENs: a widely applicable technology for targeted genome editing Joung, JK; Sander, JD Abstract: Engineered nucleases enable the targeted alteration of nearly any gene in a wide range of cell types and organisms. The new- ly-developed transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) comprise a nonspecific DNA-cleaving nuclease fused to a DNA-binding domain that can be easily engineered so that TALENs can target essentially any sequence. The capability to quickly and effi- ciently alter genes using TALENs promises to have profound impacts on biological research and to yield potential therapeutic strategies for genetic diseases. Keywords: zinc-finger nucleases; pluripotent stem-cells; double-strand breaks; effector nucleases; gene disruption; DNA recognition; embryo microinjection; transcription factors; efficient generation; cleavage domain Sources: Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2013, 14(1): 49-55 Email: Joung, JK; [email protected]

42 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Citation frequency: 165 Repurposing CRISPR as an RNA-Guided Platform for Sequence-Specific Control of Gene Expression Qi, LS; Larson, MH; Gilbert, LA; et al. Abstract: Targeted gene regulation on a genome-wide scale is a powerful strategy for interrogating, perturbing, and engineering cellular systems. Here, we develop a method for controlling gene expression based on Cas9, an RNA-guided DNA endonuclease from a type II CRISPR system. We show that a catalytically dead Cas9 lacking endonuclease activity, when coexpressed with a guide RNA, generates a DNA recognition complex that can specifically interfere with transcriptional elongation, RNA polymerase binding, or transcription factor binding. This system, which we call CRISPR interference (CRISPRi), can efficiently repress expression of targeted genes in Escherichia coli, with no detectable off-target effects. CRISPRi can be used to repress multiple target genes simultaneously, and its effects are reversible. We also show evidence that the system can be adapted for gene repression in mammalian cells. This RNA-guided DNA recognition plat- form provides a simple approach for selectively perturbing gene expression on a genome-wide scale. Keywords: fluorescent protein; adaptive immunity; transcription; bacteria; systems; interference; evolution; cleavage; archaea; complex Sources: Cell, 2013, 152(5): 1173-1183 Email: Qi, LS; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 148 Evolution and Impact of Subclonal Mutations in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Landau, DA; Carter, SL; Stojanov, P; et al. Abstract: Clonal evolution is a key feature of cancer progression and relapse. We studied intratumoral heterogeneity in 149 chronic lym- phocytic leukemia (CLL) cases by integrating whole-exome sequence and copy number to measure the fraction of cancer cells harboring each somatic mutation. We identified driver mutations as predominantly clonal (e.g., MYD88, trisomy 12, and del(13q)) or subclonal (e.g., SF3B1 and TP53), corresponding to earlier and later events in CLL evolution. We sampled leukemia cells from 18 patients at two time points. Ten of twelve CLL cases treated with chemotherapy (but only one of six without treatment) underwent clonal evolution, predomi- nantly involving subclones with driver mutations (e.g., SF3B1 and TP53) that expanded over time. Furthermore, presence of a subclonal driver mutation was an independent risk factor for rapid disease progression. Our study thus uncovers patterns of clonal evolution in CLL, providing insights into its stepwise transformation, and links the presence of subclones with adverse clinical outcomes. Keywords: acute myeloid-leukemia;《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 copy-number alteration; b-cell lymphoma; clonal evolution; human cancer; somatic mutations; mul- tiple-myeloma; genomic aberrations; breast cancers; short survival Sources: Cell, 2013, 152(4): 714-726 Email: Getz, G; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 147 Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis Koeth, RA; Wang, ZE; Levison, BS; et al. Abstract: Intestinal microbiota metabolism of choline and phosphatidylcholine produces trimethylamine (MA), which is further metabo- lized to a proatherogenic species, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). We demonstrate here that metabolism by intestinal microbiota of die- tary L-carnitine, a trimethylamine abundant in red meat, also produces TMAO and accelerates atherosclerosis in mice. Omnivorous human subjects produced more TMAO than did vegans or vegetarians following ingestion of L-carnitine through a microbiota-dependent mechan- ism. The presence of specific bacterial taxa in human feces was associated with both plasma TMAO concentration and dietary status. Plas- ma L-carnitine levels in subjects undergoing cardiac evaluation (n = 2,595) predicted increased risks for both prevalent cardiovascular dis- ease (CVD) and incident major adverse cardiac events (myocardial infarction, stroke or death), but only among subjects with concurrently high TMAO levels. Chronic dietary L-carnitine supplementation in mice altered cecal microbial composition, markedly enhanced synthesis of TMA and TMAO, and increased atherosclerosis, but this did not occur if intestinal microbiota was concurrently suppressed. In mice with an intact intestinal microbiota, dietary supplementation with TMAO or either carnitine or choline reduced in vivo reverse cholesterol transport. Intestinal microbiota may thus contribute to the well-established link between high levels of red meat consumption and CVD risk. Keywords: reverse cholesterol transport; coronary-heart-disease; bile-acid; cardiovascular-disease; gut microbiome; mice; expression; diet; receptors; protein Sources: Nature Medicine, 2013, 19(5): 576-585 Email: Hazen, SL; [email protected]

CELL TISSUE ENGINEERING Citation frequency: 115 A TALEN Genome-Editing System for Generating Human Stem Cell-Based Disease Models Ding, QR; Lee, YK; Schaefer, EAK; et al. Abstract: Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) are a new class of engineered nucleases that are easier to design to

43 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 cleave at desired sites in a genome than previous types of nucleases. We report here the use of TALENs to rapidly and efficiently generate mutant alleles of 15 genes in cultured somatic cells or human pluripotent stem cells, the latter for which we differentiated both the targeted lines and isogenic control lines into various metabolic cell types. We demonstrate cell-autonomous phenotypes directly linked to dis- ease-dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy, motor-neuron death, and hepatitis C infection. We found little evidence of TALEN off-target effects, but each clonal line nevertheless harbors a significant number of unique mutations. Given the speed and ease with which we were able to derive and characterize these cell lines, we anticipate TALEN-mediated genome editing of human cells becom- ing a mainstay for the investigation of human biology and disease. Keywords: insulin-resistance; adipose-tissue; mice lacking; DNA; effectors; perilipin; nucleases; sortilin; mutation; akt2 Sources: Cell Stem Cell, 2013, 12(2): 238-251 Email: Musunuru, K; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 71 Lack of Immune Response to Differentiated Cells Derived from Syngeneic Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Guha, P; Morgan, JW; Mostoslavsky, G; et al. Abstract: The prospects for using autologous induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in cell replacement therapy have been tempered by evidence that undifferentiated, syngeneic mouse iPSCs are immunogenic upon transplantation. However, the immunogenicity of more the- rapeutically relevant differentiated cells remains unexplored. Here, we differentiated mouse iPSCs into embryoid bodies (EBs) or repre- sentative cell types spanning the three embryonic germ layers and assessed their immunogenicity in vitro and after their transplantation into syngeneic recipients. We found no evidence of increased T cell proliferation in vitro, rejection of syngeneic iPSC-derived EBs/tissue-specific cells (TSCs) after transplantation, or an antigen-specific secondary immune response. Thus, differentiated cells derived from syngeneic iPSCs do not appear to be rejected after transplantation. We also found little evidence of an immune response to undifferen- tiated, syngeneic iPSCs. Our data support the idea that differentiated cells generated from autologous iPSCs could be applied for cell re- placement therapy without eliciting immune rejection. Keywords: mouse Sources: Cell Stem Cell, 2013, 12(4): 407-412 Email: Boyd, AS; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 64 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 The Sox Family of Transcription Factors: Versatile Regulators of Stem and Progenitor Cell Fate Sarkar, A; Hochedlinger, K Abstract: Sox family transcription factors are well-established regulators of cell fate decisions during development. Accumulating evi- dence documents that they play additional roles in adult tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Remarkably, forced expression of Sox factors, in combination with other synergistic factors, reprograms differentiated cells into somatic or pluripotent stem cells. Dysregulation of Sox factors has been further implicated in diseases including cancer. Here, we review molecular and functional evidence linking Sox proteins with stem cell biology, cellular reprogramming, and disease with an emphasis on Sox2. Keywords: sex-determining region; self-renewal; gene-expression; neural crest; DNA-binding; tgf-beta; neuronal differentiation; repro- gramming factors; human fibroblasts; identifies sox2 Sources: Cell Stem Cell, 2013, 12(1): 15-30 Email: Hochedlinger, K; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 60 Stromal cells from the adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction and culture expanded adipose tissue-derived stromal/stem cells: a joint statement of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science (IFATS) and the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) Bourin, P; Bunnell, ; Casteilla, L; et al. Abstract: Background aims. Adipose tissue is a rich and very convenient source of cells for regenerative medicine therapeutic approaches. However, a characterization of the population of adipose-derived stromal and stem cells (ASCs) with the greatest therapeutic potential re- mains unclear. Under the authority of International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and International Society for Cellular Therapy, this paper sets out to establish minimal definitions of stromal cells both as uncultured stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and as an adherent stromal/stem cells population. Methods. Phenotypic and functional criteria for the identification of adipose-derived cells were drawn from the literature. Results. In the SVF, cells are identified phenotypically by the following markers: CD45-CD235a-CD31-CD34+. Added value may be provided by both a viability marker and the following surface antigens: CD13, CD73, CD90 and CD105. The fibroblastoid colo- ny-forming unit assay permits the evaluation of progenitor frequency in the SVF population. In culture, ASCs retain markers in common with other mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs), including CD90, CD73, CD 105, and CD44 and remain negative for CD45 and CD31. They can be distinguished from bone-marrow-derived MSCs by their positivity for CD36 and negativity for CD106. The CFU-F assay is recommended to calculate population doublings capacity of ASCs. The adipocytic, chondroblastic and osteoblastic differentiation assays

44 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts serve to complete the cell identification and potency assessment in conjunction with a quantitative evaluation of the differentiation either biochemically or by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Conclusions. The goal of this paper is to provide initial guidance for the scientific community working with adipose-derived cells and to facilitate development of international standards based on reproducible parameters. Keywords: mesenchymal stem-cells; human-bone-marrow; hematopoietic stem; progenitor cells; in-vitro; subpopulations; translation; features; surface Sources: Cytotherapy, 2013, 15(6): 641-648 Email: Bourin, P; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 52 Modeling Alzheimer's Disease with iPSCs Reveals Stress Phenotypes Associated with Intracellular A beta and Differential Drug Responsiveness Kondo, T; Asai, M; Tsukita, K; et al. Abstract: Oligomeric forms of amyloid-beta peptide (A beta) are thought to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the mechanism involved is still unclear. Here, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from familial and sporadic AD patients and differentiated them into neural cells. A beta oligomers accumulated in iPSC-derived neurons and astrocytes in cells from patients with a familial amyloid precursor protein (APP)-E693 Delta mutation and sporadic AD, leading to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and oxidative stress. The accumulated A beta oligomers were not proteolytically resistant, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) treatment alle- viated the stress responses in the AD neural cells. Differential manifestation of ER stress and DHA responsiveness may help explain varia- ble clinical results obtained with the use of DHA treatment and suggests that DHA may in fact be effective for a subset of patients. It also illustrates how patient-specific iPSCs can be useful for analyzing AD pathogenesis and evaluating drugs. Keywords: pluripotent stem-cells; endoplasmic-reticulum stress; oxidative stress; mouse model; in-vivo; protein; oligomers; memory; neurodegeneration; generation Sources: Cell Stem Cell, 2013, 12(4): 487-496 Email: Iwata, N; [email protected]

CHEMISTRY ANALYTICAL Citation frequency: 75 Biomimetic sensor《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 for certain catecholamines employing copper(II) complex and silver nanoparticle modified glassy carbon paste electrode Sanghavi, BJ; Mobin, SM; Mathur, P; et al. Abstract: A dimeric Cu(II) complex [Cu(mu(2)-heP)(heP-H)]2 center dot 2ClO(4) (1) containing bidentate (hep-H=2-(2-hydroxyethyl) pyridine) ligand was synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Each Cu-ion in 1 is in a distorted square py- ramidal geometry. Further 1 along with silver nanoparticles (SNPs) have been used as modifier in the construction of a biomimetic sensor (1-SNP-GCPE) for determining certain catecholamines viz., dopamine (DA), levodopa (L-Dopa), epinephrine (EP) and norepinephrine (NE) using cyclic voltammetry, chronocoulometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and adsorptive stripping square wave voltammetry (AdSSWV). Finally, the catalytic properties of the sensor were characterized by chronoamperometry. Employing AdSSWV, the calibration curves showed linear response ranging between 10-6 and 10-9 M for all the four analytes with detection limits (S/N=3) of 8.52×10-10 M, 2.41×10-9 M, 3.96×10-1 M and 3.54×10-1 M for DA, L-Dopa, EP and NE respectively. The lifetime of the biomimetic sensor was 3 months at room temperature. The prepared modified electrode shows several advantages such as simple preparation method, high sensitivity, high sta- bility, ease of preparation and regeneration of the electrode surface by simple polishing along with excellent reproducibility. The method has been applied for the selective and precise analysis of DA, L-Dopa, EP and NE in pharmaceutical formulations, urine and blood serum samples. Keywords: potentiometric stripping analysis; hydrophilic interaction chromatography; chemically-modified electrodes; ascorbic-acid; uric-acid; voltammetric determination; electrochemical sensor; folic-acid; capillary-electrophoresis; chloride complex Sources: Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 39(1): 124-132 Email: Srivastava, AK; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 55 A simple electrochemical approach to fabricate a glucose biosensor based on graphene-glucose oxidase biocomposite Unnikrishnan, B; Palanisamy, S; Chen, SM Abstract: We report a simple electrochemical approach for the immobilization of glucose oxidase (GOx) on reduced graphene oxide (RGO). The immobilization of GOx was achieved in a single step without any cross linking agents or modifiers. A simple solution phase approach was used to exfoliated graphene oxide (GO), followed by electrochemical reduction to get RGO-GOx biocomposite. The direct electrochemistry of GOx was revealed at the RGO-GOx modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The electrocatalytic and electroa- nalytical applications of the proposed film were studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and amperometry. It is notable that the glucose deter- mination has been achieved in mediator-free conditions. RGO-GOx film showed very good stability, reproducibility and high selectivity.

45 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 The developed biosensor exhibits excellent catalytic activity towards glucose over a wide linear range of 0.1-27 mM with a sensitivity of 1.85 mu A mM-1 cm-2. The facile and easy electrochemical approach used for the preparation of RGO-GOx may open up new horizons in the production of cost-effective biosensors and biofuel cells. Keywords: one-step immobilization; graphite oxide; ionic liquid; nanosheets; enzyme; electrode; layer; reduction; polymers; matrix Sources: Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 39(1): 70-75 Email: Chen, SM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 49 Adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of imipramine, trimipramine and desipramine employing titanium dioxide nanoparticles and an Amberlite XAD-2 modified glassy carbon paste electrode Sanghavi, BJ; Srivastava, AK Abstract: An Amberlite XAD-2 (XAD2) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TNPs) modified glassy carbon paste electrode (XAD2-TNP-GCPE) was developed for the determination of imipramine (IMI), trimipramine (TRI) and desipramine (DES). The electro- chemical behavior of these molecules was investigated employing cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronocoulometry (CC), electrochemical im- pedance spectroscopy (EIS) and adsorptive stripping differential pulse voltammetry (AdSDPV). After optimization of analytical conditions using a XAD2-TNP-GCPE electrode at pH 6.0 phosphate buffer (0.1 M), the peak currents were found to vary linearly with its concentra- tion in the range of 1.30×10-9 to 6.23×10-6 M for IMI, 1.16×10-9 to 6.87×10-6 M for TRI and 1.43×10-9 to 5.68×10-6 M for DES. The detection limits (S/N = 3) of 3.93×10-10, 3.51×10-10 and 4.35×10-10 M were obtained for IMI, TRI and DES respectively using AdSDPV. The prepared modified electrode showed several advantages such as a simple preparation method, high sensitivity, very low detection limits and excellent reproducibility. The proposed method was employed for the determination of IMI, TRI and DES in pharmaceutical formula- tions, blood serum and urine samples. Keywords: chemically-modified electrodes; tricyclic antidepressants; electrochemical-behavior; biomimetic sensor; oxidation; acid; ace- taminophen; complex Sources: Analyst, 2013, 138(5): 1395-1404 Email: Srivastava, AK; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 47 Direct electrochemistry《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 of glucose oxidase at electrochemically reduced graphene oxide- multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid material modified electrode for glucose biosensor Mani, V; Devadas, B; Chen, SM Abstract: Direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase (GOx) at an electrochemically reduced graphene oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid (ERGO-MWCNT) modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) has been reported. The pi-pi stacking interaction operating between the MWCNT and graphene oxide (GO) has been revealed by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. GOx was well immobilized onto the ER- GO-MWCNT hybrid film, as a result direct electrochemistry of GOx has been achieved. Compared with pristine MWCNT, 2.1 fold higher peak current and very low peak to peak separation (Delta E-p) of 26 mV were observed at the hybrid film, demonstrating faster electron transfer between GOx and the modified electrode surface. Moreover, the modified film exhibited high electrocatalytic activity towards glucose via reductive detection of oxygen consumption and in the presence of mediator. The proposed biosensor exhibits low detection limit of 4.7 mu M with wide linear range of 0.01-6.5 mM and acquires excellent storage and operational stabilities. The accurate glucose determination in human blood serum and good recoveries achieved in spiked urine samples revealed their great potential in the practical applications. Keywords: composites; dispersion Sources: Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 41: 309-315 Email: Chen, SM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 44 Glutathione-Protected Silver Nanoclusters as Cysteine-Selective Fluorometric and Colorimetric Probe Yuan, X; Tay, YQ; Dou, XY; et al. Abstract: The integration of the unique thiol-Ag chemistry and the specific steric hindrance from the organic layer of fluorescent Ag na- noclusters (AgNCs) was first developed in this work to achieve a simple detection of cysteine (Cys) with high selectivity and sensitivity. The key design is a strongly red-emitting AgNC protected by the interference biothiol, glutathione, or GSH (hereafter referred to as GSH-AgNCs), where both the physicochemical properties (Ag surface chemistry and fluorescence) of the NC core and the physical proper- ties (e.g., steric hindrance) of the organic shell were fully utilized for Cys detection with three major features. First, owing to the specific thiol-Ag interaction, the fluorescent GSH-AgNCs showed superior selectivity for Cys over the other 19 natural amino acids (non- thiol-containing). Second, the GSH protecting layer on the NC surface made possible the differentiation of Cys from GSH (or other large-sized thiol molecules) simply by their size. Third, the ultrasmall size of GSH-AgNCs and the high affinity of the thiol-Ag interaction

46 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts provided high sensitivity for Cys detection with a detection limit of <3 nM. The assay developed in this study is of interest not only because it provides a simple Cys sensor with high selectivity and sensitivity but also because it exemplifies the utilization of the physical properties of organic ligands on the nanomaterial surface to further improve the sensor performance, which could open a new design strategy for other sensor development. Keywords: gold nanoparticles; liquid-chromatography; fluorescent; clusters; thiols; nanocrystals; aggregation; monolayers; complexes; nanorods Sources: Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85(3): 1913-1919 Email: Xie, JP; [email protected]

CHEMISTRY APPLIED Citation frequency: 95 Recent Advances in Asymmetric Organocatalytic Construction of 3,3'-Spirocyclic Oxindoles Hong, L; Wang, R Abstract: The asymmetric organocatalysis is definitely one of the most powerful and versatile tools for the rapid construction of various spirocyclic oxindoles. In the past few years, a number of successful strategies based on organocatalysis have been developed for the con- struction of 3,3-spirocyclic oxindoles in high yields and excellent enantioselectivities under mild conditions. In this review, recent advances in this area are summarized and classified according to the spiro ring fused at the 3-position of the oxindole core. Keywords: catalyzed 3+2 annulation; structure-based design; highly enantioselective synthesis; quaternary carbon stereocenters; intramo- lecular heck reactions; baylis-hillman carbonates; pictet-spengler reactions; diels-alder reactions; stereoselective-synthesis; spirocyclic oxindoles Sources: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2013, 355(6): 1023-1052 Email: Wang, R; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 60 Direct Trifluoromethylation of the CH Bond Liu, H; Gu, ZH; Jiang, XF Abstract: Trifluoromethylation meets CH activation: after transition metal-catalyzed trifluoromethylation became more and more popular, trifluoromethylation via CH activation is now emerging as the latest attraction. Several pioneering examples and their mechanisms are dis- cussed in this review. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Keywords: catalyzed oxidative trifluoromethylation; enantioselective alpha-trifluoromethylation; pd(ii)-catalyzed ortho-trifluoromethylation; carbon-hydrogen bonds; room-temperature; boronic acids; mediated trifluoromethylation; heteroaromatic-compounds; h trifluoromethylation; photoredox catalysis Sources: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2013, 355(4): 617-626 Email: Jiang, XF; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 57 Metal organic framework based mixed matrix membranes: An increasingly important field of research with a large application potential Zornoza, B; Tellez, C; Coronas, J; et al. Abstract: The combination of metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and polymers in the form of mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) has become an increasingly important field of research over the last few years. The first examples of membranes outperforming state of the art polymers have already been presented, emphasizing the high application potential of these composites. In this paper, the recent progress on the topic is thoroughly reviewed and the main advantages and limitations of the use of MOFs as MMMs fillers are evaluated. Keywords: zeolitic imidazolate frameworks; porous coordination polymers; in-situ diffraction; x-ray-scattering; gas-separation; selective flakes; silicalite-1 membranes; modeling permeation; thermal-stability; inorganic fillers Sources: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 166: 67-78 Email: Gascon, J; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 56 Recent advances in the synthesis of hierarchically nanoporous zeolites Na, K; Choi, M; Ryoo, R Abstract: Hierarchically nanoporous zeolites possessing mesopores as well as the inherent micropores of zeolite structures are garnering attention as a solution to the diffusion limitation problem of solely microporous classical zeolites. The hierarchical structure enables zeo- lites to have maximum structural functions in a limited space and volume owing to the high diffusion efficiency. Hierarchical zeolites are in high demand for the development of advanced materials for applications in adsorption, separation and catalysis. Herein, recent advances in synthesis routes to hierarchically nanoporous zeolites are reviewed with their catalytic contributions. Particular emphasis is given to the recently developed synthesis method which uses surfactants that are functionalized with a zeolite-structure-directing group. This type of

47 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 surfactants can direct porous structures in micro- and meso-length scales simultaneously. Keywords: ordered mesoporous materials; unit-cell thickness; molecular-sieve; single-crystals; mfi zeolite; catalytic-properties; porous materials; carbon aerogels; zsm-5 zeolite; organosilane surfactant Sources: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 166: 3-19 Email: Ryoo, R; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 51 Metal Organic Frameworks as Solid Catalysts in Condensation Reactions of Carbonyl Groups Dhakshinamoorthy, A; Opanasenko, M; Cejka, J; et al. Abstract: This review summarizes the use of metal organic frameworks (MOFs) as solid catalysts for condensation reactions. After an introductory section, in which condensation reactions are generally presented, a list of the MOFs employed as condensation catalyst is giv- en. The main part of the present review is organized according to the use of MOFs as solid acids, solid bases or as bi-functional solids con- taining both acid and basic sites. Throughout the review, the emphasis has been made on discussing the stability of the MOFs, their reusa- bility and in providing a comparison of the performance of MOFs with respect to other homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. Finally, we summarize the current state-of-the-art and provide our view on future trends and developments in this field. Keywords: coordinatively unsaturated sites; ray crystal-structure; one-pot synthesis; knoevenagel condensation; heterogeneous catalysts; functionalized mil-101; friedlander reaction; henry reaction; acid; lewis Sources: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2013, 355(2-3): 247-268 Email: Dhakshinamoorthy, A; [email protected]

CHEMISTRY INORGANIC NUCLEAR Citation frequency: 125 Design and construction of coordination polymers with mixed-ligand synthetic strategy Du, M; Li, CP; Liu, CS; et al. Abstract: The rational construction of coordination polymers (CPs), normally existing as infinite crystalline lattices extended from inor- ganic vertices and organic struts, essentially benefits from the development of crystal engineering strategies. In this review, we summarily comment on the key advances in the design of CPs using mixed-ligand synthetic strategy and discuss the relationship between the specifi- cally selected mixed organic ligands and the resulting CPs. Significantly, fine tuning on the structural features of organic ligands, such as spacers, positional isomers, and substituents,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 can lead to a delicate regulation of the diverse network structures of CPs. Additionally, such mixed-ligand coordination assemblies may also be heavily affected by metal ion, synthetic route, and some other external stimuli such as solvent and pH condition, etc. The advantages of mixed-ligand systems as promising approaches to construct CPs-based crystalline mate- rials with interesting structures and useful properties will also be demonstrated. Keywords: metal-organic frameworks; gas-adsorption properties; r-isophthalate r; crystal-structures; sorption properties; building-blocks; structural diversification; co-ligands; supramolecular isomerism; carboxylate frameworks Sources: Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2013, 257(7-8): 1282-1305 Email: Du, M; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 114 Semiconducting Tin and Lead Iodide Perovskites with Organic Cations: Phase Transitions, High Mobilities, and Near-Infrared Photoluminescent Properties Stoumpos, CC; Malliakas, CD; Kanatzidis, MG Abstract: A broad organic-inorganic series of hybrid metal iodide perovskites with the general formulation AMI(3), where A is the methy- 3+ + lammonium (CH3NH ) or formamidinium (HC(NH2)2 ) cation and M is Sn (1 and 2) or Pb (3 and 4) are reported. The compounds have been prepared through a variety of synthetic approaches, and the nature of the resulting materials is discussed in terms of their thermal sta- bility and optical and electronic properties. We find that the chemical and physical properties of these materials strongly depend on the preparation method. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of 1-4 classifies the compounds in the perovskite structural family. Structural phase transitions were observed and investigated by temperature-dependent single crystal X-ray diffraction in the 100-400 K range. The charge transport properties of the materials are discussed in conjunction with diffuse reflectance studies in the mid-IR region that display characteristic absorption features. Temperature-dependent studies show a strong dependence of the resistivity as a function of the crystal structure. Optical absorption measurements indicate that 1-4 behave as direct-gap semiconductors with energy band gaps distributed in the range of 1.25-1.75 eV. The compounds exhibit an intense near-IR photoluminescence (PL) emission in the 700-1000 nm range (1.1-1.7 eV) at room temperature. We show that solid solutions between the Sn and Pb compounds are readily accessible throughout the composition range. The optical properties such as energy band gap, emission intensity, and wavelength can be readily controlled as we show for the isostructural series of solid solutions CH3NH3Sn1-xPbxI3 (5). The charge transport type in these materials was characterized by Seebeck coefficient and Hall-effect measurements. The compounds behave as p- or n-type semiconductors depending on the preparation method. The samples with the lowest carrier concentration are prepared from solution and are n-type; p-type samples can be obtained through solid state reactions exposed in air in a controllable manner. In the case of Sri compounds, there is a facile tendency toward oxidation which

48 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts causes the materials to be doped with Sn4+ and thus behave as p-type semiconductors displaying metal-like conductivity. The compounds appear to possess very high estimated electron and hole mobilities that exceed 2000 cm2/(V s) and 300 cm2/(V s), respectively, as shown in the case of CH3NH3SnI3 (1). We also compare the properties of the title hybrid materials with those of the all inorganic CsSnI3 and CsPbI3 prepared using identical synthetic methods. Keywords: organometal halide perovskites; group-theoretical analysis; ion-exchange properties; sensitized solar-cell; x-ray-diffraction; crystal-structure; inorganic semiconductors; layered perovskites; thermal-properties; twin boundaries Sources: Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52(15): 9019-9038 Email: Kanatzidis, MG; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 75 Abnormal, mesoionic and remote N-heterocyclic carbene complexes Crabtree, RH Abstract: Three different structural classes of NHC ligands can be distinguished: normal (nNHC), abnormal (aNHC), alternatively called mesoionic (MIC), and remote (rNHC). General principles, synthetic strategies as well as recent results in the area of transition metal com- plexes of aNHC/MICs and rNHCs are discussed. The special properties of aNHC/MICs are discussed including their somewhat debateable status as true carbenes in the full sense of the term, as contrasted with their close analogy with nNHCs in the bound state. Some applica- tions to catalysis are included and future prospects outlined. Keywords: norbornene polymerization behavior; c-h activation; palladium complexes; imidazolium salts; catalytic-activity; nhc ligands; organometallic catalysis; coordination chemistry; electronic parameters; olefin metathesis Sources: Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2013, 257(3-4): 755-766 Email: Crabtree, RH; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 74 Recent advances in dysprosium-based single molecule magnets: Structural overview and synthetic strategies Zhang, P; Guo, YN; Tang, JK Abstract: The last few years have seen a huge renaissance in the study of the magnetism of lanthanide coordination complexes, especially in the field of single molecule magnets (SMMs) due to the large inherent anisotropy of lanthanide metal ions. It has led to intense activity on the part of synthetic chemists 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅to produce systems suitable for detailed study by physicists and materials scientists, thus synthetic devel- opment has been playing a major role in the advancement of this field. In this review, we demonstrate the research developed in the few years in the fascinating and challenging field of Dy-based SMMs with particular focus on how recent studies tend to address the issue of relaxation dynamics in these systems from synthetic point of view. In addition, the assembly of multinuclear Dy SMMs using various li- gands is summarized, showing that several typical motifs are favorable structural units which could be exploited in the formation of new Dy-based SMMs and supramolecular architectures. Keywords: sharing dy-3 triangles; lanthanide complexes; transition-metal; slow relaxation; chain magnets; ground-state; ion magnets; zero-field; anisotropic barrier; terbium complex Sources: Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2013, 257(11-12): 1728-1763 Email: Tang, JK; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 68 N-Heterocyclic carbene metal complexes in medicinal chemistry Oehninger, L; Rubbiani, R; Ott, I Abstract: Metal complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands are widely used in chemistry due to their catalytic properties and applied for olefin metathesis among other reactions. The enhanced application of this type of organometallics has over the last few years also triggered a steadily increasing number of studies in the fields of medicinal chemistry, which take advantage of the fascinating chemical properties of these complexes. In fact it has been demonstrated that metal NHC complexes can be used to develop highly efficient metal based drugs with possible applications in the treatment of cancer or infectious diseases. Complexes of silver and gold have been biologi- cally evaluated most frequently but also platinum or other transition metals have demonstrated promising biological properties. Keywords: thioredoxin reductase inhibitors; in-vitro; antimicrobial activity; gold(i) complexes; anticancer properties; organometallic compounds; acetate complexes; silver complexes; antitumor agents; cancer-cells Sources: Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42(10): 3269-3284 Email: Ott, I; [email protected]

CHEMISTRY MEDICINAL Citation frequency: 174 Marine natural products Blunt, JW; Copp, BR; Keyzers, RA; et al. Abstract: This review covers the literature published in 2011 for marine natural products, with 870 citations (558 for the period January to

49 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 December 2011) referring to compounds isolated from marine microorganisms and phytoplankton, green, brown and red algae, sponges, cnidarians, bryozoans, molluscs, tunicates, echinoderms, mangroves and other intertidal plants and microorganisms. The emphasis is on new compounds (1152 for 2011), together with the relevant biological activities, source organisms and country of origin. Biosynthetic stu- dies, first syntheses, and syntheses that lead to the revision of structures or stereochemistries, have been included. Keywords: formosan soft coral; south china sea; cyanobacterium lyngbya-majuscula; eunicellin-based diterpenoids; sponge xestospongia- testudinaria; penicillium-chrysogenum qen-24s; prenylated indole alkaloids; alga laurencia-nidifica; octocoral cladiella sp; fungus aspergil- lus-sp Sources: Natural Product Reports, 2013, 30(2): 237-323 Email: Blunt, JW; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 120 Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide natural products: overview and recommendations for a universal nomenclature Arnison, PG; Bibb, MJ; Bierbaum, G; et al. Abstract: This review presents recommended nomenclature for the biosynthesis of ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally mod- ified peptides (RiPPs), a rapidly growing class of natural products. The current knowledge regarding the biosynthesis of the >20 distinct compound classes is also reviewed, and commonalities are discussed. Keywords: biosynthetic gene-cluster; elongation-factor-tu; carbon cross-links; bacillus-amyloliquefaciens fzb42; promotes secondary me- tabolism; cyclotide cycloviolacin o2; pyrrolo-quinoline-quinone; bacterial rna-polymerase; in-vitro reconstitution; antibiotic microcin j25 Sources: Natural Product Reports, 2013, 30(1): 108-160 Email: van der Donk, WA;

Citation frequency: 80 The Future of Peptide-based Drugs Craik, DJ; Fairlie, DP; Liras, S; et al. Abstract: The suite of currently used drugs can be divided into two categories traditional small molecule drugs with typical molecular weights of <500 Da but with oral bioavailability, and much larger biologics typically >5000 Da that are not orally bioavailable and need to be delivered via injection. Due to their small size, conventional small molecule drugs may suffer from reduced target selectivity that often ultimately manifests in human side-effects,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 whereas protein therapeutics tend to be exquisitely specific for their targets due to many more interactions with them, but this comes at a cost of low bioavailability, poor membrane permeability, and metabolic instability. The time has now come to reinvestigate new drug leads that fit between these two molecular weight extremes, with the goal of combining advantages of small molecules (cost, conformational restriction, membrane permeability, metabolic stability, oral bioavailability) with those of proteins (natural components, target specificity, high potency). This article uses selected examples of peptides to highlight the importance of peptide drugs, some potential new opportunities for their exploitation, and some difficult challenges ahead in this field. Keywords: protein-coupled receptors; calcium-channel blocker; cyclic-peptides; n-methylation; oral bioavailability; molecular scaffolds; medicinal chemistry; integrin expression; living subjects; alpha-helices Sources: Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2013, 81(1): 136-147 Email: Craik, DJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 70 Principles and Applications of Halogen Bonding in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Wilcken, R; Zimmermann, MO; Lange, A; et al. Abstract: Halogen bonding. has been known in material science for decades, but until recently, halogen bonds in protein-ligand interac- tions were largely the result of serendipitous discovery rather than rational design. In this Perspective, we provide insights into the pheno- menon of halogen bonding, with special focus on its role in drug discovery. We summarize the theoretical background defining its strength and directionality, provide a systematic analysis of its occurrence and interaction geometries in protein-ligand complexes, and give recent examples where halogen bonding has been successfully harnessed for lead identification and optimization. In light of these data, we discuss the potential and limitations of exploiting halogen bonds for molecular recognition and rational drug design. Keywords: protein-ligand interactions; resolution crystal-structures; HIV-1 reverse-transcriptase; empirical scoring functions; mechanical method pm6-dh2x; density-functional theory; cross-coupling reactions; human-serum-albumin; structural basis; force-field Sources: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 56(4): 1363-1388 Email: Boeckler, FM; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 50 Prediction of Allergenic Proteins by Means of the Concept of Chou's Pseudo Amino Acid Composition and a Machine Learning Approach Mohabatkar, H; Beigi, MM; Abdolahi, K; et al. Abstract: Because of the importance of proteins in inducing allergenic reactions, the ability of predicting their potential allergenicity has

50 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts become an important issue. Bioinformatics presents valuable tools for analyzing allergens and these complementary approaches can help traditional techniques to study allergens. This work proposes a computational method for predicting the allergenic proteins. The prediction was performed using pseudo-amino acid composition (PseAAC) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The predictor efficiency was eva- luated by fivefold cross-validation. The overall prediction accuracies and Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC) obtained by this method were 91.19% and 0.82, respectively. Furthermore, the minimum Redundancy and Maximum Relevance (mRMR) feature selection method was utilized for measuring the effect and power of each feature. Interestingly, in our study all six characters (hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, side chain mass, pK1, pK2 and pI) are present among the 10 higher ranked features obtained from the mRMR feature selection method. Keywords: web-server; cross-reactivity; evolution information; computational tools; wavelet transform; identification; peptides; sequence; features; database Sources: Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 9(1): 133-137 Email: Mohabatkar, H; [email protected]

CHEMISTRY MULTIDISCIPLINARY Citation frequency: 373 The chemistry of two-dimensional layered transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets Chhowalla, M; Shin, HS; Eda, G; et al. Abstract: Ultrathin two-dimensional nanosheets of layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are fundamentally and technological- ly intriguing. In contrast to the graphene sheet, they are chemically versatile. Mono-or few-layered TMDs - obtained either through exfolia- tion of bulk materials or bottom-up syntheses - are direct-gap semiconductors whose bandgap energy, as well as carrier type (n- or p-type), varies between compounds depending on their composition, structure and dimensionality. In this Review, we describe how the tunable electronic structure of TMDs makes them attractive for a variety of applications. They have been investigated as chemically active electro- catalysts for hydrogen evolution and hydrosulfurization, as well as electrically active materials in opto-electronics. Their morphologies and properties are also useful for energy storage applications such as electrodes for Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors. Keywords: chemical-vapor-deposition; lithium storage properties; mos2 atomic layers; ws2 thin-films; molybdenum-disulfide; hydrogen evolution; large-area; valley polarization; integrated-circuits; liquid exfoliation Sources: Nature Chemistry, 2013, 5(4): 263-275 Email: Chhowalla, M; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 236 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 The Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery: A Perspective Goodenough, JB; Park, KS Abstract: Each cell of a battery stores electrical energy as chemical energy in two electrodes, a reductant (anode) and an oxidant (cathode), separated by an electrolyte that transfers the ionic component of the chemical reaction inside the cell and forces the electronic component outside the battery. The output on discharge is an external electronic current I at a voltage V for a time Delta t. The chemical reaction of a rechargeable battery must be reversible on the application of a charging I and V. Critical parameters of a rechargeable battery are safety, density of energy that can be stored at a specific power input and retrieved at a specific power output, cycle and shelf life, storage efficiency, and cost of fabrication. Conventional ambient-temperature rechargeable batteries have solid electrodes and a liquid electrolyte. The positive electrode (cathode) consists of a host framework into which the mobile (working) cation is inserted reversibly over a finite solid solution range. The solid solution range, which is reduced at higher current by the rate of transfer of the working ion across electrode/electrolyte interfaces and within a host, limits the amount of charge per electrode formula unit that can be transferred over the time Delta t = Delta t(I). Moreover, the difference between energies of the LUMO and the HOMO of the electrolyte, i.e., electrolyte window, determines the maxi- mum voltage for a long shelf and cycle life. The maximum stable voltage with an aqueous electrolyte is 1.5 V; the Li-ion rechargeable bat- tery uses an organic electrolyte with a larger window, which increase the density of stored energy for a given Delta t. Anode or cathode electrochemical potentials outside the electrolyte window can increase V, but they require formation of a passivating surface layer that must be permeable to Li+ and capable of adapting rapidly to the changing electrode surface area as the electrode changes volume during cycling. A passivating surface layer adds to the impedance of the Li+ transfer across the electrode/electrolyte interface and lowers the cycle life of a battery cell. Moreover, formation of a passivation layer on the anode robs Li from the cathode irreversibly on an initial charge, further lo- wering the reversible Delta t. These problems plus the cost of quality control of manufacturing plague development of Li-ion rechargeable batteries that can compete with the internal combustion engine for powering electric cars and that can provide the needed low-cost storage of electrical energy generated by renewable wind and/or solar energy. Chemists are contributing to incremental improvements of the con- ventional strategy by investigating and controlling electrode passivation layers, improving the rate of Li+ transfer across elec- trode/electrolyte interfaces, identifying electrolytes with larger windows while retaining a Li+ conductivity sigma(Li) > 10-3 S cm-1, synthe- sizing electrode morphologies that reduce the size of the active particles while pinning them on current collectors of large surface area ac- cessible by the electrolyte, lowering the cost of cell fabrication, designing displacement-reaction anodes of higher capacity that allow a safe, fast charge, and designing alternative cathode hosts. However, new strategies are needed for batteries that go beyond powering hand-held

51 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 devices, such as using electrode hosts with two-electron redox centers; replacing the cathode hosts by materials that undergo displacement reactions (e.g. sulfur) by liquid cathodes that may contain flow-through redox molecules, or by catalysts for air cathodes; and developing a solid electrolyte separator membrane that allows an organic and aqueous liquid electrolyte on the anode and cathode sides, respectively. Opportunities exist for the chemist to bring together oxide and polymer or graphene chemistry in imaginative morphologies. Keywords: lithium batteries; cathode materials; redox-couple; 5 v; lifepo4; intercalation; electrolyte; stability; phosphates; extraction Sources: Journal of The American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(4): 1167-1176 Email: Goodenough, JB; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 228 Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene Butler, SZ; Hollen, SM; Cao, LY; et al. Abstract: Graphene's success has shown that it is possible to create stable, single and few-atom-thick layers of van der Waals materials, and also that these materials can exhibit fascinating and technologically useful properties. Here we review the state-of-the-art of 2D mate- rials beyond graphene. Initially, we will outline the different chemical classes of 2D materials and discuss the various strategies to prepare single-layer, few-layer, and multilayer assembly materials in solution, on substrates, and on the wafer scale. Additionally, we present an experimental guide for identifying and characterizing single-layer-thick materials, as well as outlining emerging techniques that yield both local and global information. We describe the differences that occur in the electronic structure between the bulk and the single layer and discuss various methods of tuning their electronic properties by manipulating the surface. Finally, we highlight the properties and advan- tages of single-, few-, and many-layer 2D materials in field-effect transistors, spin- and valley-tronics, thermoelectrics, and topological insulators, among many other applications. Keywords: chemical-vapor-deposition; der-waals epitaxy; hexagonal boron-nitride; single-layer mos2; field-effect transistors; transition- metal dichalcogenides; scanning-tunneling-microscopy; topological insulator nanoribbons; lithium intercalation properties; langmuir- blodgett deposition Sources: Acs Nano, 2013, 7(4): 2898-2926 Email: Goldberger, JE; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 200 Chemical Management《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 for Colorful, Efficient, and Stable Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Nanostructured Solar Cells Noh, JH; Im, SH; Heo, JH; et al.

Abstract: Chemically tuned inorganic-organic hybrid materials, based on CH3NH3(=MA)Pb(I1-xBrx)(3) perovskites, have been studied using UV-vis absorption and X-ray diffraction patterns and applied to nanostructured solar cells. The band gap engineering brought about by the chemical management of MAPb(I1-xBrx)(3) perovskites can be controllably tuned to cover almost the entire visible spectrum, enabling the realization of colorful solar cells. We demonstrate highly efficient solar cells exhibiting 12.3% in a power conversion efficien- cy of under standard AM 1.5, for the most efficient device, as a result of tunable composition for the light harvester in conjunction with a mesoporous TiO2 film and a hole conducting polymer. We believe that the works highlighted in this paper represent one step toward the realization of low-cost, high-efficiency, and long-term stability with colorful solar cells. Keywords: organometal halide perovskites; nanowires; crystals Sources: Nano Letters, 2013, 13(4): 1764-1769 Email: Seok, SI; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 195 Quantitative visualization of DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells Biffi, G; Tannahill, D; McCafferty, J; et al. Abstract: Four-stranded G-quadruplex nucleic acid structures are of great interest as their high thermodynamic stability under near-physiological conditions suggests that they could form in cells. Here we report the generation and application of an engineered, struc- ture-specific antibody employed to quantitatively visualize DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells. We show explicitly that G-quadruplex formation in DNA is modulated during cell-cycle progression and that endogenous G-quadruplex DNA structures can be stabilized by a small-molecule ligand. Together these findings provide substantive evidence for the formation of G-quadruplex structures in the genome of mammalian cells and corroborate the application of stabilizing ligands in a cellular context to target G-quadruplexes and intervene with their function. Keywords: Small-Molecule; Human Genome; Human Genes; Helicase; Motifs; Replication; Triggerss Sources: Nature Chemistry, 2013, 5(3): 182-186 Email: Balasubramanian, S;[email protected]

52 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts CHEMISTRY ORGANIC Citation frequency: 174 Marine natural products Blunt, JW; Copp, BR; Keyzers, RA; et al. Abstract: This review covers the literature published in 2011 for marine natural products, with 870 citations (558 for the period January to December 2011) referring to compounds isolated from marine microorganisms and phytoplankton, green, brown and red algae, sponges, cnidarians, bryozoans, molluscs, tunicates, echinoderms, mangroves and other intertidal plants and microorganisms. The emphasis is on new compounds (1152 for 2011), together with the relevant biological activities, source organisms and country of origin. Biosynthetic stu- dies, first syntheses, and syntheses that lead to the revision of structures or stereochemistries, have been included. Keywords: formosan soft coral; south china sea; cyanobacterium lyngbya-majuscula; eunicellin-based diterpenoids; sponge xestospon- gia-testudinaria; penicillium-chrysogenum qen-24s; prenylated indole alkaloids; alga laurencia-nidifica; octocoral cladiella sp; fungus as- pergillus-sp Sources: Natural Product Reports, 2013, 30(2): 237-323 Email: Blunt, JW; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 120 Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide natural products: overview and recommendations for a universal nomenclature Arnison, PG; Bibb, MJ; Bierbaum, G; et al. Abstract: This review presents recommended nomenclature for the biosynthesis of ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally mod- ified peptides (RiPPs), a rapidly growing class of natural products. The current knowledge regarding the biosynthesis of the >20 distinct compound classes is also reviewed, and commonalities are discussed. Keywords: biosynthetic gene-cluster; elongation-factor-tu; carbon cross-links; bacillus-amyloliquefaciens fzb42; promotes secondary me- tabolism; cyclotide cycloviolacin o2; pyrrolo-quinoline-quinone; bacterial rna-polymerase; in-vitro reconstitution; antibiotic microcin j25 Sources: Natural Product Reports, 2013, 30(1): 108-160

Citation frequency: 95 Recent Advances in Asymmetric《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Organocatalytic Construction of 3,3 '-Spirocyclic Oxindoles Hong, L; Wang, R Abstract: The asymmetric organocatalysis is definitely one of the most powerful and versatile tools for the rapid construction of various spirocyclic oxindoles. In the past few years, a number of successful strategies based on organocatalysis have been developed for the con- struction of 3,3-spirocyclic oxindoles in high yields and excellent enantioselectivities under mild conditions. In this review, recent advances in this area are summarized and classified according to the spiro ring fused at the 3-position of the oxindole core. Keywords: catalyzed 3+2 annulation; structure-based design; highly enantioselective synthesis; quaternary carbon stereocenters; intramolecu- lar heck reactions; baylis-hillman carbonates; pictet-spengler reactions; diels-alder reactions; stereoselective-synthesis; spirocyclic oxindoles Sources: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2013, 355(6): 1023-1052 Email: Wang, R; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 78 Synthetic applications of photoredox catalysis with visible light Xi, YM; Yi, H; Lei, AW Abstract: In the past five years, visible-light mediated photoredox catalysis has been emerging as one of the fastest growing fields in or- ganic chemistry because of its low cost, easy availability and environmental benignness. This review intends to summarize recent research progress in novel methodology development and application in organic synthesis, and is organized in terms of key reactive intermediates. Keywords: c-h functionalization; transfer radical cyclization; atom-transfer addition; electron-transfer; metal-complexes; solar-energy; intramolecular cyclobutanation; photochemical conversion; organic-synthesis; amino radicals Sources: Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2013, 11(15): 2387-2403 Email: Lei, AW; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 61 Intermolecular Aminotrifluoromethylation of Alkenes by Visible-Light-Driven Photoredox Catalysis Yasu, Y; Koike, T; Akita, M 2+ Abstract: Intermolecular aminotrifluoromethylation of alkenes catalyzed by [Ru(bpy)3] under visible light irradiation has been explored. The present photocatalytic protocol achieves highly efficient and regioselective difunctionalization of C=C bonds, leading to a variety of beta-trifluoromethylamines. The reaction is applied to "late-stage aminotrifluoromethylation" of steroid and amino acid scaffolds.

53 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: electrophilic trifluoromethylation; ruthenium(ii) complex; unactivated alkenes; organic-synthesis; room-temperature; oxytrif- luoromethylation; heterocycles; aldehydes; hydrotrifluoromethylation; difunctionalization Sources: Organic Letters, 2013, 15(9): 2136-2139 Email: Koike, T; [email protected]

CHEMISTRY PHYSICAL Citation frequency: 228 Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene Butler, SZ; Hollen, SM; Cao, LY; et al. Abstract: Graphene's success has shown that it is possible to create stable, single and few-atom-thick layers of van der Waals materials, and also that these materials can exhibit fascinating and technologically useful properties. Here we review the state-of-the-art of 2D mate- rials beyond graphene. Initially, we will outline the different chemical classes of 2D materials and discuss the various strategies to prepare single-layer, few-layer, and multilayer assembly materials in solution, on substrates, and on the wafer scale. Additionally, we present an experimental guide for identifying and characterizing single-layer-thick materials, as well as outlining emerging techniques that yield both local and global information. We describe the differences that occur in the electronic structure between the bulk and the single layer and discuss various methods of tuning their electronic properties by manipulating the surface. Finally, we highlight the properties and advan- tages of single-, few-, and many-layer 2D materials in field-effect transistors, spin- and valley-tronics, thermoelectrics, and topological insulators, among many other applications. Keywords: chemical-vapor-deposition; der-waals epitaxy; hexagonal boron-nitride; single-layer mos2; field-effect transistors; transi- tion-metal dichalcogenides; scanning-tunneling-microscopy; topological insulator nanoribbons; lithium intercalation properties; lang- muir-blodgett deposition Sources: Acs Nano, 2013, 7(4): 2898-2926 Email: Goldberger, JE; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 200 Chemical Management for Colorful, Efficient, and Stable Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Nanostructured Solar Cells Noh, JH; Im, SH; Heo, JH; et al. Abstract: Chemically tuned inorganic-organi《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅c hybrid materials, based on CH3NH3(=MA)Pb(I1-xBrx)(3) perovskites, have been studied using UV-vis absorption and X-ray diffraction patterns and applied to nanostructured solar cells. The band gap engineering brought about by the chemical management of MAPb(I1-xBrx)(3) perovskites can be controllably tuned to cover almost the entire visible spectrum, enabling the realization of colorful solar cells. We demonstrate highly efficient solar cells exhibiting 12.3% in a power conversion efficien- cy of under standard AM 1.5, for the most efficient device, as a result of tunable composition for the light harvester in conjunction with a mesoporous TiO2 film and a hole conducting polymer. We believe that the works highlighted in this paper represent one step toward the realization of low-cost, high-efficiency, and long-term stability with colorful solar cells. Keywords: organometal halide perovskites; nanowires; crystals Sources: Nano Letters, 2013, 13(4): 1764-1769 Email: Seok, SI; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 184 Sodium-Ion Batteries Slater, MD; Kim, D; Lee, E; et al. Abstract: The status of ambient temperature sodium ion batteries is reviewed in light of recent developments in anode, electrolyte and cathode materials. These devices, although early in their stage of development, are promising for large-scale grid storage applications due to the abundance and very low cost of sodium-containing precursors used to make the components. The engineering knowledge developed recently for highly successful Li ion batteries can be leveraged to ensure rapid progress in this area, although different electrode materials and electrolytes will be required for dual intercalation systems based on sodium. In particular, new anode materials need to be identified, since the graphite anode, commonly used in lithium systems, does not intercalate sodium to any appreciable extent. A wider array of choic- es is available for cathodes, including high performance layered transition metal oxides and polyanionic compounds. Recent developments in electrodes are encouraging, but a great deal of research is necessary, particularly in new electrolytes, and the understanding of the SEI films. The engineering modeling calculations of Na-ion battery energy density indicate that 210 Wh kg1 in gravimetric energy is possible for Na-ion batteries compared to existing Li-ion technology if a cathode capacity of 200 mAh g1 and a 500 mAh g1 anode can be discov- ered with an average cell potential of 3.3 V. Keywords: rechargeable lithium batteries; electrochemical insertion; cathode material; nanocrystalline fe3o4; negative electrodes; petro- leum cokes; phase-diagram; na; intercalation; carbon Sources: Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23(8): 947-958 Email: Slater, MD; [email protected]

54 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Citation frequency: 154 Perovskites: The Emergence of a New Era for Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Solar Cells Snaith, HJ Abstract: Over the last 12 months, we have witnessed an unexpected breakthrough and rapid evolution in the field of emerging photovol- taics, with the realization of highly efficient solid-state hybrid solar cells based on organometal trihalide perovskite absorbers. In this Pers- pective, the steps that have led to this discovery are discussed, and the future of this rapidly advancing concept have been considered. It is likely that the next few years of solar research will advance this technology to the very highest efficiencies while retaining the very lowest cost and embodied energy. Provided that the stability of the perovskite-based technology can be proven, we will witness the emergence of a contender for ultimately low-cost solar power. Keywords: organometal halide perovskites; photovoltaic cells; heterojunctions; semiconductors; electrodes; deposition; 20-percent; con- version; absorbers; layer Sources: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4(21): 3623-3630 Email: Snaith, HJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 149 Organometal Perovskite Light Absorbers Toward a 20% Efficiency Low-Cost Solid-State Mesoscopic Solar Cell Park, NG Abstract: Recently, perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 sensitizer has attracted great attention due to its superb light-harvesting characteristics. Or- ganometallic or organic materials were mostly used as sensitizers for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells at early stages. Inorganic nano- crystals have lately received attention as light harvesters due to their high light-absorbing properties. Metal chalcogenides have been inves- tigated with solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells; however, the best power conversion efficiency was reported to be around 6%.

CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, or I) perovskite sensitizer made a breakthrough in solid-state mescoscopic solar cells, where the first record efficiency of around 10% was reported in 2012 using submicrometer-thick TiO2 film sensitized with CH3NH3PbI3. A rapid increase in effi- ciency approaching 14% followed shortly. In this Perspective, recent progress in perovskite-sensitized solid-state mesoscopic solar cells is reviewed. On the basis of the recent achievements, a power conversion efficiency as high as 20% is expected based on optimized perovs- kite-based solid-state solar cells. Keywords: photovoltaic performance;《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 mesoporous titania; halide perovskites; organic-dye; TiO2 films; electrolyte; improvement; sensitizer; device; superconductivity Sources: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4(15): 2423-2429 Email: Park, NG; [email protected]

CLINICAL NEUROLOGY Citation frequency: 315 Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Jauch, EC; Saver, JL; Adams, HP; et al. Abstract: Background and Purpose-The authors present an overview of the current evidence and management recommendations for evalu- ation and treatment of adults with acute ischemic stroke. The intended audiences are prehospital care providers, physicians, allied health professionals, and hospital administrators responsible for the care of acute ischemic stroke patients within the first 48 hours from stroke onset. These guidelines supersede the prior 2007 guidelines and 2009 updates. Methods-Members of the writing committee were appointed by the American Stroke Association Stroke Council's Scientific Statement Oversight Committee, representing various areas of medical expertise. Strict adherence to the American Heart Association conflict of interest policy was maintained throughout the consensus process. Panel members were assigned topics relevant to their areas of expertise, reviewed the stroke literature with emphasis on publications since the prior guidelines, and drafted recommendations in accordance with the American Heart Association Stroke Council's Level of Evidence grading algorithm. Results-The goal of these guidelines is to limit the morbidity and mortality associated with stroke. The guidelines sup- port the overarching concept of stroke systems of care and detail aspects of stroke care from patient recognition; emergency medical ser- vices activation, transport, and triage; through the initial hours in the emergency department and stroke unit. The guideline discusses early stroke evaluation and general medical care, as well as ischemic stroke, specific interventions such as reperfusion strategies, and general physiological optimization for cerebral resuscitation. Conclusions-Because many of the recommendations are based on limited data, addi- tional research on treatment of acute ischemic stroke remains urgently needed. Keywords: middle-cerebral-artery; tissue-plasminogen-activator; randomized controlled-trial; magnetic-resonance angiography; internal carotid-artery; placebo-controlled trial; diffusion-weighted mri; digital-subtraction-angiography; computed-tomography angiography; emergency medical-services Sources: Stroke, 2013, 44(3): 870-947

55 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Citation frequency: 193 Tracking pathophysiological processes in Alzheimer's disease: an updated hypothetical model of dynamic biomarkers Jack, CR; Knopman, DS; Jagust, WJ; et al. Abstract: In 2010, we put forward a hypothetical model of the major biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The model was received with interest because we described the temporal evolution of AD biomarkers in relation to each other and to the onset and progression of clinical symptoms. Since then, evidence has accumulated that supports the major assumptions of this model. Evidence has also appeared that challenges some of our assumptions, which has allowed us to modify our original model. Refinements to our model indude indexing of individuals by time rather than clinical symptom severity; incorporation of interindividual variability in cognitive impairment associated with progression of AD pathophysiology; modifications of the specific temporal ordering of some biomarkers; and recognition that the two major proteinopathies underlying AD biomarker changes, amyloid beta (A beta) and tau, might be initiated independently in sporadic AD, in which we hypothesise that an incident A beta pathophysiology can accelerate antecedent limbic and brainstem tauopathy. Keywords: mild cognitive impairment; positron-emission-tomography; cerebrospinal-fluid a-beta(42); pittsburgh compound-b; amyloid deposition; in-vivo; a-beta; apolipoprotein-e; csf biomarkers; brain atrophy Sources: Lancet Neurology, 2013, 12(2): 207-216 Email: Jack, CR; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 132 The global prevalence of dementia: A systematic review and metaanalysis Prince, M; Bryce, R; Albanese, E; et al. Abstract: Background: The evidence base on the prevalence of dementia is expanding rapidly, particularly in countries with low and mid- dle incomes. A reappraisal of global prevalence and numbers is due, given the significant implications for social and public policy and planning. Methods: In this study we provide a systematic review of the global literature on the prevalence of dementia (1980-2009) and metaanalysis to estimate the prevalence and numbers of those affected, aged >= 60 years in 21 Global Burden of Disease regions. Results: Age-standardized prevalence for those aged >= 60 years varied in a narrow band, 5%-7% in most world regions, with a higher prevalence in Latin America (8.5%), and a distinctively lower prevalence in the four sub-Saharan African regions (2%-4%). It was estimated that 35.6 million people lived with dementia worldwide in 2010, with numbers expected to almost double every 20 years, to 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050. In 2010, 58% of all people with dementia lived in countries with low or middle incomes, with this proportion antic- ipated to rise to 63% in 2030 and《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 71% in 2050. Conclusion: The detailed estimates in this study constitute the best current basis for poli- cy-making, planning, and allocation of health and welfare resources in dementia care. The age-specific prevalence of dementia varies little between world regions, and may converge further. Future projections of numbers of people with dementia may be modified substantially by preventive interventions (lowering incidence), improvements in treatment and care (prolonging survival), and disease-modifying interven- tions (preventing or slowing progression). All countries need to commission nationally representative surveys that are repeated regularly to monitor trends. Keywords: dwelling brazilian population; alzheimers-disease; elderly-people; african-americans; cognitive impairment; developing- countries; major subtypes; 2 communities; west-africa; sao-paulo Sources: Alzheimers & Dementia, 2013, 9(1): 63-75 Email: Prince, M; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 127 Treatment and prognostic factors for long-term outcome in patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: an observational cohort study Titulaer, MJ; McCracken, L; Gabilondo, I; et al. Abstract: Background Anti-NMDA receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis is an autoimmune disorder in which the use of immunotherapy and the long-term outcome have not been defined. We aimed to assess the presentation of the disease, the spectrum of symptoms, immunothe- rapies used, timing of improvement, and long-term outcome. Methods In this multi-institutional observational study, we tested for the presence of NMDAR antibodies in serum or C SF samples of pa- tients with encephalitis between Jan 1, 2007, and Jan 1, 2012. All patients who tested positive for NMDAR antibodies were included in the study; patients were assessed at symptom onset and at months 4,8,12,18, and 24, by use of the modified Rankin scale (mRS). Treatment included first-line immunotherapy (steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, plasmapheresis), second-line immunotherapy (ritincimab, cydo- phosphamide), and tumour removal. Predictors of outcome were determined at the Universities of Pennsylvania (PA, USA) and Barcelona (Spain) by use of a generalised linear mixed model with binary distribution. Results We enrolled 577 patients (median age 21 years, range 8 months to 85 years), 211 of whom were children (<18 years). Treatment effects and outcome were assessable in 501 (median follow-up 24 months, range 4-186): 472 (94%) underwent first-line immunotherapy or tumour removal, resulting in improvement within 4 weeks in 251 (53%). Of 221 patients who did not improve with first-line treatment, 125 (57%) received second-line immunotherapy that resulted in a better outcome (mRS 0-2) than those who did not (odds ratio [OR] 2.69, CI 1-24-5.80; p=0.012). During the first 24 months, 394 of 501 patients achieved a good outcome (mRS 0-2; median 6 months, IQR 2-12) and

56 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts 30 died. At 24 months' follow-up, 203 (81%) of 252 patients had good outcome. Outcomes continued to improve for up to 18 months after symptom onset. Predictors of good outcome were early treatment (0.62,0.50-0.76; p<0.0001) and no admission to an intensive care unit (0.12,0.06-0-22; p<0.0001). 45 patients had one or multiple relapses (representing a 12% risk within 2 years); 46 (67%) of 69 relapses were less severe than initial episodes (p<0.0001). In 177 children, predictors of good outcome and the magnitude of effect of second-line immu- notherapy were similar to those of the entire cohort. Interpretation Most patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis respond to immunotherapy. Second-line immunotherapy is usually effective when first-line treatments fail. In this cohort, the recovery of some patients took up to 18 months. Keywords: ovarian teratoma; pathogenesis; disorders Sources: Lancet Neurology, 2013, 12(2): 157-165 Email: Dalmau, J; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 123 The spectrum of disease in chronic traumatic encephalopathy McKee, AC; Stein, TD; Nowinski, CJ; et al. Abstract: Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a progressive tauopathy that occurs as a consequence of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury. We analysed post-mortem brains obtained from a cohort of 85 subjects with histories of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury and found evidence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in 68 subjects: all males, ranging in age from 17 to 98 years (mean 59.5 years), in- cluding 64 athletes, 21 military veterans (86% of whom were also athletes) and one individual who engaged in self-injurious head banging behaviour. Eighteen age- and gender-matched individuals without a history of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury served as control sub- jects. In chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the spectrum of hyperphosphorylated tau pathology ranged in severity from focal perivascular epicentres of neurofibrillary tangles in the frontal neocortex to severe tauopathy affecting widespread brain regions, including the medial temporal lobe, thereby allowing a progressive staging of pathology from stages I-IV. Multifocal axonal varicosities and axonal loss were found in deep cortex and subcortical white matter at all stages of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. TAR DNA-binding protein 43 immu- noreactive inclusions and neurites were also found in 85% of cases, ranging from focal pathology in stages I-III to widespread inclusions and neurites in stage IV. Symptoms in stage I chronic traumatic encephalopathy included headache and loss of attention and concentration. Additional symptoms in stage II included depression, explosivity and short-term memory loss. In stage III, executive dysfunction and cog- nitive impairment were found, and in stage IV, dementia, word-finding difficulty and aggression were characteristic. Data on athletic expo- sure were available for 34 American football players; the stage of chronic traumatic encephalopathy correlated with increased duration of football play, survival after football and age at death. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy was the sole diagnosis in 43 cases (63%); eight were also diagnosed with motor 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅neuron disease (12%), seven with Alzheimer's disease (11%), 11 with Lewy body disease (16%) and four with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (6%). There is an ordered and predictable progression of hyperphosphorylated tau abnormalities through the nervous system in chronic traumatic encephalopathy that occurs in conjunction with widespread axonal disruption and loss. The frequent association of chronic traumatic encephalopathy with other neurodegenerative disorders suggests that repetitive brain trauma and hyperphosphorylated tau protein deposition promote the accumulation of other abnormally aggregated proteins including TAR DNA-binding protein 43, amyloid beta protein and alpha-synuclein. Keywords: frontotemporal lobar degeneration; amyotrophic-lateral-sclerosis; alzheimer-related changes; repetitive head-injury; foot- ball-league player; neuropathologic assessment; dementia-pugilistica; national institute; parkinson-disease; brain trauma Sources: Brain, 2013, 136: 43-64 Email: McKee, AC; [email protected]

COMPUTER SCIENCE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Citation frequency: 336 Induced l(2) Filtering of Fuzzy Stochastic Systems With Time-Varying Delays Su, XJ; Shi, P; Wu, LG; et al. Abstract: This paper is concerned with the problem of induced l(2) filter design for a class of discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy It sto- chastic systems with time-varying delays. Attention is focused on the design of the desired filter to guarantee an induced l(2) performance for the filtering error system. A new comparison model is proposed by employing a new approximation for the time-varying delay state, and then, sufficient conditions for the obtained filtering error system are derived by this comparison model. A desired filter is constructed by solving a convex optimization problem, which can be efficiently solved by standard numerical algorithms. Finally, simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Keywords: networked nonlinear-systems; infinity model-reduction; feedback-control; packet dropouts; mixed delays; lmi approach; stabil- ity; design; quantization Sources: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2013, 43(4): 1251-1264 Email: Su, XJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 77 A Novel Control Design on Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems With Time-Varying Delays Su, XJ; Shi, P; Wu, LG; et al. Abstract: This paper focuses on analyzing a new model transformation of discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with

57 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 time-varying delays and applying it to dynamic output feedback (DOF) controller design. A new comparison model is proposed by em- ploying a new approximation for time-varying delay state, and then, a delay partitioning method is used to analyze the scaled small gain of this comparison model. A sufficient condition on discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delays, which guarantees the corres- ponding closed-loop system to be asymptotically stable and has an induced l(2) disturbance attenuation performance, is derived by em- ploying the scaled small-gain theorem. Then, the solvability condition for the induced l(2) DOF control is also established, by which the DOF controller can be solved as linear matrix inequality optimization problems. Finally, examples are provided to illustrate the effective- ness of the proposed approaches. Keywords: output-feedback control; h-infinity control; stability analysis; nonlinear-systems; lmi approach; fault-detection; model; stabilization Sources: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2013, 21(4): 655-671 Email: Su, XJ; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 76 State-of-the-Art in Visual Attention Modeling Borji, A; Itti, L Abstract: Modeling visual attention-particularly stimulus-driven, saliency-based attention-has been a very active research area over the past 25 years. Many different models of attention are now available which, aside from lending theoretical contributions to other fields, have demonstrated successful applications in computer vision, mobile robotics, and cognitive systems. Here we review, from a computational perspective, the basic concepts of attention implemented in these models. We present a of nearly 65 models, which provides a critical comparison of approaches, their capabilities, and shortcomings. In particular, 13 criteria derived from behavioral and computational studies are formulated for qualitative comparison of attention models. Furthermore, we address several challenging issues with models, includ- ing biological plausibility of the computations, correlation with eye movement datasets, bottom-up and top-down dissociation, and con- structing meaningful performance measures. Finally, we highlight current research trends in attention modeling and provide insights for future. Keywords: human eye-movements; selective attention; spatiotemporal saliency; discriminant saliency; neurobiological model; pattern- recognition; bayesian-inference; neural mechanisms; video compression; spatial attention Sources: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2013, 35(1): 185-207 Email: Borji, A; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 63 Stochastic Synchronization of Markovian Jump Neural Networks With Time-Varying Delay 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Using Sampled Data Wu, ZG; Shi, P; Su, HY; et al. Abstract: In this paper, the problem of sampled-data synchronization for Markovian jump neural networks with time-varying delay and variable samplings is considered. In the framework of the input delay approach and the linear matrix inequality technique, two de- lay-dependent criteria are derived to ensure the stochastic stability of the error systems, and thus, the master systems stochastically syn- chronize with the slave systems. The desired mode-independent controller is designed, which depends upon the maximum sampling inter- val. The effectiveness and potential of the obtained results is verified by two simulation examples. Keywords: exponential stability analysis; distributed delays; discrete; parameters; systems; stabilization Sources: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2013, 43(6): 1796-1806 Email: Wu, ZG; [email protected]

Citation frequency: 52 Distributed Synchronization in Networks of Agent Systems With Nonlinearities and Random Switchings Tang, Y; Gao, HJ; Zou, W; et al. Abstract: In this paper, the distributed synchronization problem of networks of agent systems with controllers and nonlinearities subject to Bernoulli switchings is investigated. Controllers and adaptive updating laws injected in each vertex of networks depend on the state infor- mation of its neighborhood. Three sets of Bernoulli stochastic variables are introduced to describe the occurrence probabilities of distri- buted adaptive controllers, updating laws and nonlinearities, respectively. By the Lyapunov functions method, we show that the distributed synchronization of networks composed of agent systems with multiple randomly occurring nonlinearities, multiple randomly occurring controllers, and multiple randomly occurring updating laws can be achieved in mean square under certain criteria. The conditions derived in this paper can be solved by semi-definite programming. Moreover, by mathematical analysis, we find that the coupling strength, the proba- bilities of the Bernoulli stochastic variables, and the form of nonlinearities have great impacts on the convergence speed and the terminal control strength. The synchronization criteria and the observed phenomena are demonstrated by several numerical simulation examples. In addition, the advantage of distributed adaptive controllers over conventional adaptive controllers is illustrated. Keywords: complex dynamical networks; multiagent systems; neural-networks; exponential synchronization; adaptive synchronization; missing measurements; consensus seeking; stability; discrete; delay Sources: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics , 2013, 43(1): 358-370 Email: Tang, Y; [email protected] (Editor in charge: YAO Yu-qing)

58 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts

Cover Papers


Physicochemical Property Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Floury Endos- perm Mutant flo7 in Rice FANG Peng-fei, LI San-feng, JIAO Gui-ai, et al. Abstract: Starch is major storage substance and accounts for 80% of dry weight in rice endos- perm. The rice grain quality is partial determined by component, content and granule structure of starch. In this study, starchy mutant designated flo7, selected from the progeny of tissue culture of Nipponbare, displayed floury and opaque endosperm. The grain length of flo7 was longer, but grain width, grain thickness and 1000-grain weight were lower than those of its wild type. Com- pared with the wild type, the flo7 endosperm accumulated a higher level of glucose, fructose and sucrose, but lower level of dry weight. There was no significant difference in protein content between the wild type and flo7 mutant. The amylose content and gel consistency of flo7 were lower than that of wild type, but the alkali spreading value of flo7 was higher. Scanning electron microscopic examinations showed that the mutant endosperms contained irregular, loosely packed, compound starch granules. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype was determined by a single recessive nuclear gene. By means of molecular marker technique, flo7 gene was narrowed down to a 95.1 kb interval which includes 13 open reading frames (ORFs) on the long arm of chromosome 12. The results of RT-PCR indicated that the expression levels of some genes involved in starch synthesis were influenced in flo7 mutant. These results suggested that FLO7 plays an important role in the synthesis and regulation of starch in rice. Keywords: floury endosperm mutant; starch; fine mapping; physicochemical property; rice Sources: Chinese Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 447-457 Email: WEI Xiang-jin, [email protected]

《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Basic Science of Agriculture

Cover Story: The cucumber canopy body always contains hundreds and thousands of leaves which themselves diverge in shape, size, topology and orientation. Dynamic variability in leaf initiation and expansion, combined with heterogeneity in distribution, increase the complexity of the canopy structure, which is difficult to be described with traditional method. In this study, cucumber canopy was reconstructed in detailed and in situ by using three-dimensional (3D) digi- tising techniques. Six key points in this figure were digitized, leaf size and orientation were cal- culated based on these 3D spatial information (x, y, z). Combining canopy structural model with light distribution model, canopy heterogeneity on structure, light interception and photosynthesis was analysed. The result indicated that leaf azimuth and elevation angle were heterogeneous in cucumber canopy and they should be explicitly described as they have a grest impact both on light distribution and photosynthesis. In the future, this method also could be used in computer simulation experiments for real applications, such as plant type breeding, yield prediction and crop planting design. See pages 2645-2655 by QIAN et al. for details.

Heterogeneity Analysis of Cucumber Canopy in the Solar Greenhouse QIAN Ting-ting, LU Sheng-lian, ZHAO Chun-jiang, et al. Abstract: Detailed analysis of canopy structural heterogeneity is an essential step in conducting parameters for a canopy structural model. This paper aims to analyze the structural heterogeneity of a cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) canopy by means of analyzing leaf distribution in a greenhouse environment with natural sunlight and also to assess the effect of structural canopy heterogeneity on light interception and photosynthesis. Two experiments and four measurements were carried out in autumn 2011 and spring 2012. A static virtual three-dimensional (3D) canopy structure was reconstructed using a 3D digitizing method. The diurnal variation of photosynthesis rate was measured using CIRAS-2 photosynthesis system. The results showed that, leaf azimuth as tested with the Rayleigh-test was homogeneous at vine tip over stage but turned heterogeneous at fruit harvest stage. After eliminating the influence of the environment on the azimuth using the von Mises-Fisher method, the angle between two successive leaves was 144°; at the same time, a rule for the azimuth distribution in the canopy was established, stating that the azimuth distribution in cucumber followed a law which was positive spin and anti-spin. Leaf

59 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 elevation angle of south-oriented leaves was on average 13.8° higher than that of north-oriented leaves. The horizontal distribution of light interception and photosynthesis differed significantly between differently oriented leaves. East- and west-oriented leaves exhibited the highest photosynthetic rate. In conclusion, detailed analysis of canopy structural heterogeneity in this study indicated that leaf azimuth and elevation angle were heterogeneous in cucumber canopy and they should be explicitly described as they have a great impact both on light distribution and photosynthesis. Keywords: heterogeneity; inclination; leaf azimuth; light interception; photosynthesis Sources: Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(12): 2645-2655 Email: QIAN Ting-ting, [email protected]


Hypercholesterolemia in Hepatic MED1 Deficient Mice in Response to High Fat Diet LI Qian-Wei, LIU Rui-Han, ZHAO Si-Hai, et al. Abstract: To investigate the effects of hepatic mediator subunit 1 (MED1) on lipid metabolism, MED1 null cells were used. Histological changes in liver sections from MED1ΔLiv and MED1fl/fl mouse were examined by H&E staining and immunohistochemistry of MED1. Plasma cholester- ol and triglyceride levels were measured in MED1ΔLiv and MED1fl/fl mice after 60% high fat diet for 0, 1, 2 and 4 weeks. Blood glucose were also measured for effects on glucose metabolism. Real-time PCR results showed that MED1 mRNA level was significantly reduced in MED1ΔLiv mouse livers as compared with that of MED1fl/fl mice, but not in other tissues. The plasma cho- lesterol was significantly increased in MED1ΔLiv mice fed with high fat diet for 1 and 2 weeks (P<0.01). The blood glucose was significantly lower in MED1ΔLiv mice after 4 weeks of high fat diet (P<0.05). The results suggested that MED1 might play a pivotal role in cholesterol metabol- ism. Keywords: hepatic mediator subunit 1 (MED1); liver; cholesterol; blood glucose Sources: Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014, 30 (11): 1113-1118 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Email: BAI Liang, [email protected]


Research Progress on the Impact of Abiotic Stresses on Plant Regeneration During Tissue Culture in vitro SHE Maoyun, YIN Guixiang, DU Lipu, et al. Abstract: Plant regeneration performance during tissue culture in vitro is affected by many fac- tors. To improve plant regeneration efficiency, the previous strategies focused on genotype screening, optimization on media components, and combination of plant growth regulators, while paying little attention to the significant impact of environmental stress on plant regeneration. This paper summarizes the recent research progress on different stress-induced effects on plant rege- neration during tissue culture in vitro, including oxidative stress, osmotic stress, wounding, and cold stress. The oxidative stress plays a dual role in the plant regeneration process, i.e., induction of relevant stress antioxidant enzymes synthesis contributing to plant regeneration positively and changes on cell membrane permeability caused by oxidative stress leading to cell death nega- tively. The short-term osmotic stress significantly promotes the plant regeneration potential. Wounding has a positive effect on somatic embryogenesis by activating the relevant gene expres- sion. The effect of temperature on the development of plant embryonic cells depends on the plant developmental stage and treatment intensity, and moderate temperature pretreatment can induce more embryonic calli. Therefore, appropriate stress pretreatment on explants used for tissue culture may contribute to the formation of em- bryogenic calli greatly, and may ultimately help to improve plant regeneration capacity during tissue culture in vitro. Keywords: plant; abiotic stress; induction; tissue culture; plant regeneration Sources: Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(28/29): 97-103 Email: YE Xingguo, [email protected]

60 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Cover Story: The natural landscape of wetland in the Napahai Plateau of Shangri-La, Yunnan, China. Cao et al. investigated the diversity and distributional patterns of soil fungi and correla- tions with soil factors under different levels of disturbance (Pages 1166-1173 of this issue) (Pho- tographed by CHEN Guang-Lei).

Soil fungi distribution patterns under different levels of disturbance in the wetland of Napahai Plateau CAO Ping-Lin, LU Mei, TIAN Kun, et al. Abstract: Aims The study was undertaken to reveal the effects of disturbance on carbon, nitro- gen and soil fungi distribution patterns in Napahai wetland. Methods Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen and ecological characteristics of soil fungi were studied across wetlands of varying le- vels of disturbance, including primitive marsh (non-disturbance), swampy meadow (low distur- bance), meadow (moderate disturbance), and cultivated wetland (high disturbance). Important findings (1) In both upper and lower soil layers, soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), C:N and pH significantly differed (p<0.01) among the four wetland types; SOM and TN de- creased with increasing level of disturbance. (2) Following the culture on PDA medium, the ab- undance of soil fungi was greater in the upper layer than in the lower layer within the same type of wetland soil; with increasing level of disturbance, the abundance of fungi gradually increased, and the abundance of fungi was negative- ly correlated with pH value, SOM and TN, and positively correlated with C : N (2-tail test, p<0.05). (3) Phylogenetic analysis shows that the soil fungi in Napahai wetland occur as Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Zygomycota, with Ascomycota being the dominant type and playing a key role in decomposition of soil carbon and nitrogen in plateau wetland. Keywords: carbon; disturbance intensity; nitrogen; plateau wetland; soil fungi Sources: Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(11): 1166-1173 Email: TIAN Kun, [email protected]

Cell Biology

《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Cover Story: The insulin-dependent uptake of glucose by adipose and muscle tissues is accom- plished through the regulated vesicle trafficking of the GLUT4 glucose transporter to the plasma membrane. The Sec1p homologue Munc18c is believed to play a central role in the docking of GLUT4 vesicles by controlling SNARE complex assembly. In the present study we have ex- amined the function of SM proteins in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes. Syn- taxin4 at the plasma membrane is not dependent on the presence of Munc18c. We found that absence of Munc18c did not affect GLUT4 externalization at the plasma membrane and GLUT4 trafficking was normal in the absence of Munc18c and functional Syntaxin2, known to be asso- ciated with Munc18b. Syntaxin4 demonstrates a robust interaction with Munc18c but not either Munc18a or Munc18b in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. However, Munc18a and Munc18b exhibited weak interaction with Syntaxin4 in the background of absence of Munc18c. These data suggest that Syntaxin4 may play an important role in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking and its interaction with SM proteins are complementary.

Munc18c is Dispensable for Insulin-stimulated GLUT4 Translocation in Adi- pocytes ZHAO Ping, ZHOU Qi, BI Long-Jun, et al. Abstract: The insulin-dependent uptake of glucose by adipose and muscle tissues is accomplished through the regulated vesicle trafficking of the GLUT4 glucose transporter to the plasma membrane. The Sec1p homologue Munc18c is believed to play a central role in the dock- ing of GLUT4 vesicles by controlling SNARE complex assembly. In the present study we have examined the function of SM proteins in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes. Syntaxin4 at the plasma membrane is not dependent on the presence of Munc18c. We found that absence of Munc18c did not affect GLUT4 externalization at the plasma membrane and GLUT4 trafficking was normal in the absence of Munc18c and functional Syntaxin2, known to be associated with Munc18b. Syntaxin4 demonstrates a robust interaction with Munc18c but not either Munc18a or Munc18b in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. However, Munc18a and Munc18b exhibited weak interaction with Syntaxin4 in the background of absence of Munc18c. These data suggest that Syntaxin4 may play an important role in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking and its interaction with SM proteins are complementary. Keywords: adipocytes; glucose uptake; SM proteins; GLUT4 trafficking; Syntaxin4 Sources: Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2014, 41(11): 1144-1154 Email: ZHAO Ping, [email protected] 61 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015

Chemical Industry

Cover Story: Absorption spectra of samples G0, G0' and G2, shows the electron absorption 3+ cut-off edge (λabs) of the Sm singly-doped glass (G0’) is located in the UV spectral region, which is clearly red shifted, compared to the Sn2+ singly-doped sample (G0) and the Sn2+/Sm3+ co-doped sample (G2). Excitation (dash line) and emission (solid line) spectra of samples G0

(λem=421 nm, λex=267 nm), G0' (λem=598 nm, λex=402 nm), and G2 (λem=598 nm, λex=267 nm),

shows the possible energy transfer (ET) process. Emission spectra of samples G1-G3 (λex=267 nm), shows the emission spectra of Sn2+/Sm3+ co-doped samples (G1-G5) to evidence the pro- 2+ 3+ posed ET process from Sn to Sm . Emission spectra of samples G2, G4, G5 (λex=267 nm), Sm3+ emission steadily increases with increasing Sn2+ concentration from 0.50% to 2.00%, and

the peak at 402 nm remains unchanged due to the presence of the constant Sm2O3 content (i.e., 0.50%). The ET process from Sn2+ to Sm3+ occurs in the co-doped samples can be evidenced by theresults above.

Tunable Luminescence and Energy Transfer in Tin/Samarium Co-doped Phosphate Glass YAN Zhiwen, TONG Yu, JIANG Qi, et al. Abstract: The optical properties of Sn2+ and Sm3+ doped as well as Sn2+/Sm3+ co-doped phosphate glass were investigated via their characterizations such as absorption, excitation, emission spectra and fluorescence life time.An ultra broad emission band covering blue, green and red appears in the co-doped glasses. By changing doping ratio of Sn2+to Sm3+, we could obtain the tunable luminescence.The results show that the energy transfer from Sn2+ to Sm3+ occurs under the ultra-violet excitation, and the efficiency of energy transfer is 42%. The relevant energy transfer mechanism was discussed through the energy level diagrams of Sn2+and Sm3+. The chromaticity coordinates of the co-doped samples at various doping ratios of Sn2+ to Sm3+ were calculated. Keywords: phosphate glass; tin/samarium co-doping; photo luminescence; energy transfer Sources: Journal of the Chinese Ceramic《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Society, 2014, 42(11): 1468-1773 Email: ZENG Huidan, [email protected]

Cover Story: Normalized particle velocity contours of 2D (upper left) and 3D (lower left) simu- lations compared with experimental contour (right) (see Deb & Tafti on page 19)

Two and three dimensional modeling of fluidized bed with multiple jets in a DEM-CFD framework Surya Deb, Danesh K. Tafti Abstract: Fluidized beds with multiple jets have widespread industrial applications. The objec- tive of this paper is to investigate the jet interactions and hydrodynamics of a fluidized bed with multiple jets. Discrete element modeling coupled with in-house CFD code GenIDLEST has been used to simulate a bed with 9 jets. The results are compared with published experiments. Mono dispersed particles of size 550 microns are used with 1.4 times the minimum fluidization velocity of the particles. Both two and three dimensional computations have been performed. To the best of our knowledge, the results presented in this paper are the first full 3D simulations of a flui- dized bed performed with multiple jets. Discrepancies between the experiment and simulations are discussed in the context of the dimensionality of the simulations. The 2D solid fraction pro- file compares well with the experiment close to the distributor plate. At higher heights, the 2D simulation over-predicts the solid fraction profiles near the walls. The 3D simulation on the other hand is better able to capture the solid fraction profile higher up in the bed compared to that near the distributor plate. Similarly, the norma- lized particle velocities and the particle fluxes compare well with the experiment closer to the distributor plate for the 2D simulation and the freeboard for the 3D simulation, respectively. A lower expanded bed height is predicted in the 2D simulation compared to the 3D simula- tion and the experiment. The results obtained from DEM computations show that a 2D simulation can be used to capture essential jetting trends near the distributor plate regions whereas a full scale 3D simulation is needed to capture the bubbles near the freeboard regions. These serve as validations for the experiment and help us understand the complex jet interaction and solid circulation patterns in a multiple jet fluidized bed system. Keywords: Discrete element modeling; Fluidized beds; Solid fraction; Bed height; Grid zone; Multiple jets; Particle flux

62 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Sources: Particuology, 2014, 17(5): 19-28 Email: Danesh K. Tafti, [email protected]

Viscosity Molding of CO2/HCs Fluid Mixtures in Wide Thermodynamic Ranges SONG Bo, TIAN Yuansi, WANG Xiaopo, et al.

Abstract: The CO2/HCs fluids are widely discussed in the engineering and scientific studies. The viscosity, as one of the most important transport properties, plays a key role in the applications of

CO2/HCs mixtures in different fields. The theoretical approaches are effective to supplement the experimental viscosity data in wide thermodynamic ranges. In this paper, viscosity models are

built for CO2/HCs binary mixtures based on the Vesovic-Wakeham theory. The viscosity corre- lations and the potential parameters of pure species are selected from literature and utilized in the

constructions of models. The viscosities of five industrially important CO2/HCs binary systems are predicted in the temperature range from 273.15 K to 973.15 K and at the pressure up to 200

MPa. The studied systems are CO2/CH4, CO2/C2H6, CO2/C3H8, CO2/n-C4H10 and CO2/iso-C4H10. The calculated values are compared with a large amount of experimental viscosity data over a wide temperature-pressure range. The extensive analysis shows that the calculated viscosity val- ues of the present work could be used with confidence in different industrial applications.

Keywords: Vesovic-Wakeham theory; viscosity; CO2/HCs; binary mixtures Sources: Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(27): 19-22 Email: WANG Xiaopo, [email protected]


Cover Story: Nuclear power plants have large generation capacities that meet the increasing electricity demands of economic development. However, the associated nuclear waste and its long-term radiotoxicity create significant social and environmental problems. It is challenging to treat high level liquid waste, and in particular to separate trivalent minor actinides (MA) from 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅lanthanides (Ln). Because MA(III) and Ln(III) have similar ion radii and chemical properties, only ligands containing soft N or S atoms are capable of selectively complexing MA(III) from acidic solutions. To design phenanthroline-derived soft ligands for separating MA(III) from Ln(III), four tetradentate phenanthroline-derived heterocyclic ligands (L = BTPhen, BPyPhen, BPzPhen, and BBizPhen) were constructed. The complexation behaviors of these ligands with Am(III) and Eu(III) were systematically investigated by density functional theory coupled with

relativistic small-core pseudopotential. The ΔΔGAm/Eu value for the reaction of [M(H2O)4(NO3)3]

+ L →ML(NO3)3 + 4H2O was negative. Therefore, a negative ΔΔGAm/Eu value can be used as a design criterion to screen phenanthroline- derived ligands for MA(III) extraction (see the Article by XIAO ChengLiang, WU QunYan, WANG CongZhi, ZHAO YuLiang, CHAI ZhiFang & SHI WeiQun on page 1439-1448).

Design criteria for tetradentate phenanthroline-derived heterocyclic ligands to separate Am(ⅢⅢ ) from Eu( ) XIAO ChengLiang, WU QunYan, WANG CongZhi, et al. Abstract: To design novel phenanthroline-derived soft ligands for selectively separating minor actinides from lanthanides, four tetradentate phenanthroline-derived heterocyclic ligands (BTPhen, BPyPhen, BPzPhen, and BBizPhen) were constructed and their complexation beha- viors with Am(ⅢⅢ ) and Eu( ) were systematically investigated by density functional theory (DFT) coupled with relativistic small-core pseudopotential. In all the 1:1-type species, the metal ion is in the center of the cavity and coordinates with two nitrogen atoms (N1 and N1') of the phenanthroline skeleton and the other two nitrogen atoms (N2 and N2') of the auxiliary groups. The bond lengths of Am-N are com- parable to or even shorter than those of Eu-N bonds because the ionic radⅡⅢ of Am( ) are larger than those of Eu(Ⅲ ). Additionally, the negative ΔΔGAm/Eu value for the reaction of [M(H2O)4-(NO3)3] + L → ML(NO3)3 + 4H2O indicates that the complexation reaction of Am(ⅢⅢ ) is more energetically favorable than that of Eu( ); this can be considered as an important design criterion to screen phenanthro- line-derived ligands for MA(Ⅲ ) extraction. According to this criterion, the selectivity of tetradentate phenanthroline-derived ligands for separating Am(ⅢⅢ ) over Eu( ) follows the order of BTPhen > BBizPhen > BPyPhen > BPzPhen. Keywords: minor actinide; lanthanide; phenanthroline; separation; DFT Sources: SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry; 2014; 57(11): 1439-1448 Email: SHI WeiQun, [email protected]

63 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015

Anisotropy in Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution of LiNbO3 (001), (100) and (110) Faces SONG Yan, LI Zhao-Sheng, ZUO Zhi-Gang

Abstract: A remarkable difference in photocatalytic activity for H2 production over LiNbO3

(001), (100) and (110) faces is reported. LiNbO3 crystal faces follow the reactivity order of (001)>(100)>(110) for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, and the ratio of photocatalytic hy- drogen evolution performance for faces (001), (100), (110) is 7.8:1.3:1.0. The electric dipole

moment and spontaneous polarization exist along [001] of LiNbO3, thus increasing the separa- tion efficiency of photogenerated carriers, depressing their recombination, and improving the

activity for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Also, the effective mass of hole for LiNbO3 (001)

is much less than those for LiNbO3 (100) and (110), which favors the mobility of photogene-

rated holes and cuts down the recombination of photogenerated carriers. Therefore, LiNbO3 (001) exhibits the best activity for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution among these samples.

Keywords: catalysis photocatalytic H2 evolution LiNbO3 crystal face Sources: Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 30(11): 2484-2488 Email: LI Zhao-Sheng, [email protected]

Rh doping effect on coking resistance of Ni/SBA-15 catalysts in dry reform- ing of methane Wen-Jia Cai, Lin-Ping Qian, Bin Yue, et al. Abstract: A series of SBA-15 supported bimetallic Rh-Ni catalysts with different weight ratio of Rh/Ni in the range of 0-0.04 were prepared for carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The doping effect of Rh on catalytic activity as well as carbon accumulation and removal over the catalysts was studied. The characterization results indicated that the addition of a small amount of Rh promoted the reducibility of Ni particles and decreased the Ni particle size. During the

dry reforming reaction, the carbon deposition was originated from CH4 decomposition and CO 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅disproportionation. The Rh-Ni catalyst with small metallic particle size inhibited the carbon formation and exhibited high efficiency in the removal of coke. In comparison with bare Ni-based catalyst, the Rh-Ni bimetallic catalysts showed high activity and stability in the dry reforming of methane. Keywords: reforming; methane; doping; promoted; metallic; originated; dissociation; pro- grammed; dioxide; monoxide Sources: Chinese Chemical Letters, 2014, 42(11): 1411-1415 Email: Bin Yue, [email protected]

Cover Story: The recent progress in Lewis base-catalyzed the direct allylic substitutions of Mo- rita-Baylis-Hillman (MBH) adducts with α-amino nitriles and cyanohydrins is reviewed by Qin, Zhang, and Liao on Page 2187, which provides an efficient way to construct the functionalized α-amino nitriles and cyanohydrins bearing quaternary carbon centers. The products could be fur- ther transformed into functionalized nitriles incorporating β-quaternary carbon centers through an novel catalytic metal-free carbocyanation.

Lewis Base-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation of α-Amino Nitriles and Cyanohy- drins and Synthetic Applications Qin Tianyou, Zhang Sean Xiao-An, Liao Weiwei Abstract: This article summarized our recent progress in Lewis base-catalyzed the direct allylic substitutions of Morita-Baylis-Hillman (MBH) adducts with α-amino nitriles and cyanohydrins bearing an α-hydrogen, which provided efficient access to functionalized α-amino nitriles and cyanohydrins incorporating quaternary carbon centers. On the basis of these, a novel metal-free carbocyanation (alkenylcyanation and acylcyanation) approach to construct functionalized nitriles incorporating β-quaternary carbon center has been developed. In addition, the several factors influencing these chemical transformations are discussed, and the possible mechanism is proposed. Keywords: allylic alkylation; Lewis base; catalysis; α-amino nitriles; cyanohydrins; carbocyanation

64 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Sources: Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 34(11): 2187-2194 Email: Liao Weiwei, [email protected]

Cover Story: The cover picture shows a new and expeditious approach for the synthesis of 8-oxyberberine and oxohomoberberines. Few general processes existed for the oxohomober- berine from the simple starting material. Reported methods generally required special reagents or complex procedures, and some are limited in scope. The total syntheses of 8-oxyberberine and oxohomoberberines were accomplished starting from commercially available 5-bromobenzo[d][1, 3]dioxole, piperonal and sesamol. We have successfully presented a synthetic route for the synthesis of 8-oxyberberine 1a with high total yield of 43% from 5-bromobenzo[d][1, 3]dioxole 2a in 7 steps. Meanwhile, we firstly described the synthesis of the oxohomoberberines 1b, 1c and 1d in a 46.2% overall yield (7 steps), a 22.9% overall yield (9 steps), and a 14% overall yield (6 steps), respectively. More details are discussed in the article by Wu et al. on page 1121-1127.

A Versatile Total Synthesis of 8-Oxyberberine and Oxohomoberberines Yun He, Yang Zheng, Li Hai, et al. Abstract: The total syntheses of 8-oxyberberine and oxohomoberberines were accomplished starting from commercially available 5-bromobenzo[d][1,3]dioxole, piperonal and sesamol in high total yield. The key steps involved a modified Pomeranz-Fritsch reaction and the intramolecular Heck cyclization. This approach is short, convenient and suitable for the preparation of homo- berberine analogues. Keywords: synthetic method; total synthesis; oxohomoberberines; modified Pomeranz-Fritsch reaction; intramolecular Heck cyclization Sources: Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 32(11): 1121-1127 Email: Yong Wu, [email protected]

Engineering Thermophysics

Cover Story: The rapid increase in worldwide energy consumption has led to demands for the 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅recovery of waste heat and the exploration of alternative energies, such as geothermal heat and concentrating solar thermal energy. Most waste heat and alternative thermal energy are classified as low-grade heat (below 250°C). The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is one of the promising technologies used to convert low-grade heat into work. Because of the low boiling point of or- ganic fluids, the ORC generates a higher vapor pressure for power generation, which is difficult to achieve using a conventional watersteam Rankine system. Small-scale ORC systems (1-100 kW scale) have attracted much attention recently. In this paper, we describe a 4-kW-scale ORC system that was built and tested in two modes: the constant mass flow rate and the constant shaft torque operating modes. The dynamic response of the two operating modes is discussed and analyzed. The cover image shows the ORC system design. This system consists of five coupled units, namely, a conductive oil circuit, an organic fluid circuit, a cooling water circuit, a lubricant oil circuit and a generator unit. It is found that the measured shaft powers and thermal efficien- cies are significantly lower than the calculated ones derived from the fluid enthalpies at the ex- pander inlet and outlet (see the article by Miao et al. on page 4367).

Development and dynamic characteristics of an Organic Rankine Cycle Zheng Miao, Xufei Yang, Jinliang Xu, et al. Abstract: The design, construction and test of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with R123 as the working fluid were performed. A scroll expander was integrated in the system. The conductive oil with its temperature of 150℃ was used to simulate the low-grade heat source. An AC dynamometer unit measured the expander shaft torque, rotating speed and shaft power. The experiments were conducted in two operating modes: the constant mass flow rate and the constant shaft torque. Under the constant mass flow rate operating mode, the stepped increase of the shaft torque increased the expansion ratios of the expander and decreased the vapor superheats at the expander inlet. Thus, the shaft power and thermal efficiency were increased. Alternatively, the constant shaft torque operating mode involved two different regions, interfaced at the pumping frequency of 9 Hz. By the increase of the mass flow rates, the vapor superheats at the expander inlet was decreased and the shaft power was increased, but the ORC thermal efficiencies were slightly decreased. Both operating modes yielded the saturation shaft powers that were the maximum values one could use. It was found that the measured shaft powers and ORC thermal efficiencies were lower than the en- thalpy determined values based on the fluid pressures and temperatures at the expander inlet and outlet. The maximum measured shaft power and thermal efficiency were 2.63 kW and 5.31%, compared with the enthalpy determined values of 3.87 kW and 9.46%, respectively.

65 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: Organic Rankine Cycle; Scroll expander; Shaft torque; Shaft power; Thermal efficiency Sources: Chinese Science Bulletin 2014, 59(33): 4367-4378 Email: Jinliang Xu, [email protected]


Cover Story: The power of the small honeybee brain carrying out learning and memory tasks has been shown to be highly impressive. In this study, the authors analyzed the changes in mi- croRNA and mRNA following maze-based visual learning using next-generation small RNA sequencing and Digital Gene Expression tag profiling. The results suggest that both microRNA and mRNA may play a pivotal role in the process of visual learning (see pages 619-636). Photo by Yun-Bo Xue.

The integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression in Apis mellifera following maze-based visual pattern learning Qiu-Hong Qin, Zi-Long Wang, Liu-Qing Tian, et al. Abstract: The honeybee (Apis mellifera) is a social insect with strong sensory capacity and di- verse behavioral repertoire and is recognized as a good model organism for studying the neuro- biological basis of learning and memory. In this study, we analyzed the changes in microRNA (miRNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) following maze-based visual learning using next- gen- eration small RNA sequencing and Solexa/lllumina Digital Gene Expression tag profiling (DGE). For small RNA sequencing, we obtained 13367770 and 13132655 clean tags from the maze and control groups, respectively. A total of 40 differentially expressed known miRNAs were detected between these two samples, and all of them were up-regulated in the maze group compared to the control group. For DGE, 5681320 and 5939855 clean tags were detected from the maze and control groups, respectively. There were a total of 388 differentially expressed genes between these two samples, with 45 genes up-regulated and 343 genes down-regulated in the maze group, compared to the control group. Additionally, the expression levels of 10 differentially expressed genes were confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and the ex- pression trends of eight of them were consistent with the DGE result, although the degree of change was lower in amplitude. The integra- tive analysis of miRNA and mRNA《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 expression showed that, among the 40 differentially expressed known miRNAs and 388 differentially expressed genes, 60 pairs of miRNA/mRNA were identified as co-expressed in our present study. These results suggest that both miRNA and mRNA may play a pivotal role in the process of learning and memory in honeybees. Our sequencing data provide comprehensive miRNA and gene expression information for maze-based visual learning, which will facilitate understanding of the molecular mechanisms of honeybee learning and memory. Keywords: Apis mellifera; Y-maze; learning and memory; microRNA; DGE; differential expression Sources: Insect Science, 2014, 21(5): 619-636


Tectonic-Thermal History Reconstruction of Ordovician in the Weibei Uplift of Ordos Basin REN Zhanli, CUI Junping, LI Jinbu Abstract: Weibei uplift in Ordos Basin have unique tectonic position and complex evolution history. In this area, the organic matter abundance of carbonate rocks in Ordovician of Lower Paleozoic is high and it is the most favorable area for natural gas exploration. However, due to the lack of effective thermal indicators in carbonate rocks of Ordovician, it is difficult to deter- mine the thermal evolution degree and reconstruction thermal history. Based on the large number of measured bitumen reflectance data in carbonate rocks of Ordovician and combined with other thermal indicators data such as vitrinite reflectance, apatite and zircon fission track in the over- lying Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata, this paper reconstruct tectonic-thermal history of Weibei uplift. The simulation results show that the thermal evolution degree of Paleozoic Ordovician is high in the north and west area and low in south and east. The equivalent vitrinite reflectance of Ordovician is generally greater than 2.00% in the stage of over-mature dry gas. The apatite fis- sion track data indicate that the uplift-cooling time of Weibei Uplift has characteristic of early in southern and late in the northern. The uplift-cooling time of Ordovician- lower Permian in southern area is early, about 102-107 Ma.in northern uplift since 65 Ma, the main period of uplift since 40 Ma. the uplift-cooling time since 65Ma in northern was late, main uplift- cooling time is since 40 Ma.Uplift- cooling time of Wei- 66 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts bei uplift began at the late Early Cretaceous(102-107 Ma), rapid overall uplift happened since 40 Ma.The thermal evolution history study results show that the Ordovician strata experienced maximum Paleotemperature in the Early Cretaceous which occurred a tectonic-thermal event, paleogeothermal gradient reached 4.60℃ /100 m. The early Cretaceous was the main gas generation period of Ordovician source rocks, main gas generation period is controlled mainly by tectonic-thermal event of early Cretaceous. The research on thermal evolution degree and history of Ordovician in Weibei uplift have an important significance to the study of gas accumulation conditions and natural gas exploration. Keywords: paleotemperture; geothermal gradient; vitrinite reflectance; bitumen reflectance; fission track; tectonic-thermal event; tectonic-thermal history; Weibei uplift; Ordos Basin Sources: Acta Geologica Sinica, 88(11): 2044-2056 Email: GAO Shu, [email protected]

An Early Carboniferous Flora of the Huadu Locality from South China: Its Taxonomic Composition, Paleophytogeographical Position and Paleoecological Interpretation NAUGOLNYKH Serge V., JIN Jianhua Abstract: The Huadu flora of Province, South China contains the lepidodendrid Lepidodendron shanyangense Wu et He, its putative rhizophore Stigmaria cf. ficoides (Brong- niart) Sternberg; sphenophyte s.l. Archaeocalamites scrobiculatus (Brongniart) Stur; bowmanitid Sphenophyllum tenerrimum (Ettingshausen) Stur; pteridophyll Sphenopteris sp. of uncertain taxonomic position; undetermined ferns gen. et sp. nov.; lyginopterid pteridosperm Rhodeopteri- dium hsianghsiangense (Sze) Zhang, Zhao et Wu, a trigonocarpoid pteridosperm represented by fronds and isolated pinnules of Paripteris gigantea (Sternberg) Gothan, male fructifications of Potoniea sp., and seeds of Trigonocarpus sp. Ecologically, the Early Carboniferous (Visean) Huadu vegetation was divided into two neighboring communities: (1) a near-shore hydrophilous “community A” with predominating Archaeocalamites and Rhodeopteridium; and (2) a wet forest “community B” with predominating shrubby trigonocarpalean pteridosperm Paripteris gigantea (Sternberg) Gothan and tall tree-like lepidodendrid Lepidodendron shanyangense 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Wu et He. The Huadu vegetation was physiognomically similar to present-day low-latitude mangrove forest. Keywords: Lower Carboniferous; Huadu flora; paleophytogeography; paleoecology; Guangdong Province; South China Sources: Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2014, 88(5): 1341-1351 Email: JIN Jianhua, [email protected]


Strategies of genome-wide association study based on high-throughput se- quencing Jiapeng Zhou, Zhiyong Pei, Yubao Chen, et al. Abstract: Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have been playing an important role on human complex diseases. Generally speaking, GWAS tries to detect the relationship between genome-wide genetic variants and measurable traits in the population level. Although fruitful, array-based GWASs still exist some problems, for example, the so-called “missing heritability” --significantly associated SNPs can only explain a small part of phenotypic variation. Other problems include that, in some traits, significantly associated SNPs in one study are hard to be repeated by other studies; and that the functions of significantly associated SNPs are often dif- ficult to interpret. High-throughput sequencing, also known as next-generation sequencing (NGS), could be one of the most promising technologies to solve those problems by quickly producing accurate variations in a high-throughput way. NGS-based GWASs (NGS-GWAS), to some extent, provide a better solution compared with traditional array-based GWASs. We sys- tematically review the strategies and methods for NGS-GWASs, pick out the most feasible and efficient strategies and methods for NGS-GWASs, and discuss their applications in personalized medicine. Keywords: genome-wide association study (GWAS); next-generation sequencing (NGS); personalized medicine (PM) Sources: Hereditas (Beijing), 2014, 36(11): 1099-1111 Email: Zhiyong Pei, [email protected]

67 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015


Cover Story: Magnetite is the most important magnetic mineral in paleomagnetism. Its magnetic properties are controlled by many factors, such as grain size distribution, shape and interactions. However, it is very difficult to decouple the effects of these parameters in traditional rock magnetic experiments. In this study, we attempt to determine the effect of grain size distribution on the mag- netic properties of magnetite powders using a micromagnetic method. Micromagnetics (micromag- netism) is a field of physics that deals with the prediction of magnetic behaviors at sub- micrometer length scales. By subdividing grains into a number of discrete elements, i.e., the virtual background of the cover image, micromagnetic modeling can provide clear images of microstructure and mag- netization energy state for various design models and distributions. A single-domain (SD) flower and pseudosingle- domain (PSD) vortex state of remanence magnetization are shown in the magne- tite cubes in the front of the image. Black arrows indicate the directions of magnetization of the meshed elements, and the magnetite particle surfaces are shown in color, as the intuitive description of the directions of magnetization for meshed elements at surface. The second layer of the image shows the inner structures of remanence magnetization for a typical assemblage of magnetite powder. Vortex superstates formed by two or more particles exist, and display different magnetic recording patterns in the assemblages. These superstates improve our understanding of the PSD mechanism of natural samples significantly (see the article by Kunpeng Ge et al. on page 4763).

Effects of the grain size distribution on magnetic properties of magnetite: constraints from micromagnetic modeling Kunpeng Ge, Qingsong Liu Abstract: Magnetite is the most important magnetic mineral in paleomagnetism. Its magnetic properties are controlled by many factors, such as grain size distribution, shape and interactions. Traditional rock magnetic experiments, however, have great difficulty in decoupling the effects of these parameters. In this study, we attempted to investigate the effects of grain size distribution on magnetic properties of magnetite powders by using a micromagnetic method. The particle geometries used in the micromagnetic model were based on the grain size distribution observed in a synthetic《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 magnetite powder. The simulated hysteresis parameters agree well with the experimental mea- surements and provide clear microstructures of the magnetic remanence. Our results show that grain size plays a more important role in affecting hysteresis parameters of magnetite assemblages than shape under effects of interactions. Uniform or vortex superstates formed by two or more particles are found and display different stabilities of magnetic recording in assemblages. Some domain structures of sin- gle-domain (SD) particles are reversed as the applied field decreases to zero. Small pseudo-single-domain particles behave as SD structures and may dominate the magnetic recordings. In all, micromagnetic modeling of grain size distributions provide a better understanding of magnetic assemblages consisting of nanoscale particles. Keywords: Micromagnetic modeling; Grain size distribution; Magnetite; Interaction; Shape factor; Paleomagnetism Sources: Chinese Science Bulletin 2014, 59(34): 4763-4773 Email: Qingsong Liu, [email protected]

Material Science

Preparation and Performance of SiC Foam Ceramic/Fe Matrix Co-continuous Phase Composites REN Zhiheng, JIN Peng, CAO Xiaoming, et al. Abstract: SiC foam ceramic/Fe based co-continuous phase composites were prepared by squeeze casting method using oxidized SiC foam ceramic. Then the prepared composites were annealed. The influence of preparation process and SiC volume fraction on microstructures and

mechanical properties of the composites were investigated. Results show that a SiO2 barrier film of 1 mm in thickness on the surfaces of SiC foam can form after oxidizing at 1250°C for 48 h,

which then can efficiently prevent the formation of a brittle intermetallic compound Fe3Si at the interface of Fe matrix and SiC during the preparation of composites. As a result, the flexural strength of composites was increased by 100% and compressive strength by 18%. The thickness

of SiO2 film was increased after oxidizing at 1250°C for 72 h, and a thicker SiO2 film may in-

duce mismatch of thermal expansion coefficient between SiO2, Fe and SiC, which thereby re- sulted in the increase of residual stress. Therefore, the mechanical properties of composites were decreased slightly. The residual stress could be relieved after annealing of composites at 600°C for 4 h, which improved the mechanical properties of composites. The function of bridging and deflecting crack of metal matrix is big for the composite with small SiC volume fraction, which is in turn beneficial to the enhancement of 68 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts the flexural strength and flexural strain. For the composite with the higher SiC volume fraction, the size of SiC skeleton became bigger and the load-carrying capacity was strengthened, thereby its compressive strength was increased. Keywords: composites; foam ceramic; SiO reaction inhibitor; mechanical property Sources: Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2014, 28(11): 814-820 Email: ZHANG Jinsong, [email protected]


Cover Story: Germination of Pst uredionspores under KN-93 treatment and distilled water in- cubation. A: Germination of Pst uredionspores in distilled water after 10 h incubation at 9°C; B: Germination of Pst uredionspores with 1.4 µmol/L KN-93 after 10 h incubation at 9°C.

Function of a calcium-dependent protein kinase gene Pscamk in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici Juan Qin, Chuanming Huang, Fuxin He, et al. Abstract: [Objective] To clone calcium-dependent protein kinase gene (camk) from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) and analyze its function. [Methods] The cDNA full-length of Pscamk was isolated by using reverse transcriptional-PCR (RT-PCR), and gene expression profile at different morphological stages was analyzed via quantitative real-time-PCR(qRT-PCR). Pst ure- diospores were treated with CaMK suppressor KN-93 and germination rate was investigated. [Results] A gene cDNA full-length with 1620 bp was obtained and designated as Pscamk. qRT- PCR analysis showed Pscamk expression was highly induced in the early stages of Pst infection and reached the maximum at 6 h post inoculation (hpi) as 20.74-fold as that in the control (0 hpi). With increasing of the concentration of CaMK suppressor KN-93, germination rate of Pst ure- diospores was gradually decreased. The germination rate was reduced to 8.02% , only 12% of the control, under 1.4 μmol /L KN-93 treat- ment at 10 h after incubation at 9℃. [Conclusion] Pscamk might play a rolein germination and germ tube elongation of Pst urediospores. This study provides a basis for exploring pathogenesis of calcium signaling pathway during Pst infection. Keywords: stripe rust; calcium-dependent protein kinase; CaMK suppressor KN-93; qRT-PCR Sources: Acta Microbiologica Sinica,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 2014, 54(11): 1296-1303 Email: Jun Guo, [email protected]

Physical Geography

Cover Story: Spartina salt-marshes are widely distributed along the eastern China coastlines, which are created by a single species introduced into the region artificially three decades ago. Depending on the geographic conditions, the colonization of Spartina has varied influences on the coastal wetland environment and ecosystem. For more details see the research paper by GAO Shu et al. on pages 2567-2586.

Environment-ecosystem dynamic processes of Spartina alterniflora salt- marshes along the eastern China coastlines GAO Shu, DU YongFen, XIE WenJing, et al. Abstract: Spartina alterniflora is ecologically important in its original habitat; however, it has caused controversy since it was introduction into China (now it has been spreading rapidly on the Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Fujian coasts). The purpose of the present contribution is, on the basis of an analysis and synthesis of existing data sets, to evaluate the environmental-ecological effects of S. alterniflora, and to identify the relevant scientific problems that require further re- search in the future. Investigations have shown that, by reducing the near-bed shear stress asso- ciated with tidal currents, S. alterniflora can enhance the settling flux of suspended sediment and deposition rate on the tidal flats over the region. Further, field survey and analysis indicate that the S. alterniflora salt-marsh has a high primary production and provides a new type of habitat for the native benthic fauna. Some macro-, meioand micro-fauna that used to live in the native salt-marshes have adapted to the S. alterniflora salt-marsh, forming a new ecosystem. Under the influences of a number of background factors, such as latitude variations and the coastal type, the environmental-ecological changes induced by Spartine have regional differentiations. To the north of Hangzhou Bay, with a high position of the pre-Holocene stra- tum base, a large width of the tidal flats, and a gentle bed slope, only a small part of the intertidal zone is occupied by the S. alterniflora salt-marsh. Here, the S. alterniflora salt-marshes mainly play a positive role in coastal protection and ecosystem functioning. In contrary, to the South of Hangzhou Bay, The pre-Holocene deposits are situated in relatively deeo waters, and the width of the tidal flats formed within

69 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 coastal embayments is relatively narrow. As such, the expansion of S. alterniflora has squeezed the living space of other intertidal organ- isms, thus has a negative ecological effect. Therefore, the regional differentiation of the Spartina effects should be sufficiently considered in coastal development and management. Furthermore, in order to predict the future evolution of the S. alterniflora wetlands over the region, in addition to in situ monitoring and measurements, an ecosystem dynamic model should be established, taking into account the coupling of the rerrestrial and marine environmental-ecological processes. Keywords: tectonics; magmatic rocks; magmatic activity; continental dynamics; South China Block Sources: SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(11): 2567-2586. Email: GAO Shu, [email protected]

Preclinical Medicine

Function of microglia and macrophages in secondary damage after spinal cord injury Xiang Zhou, Xijing He, Yi Ren Abstract: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating type of neurological trauma with limited thera- peutic opportunities. The pathophysiology of SCI involves primary and secondary mechanisms of injury. Among all the secondary injury mechanisms, the inflammatory response is the major con- tributor and results in expansion of the lesion and further loss of neurologic function. Meanwhile, the inflammation directly and indirectly dominates the outcomes of SCI, including not only pain and motor dysfunction, but also preventingneuronal regeneration. Microglia and macrophages play very important roles in secondary injury. Microglia reside in spinal parenchyma and survey the microenvironment through the signals of injury or infection. Macrophages are derived from mo- nocytes recruited to injured sites from the peripheral circulation. Activated resident microglia and monocyte-derived macrophages induce and magnify immune and inflammatory responses not only by means of their secretory moleculesand phagocytosis, but also through their influence on astro- cytes, oligodendrocytes and demyelination. In this review, we focus on the roles of microglia and macrophages in secondary injury and how they contribute to the sequelae of SCI. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Keywords: astrocytes; cytokines; chemokines; demyelination; inflammation; oligodendrocytes; M1/M2 activation; macrophages; microglia; secondary damage; spinal cord injury Sources: Neural Regeneration Research, 2014, 9(20): 1787-1795


Cover Story: In a natural subalpine area in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, mule deer Odocoi- leus hemionus modify their anti-predator behavior as a function of distance to a seasonally active field station. Price et al. found that deer fled approaching humans and engaged in more active flight and anti-predator behavior when greater than 250-750 m from cabins. The concept of a spatial human footprint may help us better understand how to quantify human impacts on wild- life. See Mary V. PRICE et al., Pp 693-699. Photo by Lawrance Chung.

Human activity affects the perception of risk by mule deer Mary V. PRICE, Evelyn H. STROMBOM, Daniel T. BLUMSTEIN Abstract: Human activity has been shown to influence how animals assess the risk of , but we know little about the spatial scale of such impacts. We quantified how vigilance and flight behavior in mule deer Odocoileus hemionus varied with distance from an area of concentrated human activity—a subalpine field station. An observer walked trails at various distances away from the station looking for deer. Upon encounter, the observer walked toward the focal animal and noted the distance at which it alerted and directed its attention to the approaching human (Alert Distance; AD), and the distance at which it fled (Flight Initiation Distance; FID). AD and FID both increased nonlinearly with distance from the center of the field station, reaching pla- teaus around 250 m and 750 m, respectively. Deer also tended to flee by stotting or running, rather than by walking, when far from the sta- tion but they walked away when near the station. These results indicate that deer perceive lower risk near a focused area of human activity, and that vigilance and flight behaviors respond on somewhat different spatial scales. The concept of a spatial “human footprint” on beha- vior may be useful for understanding how human activities affect wildlife. Keywords: Flight initiation distance; Alert distance; Predation risk assessment; Human disturbance; Mule deer; Odocoileus hemionus; Vigilance Sources: Current Zoology, 2014, 60(6): 693-699 Email: Daniel T. BLUMSTEIN, [email protected] 70 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts


GprMax, and the established model included the model of the Aeronautics and Astronautics surface dielectric constant change with depth and water-ice distribution simulation inside the lunar soil, aiming for finding the Aviation general rules of the lunar regolith layer and the thickness of the water-ice. We have analyzed the wave features of radar reflectance V241.5 0254-0037-201411001603 wave, which can provide the theoretical basis for future moon Light Weight Design Based on Modal Analysis for Triaxial probe program. Integrated FOG. ZHANG Bo, SONG Ning-fang, PAN Xiong. Keywords: GprMax; FDTD; forward modelling; radar wave; Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2014, 40(11): dielectric constant 1603-1608. In Chinese. Based on the design of frame-type bracket, the triaxial integration V417+.7 0254-0037-201411001627 and optical multiplexing technique were used to accomplish the Simple Measurement Technique of the Long-term Stability of light-weight design of triaxial integrated fiber-optic gyroscope On-board Clocks for Navigation Satellites. CUI Xiao-zhun, (FOG) through the optical-component miniaturization and WANG Lu, SUN Yun-feng, et al. Journal of Beijing University of multichannel-integration of gyroscope-signal-processing circuits. Technology, 2014, 40(11): 1627-1631. In Chinese. The influence of the bracket wall thickness together with the In satellite navigation satellite clock generator, the phase mounting-interface dimension of fiber-ring and different structure difference between the master and the slave satellite clocks is materials of the bracket were discussed by using modal analysis. measured according to a certain frequency, and the phase The frame-type bracket can improve the first-order nature difference is regarded as satellite clock monitoring information frequency of the gyroscope assembling through its spatial structure, that is transmitted through a wireless downlink channel. For the and the mounting-interface dimension of fiber-ring had obvious proposed long stability test method of orbital satellite clock, effect than the wall thickness of the bracket on improving the satellite clock monitoring information is first demodulated by the first-order vibrational mode of the gyroscope assembling. By ground the receiver; then, the sample values of the phase optimizing the wall thickness of the bracket and mounting- difference between the master and the slave satellite clock are interface dimension of fiber-ring together, the first-order nature finally obtained by data processing; the characteristic parameters frequency of the gyroscope assemb《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅ling increased 226 Hz. For the of the long-term stability of the satellite clock can be finally light weight design of triaxial integrated FOG, the magnesium- calculated. The proposed method overcomes the problem of the aluminum alloy did not have advantage in constructing of bracket traditional method requiring high-precision ground frequency of gyroscope to improve the mode shape of assembling, while the reference and complex test equipment. The proposed method is first-order nature frequency of the gyroscope assembling can simple and rapid, and the measurement accuracy meets the test increase 59% and the weight can decrease 74 g by using Be-Al requirements. Using the proposed method of multiple navigation alloy to build the bracket. satellite in-orbit testing, the test results agree with the results of Keywords: fiber optic gyroscope; light weight design; modal ground tests before launch for the same satellite clock. The analysis; Be-Al alloy proposed method can accurately reflect the long-term stability characteristics of the navigation satellite orbital clock. Space Flight Keywords: navigation satellite; clock; frequency stability

V443.2;P184 1005-2321-201406000088 Agriculture Forward modelling of the lunar regolith layer using radar detection based on FDTD. CHEN Shengbo, ZHA Fengli, LIAN Aquaculture and Fishery Yi, et al. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 88-91. In Chinese. Lunar Penetrating Radar equipped on the rover of CE-3 can S917 1674-5566-201406000826 observe the shallow structure of lunar surface on across-sectional Community structure and diversity of fishes in Qiandao Lake. observational style and detect 30 meters soil layer structure under HOU Wen-hua, HU Meng-hong, LIU Qi-gen. Journal of Shanghai the lunar by the antenna of 500 MHz. In order to analyze the Ocean University, 2014, 23(6): 826-833. In Chinese. exploration results of lunar penetrating radar better,this paper Gillnet surveys were conducted on the fishes resources in Qiandao builds forward modelling using ground penetrating radar Lake during July 2010 to October 2011 and March 2012 to technology in order to study the lunar regolith layer; we adopted February 2013. Transparency, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, the electrical parameter of Apollo 15 which is nearest to the chlorophyll a, nitrate, ammonia, temperature and other water quality landing position of CE-3 as the dielectric constant of rock layer; parameters were measured simultaneously. 54 fish species were the dielectric constant of the lunar regolith is a value related to collected,belonging to 11 families, and 6 orders. had density and varied with depth. To establish the model according to the largest species number which accounted for 72.2% of the total. the above parameters, based on the finite difference time domain Ecotypes of different fish species were classified according to (FDTD) principle, the lunar regolith layer was simulated by the habitat and migratory ways, vertical distribution of the dwelling 71 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 water layer and the diet types. The dominant species were of small mequindox solution with the highest survival rate (90.6%), and medium-sized sedentary fish such as Xenocypris microleps, significantly higher than the other groups (P<0.05). Besides, high Sinibrama macrops, Culter mongolicus, and Culter alburnus. Fish concentration of mequindox (6.0 mg/L) decreased the stress diversity index was estimated using individual numbers or resistance of juvenile sea cucumber. Our study suggested that the biomass, Margalef richness index DN and DW were 1.72 and 0.74 proper amount of mequindox for juvenile sea cucumber in the respectively, while Shannon diversity indices H'N and H'W were period of growth seeding was approximately 2.0 mg/L-4.0 mg/L. 1.40 and 1.41 respectively. Pielou evenness indices J'N and J'W in Keywords: Apostichopus japonicus; mequindox; survival rate; the Lake were 0.70 and 0.71, respectively. growth performance; AKP; ACP; SOD Keywords: community structure; diversity; Qiandao Lake; dominant species; alien fishes S917 1674-5566-201406000820 Effects of salinity on growth of Oreochromis niloticus through S963.1 1674-5566-201406000863 mTOR signal pathway. WANG Fei, ZHUANG Qing-qing, Effects of different diets on the growth and body composition LIANG Cong-fei, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, of potamophila larvae. LI Yuan-yuan, XU Yu-qiang, 2014, 23(6): 820-825. In Chinese. JIANG Jiao-yun, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, mTOR signal pathway plays a vital role in the regulation of animal 2014, 23(6): 863-866. In Chinese. growth and development. In this study, growth rates of To study the effects of different opening diets on Odontobutis Oreochromis niloticus at different salinities were compared in a potamophila larvae growth and body composition, four opening 30-day experiment; in the meantime, expression changes of diets were selected and they were enhanced cultivated by downstream pathway regulation factors p70s6k and 4ebp1 were Chlorella vulgaris; egg yolks, rotifers +small cladocerans and evaluated at both mRNA and protein levels. The results showed larval dedicated opening diets. We selected the most palatable that salinity significantly inhibited the growth of Nile tilapia, the opening diets through 15 d of feeding experiments. Experiments final body weight decreased with the salinity increase, and average show that enhanced and cultivated by Chlorella vulgaris body weight at 0, 15, 20, 25 salinity was (0.48±0.13) g/d, was the most suitable opening diet, with an average body length of (0.31±0.09) g/d, (0.14±0.08) g/d, (0.09±0.03) g/d, respectively. 8.759 mm, average weight of 0.0503 g, the survival rate of 94%, The p70s6k mRNA expression level decreased with salinity the protein content of 21.65% and the fat content of 1.57%; increasing, the highest was detected at 0 salinity, while the lowest followed by rotifers +small cladocerans group and egg yolks was at 25 salinity, which was significantly lower than that at 0, 15 group. Larval dedicated opening diets is not suitable as a weaning and 20 salinities. The 4ebp1 mRNA expression at 25 salinity was food. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅significantly higher than 0, 15, 20 salinity, increasing with salinity Keywords: Odontobutis potamophila; weaning food; body levels. Western blot results showed the protein level of p70s6k at 0 composition salinity was significantly higher than that at other higher salinities, while 4ebp1 at 25 salinity was significantly higher than that at S917 1674-5566-201406000848 other lower salinities. Our result suggested salinity may affect Effects of mequindox on non-specific immunity, growth growth of O. niloticus through mTOR signaling pathway. performance and stress resistance of juvenile sea cucumber Keywords: Oreochromis niloticus; salinity; growth; P70s6k; 4ebp1 Apostichopus japonicus. LIU Yun, GONG Xiang-hong, XU Ying-jiang, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, S917 1674-5566-201406000814 23(6): 848-855. In Chinese. The histological observation of the pancreas of largemouth The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of mequindox on bass, Micropterus salmoides. TONG Chun-meng, CHEN non-specific immunity, survival rate, growth performance and Nai-song, JI Zhen-yao, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean stress resistance in juvenile sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) University, 2014, 23(6): 814-819. In Chinese. breeding. The sea cucumbers with initial body weight of 0.6 g In the present study, the techniques of histological section and were exposed to different mequindox solutions of 0 (control immunohistochemistry were adopted to perform a histological group), 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 mg/L for 69 days. The resistance observation on the pancreas of largemouth bass. It was revealed by after long-distance transportation was investigated two weeks after the sections stained with H-E and G-aldehyde fuchsine that more the drug withdrawal. The results showed that the AKP, ACP and than 10 yellow-white macroscopic nodules were identified as islet SOD enzyme activities of juvenile sea cucumber increased structures in the abdominal cavity of largemouth bass, in which the significantly after the use of mequindox, and reached peak in the biggest one was designated as principal islet, and a lot of smaller 2.0 mg/L, 4.0 mg/L mequindox solutions and then decreased as the invisible islets were embedded in the wall of the common bile duct. mequindox continued to increase. However, after 40 days, the The islet was surrounded by an inner layer of connective tissue enzyme activities in the experimental groups generally decreased and an outer layer of exocrine pancreatic tissue, and the exocrine to the values in the control group. Appropriate amounts of pancreatic tissue also existed and was distributed in the liver. The mequindox can increase the growth rate and survival rate of the sections marked by streptavidin peroxidase (S-P) immunohisto- sea cucumber. The final body weight (FBW), weight gain rate chemical method and the section image analysis suggested that B (WGR) and specific growth rate (SGR) in the experimental groups cells were located mainly in the central region of the islet while were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). the A cells were distributed throughout the islet. It can be The FBW, WGR and SGR were the biggest in the 4.0 mg/L concluded that the pancreas of largemouth bass belongs to 72 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts dispersal type, the endocrine pancreas (islet) is distributed mainly information about the morphological development of around the common bile duct while the exocrine pancreas intermuscular bone in Japanese eel, which will be helpful for us to surrounds the islet and it is also embedded in the liver. further understand the molecular mechanism underlying Keywords: Micropterus salmoides; pancreas; islet; histological intermuscular bone development. observation Keywords: Anguilla japonica; intermuscular bones; ossification process S966.16 1674-5566-201406000834 The impact of rice-crab culture system on crustacean S966.22 1674-5566-201406000874 community. ZHANG Qing-yang, LÜ Dong-feng, The status and development trend of freshwater pearl seed MA Xu-zhou, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, industry in China. BAI Zhi-yi, WANG Gui-ling, LIU Xiao-jun, et 23(6): 834-841. In Chinese. al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, 23(6): 874-881. In During the tilling, tillering, jointing, flowering and filling stages, a Chinese. study was carried out on community of crustacean zooplankton in China is the largest freshwater pearl producer in the world. The water environment of rice-crab culture model. This experiment development of pearl culture and seed industry may be divided included four treatments: a single seedling transplant of rice-crab into four stages. In this review, the major progress in different culture (T1), a double seedling transplant of rice-crab culture (T2), development stages of pearl culture and seed industry was a four seedling transplanting of rice-crab (T4) and a double characterized respectively. In the first development stage, the pearl seedling transplant of paddy without crab (CK). There were 3 culture industry expanded rapidly, and the freshwater pearl mussel parallel groups in each treatment. After being identified, 13 resources were damaged seriously due to overfishing natural species of and 5 species of Copepoda were found, and mussels for pearl culture. In the second development stage, the four species were dominant. Cladocera average density presented artificial breeding of freshwater pearl mussel was successful, and downward trend after rising first, rose to its highest in tillering Hyriopsis cumingii and Cristaria plicata were selected as the best stage, not crab filling paddy field down to a low level to filling two species for pearl production. In this stage, the freshwater pearl stage. Crab filling paddy field in flowering went down to lower yield in China got up to the first place in the world. In the third levels,then rose but rose slightly. During the tilling and tillering development stage, the pearl culture and seed industry were stages no significant differences were observed between the commercialized step by step due to the rapid development of groups (P>0.05), while in jointing stage, flowering and filling private pearl enterprises. The freshwater pearl yield reached the periods, no significant differences were observed between paddy highest level in this stage. Since 2008, the freshwater pearl fields (P<0.01); The copepods 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅density in general is on the rise industry has entered the period of transformation and upgrading trend, reviving an average density is very low, only 0.48 ind/L from persuit of high pearl yield to persuit of high pearl quality. At during tilling stage. Average trend of changes in biomass and the present, offspring seed scale production has been promoted trend of density were basically the same. Different cultivation continuously, however, the seed produced by separate farmer still patterns of rice have a certain impact on crustacean zooplankton. holds higher proportion. The degree of industrialization in seed From the perspective of the production model analysis, the single production is low. For germplasm creation and application in seedling transplant of rice-crab culture method may be more freshwater pearl mussel, evaluation of germplasm, hybrid breeding beneficial to rice-crab culture ecosystem. and selection breeding are carried out gradually. However, a few Keywords: rice-crab culture; crustacean zooplankton; density; modern breeding technologies are applied in pearl mussel breeding biomass; diversity index and the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements is low. Finally, according to the requirement of S917 1674-5566-201406000810 constructing modern aquaculture seed industry, we looked to the The ossificational process of the intermuscular bones in future of the modern, commercial and diversified freshwater pearl Anguilla japonica. YAO Wen-jie, GONG Xiao-ling, LV Yao-ping, seed industry in China, and gave some advices. The review is et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, 23(6): 810-813. beneficial to developing freshwater pearl mussel seed industry and In Chinese. even pearl industry. To further understand the development process of intermuscular Keywords: freshwater pearl; seed industry; germplasm resources; bones in teleosts, a modified bone clearing and staining new seed cultivating; offspring seed production experiment was conducted to investigate morphological development of intermuscular bone in Japanese eel Anguilla S963.21 1674-5566-201406000856 japonica. It is showed that all the axial skeleton and appendicular The suitable culture temperature, light intensity for four skeleton both have completely ossified in the glass eel stage. freshwater microalgae and analysis on cellular biochemical However, the intermuscular bone does not ossify. During the compositions. ZENG Bei-bei, HUANG Xu-xiong, WEI Li-kun, et elvers period, the ossification of epineurals, epicentrals and al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, 23(6): 856-862. In epipleurals is observed in the anterior part of the body. Each of the Chinese. intermuscular bones is ossified posteriorly, which is very different In this study, a culture experiment was conducted to study the to that in other species in Cyprinidar. The results indicate that the effects of different temperature and light intensity on the growth of forming process of intermuscular bones might have relation with four species of microalgae (Golenkinia sp. SHOU-F56, the swimming modes. This study provides some very important Chlorococcum sp. SHOU-F93, Selenastrum sp. SHOU-F119, 73 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Chlorococcum sp. SHOU-F124), and the biochemical Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei; Vibrio cholerae; antibiotic compositions and fatty acids of the microalgae were analyzed. The resistance; heavy metal resistance; molecular typing results showed that the optimal culture temperatures were 29.5, 19.3, 21.5, 24.3℃ and the optimal light intensity was 35.5, 8.3, Basic Science of Agriculture 22.5, 19.2 μmol/(m2·s) for Golenkinia sp. SHOU-F56, Chlorococcum sp. SHOU-F93, Selenastrum sp. SHOU-F119 and S153 1672-2043-201412002381 Chlorococcum sp. SHOU-F124, respectively. Under the suitable Effects of Warming and Simulated Acid Rain on Soil culture conditions, Chlorococcum sp. SHOU-F93 cells had the Respiration in a Winter Wheat-Soybean Rotation Field. ZHAI highest contents of pigments (3.26%) and carbohydrates (20.90%), Xiao-yan, CHEN Shu-tao, LIU Yi-fan, et al. Journal of while Chlorococcum sp. SHOU-F93 and Selenastrum sp. Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2381-2388. In Chinese. SHOU-F119 had the highest contents of protein, being 32.64% Soil respiration is an important process of global C cycling. and 33.91%, respectively and Selenastrum sp. SHOU-F119 had Warming and acid rain may have impacts on soil respiration. The the highest contents of total lipid (23.74%). The dominant fatty present study investigated the effects of warming and simulated acids in the four microalgae were 16:0, 18:1n-9, 18:2n-6 and acid rain on soil respiration in a winter wheat-soybean rotation 18:3n-3. Based on characteristics of four microalgae cells, these field. There were control (CK), warming (W), acid rain (A), and microalgae may have propects for the development and utilization warming plus acid rain (WA) combination treatments with three as freshwater bait. replicates. A randomized block experimental design was used. Soil

Keywords: microalgae; growth; temperature; light intensity; respiration rates were measured using a portable soil CO2 fluxes biochemical composition system (LI-8100). Soil temperature and moisture were also simultaneously measured at the time of measuring soil respiration S917.1 1674-5566-201406000867 rates. Soil respiration had obvious seasonal patterns during winter Virulence genes and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and wheat-soybean growing period. Seasonal mean of soil respiration heavy metals of Vibrio cholerae isolated from aquaculture rates for CK, W, A, and WA was (2.69±0.14) μmol·m-2·s-1, water farming Litopenaeus vannamei. TANG Yu-yi, TAN (3.19±0.20) μmol·m-2·s-1, (2.59±0.07) μmol·m-2·s-1, and (2.99±0.18) Jian-guo, MIU Hai-zhen, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean μmol·m-2·s-1, respectively. Soil respiration rates were no significant University, 2014, 23(6): 867-873. In Chinese. (P>0.05) differences among treatments during the winter wheat The aim of this study was to investigate virulence genes and growing season, but significantly (P<0.05) higher in W treatment susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and heavy metals of Vibrio than in A treatment during soybean growing season. Also, highly cholerae strains isolated from《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 aquaculture water farming significant (P<0.01) difference in soil respiration was found Litopenaeus vannamei, in order to provide scientific data support between A and WA treatments. During the whole winter for early warning of food-borne and life-threatening cholera wheat-soybean growing season soil respiration rates were higher disease caused by V. cholerae. The genes involved in in W treatment (P=0.054) than in CK, whereas soil respiration pathogenicity and integrative conjugative elements (ICEs) were means were highly significantly lower in A treatments than in W detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The treatment (P<0.01). For each treatment, soil respiration was virulence-related genes were absent in all V. cholerae isolates, significantly exponentially related (P<0.001) with soil temperature. including ctxAB, sto, tcpA, ace and zot. However, all the isolates A model including soil temperature and moisture performed better were tested positive for a toxR gene, 19.05% of which also in modeling soil respiration than exponential model did for the A contained a rtxA gene. Some of the functional genes (int, traI, treatment. traC, setR, attR) involved in conserved module structures of Keywords: warming; simulated acid rain; cropland; soil respiration SXT-R391 family ICEs were detected positive, suggesting no possible transfer activity of the ICEs detected in the isolates. Crops Antimicrobial susceptibility of V. cholerae strains were examined by using standard Kirby Bauer disk diffusion method according to S571.1;Q946.81+9 1000-369X-201406000572 the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (USA, 2010 A Method for Determination of Total Organic Acids in Edition), showing distinct susceptibility to ten antimicrobial agents Plant with Automatic Potentiometic Titration. ZHU Xujun, belonging to six drug classes tested. Total 13.10% and 2.38% of YANG Pingping, XU Renkou, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, the V. cholerae strains were resistant to ampicillin and gentamycin, 34(6): 572-576. In Chinese. respectively. About 25.00%-1.19% of the isolates also displayed A method for determination of total organic acids in tea plant by intermediate resistance to rifampicin, streptomycin, ampicillin, automatic potentiometic titrator was established in this study. And kanamycin and spectinomycin. In addition, a narrow heavy metal the content of total organic acids in bud, young leaf, mature leaf resistance profile was detected in the isolates tested, showing and withered leaf were determined by this method. The results strong resistance to Pb and Zn. By pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that after extracting by ethanol, concentrated under (PFGE) genetyping, these V. cholerae isolates were clustered into reduced pressure, the concentrated solution was alkalized and five NotI-PFGE types and thirteen subtypes with 56%-100% acidified, then detected with automatic potentiometic titrator, the identity. The data in this study constituted the first evidence for samples were spiked at the level of 2.0-45.0 mg·g-1, and the molecular and resistance phenotype characterization of the V. recovery of organic acids range from 96.0%-99.6% with RSD less cholerae isolates of aquaculture environmental origin. than 5.7%. This simple and sensitive method meets with the 74 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts analytical requirement to total organic acids in tea. The content of were divided into three types based on the grain yield, including total organic acids in bud, young leaf, mature leaf and withered high grain yield fields (Ⅰ , > 10.5 t ha-1), middle grain yield fields leaf was 44.9, 20.1, 21.1 and 1.99 mg·g-1 respectively. (Ⅱ , 9.0-10.5 t ha-1) and low grain yield fields (Ⅲ , < 9.0 t ha-1). Keywords: automatic potentiometic titration; tea leaves; total Characteristics of yield components and the balance of plants organic acids space distribution were compared among the three types. The result showed that high-yielding fields had significantly higher S5 0496-3490-201412002128 spikelets per m2, panicles per m2, spikelets per panicle than the Analysis of QTLs for Plant Type Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa). other types. There were no significant differences in spacing ZHANG Ling, LI Xiao-Nan, WANG Wei, et al. Acta Agronomica characteristics, which mainly includes row spacing, holes spacing Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2128-2135. In Chinese. and panicles per hole. There was significant difference in the A recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the across uniformity of panicles per hole among different types. There was between indica restorer line Luhui 99 and super japonica cultivar significantly positive correlation between the uniformity of Shennong 265, was used to analyze the quantitative trait loci panicles per hole and grain yield (r=0.436**, 2009; r=0.441**, (QTLs) for plant height, panicle length, tillers, and leaf traits in 2010). Lengths of the top leaves were beneficial to the spikelets 2012 and 2013. A total of 39 QTLs were detected on chromosomes per panicle, but could decrease the grain-filling. These results 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 with LOD score ranging from 2.50 to 16.90. suggested that it is an effective way to resolve the contradiction Eleven of them were detected in both 2012 and 2013. Moreover, among rice yield components by improving the uniformity of QTL clusters were detected on chromosomes 1, 6, and 9, which panicle per m2 and spikelets per panicle. It is also a right way to may be related to significant or highly significant correlations improve grain yield of rice transplanted by machine in a large area between plant type traits. Among them, the QTL cluster on of Jiangsu Province. chromosome 9 contained four QTLs, qPH9, qPL9, qFLL9, and Keywords: Rice; Transplanted by machine; Yield; Uniformity qSLL9 in the interval between RM3700 and RM7424, and the four QTLs were detected in both years. In addition, five major QTLs S571.1;Q52 1000-369X-201406000617 were first reported, among which three QTLs (qPH8, qFLW6, and Comparison of Parents Identification for Tea Variety Based on qSLW6) had the larger effect. The results facilitate further SSR, SRAP and ISSR Markers. LIU Zhen, ZHAO Yang, YANG understanding of the genetic basis for plant height, panicle length, Peidi, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): 617-624. In tillers and leaf traits. Chinese. Keywords: Oryza sativa L.; Plant type traits; Different To identify male parent of Xiangbolv 2 and to provide a reference environments; QTL analysis 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅for the choice of DNA marker in the study of relationship analysis, SSR, SRAP and ISSR were used to identify the male parent of S571.1 1000-369X-201406000577 Xiangbolv 2 among 5 possible tea varieties. Percentage of Cloning and Sequence Analysis of CsAP2 Gene from Tea polymorphic bands (PPB), polymorphic information content (PIC), Plant[Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntz]. FANG Chenggang, XIA diversity index (DI), resolving power (Rp), marker index (MI) and Lifei, CHEN Linbo, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): other indicators were used to compare the marker efficiencies of 577-582. In Chinese. SSR, SRAP and ISSR. Totally 83 (2.86 per primer) alleles were The cDNA-AFLP was applied to identify genes expressed identified by 29 pairs of SSR primers. The average PPB, PIC, DI, differentially between young and mature leaves of tea plant Rp, MI were 77.01%, 0.55, 0.29, 1.31, 0.95 respectively. (Camellia sinensis var. assamica, cultivar Zijuan). A cDNA Meanwhile, 139 (8.18 per primer) alleles were amplified by 17 fragment, TDF encoding a APETALA2 was isolated, and pairs of SRAP, with the average PPB, PIC, DI, Rp, MI of 71.70%, containing a complete coding sequence cDNA was cloned by 0.84, 0.15, 3.65, 3.59 respectively. 90 (9.00 per primer) alleles RACE, which encodes a polypeptide of 518 amino acids including were detected by 10 ISSR primer, with the average PPB, PIC, DI, two conserved AP2 domains, named CsAP2, sequence alignment Rp, MI of 69.76%, 0.85, 0.15, 4.21, 4.71 respectively. MI, Rp and showed that CsAP2 protein shared high identity with other plants. PIC showed the same trend among SSR, SRAP and ISSR, with the APETALA2 gene cloning provided foundation for studying flower highest value of ISSR, followed by SRAP and SSR, the PPB and development in tea plant. DI showed the opposite trend. These results indicated that ISSR Keywords: Camellia sinensis; APETALA2 transcription factor; and SRAP markers had high marker efficiency, and SSR markers gene clone; sequence analysis had extensive polymorphism. Similarity coefficients among 7 accessions were different by different 3 DNA markers, but S5 0496-3490-201412002183 Xiangbolv 2, Xiangbolv and Fuding Dabaicha were gathered Common Characteristics of Balanced Yield Increase in a together irrespective of DNA markers, indicating that Xiangbolv Large Area of Me-chanical Transplanted Rice in Jiangsu might be the male parent of Xiangbolv 2. Province. DU Yong-Lin, MIAO Xue-Kuan, LI Gang-Hua, et al. Keywords: tea variety; parents identification; SSR; SRAP; ISSR Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2183-2191. In Chinese. An experiment was conducted in a large area of representative S5 0496-3490-201412002176 fields in 26 high-yielding rice demonstration counties of Jiangsu Constitution and Spatiotemporal Expression of Starch Province with mechanical transplanting in 2009 and 2010. Fields Branching Enzyme in Developing Wheat Grain. - planted with the same site, cultivar, sowing date and management Shuai, LIU Gui-Fen, YANG Ming-Yu, et al. Acta Agronomica 75 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2176-2182. In Chinese. To design a simple, reasonable and robust hydraulic system for This study aimed at disclosing the enzymatic mechanism in self-propelled tea plucker, this paper designed the hydraulic amylopectin synthesis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The system firstly based on analyzing the actions and operating isozyme forms, organ localization, spatiotemporal expression environment of self-propelled tea Plucker, and then conducted a profile and subunits constitution of starch branching enzyme (SBE) functional-simulation to whole system with Sim Hydraulic, were identified in eight wheat cultivars from different provenances including traveling simulating and plucking simulating. And also using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Native-PAGE) the prototype test was carried out. The system consists mainly of and SDS-PAGE. Four SBE isozymes were detected in wheat three subsystems: two closed travel loops, whose system pressure endosperm, in which isozymes B and SBEIIa were localized in is 17.6 MPa, encompass separately a variable pump and a endosperm and leaf, whereas isozymes A and Di were exclusively constant-displacement motor with a volumetric speed-control present in endosperm. In the process of grain filling, Di and scheme; an open loop, whose pressure is 10 MPa, comprises a SBEIIa expressed first, followed by isozyme B, and isozyme A constant-displacement pump and a constant-displacement motor expressed finally. However, B and SBEIIa terminated to express at used for plucking. The disparity between simulating results and late filling stage. All SBE isozymes were composed of one subunit the design values of the system pressure was 2.78% and 0.91% of 86-92 kD, and their spatial localization exhibited organ respectively, the difference between test values and design values specificity. According to the expression level, Di, B, and SBEIIa was 4.82% and 14.3%. All in all, both the simulation and the test are considered as dominant isozymes for grain endosperm were basically in accorded with the design, which indicates the development. They probably determinate the total SBE activity well function of the designed hydraulic system meets well the and serve as key factors in amylpectin biosynthesis in wheat grain needs of self-propelled tea plucking machine. and leaf. Keywords: self-propelled tea plucker; hydraulic system; MATLAB; Keywords: Triticum aestivum L.; Starch branching enzyme; simulation; experiment Amylpectin; Spatiotemporal expression; Organ localization S511.047;S511.3+3 1001-7216-201405000503 S5 0496-3490-201412002104 Difference in Grain Productivity and Population Quality of Construction of DNA Fingerprinting and Analysis of Genetic Double-Cropping Late japonica Rice under Different Diversity for Xinluzao Cotton Varieties. NIE Xin-Hui, YOU Cultivation Methods. XU Ke, ZHANG Jun, ZHANG Chun-Yuan, LI Xiao-Fang, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, Hong-cheng, et al. Chimese Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 40(12): 2104-2117. In Chinese. 503-513. In Chinese. Fifty-one Xinluzao conventional 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅cotton varieties authorized before A high population quality is necessary to achieve high grain yield 2013 were detected with 75 pairs of primers with high in rice, but little information is available about how different polymorphism, good repeatability, and even distribution on 26 cultivation methods affect population quality and grain yield of chromosomes (2-3 pairs from each chromosome) selected from late japonica rice. Zhendao 11 (japonica conventional rice cultivar) 5000 pairs of SSR primers. A total of 226 polymorphic loci were and Yongyou 8 (japonica hybrid rice cultivar) were grown in the obtained, and each marker detected 2-12 polymorphic loci with an field of double-cropping rice area (Shanggao county, average of 3.01; the polymorphism information content ranged Province), under five cultivation methods including artificial from 0.0799 to 0.8752, with an average of 0.6624. The results transplanting with middle and strong seedlings in dry nursery (AT), showed that 21 varieties were differentiated by characteristic two-hole ordered transplanting (OT), single-hole ordered primers, and the rest 30 varieties could be identified by primer broadcasting (OB) and cast transplanting (CT), with mechanical conbinations. In the end, 40 specific primers and combinated transplanting (MT) as CK. The results showed that, the average primers could completely differentiate the 51 Xinluzao cotton yield of the two cultivars under AT ranked first,followed by OT, varieties from each other. DNA fingerprinting of the 51 Xinluzao OB, CT and MT. Compared with grain yield under MT, the grain conventional varieties were constructed with the 40 pairs of SSR yield of Zhendao 11 and Yongyou 8 under AT, OT, OB and CT markers. NTSYS-pcV2.10 software was used to analyze genetic were higher by 17.1% and 16.8%, 12.7% and 11.7%, 5.9% and diversity of the 51 conventional varieties, the results indicated that 5.4%, 3.6% and 1.8%, respectively. And percentage of productive genetic similarity coefficient for the varieties ranged from 0.4269 tillers (>65%), biomass in whole growth duration and from to 0.9873, with an average of 0.7071, showing the narrow genetic heading to maturity, efficient and high efficient leaf area, crop diversity in Xinluzao cotton varieties. The 51 Xinluzao cotton growth rate (CGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) of rice in varieties were divided into four types with the genetic similarity middle and late growing stage, grain-leaf ratio, leaf photosynthetic coefficient matrix and cluster analysis, which were strongly rate, root-shoot ratio, root bleeding sap and its ratio to spikelets consistent with their pedigrees. (spikelet number, filled grain number, grain yield) also increased Keywords: Xinluzao conventional cotton varieties; SSR; DNA significantly, rice stems has stronger lodging resistance. Based on fingerprinting; Genetic diversity the results, we discussed the regulation approaches and the suitable cultivation methods for raising productivity and S571.1;S233.75 1000-369X-201406000548 population in double-cropping late japonica rice. Design and Test for Hydraulic System of Self-propelled Tea Keywords: double-cropping late japonica rice; cultivation methods; Plucker. HAN Yu, XIAO Hongru, QIN Guangming, et al. Journal grain productivity; population quality of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): 548-556. In Chinese. 76 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts S571.1;O614.23+1 1000-369X-201406000565 of root surface area and root dry matter in high planting density Distribution Characteristics of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydro- and strip subsoiling tillage treatment. The increments in leaf area carbon Compounds in Tea Fresh Leaves. HU Linling, LIU and shoot dry matter resulted in an increment of maize final yield. Zunying, LIU Qiuling, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): The results of this study suggest that the distribution of root 565-571. In Chinese. between two plants is improved with the increment of planting The distribution characteristics of 16 Polycyclic Aromatic density. The treatment of high planting density and strip subsoiling Hydrocarbon (PAHs) in different fresh tea leaves of different tea regulates the spatial distribution of population root system by cultivars in different seasons were analyzed by using HPLC. increasing the root quantity in deep soil layer and between two Results showed that Zhenghedabaicha has lowest concentration of plants, and weakening the crowding of roots in upper soil layer, 16 PAHs and lowest standard deviation between Zhenghedabai, which promotes the increment of maize yield. Taoyuandaye and Xiangfeicui, the average content is 126.92 Keywords: Summer maize; Planting density; Strip subsoiling; μg·kg-1, the standard deviation is 17.59 μg·kg-1, the concentration Population root; Spatial distribution; Root accommodation of 16 PAHs and standard deviation in different part of tea leaves is expressed as: the bud< the second leaf< the fourth leaf< the sixth S571.1;S157.4 1000-369X-201406000591 leaf, the PAHs' concentration in bud is 119.13 μg·kg-1, standard Effects of Tea Pruning Materials and Tea Polyphenols on deviation is 14.36 μg·kg-1. The concentration of 16 PAHs in Organic Acids Secretion and Mineral Uptake in Tea Plant. different seasons is expressed as autumn PANG Xin, WANG Yuhua, WANG Weidong, et al. Journal of Tea Keywords: fresh tea leaves; compounds of polycyclic aromatic Science, 2014, 34(6): 591-600. In Chinese. hydrocarbon; distribution characteristics The effects of aqueous solution of tea pruning materials and tea polyphenols on tea plant [Camellia sinensis (L.)] growth and the S5 0496-3490-201412002136 mechanisms were investigated using hydroponic culture in this Effect of Strip Subsoiling on Population Root Spatial paper. The plants were harvested and root exudates were collected Distribution of Maize under Different Planting Densities. after growing periods of 15, 35, 55, 75 and 95 d. The contents of WANG Xin-Bing, HOU Hai-Peng, ZHOU Bao-Yuan, et al. Acta organic acids in the secretes from roots were determined using a Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2136-2148. In Chinese. HPLC equipped with C18 column after passed through cation and For exploring the regulation effect of strip subsoiling (SS) on anion exchange resin and concentrated. Besides, the dry weight, spatial distribution and amount of maize population root system, a tea polyphenols and mineral uptake were analyzed. The results field experiment was conducted with three planting densities (LD: showed that tea polyphenols added in nutrient solution inhibited 45000 plants ha-1; MD: 67500 plants《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 ha-1; HD: 90000 plants ha-1) the uptake of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and growth rate and induced and two soil tillage practices (SS: strip subsoiling tillage, NT: no citric and succinic acids efflux from roots. However, the aqueous tillage). The spatial distribution of maize individual and population solution of tea pruning materials added in nutrient solution roots and its response to planting density and soil tillage were promoted the uptake of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Al and growth rate studied using small cubic root soil sampler through the "3D and at the meantime induced oxalic, malic, citric and succinic monolith" root space sampling method. The result indicated that acids efflux from roots. Besides, the aqueous solution of tea individual root length was significantly affected by planting pruning materials also lowered pH of collection solution, which density. In 0-50 cm soil layers (each layer was 10 cm), individual were closely linked with organic acids secretion changes, hinting roots length was decreased by 110.31, 43.18, 15.73, 10.49, and tea pruning materials may result in soil acidification. 17.45 m under high planting density compared to that under low Keywords: Camellia sinensis (L.); root exudates; tea pruning; planting density. Under the condition of high planting density, strip mineral uptake subsoiling increased individual roots length by 13.32%, 19.80%, 47.20% in 20-30, 30-40, and 40-50 cm soil layers, respectivelty, S5 0496-3490-201412002169 compared to no tillage. The effects of planting density were not Effects of Wheat Straw Returning and Potassium Fertilizer significant on population total root length, while significant on Application on Yield and Nutrients Uptake of Cotton. ZHANG spatial distribution of population root system. The root length Fan, SUI Ning, YU Chao-Ran, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, density around single plant centre was decreased by 3.82 cm cm-3, 2014, 40(12): 2169-2175. In Chinese. 0.62 cm cm-3 in 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm soil layers, while root length A three-year stationary experiment with treatments of wheat straw density between two plants was increased by 1.13, 0.18, 0.06, and (4500 kg ha-1 and 9000 kg ha-1) mulching and K fertilizer (150 kg -3 -1 -1 0.05 cm cm in 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 cm soil layers K2O ha and 300 kg K2O ha ) application was conducted using under high planting density compared to that under low planting insect-resistant cotton under wheat-cotton double cropping system density. Under the condition of high planting density, compared to in the Lower Reaches of River (Nanjing). The results no tillage, strip subsoiling decreased root length density around showed that compared with control (without K fertilizer and wheat single plant centre by 16.10% in 0-10 cm soil layer, while straw returning), total wheat straw returning significantly increased it by 47.45%, 13.37% in 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm soil layers. increased boll number, boll weight and lint yield of cotton with lint Meanwhile, strip subsoiling increased root length density between yield increasing rate of 143.5% and 93.7% in the second and third two plants by 50.26%, 30.72%, 106.15% in 20-30, 30-40, and years after straw returning, respectively. Biomass and nutrients 40-50 cm soil layers, respectively. The significant change of ab-sorption at different growth stages were significantly improved spatial distribution of population root system increased the index by total wheat straw returning, especially in the boll opening stage, 77 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 and the senescence of vegetative organs was delayed. Wheat straw the HGMR protein’s molecular weight is about 63.5 kD, IEP is 6.8, returning promoted K absorption much greater than N and P which located in mitochondria or endoplasmic reticulum absorption. Compared with control, total K uptake by cotton plant membrane. The study also showed expression degree of HGMR is and K uptake per 100 kg lint increased by 335.1% and 112.1% distinct in different cultivars, while it responded obviously to respectively in the third year after straw returning. The treatment biological and non-biological stress. of total wheat straw returning much promoted nutrients uptake, Keywords: tea plant; 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a yield, and delaying premature senescence than the treatment of reductase; gene clone; expression half wheat straw returning, while significantly less than the -1 treatment of 300 kg K2O ha . The yield-increasing effect was S5 0496-3490-201412002070 equal but the nutrients uptake per 100 kg lint was less in the Genetic Analysis and Fine Mapping of a Premature Leaf treatment of total wheat straw returning than in the treatment of Senescence Mutant in Rice (Orzya sativa L.). ZHANG Tao, SUN -1 150 kg K2O ha . Yu-Ying, ZHENG Jian-Min, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, Keywords: Wheat straw returning; K fertilizer; Cotton; Nutrients 40(12): 2070-2080. In Chinese. absorption; Yield Leaf senescence induces degradation of chlorophyll and other macromolecules, reducing leaf photosynthetic capacity. This S5 0496-3490-201412002090 process is accompanied by the accumulation of reactive oxygen Functional Characterization of the Glycoside Hydrolase species (ROS), the decreasing of cell antioxidant enzyme (SOD, Encoding Gene OsBE1 during Chloroplast Development in CAT, and APX) activity, and the increasing of aging related gene Oryza sativa. WANG Xing-Chun, WANG Min, JI Zhi-Juan, et al. (SAG) expression, leading in early maturity and yield reduction. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2090-2097. In Chinese. Therefore, studies on the genetic mechanism and gene function of Chloroplast plays an important role in plant carbohydrate premature senescence in rice, has the important effect and metabolism; however the function of carbohydrate metabolism in significance in genetic improvement of rice. PLS2 from space the chloroplast development is poorly understood. The Oryza radiation mutation breeding project showed leaf senility, at booting sativa Branching Enzyme 1 (OsBE1) gene, encoding a glycoside stage. Compared with the wild type, in PLS2 the photosynthetic hydrolase family 13 protein, was cloned from rice. The identity capacity decreased, the plant height, internode and panicle length between OsBE1 and Arabidopsis AtBE1 is 66%, but only 40% shortened, tiller and effective tiller number reduced, number of between OsBE1 and the classical starch branching enzymes in rice. grains per ear and seed setting rate were significantly lower, A T-DNA insertion mutant of OsBE1 gene was identified. The 1000-grain weight decreased, main panicle was stunted and seedlings of the osbe1 mutant《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 were albino, and died at the grain-filling was not full. CAT activity decreased significantly in three-leaf stage. This albino phenotype could not be rescued by leaves, H2O2 accumulated, and the number of dead cell increased, exogenous carbohydrate. Starch staining showed no obvious chloroplast structures in leaves were worse, with more starches difference in starch content between osbe1 and the wild type. grains and osmiophilic granules. Dark treatment accelerated Further studies showed that there were less chloroplasts in osbe1 mutant leaf senescence, chloroplast ultrastructure was mutant than in wild type, and there was no obvious stroma lamella spheroidized. Using implicit localization population derived from in the osbe1 chloroplast. The overexpression vector PLS2/Shuhui 527 and PLS2/02428 the pls2 was located between pCAMBIA1300-35S-OsBE1 was constructed and transformed markers RM14704 (8674283 bp) and SL-I-5 (8758394 bp) on into rice variety Zhonghua 11. Finally, 108 transgenic lines were chromosome 3, with physical distance of 84.11 kb, including 14 obtained and 77 lines of them showed etiolation in different genes in the interval. Sequencing result showed that C was degrees. The work not only sheds a novel insight into the replaced with T in the position of 41 base pair of the ninth extron regulation mechanism of carbohydrate metabolism on chloroplast of LOC_Os03g15840 leading to an exchange of Arg (R) is development, but also lays a foundation for further understanding replaced by Cys(C). LOC_Os03g15840 coding a glycosyl of the OsBE1's function. transferase (GTs) may be the candidate gene of pls2. These results Keywords: Glycoside hydrolase; Carbohydrate metabolism; provide a foundation for the further gene cloning and functional OsBE1; Chloroplast; Rice (Oryza sativa L.) analysis of pls2. Keywords: Leaf senescence; Chloroplast; Map-based cloning; S571.1;Q52 1000-369X-201406000583 Glycosyltransferase1 Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of HMGR in Tea Plant Roots. LI Yuanhua, LU Jianliang, FAN Fangyuan, et al. Journal of S5 0496-3490-201412002118 Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): 583-590. In Chinese. Genetic Diversity of Gulin-niupicha [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. By using SSH, the differences in gene expression of root system Kuntze] Germplasm Resources. LIU Shao-Jie, CHI Lin, XIE from Fuding Dabai tea infected by VA mycorrhiza were analyzed Wen-Gang, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): and diversity sequences were obtained. The sequence alignment 2118-2127. In Chinese. showed that the mentioned sequence contain 3-hydroxy-3- Gulin-niupicha (Camellia sinensis) is a tea landrace population methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase named HMGR. HGMR specifically grown in Jiaozigou, Gulin County, Province, full-length sequence was obtained by using RACE. The length of China. To protect and utilize Gulin-niupicha resources effectively, HGMR gene is 2420 bp, with 1773 bp ORF (163rd-1935th), and the we investigated the morphologic characteristics, biochemical sequence encoded 590 amino acids. Bioinformatics indicated that components, and genetic diversity based on inter-simple sequence 78 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts repeat (ISSR) markers by sampling 76 individuals from seven The mtDNA COI genes of 84 samples from 12 populations of tea populations of Gulin-niupicha germplasm. The results showed that: green leafhopper Empoasca vitis (Göthe) and 62 samples from (1) there were various biological characteristics among the seven three leafhopper outgroups of Empoasca flavescens, Erythroneura populations. Importantly, a majority of Gulin-niupicha were shrubs apicalis and Erythroneura sudra were cloned and sequenced, and or semi-arbor. Their mature leaves were medium in size, elliptic or their genetic structure and phylogeny were bioinformatically oblong in shape, and in green or dark green color; while the young analyzed. Results showed that the genetic distances among 12 tea shoots showed more colors varying form whitish, yellow green, green leafhopper populations were 0.5%-1.2%, which were all less green or purple green. (2) In the seven populations, two had high than the species boundary of 2%, and the obvious genetic contents of free amino acids (>4.5%) and two had both high differentiation was not elemonstrated. The ML phylogmetic tree contents of tea polyphenols (>27% in spring shoots and >31% in also showed that E. vitis was no priority within-population. The summer shoots) and catechins (>150 mg g-1 in spring shoots and genetic distances between E. vitis and other outgroup leafhopper >190 mg g-1 in summer shoots). The ratio of polyphenols-to-free were 14.8%-24.5%, and E. flavescens showed the closest amino acids ranged from 3.84 to 16.95 in the seven populations. relationship with E. vitis while E. sudra was the most distant The results of biochemical component measurements indicated species to E. vitis. The phylogenetic tree based on ML method also that the Gulin-niupicha germplasm resources are of great value in showed the leafhoppers from tea and grape were one group while tea tree breeding and tea processing. (3) A total of 135 fragments peach leafhopper was another divergent group. The genetic were amplified in the 76 accessions using 15 pairs of ISSR distance and phylogenetic relationship of tea leafhopper were primers, in which 90.4% (122/135) were polymorphic bands. The revealed by using mtDNA COI biomarker, which provided the genetic diversity of the Gulin-niupicha germplasm revealed by foundation for exploring its origin and adaptive mechanism in tea ISSR markers was low, with the Nei's gene diversity index of plantation. 0.254 and Shannon's information index of 0.392. Keywords: Empoasca vitis; mtDNA COI; genetic distance; Keywords: Gulin-niupicha (Camellia sinensis L.); Germplasm phylogeny resources; Genetic diversity; ISSR S5 0496-3490-201412002160 S5 0496-3490-201412002098 Plant-type Characteristics in Populations with Different Yield Identification and Genetic Analysis of Photoperiod Insensitive of Yongyou 12. WEI Huan-He, LI Chao, ZHANG Hong-Cheng, et Materials in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus). ZHANG Li-Wu, al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2160-2168. In Chinese. HUANG Zhi-Miao, WAN Xue-Bei, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, Using indica-japonica super rice Yongyou 12, we compared the 2014, 40(12): 2098-2103. In Chinese.《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 plant-type characteristics among three types of populations (high Flowering stage is one of the key factors affecting fiber yield and yield: 10.5-12.0 t ha-1; higher yield: 12.0-13.5 t ha-1; super-high quality in kenaf. In this study, photoperiod response sensitivity of yield: >13.5 t ha-1). The main results indicated that in super-high six newly bred kenaf lines was identified via different sowing time. yield population, the mean values of panicle length, total grains The results showed that photoperiod response sensitivity of per spike, number of the primary and secondary rachises were various lines ranged from 36.0% to 56.2%. Among them, Zanyin 1 21.56, 356.34, 20.46, and 73.98, respectively, being higher than was insensitive one to photoperiod response (36.0%) while those in the high and higher yield populations. However, the Fuhong 952B was sensitive (56.2%) one. To uncover the genetic seed-setting rate in the primary and secondary rachises showed basis of flowering stage under the condition of natural short day, slight reduction. Super-high yield population had longer length, we further used the joint segregation analysis of four populations larger width and higher rolling rate, smaller leaf basic angle and

(P1, P2, F1, and F2) in a cross of Zanyin 1 Fuhong 952B. The dropping angle, more green leaves after heading for the top-most analysis of F1 and reciprocal F1 revealed that flowering stage was three leaves in comparison with the other two populations. controlled by nuclear genes instead of cytoplasmic genes, and the Compared with the other two populations, super-high yield photoperiod response sensitivity genotype was almost completely population had higher plant height, longer length of top three dominant. Flowering stage is best described by the D-1 genetic internodes, higher ratio of sum of panicle and neck internode to model, a case of one additive-dominance major gene as well as plant height 39.84% and ratio of neck internode to stalk length additive-dominance-epistasis polygenes. The additive effect of the 37.75%. The decreased length of basal three internodes, increased major gene was 8.2 days. And heritability of the major gene was culm diameter, culm wall thickness and dry weight of culm and 80.2%. These findings will facilitate breeding strategies for the sheath made higher anti-broken strength and lower lodging index improvement of photoperiodic insensitive germplasm as well as in super-high yield population. the major gene mapping in kenaf. Keywords: Yongyou 12; Super-high yielding; Plant-type Keywords: Kenaf; Flowering stage; Photoperiod insensitivity; characteristics Genetic analysis S5 0496-3490-201412002149 S571.1;S435.711 1000-369X-201406000601 Population Characteristics for Super-high Yielding Hybrid Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Tea Green Leafhopper Rice Yongyou 12 (>13.5 t ha-1). WANG Xiao-Yan, WEI Huan-He, (Empoasca vitis) Based on mtDNA COI Sequences. FU Jianyu, ZHANG Hong-Cheng, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, LI Le, YUAN Zhijun, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): 40(12): 2149-2159. In Chinese. 601-608. In Chinese. Using indica-japonica super rice Yongyou 12, by transplanting 79 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 seedlings with tillers at the age of four leaves with one leaf bud efficient than yeast one-hybrid system in screening the and applying super sparse cultivation technology, we compared DNA-binding proteins whose DNA-binding capability is affected and studied grain yield and its components, tiller dynamic, leaf by endogenous yeast factors. In this study, we modified the pYD1 area dynamic and accumulation dynamic of dry matter in three vector in yeast surface display system to make it compatible with types of populations (high yield: 10.5-12.0 t ha-1; higher yield: the Smart cDNA library construction kit from Clontech, which 12.0-13.5 t ha-1; super-high yield: >13.5 t ha-1). The results showed will be helpful to increase the library construction efficiency. An that super-high yielding rice had more population spikelets, and experimental procedure for DNA-binding protein isolation was slightly lower seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight than high established using the modified yeast surface display system. Then, yielding and higher yielding rice. Compared with high yielding it was successfully applied in screening DNA-binding proteins of and higher yielding rice, super-high yielding rice showed more a jasmonate (JA) responsive element in the promoter of tobacco number of stems and tillers at transplanting stage and achieved the PMT (putrescine N-methyltransferase) gene. Among the isolated expected number of stems and tillers at the critical leaf-age for genes, two encoded ERF transcription factors, which were found productive tillers. During jointing stage the number of stems and to bind the JA responsive element in PMT promoter in vitro but tillers increased steadily and up to the maximum with a panicle unable to activate the expression of reporters in yeast-one-hybrid rate of nearly 60%. The leaf area index of super-high yielding rice system. Our study suggests that yeast surface display system is was relatively smaller at the early stage and the maximum of 9.17 efficient in screening the DNA-binding proteins whose at booting stage, and then slowly declined to more than 4.0 at DNA-binding capability in yeast-one-hybrid system is disrupted maturity; the dry matter weight was relatively smaller at jointing by endogenous factors. stage and then the highest at each phase of the super-high yielding Keywords: Yeast surface display; Smart cDNA Library; rice, which was 14.38 t ha-1 at heading stage, 9.73 t ha-1 from DNA-binding protein; Yeast one-hybrid; PMT gene heading to maturity stage, and 24.11 t ha-1 at maturity stage. The root dry weight, ratio of root to shoot and root bleeding intensity S5 0496-3490-201412002192 per stem of the super-high yielding rice population were all the Sequence Characteristics and Expression of NAD-malic highest from heading to maturity stages. enzyme in Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. -Feng, NIE Keywords: Yongyou 12; Super-high yielding; Population Jiang-Ting, ZHANG Zhong-Liang, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, characteristics 2014, 40(12): 2192-2197. In Chinese. The NAD(P)-malic enzyme (NAD(P)-ME) found in many S571.1;S435.711 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 1000-369X-201406000541 metabolic pathways catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of Research of Resistance Mechanism to Ectropis oblique by Tea L-malate, which results in producing pyruvate, CO2 and NAD(P)H. Plant. WANG Dan, CHEN Liang. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, In C4 plants, NAD(P)-ME plays a key role in photosynthetic 34(6): 541-547. In Chinese. carbon fixation. This study was aimed to characterize the

Ectropis oblique (Prout) seriously damages tea plant and reduces AhNAD-ME in dicotyledonous C4 Amaranthus hypochondriacus tea quality. It is well documented that different tea cultivars by sequence analysis, examine the expression patterns of [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] have diverse and complicated AhNAD-ME gene in different tissues and different durations of responds to the feeding stress caused by E. oblique. So to illumination time, and construct a recombinant plasmid pEASY-E1 investigate the mechanisms of resistance to E. oblique by tea plant harboring the AhNAD-ME cDNA and then transform the plasmid is of great importance for identifying resistance level of tea into E. coli Transette (DE3) for prokaryotic expression after IPTG cultivars, exploring tolerant genetic resources against insects and induction. The result showed that AhNAD-ME contains all of the creating new insect-resistance materials. The damage situation motifs required for a complete and functional malic enzyme and is caused by E. oblique was firstly described, then the new localized specifically to the mitochondrial matrix. Semi- achievements related to resistance mechanism to E. oblique by tea quantitative RT-PCR results showed that AhNAD-ME was plant were summarized, and some problems in this field were constitutively expressed in all examined tissues, with different pointed out, and the current research trends and prospects were expression levels, and strongly up-regulated under light in the leaf analyzed. and stem. Results of SDS-PAGE demonstrated that the specific Keywords: tea plant; Ectropis oblique; resistance mechanism fusion protein with an expected molecular weight was successfully expressed in E. coli transette (DE3) induced by IPTG. S5 0496-3490-201412002081 Keywords: Amaranthus hypochondriacus; AhNAD-ME; Sequence Screening of Promoter-Binding Factors of Tobacco PMT Gene characteristics; Expression pattern; Prokaryotic expression Using a Modi-fied Yeast Surface Display System. CHEN Hong, NIU Hai-Xia, WANG Wen-Jing, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, S511.024;S511.0351 1001-7216-201405000487 2014, 40(12): 2081-2089. In Chinese. Stability Analysis of Rice Yield Related Traits of Varieties Yeast surface display system is an important tool for studying Derived from Huanghuazhan and It Parents. ZHANG Fen-yun, molecular interaction of proteins, however, its application in LI Hong, WANG Chong-rong, et al. Chimese Journal of Rice DNA-binding-protein screening is relatively limited. Yeast surface Science, 2014, 28(5): 487-495. In Chinese. display system secretes exogenous proteins onto cell surface, thus, In order to illuminate the difference in yield stability for different it could be applied to determine protein interaction under varieties, yield stability was analyzed with varieties derived from in-vitro-like experiment conditions. Therefore, it may be more Huanghuazhan and their parents as materials based on 17 80 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts yield-related traits for four consecutive seasons in two years by identified in Ae. tauschii, which were distributed on seven using the Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interactions chromosomes of Ae. tauschii genome. Twenty Aux/IAA genes (AMMI) model. The results showed that rice yield greatly changed share four conserved amino acid sequence motifs and five were in the four environments, ranging from 2.21% to 19.45%. The mapped on the same locus with known markers. AetIAA3, yield stability and yield-related traits stability were variety- AetIAA11, and AetIAA26 were specifically expressed in pistil, seed dependent, with the highest yield stability in Feng'aizhan and the and root of Ae. tauschii, respectively. Eleven pairs of Ae. lowest in 36. Grain width and top leaf width, with tauschii-Triticum urartu and five pairs of Ae. tauschii-Hordeum stability coefficients of 0.043 and 0.049, showed the highest vulgare Aux/IAA proteins were orthologous in the phylogenetic stability, followed by rice yield (with the stability coefficient of tree. Collinearity analysis indicated Aux/IAA genes showed a 0.178) and spikelet number per panicle (with stability coefficient higher synteny between Ae. tauschii and two other species of 0.935). Pedigree analysis showed that: the introduction of (Brachypodium distachyon and Oryza stativa). The Aux/IAA genes Changsizhan improved yield stability significantly. With changing isolated can not only be applied in genetic improvement of breeding objectives, the stability index decreased until the common wheat but also provide basic information in further introduction of Molisimao. The excellent germplasm resources research of Aux/IAA genes in wheat. would contribute to new rice variesty breeding with high stability Keywords: Aegilops tauschii; Auxin; Aux/IAA gene family; of yield and yield related traits, thus promoting high and stable Chromosome location; Bioinformatics yielding rice breeding. Keywords: rice; yield related traits; stability Plant Protection

S511.024;S511.2+2 1001-7216-201405000496 S435.111.4+2;S511.034 1001-7216-201405000479 Structure Analysis of High-yielding Rice Varieties and Their Breeding Potential and Interaction Effects of qSB-9TQ and Derived Lines Bred by Shenyang Agricultural University. TAC1TQ in Rice Breeding Against Sheath Blight Disease. CHEN YANG Xian-li, WANG Jia-yu, LIU Dan, et al. Chimese Journal of Zong-xiang, ZUO Shi-min, ZHANG Ya-fang, et al. Chimese Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 496-502. In Chinese. Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 479-486. In Chinese. Six high-yield varieties (Shennong 265, Shennong 606, Shennong Through marker assisted selection (MAS), four isogenic lines 9741, Qianchonglang 1, Shennong 9903, Shennong 9816) and 570 were obtained, which contained both genes qSB-9TQ (quantitative inbred lines were used as materials to analyze the utilization of resistance to sheath blight) and TAC1TQ (tiller angle control gene), seven cloned yield-related functional gene (DEP1, GS5, qSW5, either of them, and none of them in each background of two Gn1a, qGW8, GS3 and GW2) and《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 the contribution of indica blood japonica varieties (Zhenjing 88 and Wulingjing 1). The agronomic in the japonica rice breeding of Liaoning Province. The results traits, yield related components and sheath blight (SB) disease showed that allelic variations were detected from all of the severity of different lines were investigated under three different functional gene loci except for GW2. The loci of DEP1, qSW5 and favorable disease conditions, slight, moderate and severe. Results qGW8 were widely used in japonica rice breeding by the breeders showed that: 1) In the same background, the lines harboring at Shenyang Agricultural University. In the 570 inbred lines, 467 TAC1TQ showed significantly larger tiller angle than that of lines lines (82.13% of the lines) contained DEP1, 550 lines (96.5% of without this gene, but presenting a consistent phenotype on other the lines) contained qSW5, and 351 lines (61.6% of the lines) agronomic traits. 2) The average SB ratings of the lines showed contained qGW8. The functional alleles of GS5, Gn1a and GS3 significant difference among different favorable disease conditions; were also present in a small number of lines, and the rates were in slight disease conditions, the four lines showed similar SB 5.44%, 0.70% and 1.05%, respectively. The results of the analysis ratings with no significant difference, however, in moderate with 32 indica-japonica specific markers showed that disease conditions, the lines contained both genes showed indica-japonica differentiation on these sites existed in 54.0% of significantly lower SB ratings than that of the control; in severe the lines. Most of the indica genetic loci were located on disease conditions, the lines with both genes and with qSB-9TQ chromosome 5, with a percentage of 20.8%. alone all showed significantly lower SB ratings than that of the Keywords: functional gene; genetic structure; indica genotype control, while the lines with TAC1TQ alone had lower SB ratings frequency than that of the control, too, which further confirmed the contribution of qSB-9TQ to SB resistance; the negative interaction S5 0496-3490-201412002059 between TAC1TQ and qSB-9TQ on SB resistance was found. 3) In Whole-Genome Sequence Isolation, Chromosome Location, the same disease condition, the lines with different combinations and Characteriza-tion of Primary Auxin-Responsive Aux/IAA of TAC1TQ and qSB-9TQ did not show significant difference on Gene Family in Aegilops tauschii. QIAO Lin-Yi, LI Xin, yield related components; along with the increasing SB ratings, the CHANG Zhi-Jian, et al. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): plant yield, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight of all lines 2059-2069. In Chinese. declined; the yield per plant of the four lines in severe disease Auxin, as one of the most important hormones, plays a key role in conditions were all significantly reduced compared to those in many processes of plant development. The Aux/IAA family slight disease conditions, and among them the control lines contains important early auxin response genes. A genome-wide suffered from the biggest yield decline. Although the potential of research of Aux/IAA genes in Aegilops tauschii was carried out TAC1TQ in japonica rice breeding needs further estimation, using bioinformatic method. In this study, 28 Aux/IAA genes were introducing both genes TAC1TQ and qSB-9TQ is benefit to enhance 81 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 rice SB resistance. respectively. Finally,we also discussed the factors that influence Keywords: marker-assisted selection; sheath blight; tiller angle; yield the accuracy of the inversion of element abundances. Keywords: quantitative inversion; elemental abundance; X-ray Astronomy and Earth Science spectrometer; Chang'E-2; Oceanus Procellarum; Moon

Astronomy P184 1005-2321-201406000031 Lunar geological spatial data management system based on 3D P184.5 1005-2321-201406000038 WebGIS. WANG Xiang, CHEN Jianping, FAN Haiming, et al. Crater size-frequency distribution measurements and the Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 31-37. In Chinese. secondary craters features of lunar high-lands. LI Yanqiu, With the rapid development of spatial information technology, CHEN Shengbo, GUO Pengju, et al. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, earth science information technology and GIS technology, a spatial 21(6): 38-44. In Chinese. database management WebGIS system based on lunar Crater size-frequency distribution is a powerful method for multi-source geologic material (2D and 3D) is established with QT estimating the age of a planet's surface, including the cumulative and Open GRL technology. The system contains three sub-systems, size-frequency distribution method and the relative size-frequency the 2D research result managing sub-system, the research result distribution one. According to the diameter range of craters, three publishing sub-system and the 3D lunar research data sub-system, chronology functional expressions are available for calculating the which can improve the utilizing efficiency of lunar information. geologic age of stratigraphic units, including Melosh and Vickery The latest research results of the Chinese lunar exploration 1989 (>4 km craters), Neukum 1983(>1 km craters), and LI Kun program, including topography, rock, soil, resources, environment et al 2012(<1 km craters). The SELENE TC data are used to and other relevant data, as well as foreign research documents, interpret the Apollo 14 and Apollo 16 landing sites areas owing to articles and reports, are integrated to establish this Chinese first their high spatial resolution (10 m/pixel). Thus, a crater numbering lunar geologic data information system. The system contains criteria and new chronology functional expressions are built by the management functions (data management, data consolidation and real isotope ages surrounding Apollo 14 and Apollo 16 landing integration) and service functions for research and decision- sites areas. By comparison, it shows that the algorithm with larger making. It can realize classification management, rapid retrieval than 1 km craters by Neukum 1983, performs better than the and online query, in addition, it has a strong comprehensive data others. The influences of age uncertainty, degradation and analysis capability and provides a strong support for Chinese lunar secondary impact craters have been analyzed. exploration program. Keywords: crater size frequency《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 distribution; SELENE TC data; Keywords: lunar probe program; 3D-WebGIS; management geology interpretation; age; degradation craters; secondary craters system; lunar geology

P184.5 1005-2321-201406000062 P184 1005-2321-201406000074 Element abundances in Oceanus Procellarum: Data analysis of Reflectance spectroscopy of the Moon and its application. WU Chang'E-2 X-ray spectrometry. BAN Chao, ZHENG Yongchun, Yunzhao. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 74-87. In Chinese. ZHANG Feng, et al. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 62-73. Reflectance spectroscopy plays an important role in the In Chinese. exploration of the Moon and planets. The payloads using the Element abundances of lunar surface material is one of the reflectance spectroscopy technology have been onboard almost all important clues to study the geologic history of the Moon. China's the missions except for some very few missions with special Chang'E-2 (CE-2) lunar orbiter carried an X-ray spectrometer objects. This paper firstly briefly introduces the principles of (XRS) to map the element abundances on the lunar surface. reflectance and its research domain. Then two examples describing During seven months XRS observation to the lunar surface, the application of the reflectance spectroscopy are shown. The first several events of solar flares occurred. The X-ray solar monitor one shows the elements, spectra, and separation of basaltic units onboard recorded simultaneous spectra of solar X-ray. In this using reflectance spectroscopy. The second example shows the paper, the XRS data obtained during an M solar flare event mineral diversity of the Imbrium region derived from the Moon occurred on Feb. 16, 2011 are selected for quantitative inversion of Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data. The calibration of the instruments, the element abundances, and the contents of Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Fe quantitation of minerals and the mechanism dominating and in Oceanus Procellarum region on the nearside of the moon are altering the absorption are the key fields deserving of study in the presented. The comparison of the element contents from six future. The highland exhibits a mafic character and is dominated regions found that from south northwards, the Si content along the by the noritic composition. Imbrium has both the oldest and the orbital track is increasing. It might reflect the different youngest basalts of the Moon, suggesting the geologic diversity of composition of the erupted lavas during the filling history of the this area. Mafic mineralogy of the basalts is characterized by maria basins. The region Ⅱ has higher Fe content than the other abundant olivine in the late-stage Eratosthenian basalts and five regions. However, the Ca, Mg, and Al contents are lower than pigeonite to sub-calcic augite in Imbrian units, suggesting those from the other 5 regions. It suggests that the surface material Ca-depletion of the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) compared in the region Ⅱ is the least contaminated by the highland material. to non-PKT. The average abundances of the elements obtained in Oceanus Keywords: reflectance spectroscopy; Moon; M3; Imbrium Procellarum are Mg 7.3%, Al 8.4%, Si 15.8%, Ca 6.0%, Fe 18.6%, 82 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts P184.62 1005-2321-201406000019 The dating methods of relative age and absolute age of lunar The lunar digital geological mapping based on ArcGIS: Taking stratigraphic units are summarized. There are four ways to the Arctic region as an example. DING Xiaozhong, WANG establish the relative age: the geological law of superposition, Liang, HAN Kunying, et al. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): crater size-frequency distribution, crater morphology as 19-30. In Chinese. degradation, and soil maturity, whereas the absolute age can be The lunar digital geological mapping is based on the data, which determined only by isotopic geochronology or lunar cratering includes the Chang'E-1 (CE-1) CCD3C image data, interference chronology. To better know about the lunar stratigraphic imaging spectrometer(IIM) data, laser altimeter (LAM) data, subdivisions presently used, the formation and evolution of the Chang'E-2 (CE-2) CCD3C image data as well as other lunar stratigraphic units are reviewed here. Based on the analysis of the geological data to study the material compositions of the lunar established lunar stratigraphic subdivisions and lunar evolution surface, structures elements and the information of geochronology, theory, we suggest that use the term Eolunarisian Eon for to compile the lunar geological map and to establish spatial representation of the lunar history when endogenic process database of the moon by using the ArcGIS platform and dominated, that use the term Paleolunarisian Eon for the lunar Geodatabase model. In this paper, taking the Arctic region as an history when endogenic process and exogenic process were both example, we have made the standard, process, method and legend weighty, and that use the term Neolunarisian Eon for the lunar for the lunar geological mapping, preliminarily complied the history when exogenic process dominated. And we propose that geological map of the Lunar Arctic Region (YQ-1) at a scale of the pre-Nectarian Period could be substituted by pre-Aitkenian 1:2.5M and established the spatial database, which have laid the Period and Aitkenian Period, and the two periods are divided by foundation for the geological comprehensive study of the moon, the impact event forming south pole-aitken basin. The the geological mapping of the global moon, and also the pre-Aitkenian Period was included in Eolunarisian Eon, while the geological mapping of other celestial bodies in the future. Aitken Period represents the early stage of Paleolunarisian Eon, Keywords: digital geological mapping; ArcGIS; Geodatabase; during which the impact event was the most typical geologic lunar Arctic region process. This kind of modified subdivisions not only corresponds to the lunar dynamic evolvement rule, but also provides P184.62 1005-2321-201406000007 convenience for the study of lunar farside. The lunar geological mapping based on Chang'e data: Keywords: geochronology; stratigraphic unit; south pole-aitken Serenitatis-Tranquillitatis area as an example. CHEN Jianping, basin; the Aitkenian Period WANG Xiang, , et al. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 7-18. In Chinese. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅P184.1;P184.62 1005-2321-201406000001 The geological map of the moon, also known as the geological The origin and evolution of the Moon and its geological map of the lunar surface or the lunar surface geological zoning mapping. OUYANG Ziyuan, LIU Jianzhong. Earth Science map, shows the characteristics of the distribution of different kinds Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): 1-6. In Chinese. of matter in the lunar surface in different periods. Mapping the According to the Giant Impact hypothesis, the Moon was born lunar maps and atlases is one of the most important works of lunar from a great impact event, during which the ejected material was exploration and scientific research. Through full analysis of the splashed to the earth orbit and then accreted to form the Moon. first lunar geological map finished 50 years ago and the recently The original lunar core and mantle differentiated rapidly, and the completed Sinus Tridum, Copernicus geological map,and using global molten magma resulted in the formation of the lunar Chang'e ⅠⅡ , CCD data, and digital elevation, IIM and LRO magma ocean, which evolved into the lunar crust by crystallization data,we selected Serenitatis-Tranquillitatis area as the study area differentiation and solidification. The impact event was the most and completed the first Serenitatis-Tranquillitatis area lunar important geological process in the following lunar history, and a geological map, in which the geological background, structure large number of craters and basins of different sizes came into type, stratigraphic age, material unit, basin structure, pyroclastic being in different periods. Especially, the greatest basins were all distribution, and basalt thickness are the main elements. We produced in the early history of the Moon. Lunar map is an developed a systematic mapping engineering plan, combined with important tool to study the origin and evolution of the Moon. The domestic technical standards and specifications of digital first series of lunar maps were completed during 1960s to 1970s, geological mapping and established our own lunar and planetary which summarized the achievements in the Apollo age. The geological mapping standards, specifications and mapping second lunar exploration upsurge started from 1990s, and a large processes. The experience can be extended to geological mapping number of new findings about the lunar origin and evolution have of Mars and Venus as the technical foundation. been discovered. However, never has a lunar geological map been Keywords: geological map; Serenitatis-Tranquillitatis area; published. This condition makes it very urgent to carry out a new Chang'e; Sinus Iridum lunar mapping plan to conclude the exploration and study results in the post-Apollo age. In this lunar mapping plan, much more P184 1005-2321-201406000045 attention should be paid to the scale, the subdivisions of lunar The methods of lunar geochronology study and the geochronology, and the expression of lunar tectonic and geological subdivisions of lunar geologic history. GUO Dijun, LIU formation. Jianzhong, ZHANG Li, et al. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, 21(6): Keywords: Moon; origin and evolution; the geological map 45-61. In Chinese. 83 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 P185.83;P597;P595 1005-2321-201406000092 Keywords: 3D geological modeling; COMSOL Multiphysics; The petrography, mineral chemistry and classification of 6 Kriging interpolation method; mine new desert meteorites collected from Xinjiang. DAI Deqiu, YANG Rongfeng, CHEN Xinyue. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014, P67 1000-2383-201411001517 21(6): 92-101. In Chinese. Abnormal Sedimentary Events and Gas Hydrate Dissociation Meteorite samples can be better preserved in Antarctic ice sheet and in Dongsha Area of the South China Sea during Last Glacial arid desert regions. Forty-seven desert meteorites were collected Period. Chen Fang, Zhuang Chang, Zhang Guangxue, et al. Earth from Xinjiang during the meteorite expedition since April to May, Science-Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): 2013. Petrography and mineral chemistry of the 6 samples of them 1517-1526. In Chinese. have been studied, in order to determine their chemical-petrographic Core 973-3 is located at the potential gas hydrate area on the slope types. Modal compositions of the Arlatager 004, 006, 0014, 0022 within Dongsha area of the South China Sea, with the water depth and TuzLeik001 meteorites are similar, mainly consisting of olivine, of 1 026 m. According to the sedimentology, chronology, isotope low-Ca pyroxene, metallic Fe-Ni and troilite. Due to intensive and B/Ca ratio of the foraminiferal tests, carbonate and pyrite thermal metamorphism the spherulitic textures in the chondrules are content, the light δ13C values of planktonic Globigerinoides ruber poorly defined, with only a few fragments remaining spherulitic. and benthic Uvigerina peregrine are found in several core layers The olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in these meteorites are similar in with the most negative value of -2.03‰. In the δ13C distinctly 2- composition, which in some degree reflects the thermodynamic depleted layers, the concentration of environmental [CO3 ] is equilibrium during their development. According to the structures of relatively low, and the pyrites are abundant up to 17%, which chondrules and mineral chemistry there are 5 petrographic types to indicates abnormal seepage of methane. Below the δ13C depleted be classified. The four meteorite samples (Arlatager 004, 006, 0014 layers, the carbonate intensely dissolves, and its content decreases and 0022) are classified into chemical group L, and TuzLeik001 is to the bottom. It suggests that it has probably been caused by the classified into chemical group H. Kumtag005 meteorite sample gas hydrate dissociation. The seepage and anaerobic oxidation of shows typical spherulitic texture, combined with its Fa value in methane resulted from the dissociation and release of gas hydrates olivine and ferrosilite content (Fs) in low Ca pyroxene and its is the primary reason of the depleted δ13C values of foraminiferal petrographical features,it is assigned to common chondrite of L3 tests, carbonate dissolution and the deposits of enormous pyrites. type. Based on Percent Mean Deviation (PMD) of Fa content of Methane release events occurred in the last glacial period, which olivine and its correction with petrographic subtype of unequili- implies that the descending sea level induced the gas hydrate brated meteorites, Kumtag005 is subdivided as L3.4. The 6 samples dissociation. According to the δ13C depleted record of of meteorites belong to 3 chemical《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 groups, combining the other foraminiferas, it is concluded that there were at least four times analytical results of meteorites collected from this region, it is release events of methane, and their intensities were almost at the suggested that the desert of Hami in Xinjiang is likely a new same level. meteorite-enriched region. The collection and study of desert Keywords: gas hydrate dissociation; depleted δ13C; carbonate meteorite will help to promote the development of meteoritics and dissolution; last glacial period; Dongsha slope; marine geology cosmochemistry in China. Keywords: desert meteorite; petrography; mineral chemistry; P618.13 1001-1986-201406000029 classification; Xinjiang Analysis of the Ccoal bed methane enrichment regularities and controlling factors in Bowen-Surat basin, Australia. LI Zhihua, Geology LI Shengli, YU Xinghe, et al. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 29-33. In Chinese. P628 1001-1986-201406000014 Bowen-Surat Basin is a superimposed rifting basin located in the 3D geological modeling method based on COMSOL eastern Australian and the largest CBM basins in Australia. The Multiphysics. ZHANG Liang, YAO Leihua, WANG Yingdong. paper, through a comprehensive analysis of petroleum geology Coal Geology & Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 14-19. In Chinese. methods, summarizes Bowen-Surat basin pPetroleum geology 3D geological modeling makes a great contribution to the fields of characteristics, and then analyzes CBM enrichment regularities. In geology, mine and underground construction, which contains the the plane Planarly CBM is enriched in the Taroom trough and advantages of being visual, vivid and convenient. COMSOL Chinchilla-Goondiwindi slopes, vertically enriched in Permian Multiphysics has some ability of 3D geological modeling as a Blackwater Group and Jurassic Walloon coal measures. Aiming at software of coupled simulation of multi-physics. This paper fully the planar and vertical distribution regularities of CBM reservoirs, excavated the potential of COMSOL Multiphysics, and tried to combining with sedimentary system, gas source rock, coal rank, establish a 3D geological model of one mine in by the porosity, permeability and other factors and making the correlation software with Kriging interpolation method, finally realized the analysis, the paper concluded that there are eight main factors operations such as scaling, rotation, translation of the geological controlling the distribution of CBM reservoirs, i.e., sedimentary model, generated the geological profile, section and perspective, control, distribution range controlled by gas source rock, coal rank, showed the internal details of geological model. It's proved that depth, porosity and permeability, horizon controlled by structure COMSOL Multiphysics can build 3D geological model, and 3D confining. geological modeling has good value in the fields of geological Keywords: Bowen-Surat basin; CBM; enrichment regularities; interpretation, mineral assessment and multi-physics solving. major controlling factors 84 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts P618.13 1001-1986-201406000034 Deformed Coal and Indigenous Coal in Pingdingshan Mining Analysis on parameter sensibility during isothermal adsorption Area, China. Guo Deyong, Li Chunjiao, Zhang Youyi. Earth experiment of coal reservoir. MA Xingzhi, SONG Yan, LIU Science-Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): Shaobo, et al. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 34-39. In 1500-1506. In Chinese. Chinese. Taking the simulation of indigenous coal and tectonically Volumetric adsorption experiment is the primary method to deformed coal in Pingdingshan coal district as the research object, determine the adsorption capability and gas content of coal porosity and permeability of different coal samples under different reservoirs. Reference cylinder volume V1, free volume V2 in factors are determined in this paper. The variation trend of porosity sample cylinder and pressure gauge precision were identified as and permeability under different factors is analyzed. The the key factors influencing adsorption experiment. To understand experimental results show that four factors analyzed have how the parameters impact isotherm adsorption experiment results significant impact on both porosity and permeability of coal. The and improve the precision of the experiment, in this paper, stability effect of confining pressure is greater than temperature when analysis and accuracy analysis were performed for adsorption confining pressure and temperature work together. And part of experiment according to Boyle's law. Based on the established experiment data are fitted by the Origin software, concluding with models, the adsorption experiments are simulated by Matlab the function relationship of porosity and permeability of coal. software. The result shows that the stability and the accuracy of Keywords: porosity; permeability; confining pressure; temperature; experiment are controlled by V1, V2, pressure gauge precision and moisture; tectonically deformed coal reference cylinder volume. The higher pressure gauge precision, the more stable and precise adsorption experiment is. When the P618.111 1000-2383-201411001507 pressure gauge precision is fixed, only V1 and V2 are smaller and Control Mechanism of Buried Depth and In-Situ Stress for satisfy certain conditions which have been simulated can the Coal Reservoir Permeability in Western . Xu Hongjie, experiment achieve good stability and precision. Comparative Sang Shuxun, Yi Tongsheng, et al. Earth Science-Journal of China isothermal adsorption experiment was conducted on medium rank University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): 1507-1516. In Chinese. coal from Hancheng area in the eastern Ordos basin by using the Based on geological analysis of data of 16 testing wells in the results obtained from optimization. Result indicates that the Liupanshui and Zhina coalfields, the spatial distribution of coal quality of adsorption results is improved, the maximum adsorption reservoir permeability and characteristics of in-situ stress in the difference is 1.45 cm3/g, far less than 5.27 cm3/g from the western Guizhou are discussed, and the control mechanism of experiment not optimized by models. buried depth and in-situ stress for coal reservoir permeability is Keywords: adsorption; coal reservoir;《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Boyle's law; volumetric obtained in this study. It is shown that the coal reservoirs have the adsorption experiment; sensitivity analysis characteristic of ultra-low and low permeability (<0.1×10-9 m2), and the permeability of coal reservoir with 0.1×10-9-1.0×10-9 m2 P631.2+21 1000-7857-201431000075 has considerably large proportion. The type of in-situ stress field is Application of Curvature Gradient Tensor Matrix in Magnetic gradually undergoing a possible change from dynamic field in Anomaly of Burnt Coal Area. YAN Jianbo, ZHOU Wenna. shallow layer to hydrostatic pressure field in deep layer. It has a Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): 75-79. In Chinese. negative power exponent relationship of coal reservoir This paper introduces the curvature gradient tensor matrix (CGTM) permeability and buried depth, but the change of permeability is in method to identify the edge of burnt coal areas more accurately accordance with in-situ stress field changed. The permeability of and to interpret the magnetic anomaly in more detail. The coal reservoir varies in different testing wells, decreasing with the characteristics of CGTM of the magnetic anomaly in the burnt increased in-situ stress and depth, and its spatial distribution has a coal areas are discussed and analyzed. The characteristics indicate law of "low-high-low" from SW to NE for the intensity of the that the larger and smaller eigenvalues of CGTM can be used to stress controlled. The role of coal depth to permeability is identify the burnt coal areas and normal areas of the coalfield. In supposed to be the in-situ stress in action essentially. The main the model tests, the Theta map and vertical derivative edge control mechanism of coal permeability difference is that the pore detection methods were compared with the CGTM. The results and fracture tend to compress or close caused by the deformation demonstrate that the CGTM method is superior in edge detection and fragmentation of coal reservoirs under the influence of high of geological sources. The effectiveness of the method was also in-situ stress in regional tectonic location of study area. demonstrated. Finally, the method was applied to interpretation of Keywords: western Guizhou; coal reservoir; permeability; buried the magnetic anomaly of Wuda coalfield. The results obtained by depth; in-situ stress; control mechanism; energy geology CGTM method had good agreement with other known geological data. It shows that the method could accurately and effectively P618.11 1001-1986-201406000008 identify the edge of coalfield fire areas and normal areas, and is Effects of igneous intrusions on texture and quality of coal useful for interpreting the magnetic anomaly of coal fire areas. seam in eastern Province. LI Wenqian. Coal Geology & Keywords: curvature gradient tensor matrix; burnt area of Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 8-13. In Chinese. coalfield; magnetic anomaly; edge detection To guide reasonable deployment and efficient production for coal mine in eastern region of Henan Province, based on the P618 1000-2383-201411001500 comprehensive analysis and comparative study of a large number Contrast Study on Porosity and Permeability of Tectonically of drilling and test data, this paper explores the basic features of 85 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 magmatic activities and their influence on the coal texture and coal environment (30, 20℃ ) the isosteric adsorption heat of coal quality in eastern region of Henan Province. The result shows that decreases as the gas adsorption capacity increases, which indicates magmatic activities during middle-late stage of Yanshan period that the coal surface energy of adsorption is heterogeneous. But has effected the texture and the continuity of coal seams, causing when cooling to -10, -20, or -30℃ , the isosteric adsorption heat is the thinning, bifurcate and pinch-out of coal seams in the eastern almost irrelevant to the adsorption capacity of coal, which region of Henan. Moreover, magmatic activities led to the general indicates that the coal surface energy of adsorption is uniform. So increase in metamorphic grade of coal seams, and the change of the Langmuir equation of the coal gas adsorption theory is more coal quality parameters. The main control factors influencing coal suitable to a low temperature environment (below 0℃ ). texture and coal metamorphism degree include the primitive Keywords: adsorption; low temperature environment; surface occurrence state of coal seams, the initial temperature and the uniformity; isosteric adsorption heat thickness as well as styles of the magmatic intrusion, the distance of the magmatic intrusion from coal seam, surrounding rock mass P631 1000-7857-201432000028 and lithology of overlying strata. Explorating Underground Cavity by Rayleigh Surface Wave. Keywords: coal texture; coal petrology and coal quality; magmatic LIN Yi, HUANG Yunyan, SUN Keqin. Science & Technology activity; eastern Henan Province Review, 2014, 32(32): 28-31. In Chinese. The industry urgently needs economic exploring methods to check P618.13 1001-1986-201406000044 and find the underground cave, with physicalmechanical properties Evaluation of reservoir damage caused by drilling fluid. CHEN different from the around medium. One of the exploring methods Defei, KANG Yili, LI Xiangchen, et al. Coal Geology & is the use of the Rayleigh surface wave. The Rayleigh surface Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 44-49. In Chinese. wave theory and the dispersion characteristics in transmission are Aiming at reservoir damage caused by drilling fluid invasion discussed in this paper, and the Rayleigh surface wave field during CBM drilling, the paper, by selecting seam No. 9 in characteristics are simulated by the finite element method. Ningwu basin and drilling fluid used in site as research object, Shaking with different main frequency epicenters, some models conducted evaluation of dynamic-static damage of coal samples are established with dissimilar depth and size, and tallied up the caused by drilling fluid, capillary imbibition and stress sensitivity. results of the kinetics and the dynamics characteristics of the Dynamic-static damage evaluation shows that filtrate damage of Rayleigh surface wave. Using the experiment result of the Rayleigh drilling fluid is the main cause for reduction of permeability in surface wave exploring methods in Lafayette University's coal seam, coal imbibitions ability is strong and adsorption gymnasium from southeast to northwest, for instance, this methods retention is serious for drilling《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 fluid when compared with in checking and finding the underground cave are discussed. formation water, which lead to the low liquid phase flow-back, Keywords: Rayleigh surface wave; kinetic; dynamic; finite after being reacted with the drilling fluid, coal samples has element method; numerical simulation weakened mechanical properties and strengthened stress sensitivity. In combination with the analysis results of water P52 1000-2383-201411001473 sensitivity, alkali sensitivity, wettability evaluation and scanning Foraminiferal Evolution and Formation of Oolitic Limestone electron microscopy (SEM), it is pointed out that fracture blocking, near Permian-Triassic Boundary at Yangou Section, Jiangxi wettability difference and drilling fluid adsorption of coal are the Province. Tian Li, Tong Jinnan, Song Haijun, et al. Earth main factors of seam damage caused by drilling fluid. Science-Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): Keywords: CBM; drilling fluid; reservoir damage; stress 1473-1486. In Chinese. sensitivity; mechanical properties The homogeneous carbonate Permian-Triassic boundary section at Yangou records the integrated extinction process of the shallow P618.13 1000-7857-201431000071 marine area, which killed over 90% marine invertebrates. This Experimental Study of Coal Surface Adsorption Uniformity in study of foraminifers explores the extinction pattern and Low Temperature Environment. YUE Gaowei, WANG deposition progress during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. In Zhaofeng, XIE Ce. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): total, 39 species in 27 genera of foraminifers have been identified, 71-74. In Chinese. including 7 species in 4 genera of fusulinids. The richness and The isosteric adsorption heat is an important parameter to measure diversity remarkably decrease at the top of Bed 21-2, marking the the solid surface inhomogeneity during its adsorption. In this paper disappearance horizon. 4 distinct assemblages evolved within the a high/low temperature adsorption experiment device is utilized to Permian-Triassic boundary beds: the assemblages with low test the gas adsorption of anthracite coal of Jiulishan coal mine, richness and low disparity replaced those with high richness and lean coal of Xinyuan coal mine and gas-fat coal of Panbei coal high disparity. The diversity and assemblage analysis exhibit a mine at different temperatures ranging from 30 to -30℃ . Then rapid decline process at the top of Bed 21-2. Whereas, the mixing according to the relationship of isosteric adsorption heat and of pre-extinction fauna, fusulinids, with post-extinction fauna, adsorption capacity, the influence of coal surface inhomogeneity is Hindeodus changxingensis, within the oolitic beds, implies that the discussed at ordinary temperatures (30, 20℃ ) and low temperatures fossil could be reworked to the shoal by the sea level changes. (-10, -20, -30℃ ). The analytical results show that the gas Meanwhile, the coating of foraminifers and aragonite-calcite adsorption capacities of different coal ranks all increase with the cement around the grains indicate a catastrophic ocean with high decrease of environmental temperature. In an ordinary temperature water velocity, elevated microbes and carbonate super-saturation. 86 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Keywords: Permian-Triassic; foraminifer; extinction; Yangou of the formation are good. Therefore the electrical characteristics Section; paleontology of the gas layer are so close to those of the water layer that it is difficult to distinguish two kinds of reservoir layers. In order to P618.13 1001-1986-201406000020 solve this problem, this paper proposes to take the neutron logging Fractal characterization of pore structure in coals based on as the sensitive curve of the gas layer based on the analysis of the thermodynamics model. WANG Xiujuan, YAO Huifang, LI Wei, relations between above mentioned properties. With the neutron et al. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 20-23. In logging curve as the central key, the cross-plots of the deep lateral Chinese. resistivity, the density, the acoustic travel time are established to The pore structure of coal is complex and it is difficult to determine the lower limitation standard of the gas zone characterize pore structure by traditional Euclidean geometry. interpretation. According to the different matching relationships However, fractal theory is an effective method to investigate the between the resistivity and the acoustic travel time or the irregularities of pore structure. The fractal dimensions of spontaneous potential and, alternatively, between the neutron seepage-pores of 10 coal samples collected from Hancheng mining logging and the density, or the acoustic travel time in gas and area in Weibei coalfield were obtained using mercury injection water layers, a comprehensive and qualitative method is proposed experiment based upon thermodynamic fractal model and the to determine the gas layer by using the multi-curve overlapping geometric properties of pore were quantitatively characterized. combined with the gas logging data. In order to further enhance The relationship between fractal dimension and permeability was the gas response characteristics, the comprehensive judgment also discussed. The results show that the more adsorption-pores, parameters are calculated by the multi-curve to interpret the gas the higher fractal dimension for the same coal rank. The fractal layer quantitatively. Better results are achieved in distinguishing dimension has a negative correlation with the petrologic gas and water layers by using the cross- plots between these permeability of coal. The fractal dimension of seepage-pores of parameters and the spontaneous potential curve. The interpretation coals can be used as one of the quantitative indexes for evaluation coincidence rate of the gas layer reaches 84.4% according to the of permeability of coal reservoir. verification by the results of 15 gas test wells' interpretation and Keywords: pore structure; mercury injection; fractal dimension; their gas testing conclusions. thermodynamic model Keywords: extra shallow unconsolidated formation; gas and water layers; curve overlapping; lower limitation standard; gas logging P588.11 1000-2383-201411001487 analysis Geochronology of Ji'an Group in Tonghua Area,Southern Jilin Province. Qin Ya, Chen Dandan,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Liang Yihong, et al. Earth P618.11 1001-1986-201406000001 Science-Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): Tectonic units of coal occurrence and their characteristics of 1487-1499. In Chinese. controlling coalin Northeast China. NING Shuzheng, CAO The chronology of volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Ji'an Group, Daiyong, GUO Aijun. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2014, 42(6): and the granites of the Tonghua area of the Liaoji rift zone by the 1-7. In Chinese. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating are studied in the paper. The The coal occurrence tectonic in Northeast China formed a series of results show that the Ji'an Group formed in 2156 to 2189 Ma, and NE-NNE faulted basins because of pacific geodynamics system. subsequently underwent regional metamorphism between 1870 There is no common understanding on coal occurrence tectonic and 1881 Ma. Accompanied by the volcanic-sedimentation and the unit at present. In this paper, according to coal-bearing strata metamorphism of the Ji'an Group, two periods of granitic characteristics in Northeast China, tectonic units of coal intrusions occurred; one was at 2156 to 2189 Ma during the rifting occurrence can be divided into systems of three levels: the stage, whereas the other at 1870 to 1881 Ma during the orogenic northern coal occurrence tectonic district, three coal occurrence period. In addition, ages of magmatic zircons from the detrital tectonic sub-districts and eleven coal occurrence tectonic zones. zircons and the inherited zircons peaked at 2471 to 2494 Ma and Based on the theory of earth dynamics, structural control of coal as 2633 to 2653 Ma, representing two magmatic events of the main line, and the control coal characteristics of each level, crystalline basement. Sedimentary provenance of the Ji'an Group occurrence tectonic units are discussed. It is very important for was derived from the Archean basement and products of the evaluation and exploration of coal resource by developing the magmatism during the rifting events. research of coal occurrence tectonic units in Northeast China. Keywords: Tonghua area; Ji'an Group; geochronology; zircon; Keywords: tectonic units of coal occurrence; deformation of LA-ICP-MS dating coal-measures; geodynamics; structure controlling coal

P631.8 1000-7857-201430000067 P618.13 1001-1986-201406000040 Identification Method of Gas and Water Layers in Extra The development and application of DST testing equipment in Shallow Unconsolidated Formation: Taking the Heidimiao CBM well. YANG Xinhui, LIU Changyi, WANG Yanlong, et al. Reservoir in An Area of Daqing as an Example. ZHANG Wei, Coal Geology & Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 40-43. In Chinese. ZHANG Jianfeng, ZHAO Yuqiu, et al. Science & Technology Conventional DST tester is inadaptable to CBM well, in order to Review, 2014, 32(30): 67-73. In Chinese. solve the problem and to avoid the wrong operation, through The compaction degree of the Heidimiao reservoir in a Daqing research on DST theory and analysis of the properties of coal area is very low, the digenesis is poor, but the physical properties reservoir, special DST equipment composed of external inflatable 87 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 34 18 packer and downhole electromagnetic switching valve was correlation between δ SSO4 and δ OSO4. The tendency of 18 developed, and was used to conduct DST in target seams. The increased δ OSO4 values from upstream to downstream is 18 result shows that the equipment is simple in structure, convenient controlled by δ OH2O values of the Yangtze River water. It is for operation, the testing results are reli-able, duration is short and indicated that atmospheric acid deposition and sulfide oxidation cost is low, suitable to test seams in open well and cased well. are dominant sources of dissolved sulfate in the Yangze River. Keywords: drill stem testing; working system; open and close well This study offers theoretical basis which facilitates further environmental explorations for chemical weathering of carbonate Oceanography and carbon cycling. Keywords: sulfur isotope; oxygen isotope; sulfate source; the P736.5 1000-2383-201411001555 Yangtze River; geochemistry Groundwater Dynamic Evolutions and Relationship between Groundwater Level and Land Subsidence in the Physical Geography Delta. Liu Yong, Li Peiying, Feng Aiping, et al. Earth Science-Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): P931.1 1000-2383-201411001566 1555-1565. In Chinese. Origin of Meander Shape-Superimposed Valleys in the Middle To analyze the groundwater dynamic and the relationship between Jialing River: Responses to Regional Geological Environment. groundwater level and land subsidence in the Yellow River Delta, Jiang Huajun, Li Chang'an, Zhang Yufen, et al. Earth Science- drastic groundwater level depression and serious land subsidence Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): have been researched by monitoring data of groundwater level and 1566-1574. In Chinese. land subsidence for years. Persistent groundwater overexploitation In order to define the formation of the Jialing meander has resulted in groundwater depression cones in both shallow and shape-superimposed valley and response to the regional geological deep aquifers successively. The deep groundwater level decline rate environment evolution, the regional geological background, of cone centers is 2 to 3 m/a. In recent years, Dongying and together with the evolution model of water system are explored. It Guangrao exhibit a typical subsidence area with cumulative is found that origin of the meander shape-superimposed valley settlement and subsidence rates of 155.1 mm, 28.2 mm/a and 356.0 maybe controlled by cut-through of the Three Gorges. Water mm, 64.7 mm/a, respectively. Using GIS and mathematical statistics, systems of the and the Jianghan basin had it is found that configuration of the subsidence cone is basically developed separately due to the ancient watershed before the identical to the shape of the deep groundwater depression cone, cut-through of the Three Gorges until the Jianghan basin drainage and there exists a significant linear《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 positive correlation between cut through the ancient watershed, captured the western drainage deep groundwater level and elevation in deep groundwater of watershed because of quick erosion rate in the eastern Jianghan depression cone, with the correlation coefficient of 0.92. The deep basin, and the two drainages were unified at last. Ancient meander groundwater overexploitation has been the most essential factor to of the Jialing River was fast undercut, inset the bed rock and land subsidence. The third compressed layer has become the main finally developed the meander shape-superimposed valley, the contribution layer of land subsidence in well-irrigated area. spectacular landscape. Based on ESR (electron spin resonance Because water level at centers of deep groundwater depression dating) ages of river sediments in the gravel layers, we believe that cone has fallen below critical water level of the third confined cut-through of the Three Gorges happened approximately in the aquifer, land subsidence is becoming more and more serious. Early-Middle Pleistocene. The cut-through maybe closely related Keywords: the Yellow River Delta; water level; groundwater with the "Kunlun-Huanghe Movement", which happened in this depression cone; land subsidence; environmental geology period because of the strong crustal activity in the Quaternary. Keywords: Jialing River; meander shape-superimposed valley; P736.5 1000-2383-201411001547 origin; environmental geology; geomorphologic environment Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Dissolved Sulfate event; cut-through of the Three Gorges in the Yangtze River during High Water Period and Its Sulfate Source Tracing. Li Xiaoqian, Liu Yunde, Zhou Aiguo, et al. Earth Biological Science Science-Journal of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): 1547-1554. In Chinese. Biophysics Crustal weathering by sulfuric acid and its relationship with carbon cycling is a subject of greatest concern in the domain of Q681 1000-7857-201430000025 global carbon cycling, with its key issue of the identification of Status Quo and Applications of Ultrasound Hyperthermia. riverine sulfate sources. In this study, stable sulfur and oxygen JIAN Xiqi, DING Xin. Science & Technology Review, 2014, isotope compositions of riverine sulfate in the mainstream of the 32(30): 25-29. In Chinese. Yangtze River during rainy season are determined to trace the In ultrasound hyperthermia, tissue absorbs ultrasonic energy to 2- riverine sulfate sources and controlling factors. The SO4 elevate the temperature of itself, while high temperature ablates concentration keeps increasing with ever-increasing annual growth diseased tissue and low temperature prompts its recovery. rate. The isotope compositions of dissolved sulfate in the Yangze Ultrasound hyperthermia has the advantages of noninvasion, 34 River range from -3.5‰ to 5.6‰ for δ SSO4 and from 3.7‰ to safety and high efficiency. High-intensity focused ultrasound with 18 9.2‰ for δ OSO4, showing a significantly negative linear the high temperature elevation has great clinical applications to 88 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts uterine fibroids, breast tumor, prostate tumor and liver tumor. It types were significantly higher under both N levels. With the also has a bright future in treating brain tumor and nervous system largest nitrogen uptake, B type rice showed weaker N utilization diseases. Low-intensity ultrasound hyperthermia has great ability compared with A type. Due to equitable nitrogen treatable effect on postpartum hemorrhage and nerve tissue accumulation before and after anthesis, powerful nitrogen healing. This paper summarizes the development, status quo and translocation (VTN) ability of vegetative organs and rational applications of high- intensity focused ultrasound hyperthermia assimilation product distribution to panicle the nitrogen dry matter and low- intensity ultrasound hyperthermia. production efficiency (NDMPE) and nitrogen grain production Keywords: hyperthermia; HIFU; low-intensity ultrasound efficiency (NGPE) of A type rice were outstanding. Keywords: hybrid indica rice; panicle type; dry matter; nitrogen; Botany uptake and utilization

Q945.1 1000-7857-201432000037 Q945.78;S143.1;S511.06 1001-7216-201405000523 Characterization of Arsenic Concentration in Spirulina Effects of Nitrogen Level and High Temperature at Late platensis from Different Sources. WANG Zhizhong, LIU Guohou, Booting Stage on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of GONG Donghui, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, Two Early Rice Cultivars. YANG Jun, CHEN Xiao-rong, ZHU 32(32): 37-40. In Chinese. Chang-lan, et al. Chimese Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): Comparative study is carried out on the dry weight, the growth 523-533. In Chinese.

(OD560) and the arsenic content of the spirulina powder at different The compound effects of nitrogen level and high temperature at arsenic concentrations for the Spirulina platensis from the alkaline late booting stage on rice yield were investigated at two nitrogen lake of Erdos plateau and the introduced species to find out the levels, with hybrid rice combination (Ganxin 203) and characteristics of the arsenic enrichment and analyze the arsenic conventional rice cultivar (Zhong 531) as materials at 38℃ for 4 adaptation and the arsenic resistivity of two spieces of Spirulina days at late booting stage. We analyzed the difference in grain platensis. The results show that the growth of two spieces of yield and physiological indicators of the two rice cultivars and Spirulina platensis is not inhibited, the production of Spirulina nitrogen effects under high temperature. The results showed that platensis from Erdos is higher than the introduced, and the arsenic yield per plant, effective panicle number per plant, spikelet content of spirulina powder is obviously lower than the introduced number per panicle, spikelets fertility, differentiated spikelet at different arsenic concentrations. number per panicle, and harvest index of the two rice cultivars Keywords: Spirulina platensis; spirulina powder; arsenic enrichment decreased to various degrees under high temperature at the same 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅nitrogen level at late booting stage. Furthermore, high temperature Q945.1;S511.062 1001-7216-201405000514 significantly decreased yield per plant, spikelet fertility, and Differential Comparison of Assimilation Products Accumulation, harvest index compared with natural temperature (P<0.05). The Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization and Grain Yield of Hybrid ratio of degenerated spikelets, leaf weight per stem, stem and indica Rice Combinations with Different Panicle Types. QIN sheath weight per stem increased under high temperature, while Jian, YANG Zhi-yuan, SUN Yong-jian, et al. Chimese Journal of under high temperature the ratio of degenerated spikelets Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 514-522. In Chinese. significantly increased compared with natural temperature Grain yield, assimilation products accumulation and transportation, (P<0.05). At the same nitrogen level, the chlorophyll contents of and nitrogen (N) uptake and utilization of 18 hybrid indica rice the two cultivars increased to various degrees at the late stage combinations were measured under two nitrogen levels (0 kg/hm2 under high temperature. For Zhong 531, the chlorophyll contents and 180 kg/hm2), then the 18 rice combinations were classified by increased by a lower increasing percentage at high nitrogen level cluster analysis according panicle weight and the differences in compared with that at normal nitrogen level under high above indexes among various panicle types were compared. The temperature. In addition, yield per plant and effective panicle results showed that the 18 rice combinations were classified into 4 number per plant of the two cultivars at high nitrogen level were types: large panicle type (A type), medium to large type (B type), higher than those at normal nitrogen level. Under high temperature, medium to small type (C type) and small type (D type). N spikelet number per panicle, 1000-grain weight, and harvest index fertilizer application increased panicle weight, and the clustering of Zhong 531 at high nitrogen level were significantly higher than results remained unchanged regardless of nitrogen application those at normal nitrogen level, while spikelet fertility was level. Grain yield of the four panicle types imporved with significantly reduced. It was worth noting that yield per plant of increasing panicle weight, and the large panicle type rice got the the two cultivars at high nitrogen level decreased by a lower highest yield under both two N levels owing to its superiority in percentage compared with normal nitrogen level under high total dry matter accumulation (TDA), higher proportion of dry temperature, implying that appropriate high nitrogen levels matter accumulation after anthesis (DAAA) under zero nitrogen contributed to relief of the effects of high temperature on grain level and more equitable accumulation of dry matter under production. N-sufficient level. Export of stem-sheaths (ESS) showed close Keywords: rice; late booting stage; high temperature; grain yield; relationships with both panicle types and N levels, and N fertilizer chlorophyll contents; nitrogen level application could increase ESS of A and B types effectively. There were significant differences in N uptake and utilization among the Q943.2 1000-7857-201431000029 4 panicle types. Total nitrogen accumulation (TNA) of A and B Molecluar Evolution and Expression Patterns Under Abiotic 89 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Stresses of Beta-amylase Gene Family in Grasses. YANG oxygen evolution rate of V. natans. Results showed that the Zefeng, XU Shuhui, WANG Yifan, et al. Science & Technology transparency of Litang River was 80-100 cm, and when the water Review, 2014, 32(31): 29-36. In Chinese. depth increases, the V. natans biomass firstly increased and then Beta-amylase (BAM) plays a central role in the complete decreased,and the turning point is at the depth of 60-90 cm in the degradation of starch tometabolisable or fermentable sugars during four experiment groups, which showed the largest biomass. The the germination or maltingof cereal grains. It was found to be density of V. natans was negatively correlated with the depth of involved in the abiotic stress responsesof crops. A genome-wide water while the average leaf length of V. natans was positively survey of BAM genes in 5 grass species was performed, including correlated. Investigation showed that plenty of V. natans was rice, maize, sorghum, Setaria, and Brachypodium, by describing found in offshore area of the river, but no V. natans was found in their phylogenetic relationships, functional divergence, and the center of the river. Experiment in lab circumstances showed adaptive evolution. The phylogeny classified the gramineous BAM that plant biomass, tiller number, average root length and genes into 10 clusters of orthologous genes (COGs), and the genes photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate of V. natans were all reduced in the same COG shared the syntenic region. Functional with the decrease of the light intensity (P<0.01). The critical light divergence analysis provided statistical evidence that both the shift intensity of V. natans was 10 μmol/(m2·s), and at that point, the in the evolutionary rate pattern and cluster-specific alterations of photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate was 10.52 μmol/(g·h), and amino acid physiochemical properties contributed to COG-specific the V. natans biomass started to decrease. This study showed that functional evolution of BAM genes in grasses. In addition, 3 COGs the V. natans distribution at different depth in Litang River was were found to be influenced by positive selection through consistent with transparency. This study further revealed the maximum likelihood analysis. The expression patterns of rice reason why V. natans communities were difficult to reproduce and BAM genes were investigated, and the resultsrevealed that they spread in low light conditions. were differentially expressed under the treatments of abiotic Keywords: Vallisneria natans; light intensity; photosynthesis stresses. These observations may provide useful references for oxygen evolution rate; degeneration further functional detection of BAM genes in grasses. Keywords: beta-amylase; cluster of orthologous genes; functional Q175 1674-5566-201406000842 divergence; positive selection Expression profiles of three antimicrobial peptide genes in Litopenaeus vannamei induced by microcystin (MC-LR). LI Q946.88;Q946.5 1000-369X-201406000531 Zhi, -ming, LI Xiang, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean Research Progress of N-methyltransferases Involved in University, 2014, 23(6): 842-847. In Chinese. Caffeine Biosynthesis. YAN Changyu,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 REN Qiujing, CHEN Microcystins (MCs) are a kind of cyanobacterial toxins produced Xiaofang, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): 531-540. In by cyanobacterial bloom. They can affect the growth and Chinese. reproduction of a variety of aquatic organisms, such as . In Caffeine is one of the main quality and functional components in this study, the expression profiles of three antimicrobial peptide beverage such as tea, coffee, etc. At present, a xanthosine→7- genes (Penaeidin 3, Crustin and ALF) in Litopenaeus vannamei methylxanthosine→7-methylxanthine→theobromine→caffeine were detected via real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR pathway is supported as the major route to caffeine, and it is (qRT-PCR) method post MC-LR injection. The results show that synthesized through three methylation reactions by MCs can significantly affect the expression of Penaeidin 3 and N-methyltransferase and a nucleosidase reaction by nucleoside ALF but cannot affect that of Crustin. In order to understand the hydrolase. N-methyltransferases (NMTs) are important enzymes in impact of MC-LR on the response of the three peptides to bacteria, caffeine synthesis process. In this paper, the profile of caffeine in Vibrio anguillarum was injected into the after MC-LR plant and the pathway of caffeine synthesis were introduced, and injection. The relative expressions of three antimicrobial peptide the research progress on the enzymology properties, gene cloning genes were all down-regulated in the early stage and up-regulated and expression, the relationship of gene function and structure of after 4 h post Vibrio anguillarum challenge. Expressions of three NMTs involved in caffeine biosynthesis were mainly reviewed. genes in MC-LR injected group were all down-regulated Finally, the research emphasis in the field for the future was compared with the control group. The results suggest that MC-LR discussed and prospected. could affect the expressions of antimicrobial peptide genes in Keywords: caffeine; N-methyltransferase; research progress unkown ways and impact the shrimp immune system. Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei; microcystins; humoral General Biology immunity; antimicrobial peptides

Q178.1 1674-5566-201406000897 Genetics Distribution properties and effects of light intensity on Vallisneria natans in Litang River. WEN Wen-ke, SHAO Liu, Q343.5;Q754 1001-7216-201405000465 WU Jian-yong, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, Characterization and Gene Mapping of a Lesion Mimic Mutant 23(6): 897-903. In Chinese. g303 in Rice. LIU Lin, ZHANG Ying-xin, , et al. Chimese Water quality and distribution of Vallisneria natans in the Litang Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 465-472. In Chinese. River in Shanghai were investigated in 2012. We also studied the The lesion mimic mutant g303 and g342 were isolated by treating effects of different light intensity on the growth and photosynthetic the seeds of indica varieties 9311 and R8015 with γ-ray radiation, 90 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts respectively. The yellow spots initially appear on g303 leaves at Xiang, et al. Chimese Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 4-leaf stage. With the growth and development of the plant, the 473-478. In Chinese. lesions almost occupied the whole plant till the maturity stage. Grain weight is one of the most important factors in grain yield Compared with the wild type, the plant height, seed setting rate and grain quality. TGW6 was reported to significantly enhance and 1000-grain weight of g303 significantly dropped, the thousand-grain weight without negative effect on grain quality. To chlorophyll and photosynthetic rate obviously decreased. Genetic improve the selection efficiency of grain weight gene TGW6 in analysis showed that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a breeding, the marker CAPs6-1 based on the single nucleotide single recessive gene. Using F2 mapping population of deletion in the functional region of alleles TGW6/tgw6 was g303/Nipponbare, the g303 mutant gene was mapped between selected and furtherly confirmed to be a gene based marker via marker InD10 and InD12 on rice chromosome 12, with genetic sequencing CAPs6-1 PCR products. CAPs6-1 was employed to distances of 0.19 cM and 0.76 cM, respectively. Sequence analysis genotype 43 indica rice varieties, 65 japonica varieties certificated revealed that the mutated gene was allelic to SL, g303 and g342 in Jiangsu Province from 2007 to 2013, and 179 local japonica mutated gene had a single nucleotide deletion (T572 and G1206, cultivars from Taihu Basin. The results showed that there were respectively), leading to a premature termination codon. Real-time only 14 indica varieties carrying TGW6 gene, while TGW6 gene PCR analysis showed that the expression level of defense-related was not detected in 244 japonica rice samples, indicating that genes upregulated significantly, these results demonstrated that the TGW6 mainly exists in indica germplasm, and is rarely found in mutation may activate the defense response. japonica rice varieties. Keywords: rice; lesion mimic mutant; gene mapping; defense Keywords: rice; thousand-grain weight; TGW6; functional marker response Q786;S511.032 1001-7216-201405000458 Q343.5;Q755;Q944.46 1001-7216-201405000447 Fine Mapping of Gene RL3(t), Responsible for Leaf Shape Physicochemical Property Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Formation in Rice. GUO Min, -de, YAO Jian, et al. Floury Endosperm Mutant flo7 in Rice. FANG Peng-fei, LI Chimese Journal of Rice Science, 2014, 28(5): 458-464. In San-feng, JIAO Gui-ai, et al. Chimese Journal of Rice Science, Chinese. 2014, 28(5): 447-457. In Chinese. Two mutants with rolled leaves, derived from the indica cultivar 60 Starch is major storage substance and accounts for 80% of dry 93-11 via the radiation of Co-γ ray in M2 generation, temporally weight in rice endosperm. The rice grain quality is partial designated as rl3(t)-1 and rl3(t)-2, were served as materials for determined by component, content and granule structure of starch. exploring the mechanism underlying the rolling leaf characteristic. In this study, starchy mutant designated《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 flo7, selected from the Morphological analysis showed that, these two mutants have progeny of tissue culture of Nipponbare, displayed floury and typically adaxially rolled leaves. In addition, when compared with opaque endosperm. The grain length of flo7 was longer, but grain wild type 93-11, the plant heights and panicle lengths of rl3(t)-1 width, grain thickness and 1000-grain weight were lower than and rl3(t)-2 significantly decreased, as well as the seed setting those of its wild type. Compared with the wild type, the flo7 percentage. Cytological analysis suggests that the rolled leaf endosperm accumulated a higher level of glucose, fructose and phenotype may be caused by the change of number and size of sucrose, but lower level of dry weight. There was no significant bulliform cells. Genetic analysis indicated that rolled leaf character difference in protein content between the wild type and flo7 is controlled by a recessive nuclear gene. Crossing between the mutant. The amylose content and gel consistency of flo7 were two mutants, the F1[rl3(t)-1/rl3(t)-2] plants exhibit rolled leaf, lower than that of wild type, but the alkali spreading value of flo7 suggesting they are allelic. To map the RL3(t) gene, an F2 was higher. Scanning electron microscopic examinations showed population was generated by crossing the rl3(t)-1 mutants with that the mutant endosperms contained irregular, loosely packed, Wuyunjing 8 as a mapping population. By using simple sequence compound starch granules. Genetic analysis indicated that the repeat (SSR) markers and some new designed sequence tagged mutant phenotype was determined by a single recessive nuclear site (STS) markers, RL3(t) was initially mapped in the region gene. By means of molecular marker technique, flo7 gene was between the STS marker M3-45 and the SSR marker RM6676 narrowed down to a 95.1 kb interval which includes 13 open with the genetic distances of 5.5 cM and 4.4 cM, respectively, on reading frames (ORFs) on the long arm of chromosome 12. The the long arm of chromosome 3. Furthermore, with the enlarged results of RT-PCR indicated that the expression levels of some population and more developed STS markers, RL3(t) gene was genes involved in starch synthesis were influenced in flo7 mutant. finally delimited to a 46-kb long region governed by the STS These results suggested that FLO7 plays an important role in the markers S3-39 and S3-36. synthesis and regulation of starch in rice. Keywords: rice (Oryza sativa L.); rolled leaf; RL3(t); gene mapping Keywords: floury endosperm mutant; starch; fine mapping; physicochemical property; rice Zoology

Molecular Biology Q954.1;S917 1674-5566-201406000801 A comparative study on the lateral line morphology of Q755;S511.02 1001-7216-201405000473 Sebastiscus marmoratus and Trachidermus fasciatus. WEI Lu, Development and Application of a Functional Marker for SONG Jia-kun, PAN Lian-de, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean Grain Weight Gene TGW6 in Rice. WANG Jun, YANG Jie, XU University, 2014, 23(6): 801-809. In Chinese. 91 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Whether the adaptation or the phylogenetic constrain impacts the embryonic development time extended with increasing carbaryl morphological patterns of lateral line system is still a question in concentrations. Carbaryl significantly shortened the generation the evolutionary morphology. To approach this question, by using time of the rotifer, except at 2.2 mg·L-1. light and scanning electron microscopy, we compared the Keywords: carbaryl; Brachionus calyciflorus; median lethal morphology and distribution patterns of the lateral line system in concentration; life cycle parameters two species of : False kelpfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) and roughskin (Trachidermus fasciatus). The X171.5 1672-2043-201412002343 mechanosensory lateral line system of S. marmoratus and T. Effects of Different Acidification Methods on Forms and fasciatus are composed of canals and superficial neuromasts. The Bioavailability of Cu in Soils. SONG Wen-en, GUO Xue-yan, S. marmoratus, which lives in turbulent fast flowing habitats, has a CHEN Shi-bao, et al. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2014, developed branching canal system and fewer superficial 33(12): 2343-2349. In Chinese. neuromasts. In contrast, the T. fasciatus which resides in slow The influence of soil acidification on forms and bioavailability of flowing habitats, has a simple unbranched canal system and more heavy metals in soils has not been understood well. In this study, superficial neuromasts. Our results show that both of the patterns two types of Cu polluted soils collected from Daye, (yellow mainly depend on using canal lateral line system to perceive water brown soil) and Shouguang, (alluvial soil) were used to motion with compensation of the superficial neuromasts for examine the changes of forms and availability of soil Cu under sensation of accurate information from the surrounding water three different acidification treatments, i.e. direct acidification- movement. The differences of morphological patterns of the lateral sulfuric acid (T1), fertilizer acidification-ammonium sulfate (T2) line system in two systematically closely related species reflect and simulated acid rain (T3). Acidification treatments decreased that adaptation to the habitat hydrodynamic environment plays an the biomass of Brassica oleracea L., but increased the shoot Cu important role in evolution process of morphological character concentrations (PT2>T1, showing that the bioavailability of heavy formation in fish. metals would be greater in soils acidified by acid rain than in those Keywords: false kelpfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus); Roughskin by fertilizers and industrial wastewater. sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus); lateral line system; morphology; Keywords: soil acidification; copper; forms; bioavailability ultrastructure; evolutionary adaptation X171.5 1672-2043-201412002303 Environmental Science and Effects of Pb Stress on Growth and Pb Accumulation of Safety Science Paspalum notatum. HOU Xiao-long, LIU Ai-qin, CAI Li-ping, et 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 al. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): Basic Theory of Environmental Science 2303-2308. In Chinese. Paspalum notatum is a saline- and drought-tolerant perennial grass X171.5 1672-2043-201412002315 and is often used as an erosion-controlling soil stabilizer. However, Effects of Carbaryl on Acute Toxicity and Life Cycle little information is available about its tolerance to Pb. Here we Parameters of Brachionus calyciflorus. LIU Jian-feng, GENG designed a pot experiments to examine the growth and metal Hong, HE Meng. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2014, content of Paspalum notatum under various Pb stress. The results 33(12): 2315-2320. In Chinese. showed that the maximum tolerance of P. notatum to Pb stress was -1 Carbaryl(C12H11NO2), a carbamate insecticide, has been used 2500 mg·kg , but Pb stresses had inhibitory effects on plant worldwidely since 1956. Previous studies have been focused on growth and development. The inhibition was in order of tillering mammals, amphibians, and fishes. However, little information was capacity > maximum leaf elongation > seedling height, and root available on rotifers. In this study, we used freshwater rotifer, volume > average root diameter > total root length > root surface Brachionus calyciflorus, as a model species, which is distributed area. In low Pb levels, plant biomass allocated more in the roots widely in lakes, rivers, and ponds, to examine the ecotoxicity of than in the aboveground; however, biomass accumulation in the carbaryl on small aquatic animals. Rotifer was originally collected aboveground increased with increasing Pb stress. Paspalum from South Lake, Wuhan in 2013, and cultured continuously in the notatum accumulated Pb in root biomass, with relatively low Pb laboratory ever since. The acute effects of carbaryl on the life transfer. The maximum concentrations of Pb in roots and above cycle of rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus was studied under ground were 3384.56 mg·kg-1 and 200.70 mg·kg-1, respectively. laboratory conditions at (25±1)℃ . The results showed that the 24 Keywords: Paspalum notatum; lead stress; growth index; root -1 h LC50 value of carbaryl was 4.868 mg·L for B. alyciflorus, and morphology; accumulation exhibited a probit model equation: Probit(P)=6.465X-4.444, with 95% confidence interval of 4.538-5.229 mg·L-1. The chronic X171.5 1672-2043-201412002329 toxicity showed that carbaryl had a obvious impact on main Inhibitory Effect of Glyphosate on Toxicity of Heavy Metals:A developmental stages, average life span, net reproduction rate, Case Study on Photobacterium phosphoreum T3. ZHOU intrinsic rate of increase and generation time of rotifer except its Chui-fan, LIN Jing-wen, LI Ying, et al. Journal of spawning. Compared with the control group, carbaryl significantly Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2329-2334. In Chinese. reduced the average life span, net reproduction rate and intrinsic Glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl]-glycine, GPS) is one of the rate of increase, with greater effects on life span and intrinsic rate most widely used herbicides in agricultural and forestry of increase at high concentrations. Larval stage length and production. It contains functional groups of amine, carboxylate 92 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts and phosphonate that can form strong coordination bonds with Chinese. metal ions and thus may affect the bioavailability and toxicity of The study was conducted to determine the inhibition effect of heavy metals in soils. Therefore, a laboratory experiment was Euphorbia helioscopia L. aqueous extract on Lemna minor L. conducted to investigate the interactions between GPS and heavy through measuring by plant growth and antioxidant enzyme metals (Cu and Cd) with respect to their acute toxicity to system. A total of 18 treatments were successively divided into 3 Photobacterium phosphoreum T3. Results showed that the toxicity experimental groups according to the content of tea saponin added of Cu and Cd to photobacterium was very strong (EC50 was 1.28 as extraction adjuvants (group 1: no tea saponin,group 2: 0.2 g/L mg·L-1 and 0.89 mg·L-1 for Cu and Cd, respectively). The GPS tea saponin, group 3: 0.5 g/L tea saponin). Each group was set up obviously decreased pH in the media and possessed much greater on the six concentration series of E. helioscopia aqueous extract as -1 toxicity to photobacterium (EC50 was 35.9 mg·L ) when the 0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02 g/mL. A blank control was medium pH remained unadjusted. However, GPS did not show also set up. The results showed that the injury degree of L. minor toxicity when the medium pH maintained at 5.0. The presence of was directly correlated to the concentration of E. helioscopia GPS obviously relieved the acute toxicity of Cu and Cd to aqueous extract. The antioxidant enzyme system was affected at photobacterium. Increasing molar ratios of GPS/Cu and GPS/Cd low E. helioscopia aqueous extract concentrations (0.001, 0.003, significantly decreased the toxicity of Cu and Cd to 0.005 g/mL). The CAT, POD activity decreased, and SOD activity photobacterium. Copper toxicity disappeared at GPS/Cu molar was reduced after an initial increase while apparent injury ratio greater than 1. In conclusion, GPS could modify speciation of symptoms were not observed. L. minor was seriously injured heavy metals, and thus their toxicity in GPS and heavy metals apparently at higher concentration (0.01, 0.015, 0.02 g/mL) and co-existing systems. 90%-100% individuals were injured after 36 hours stress. Both the Keywords: glyphosate; copper; cadmium; Photobacterium quantity and the injury degree of injured individuals were phosphoreum; combined pollution positively correlated with the concentration of E. helioscopia aqueous extract. L. minor in groups of E. helioscopia tea saponin X131.3 1674-5566-201406000882 extract were injured mildly compared with those in the group with Research on heavy metal of surface sediment and runoff of only aqueous extracts. A component analysis of E. helioscopia Lingang New City in Shanghai. LI Juan-ying, HU Qian, CHEN extract is necessary to find the differences between group 1, group Mei-na, et al. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, 23(6): 2 and group 3, and it will help to identify the active ingredient 882-889. In Chinese. inhibiting L. minor. Particle distribution and heavy metal concentration in surface Keywords: Lemna minor; Euphorbia helioscopia; tea saponin; sediment and surface runoff of different《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 functional areas including extraction; antioxidant enzyme traffic area (TA), commerial area (CA) and cultural and educational area (C&EA) of Lingang New City in Shanghai were X171.5 1672-2043-201412002350 analyzed in the present study. Heavy metal loads of surface Surface Characteristics of Four Biochars and Their sediment and annual loads of surface runoff were calculated based Adsorption of Cd and Atrazine in Aqueous Solution. CAO on sample analysis. The results indicated that particle size Mei-zhu, PAN Li-ping, ZHANG Chao-lan, et al. Journal of distribution curves are similar in different functional areas, and Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2350-2358. In Chinese. particles less than 300 μm account for 65%-85%. Concentrations Biochars have recently been used to remediate water contaminated of Cu, Pb and Cr in surface sediment of traffic area are higher than by heavy metals and organic pollutants. In this paper, four those in the other two areas, however, the concentrations of Hg biochars derived from organic wastes (sugarcane top, cassava stem, and As were higher in the latter two areas. The concentration of Cd rice straw and silkworm excrement) collected from were in different areas was comparable. As for surface runoff, the heavy selected to examine their pore structure by Scanning Electron metal concentrations of grab samples step across a wide range and Microscope (SEM), type and quantity of total oxygen-containing heavy metal concentrations in surface runoff from C&EA were the functional groups via Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy highest. Heavy metal loads of surface sediment and annual loads (FTIR) and Boehm titration, and adsorption characteristics of Cd2+ of surface runoff in C&EA were higher than those of the other two and atrazine (AT) at different initial concentrations of Cd and AT areas. The loads of surface sediment of Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, Hg and As and different pH values. Biochars obtained at high pyrolytic in C&EA were 2.03, 0.205, 2.42, 2.82, 0.0171 and 1.63 temperature (700℃ ) had more pores and basic functional groups mg/m2,respectively. The loads of surface runoff of Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, but fewer acid functional groups than those at low pyrolytic Hg and As in C&EA were 37.21, 1.10, 19.46, 9.60, 0.83 and 7.22 temperature (300℃ ). The adsorption of Cd and AT by the biochars g/(hm2/a), respectively. could be well characterized with pseudo-second-order kinetic Keywords: surface sediment; surface runoff; heavy metals; model. The Cd and AT adsorption increased with initial pollution load concentrations of Cd and AT. The adsorption efficiencies of Cd and AT were greater for biochars at 700℃ than 300℃ . Biochars X171 1674-5566-201406000890 adsorbed more Cd but less AT at pH 6 than pH 4. Rice straw- and Study on the inhibitory effect of Euphorbia helioscopia L. silkworm excrement-derived biochars had greater adsorption aqueous extract with and without tea saponin on Lemna minor capacity for Cd2+, while sugarcane top derived-biochar had more L. ZHANG Le-ting, ZHANG Yin-jiang, ZHANG Man-man, et al. adsorption for AT. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2014, 23(6): 890-896. In Keywords: biochar; pyrolysis; adsorption; cadmium; atrazine 93 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 X53 1672-2043-201412002374 Environmental Pollution and Control Characteristics and Mechanisms for Metsulfuron-methyl Sorption by Sediments, Biochars and Activated Carbon. X503.23 1672-2043-201412002309 ZHANG Gui-xiang, HE Qiu-sheng, YAN Yu-long, et al. Journal of Acute and Chronic Toxicity of RH-5849 to Daphnia magna. Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2374-2380. In Chinese. ZHU Yu-xuan, JIANG Jin-lin, SHAN Zheng-jun, et al. Journal of Metsulfuron-methyl has high mobility in the environment Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2309-2314. In Chinese. compartments and ecological risks. Sorption is a key process In the present study, 21% RH-5849 wettable powder was selected influencing the environmental behaviors of contaminants. In this to assess the acute toxicity to Daphnia magna and the chronic study, the characteristics and mechanisms of metsulfuron-methyl effects on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna after 21 sorption by sediments and carbonaceous sorbents (biochars and d exposure. The acute toxicity test showed that 21% RH-5849 activated carbon). The properties of sorbents significantly affected wettable powder had high acute toxicity against Daphnia magna their sorption of metsulfuron-methyl. The sediments with higher -1 and 48 h-EC50 was 0.94 mg·L . The 21% RH-5849 wettable organic matter contents and lower pH adsorbed more powder also had significant chronic impacts on the first molting metsulfuron-methyl. For carbonaceous sorbents, H/C was found to time, the number of molting, offspring number and brood number be negatively correlated with nonlinearity index n and positively of Daphnia magna. Exposure to RH-5849 at the concentration of with sorption affinity lgKoc, indicating that carbonaceous sorbents 0.135 mg·L-1 significantly lowered the number of molting, the with higher carbonization degree had stronger sorption number of total offsprings and broods per female of Daphnia nonlinearity and sorption affinity. This might be attributed to magna. The 21 d non-observed effect concentration (NOEC) of the increased micropores and aromatic carbon, which were favorable 21% RH-5849 wettable powder against the reproduction of to pore-filling and π-π electron donor-acceptor (π-π EDA) -1 Daphnia magna was 0.045 mg·L . In addition, exposure to interaction, respectively. Positive correlation between lgKoc and RH-5849 at the concentration of 0.015 mg·L-1 significantly specific surface area (SA) further verified the important role of reduced the body length of the female. This study demonstrates pore-filling mechanism. Negative correlation between lgKoc and that RH-5849 has inhibiting effects on the growth and O/C indicated that carbonaceous sorbents with stronger reproduction of Daphnia magna. hydrophobicity more facilitated metsulfuron-methyl sorption. Keywords: RH5849; Daphnia magna; acute toxicity; chronic Sorption affinities of biochars and activated carbon for toxicity; breeding metsulfuron-methyl were about 1 and 3 order of magnitude higher than those of sediments, suggesting that adding carbonaceous X53 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 1672-2043-201412002359 sorbents to sediments might reduce metsulfuron-methyl leaching Adsorption and Desorption of Ciprofloxacin by Surface and into the surface and ground water. Although sorption affinities of Subsurface Soils of Ustic Cambosols in China. GUO Li, WANG biochars for metsulfuron-methyl were lower than that of activated Shu-ping, ZHOU Zhi-qiang, et al. Journal of Agro-Environment carbon, biochars might also have promising applications because Science, 2014, 33(12): 2359-2367. In Chinese. of much lower cost than activated carbon. The behaviors of antibiotics in soils have received increasing Keywords: sediment; biochar; activated carbon; attention. In this study, batch adsorption method was employed to metsulfuron-methyl; sorption reveal adsorption and desorption of antibiotic ciprofloxacin by two different layer soils of ustic cambosols, 0-20 cm surface and 20-40 X503.231 1672-2043-201412002288 cm subsoil, following OECD guideline 106. Results showed that Effects of Cadmium Stress on Uptake and Distribution of the absorption and desorption processes of ciprofloxacin can be Cadmium in Different Rice Varieties. ZHANG Lu, ZHANG divided into two stages:fast reaction and slow balance, and Xi-zhou, LI Ting-xuan, et al. Journal of Agro-Environment followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics,with adsorption rate of Science, 2014, 33(12): 2288-2295. In Chinese. 0.571 kg·min-1·mg-1. After 24 h the absorption and desorption It is important to minimize the influx of cadmium (Cd) to the reached balance. Freundlich model best described all experimental human food chain. Here the characteristics of uptake and data of adsorption and desorption (P<0.01). The adsorption distribution of Cd in a pollution-safe rice variety were studied in a capacity (Kf) was 672.977 and 693.426 for surface and subsurface pot experiment to provide Cd safety rice germplasm resources. soils, respectively. The mechanism of ciprofloxacin adsorption Cadmium pollution-safe rice variety was D62B, and common was primarily physical adsorption in soils. There was hysteresis in variety Luhui17 as the control. Cadmium concentrations used desorption. Hysteresis index (HI) of ciprofloxacin increased with were 1 mg·kg-1, 4 mg·kg-1, and 16 mg·kg-1. Compared with Luhui increasing initial concentration. The HI was greater in 0-20 cm 17, D62B growth was inhibited to some extent at all Cd levels. than in 20-40 cm soil layer. In adsorption, lg Kd values increased The biomass of D62B significantly decreased with increasing Cd with pH increasing from 4 to 5 and then reduced with further concentrations. The Cd concentrations in shoot and translation increase in pH, with absorption peak appeared at pH 5, The lg Kd coefficient of D62B were significantly lower than those of value at pH 5 was 3.36 for 0-20 cm soil layers and 3.90 for 20-40 Luhui17 during the growth periods. At mature stage, the Cd cm soil layers. In conclusion, cationic adsorptions might be one of concentrations in brown rice and chaff were also significantly the main sorption mechanisms for ciprofloxacin in two soil layers. lower than those of Luhui17. At 1 mg Cd·kg-1 and 4 mg Cd·kg-1, Keywords: ciprofloxacin; ustic cambosols; absorption; desorption; the Cd concentrations in brown rice of D62B were lower than the pH National Food Safety Standards (0.2 mg·kg-1). The rates of Cd 94 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts uptake by D62B were the greatest at tillering stage, and increased Yu-jiao, WEN Ya, GUO Qian-nan, et al. Journal of Agro- as Cd concentrations increased. The Cd translocation rate of D62B Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2335-2342. In Chinese. was significantly lower than that of Luhui17 at 4 mg·kg-1 and 16 Soil washing is one option to remediate heavy metal contaminated mg·kg-1. At mature stage, the Cd translocation of D62B was only soils. The present study examined the removal efficiency of 46.52% and 66.68% of that of Luhui17 at 4 mg·kg-1 and 16 cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) from a farmland soil by batch mg·kg-1. Cadmium absorbed by D62B accumulated about extraction with mixture of organic acid (citric acid or tartaric acid)

44%-49% in cell walls and about 37% in soluble fraction, and the and FeCl3. Metal fractions before and after soil washing were also lowest in cellular organelles, while more than 48% of Cd in determined. The Cd and Pb removal efficiency from the soil was Luhui17 was localized in soluble fraction. In roots, majority of Cd up to 40.7% and 20.9% for mixture of citric acid (100 mmol·L-1) -1 was located in soluble fraction and cell walls, but percentages of and FeCl3 (20 mmol·L ), and up to 42.6% and 16.5% for mixture -1 -1 Cd in cell wall was significantly lower in Luhui 17 than D62B at of tartaric acid (100 mmol·L ) and FeCl3 (20 mmol·L ), 16 mg·Cd kg-1. In conclusion, Cd pollution-safe rice variety D62B respectively. The metal removal efficiency was higher for mixed has low accumulation of Cd in brown rice, and could be reagents than single reagent. Increasing pH of washing solution considered as Cd safety rice germplasm resources for Cd-polluted decreased the removal efficiency of heavy metals. The optimum farmlands. washing conditions were liquid to solid ratio of 5:1, washing time Keywords: rice; Cd pollution-safe plant; uptake; translocation; of 24 h and washing cycles of 3. Metal fractionation showed that subcellular distribution the removed Cd by organic acids combined with FeCl3 was mainly from exchangeable (77.3%-79.8% decline) and Fe-Mn oxides X503.231 1672-2043-201412002296 forms (86.7%-87.0% reduction), while the organic matter bound Effects of Microcystin-LR at Environmental Relevant metals were almost unchanged. The removed Pb came from Concentrations on Growth and Antioxidant Enzymes of Oryza Fe-Mn oxides (70.0%-70.8% decrease) and organic matter form sativa L. at Vegetative Stage. ZHANG Min-min, JIANG Jin-lin, (58.8%-66.0% drop). After soil washing, however, the ZHOU Jun-ying, et al. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, exchangeable Pb significantly increased to 24.2%-24.5%, but Cd 2014, 33(12): 2296-2302. In Chinese. and Pb in carbonates almost disappeared with residual metal form In recent years, the worldwide occurrence of cyanobacterial unchanged. The removal efficiency of Pb in soil could be blooms is of great ecological concern because many genera of significantly increased by repeated washing, and up to bloom-forming cyanobaceria are known to produce microcystins. 47.0%-48.2% of Pb could be extracted after 3 washing cycles.

Toxic effects of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) on mammals, birds, and Keywords: organic acid; FeCl3, heavy metal; contaminated soil; aquatic organisms have been《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 widely investigated, but its soil washing phytotoxic effects and mechanisms in terrestrial plants remain unclear. In the present study, we examined the growth and X53 1672-2043-201412002321 development and enzyme activities, including plant height, root Spatial Distribution, Fractionation and Pollution Assessment length, aboveground biomass, photosynthesizer, and root of Heavy Metals in Wanzhuang Gold Mining Field in peroxidase (POD), glutathione (GSH), protein phosphatase (PP) Upstream Part of Water Conservation Area of Beijing, China. and malondialdehyde (MDA) in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) ZHANG Ai-xing, NI Yi-ning, JI Hong-bing, et al. Journal of exposed to 0, 0.1, 1, 10, 50 μg·L-1 of MC-LR for 7, 15, 20, and 34 Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2321-2328. In Chinese. days. Results showed that the root length of rice increased by The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial 6.94% and 6.06% under the exposure of 0.1 and 1 μg·L-1 MC-LR, distribution, fractionation and contamination degree of heavy respectively, but reduced significantly by 8.71% under the metals in soils of gold mine and tailings of Pinggu in Beijing. The exposure of 50 μg·L-1 MC-LR, compared with the control over the spatial distributions of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were basically the 34 days of the experiment. MC-LR significantly induced the same. Their pollution was more serious in the gold mining and activities of some key indicators in the antioxidant system of rice, surrounding area, which was obviously affected by human such as POD and GSH. The longer exposure time, the more activities. However, the spatial distribution of Cr and Ni showed remarkable induction was observed. However, POD was that the most polluted area was the tailings. Exchange and significantly inhibited by 58.51% and 8.09% by 0.1 μg·L-1 MC-LR reducible fractions of Cd accounted for about 20%-30% of the in 20 and 34 days of the experiment, respectively. Applying 50 total Cd, respectively. Zinc and Pb were dominated by reducible μg·L-1 MC-LR significantly inhibited POD, GSH, and PP by fraction, which is potential pollution source. Pb, As, Hg, Zn, and 38.52%, 45.86%, and 52.51%, respectively, after 34 days of the Cd came mainly from mine mining, metal smelting and other exposure. These results show that MC-LR has toxic effects on human activities. The geo-accumulation index showed that the terrestrial plants under long time exposure to environmental studied areas were seriously polluted by Pb, As and Cd, but relevant concentrations. slightly by Ni and Cr. The soils had not been contaminated by Hg. Keywords: microcystin-LR; rice; growth; photosynthesis; Some sample points showed mild and moderate Cu pollution. enzymatic; activity Keywords: soil; heavy metals; spatial distribution; fraction analysis; geo-accumulation X53 1672-2043-201412002335 Remediation of Cadmium and Lead Contaminated Farmland X53 1672-2043-201412002368

Soil by Washing with Combined Organic Acids and FeCl3. LI Uptake and Removal Efficiency of Atrazine in Soil by Several 95 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Weeds. CHEN Jian-jun, LI Ming-rui, ZHANG Kun, et al. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2014, 33(12): 2368-2373. In Industrial Technology Chinese. Atrazine was the most commonly detected herbicide Automation Techniques and Computer Technology contaminating soil and water. Phytoremediation has been approved to a cost-effective technique. In this study, a pot experiment was TP319 1000-1646-201406000671 carried out to compare the uptake and removal efficiency of 3D ECT image reconstruction by iterative method with atrazine in soil by seven weeds. Enrichment and transfer threshold filtering. YAN Hua, XU Xin, SUN Yan-hui, et al. characteristics of atrazine in plants as well as relationships Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): between the removal efficiency of atrazine and plant biomass, root 671-675. In Chinese. growth were also investigated. Growing plants profoundly To solve the problem of requiring many times of iterations and improved the removal efficiency of atrazine from soil. Compared containing a lot of artifacts in the reconstructed images when the with the control, the highest removal efficiency of atrazine was Landweber iteration algorithm is used for 3D ECT reconstruction, found in Pennisetum hydridumn with the removal efficiency being an iterative reconstruction method with threshold filtering was increased by 40.37%. The removal efficiency of atrazine was in proposed. An initial image was reconstructed with the Landweber order of P. hydridum > Saccharum arundinaceum > Lolium iteration algorithm, and an improved image was obtained by perenne L. > Festuca elata > Solanum nigrum L. > Gramineae > means of threshold filtering. In order to obtain an optimum C. rotundus, and was significantly positively correlated with plant threshold, the initial image was successively binarized with a biomass (r=0.838) and ratio of root to shoot biomass (r=0.866). limited amount of discretized thresholds. In addition, the errors Seven weed plants did show absorption, enrichment and transfer between the corresponding estimated and measured capacitances of atrazine to some extents. The enrichment coefficient and of binarized image were calculated, and the threshold with the transfer coefficient of P. hydridum was the highest, which were minimum error was chosen as the optimum threshold. The 0.54 and 2.81, respectively, followed by those of S. arundinaceum simulated results show that the adaptive threshold filtering can and F. elata. In sum, P. hydridum, S. arundinaceum and F. elata obviously reduce the reconstruction time and artifacts in the could be recommended for restoring atrazine contaminated soils. reconstructed images. As a result, the proposed method has a good Keywords: atrazine; contaminated soil; phytoremediation; application potential. enrichment characteristics; removal efficiency Keywords: electrical capacitance tomography (ECT); three-dimensional reconstruction; reconstruction algorithm; Waste Treatment and Comprehensive《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Utilization adaptive threshold; artifact inhibition; 3D ECT; Landweber iteration; threshold filtering X713 1672-2043-201412002281 Pollution and Environmental Regulation of Antibiotic TP24 1000-8608-201406000637 Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Livestock Manure. ZOU Wei, An improved path planning algorithm based on RRT-ConCon. LUO Yi, ZHOU Qi-xing. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, WANG Fan, FENG Nan, HU Xiao-peng. Journal of Dalian 2014, 33(12): 2281-2287. In Chinese. University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): 637-643. In Chinese. There are increasing concerns about contamination of antibiotic Aiming at the lack of stability and slow convergence for RRT resistance genes (ARGs) due to extensive uses of antibiotics in algorithm, based on RRT-ConCon algorithm and towards goal livestock and poultry breeding industries. After having induced in search strategy, an improved bidirectional search path planning animal guts, antibiotic resistance bacteria are excreted via feces algorithm is proposed. By changing the temporary extension target and then enter into soil environment through horizontal gene for two search paths, the algorithm not only can make the search transfers, thus increasing the risk of ARGs propagation in soil and path grow easily towards the direction of target, but also can groundwater. It is unknown whether composting, a traditional improve the stability of the algorithm, at the same time can method for utilization of animal wastes, could eliminate ARGs. guarantee the planning path close to the optimal solution. The This article summarized the current pollution situation of ARGs in improved RRT-ConCon algorithm uses random node generating livestock manure, and reviewed the changes of microbial function to avoid the search path growing towards the target point community structure and their influencing factors and the falling into local minimum. Meanwhile, in order to test a variety dynamics of ARGs during composting. It is recommended that of simulation experimental environments, a simulation composting could be used as an effective way to reduce ARGs. experimental environment platform is designed, and experimental During composting, high temperature could effectively kill results demonstrate the effectiveness and stability of the proposed antibiotic resistance bacteria and plasmids. Also chemical algorithm. inhibitors such as lime nitrogen, amine and benzopyrrole could Keywords: mobile robot; path planning; rapidly-exploring random directly diminish enteric microorganisms, thus decreasing the trees (RRT); bidirectional rapidly-exploring random trees abundance of ARGs. It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive (Bi-RRT); RRT-ConCon algorithm research on ARGs removal through composting to mitigate the propagation of ARGs in the environment. TP273+.4 1000-7857-201432000041 Keywords: antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs); livestock and Application of PLC Fuzzy PID Control System to Medium poultry industry; manure; compost; chemical inhibitor Fermentation Temperature Control. LI Wenhua, LIU Jianghong. 96 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 41-45. In Chinese. Lightweight is an effectual way to save the storage space, quicken This paper aims to solve the problems of the existence of the processing speed and hide the secret information for complex secondary fermentation medium low yield, the poor product 3D models. Related system architecture and processing workflow identity, the low level of automation, the high energy consumption are proposed in this paper for the lightweight of complex and many other urgent problems, as well as the complexity of the assemblies in a rapid and effective way. Key technologies such as secondary fermentation medium temperature control inside the components suppression, surface processing and shell extraction tunnel by proposing a computer control system based on PLC, are taken as the cardinal means for this simplifying aim. The with the computer data acquisition and the real-time control of algorithm has been successfully applied for the assembly design in fermentation process. Fuzzy PID control algorithm is adopted in several enterprises, which proves to greatly improve the efficiency. the system, the fuzzy controller and PID adjustor are realized by The method of lightweight introduces a useful thinking for the PLC, which not only has the agile, reliable peculiarity and the applications as collaborative design and motion simulation, etc. ability of antijamming of a PLC control system, but also improves Keywords: lightweight; complex assembly; feature suppression; considerably the intelligence level and the control precision of the shell extraction; gap filling control system. The practice results show that the system can effectively control the secondary fermentation medium TP391 1000-9825-201412002733 temperature inside the tunnel, greatly improve the level of Causality and Its Applications in Social Media: A Survey. automation, and the quality of the products, reduce the labor ZHAO Sen-Dong, LIU Ting. Journal of Software, 2014, 25(12): intensity and the human losses and costs, reduce the energy 2733-2752. In Chinese. consumption, with good economic and social benefits. The main objective of many studies in the physical, behavioral, Keywords: medium; fermentation; PLC; fuzzy PID social, and biological sciences is the elucidation of cause-effect relationships among variables or events. Many causality problems, TP181 1000-9825-201412002753 occur when new words and behaviors are mapped from Approaches of Structure Exploratory Based on Probabilistic individuals to the Internet or are created by the Internetitself. Models in Massive Networks. CHAI Bian-Fang, JIA Cai-Yan, Causality is hidden behind correlations; conclusion made by YU Jian. Journal of Software, 2014, 25(12): 2753-2766. In correlation analysis is likely to be unreliable or even wrong; and in Chinese. absence of causality, methods based on correlation is unable to The growth of the Internet and the emergence of online social intervene, control and manage. Thus, causal analysis is necessary websites bring up the development of massive networks which are in social media. This paper first introduces the value, importance, large in scale, complex in structure,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 and dynamical in time. and necessity of causality analysis, followed by causality problems Exploring latent structure underlying a network is the fundamental existing in social media. Then, a brief overview of the recent solution to understand and analyze the network. Probabilistic research on causal inference is provided with analysis basic theory, models become effective tools in diverse areas of structure problems and research status. Finally, comparisons among exploratory due to their flexibility in modeling, interpretability and previous studies are made to suggest the future research directions the sound theoretical framework, however they incur and causality application in social media computational bottlenecks. Recently, several approaches based on Keywords: causality; social media; commonsense causality; probabilistic models have been developed to explore structure in Bayesian network; randomized controlled trial; quasi-experimental massive networks, which aim to solve the computational problems design from three aspects: representations of a network, assumptions of the structure and methods of parameter estimation. This study TP273 1000-1646-201406000607 classifies existing approaches as two categories by the methods of Chaotic prediction for magnetic suspension control system of parameter estimation: approaches based on stochastic variational CNC machining center. LIU Chun-fang, ZHU Si-jia. Journal of inference and online EM approaches, and analyzes in detail their Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): 607-612. In designing incentives, principles, pros and cons. The properties and Chinese. performance of classical models are compared and analyzed In order to eliminate the chaotic effect of magnetic suspension qualitatively and quantitatively, and as a result the principles are system, the expression of nonlinear electromagnetic force was provided to develop approaches of structure detection in massive acquired with the Taylor series expansion method. In addition, the networks. Finally, the core problems of structure exploratory in dynamics model, space state equation and simulation model of massive networks are summarized based on probabilistic models magnetic suspension system were established. Through selecting and the development trend of this area is projected. different system parameters, initial states and external disturbances, Keywords: massive network; structure detection; stochastic the phase track images of magnetic suspension system at such varational inference; online EM algorithm; triangular motif different states as homoclinic orbit, bifurcation, chaotic track and steady state were obtained. The simulated results show that the TP301 1674-7267-201411001422 generation area of chaotic behavior in the magnetic suspension Assembly-oriented geometrical and structural lightweight system can be understood with the proposed method, and thus a technology for complex models. , NIU Qiang, ZHANG beneficial basis for designing the controller, achieving stable XiaoBing, et al. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 2014, 44(11): suspension and high machining accuracy in a wide range and 1422-1431. In Chinese. avoiding effectively the chaotic region is provided. 97 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Keywords: magnetic suspension system; initial state; motion track; TP319 1000-8608-201406000682 chaotic behavior; stability; homoclinic orbit; bifurcation; external Design and implementation of on-board monitoring system disturbance software for dynamic grouping train. TANG Hai-yuan, LIU Quan-li. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): TP301 1674-7267-201411001432 682-689. In Chinese. Cloud-based medical image visualization platform. WU FuLi, Train on-board monitoring system plays a vital role in the safety of ZHANG Tong, LIANG RongHua. Scientia Sinica Informationis, rail transportation. It is usually made up of camera, digital video 2014, 44(11): 1432-1444. In Chinese. recorder (DVR), switch, touch screen monitor (TLCD) and other Traditional medical image visualization software is difficult to run devices, which takes the responsibilities of real-time monitoring in cross-platform without any coordination mechanism, while the environment of train, storing video and so on. The train on-board capacity of storage and the volume rendering are limited. We monitoring system software which runs in the TLCD is the core propose a cloud-based medical image visualization platform. To control software of the system. The dynamic grouping handle use the large storage and the powerful graphics computing function is a key part for the whole train on-board monitoring capabilities in the cloud, it can codec medical image and system software. When trains run in dynamic grouping mode, this implement segmentation and visualize volume. Then we propose function guarantees that the monitoring system works normally. an adaptive medical meta-data and image data transmission The introduced on-board monitoring system software for dynamic protocol, which also supports collaborative visualization. Through grouping train has already been used in a subway project. real-time interaction between cloud and browsers and peer Keywords: train on-board monitoring system; train dynamic transmission between browsers and browsers, we achieve a variety grouping; real-time monitor; playback video; on-board device of two-dimensional and three-dimensional visualization of images status report and collaborative interaction features. Experimental results show that our platform not only support browsing large amounts of TP301 1674-7267-201411001409 two-dimensional data and pseudo-color mapping in real time, but Fast Hermite radial basis function surface reconstruction. LIU also support advanced segmentation and three-dimensional ShengJun, LIU XinRu. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 2014, 44(11): visualization with coordination mechanism, and has better 1409-1421. In Chinese. real-time interactivity. In this paper, a fast method with compactly supported radial basis Keywords: medical imaging; cloud computing; volume rendering; functions (CSRBFs) is presented for Hermite surface interpolation transfer protocol; collaborative interaction or approximation from scattered points. By constructing a 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅hierarchy of the given points, a global surface reconstruction is TP393 1674-7267-201411001467 achieved in a coarse-to- ne way which overcome the problems Consilience degree—a new network property to evaluate resulted from using CSRBFs. Moreover, we design a radial basis system's performance against disturbances. HU XiaoBing, SHI function center selection approach based on approximat- ing errors, PeiJun, WANG Ming, et al. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 2014, to reduce the interpolating points on each level, which make the 44(11): 1467-1481. In Chinese. Hermite radial basis function implicits to be able to deal with point To study the performance of a system against disturbances, many clouds more than one million of points. The experiments important concepts have been developed, such as "robustness" in demonstrate our method is also suitable for handling extremely systems science, and "vulnerability", "resilience" and "adaptation" nonuniform or noisy point clouds. in social-ecological systems. A question is: have these existing Keywords: multi-level interpolation; Hermite interpolation; radial concepts fully described the performance of a system against basis function; surface reconstruction; scat-tered points disturbances? In the practice of real-world disaster and risk management, the consent of wills and coordination of activities in TP306 1000-1646-201406000666 a society often play a crucial role, which however can hardly be re Fault recognition of wind turbine bearings based on wavelet ected or captured by existing concepts. This paper proposes a and fractal theory. SUN Zi-qiang, CHEN Chang-zheng, MENG brand-new network property, consilience degree, which is Qiang, et al. Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, especially used to evaluate how well a system have integrated and 36(6): 666-670. In Chinese. coordinated resources, in order to deal with disturbances. Actually, In order to solve the problems that the vibration signals of wind consilinece degree can be viewed as a generalized node degree. In turbine bearings are easily modulated and polluted by the this paper, with the basic idea of consilinece degree, a set of new environmental noises and have such characteristics as low network properties and models are developed, which form a new signal-to-noise ratio, non-linearity and non-stationarity, the theory to study complex systems. Our theoretical analyses and corresponding study was performed with a fault recognition simulation results clearly prove that, consilience degree reveals method based on wavelet and fractal theory. Through adopting the some new important system properties, which have been wavelet packet decomposition, the delay time and embedding completely missed out by existing theories, and therefore, it dimension of phase space were determined with the mutual provides a new angle and fundamental tools to better understand information method and Cao algorithm, respectively. The working complex systems. state of wind turbine bearings was determined according to the Keywords: consilience degree; node degree; robustness; complex correlation dimension changes of different frequency bands. The network; social-ecological systems; system science proposed method is independent on the working dynamical model 98 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts for wind turbine, and is sensitive to the information state change of service selection; AHP; multi-attribute; weighted arithmetic overall system. With the field experiments, it is found that the average operator; hybrid QoS proposed method can better solve the hard distinguishing problem in the faults of wind turbine bearings, and provide the important TP301 1674-7267-201411001398 reference for more detailed study on the vibration signals of wind Implicit measures of user attention in virtual environment turbine bearings. navigation. HAN HongLei, XU ChanChan, FEI GuangZheng, et Keywords: wind turbine; fault recognition; correlation dimension; al. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 2014, 44(11): 1398-1408. In wavelet packet; fractal; mutual information method; bearing; Chinese. phase space The eye-tracker device is the main tool to obtain visual attention. However, it is hard to be applied in the 3D virtual scene navigation TP301 1674-7267-201411001385 because of its poor reliability, great complexity and high price. We GPU-based expressive line drawing algorithm for volumes. propose a new attention measure metric which can be easily ZHANG Long, WANG YiGang, WU XiangYang. Scientia Sinica embedded in the virtual environment. Behaviors of virtual camera Informationis, 2014, 44(11): 1385-1397. In Chinese. controlled by the user are regarded as implicit expression of visual Existing line drawing algorithms for volumes extract feature lines attention. The implicit expression is parameterized by the observed by tracing randomly selected seeds, which is known to have severe object's distance to the center of the camera, occlusion, projected temporal coherence problems. We propose a GPU-based line area, and observation time. A sophisticated user study experiment drawing algorithm framework for volume data. The algorithm is designed to verify the reliability of this kind of measurement. extracts all feature lines in every frame, eliminating the The proposed implicit measurement of user attention can be discontinuity artifacts in successive frames. Firstly, we propose a effectively applied to an application of user attention aided game parallel algorithm to extract feature line segments in each cell in design. the geometry shader. To determine the visibility of feature lines, Keywords: visual attention; virtual navigation; 3D scene design; we use splatting to render a depth map for each frame, achieving camera control; saliency much higher performance than the ray-casting method adopted in previous approaches. Correct visibility is obtained by using TP271 1000-1646-201406000625 adaptive depth offsets. To store the large volume data in the Maximum power point tracking of wind turbine based on high-speed video memory, we propose efficient data pruning and sliding mode control. ZHANG Feng, YAN Xiu-ke, LAN encoding schemes, which remarkably reduce the memory Hong-guang, et al. Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, consumption and bandwidth, while《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 maintaining the line drawing 2014, 36(6): 625-630. In Chinese. quality. Experimental results show that, our method can render In order to make maximal use of wind power and improve the high quality line drawings with temporal coherence, with a efficiency of wind power generation system, a maximum power rendering speed that is an order of magnitude faster than previous point tracking method based on sliding mode control was CPU-based methods using seed-and-traversal. proposed. The control system of wind turbine was established, and Keywords: rendering; volume rendering; feature extraction; the sliding plane was established based on the sliding mode illustration; acceleration control principle. In addition, the sliding mode control rate was designed, and the stability was analyzed. The simulation studies TP393.07 1000-1646-201406000676 for the control system were carried out with the Matlab/Simulink. Hybrid multi-attribute Web service selection based on The simulated results show that the actual electromagnetic torque intuitionistic fuzzy theory. LI Xiao-lin, ZHANG Li-na. Journal can quickly track the desired electromagnetic torque value, and the of Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): 676-680. In correctness and validity of the proposed control strategy are Chinese. verified. The sliding mode control is independent on the wind Aiming at the multiple services with the same or similar function, speed, has good robustness and high control precision, and can a hybrid multi-attribute Web service selection based on achieve the maximum wind power point tracking. intuitionistic fuzzy theory was proposed. The QoS attributes were Keywords: wind turbine; maximum power point tracking; sliding divided into the exact numeric type, interval numeric type and mode control; stability; control system; output power; linguistic type. The calculation method for the QoS preference of electromagnetism torch users was obtained with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In addition, the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) theory was introduced to TP391.41 1000-8608-201406000656 unify the hybrid QoS attributes into the intuitionistic fuzzy number, Moving object detection by marker-extracted watershed based and the intuitionistic fuzzy weighted arithmetic average operator on motion contour. SHE Qing-shan, YANG Wei-jian, TIAN Zhuo, was used to assemble the indexes of QoS decision matrix. et al. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): Moreover, the ranking for each decision scheme was performed 656-661. In Chinese. with the intuitionistic fuzzy scoring function, and the Web service Aiming at the problem of empty caused by using difference selection based on QoS was realized. The results of example multiplication to a moving object, a new algorithm is introduced verification show that the proposed method has certain based on motion region contour and adaptive marker-constrained effectiveness. watershed to realize the integrity of bigger moving object detection Keywords: intuitionistic fuzzy set; score function; QoS preference; on a mobile robot platform. Firstly, scaling and translating of 99 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 background caused by the mobile robot are matched using the deploy the observer positions based on r-coverage rate. It chooses phase correlation and Fourier-Mellin transform algorithm. the r-coverage rate of the observers as the objective function to Secondly, the foreground and background markers are extracted implement the r-coverage rate first observer selection algorithm. based on motion region contour and layered projection method. The proposed method is tested on model and real networks The motion region contour is detected by multiplying the two respectively. Results show that the proposed method is effective. difference images of three frames. And then, through the The observer deployment method is significant in controlling combination of the open, close operation and projection method, internet rumors and computer virus. the foreground and background marker templates are generated. Keywords: social network; information diffusion; information These marker templates are divided into several layers, and the source location; observer deployment; r coverage rate foreground and background markers are extracted via connecting the boundary points of each layer in a certain way, these boundary TP181 1000-9825-201412002777 points are gained by horizontal projection. Finally, based on the Online Comment Clustering Based on an Improved Semantic reconstructed gradient image, the motion region is completely Distance. YANG Zhen, WANG Lai-Tao, LAI Ying-Xu. Journal of segmented using the marker-constrained watershed algorithm. The Software, 2014, 25(12): 2777-2789. In Chinese. experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm An improved semantic distance for short text is proposed. The new for segment of ordered and dis-ordered moving objects and its method calculates the semantic distance between two word strings real-time performance. as balance of the extent of word sequence alignment and the Keywords: moving object detection; image registration; meaning matching between word strings. First, after linguistic marker-constrained watershed; motion robot preprocessing, the extent of word sequence alignment is computed by the structural distance which measures the maximum matching TP391 1000-8608-201406000632 based on the HIT-CIR Tongyici Cilin (extended edition). Then the Multi-target tracking algorithm based on object detection and meaning matching between word strings is computed by an graph cuts. JIANG Ming-xin, WANG Hong-yu, QIU Tian-shuang. improved edit distance which allocates each word a weight Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): 632-636. according to its word type. Finally, the semantic distance between In Chinese. the word strings is measured as a balance of structural distance Tracking of multiple targets is a challenging problem in and word meaning matching distance. In addition, in order to intelligence video surveillance. A novel multi-target tracking eliminate the influence of the sentence length, the proposed algorithm based on moving objects detection and graph cuts is semantic distance is adjusted using the distinct word count proposed. Firstly, moving objects《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 are detected by modeling the estimated by the Heap's law and Zipf law. Experimental results background using codebook model. Then, the energy function is show that the presented methods are more efficient than the established, making each label correspond to one object. The classical edit distance models. problem of multi-target tracking is transformed into a Keywords: text clustering; online comment; semantic distance; combinatorial optimization of energy minimization. Finally, a length penalty; Heap's law; Zipf's law network is constructed and the optimized result is gained by the max-flow min-cuts algorithm. Experimental results show that the TP311 1000-9825-201412002824 proposed algorithm can deal with the entrance of new object and Overlapping Community Discovery and Global Representa- the exit of existing one in the scene, and it has nice robustness to tion on MicroBlog Network. HU Yun, WANG Chong-Jun, WU the occlusion between multiple objects. Jun, et al. Journal of Software, 2014, 25(12): 2824-2836. In Keywords: multi-target tracking; graph cuts; energy function; Chinese. network flow; codebook Micro-Blog cyberspace is a booming multiple mode network of numerous overlapping communities covering huge amount of TP311 1000-9825-201412002837 users and topics relating to the nature, the society and the everyday Observer Deployment Method for Locating the Information life. Based on in depth analysis on the entities and inherent Source in Social Network. ZHANG Yu-Bo, ZHANG Xi-Zhe, relationships among the network, this paper purposes a user-topic ZHANG Bin. Journal of Software, 2014, 25(12): 2837-2851. In relation dominated structural module for overlapping community Chinese. representation and detection, and also infuses the follow Locating information source accurately is important for relationship along with the blog-forward and blog-comment controlling its diffusion on the social network. In previous studies, relationship into the module. By introducing a virtual community a feasible way is locating the source using process information into the actual communities of the network, the paper also puts collected by the observers. Thus, the accuracy rate is closely forward an improved global belongingness matrix as user's role related to the observer positions. In this paper, an optimal representation which has the ability to properly describe a user's deployment method for observer positions is proposed. degree of participation and importance in the network. Considering the information diffusion process for single source, it Experimental results on Sina's micro-blog dataset show that the firstly analyzes the relationship between the accuracy rate for new method is favorable and efficient for finding meaningful locating a specified source and the positions of observers. Based communities from the micro-blog. Furthermore, the proposed on the relationship, it finds a key factor which is related to the module and algorithms can be adapted in various ways for similar accuracy rate of locating any source. It then suggests a method to social network analysis and helpful for community evolution 100 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts research. 1445-1466. In Chinese. Keywords: microblog network; entity relationship module; For efficiency, Many numerical programs are based on overlapping community; belongingness matrix; virtual community fixed-precision floating point numbers. However, it is very hard to guarantee the correctness of these programs during the TP181 1000-9825-201412002865 propagation of the numerical errors. This paper presents an Performance Analysis of Clustering-Based Transductive automatic approach that helps the developers detect the Learning. ZHANG Xin, HE Ben, LUO Tie-Jian, et al. Journal of instabilities in their programs. The insight of our approach is by Software, 2014, 25(12): 2865-2876. In Chinese. systematically perturbing the underlying numerical calculation, we Recently, Twitter search has drawn much attention of researchers can estimate the potential instabilities of numerical programs. We in social networks. Although rich features of Twitter can be presents two concrete perturbations in our approach: value incorporated into rank learning, the retrieval effectiveness can be perturbation and expression perturbation. Value perturbation hurt by the lack of training data. Transductive learning, as a replaces the least significant bits of each floating-point value in the common semi-supervised learning method, has been playing an code, while expression perturbation changes the numerical import role in dealing with the lacking of training data. Due to the expressions in programs to mathematically equivalent forms. We fact that noise is generated during the iterative process of then compare the executions of these "equivalent" forms to help transductive learning, a clustering-based transductive method is discover and remedy potential instabilities. We use a few proposed. There exist two important parameters in the techniques to optimize our perturbation approach. When users clustering-based transductive approach, namely the threshold of have powerful computing hardwares, a multi-core algrithm helps clustering and the number of the documents that will be clustered. them to improve the performance of our perturbation. And when This paper extends the method by utilizing a different clustering users have limited computing resources in their platform, we also algorithm. As shown by extensive experiments on the standard present a Monte Carlo method to get acceptable results efficiently. TREC Tweets11 collection, both of the two parameters have an The evaluation results on a few literary programs and the GNU effect on the retrieval effectiveness. Furthermore, the robustness of scientific library (GSL) show the practicability and effectiveness the clustering-based transduction approach on different query sets of our perturbation approach. is also studied. Finally, the paper proposes an adaptive clustering- Keywords: numerical computing; floating-point; program based approach by introducing a so called cluster coherence as instabilities; perturbation; software testing quality controller. The experimental results show that the robustness of the proposed method is better. TP391 0254-0037-201411001615 Keywords: clustering; transductive《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 learning; Twitter search; Quality Grade Detection in Navel Oranges Based on Machine adaptive; performance Vision and Support Vector Machine. HU Fa-huan, LIU Guo- ping, HU Rong-hua, et al. Journal of Beijing University of TP181 1000-9825-201412002767 Technology, 2014, 40(11): 1615-1620. In Chinese. Predicting Popularity of Forum Threads Based on Dynamic Using machine vision to replace artificial vision and realizing Evolution. KONG Qing-Chao, MAO Wen-Ji. Journal of Software, navel orange quality grade detection, the mathematical 2014, 25(12): 2767-2776. In Chinese. morphology was employed to separate navel orange from Web user's online interacting behavior with others usually makes background. The bulk features, surface defect features, color some user generated content (e.g. forum threads and Weibo topics) features and texture features were extracted, which were the input popular. The modeling and prediction of the popularity of online feature vectors of the support vector machine (SVM), and SVM is content are of great research importance and practical value in used in training and classification of those features. The trained many different domains. To predict the popularity of forum threads, classifier was used to detect navel oranges. Experimental results this paper discusses several dynamic factors that might affect the show that the classifier has the feature of higher rate of correct popularity of online content based on the information of dynamic identification and real-time, and it can be used in real-time evolution at the early stage, and proposes a popularity prediction detection of navel oranges. algorithm which makes use of the locality property and combines Keywords: machine vision; support vector machine; quality grades; multiple dynamic factors. The proposed algorithm is further navel orange evaluated with the Douban group dataset. The experimental results show that, compared with the baseline methods, our method TP301 1674-7267-201411001361 achieves relatively better performance in predicting the popularity Recursive video segmentation. CHEN YaDang, HAO ChuanYan, of forum threads. WU Wen, et al. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 2014, 44(11): 1361- Keywords: user generated content; popularity of online content; 1369. In Chinese. popularity prediction; social media analytics; modeling and This paper presents a kind of recursive video object segmentation prediction of dynamic evolution method. Previous video cutout methods present three major limitations especially for complex video scene: firstly they lack TP301 1674-7267-201411001445 the ability to deal with the inseparable color problem between Program instability detection based on systematically foreground and background scenes, and the occlusion/disocclusion optimized numerical perturbation. TANG EnYi, BARR Earl, problem caused by large movement, new exposed regions or SU ZhenDong, et al. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 2014, 44(11): topology change are also difficult to be solved. Lastly, the 101 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 consideration on how to build the color model for the following Lyapunov inequality probability estimation, which plays a critical role in the final result, has always been ignored in most of existing methods. In our TP181 1000-9825-201412002790 method, all above limitations are taken full consideration. A kind Sentiment Analysis Based on Light Reviews. ZHANG Lin, of motion prediction method based on local coherence is adopted QIAN Guan-Qun, FAN Wei-Guo, et al. Journal of Software, 2014, to separate the inseparable color. Then a self-adaptive extended 25(12): 2790-2807. In Chinese. sampling method is used to repair the video discontinuity caused This paper researches the newly emerging user reviews (referred by occlusion/disocclusion problem, and also we built the color here as "light reviews") generated from smart mobile devices. The model by sampling all the pixels from selected regions in order to similarities and differences between this research and the early make it clean and representative. Lastly, the final segmentation studies are pointed out. The unique characteristics of the light result is generated by using 3D Graph Cut algorithm according to review can be summarized as having shorter texts, bigger span, the spatio-temporal coherence of the video. The experimental and in most cases fewer words per review. The review length and results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the scale also meet the power-law distribution. A series of experiments proposed method at achieving high quality results, as well as the are studies based on light reviews, resulting in some interesting robustness of the proposed method against several challenging test findings: (1) There is an inverse relationship between inputs. classification accuracy and review length; (2) The traditional Keywords: video segmentation; recursive; local coherence; classical feature selection and feature weight method do not occlusion and disocclusion; spatio-temporal coherence perform well enough on light reviews; (3) The polar word ratio in short reviews, which is the most important feature in sentiment TP273.2 1000-8608-201406000651 analysis, is higher than in long reviews; (4) There is a higher Research on currency sorter configuration rules acquirement shared feature term proportion between short review and long method based on rough set theory. CUI Wen-hua, SUN -fan, review. Based on above studies, the paper puts forward a feature WANG Jie-sheng, et al. Journal of Dalian University of selection method based on short text co-occurrence feature. By Technology, 2014, 54(6): 651-655. In Chinese. combining the information advantages in short reviews with the Currency sorter is an optical, mechanical and electrical financial traditional feature selection methods, the presented method equipment. For different needs of customers, the workflow of preserves useful information and details as much as possible while currency sorter configuration is analyzed. On the basis of rough removing noise. The results of experiment show that the method is set theory, an acquirement method of currency sorter configuration effective and the classification rate is higher. rules is proposed. Through the《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 reduction of decision-making Keywords: sentiment analysis; user review; short-text; opinion system, marketing engineers and customers are familiar with the mining configuration rules as soon as possible. The rough set theory is used to realize the knowledge model discovery, the condition TP311 1000-9825-201412002852 attributes and decision attributes extraction,eventually forming the Social Recommendations Based on User Trust and Tensor configuration decision table according to the sample data. The Factorization. ZOU Ben-You, LI Cui-Ping, -Wen, et al. Skowron difference matrix is used to obtain the attributes reduction Journal of Software, 2014, 25(12): 2852-2864. In Chinese. and cores calculation. The configuration results demonstrate the In social networks, recommender systems can help users to deal feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. with information overload and provide personalized Keywords: rough set theory; currency sorter; attribute reduction; recommendations to them. The trust relationship of users is used in configuration rule the social networks' recommender systems. But the state-of-art algorithms only use the single trust relationship which cannot TP13 0254-0037-201411001632 capture the trust to user's friends when looking for different items.

Robust Fault-tolerant H∞ Control for Linear Time-varying This paper proposes a topic-based trust recommendation algorithm Periodically Singular System With Uncertainty. FENG Jun, using tensor factorization model. As the social information WANG Gang, SU Xiao-ming. Journal of Beijing University of changes rapidly, the state-of-art algorithms often need redo Technology, 2014, 40(11): 1632-1636. In Chinese. factorization. To address the issue, the paper also presents an Considering a class of the time-varying periodically singular effective incremental method to adaptively update its previous system, the concept of robust stability and robust stabilization for factorized components rather than re-computing them on the the time-varying periodically singular system was put forward by whole dataset when the data changes. Experiments show that the using analysis method of inequalities of linear matrix and proposed method can achieve better performance and the Lyapunov inequalities. The necessary and sufficient conditions of incremental method is suitable for the rapid changes in the social robust fault-tolerant H∞ control was obtained. The conclusion of networks. robust fault-tolerant H∞ control research achievements are the Keywords: recommendation systems; social network; trust; tensor natural extension from time-invariant singular system to the time- factorization; incremental update varying periodically singular system. Finally, a numerical example is taken to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained conclusions. TP301 1674-7267-201411001370

Keywords: time-varying periodically singular system with Structure-preserving image smoothing with L0 gradient uncertainty; fault-tolerant; H∞ control; linear matrix inequalities; mini-mization coupling gradient delity term. DING ZhiPeng, 102 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts ZHANG ShaoXiong, CHEN JiaZhou, et al. Scientia Sinica due to the limitation of wavelength of visible light. Therefore, it is Informationis, 2014, 44(11): 1370-1384. In Chinese. extreme challenge to relocate the AFM probe precisely to the Image smoothing is a fundamental tool in computer graphics and initial scan area when the AFM probe is replaced or the sample is image processing, whose major challenge is to smooth the input moved. In this paper, we study and present a new label-free image while preserving its salient structure features. Recently, a method for the relocation of AFM probe. This method can cope piecewise smooth approach called L0 gradient minimization has with the variation of relative position between the AFM probe tip been proposed for image smoothing. It employs gradient sparsity and target sample, which is caused by the angle rotation and to achieve locally identical effect, which excels existing methods, position offset. Two easily-recognized features on the sample making the visual performance more satisfying. However, substrate are used as the reference points to realize the blind methods based on L0 gradient minimization can easily cause location of AFM probe with micron scale precision based on the staircase effect and lose part of structure. In this paper, we make principle of coordinate transformation. The high precision the best of L0 gradient minimization and gradient fidelity term to relocation of nano targets is obtained through matching AFM present a new smoothing method. Our method can maintain the images and modifying the scanning parameters. The main main structure of the image and restrain the staircase effect to advantage of this method is that the special man-made marks at make the gradient smoother. The essential structure in similar the target sample area are not necessary. The relocation process of RGB values is preserved as well. Experimental results illustrate AFM probe is simple and rapid, with a wide location range and that our method applies widely, and particularly beneficial to high accuracy. Experiments demonstrate that this method is very image composition, edge detection and clip-art JPEG artifact efficient to track the nanospheres, SWCNTs and nanoscratch. removal, etc. Keywords: atomic force microscope (AFM); relocation; label-free;

Keywords: image smoothing; gradient-preserving; L0 gradient nano targets minimization; staircase effect; structurepreserving TP311 1000-9825-201412002893 TP311 1000-9825-201412002877 Trust Prediction Modeling Based on Social Theories. WANG Study on Social Network Forensics. WU Xin-Dong, LI Ya-Dong, Ying, WANG Xin, ZUO Wan-Li. Journal of Software, 2014, HU Dong-Hui. Journal of Software, 2014, 25(12): 2877-2892. In 25(12): 2893-2904. In Chinese. Chinese. With the pervasion of social media, trust, as the basis of human Based on advances in computing technology and information interactions, has been playing an important role in addressing technology, social networks have emerged as a new tool for people information sharing, experience communication, and public to exchange information and buil《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅d interaction networks, and have opinions. However, trust is a complex and abstract concept become a key topic for social software studies in social computing. influenced by many factors, and it is difficult to identify the inducing Social network forensics seeks to acquire, organize, analyze and factors and analyze the formation mechanism. Recognizing that visualize user information as direct, objective and fair evidence from social theories from social sciences are helpful to explain social a third-party perspective. Along with the rapid development of the phenomena, and social networks reflect user correlations in real Internet, social network forensics faces new challenges in dealing world, this paper investigatethes trust prediction problem from the with user information being diverse, real-time and dynamic, huge in perspective of social science, and constructs trust prediction model volume, and interactive, and also photo trustworthiness. It therefore by studying the disciplines of trust relations occurring and has become a hot issue for opinion analysis, affective computing, developing based on social status theory and homophily theory. content analysis in social networking relations, as well as Firstly, it gives a brief introduction to social status theory and individual, group and social behaviors in social networks and homophily theory, and verifies the existence of social status theory social computing. This paper designs a forensic model for social and homophily theory in social networks. Then, it proposes social network forensics, and implements it on Sina microblogging. This status regularization and homophily regularization according to the model provides user information analysis, facial image recognition, effects of social status theory and homophily theory in predicting and location presentation for trustworthiness analysis of digital trust relations. Lastly, it models trust prediction by incorporating evidence, and applies visualization to help reduce the difficulty of non-negative matrix tri-factorization, social status theory and analysis and forensics on massive data from social networks. homophily theory, and establishes trust prediction model SocialTrust. Keywords: computer forensics; social networks; social computing; Experimental results demonstratethe effectiveness of the proposed trustworthy forensics method in trust prediction with a higher accuracy than other baseline methods. TP2 1674-7259-201411001145 Keywords: trust prediction; non-negative matrix tri-factorization; Study on the rapid relocation method of nano target for AFM. social status theory; homophily theory; SocialTrust ZHOU PeiLin, YU HaiBo, ZHAO ZengXu, et al. Scientia Sinica Techologica, 2014, 44(11): 1145-1153. In Chinese. TP311 1000-9825-201412002808 The atomic force microscope (AFM) has high observation User Community Detection on Micro-Blog Using R-C Model. resolution and operation precision, which plays an irreplaceable ZHOU Xiao-Ping, LIANG Xun, ZHANG Hai-Yan. Journal of role in the characterization of nanomaterials and the assembly of Software, 2014, 25(12): 2808-2823. In Chinese. nanodevices. The selection of AFM scan area depends on an optics Detecting user communities with denser common interests and microscope, whose resolution is generally no more than 200 nm network structure plays an important role in target marketing and 103 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 self-oriented services. User-Generated content and the relationship The expansive soil is a special type of clay with the engineering between the users are often separated in the current methods on properties of swelling, disintegrating and softening when community detection, which results in the unreasonable absorbing water and shrinkaging, desiccating and hardening when community structures. Though some methods tried to combine the losing water. The engineering properties of expansive soil can be two factors, they are complex. Link community algorithm (LCA) improved when treated with cement. The highly expansive soil in is an efficient state-of-art method on overlapping community South-to-North Water Diversion Project was selected from discovery. However, LCA does not take into account the real region, Province. A series of tests on the cement-treated interest characteristics when calculating the similarity between the Handan clay were carried out, mainly including the basic links. To solve the issues on user community detection on physical-chemical properties test, free swelling ratio test, Micro-blog, this paper proposes a R-C model which takes the user mineralogy analysis and microstructure test by XRD, SEM test relationships as the network nodes, treats the intersection of the and cation exchange capacity test at different curing time over a interest characteristics of the two users in a link as the link's long curing time. From different aspects, the variations of interest characteristics, and makes the shared user between two physical-chemical properties, mineralogy composite and links as the underlying link between the links. Also, the microstructure were analyzed, and the mechanisms of cement community detection method based on the R-C model is discussed, treatment on highly expansive soil were discussed. Experimental and the complexity in clustering is analyzed. Finally, compared results show that it is not reasonable to use cation exchange with node CNM and LCA, the method using R-C model is proved capacity to evaluate the swelling potential of cement-treated to be better in finding closer relationship and denser common expansive soil. These results provide a scientific and valuable interest user communities. basis for design and construction of cement treatment on highly Keywords: micro-blog; community detection; following expansive soil. relationship; overlap community Keywords: highly expansive soil; cement treatment; free swelling ratio; one-dimensional non-load swelling ratio; XRD; SEM; cation Building Science exchange capacity

TU833.1 0253-987X-201411000070 TU352.1 1000-8608-201406000612 A Double-Heat Source High-Temperature Heat Pump System Research on influence factor of frame-supported oblique-grid with an Intermediate Heat Exchanger. YANG Weiwei, CAO multi-ribbed composite wall and internal force coefficient of Xingqi, HE Yaling, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, frame-supported beam. JIA Sui-zi, YUAN Quan, CAO Wan-lin. 2014, 48(11): 70-74. In Chinese. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): 612-617. To improve the thermal performance of industrial heat pumps and In Chinese. realize the high-efficiency recovery of industrial low-temperature Considering the factors of height-to-span ratio (hb/l0) of the beam, residual heat, a double-heat source high-temperature heat pump width-to-height ratio (Bw/Hw) of the aseismic wall and system with an intermediate heat exchanger is proposed in this height-to-span ratio (hw/l0) of multi-ribbed composite wall (MCW), paper and the cold water is heated to high temperatures by two the orthogonal test design method was adopted to analyze the stages for industrial application. First, it is heated to the calculation results of frame-supported oblique-grid MCW intermediate temperature by CO2 which absorbs heat from the air, structure by using the visual and variance analyses, and the and then, the water is further heated to a high temperature by internal force influence factors of key parts and structural

R152a, taking waste water as the heat source. In the intermediate maximum angle were also researched. It is concluded that hb/l0 heat exchanger, the heat of R152a after condensation is recovered and Bw/Hw have significant effects on part internal force of by heating CO2 to the superheated state after evaporation. frame-supported beam and frame-supported column, as well as Thermodynamic analysis was conducted and it was indicated that have certain effects on structural maximum angle, and based on there exists a highest superheated temperature for CO2 when the the analytical results, the calculation method on internal force temperature drop of R152a is given in the intermediate heat coefficient of frame-supported beam is obtained. exchanger, which shows the best performance of this heat pump Keywords: frame-supported oblique-grid multi-ribbed composite system. Compared with the single-heat source heat pump by wall; frame-supported beam; orthogonal test design; internal force recovering the residual heat of waste water of 50℃, the hot water coefficient supply is more than double of it; the average power consumption per kg of hot water decreases about 43.2%; and the COP and Chemical Industry energy efficiency increase about 41.9% and 23.9% respectively. Keywords: high-temperature heat pump; double heat source; TQ914.2 1000-7857-201431000037 intermediate heat exchanger; thermodynamic analysis Alcoholysis of Salix Psammophila Liquefaction. ZHANG Xiufang, WANG Kebing, YAN Xiaolin, et al. Science & TU443 1000-8608-201406000604 Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): 37-40. In Chinese. Physical-chemical experimental investigation on With the gradual exhaustion of coal, oil, natural gas and other non- cement-treated highly expansive soil. ZHAO Chun-ji, ZHAO renewable resources and the worsening environment, the production Hong-hua, CHANG Yan, et al. Journal of Dalian University of of liquid fuels and organic chemicals through renewable biomass Technology, 2014, 54(6): 604-611. In Chinese. resources becomes more and more an important issue. In this study, 104 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts with the ethanol as solvent and the dilute sulfuric acid as catalyst, conditions based on the hybrid model. Finally, the application of the Salix psammophila, an abundant biomass resource in Inner the above-mentioned approach in the ethylene polymerization Mongolia is used as the raw material of the alcoholysis liquid, and process verifies its feasibility. the effects of the solvent concentration, the reaction temperature, Keywords: polyethylene; molecular weight distribution; modeling; the dosage of Salix psammophila, and the dosage of catalyst on the optimization; multi-output support vector machine liquefaction rate are investigated. Through the orthogonal experiment, the best liquefaction conditions are found: The solvent TQ021.1 1000-8608-201406000662 is ethanol, the ratio of liquid and solid is 60:1, the reaction Modeling and simulation of counter-current reactors for temperature is 170℃ , the sulfuric acid concentration is 0.06 mol/L, continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis of nanoparticles. and the reaction time is 2 h. Under these conditions, the effect of , MA Cai-yun, LIU Jing-jing, et al. Journal of Dalian liquefaction of Salix psammophila is the best and the liquefaction University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): 662-675. In English. rate reaches 90.94%. Numerical simulation using computational fluid dynamics is Keywords: Salix psammophila; alcoholysis; liquefaction carried out to study the performance of a counter-current reactor in a continuous hydrothermal system for nanomaterial synthesis that is TQ139.2 0253-9721-201411000013 operated under supercritical water condition. Inlet flowrate and 3+ Fabrication and luminescent properties of Y2O3:Eu temperature are the key process variables and vary in the simulation. nanofibers and nanobelts. SHAO Xiaoli, SONG Lixin, DU The predicted temperatures are in good agreement with Pingfan, et al. Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 13-18. In measurements taken from a laboratory rig of identical design and Chinese. under the same operating conditions. It is found that fast mixing in 3+ Two different kinds of one-dimentional nanoscale Y2O3:Eu were the reactor can be achieved by high inlet temperature, high inlet prepared via electrospinning followed by calcinations. Water and flowrate of the supercritical water and using unbalanced flow N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) were respectively selected to conditions, i.e. the supercritical water flowrate should not be equal dissolve poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and rare earth nitrates. The to that of the precursor. The comparative simulation also reveals structure and morphology of the obtained samples were that the insertion length of the inner tube is a key factor dictating characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, field emission the reactor performance, and it needs to be less than 72.5 mm in scanning electron microscopy, fourier transform infrared order to achieve satisfactory mixing under the current reactor spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The photoluminescence (PL) configuration. spectroscopy was employed to study their luminescent properties. Keywords: counter-current reactor; hydrothermal synthesis of 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅3+ The results indicated that Y2O3:Eu nanobelts were obtained with nanomaterials; computational fluid dynamics; supercritical water; deionized H2O as the solvent, and a possible formation mechanism mixing; reactor design for the nanofibers was proposed. When DMF was used as solvent, 3+ the obtained Y2O3:Eu before and after calcination was TQ340.64 0253-9721-201411000006 nanofiber-like. After 800℃ calcinations, both samples were well Porous structure and air filtration performance of electrospun crystallized and had cubic Y2O3 phase. Furthermore, the PL PLA fibers. WANG Zhe, PAN Zhijuan. Journal of Textile 3+ emission intensity of Y2O3:Eu nanofibers were about twice Research, 2014, 35(11): 6-12. In Chinese. higher than those of nanobelts. PLA fibers with nanoporous structures both inside and on the 3+ Keywords: Y2O3:Eu ; electrospinning; nanofibers; nanobelts surfaces were fabricated via electrospinning. The effect of electrospinning parameters such as PLA mass fractions, weight TQ325 1000-8608-201406000690 ratios of the mixed solvent dichloromethane (DCM)/ N,N- Modeling and optimization for molecular weight distribution dimethylacetamida (DMAC), voltage and flow rate on the pore of polyethylene based on multi-output support vector machine. coverage rate and the pore size on the surface of the fibers were YE Zhen-cheng, LI Yun, LUO Na. Journal of Dalian University of studied. The results show that PLA mass fractions and weight Technology, 2014, 54(6): 690-695. In English. ratios of the mixed solvent DCM/DMAC affect significantly, and The molecular weight distribution (MWD) is an important quality voltage takes the second place while the flow rate have weak index for the polymer materials, but detecting the MWD in influence. The porous PLA fibrous membrane with high efficiency real-time is still difficult up to now. The real-time detection and low resistance for air filtration was prepared under conditions method for the MWD with good accuracy is hotspot in the of PLA mass fractions of 7%, DCM/DMAC ratio 10:1, voltage 16 polymer production. Different from the methods other literatures kV and flow rate 1 mL/h, and the filtration efficiency could reach have described, the reaction mechanism and the industrial 99.964% when tested by using NaCl aerosol with 75 nm volume information are merged to build a hybrid model for the MWD to median diameter and the pressure drop was just about 197.9 Pa. solve the prediction accuracy and real-time problems. The Keywords: electrospinning; porous fiber; PLA; air filtration material weighted superposition of the distribution function on each active center of catalyst is used to fit the MWD. The multi-output support TQ460.4 0253-9721-201411000019 vector machine regression (MSVR) algorithm is applied to the Preparation of hydrophilic PMMA/β-CD nanofibers and its description of the relationship between process conditions and adsorption properties of Cu2+. HOU Dayin, XU Xiuzhen, FENG parameters of the distribution function. Then, the unconstrained Quan, et al. Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 19-22. In nonlinear optimization method is used to optimize the process Chinese. 105 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 For the purpose of developing a molecular membrane or new and the length of molecular chain increased. Weight gain of the nanofiltration membrane materials to capture the heavy metal ion rubber and diffusion decreased with the crosslinking density in waste water treatment and organic small molecule pollutant, increasing. It was found that p-xylene and propyl benzene could electrostatic spinning technique was used to prepare PMMA/β-CD swell the rubber more easily than alkanes in the experiment. The composite nanofibers. The wettability, antistatic and adsorption to diffusion and sorption of n-decane through sulfur vulcanization 2+ Cu were studied. The results showed that when the β-CD quality system filled with SiO2 was studied in the temperature interval percentage in composite nanofibers increases, the wettability of 18-60℃ . It was found that the solvent sorption increased with the composite nanofibers increases, and when the mass percentage of temperature. β-CD is 30%, the wettability of composite nanofibers increases Keywords: hydrocarbon fuel; rubber; diffusion coefficient; significantly. With the increase of β-CD content in composite transport mechanism; swelling nanofibers membrane, its half-life is reduced, indicating significant antistatic effect. The adsorption capacity for heavy TQ152 1000-1646-201406000636 2+ metal Cu increases with the increase of the content of β-CD. Synthesis and analysis of Mn3O4/graphene supercapacitor. Keywords: electrospinning; polymethyl methacrylate; β- ZHAO Xin-luo, , ZHANG Yi-fan, et al. Journal of cyclodextrin; hydrophilicity; adsorption Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): 636-641. In Chinese. TQ131.1+1 1000-7857-201432000072 In order to extremely retain the lattice structure of graphene so as

Research Progress of Layered Structural LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 to enhance its conductivity and simplify the synthesis process of as a Cathode for Li-ion Battery. LI Jili, CAO Chuanbao. Science transition metal oxides/graphene composites, Mn3O4/graphene & Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 72-77. In Chinese. nanocomposites were successfully prepared through a hydrogen

Layered structural LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 is one of the most arc discharge method and a simple high-temperature treatment, promising materials used as a cathode for Li-ion battery in electric and the proposed nanocomposites were used as the electrode of vehicles, mainly due to the high capacity, the stable structure, the supercapacitor. The morphology, structure and composition of thermal stability and the low cost of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2. In this products were characterized by x-ray diffractometer (XRD), review, the structure, the electrochemical performances and the Raman spectroscope and transmission electron microscope (TEM). methods for improving its electrochemical performances of The results of electrochemical tests show that the supercapacitor

LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, such as doping with other ions, coating with prepared with the Mn3O4/graphene nanocomposites has good other materials and the preparation of special structural capacitive behavior, excellent electrochemical stability (about 96% nanomaterials, are included. In 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅recent years, the researchers on retention after 3000 cycles) and lower equivalent series resistance.

Li-ion battery are concerned with various nanomaterials. The Furthermore, the addition of Mn3O4 can enhance the specific electrochemical performances of materials are closely related with capacitance, which is three times higher than that of pure graphene the size, the morphology, the porosity, the crystalline features and electrode. Therefore, the proposed method can provide a new idea the specific surface area of the material. Therefore, these effects for taking the novel transition metal oxides/graphene composite as should be considered for improving the electrochemical the electrode of high-performance supercapacitors. performances of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathodes. Keywords: Mn3O4; graphene; hydrogen arc discharge method; Keywords: lithium ion battery; cathode; layered structure; composite; supercapacitor; cyclic voltammetry; AC impedance

LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 method; galvanostatic charge and discharge method

TQ336;TK01 0253-987X-201411000075 Electrotechnics Swelling Behavior of Rubber in the Hydrocarbon Liquids. ZHANG Qian, HE Maogang, ZHENG Xiong, et al. Jouenal of TM924.5 1000-1646-201406000613 Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 75-80. In Chinese. Analysis on eddy current field and temperature field of The swelling behavior of natural rubber was investigated using the induction heating cooker. KAN Chao-hao, CHU Guo-liang, immersion and weighing technique to verify the transport ZHANG Jia-wu, et al. Journal of Shenyang University of mechanism and property of hydrocarbon solvent, which is ready Technology, 2014, 36(6): 613-618. In Chinese. for the study on the compatibility of endothermic hydrocarbon fuel In order to study the working condition of induction heating and rubber. Natural rubber was vulcanized by sulfur vulcanization cooker and the effect of relative structural parameters on the system which was filled with fast extruded furnace black and SiO2, performances of the cooker, a 1300 W induction heating cooker peroxide curing system and a mixture consisting of sulfur and was taken as an example, and a 3D finite element electromagnetic peroxide system. The sulfur vulcanization system filled with fast field model was established through taking sus430 as the main extruded furnace black showed the lowest solvent sorption and the eddy heating material. In addition, the distribution of eddy current peroxide curing system showed the highest. The influences of the field in the conductor was analyzed. The variation trend of eddy cross-linking density, solvent molecule and temperature were current power was compared through changing the relative studied, and the diffusion results were also analyzed using Fickian structural parameters. The temperature field was analyzed and model. The results deviated from the Fickian model and the studied with the workbench software. Moreover, the simulated diffusion was anomalous in nature. Moreover, the diffusion results were compared with the measured temperature values, and coefficient increased when the molar volume, molecular weight the correctness of simulation method was verified. The study on 106 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts the 3D eddy current field and 3D temperature filed of induction TM92 1674-7259-201411001173 heating cooker with the finite element method can provide a Performance characteristics and optimal analysis of a fuel reliable basis for the optimal design of relative induction heating cell-vacuum thermionic generator hybrid system. YANG system. ZhiMin, LIAO TianJun, LIN BiHong. Scientia Sinica Techologica, Keywords: multi-layered conductive structure; electromagnetic 2014, 44(11): 1173-1184. In Chinese. induction; induction heating; eddy current field; eddy current Based on the current models of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and effect; heat source; eddy current power; temperature field vacuum thermionic generator (VTIG), a general model of a class of an irreversible SOFC-VITG hybrid power system, in which TM343 1000-1646-201406000652 irreversibilities existing in real hybrid system are take into account, Influence of post-welding heat treatment on welding micro- is established. Expressions for the efficiency and power output of structure of superalloy dissimilar materials. LIU Jian-ping, LI hybrid power system are analytically derived by the model. By Bo, BAI Xue-feng, et al. Journal of Shenyang University of using numerical simulation, the relational curves of the efficiency Technology, 2014, 36(6): 652-656. In Chinese. and power output varying with some important performance In order to solve the problem that the fusion welding performance parameters of the hybrid system are obtained. The performance of Ni-based single crystal superalloys containing high content of characteristics of the hybrid system are presented. The optimum alloying elements is poor, the microstructural characteristics of criteria of several important performance parameters are given. Ni-based single crystal superalloy DD8 and Co-based equal-axis The effects of several irreversible loses of the hybrid power crystal superalloy K640M after the argon arc welding were studied system on optimum performance are discussed. The results with such means as scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron obtained in this paper can provide some theoretical guidance for back scattering diffraction (EBSD) analysis and microhardness the optimization design and operation of practical SOFC-VTIG tester. The results show that three zones including the directional hybrid power system. columnar grain zone, fusion zone and matrix zone form in the Keywords: solid oxide fuel cell; vacuum thermionic generator; welding joint. After the post-welding heat treatment (PHT), it is hybrid power system; performance optimization analysis found that the γ phase in both fusion zone and directional columnar grain zone grows and the distribution of such elements TM73 0253-987X-201411000058 as Co tends to be uniform. Due to the existence of residual Real Power Coordination Between Active Distribution Systems welding stress, the recrystallization can be observed in some area. and Main Grid. SHAO Chengcheng, WANG Xifan, WANG Xiuli, The microhardness of welding joint before and after PHT has no et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 58-63. In obvious difference. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Chinese. Keywords: DD8 alloy; K640M alloy; argon arc welding; In the existing studies, the operation of the active distribution recrystallization; Ni-based superalloy; Co-based superalloy network (ADN) is optimized within itself and the relation between ADNs and the main grid are neglected. In this paper, a method is TM216.1 0253-987X-201411000064 proposed to solve this problem and coordinate the real power Numerical Investigation and Optimization on Boiling Heat operation of the main grid and ADNs. By Benders decomposition, Exchange of Antenna Surface. YIN Xiang, QIAN Jiyu, KONG the cooperative dispatch is reformed as a bi-level problem. On the Xiangju, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): upper level the centralized generation is scheduled and the main 64-69. In Chinese. grid operation is optimized, while on the lower level the The evaporative cooling of two-phase model was established to distributed energy resource (DER) is dispatched to minimize the cool the antenna surface with partial high heat flux. The analysis ADN operation cost. The influence of ADNs on the main grid is was focused on the ability of cooling under the local high heat flux considered and the cooperation between them are realized by the of 800 kw/m2. Using VOF model, as well as the governing equation cooperative iterations of the levels. The case studies on the defined by the user, the computation of the boiling heat exchange in modified the IEEE-RTS have verified the following. Firstly, the the three-dimensional pipe was performed to study the reason of ADN operation exerts a great effect on that of the main grid and it hindering the heat exchange from the flow of the vapor and liquid. is necessary to consider the coordination between them. Secondly, Results show that, the model could be well used in the analysis of the strategies may heighten the operation cost to constraint the stratified flow, bubble flow and the flow trend of vapor and liquid in fluctuation range of the feed power. Finally, the proposed method the two-phase flow. Decreasing the flow area of the curved tube and enables to feasibly improve the economics and security of the increasing the local velocity could reduce the converging of the whole power system, and the operation cost of the modified vapor. And the local superheat of 0.9 K was dismissed. The IEEE-RTS is decreased from 638326.62$ to 626011.45$. coefficient in the evaporation control equation should be increased Keywords: active distribution network; main grid; real power to about 500 to ensure the accuracy of simulation in the partial high coordination; Benders decomposition; distributed energy resource flux model. The overall error of the numerical result was about 5 K but the tendency of the temperature was similar with the experiment. Energy and Power Engineering So, numerical analysis could be used in the study of the boiling heat exchange for the cold plate. TK438 0254-0037-201411001609 Keywords: model of VOF; evaporative cooling; boiling heat Analysis of Fault Diagnosis Technology on the Gas Engine of exchange; numerical investigation Natural Gas Compressor Units. DONG Chao-qun, LIANG 107 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Zheng, TIAN Jia-lin, et al. Journal of Beijing University of increases firstly then decreases with the increasing equivalence Technology, 2014, 40(11): 1609-1614. In Chinese. ratio and gets the peak at the equivalence ratio of 1.1; it also For the fault detection difficulties of the natural gas compressors' increases with the increasing initial temperatures and decreases engines caused by the coupled detection signals interference, a with the increase of initial pressures. The Markstein length and fault diagnosis method was adopted combining the units' action cellular critical radius decrease with the increasing equivalence event and sub-band fault signals detection based on the crank ratio and pressures to indicate that flame instabilities are enhanced angle. The fault type can be diagnosed accurately by analyzing the with the increasing equivalence ratio and pressures, and the critical detection signals combining fault diagnosis and the units' action Peclet number decreases with the increasing equivalence ratio. The events, installing the fixed magnetic velocity sensor on the numerical simulation by Glaude mechanism and Chemkin crankshaft, and establishing units action events based on the crank program reveals that the mechanism is unable to predict the angle. ZTY310MH performance tests of a booster station is taken unstretched laminar burning velocity very well. as an example. Result of the detection verifies that the ignition Keywords: dimethyl carbonate; unstreched laminar burning angle improper and carbon deposit are the real reasons for engine velocity; Markstein length; flame instabilities working inferior. Detecting regularly for the engine of reciprocating compressor can be helpful to discover and diagnose TK262 0253-987X-201411000001 faults as soon as possible and also reduce the security risks and Experimental Research on Water Removal Performance of downtime. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the Hollow Stator Blade in Wet Steam Flow. LI Liang, XUE Taixu, working performance of the engine of natural gas compressors. LIU Qifan, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, Keywords: nature gas compressor units; gas engine; fault 48(11): 1-7. In Chinese. diagnosis; performance detection Aiming at providing guidelines for design of suction slots of hollow stator blade under wet steam flow condition, experiments TK428.9 0253-987X-201411000015 were implemented on a wet steam test rig with eight hollow stator Effects of Heavy Contents on Composition and Distribution of blades to investigate the water removal performance by varying Soluble Organic Fraction Emission. WEI Yanju, WANG Kun, LI the position, shape and width of suction slots. The wetness fraction Donghua, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): at the inlet section of the test cascade was consistent with the real 15-19. In Chinese. running condition. It is shown that the amount of removed water is The effects of heavy compositions of diesel on SOF (soluble affected by the main flow Mach number and suction pressure organic fraction) composition and the distribution were difference. When suction pressure difference increases to a experimentally investigated on 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅a SOFIM8140 diesel engine by moderate value, vaporization of water film occurs and acts as an adding lubrication oil, castor oil and heavy hydrocarbons with additional important factor leading to degraded water removal carbon number larger than C14 in diesel. And the SOF composition performance. With the position of suction surface slot moving and its distribution characteristics originated from lubricant from 0.24 to 0.42 of axial chord, the amount of removed water is decomposition were analyzed as well on a WP12-336 DME continuously increased. Compared with the straight slot, the (dimethyl ether) engine working in HCCI (homogeneous charge step-shaped slot cannot improve water removal performance. On compression ignition) mode. The experimental results show that the contrary, it results in poor performance when the Mach number the mass of SOF emission increases with the increasing fraction of is beyond 0.7 due to increased number of sharp corners, which diesel heavy hydrocarbons and lube oil, and decreases with the leads to water vaporization. A suction slot with arc-shaped inlet is blending of castor oil. However the composition and its able to eliminate vaporization of water film and improve water distribution of SOF basically remain constant as C15-C25 removal performance. A suction slot of 0.35 mm width is apt to continuous n-alkanes in Gaussian distribution. The main allow water film across, a suction slot of 2 mm width cannot form composition of lube originated SOF also mainly remains C15-C25 an effective suction pressure difference, and both lead to degraded n-alkanes, but not continuously distributed. water removal performance. Suction slots of 0.7 mm and 1 mm Keywords: soluble organic fraction; lubrication oil; diesel engine; width have good water removal performance, but the later is more castor oil; dimethyl ether slightly influenced by water vaporization. Keywords: wet steam; hollow stator blade; suction slot; water TK16 0253-987X-201411000025 removal performance; experimental study Experimental and Numerical Research on Laminar Burning Characteristics of Premixed Dimethyl Carbonate/Air Flames. TK124 0253-987X-201411000008 YU Huibin, HU Erjiang, YANG Ke, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Numerical Simulation for Configuration Optimization of Heat Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 25-31. In Chinese. Exchanger with Helical Baffles. WEN Jian, YANG Huizhu, Experiment was conducted in a constant volume combustion WANG Simin, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, chamber by high-speed schlieren photograph system. The 48(11): 8-14. In Chinese. unstretched laminar burning velocity, Markstein length and An improved structure of heat exchangers with ladder-type fold cellular critical radius of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) were obtained baffle is proposed to eliminate the triangular leakage zones under different conditions of temperatures, pressures and between two adjacent baffles of conventional heat exchangers with equivalence ratios. Flame instabilities was also analyzed. The helical baffle. The improved ladder-type fold baffle is formed by results show that the unstretched laminar burning velocity folding one plane twice, which consists of three planes, two of 108 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts which are perpendicular to the tube bundle axis, and the third United States Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was chosen plane keeps the same angle with the other two planes. The as the research subject, and the transfer function of blade was configuration of the ladder-type fold baffle is optimized with CFD obtained by analyzing the dynamic response of blade under the simulation. The results show that the triangular leakage zones are action of pulse excitation. In addition, the structural damping of eliminated due to the folded plane structure and the overlap blade in both flapwise and edgewise modes under the static and between two adjacent straight edges of ladder-type fold baffles. rotating conditions was calculated by the half-power bandwidth The shell-side flow field is improved significantly, which forms a method in order to provide a foundation for confirming the continuous spiral flow in shell side of the improved heat exchanger, boundary of aeroelastic stability of blade. The present study is of hence heat transfer in the heat exchanger is strengthened. When important significance for the design of blade structure and the bend degree is taken as 0.3, the cutting percentage as 90% and aerodynamic shape, and helpful for the confirmation of aeroelastic the bend angle as 37°, the overall performance of heat exchanger stability boundary of blade. reaches the best. The thermal performance factor rises by Keywords: wind turbine; flexible blade; super unit; multi-body 28.4%-30.7%, or 29.9% on an average. system; transfer function; half-power bandwidth method; Keywords: heat exchanger with ladder-type helical baffles; aeroelastic stability; structural damping configuration optimization; triangular leakage; heat transfer enhancement General Industrial Technology

TK124 0253-987X-201411000020 TB3 0023-074X-201433003313 Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Centrifugal Buoyancy Advances in flexible transparent conductive films based on on the Turbulent Mixed Convection Heat Transfer. YANG carbon nanomaterials. NING Jing, ZHI LinJie. Chinese Science Xiang, TAO Wenquan. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3313-3321. In Chinese. 48(11): 20-24. In Chinese. With the development of electronic devices, more and more In order to investigate the influence of centrifugal buoyancy on the flexible products are being used in our daily lives. As a very fluid flow and heat transfer in rotary machinery, studies have been important component of photoelectric devices, transparent carried out for a rotary radially outward developed turbulent flow conductive films (TCFs) are now faced with the challenge of by using direct numerical simulation (DNS) method. The turbulent exhibiting flexibility. The commercial transparent conductive Reynolds number, rotation number and Prandtl number of the flow material indium tin oxide (ITO) is expensive and brittle, so an are kept at 300, 1.5, 0.71, respectively, then simulations and increasing number of researchers are focusing on finding new analysis are conducted for characteristics《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 of flow and heat transfer transparent conductive materials as substitutes. Carbon with Grashof number equal to 0, 9000, 20000, and 50000, nanomaterials have high electron mobility, low light absorption, respectively. The results indicate that the mainstream velocity, outstanding flexibility, ready availability and can be fabricated by temperature and secondary flow all increase with the centrifugal various methods, which makes them competitive materials for buoyancy forces. The maximum mainstream velocity and the flexible transparent conductive films (f-TCFs). In this review, we minimum temperature appear in the side of the unstable wall. With summarize research on f-TCFs based on carbon nanomaterials, the increase of centrifugal buoyancy forces, the velocity especially carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene. Material fluctuation is strengthened; the temperature fluctuation increases synthesis, performance modification and the routes used to firstly then decreases in the side of the unstable wall, however it fabricate f-TCFs are evaluated. Finally, the current limitations of decreases firstly then increases in the side of the stable wall; the these materials and probable research directions are briefly heat transfer performance on the stable wall is enhanced and discussed. becomes better firstly then worse on the unstable wall. Keywords: transparent conductive films; flexible; carbon Keywords: turbulence; direct numerical simulation; heat transfer nanomaterials; carbon nanotubes; graphene of mixed convection; centrifugal buoyancy TB3 0023-074X-201433003224 TK83 1000-1646-201406000619 Advances of emulsion catalysis technology derived from Structural damping calculation of wind turbine blade based on carbon hybrid materials. YU Chang, SHAN YuanYuan, YANG pulse excitation response. LI De-yuan, YAN Xiao-hui, MO Juan, et al. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3224-3231. In Wen-wei, et al. Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, Chinese. 2014, 36(6): 619-624. In Chinese. Nano-structured carbon materials have various fascinating intrinsic In order to solve the aeroelastic vibration problem of large wind properties such as high specific surface area, abundant pore structure, turbine blade, an effective analytical method for the structural unique surface chemical properties, and can be coupled various damping of flexible blade of large wind turbine based on pulse inorganic materials to configure the carbon hybrid materials for response was proposed. A kind of super units with 5 degrees of application in emulsion catalysis. The characteristics and principles freedom (DOFs) was used to discretize the flexible blade into a emulsified by solid particles, and the factors affecting the emulsion multi-body system (MBS) which consists of several super units, properties such as the emulsion type, emulsion droplet size, and and the dynamic response model for the blade was established emulsion stability were also introduced. The advances of emulsion based on the R-W method in computing the multi-body system catalysis technology derived from metal oxide, hydroxides, and dynamics. The 5MW offshore wind turbine blade issued by the carbon hybrid materials at home and abroad were also reviewed. 109 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Some problems presented in emulsion catalysis processes were also Temperature in Domestic Frost-Free Refrigerator. TANG pointed out. It was believed that emulsion catalysis technology, Xueqiang, HUANG Dong, GONG Qinqin, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an especially using carbon hybrid materials as solid emulsifiers, was a Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 81-85. In Chinese. prominently new catalysis technology and also one of the important The defrosting process of a frost-free refrigerator is investigated directions of catalysis technologies in future. experimentally, and the effect on the freezing compartment Keywords: solid particle emulsifiers; carbon hybrid material; temperature is analyzed. The results show that in the pre-heating emulsion catalysis; emulsion mechanism stage of the defrosting, the bottom temperature of the evaporator firstly rises to 0℃ , and the freezing compartment temperature TB3 0023-074X-201433003264 almost remains unchanged because the evaporator is blocked up Control synthesis and applications of carbon nanotube arrays. by frost. In the melting-frost stage, the frost on the evaporator KANG LiXing, DI JiangTao, ZHANG YongYi, et al. Chinese bottom begins to melt firstly and totally melts 8 min earlier than Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3264-3279. In Chinese. that on the top of the evaporator because the defrost heater is Aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) arrays are the important forms of placed under the evaporator and the frost distribution is CNT aggregates, which can be controllably synthesized by non-uniform, in fact, the frost on the evaporator top is greatly chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods. And they are the thinner than that on the bottom. During this stage, the frost melting bridges that bring the excellent properties of CNT from results in increasing flow area between adjacent fins and the nano-world to macro-world. Here this review gives a brief freezing compartment temperature gently rises by 5.7℃ in 9.34 overview of the control growth of CNT arrays including min. In the draining-water stage beyond 0℃ , the top-right horizontally aligned CNT arrays and vertically aligned CNT arrays, temperature of the evaporator gets higher than the top-left and their applications in nano-electronics, high performance fibers, temperature because the embossment of the air-supply duct of the functional thin-film devices, energy storages and so on. refrigerating compartment leads to the warm air gathering there, Meanwhile, we also prospect the future development in basic and at the end of this stage the temperature difference between research and applications of the aligned CNT arrays. them increased significantly to 17.1℃ . The freezing compartment Keywords: carbon nanotube arrays; control preparation; field effect temperature sharply rises by 6.6℃ in 6.5 min because the flow transistors; carbon nanotube fibers; aligned carbon nanotube films area increases to the maximum. Keywords: frost-free refrigerator; defrost; the freezing TB332 1000-1646-201406000631 compartment temperature rising Effect of alcohol on morphology and structure of PE/MMT nano composite. LI San-xi, ZHANG《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Jin-duo, LV Dan, et al. TB3 0023-074X-201433003293 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): Graphene assembly and texture control:Solution-processing 631-635. In Chinese. methods for carbonaceous. TAO Ying, YANG QuanHong. In order to solve the problem that the poor morphology of polymer Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3293-3305. In Chinese. will influence its bulk density, it is expected to control the Graphene is a basic unit for various types of sp2 carbon forms and morphology of catalysts through changing the preparation its emergence brings new opportunities to construct carbonaceous conditions, and thus to obtain the polymer with good morphology materials with desired structure and function. Controlled and improve the bulk density of polymer. Through utilizing such preparation of novel carbonaceous functionalized materials can be characteristics as the dissolution of MgCl2 in alcohol and the achieved by graphene/graphene oxide assembly in solution and expansion of MMT in the middle layer of alcohol, the catalysts texture tuning. That is, solid carbon materials can be directly with MgCl2/TiCl4 being supported between the MMT layers were constructed from graphene sheets in liquid by solution-processing prepared, and the PE/MMT nano composite was also prepared methods. Conventional carbonization of solids focuses on tuning through in-situ polymerization. Through controlling the types of macroscale morphology (e.g., carbon fiber), while vapor alcohol used in the preparation of carrier, the morphology and deposition to prepare nanocarbons allows structural control at the structure of both catalysts and PE/MMT nano composite were microscale (e.g., carbon nanotubes). In comparison, solution- characterized with SEM. The results show that the length of processing methods to construct graphene macroassemblies bridge carbon chain and the dosage of alcohol will affect the morphology between micro- and macrosystems, so have the evident advantage of catalysts and polyethylene particles. When the alcohol mixed of mesoscale texture control of final materials. Combined with our with both butanol and isooctanol is used in the preparation of recent work, this review summarizes the development of carrier and the mole ratio of butanol, isooctanol and MgCl2 is solution-processed assemblies and texture tuning of graphene- 2:0.6:1, the prepared catalysts and polyethylene particles are closer based macroforms with emphasis on several novel graphene-based to sphericity. Moreover, the bulk density of polyethylene in the porous materials, and is concluded by discussing the prospects of obtained product can reach 0.34 g/cm3. this field. Keywords: magnesium chloride; montmorillonite (MMT); butanol; Keywords: graphene/graphene oxide; structural assembly; texture isooctanol; morphology; sphericity; bulk density; polyethylene tuning; carbonaceous functionalized materials; solution-process; high volumetric energy density for energy storage TB657.4 0253-987X-201411000081 Experimental Investigation for Dynamic Characteristics of TB3 0023-074X-201433003212 Defrosting Process and Effect on Freezer Compartment Graphene Hall elements. ZHANG YiLing, CHEN BingYan, 110 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts HUANG Le, et al. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): photoacoustic signal and gas properties was obtained by studying 3212-3223. In Chinese. the photoacoustic effect of graphene sponge in different gases. We review the recent development of graphene Hall elements and Besides, the results show that in different frequencies (20-20000 discuss their potential applications. Hall elements can take full Hz), the graphene sponge can generate photoacoustic signals with advantage of the properties of graphene, especially its high carrier good harmonicity. To further explain the photoacoustic mechanism mobility and monoatomic layer thickness, while bypassing its of graphene sponge, a corresponding theoretical model was also shortcomings such as small or zero bandgap. High-quality, established. These results provide the basis of photoacoustic uniform Hall elements are fabricated in batches by simple devices based on graphene materials. processes using CVD-derived graphene. The performance of Keywords: graphene sponge; photoacoustic effect; theoretical graphene Hall elements including sensitivity, linearity, resolution model and temperature stability outperforms that of Hall elements based on conventional semiconducting materials. Moreover, graphene TB3 0023-074X-201433003306 Hall elements have been integrated with standard silicon CMOS Pore development and controllable structural design of circuits using a low-temperature process to realize graphene sheets. SHENG LiZhi, JIANG LiLi, FAN ZhuangJun. high-performance hybrid Hall integrated circuits, indicating the Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3306-3312. In Chinese. excellent compatibility between graphene Hall elements and Graphene has been widely used in composite materials, electronic silicon CMOS technology. devices, energy-storage systems, adsorption separation and other Keywords: graphene; sensors; Hall elements; mobility; integrated fields because of its unique structure and outstanding properties. circuits Graphene nanomesh, which is obtained by integrating nanopores into the interlayer of graphene, exhibits not only the intrinsic TB3 1674-7259-201411001137 properties of graphene, but also controllable design of porous Organic-inorganic hybrid material and multifunctional fibers. structure, making it attractive for functional applications. In this XIANG HengXue, WANG ShiChao, CHENG YanHua, et al. review, several general routes to synthesize graphene nanomesh Scientia Sinica Techologica, 2014, 44(11): 1137-1144. In Chinese. are summarized and possible trends for the future design of Organic-inorganic hybrid materials can achieve the multi-scale graphene nanomesh are also discussed. composites of organic polymers and inorganic materials in the Keywords: graphene nanomesh; porous graphene; synthetic nano or molecular level. On one hand, such hybrid materials can method; electrochemical devices; energy storage exert each component's characteristics. On the other hand, they reflect the unique collaboration features,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 such as new performance TB3 0023-074X-201433003240 and multifunction. This principle can also be implemented in Separation methods of single-walled carbon nanotubes. LIU organic-organic hybrid system. With the continuous development Dan, ZHANG Jin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): of industrial fiber materials, their applications continue to be 3240-3263. In Chinese. expanded. The development of new polymer materials to achieve Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) can be classified into multifunctional fibers has become a hot topic. According to the a variety of different structural types according to their length, requirement of multifunctional fibers development, researchers try diameter, conductive properties, chirality and symmetry. Different to build hybrid functional materials at the molecular level, build structural types of SWCNTs possess different physical properties, hybrid functional materials system and fiber-forming polymer including light, heat, electronic, magnetism and reactivity. To hybrid system using the methods of structural design and construct obtain SWCNTs with homogeneous structure, numerous interface combining with the organic-inorganic hybrid mechanism. separation methods have been developed, including This paper takes the structural design and condensed control of density-gradient centrifugation, covalent modification, fiber-forming polymers, the structure-controllable preparation of non-covalent modification, electrophoretic separation, nano-fibers and low-dimensional nano-fibers for example, chromatography, field-flow fractionation, extraction, etching introducing the research progress of organic-inorganic hybrid metallic carbon nanotubes based on the heating effect of current, principles in the aspect of multi-functional fibers. Finally, it tape separation and washing. According to the structural features prospects the development of multifunctional organic-inorganic of SWCNTs, the results of separation can be divided into five hybrid fibers. levels, followed by length, diameter, conductive properties, Keywords: structural design; interface construct; hybrid material; chirality and symmetry. [NL1] The focus of the present study is on functional fiber the separation of metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes, because semiconducting SWCNTs that have a band gap, small size TB3 0023-074X-201433003329 and ultra-high carrier mobility perform well in nanoelectronics and Photoacoustic effect of three dimensional graphene sponge. YI are expected to eventually replace silicon-based devices. The NingBo, XIAO PeiShuang, WU YingPeng, et al. Chinese Science separation of chiral carbon nanotubes and enantiomers are new Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3329-3336. In Chinese. research directions; considerable progress has recently been made In this paper, photoacoustic effect of three dimensional graphene in separation of chiral carbon nanotubes, whereas the separation of sponge has been studied. The graphene sponge can produce enantiomers is in the initial stage. This article describes the homogeneous signals due to its homogeneous pore structure and separation methods for SWCNTs from the viewpoint of the five excellent light absorption property. The relationship of levels. The advantages and disadvantages of different separation 111 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 methods are analyzed. SWCNTs are considered. Keywords: single-walled carbon nanotubes; length; diameter; Keywords: single-wall carbon nanotube; metallic; semiconducting; conductive properties; chiral; enantiomer; separation method gas-phase etching

TB3 1674-7259-201411001123 TB304 1000-7857-201431000065 Study on the crystallization process of function inorganic Tahe Oilfield Gas Pipeline Corrosion Characteristics and crystal materials. SUN CongTing, XUE DongFeng. Scientia Rules. ZHANG Jiangjiang. Science & Technology Review, 2014, Sinica Techologica, 2014, 44(11): 1123-1136. In Chinese. 32(31): 65-70. In Chinese. Functional crystal materials used as the important conversion Carbonate oilfield in Tahe oilfield for marine sedimentary - media of light, sound and electricity, have been widely applied to formation, formation fluid with high salinity, high Cl , high CO2, high-tech fields such as energy, information, aerospace and related high H2S characteristics, and the injection gas well gas injection, hot topics at the forefront of materials science and engineering soaking and production process, containing dissolved oxygen, subject. Crystallization process is the core of the preparation of make the corrosion environment even worse. Through mining functional materials, crystal growth habit of materials directly based liquid water analysis, pipeline operation condition analysis affects the functional performances of optical, electrical, magnetic, and gas injection technology research for gas injection wells of and catalytic behaviors. During the crystallization process of carbonate rock reservoir, analysis, application of XRD diffraction inorganic materials, crystals are microscopically transformed from intensity of scanning electron microscope, energy spectrum free-state ions into the crystalline solid-phase. We can use the analysis and point corrosion image analysis VMS test analysis ionic electronegativity and microscopic symmetry changes of methods, study on the reaction of corrosion products and constituent components, to study the crystallization process of morphology of downhole and surface pipeline characteristics, aggregation formation and structure evolution. Using molecular through the pipeline in gas injection well tubing downhole, vibration spectroscopy we can at the molecular scale, reveal the wellhead and Christmas tree and ground production pipeline hang crystallization process of nonlinear optical crystal materials in into the three in material for monitoring coupon, to study the gas aqueous solution crystallization process, to overcome the lack of injection, soaking and production process in different monitoring traditional means of in situ observations determining those sites of pipeline's corrosion rate, morphology and rule of law, to: non-long-range order structures. Chemical bonding theory of from the bottom, wellhead to the ground pipeline, with the single crystal growth can from both thermodynamic and kinetic increase of corrosion pit monitoring period, deepen and strengthen, aspects of the whole system, effectively guide the growth of large the corrosion rate increased; the process of gas injection, soak crystals, reasonably regulate the《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 growth surface and interface process to the process of corrosion degree gradually become larger, thermodynamics and kinetics. The chemical bonding theory of longitudinal corrosion capability is strong; gas injection and single crystal growth is applied to the design and optimization of production process of 35CrMo, P110S and P110 three kinds of growth parameters of large-size crystal pulling growth system, we pipeline with corrosion resistance material change difference. And have built up a large-size crystal growth system, and successfully the analysis of mechanism model and a gas injection, soaking and grown ø2" sapphire crystals, ø3" YAG crystals, production process control of injection well bottom, wellhead and and ø4" lithium niobate crystals. ground pipeline corrosion characteristics and rules. Keywords: crystallization process; surface physical chemistry; Keywords: Tahe oilfield; corrosion gas injection well pipe hanging ionic electronegativity; structural symmetry; IR spectrum; piece rate; monitoring large-size single crystal; Czochralski growth system TB3 0023-074X-201433003322 TB3 0023-074X-201433003280 The effects of the transfer process on the quality of CVD- Synthesis of semiconducting or metallic single-walled carbon grown graphene. LIANG XueLei, LI Wei, CHENG GuangJun, et nanotubes by gas-phase selective etching. HOU PengXiang, LIU al. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 3322-3328. In Chinese. Chang, CHENG HuiMing. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): Graphene grown by chemical-vapor deposition (CVD) on metal 3280-3292. In Chinese. substrates has to be transferred onto an insulating substrate before Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) can be either it can be made into electronic devices. The transfer process affects semiconducting or metallic, depending on their chirality. the yield and performance uniformity of the devices. To improve As-synthesized SWCNT samples are usually mixtures of the quality of transferred graphene, numerous researchers are semiconducting and metallic species, and separation of the two is focusing on how to reduce crack formation and metal particle important for their use in electronic devices. In recent years, residues resulting from the transfer process. However, surface notable progress in the synthesis of semiconducting or metallic contamination introduced by the metal-substrate etchants has not SWCNTs has been made. Among the methods reported, selective been paid enough attention. In this paper, using Raman and X-ray removal of one type of SWCNTs by gas-phase etching shows the photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), we prove that metal etchants advantages of simplicity, scalability, and high efficiency. This contaminate the graphene surface, and such contamination can be paper introduces the principles of the gas-phase etching method. In effectively removed by our developed "modified RCA clean" particular, recent progress in synthesizing SWCNTs of uniform process. These results are important for improving the electronic type by this strategy is reviewed. Finally, the main performance of the fabricated graphene devices. challenges and development trends in gas-phase etching of Keywords: graphene; transfer; contamination; Raman; XPS 112 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts TB3 0023-074X-201433003232 can be used as one of the important basis in the aroma pattern Viscoelastic damping of nanocarbon/epoxy composites. ZENG classification in the Fenghuang Dancong tea. You, WANG Han. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): Keywords: Fenghuang Dancong tea; aroma pattern; SDE-GC/MS; 3232-3239. In Chinese. classification and identification Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene, as novel nanocarbon materials, have aroused great attention due to their unique TS104 0253-9721-201411000040 microstructure and extraordinary physical properties. Effect of different swirl nozzle airway structures on Nanocarbon/epoxy composites, combining nanocabon materials performance of ring-spun yarn. QIU Hua, FU Yuye, LUAN and epoxy together, exhibit excellent mechanical, electrical, and Qiaoli. Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 40-46. In thermal properties. The addition of nanocarbon materials can Chinese. greatly introduce more interfaces into composites, consequently In order to research the effect of different airway structures of a resulting in much energy dissipation under cyclic loads. These swirl nozzle on reducing yarn hairiness, two groups of swirl nanocarbon/epoxy composites show some advantages of light nozzles with different airway diameters and airway positions were weight, high strength, and high viscoelastic damping, which is designed in this paper. The comprehensive performance indexes of beneficial to prolong service life of materials and improve yarn were tested and conducted for comparison with the vibration-absorbing performance. In this paper, we reviewed conventional ring spinning and compact spinning. The results recent advances in viscoelastic damping of nanocarbon/epoxy showed that the swirl nozzle with 1.4 mm airway diameter was composites. Intrinsic viscoelasticity of nanocarbon materials such superior to the other two swirl nozzles with airway diameter of 1.2 as CNTs and graphene was introduced. We also demonstrated the mm and 1.6 mm, respectively. Airway position of 1:2 is better than viscoelastic damping of the CNT and graphene filled epoxy 1:1 and 2:1. Thus the optimum conditions to reduce yarn hairiness composites. Moreover, related measuring methods for damping of include swirl nozzle with 1.4 mm airway diameter, 1:2 airway composites were introduced as well. Some existing problems in position, and pressure of 0.15 MPa. Under this condition, the field of viscoelastic damping composite materials were further compared with that conventional ring spun yarn, the hairiness discussed. index was reduced by 76.5%, and breaking strength was increased Keywords: carbon nanotubes; graphene; epoxy; composites; by 5.4%. Compared with that of compact spun yarn, the hairiness viscoelasticity; damping index was reduced by 64.4%, and breaking strength was decreased by 4.0%. As a result, the effect on reducing hairiness was Light Industry and Handicraft Industry remarkable. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Keywords: swirl nozzle; hairiness; breaking strength; evenness TS272.5+9 1000-369X-201406000609 Classification and Identification of Different Aromatics in Tea TS156 0253-9721-201411000052 Made from Different Cultivar of Fenghuang Dancong. ZHOU Effect of fabric weaves on light-proofness of double-layer Chunjuan, ZHUANG Donghong, GUO Shoujun, et al. Journal of jacquard curtain fabrics. ZHANG Hongxia, YU Dimei, FAN Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): 609-616. In Chinese. Lixia, et al. Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 52-56. In The volatile compositions of 17 kinds of Fenghuang Dancong Tea Chinese. with different aromatics were analyzed using a combination of To research the effect of fabric weave on the light-proofness, simultaneous distillation extraction and gas chromatography-mass polyester yarns were selected as samples and three types of fabrics spectrometry (SDE-GC/MS), then compared with their ancestor, about 25 pieces with double-layer construction were woven. narcissus series tea, and the non-narcissus series tea. The results Light-proofness of fabrics was tested and analyzed. This research showed that according to the aroma pattern similar to or higher explores the effect of pattern of organization, organization cycle than the rate of 95%, they are classified into seven aroma patterns: numbers, fabric stitching mark distribution and backing weave on Huangzhi aroma (gardenia Magnolia fragrance), Xingren aroma fabrics light-proofness. The conclusions are as follows. With (almond fragrance), Milan aroma (honey-orchid fragrance), Zhilan certain gauge of cloth and linear density, average light-proofing aroma (iris orchid fragrance), Yulan aroma (magnolia fragrance), rate was positively correlated with organization cycle numbers. Juduozai whose aroma pattern was not identified and Gong aroma. When organization cycle number is over eight, the light-proofing The similarity are different not only between each aromatics and of various fabrics is basically consistent. The fabrics with different varieties, but also between each aromatics and their original pattern of organization but the same organization cycle numbers, variety. By analyzing the difference in the aroma components of the light-proofness can be arranged as satin weave >twill weave different Fenghuang Dancong tea with same aroma pattern, it >plain weave. Besides, in order to guarantee the flatness of fabrics, showed that Dancong tea with different aroma pattern has content the binding points should distribute evenly. Satin weave is the differences on the common components, and each also has its optimum choice of backing weave. characteristic components. For example, the isoeugenol in the Keywords: light-proofing fabric; fabric weave; Jacquard Dancong tea with Zhilan aroma, α-cadinol in the Huangzhi aroma, decoration; curtain torreyol, β-ionone and caryophyllene in the Milan aroma and the 4-terpenol in the Juduozai Dancong tea, and methyl anthranilate of TS131.9 0253-9721-201411000028 the Gong aroma. These components may be the characteristic Evenness quality control for worsted pure wool yarn based on aroma composition in the respective Fenghuang Dancong tea, and quality index number. TAO Jianqin, ZHANG Hongwei, CHENG 113 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Xiyong, et al. Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 28-34. In technology to size yarns using part-gelatinized starch sizing agents Chinese. under a medium temperature condition. In this paper, the To effectively control the quality of combed pure wool yarn microstructure of a sizing membrane formed both on the yarn evenness, some theoretical equations were introduced in this surface and on the cross-section of the sized yarns is examined by article by theoretical calculation and experimental verification. SEM, and the mechanism of the formation of sizing membrane on These equations include calculation formula of raw material of the surface of yarns in PGST is thus proposed. It is found that wool diameter design value and theoretical sliver evenness sizing pulp prepared in PGST contains a certain amount of fully-, coefficient of variation of wool yarn, and the calculation formula or partially-gelatinized starch sizing agents and a great amount of used to rapidly determine the ratio of two kinds of wool top non-gelatinized starch particles; and the gelatinized starch sizing through analysis. The semi-product evenness quality control pulp with low viscosity is easier to penetrate into voids inside process for fore-spinning based on quality index number is put yarns while the non-gelatinized starch particles absorbing water in forward according to the latest Uster statistical bulletin to forecast large amount adhere on the surfaces of fibers and yarns. During and analysis the quality level of the wool yarn evenness. At the the drying process, the saturated non-gelatinized starch particles same time, drawing lessons from foreign advanced experience, adhered on the surfaces of fibers and yarns break and are coated track and analysis on the quality data of the sliver evenness could on the surfaces of fibers and yarns to form a sizing membrane be made through drawing the sliver evenness quality analyses bonded with the gelatinized starch penetrating among the yarns. graph for fore-spinning semi-products. This contributes to make Such a complicated membrane structure covers the whole fiber the production technical schemes acquire timely feedback, surface within and on the surface of yarns. The steam consumption adjustment and optimization. The results show that quality control can be saved obviously by using PGST. technology guided by the sliver evenness quality index number Keywords: part-gelatinization sizing technology; mechanism of can be more scientific and effective to achieve the quality sizing membrane formation; starch; sizing objectives of the combed pure wool yarn. Keywords: worsted wool yarn; sliver evenness quality index TS186.6 0253-9721-201411000057 number; variation coefficient; Uster statistical bulletin; quality Plush consolidation fastness of weft cut pile fabric. ZHANG control Jiting, JIANG Gaoming. Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 57-61. In Chinese. TS803.6 0253-987X-201411000086 In order to reduce hair removal of weft cut pile fabric during Mechanical Behaviors of Guide Roller in Web Transfer System. wearing and improve softness and grade, the plush consolidation MA Li'e, MEI Xuesong, LI Yanfeng,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 et al. Jouenal of Xi'an fastness of weft cut pile fabric is studied. Based on the force Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 86-91. In Chinese. analysis of weft cut pile fabric loop and dehairing process, it is To improve the accuracy and stability of the web transfer, a multi- considered that selection of suitable raw materials is beneficial for body combined finite element model is established according to the improvement of the resistance between plush and yarns. In the the structural features of the guide roller. The guide roller bending meanwhile, the factors influencing plush consolidation fastness are deformation, the vibration modes, the harmonic response, and the clarified from the base cloth density, plush consolidation method, deformation under unbalanced excitation are analyzed, and the finishing and other aspects. Then corresponding measures to experimental test of the static flexural deformation is performed. improve the plush consolidation fastness in the production are put Research results show that the structural parameters of the guide forward. roller, such as the wall thickness, the roller length, and the Keywords: weft knitting; cut pile fabric; hair removal; gudgeon length, etc., are the main factors influencing the guide consolidation fastness; measure roller mechanical behaviors. Keeping the structural parameters of the guide roller and other process parameters generally used in the TS102.2 0253-9721-201411000035 industry unchanged, the maximum deformation value of the guide Raw cotton short fiber index prediction model based on BP roller caused by its own gravity, the web tension and the neural network. LI Yong, CHEN Xiaochuan, WANG Jun, et al. unbalanced mass is 52.725 μm. If the wall thickness of the guide Journal of Textile Research, 2014, 35(11): 35-39. In Chinese. roller is reduced to 3.5 mm from 4.5 mm, the maximum In order to predict the short fiber index of raw cotton,a prediction deformation of the guide roller is 58.108 μm while the critical model based on back propagation (BP) neural network combining speed is increased to 8309.94 r/min from 8255.10 r/min and the genetic algorithm was designed. Based on the raw cotton in follow-up ratio is increased to 0.982 from 0.920, which is helpful southern Xinjiang, the seed cotton moisture regain and the to improve the accuracy and stability of web transfer. rotational speed frequency of saw cylinder were adopted as the Keywords: guide roller; web transfer; finite element analysis; basic characteristic quantity of BP neural networks models. mechanical behavior Genetic algorithm was used to optimize the weights and bias of BP neural work. Optimized BP neural network was applied to predict TS105.213 0253-9721-201411000047 the short fiber index of raw cotton. The results show that the Mechanism of part-gelatinization sizing technology on yarns. optimized BP neural network model can effectively reflect the WU Hailiang, SHEN Yanqin, LI Dongmei, et al. Journal of Textile nonlinear relationship between the short fiber index of raw cotton Research, 2014, 35(11): 47-51. In Chinese. and main controlling factors. The small errors between the Part-gelatinization sizing technology (PGST) is a novel prediction values and measured values were achieved. The 114 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts R-square of regression function between output and target of Temperature Effects. CHEN Rugang, CHEN Tao. Jouenal of neural networks model for testing sample is 0.9998. Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 32-36. In Chinese. Keywords: BP neural network; raw cotton; short fiber index; To investigate the influences of pressure and temperature prediction model; genetic algorithm distribution of gas film on the performance of foil bearings applied to turbomachineries at high temperature and speed, the Reynolds TS195.6 0253-9721-201411000023 equation and the energy equation are established for a Reverse microemulsion hydrothermal synthesis and photo- hydrodynamic foil bearing with constant stiffness of structural catalytic properties of anatase TiO2 microspheres. ZHENG support, and gas velocity in the bearing is analyzed. Coupling the Haiming, HAN Jian, DING Xinbo, et al. Journal of Textile fields of temperature, pressure and deformation of top foil, finite Research, 2014, 35(11): 23-27. In Chinese. difference method (FDM) is adopted to solve the equations, and

Highly crystalline anatase TiO2 microspheres were prepared by a pressure and temperature distribution of gas film are obtained. In reverse microemulsion-hydrothermal method using tetrabutyl the analysis, the variation tendency of pressure and temperature of titanate as the titanium source and Trition X-100 as the surfactant. gas is obtained with the changed dimensionless stiffness of support The phase and crystal structure, surface morphology of the structure and bearing number. It is found that when the prepared TiO2 microspheres were characterized by X-ray dimensionless stiffness of the support structure increases, the gas diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry pressure decreases, however, the gas temperature behaves (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission oppositely, and when the bearing number increases, the pressure electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence (PL) and temperature of gas increase, thus the dimensionless stiffness spectroscopy, respectively. The results show that with the increase of support structure and bearing number ought to be taken into of the molar ratio TBT/H2O within a certain range, the TiO2 account in gas foil bearing designing. microspheres transformed from the irregularly shape to the Keywords: hydrodynamic; gas bearing; finite difference method; regularly structure, and the particle size also became uniform. The temperature; stiffness photocatalytic activity of TiO2 microspheres was evaluated in the degradation of methyl blue. It was found that particle size and TH117.5 0253-987X-201411000037 morphology changes have great impact on the photocatalytic Collapse Mechanism Analysis of Foam-Filled Corrugated activity. When TBT/H2O molar ratio is 1:25, the size of Sandwich Beams under In-Plane Compression. HAN Bin, microsphere is uniform, and the photocatalytic activity is the WEN Can, YU Bo, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, optimum, superior to that of commercial P25. 2014, 48(11): 37-43. In Chinese. Keywords: reverse microemuls《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅ion-hydrothermal method; It is proposed to insert polymer foams into the interstices of the microsphere; TiO2; photocatalytic activity corrugated core and the collapse of foam-filled corrugated sandwich beams subject to in-plane compression is investigated TS272.3;TS272.5+9 1000-369X-201406000557 analytically and numerically to enhance the in-plane compression The Temperature PID Control System of Dryer and Its structural stability of the corrugated sandwich constructions that Application on Dahongpao Baking. WEI Shiqin, JIN Xinyi, will be used as a kind of novel lightweight hulls for high speed HUANG Jiachun, et al. Journal of Tea Science, 2014, 34(6): strains and oil tanks. Failure mechanisms such as global 557-564. In Chinese. elastic/plastic buckling and elastic/plastic face wrinkling are taken This paper described the structure and principle of the temperature into account. The equivalent elastic constants of the foam-filled PID control system of dryer, and Dahongpao refined baked corrugations based upon the homogenization approach are application experiment was carried out. The results showed that: employed to calculate the critical failure load of global buckling, When the set temperature is 180℃ , the average air temperature is and analytical formulae of face wrinkling are given by treating the controlled at 181.9℃ by the PID system, and the average air foam insertion as Winkler-type elastic foundation. A failure temperature controlled by manual is 188.9℃ , the baking mechanism map is constructed by using the material properties of temperature controlled by PID control system is more stable than 304 stainless steel and Rohacell 51 foam, and then three different manual control, and coal saving rate is about 22.97%-26.83%. In constructions are designed to numerically probe different failure the two different quality levels of Dahongpao, tea polyphenols in modes. It is shown that the analytical predictions accurately the tea drying controlled by the PID and the manual are reached capture both the critical failure load and the failure mechanism. significant level, the amino acid of first-class Dahongpao reached The minimum weight optimization design to foam-filled very significant level, the amino acid and soluble sugar of corrugated sandwich beams subject to in-plane compression is secondary class Dahongpao reached significant level. The average carried out and compared with competitive structures to obtain the tea quality scores under temperature PID control is higher than optimal geometrical dimension of structure. Comparisons on that of manual control. considering the features such as load bearing, energy absorption, Keywords: dryer; temperature; PID control; Dahongpao tea vibration damping, heat insulation and other multi-functional characteristics show that the foam-filled corrugated sandwich has Machinery and Instrument Industries greater potential in engineering application over empty corrugated and pyramidal sandwiches. TH117.21 0253-987X-201411000032 Keywords: tanker; foam-filled corrugated sandwich beams; Analysis for Hydrodynamic Foil Thrust Bearings Considering collapse modes; buckling; optimization 115 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 TH17 0254-0037-201411001621 simulated by CFD method for DES turbulence. The pressure Composite Q-factor Bases and Applications to Extraction of fluctuation of impeller inlet, impeller blade channels, impeller Gear-box Weak Fault Characteristics. CUI Ling-li, MO Dai-yi, outlet, guide vane channels, nozzle and tip of impeller is WANG Jing. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2014, supervised and discussed, and the difference caused by the 40(11): 1621-1626. In Chinese. ununiformity is also analyzed. The results show that on the As the gear-box non-stationary fault information submerged in impeller outlet, guide vane channels and the nozzle of both bare strong noise environment is a mixture of sustained oscillations and pump and fixed pump, the farther the flow to the impeller the non-oscillatory transients, which are frequency-overlapped and weaker the pressure pulsation effects. The pressure fluctuation cannot be processed effectively based on frequency, this paper frequency is mainly dominated by the impeller rotation frequency, proposes a method that constructs composite Q-factor bases and the pressure fluctuation amplitude gradually increases from (high-Q factor base and low-Q factor base) adaptively to process hub to tip, however, the corresponding amplitude is lager in pump the fault signal, and a favorable effect was achieved in the fixed on craft. In the revolver impeller, the pressure fluctuation extraction of the impulse signal characteristics of gear-box faults. frequency is mainly dominated by the guide vanes reaction in bare The analysis result of simulation data and application examples pump while by shaft frequency in pump fixed on craft. The confirm the feasibility and validity of this method, which provides pressure fluctuation amplitude in the tip gradually increases along a separation of mechanical fault signals in strong noise the axis from the leading edge to the trailing edge. In the duct environment. outlet, the pressure fluctuation frequency is mainly dominated by Keywords: non-stationary signal; high-resonance component; the impeller rotation frequency in bare pump while by shaft low-resonance component; composite Q-factor bases; gear-box frequency in pump fixed on craft. fault signal Keywords: waterjet pump; computational fluid dynamics; pressure fluctuation; detached-eddy simulation TH162 1000-1646-201406000662 Envelope milling method for stream turbine blade with TH311 0253-987X-201411000044 circular disc cutter. WANG Jian-jun, WANG Ke, SUN Xing-wei. Numerical Simulation on Cavitation Behavior of Large-Scale Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): Axial-Flow Pumps. YAN Hao, LIU Meiqing, LIANG Xing, et al. 662-665. In Chinese. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 44-50. In To improve the manufacturing efficiency of stream turbine blade Chinese. and shorten the production period of stream turbine, a new method To study the cavitation behavior of large-scale vertical axial-flow for the envelope milling of curved《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 surface of stream turbine blade pumps, it is necessary to establish accurate prediction methods. In with the circular disc cutter was proposed through analyzing the this paper, the real pump with an impeller diameter of 2.80 m in surface configuration and processing methods of stream turbine Xing Fu Pumping Station is chosen as the research object. Firstly, blade. With the minimal orientation-distance principle, the through the comparison of numerical and experimental results, the cutter-contact point and tool path of circular disc cutter in the accuracy of numerical simulation is proved. The pump's net envelop milling were calculated, and the calculation model and positive suction head (NPSH) is 4.86 m, and its critical vapor method of cutter-contact point were studied. After adopting the pressure (Pc) is 48.50 kPa. Then changing the pump inlet pressure, proposed method, the tool path length is significantly shortened the results show that the cavitation last length (χ) is rapidly than that with adopting the ball-end cutter envelope machining. changed from 0.24 to 1.00 along with the pressure from 47.00 kPa And the proposed method has an obvious effect on improving the to 42.00 kPa, and the cavitation area quickly spreads to the whole machining efficiency of blade. The present research can provide blades. Changing the pump operating conditions, the results show the theoretical references for the design of specific computerized that cavitation only occurs on the working side near the blades' numerical control (CNC) machine tool and blade polishing inlet under the large flow conditions, and mainly appears on the machine. suction side of the blades under the conditions of low flow rates.

Keywords: stream turbine blade; circular disc cutter; envelope When the liquid angle β1'<α, there is one cavitation zone, and milling; minimal orientation-distance; numerical control when β1', two cavitation zones appear. Eventually, cavitation can machining; tool path; blade surface; cutter-contact point be effectively eliminated by increasing the inlet pressure to higher

than the critical pressure Pc, and can be effectively reduced by TH313 0253-987X-201411000051 adjusting the operation state to the optimal condition. Numerical Analysis for Pressure Fluctuation of Waterjet Pump. Keywords: axial-flow pump; cavitation; numerical simulation ZHANG Mingyu, WANG Yongsheng, JIN Shuanbao, et al. Jouenal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2014, 48(11): 51-57. In Metallography and Metalwork Chinese. For ununiform inflow to impeller due to hull and duct, the TG113.25 1000-1646-201406000642 dynamic characteristics of waterjet pump (mixed-flow pump) in Evolution rule of microstructure of AZ91 magnesium alloy patrol craft are numerically analyzed. The steady flow is simulated welded joint after T4 treatment. LIU Zheng-jun, QU Jia-xing, by SST turbulence model based on RANS and the calculated SU Yun-hai. Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, 2014, speed of ship from CFD exceeds the trial voyage by 1.8%. The 36(6): 642-646. In Chinese. unsteady flow of bare pump and the same pump fixed on craft is In order to clarify the effect of technological parameters of solid 116 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts solution (T4) treatment on the evolution rule of microstructure of aluminum alloys are reduced from 351 MPa, 275 MPa, and 12.4% AZ91 magnesium alloy welded joint, the optimization design for to 320 MPa, 254 MPa, and 6.5% , respectively after T6 heat T4 treatment technological parameters is necessary to determine treatment, together with a continuous declining of tensile strength, the optimal heat treatment technology. After the heat treatment, the tiny variation of yield strength and a continuous variation of microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joint were elongation. The average length and width size of silicon particles investigated with the optical microscope (OM), scanning electron are 10-25 μm and 5-10 μm, respectively, and the morphologies of microscope (SEM) and tensile testing machine. The results show neonatal and eutectic silicon particles evolve from needle and that the T4 treatment can change the microsrtructural lamellar structures to spheroidal and rod structures after the T6 morphologies of welded joint, affect the location of second phase heat treatment process. Silicon particles are shown as needle and

β-Mg17Al12, and increase the grain size specifically in the lamellar mostly when the quenching transfer time exceeds 35 s. coarse-grained zone. The reasonable T4 technological parameters The tensile fracture morphology is observed as dimple and can improve the ultimate tensile strength and plasticity, but intergranular fracture, and the intergranular fracture is increased decrease the hardness. The optimum technological conditions of with the prolonged quenching transfer time. Magnesium and solid solution treatment for the AZ91 magnesium alloy is silicon elements are distributed nearby the grain boundaries and 420℃ ×15 h, and the ultimate tensile strength is 274.28 MPa. the binary and ternary eutectic structures, whereas the aluminium Keywords: AZ91 magnesium alloy; welded joint; T4 treatment; elements are concentrated in the grain and grain boundaries. The ultimate tensile strength; grain size; reduction in area; hardness; length and width size of Mg2Si phase are 0.2-1 μm and 0.02-0.08 XRD spectrum μm, respectively, the precipitation amount and size ratio of Mg2Si phase are declined, together with the decreases of strength and TG659 1000-1646-201406000601 ductility of A357 aluminum alloy with the prolonged quenching Hybrid error contour control based on iterative learning transfer time. control. WANG Li-mei, GUO Yi-xing. Journal of Shenyang Keywords: A357 aluminum alloys; quenching transfer time; University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): 601-606. In Chinese. mechanical properties; microstructure In order to avoid the uncertain disturbance in the direct drive XY table system of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor TG456.9 1000-1646-201406000647 (PMLSM), an iterative learning controller based on the disturbance Performances of laser-arc hybrid welded high strength steel. observer was designed on the single shaft. The iterative learning XU Guo-jian, LI Xiang, XING Fei, et al. Journal of Shenyang controller can restrain the repetitive disturbance, and the disturbance University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): 647-651. In Chinese. observer can eliminate the influence《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 of non-repetitive disturbance. In order to investigate the effect of welding parameter on the The combination of iterative learning controller and disturbance performances of laser-arc hybrid welding, a 2 kW fiber laser and observer can enhance the ability of system for restraining both metal active-gas welding (MAG) were used to weld 780 MPa high repetitive and non-repetitive disturbances. Because the contour error strength steel plate. The mode of metal transfer and morphology of computing model requests that the tracking error should be far less plasma obtained by laser leading or arc leading were observed than the expected contour curvature radius, a hybrid error contour with a high-speed camera. The effect of characteristics of laser controller was designed. When the tracking error is larger, only the leading or arc leading, laser-arc distance, defocusing distance, position of each axis is controlled. When the tracking error is MAG current and mode of metal transfer on the performances of small enough, the contour control is performed. The simulated laser-arc hybrid welding was investigated. The results show that a results show that the proposed control method makes the direct better weld bead formation is gained by the arc-leading. The drive XY table exhibit stronger robustness and higher contour plasma not only affects the weld bead shape, but also influences precision. the optimum laser-arc distance. The laser-arc distance has no Keywords: XY table; hybrid error; iterative learning control (ILC); significant effect on the bead width, while the welding current will disturbance observer (DOB); nominal model; curvature radius; affect the bead shape and penetration. With increasing the welding robustness; contour precision current, the penetration increases. The maximum penetration is obtained when the defocusing distance is -2 mm. TG166.3 1000-7857-201432000022 Keywords: laser-arc hybrid welding; fiber laser; high strength steel; Influence of Quenching Transfer Time on the Mechanical high speed camera; metal transfer; plasma; defocusing distance; Properties and Microstructure of A357 Aluminum Alloys. FAN weld bead shape Zhenzhong, ZHENG Weidong, ZHANG Xianfeng, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 22-27. In Chinese. TG142.1 1000-1646-201406000657 In the present work, the effects of quenching transfer time on the Research on strain fatigue behavior of ZG20SiMn cast steel. LI mechanical properties and microstructure of A357 aluminum Yuan-yuan, CHE Xin, LI Feng, et al. Journal of Shenyang alloys are investigated by using optical microscopy (OM), University of Technology, 2014, 36(6): 657-661. In Chinese. scanning electron microscope (SEM), differential scanning In order to understand the cyclic deformation and fracture calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as behaviors of ZG20SiMn cast steel, the fatigue behavior of well as tensile mechanical properties testing methods. The results ZG20SiMn cast steel was investigared under the strain-controlled show that with the increase of quenching transfer time from 3 s to mode. The experimental results show that under the strain- 49 s, the tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of A357 controlled loading mode, the ZG20SiMn cast steel can exhibit the 117 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 cyclic strain hardening and cyclic stability, which mainly depends comprehensive evaluation of open-pit mine trenching position on the imposed total strain amplitude. For the ZG20SiMn cast scheme, combined with the coal storage and present situation of steel, the relation between the reversals to failure and the elastic mining in Baorixile open-pit mine, explain the strain amplitude or plastic strain amplitude shows a single slope of feasibility and the necessity of the coal mine ditch in the mined out linear behavior, respectively. The analysis results with area of three mining the upper coal seam and exploit the lower transmission electron microscope (TEM) reveal that the fatigue coal seam. According to the choosing principle of open- pit deformation mechanism of ZG20SiMn cast steel is the wavy slip trenching position and the mine special geological and topographic mechanism. The analysis results on the fatigue fracture surfaces of conditions, design two trenching position optimization, and ZG20SiMn cast steel with scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyzes the influence of various factors on the lower coal seam reveal that at different total strain amplitudes, the fatigue cracks trenching position selection. Using the analytic hierarchy process, initiate at the free surface of fatgiue specimen in a transgranular analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme mode, and then propagate in a transgranular mode. comparison, eventually determine the most reasonable trenching Keywords: ZG20SiMn cast steel; strain fatigue; fatigue life; position scheme. The result shows that: the evaluation result of fatigue deformation; fatigue fracture; cyclic stress response; analytic hierarchy process accords the actual situation, simple deformation mechanism; wavy slip calculation, and has stronger practicability. Keywords: analytic hierarchy process; trenching position; Mineral Engineering trenching project; optimization of comparison

TD75+2.1 1000-7857-201430000063 TD713 1001-1986-201406000024 Clinical Research Improvement of Life Qualities by BSD2000 Gas pressure effect in the process of coal and gas outburst. Deep Hyperthermia Combined with Chemotherapy in Elderly WEI Chunfu, LI Huamin, YUAN Ruifu. Coal Geology & Cancer Patients and Clinical Care. ZHAO Tingting, DING Li, Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 24-28. In Chinese. WANG Hui, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): In order to investigate the gas pressure effect on the process of 63-66. In Chinese. coal and gas outburst, similar simulation experiments were carried This study aims to evaluate the improvement of life qualities of out for coal and gas outburst under the conditions of 5 different elderly cancer patients in advanced stage treated with BSD2000 gas pressure and 3 axial stress with self-developed simulation test deep hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy. The short-term system and large medium hard coal sample when the moisture efficacy and adverse effects of the treatment were observed and content, proportioning, coal sample forming pressure and other strategies for clinical care were discussed.《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Forty-one patients with parameters are constant. Experiments show that there is a gas advanced cancer received BSD2000 deep hyperthermia combined pressure threshold, when the coal and gas outburst exceeds this with chemotherapy in Beijing Hospital from October 2009 to threshold, the higher the gas pressure becomes, the greater the March 2013. Before treatment, their life qualities were evaluated. relative intensity of outburst happens, and relative intensity and After treatment, the improvement of their life qualities was gas pressure shows positive index, gas pressure has a certain observed, and theefficacy and adverse effects of the treatment degree of crushing and conveying of extruded pulverized coal as were evaluated. Psychological care and preparations were taken the outburst dynamic, can form obpyriform outburst hole with before treatment. Careful monitoring and treatment for adverse small mouth and large venter, and the axial stress has a positive effects were given during treatment. The results show that the role on the outburst of gas-bearing medium hard coal. lifequalities of the 41 patients were improved apparently, and the Keywords: coal mine; gas pressure; simulation experiment; coal pain was reduced. The overall efficacy of the treatment was and gas outburst; relative intensity of outburst 58.54% withno severe side-effects. BSD2000 deep hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy is able to improve the life qualities Nuclear Engineering Technology of elderly cancer patients in an advanced stage with satisfactory efficacy and acceptable adverse effects. Psychological care and TL71 1000-3436-201405050203 careful monitoring help to reduce the incidence of complications Computer calculating system for probability of causation of during the treatment and promote recovery of the patients. radiogenic neoplasms. SUN Zhijuan, WANG Jixian, XIANG Jian, Keywords: advanced cancer; chemotherapy; hyperthermia; quality et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, of life 2014, 32(5): 050203. In Chinese. Based on the principle and method for calculating probability of TD824 1000-7857-201430000074 causation in current National Standard, we developed a computer Determination of the Composite Coal Mine Initial Trenching program on probability of causation calculation for cancer patients Position Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. BAI Runcai, caused by ionizing radiation with Visual Studio 2008. We were WANG Huanyu, LI Yanfei, et al. Science & Technology Review, guided by Interactive Radio-Epidemiology Program developed by 2014, 32(30): 74-79. In Chinese. National Institutes of Health (NIH-IREP) and National Institute The determination of open-pit reasonable trenching position has for occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH-IREP). Computer important influence to open-pit mine production continue and calculating system for probability of causation for radiogenic stripping control. The essay applicate the basic decision theory of cancers and its users' guide were finished. This computer program analytic hierarchy, construct hierarchical analysis model of had undertook calculation accuracy testing for three times to 118 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts guarantee its accuracy of calculation. And it greatly improves Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, 2014, 32(5): operability of calculation for probability of causation. 050205. In Chinese. Keywords: Radiogenic neoplasm; Computer program; Probability To screen radiation-sensitive genes with uniform background of causation; National standard levels in human peripheral blood, which can be used as biomarkers for radiation injury, peripheral blood samples from TL71;R818.74 1000-3436-201405050201 three healthy adults were exposed to gamma-rays with dose of 0, Effects of serum of local radiated rat on the proliferation and 0.75, 2 and 6 Gy. The total RNA was extracted from the whole differentiation of osteoblast. ZHOU Yi, ZOU Qiong DING, blood and differential gene expression profiling was analyzed Qiaoling, et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation using microarray at 2 h after irradiation. The results showed that Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050201. In Chinese. 15 differential expressive genes with a relatively uniform The tibia of rat was irradiated at the dose of 30 Gy, and then the background were found: ISG20L1, TRAF4 and TRIAP1 were rats were killed at 2 and 12 weeks after radiation to collect the up-regulated over 2-fold at 2 h after 0.75, 2 and 6 Gy irradiation; serum; the osteoblast was cultured from cranium of fetal rat with LOC345537, POLH, SPIB and TNFSF9 were up-regulated over enzymatic digestion method, and then the proliferation and 2-fold, and TCL1A was down-regulated over 2-fold at 2 h after 2 differentiation of osteoblasts were detected by MTT and PNPP and 6 Gy irradiation; C12orf5, DDB2, GADD45A, MADCAM1 after 72 h, and the cell cycle of osteoblasts were detected by flow and RPS27L were up-regulated over 2-fold at 2 h after 6 Gy cytometry, meanwhile, the mRNA expression of cyclinD, cyclinE, irradiation. p21 and p53 of the osteoblast were detected after 24 h. The results Keywords: Ionizing radiation; Microassay; Radiation-sensitive showed that the serum of the radiated rats inhibits the proliferation genes; Biomarkers of osteoblast and increases the number of osteoblast in G1 phase, while decreases the number of osteoblast in S phase and G2 phase. TL99;R187+.4 1000-3436-201405050204 Serum from the radiated rats 2 weeks later down-regulates the Strategy of choosing radiation sterilization dose setting mRNA expression of CyclinD and CyclinE, meanwhile the serum methods for health care products. GONG Pin, TANG Xiaobin, from the radiated rats 12 weeks later up-regulates the mRNA CHEN Da. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation expression of p21 and p53 and down-regulate the mRNA Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050204. In Chinese. expression of CyclinE. The results suggest that the serum of the With the development of nuclear technology industry, irradiation radiated rat inhibits the proliferation of osteoblast by down- sterilization has become an internationally used sterilization regulating the expression of CyclinD and CyclinE and up- method for health care products. But it is difficult to choose the regulating the expression of p21 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅and p53 which retards osteoblasts appropriate methods and procedures of radiation sterilization dose in G1 phase. setting for health care products by using international standard Keywords: Ionizing radiation; Rat serum; Osteoblast; Proliferation ISO11137-2: 2013. The sterilization dose setting methods and and differentiation procedures in ISO11137-2: 2013 are divided into 12 sub categories according to 5 key factors of difference and based on which the TL99 1000-3436-201405050701 screening table of sterilization dose setting methods is developed. Investigation on thermal stability of Gaomiaozi bentonite The screening table can help users to make a quick and using electron bean irradiation and high temperature aging appropriate choice when dealing with sterilization dose setting technique. LIU Wei, LIANG Dong, ZHAO Shuaiwei, et al. method choosing problem for a brand new health care product and Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, 2014, find the corresponding experimental procedures. 32(5): 050701. In Chinese. Keywords: Radiation sterilization; Dose setting methods; Strategy In order to study the long-term stability, natural Gaomiaozi (GMZ) of choosing; Screening table Ca-bentonite and its modified Na-bentonite samples, which suffered different doses of electron beam irradiation or different TL13;0644.1 1000-3436-201405050302 temperatures and thermal aging time, were analyzed using Study on laser flash photolysis of all-trans retinene in oil-in- thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC). water microemulsion. JIANG Jie. Journal of Radiation Research The results show that variations of the peak temperature and initial and Radiation Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050302. In Chinese. temperature induced by high temperature aging are larger than Oil-in-water microemulsion of all-trans retinene (ATRN) was those induced by electron bean irradiation. GMZ Na bentonite synthesized in which SDS was used as surfactant, 1-butanol as performs better in withstanding the electron bean irradiation and cosurfactant, and cyclohexane as oil phase. Then 355 nm laser high temperature aging than that of the natural Ca-bentonite. The flash photolysis was used to investigate the transient long-term thermal stability of Na-bentonite is better than that of photochemistry of ATRN in the microemulsion. The results Ca-bentonite under electron irradiation/high temperature aging. showed that ATRN can be photoexcited by 355 nm laser light to 3 Keywords: Bentonite; Thermal stability; Electron bean irradiation; produce the triplet state of ATRN ( ATR*) with λmax ≈ 470 nm. In High temperature aging; TG-DSC analysis acidic solution, 3ATRN* can react with diphenylamine (DPA) via electron transfer to produce transient products of ATRN neutral TL71 1000-3436-201405050205 radical and DPA radical cation. The study on the reactivity of Screening of biomarker for radiation injury using microassay. 3ATRN* with lysozyme, amino acids and antioxidants showed that WANG Zhidong, SHEN Liping, LIN Zhongwu, et al. Journal of 3ATRN* may not interact directly with biomolecules, and ATRN 119 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 may be phototoxic via PDT Type II photosensitization process. high-Cu (Cu>0.08%) RPV steels. The irradiation hardening and Keywords: All-trans retinene; Microemulsion; Laser flash embrittlement have no relationship with neutron fluence rate up to photolysis; Phototoxicity; Reactive oxygen species 1×1012 n·cm-2·s-1 (E>1 MeV) in low-Cu RPV steel, but do not show definite connection if the fluence rate >1×1012 n·cm-2·s-1 TL13 1000-3436-201405050303 (E>1 MeV). The hardening and embrittlement have nothing to do Study on radiation modification of ionic liquid/poly(vinylidene with the fluence rate if the plateau in Cu-related hardening is fluoride) electrolyte film. DONG Zhen, PENG Jing, ZHANG reached. The behavior of Cu-containing steels is more complex at Xing, et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation the pre-plateau fluence. Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050303. In Chinese. Keywords: RPV steel; irradiation hardening and embrittlement; Radiation modification of the AVImCl/PVDF electrolyte films neutron fluence rate prepared via casting the mixture of ionic liquid containing unsaturated double bond 1-allyl-3-vinyl imidazole chloride Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry (AVImCl) and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) was investigated. The properties of AVImCl/PVDF electrolyte films were TE33 1000-7857-201431000050 characterized by SEM, TG, DSC as well as ionic conductivity and Analytical Model in Elliptical Flow Period of Tight Sand Gas mechanical test. The results showed that AVImCl was polymerized Well Considering Stress Sensitivity. CAI Zhenhua, LIAO or grafted on PVDF chains under irradiation, contributing to the Xinwei, SHANG Baobing, et al. Science & Technology Review, improvement of thermal stability for modified AVImCl/PVDF 2014, 32(31): 50-54. In Chinese. electrolyte films. When the dose was 60 kGy, AVImCl/PVDF The flow phases of fractured gas well in a conventional reservoir electrolyte films exhibited appropriate ionic conductivity and usually cover a linear flow period and a radial flow period. The excellent mechanical performance accompanied by tensile strength elliptical flow period is usually regarded as a transition phase and of 23.9 MPa and elongation at break of 622%. thus ignored. The tight gas is the most realistic unconventional gas Keywords: Ionic liquid; Poly (vinylidene fluoride); Radiation in China. Tight gas reservoirs are featured with low permeability modification; Electrolyte film and strong stress sensitivity. The pressure transmits slowly and every flow period is fairly extended. The elliptical flow phase at a TL13 1000-3436-201405050301 tight gas well keeps a quit long time, even lasts for a couple of Study on the degradation of cyclohexanebutyric acid in years. Therefore, the elliptical flow stage can't be ignored. When it aqueous solution by γ-ray irradiation. JIA Wenbao, HE Yanquan, comes to well test analysis, the conventional model is usually hard LING Yongsheng, et al. Journal《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 of Radiation Research and to match the double log curve in the field. To describe the flow Radiation Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050301. In Chinese. phases more accurately, a flow model in elliptical coordinates is A series of experiments on degradation of cyclohexanebutyric acid built through conformal transformation. The stress sensitivity were performed by 60Co γ-ray irradiation with a dose rate of 0.65 coefficient is utilized in the model to consider the stress- kGy·h-1. The effects of cyclohexanolbutyric acid concentration, sensitivity of tight gas reservoirs. After perturbation transforming

H2O2 concentration, initial pH value, and absorbed dose on and variable separation, the controlling equation is transformed irradiation degradation efficiency were studied by analyzing the into the Mathieu equation. Then it can be solved with a change of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) and pH value before corresponding method. It's found that the stress sensitivity makes a and after degradation. The results indicated that the higher the higher pseudo-BHP drop and an end of derivative curve up warp. initial concentration of cyclohexanolbutyric acid was, the lower This model can simulate the flow period of tight sand gas well the CODCr removal became at the same dose. And the acidic more accurately, and is significant to well testing of tight gas condition was more helpful to the removal of CODCr than neutral reservoir. and alkaline conditions. Moreover, H2O2 and γ-ray irradiation had Keywords: tight sand gas well; stress sensitivity; elliptical flow; a significant synergistic effect, and the irradiation degradation had theoretical model a promoting effect when the initial concentration of H2O2 was 1 -1 + mmol·L . The change of CODCr concentration follows the first TE122.1 13 1000-7857-201432000046 order reaction kinetics equation. Characteristics of Lower Cretaceous Source Rock and Its Keywords: γ-rays; Irradiation degradation; Cyclohexanebutyric Effects on Hydrocarbon Distribution in Erlian Basin. CHEN acid; Kinetic analysis Zhijun, GAO Yiwen, LI Keshe, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 46-53. In Chinese. TL351+.6 1000-7857-201431000080 The oil and gas exploration of Erlian Basin began in 1955, and now Summaries of Neutron Fluence Rate Effects on Hardening and more than 10 oilfields have been found, such as Zhabu oilfield, Embrittlement of Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels. Jigesen oilfield. But, difficulties exist in the exploration of Erlian WANG Rongshan, XU Chaoliang, HUANG Ping, et al. Science & Basin, due to, for example, the complex of deposit geology and the Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): 80-84. In Chinese. low level of proven deposits. The previous studies show that there The effect of neutron fluence rate on hardening and embrittlement are 50 sags with an independent sedimentary unit of their own, and of nuclear reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is summarized. It is with their own similar characteristics of hydrocarbon generation, indicated that the effect of neutron fluence rate on hardening and migration and accumulation. But as a matter of fact, even in embrittlement has different influences on low-Cu (Cu≤0.08%) and different subsags of the same sag, the distribution of hydrocarbon 120 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts source rock and geochemistry characteristics of hydrocarbon source reservoir. In view of the shallow burial depth, the high pore high rock are different. This paper analyzes the data of more than 20 sags seepage, the permeability, the low formation temperature in Erlian Basin and the Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon source rocks (22-28℃ ), the thin reservoir thickness (2-6 m, averaging 3.5 m), of more than 30 wells. And then, some common features of the high underground crude oil viscosity (50000-90000 mPa·s),and distribution and the geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbon the horizontal well thermal recovery,the horizontal steam flooding source rocks are revealed, and their differences and the effects on the pilot test for the thin shallow super heavy oil of Chunfeng Oilfield distribution of oil and gas are compared. It is shown that the is developed and carried out. The test area includes geological geochemical characteristics of Lower Cretaceous source rocks have reserves of 102×104 t, 5 steam injection wells, 21 production wells. a great influence on the production and distribution of oil and gas in Both steam injection well and production well are horizontal wells, Erlian Basin. Therefore, for the sags with thick dark mudstone, the with the well spacing of 100 m, the distance between two rows of abundance of organic matter is basically above the medium, the 140 m, the horizontal section length of 200 m, the steam injection organic matter type is more partial sapropel (type I or II1), and the rate of 5 t/h, the production injection ratio of 1.2. 3 observation dark mudstone is buried deeper than its oil generation threshold wells are drilled to monitor the real-time reservoir temperature and depth, and is more conducive to oil and gas output. The contribution pressure. The pilot test lasted 19 months,and the steam flooding of the source rocks of Aershan group to the reservoir is bigger than shows good performances with the indications as the single well that of Tenggeer group, so the source rocks of Aershan group have a daily oil production, the water cut, the periodical recovery percent bigger influence on the distribution of oil and gas. of reserves, and with the recovery percent of OOIP being Keywords: characteristics of hydrocarbon source rock; Lower comparatively analyzed. In view of the heavy oil production Cretaceous; hydrocarbon distribution; Erlian Basin declining, the steam flooding yields a production increase of 48% as compared with the steam soaking. The horizontal steam TE122.1 1000-7857-201432000054 flooding pilot test for the thin shallow super heavy oil is confirmed Fluid Inclusion Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Charging to be feasible. With the pilot test, the conception of the high Stages of the Lower Section of 4th Member of Shahejie temperature micro- steam channeling production is formed, and Formation and Kongdian Formation in the Dongying the dynamic monitor and control system is established. together Depression. MENG Jianghui, LIU Luofu, GAO Yongjin. Science with a series technologies, including the horizontal well high & Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 54-59. In Chinese. temperature steam channeling management technology, the use of The lower section of the 4th member of the Shahejie formation the horizontal well steam stimulation, the high deviated angle and x and Kongdian formation (Es4 -Ek) in the deeper Dongying the injection-production integration pump. Results provide some depression are supersedure strata《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 of oil and gas exploration. Based guidance toward the efficient development of the reservoirs. on the observation of microscopic fluorescence and homogeniza- Keywords: horizontal steam flooding; thin shallow super heavy oil; tion temperature test of fluid inclusions and in combination with horizontal well high temperature steam channeling management; the simulation of burial and thermal history, the hydrocarbon micro-steam channeling production; Chunfeng Oilfield; Junggar x charging characteristics of Es4 -Ek reservoirs are analyzed. The Basin x result shows that Es4 -Ek reservoirs in the south slope of Dongying depression experienced one stage of hydrocarbon TE12 1000-2383-201411001527 charging, which is from the Minghuazhen to the present day. Identification of Potential Fault Zones and Its Geological x However, the Es4 -Ek reservoirs in the north slope experienced Significance in Bohai Bay Basin. Zhou Weiwei, Wang Weifeng, three stages of hydrocarbon charging, which are the 3rd member An Bang, et al. Earth Science-Journal of China University of of Shahejie period, Guantao period, and Minghuazhen to the Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): 1527-1538. In Chinese. present day. The burial depth of the north slope is deeper than that Potential fault zones refer to the fault zones which are influenced x of the south slope. The oil source of Es4 -Ek reservoirs in the south by regional or local stress field, basement rift activities, buried hill x x slope is overlying Es3 and Es4 source rocks, whereas the oil blocks twist and formed in the cover layer of sedimentary basin. It x source of the north slope contains Es4 source rock. The different is a type of fault zone associated with dominant fault, which is geological backgrounds, oil sources, and source-reservoir combina- often ignored because of the absence of inherent characteristics of tion patterns lead to the significant differences of hydrocarbon dominant faults. It can be identified from 7 aspects below: ① large charging characteristics between the south and the north slopes. potential fault zones reflected by en-echelon, intermittent, Keywords: fluid inclusion; homogenization temperature; hydro- dislocation of symmetrical arranged small dominant structure carbon charging history; redbeds; Dongying depression (small faults, small folds,fault blocks); ② potential fault zones produced by basement rift system activities; ③ linear, TE34 1000-7857-201431000055 accommodated or side arranged potential fault zones formed by Horizontal Steam Flooding Pilot Test for Thin Shallow Super buried hills and sags; ④ potential fault zones reflected by the Heavy Oil of Chunfeng Oilfield in Junggar Basin. ZHU Guilin, distribution of sandstone bodies; ⑤ potential fault zones reflected WANG Xuezhong. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): by the distribution, arrangement and strike of reservoirs; ⑥ 55-60. In Chinese. potential fault zones reflected by coherent body slices; ⑦ potential The deterioration of the production performance after multi cycles fault zones formed by local stress field of overlapped fault, of steam huff and puff necessitates the development of the segment activities of deep and large faults. Taking the Bohai Bay supersede technology, in the Chunfeng Oilfield in Junggar Basin basin as an example, a classification scheme of potential fault zone 121 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 is established based on research results at home and abroad, and micron pore; nano-scale pore; percent of crack the characteristics of the potential faults in different levels of tectonic units are discussed. Potential fault zones are proved to be TE254 1000-7857-201431000061 of geological significance in the following aspects. Firstly, it Research and Application of Amido Polymer Anti-collapse affects the tectonic pattern of basins by adjusting the Drilling Fluid System in Sulige Gas Field. ZHANG Ming, LI inhomogeneous extension activities among different faulted blocks Tiantai, LI Da, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): in basins and by separating the tectonic units such as sags and 61-64. In Chinese. uplifts etc. Secondly, it determines the development and During the drilling operation of horizontal wells in Sulige gas distribution of basin sedimentary facies and influences the field,tight hole and severe mud-making formations are often distribution range of the sandstone in faulted basin. Thirdly, it encountered in shales. A new high inhibintion amino yields bead string-like, belt-like, and ring-like oil-gas anti-sloughing drilling fluid system is developed to solve these accumulation zones. The activities of deep faults are prone to difficulties. An evaluation of its capability shows that the inhibitor induce earthquake and form the potential fault zones on the has a good compatibility with common drilling fluid,and is useful surface. Therefore, identification and analysis of potential fault to maintain drilling fluid stability under a high temperature and zones can be important in reality. improve the filtration property of drilling fluid. The organic amine Keywords: potential fault zone; basement-involved fault; base drilling fluid system has good inhibition,a strong en-echelon; buried hill; transfer zone; hydrocarbon accumulation; anti-temperature,anti-calcium and anti-pollution ability,and creates petroleum geology less damage to the formation. It is a clean water-based drilling fluid system. The results of field application show that the drilling TE311 1000-7857-201432000060 fluid can improve hole stability, solve poor reheology during Quantitative Characterization of Shale Reservoir of Upper drilling across shale formation,realize formation protection,and Paleozoic Shale in the Eastern Margin of Ordos Basin. ZHAO meets the need of drilling in Sulige gas field, having a broad Keying, GUO Shaobin, LIU Xinshe, et al. Science & Technology prospect of applications. Review, 2014, 32(32): 60-66. In Chinese. Keywords: horizontal well; drilling fluid; amido polymer; Shale gas exists in forms of free state and adsorption state in shale. inhibition; hole stability Micro pore and micro fracture in shale are the main locations of the reservoir space and the drainage channels of the shale gas and TE371 1001-1986-201406000050 the gas content is related to the pore fracture growth degree. So it The static mechanics characteristics in Ningwu basin. LIN Hai, is very important to study the micro《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 pore and the micro fracture in ZHANG Yu, CHENG Yuanfang, et al. Coal Geology & the shale reservoir. In this paper, based on the results of the field Exploration, 2014, 42(6): 50-54. In Chinese. emission scanning electron microscopy, the argon ion polishing How to develop the rich CBM resource now becomes an important and the nuclear magnetic resonance, the micro pore and micro project in China. The wellbore insta-bility is a key factor crack morphologies in the Upper Paleozoic in the eastern margin restricting CBM economical development. According to rock of Ordos Basin are analyzed. The pore size and the development mechanics the mechanical charac-teristics of coal bed is critical degree of the micro-scale pore, the nano-scale pore and the factor for CBM wellbore stability, the study of the static fracture are quantitatively analyzed. The comprehensive analysis mechanical characteristics has only developed in a limited level in shows that the main reservoir space of shale is the micropore and China recently, this paper makes the systematic study on the the microcrack with organic pore as revealed mainly by the argon mechanics of coal bed in Ningwu basin, got the extension and ion polishing and the clay mineral micro pore as revealed mainly compressive strength, calculated the internal friction angle and the by the scanning electron microscope. The micron pore size is in cohesion, built the power law relationship for longitudinal wave the range of 1.32-5.58 μm and its average area percent of pore is in and transverse wave and also found out the linear relation between the range of 19.48%-23.66%. The average size of the organic dynamic elastic parameters and static elastic parameters. It gives a micro pore is in the range of 56.51-80.75 nm and its average area technical method on how to get mechanics characteristics of percent of pore is in the range of 7.45%-9.66%. The percent of formation on the basis of dynamic elastic parameters obtained crack is in the range of 0.69%-5.13%. Effective porosity is in the from acoustic logging. range of 0.25%-1.33%, which accounts for 16%-46% of total Keywords: Ningwu basin; coalbed methane (CBM); static elastic porosity. Comprehensive analysis reveals that the shale reservoir parameter; mechanics characteristics; softing property of coal of Shanxi of Taitou is the best, because of the relatively low buried depth, the full development of micro-scale pore, the relatively high TE122.1 1000-2383-201411001539 percentage of crack/micro crack of 56.51-80.75 nm and its average Vertical Segmentation Growth of Fault and Oil Source Fault area percent in the range of 7.45%-9.66%. The proportions of the Determination in Fuyang Oil Layer of Sanzhao Depression. crack and the movable fluid are 2.18%, 10.82% , respectively, and Wang Haixue, Fu Xiaofei, Fu Guang, et al. Earth Science-Journal the mean value of effective porosity is 0.76% amounting to of China University of Goesciences, 2014, 39(11): 1539-1546. In 16%-41% of the total pore. The quantitative study of micro pore Chinese. and micro crack provides a reliable basis for the further study of It is proved that fault possesses a typical characteristic of vertical shale gas of Upper Paleozoic in this region. segmentation growth if there is competent difference by field Keywords: east merging of Ordos Basin; Upper Paleozoic; shale; observation, typical seismic analysis and physical modeling. Fault 122 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts evolution can be divided into three stages by competent difference: knowledge of the artificial noise. The tradition CJ does not work formation of lower fault, segmentation of upper and lower faults in such case, while our scheme works well even only one group and formation of throughgoing fault. Taking Sanzhao depression keeps its AN secret. The analytical results and simulations show as an example, rock mechanical properties and fault related fold our scheme achieves better performance than the tradition CJ. theories prove that there widely exist faults in sandstone layer of Keywords: physical layer security; cooperative jamming; Fuyang oil layer, whose propagation is stopped by mudstone in cooperative communication; artificial noise; grouping cooperative Qingshankou Formation Ⅰ member, leading to the vertical segmentation growth of fault. Combining fine reservoir anatomy,it TN911.73 1000-8608-201406000676 can be concluded that the main oil source faults of the "reversed" Hybrid image restoration algorithm based on total variation migration in Fuyang oil layer must have been active in and P-Laplace models. LI Dan, ZHONG Chong-quan, WANG hydrocarbon migration and accumulation period, connecting oil Shi-qiang, et al. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, source and reservoirs, and featuring vertical segmentation growth 54(6): 676-681. In Chinese. in Sanzhao depression. Image restoration is one of the major problems of image Keywords: Sanzhao depression; segmentation growth; "reversed" processing research in recent years. In the image restoration migration; oil source fault; Fuyang oil layer; petroleum geology algorithms based on partial differential equation, the total variation (TV) model can well protect the image edge information, but in Radio Electronics and Telecommunication Technology the flat areas, the anisotropic diffusion TV model can easily generate ladder effect. While the isotropic diffusion P-Laplace TN911.72 1000-8608-201406000626 model can obtain good restoration results in the flat areas, but it is A novel algorithm for civil aviation ground interference source not suitable to restore the image edge information. Based on the locating via plane scattered signals. LUAN Sheng-yang, QIU TV and P-Laplace models, a hybrid image restoration algorithm is Tian-shuang, YU Ling, et al. Journal of Dalian University of proposed, in which the control parameter k can adjust the Technology, 2014, 54(6): 626-631. In Chinese. importance degree of the two diffusion methods according to the A novel algorithm is proposed to locate the civil aviation ground image areas, and realize hybrid image restoration. Experimental interference source accurately and effectively via plane scattered results show that the proposed algorithm can obtain better signals. Firstly, a new method of arranging initial reference points restoration results. is raised which is analyzed theoretically and testified Keywords: image restoration; total variation (TV) model; experimentally. Secondly, correntropy and weighted centroid are P-Laplace model introduced to optimize the exis《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅ting locating algorithm. Both analyses and experiments are carried out. Simulation results show Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry that the proposed algorithm improves the locating accuracy significantly and it has better practicality under equal amount of Chemistry computations. Keywords: interference source locating; civil aviation; Doppler O657.37;TL65 1000-3436-201405050101 frequency shift; correntropy; weighted centroid Review on the mechanism of surface ehanced Raman spectroscope (SERS) and its biomedical application. WANG TN92 1674-7267-201411001482 Dongfang, SONG Shiping. Journal of Radiation Research and Grouping cooperative jamming for wireless physical layer Radiation Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050101. In Chinese. security. DENG Hao, WANG HuiMing, WANG WenJie. Scientia The fundamental mechanism of SERS (Surface ehanced Raman Sinica Informationis, 2014, 44(11): 1482-1494. In Chinese. spectroscope), such as electromagnetic and chemical effect, as In this paper, we propose a novel scheme of grouping cooperative well as the synthesis of SERS tags with high enhancement, which jamming (CJ) for secure communication. During the data will be applied in single molecule detection and single cell transmission, the source broadcasts its information signal, all the imaging, were discussed. For applications, SERS nanoparticle tags helpers simultaneously transmit common artificial noise (AN) to have been developed based on the use of embedded reporter interfere the eavesdropper for tradition CJ. In our scheme, all the molecules and a silica or polymer encapsulation layer. The SERS helpers are divided to different groups which transmit independent nanoparticle tags are capable of providing detailed spectroscopic artificial noises to the potential eavesdropper. The zero-forcing information. These properties have raised new opportunities for beamfomer is selected to cancel the AN out at the destination. The multiplexed molecular diagnosis and in vivo Raman spectroscopy tradition CJ scheme can not completely consume the total power and imaging. budget, while the grouping scheme is based on the instantaneously Keywords: Review; Surface ehanced Raman spectroscope (SERS); channel gain which can make best of the total power per group. Biomedicalapplication; SERS imaging; Surface plasmon resonance The simulations show that our propose scheme based on minimum distance achieves the highest secrecy rate and the power actual Mathematics consumed approaches to the total power budget. Additionally, we propose a fixed grouping scheme based on the second-order O211.4 1000-8608-201406000696 statistics of the channel gain which can be easily implemented. Precise large deviations for compound renewal risk model with Furthermore, we consider the case that the eavesdropper has negative dependence claims. SONG Li-xin, FENG Jing-hai, 123 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 YUAN Liang-liang, et al. Journal of Dalian University of schlieren Technology, 2014, 54(6): 696-701. In Chinese. The precise large deviations of non-independent and non-identical O35 1000-8608-201406000618 distributions are investigated, where {Xn, n≥1} is a sequence of Motion responses of hinged multiple floating bodies under negative dependence random variables with distribution functions regular wave action. WANG Gui-bo, GOU Ying, TENG Bin, et al.

{Fn, n≥1}. Under certain conditions, the lower bound of the Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): 618-625. precise large deviations for the non-random sums is solved, and In Chinese. the uniformly asymptotic results for the corresponding random Motion responses of hinged multiple floating bodies in regular sums are obtained. The research results are applied to the more waves are studied by modal analyses in frequency domain based practical compound renewal risk model, and the theoretical and on the linear potential flow theory. Hydrodynamic coefficients and practical values are verified. exciting forces are obtained by solving the boundary integral Keywords: precise large deviations; negative dependence; random equations, which are developed by boundary element method. The sums; compound renewal risk model system motion equations for solving motion amplitude response of motion modals are established by the adoption of constrained Mechanics matrix, which is derived by the principle of minimum potential energy and the method of Lagrange multipliers. The validity and O343.3 1007-7294-201412001472 effectiveness of the presented method is verified by a satisfactory Analysis of Mechanical Response for Twisted Mooring Chains. agreement with published results of motion responses of five LIU Gang, LIU Qi-cheng, SUN Jia-jun, et al. Journal of Ship hinged floating barges under regular waves. At last, taking three Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1472-1481. In English. hinged floating barges as examples, the influences of water depth The twist of chain for a mooring system of offshore oil platforms and hinged position on motion response are discussed, respectively. is often generated which could cause high stress level in the chain The experimental results show that water depth and hinged and affect safety of the mooring system. In this paper, a position have certain impact on the motion response of the geometrical frictionless theory for predicting the torsional structure, and for the different wave periods, the influences are response of chain is introduced. The stress distribution of chain different. link, change of contact region between adjacent links, relationship Keywords: higher-order boundary element method; hinged between torque and twist angle, and relationship between gap per connection; multiple floating bodies; motion responses link and twist angle are analyzed for both stud-less and stud-link chains by using nonlinear finite element《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 method. Finally, based on O353 1000-8608-201406000597 a large number of numerical simulation data which can consider Numerical investigation of liquid sloshing in a 2D rectangular the friction effect, the upper bound regression formulae are tank based on SPH method. WEI Zhi-jun, ZHANG Wen-shou, derived for predicting the torque of chains. The numerical results WANG An-liang, et al. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, have significance for a better understanding of the torsional 2014, 54(6): 597-603. In Chinese. response and safety assessment of a twisted chain. When the forced frequency is close to the natural frequency of the Keywords: torsional response; mooring chain; twist angle; free surface, liquid can cause violent motion in the tank. Based on nonlinear contact analysis smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, numerical research on the liquid sloshing in a 2D rectangular tank under O348 1000-7857-201432000017 sway and roll excitations with shallow filling level is carried out at Digital Laser High-speed Photography System and Its 4 forced frequencies near the resonant frequency of the free Application in Photomechanical Tests with Blast Loading. surface, respectively. Comparing the global free-surface profiles YANG Liyun, XU Peng, GAO Xiangtao, et al. Science & and the time histories of the slamming pressure for both numerical Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 17-21. In Chinese. and experimental studies, it is found that SPH method can For the high speed data acquisition in photomechanical tests with simulate the global free-surface scenarios, such as hydraulic jump, blast loading, a digital laser high-speed photography system breaking wave and so on with large deformation motion. consisting of a pumped laser and the Fastcam- SA5 digital high- Furthermore, this numerical method can simulate and give a good speed camera is built and applied to the caustics, the prediction of the characteristics for the slamming pressure under photoelasticity, and the schlieren experiments, combining with a non-resonant forced frequencies. It is suggested that two-phase blast loading setup. It is shown that the images of the caustics at simulation should be introduced in SPH method in order to the running crack tip, the arithmetic line stripes on the surface of simulate the violent liquid sloshing under resonant frequency. photoelastic model specimens, and the propagation process of the Keywords: smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method; blasting wave in the air from charging with slots are recorded rectangular tank; slamming pressure; resonant frequency; shallow clearly, indicating that the new digital laser high-speed filling level photography system is reliable. Also the concept of "one system, various experiments" is realized, which provides some new testing O352;U661.1 1007-7294-201412001444 methods and new application fields in blasting mechanics. Numerical Solution for Ship with Forward Speed Based on Keywords: digital laser high-speed photography system; Transient Green Function Method. SUN Wei, REN Hui-long, LI photomechanical test with blast loading; caustics; photoelasticity; Hui, et al. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1444-1452. In 124 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts English. LES Smagorinsky model. Applying this WC-MPS method, A 3-D time domain program based on transient Green function considering two dam-break cases, focusing on the effects of the method was developed to analyze hydrodynamic problems particle distance and Smagorinsky constant on the numerical involving ship moving at a constant forward speed. From the point results, the numerical comparative studies and the experimental of view of the numerical accuracy and calculation efficiency, the validation studies are carried out, and the conclusion drawn is that precise integration method and some mathematical derivations the numerical model with a small particle distance and a large were employed to evaluate the memory part of the transient Green Smagorinsky constant has a good simulation results for the free function and its derivatives. And numerical tests were carried out surface flow with largely deformed free surface profiles. for a Wigley-hull-form ship; the obtained results are compared Keywords: WC-MPS; LES; free surface; dam-break with experimental data and reference results. Through the comparisons on the hydrodynamic coefficients, the reliability of Physics the 3-D time domain program is confirmed. Keywords: hydrodynamic problems; forward speed case; transient O436.1 1000-7857-201431000046 Green function Propagation of Gaussian Vortex Beams in an ABCD Optical System. WANG Xun, HUANG Kelin. Science & Technology O359 1007-7294-201412001434 Review, 2014, 32(31): 46-49. In Chinese. Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Cryogenic In order to study propagation of Gaussian vortex beams in an Cavitating Flows of Liquid Nitrogen Around Hydrofoil. SUN ABCD optical system, an analytical propagation equation of Tie-zhi, WEI Ying-jie, WANG Cong, et al. Journal of Ship Gaussian vortex beams with a unit topological charge through a Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1434-1443. In English. paraxial ABCD optical system is derived based on the generalized This paper aims to analyze the cavitating flow characteristics of Huygens-fresnel integral formulae. According to the obtained liquid nitrogen and develop an effective computational strategy to analytical representation, the light intensity distributions and the simulate cryogenic cavitation relevant to liquid rocket propulsion phase distributions of a Gaussian vortex beam in several applications. The aims are realized by implanting the cavitation observation planes in the free space are illustrated and analyzed by model and physical properties of liquid nitrogen at different numerical examples. The results show that with the increase of temperatures to the CFX solver code through the CEL (CFX propagation distance, the beam spot is enlarged obviously, but its Expression Language), and considering the effect of latent heat of intensity decreases. Meanwhile, it is also found that the isophase evaporation in the energy equation. The numerical simulation are line of a Gaussian vortex beam is a ray emanating from the then conducted around a 3D hydrofoil,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 and based on a wide range singularity in the original input plane, but with the increase of the of comparisons of numerical results and experimental data under propagation distance, the isophase line changes from radial to arc cryogenic conditions, the application numerical method and and finally takes on a spiral shape. modified cavitation model coefficients are assessed effectively. Keywords: Gaussian vortex beam; optical system; free space; The results show that the thermodynamic has significantly effect propagation on the pressure and temperature distribution around the hydrofoil, the predicted pressure and temperature inside the cavity are steeper Medicine and Hygiene under the cryogenic conditions than those under the isothermal conditions. The computational predictions with the modified Chinese Medicine evaporation and condensation parameters display relatively better results compared with the cryogenic experimental data than the R284.1;R329.24;R329.25 1001-1978-201411001508 default parameters. The modified cavitation model which takes Effects of astragaloside IV on Th2 lymphocyte D10.G4.1 in into account the thermodynamic effects with the recommend vitro. JIN Hua-liang, WANG Li-min, LUO Qing-li, et al. Chinese coeffcients is applicable for cavitating flow prediction in Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1508-1512. In Chinese. cryogenics fluids. Aim To evaluate the effects of astragalo-side Ⅳ on Th2 Keywords: hydrofoil; thermodynamic effect; liquid nitrogen; lymphocyte D10. G4.1 (D10) in vitro. Methods Cells were cavitating flow cultured in vitro according to ATCC recommendations and were treated with astragaloside IV at dose of 2, 4, 8×10-5 mol·L-1 or O35 1007-7294-201412001415 (Dex) in the present of ConA. Cell viability was Weakly Compressible Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method determined by cell counting kit-8 assay. Apoptosis and cycle (WC-MPS) with Large-Eddy Simulation (LES)Turbulence distribution of D10 were evaluated by flow cytometry. Th2 Model for Numerical Simulation of Dam-break Flows. LIU cytokines in the culture supernatant of D10 were evaluated by Yong-tao, MA Ning, ZHU Ren-qing, et al. Journal of Ship ELISA. Th2 transcription factor GATA-3 expression in D10 cells Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1415-1423. In English. was determined by Western blot. Results Astragaloside IV at dose In order to simulate the free surface flows, this paper employs a of 2, 4, 8×10-5 mol·L-1 have no significant effect on cell viability Weakly Compressible Moving Particle Semi-implicit method or apoptosis of D10 (P>0.05). Astragaloside IV at dose of 8×10-5 (WC-MPS) with large-eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model. mol·L-1 markedly suppressed the level of IL-13 in the culture For this method, the pressure field is obtained efficiently by Tait's supernatant (P<0.01), and the expression of GATA-3 (P<0.05), equation of state, and the turbulence terms are determined by the and Astragaloside IV at dose of 2×10-5 mol·L-1 obviously inhibited 125 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 the level of TNF-α (P<0.01). Conclusion Astragaloside IV has backscatter, ultrasound elasticity imaging, mean scatterer spacing, immunomodulatory properties on Th2 response in vitro, which is and low-frequency acoustic emission. Future developments of not associated with cytotoxic effect or apoptosis. noninvasive ultrasound monitoring techniques for thermal therapy Keywords: astragaloside IV; D10.G4.1; Th2 response; gata-3; are discussed. Future work may include the study of monitoring apoptosis; in vitro precision validation, adaptive parameter adjustment for tissue interindividual difference, reducing tissue movement interference, Clinical Medicine multi-dimensional and multi-parameter monitoring, realtime computing, and the establishment of the thermal therapy R445.1 1001-7399-201411001224 experimental data center. Comparative analysis of ultrasonography and pathology in Keywords: tumor; thermal therapy; ultrasound; noninvasive breast masses. LI An-yang, MENG Gang. Chinese Journal of monitoring Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1224-1227. In Chinese. Internal Medicine Purpose To study the value of the ultrasonic imaging in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast R587.23 0258-879X-201412001333 tumor. Methods Color doppler ultrasound examination were Ultrasound radio-frequency in evaluating atherosclerosis conducted in 262 cases of patients with breast tumor. The degrees of bilateral common carotid arteries in patients with morphology of the tumor, edge, envelope, internal echo, micro- type 2 diabetes. LI Zhao-jun, LUO Xiang-hong, DU Lian-fang, et calcification, length and breadth ratio, axillary lymph node and al. Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University, 2014, blood-flow signals of color doppler in breast tumors were 35(12): 1333-1336. In Chinese. observed and these results were compared with the pathological Objective To use ultrasound radio-frequency (RF) technology for observation postoperation. Results There were 314 tumors in all investigating atherosclerosis degree difference between the left cases, the coincidence rate in the diagnosis of benign breast and right common carotid arteries (CCA) in patients with type 2 diseases with ultrasonic imaging and pathological diagnosis was diabetes, and to analyze the related factors. Methods The 97.3%, the misdiagnosis rate was 2.7%. The coincidence rate in compliance coefficient (CC) and pulse wave velocity (PWV) of the diagnosis of breast malignant tumors with ultrasound imaging the left and right common carotid arteries (CCA) were obtained by and pathological diagnosis was 92.9%, the misdiagnosis rate was ultrasound RF technology. The ratios of the left to right CCAs 7.1%. There were statistically significant differences between were calculated:CCratio and PWVratio. The difference within benign tumors and malignant tumors《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 in the tumor shape, edge, groups was observed by left and right comparison and that echo, microcalcification, length and breadth ratio, axillary lymph between groups was observed by comparison of the same side. node imaging characteristics (P<0.01). Conclusion Ultrasound The relevant factors of CCratio and PWVratio were analyzed. imaging can be more accurate diagnosis and identification of Results (1) PWV of the left CCA was significantly higher than that benign and malignant breast tumors. of the right one and CC was significantly lower than that of the Keywords: breast neoplasm; benign; malignant; ultrasonography; right one in patients with type 2 diabetes (P<0.05). The CC and pathology PWV were not significantly different between the left and right CCAs in the control group. (2) Compared with the control group, R445.1 1000-7857-201430000019 patients with type 2 diabetes had significantly increased left PWV Recent Advances in Noninvasive Ultrasound Monitoring of and right CC (P<0.05). (3) PWVratio and CCratio were Thermal Therapy for Tumors. ZHOU Zhuhuang, WU Weiwei, significantly different between the two groups (P<0.05). Multiple WU Shuicai, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): linear regression analysis showed that age, disease course, 19-24. In Chinese. triglycerides and systolic blood pressure (SBP) were the Thermal therapy is a technique to kill tumor cells with heat and independent risk factors for PWVratio; and age, HDL-C were the has become an important means for tumor treatment. It can be independent risk factor for CCratio. Conclusion The divided into conventional hyperthermia (41-45℃ ) and thermal atherosclerosis degrees are different between the left and right ablation (>60℃ ). For thermal therapy, noninvasive monitoring of CCA in patients with type 2 diabetes. The age, disease course, SBP, tissue temperature distribution and thermal lesion (coagulation triglyceride and HDL-C are independent risk factors for the zone) formation in the treatment area is the key to guaranteeing differences. treatment safety and efficacy. In this review, recent advances in Keywords: diabetic angiopathies; intima-media thickness; noninvasive ultrasound-based temperature estimation and thermal compliance; pulse wave velocity lesion detection techniques are presented. Noninvasive ultrasound temperature estimation is based on temperature dependence of Oncology such parameters as speed of sound and thermal expansion, ultrasound attenuation coefficient, backscattered energy, and R739.5 1001-7399-201411001211 B-mode ultrasound image texture feature. Noninvasive ultrasonic Analysis of clinicopathologic features and prognostic factors of thermal lesion detection is based on ultrasound tissue 30 patients with extramammary Paget's disease. LIU Ying, characterization techniques. These techniques include the ZHANG Xin-hua, YU Bo, et al. Chinese Journal of Clinical and Nakagami statistical model, ultrasound attenuation, integrated Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1211-1214. In Chinese. 126 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Purpose To evaluate the clinical and pathological features of temperature and heat tumor tissue specifically, inhibiting the extramammary Paget's disease (EMPD) and to investigate the growth of mouse pancreatic cancer and prolonging the survival related prognostic factors. Methods The clinical and pathological time of the mice apparently. MFH has satisfactory therapeutic data of 30 patients with EMPD were reviewed retrospectively. The efficacy for mouse pancreatic cancer. HE slides in the file were rechecked. Immunohistochemical stains Keywords: pancreatic cancer; magnetic fluid; alternating magnetic were performed on archival paraffin-embedded sections with field; hyperthermia EnVision method in 20 cases. Follow-up data were recorded. The relationship between the clinicopathological parameters and R735.7;R512.62 0258-879X-201412001293 prognosis was statistically analyzed. Results Among the 30 Anti-HBV treatment delays development and evolution of patients, there were 26 males and 4 females, aged from 53 to 88 HCC. YANG Fan, -bin, CHEN Lei, et al. Academic years with median age 70. Macroscopically, typical presentations Journal of Second Military Medical University, 2014, 35(12): of EMPD were eczematoid lesions. Microscopically, Paget's cells 1293-1298. In Chinese. were distributed singly or in groups (as glandular or nests patterns) Chronic infection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the main cause of within the epidermis. Immunohistochemical stains showed that hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in China. Anti-HBV treatment is Paget's cells were positive for CK7, and negative for CK5/6 and the key to hepatitis B treatment, which can reduce the risk of HCC, p63. Follow-up data were available in 23 cases, 8 cases recurred but with unknown mechanism. During chronic inflammation, resection, among them, 6 patients had positive resected margin and HBV can evolve into mutants with advantages for survival and 4 died. The recurrent rate and mortality between the groups of carcinogenesis through "mutation-selection-adaption" under the dermal invasion and no dermal invasion (P<0.01 and P<0.05), the stress of microenvironment in the organism. Therefore anti-HBV groups of lymphatic metastasis and no lymphatic metastasis treatment to block the process of evolution is critical to prevent (P<0.01), and the groups of positive and negative resected margin carcinogenesis. However, the current anti-HBV treatment may not (P<0.01 and P<0.05) were statistically different. There were no give full play to cancer prevention due to the limitations of current statistically different with age and extent of lesion (P>0.05). antiviral agents and standard of treatment, which can partly Conclusions CK7 is a sensitive and specific marker of Paget's cells. explain some unexpected findings in clinical research. Based on Dermal invasion, lymphatic metastasis and positive resected the characteristics of the HBV-HCC evolution process, cancer margin are poor prognostic factors in EMPD. prevention can be further improved by enhancing the specificity Keywords: Paget's disease; extramammary; pathology; prognosis; and rationality of antiviral treatment. immunohistochemistry Keywords: hepatitis B virus; antiviral agents; hepatocellular 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅carcinoma; evolution R73-35+2 1000-7857-201430000045 Anticancer Effect of Magnetic Targeting Hyperthermia on R730.231 0258-879X-201412001304 Mouse Pancreatic Cancer. WANG Lufang, TANG Jintian, Apolioprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide OUYANG Weiwei, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, family plays a central role in cancer evolution. LIU Wen-bin, 32(30): 45-49. In Chinese. DENG Yang, YU Hao-yi, et al. Academic Journal of Second This paper aims to assess the therapeutic effect of magnetic fluid Military Medical University, 2014, 35(12): 1304-1309. In Chinese. hyperthermia (MFH) on mouse pancreatic cancer in vitro and in The process of carcinogenesis starts in the proinflammatory vivo. In vitro and in vivo experiments were respectively microenvironment and is abided by Darwinian evolution established using the unique mouse pancreatic cancer cell line theory:mutation-selection-adaption; and the genetic basis of this (MPC- 83). Apoptosis and morphological changes of the MPC-83 process is the generation and accumulation of somatic mutations. were measured with flow cytometry and microscopy after heating Currently the molecular mechanisms of massive nucleotide to 42, 46, and 50℃ with water bath for 30 min. Four-week-old alterations and natural selection of mutant cells under environment female Kunming mice were selected to establish subcutaneous pressure still remain unclear. The apolioprotein B mRNA-editing pancreatic cancer model. The therapeutic effect (46℃℃ and 50 ) enzyme catalytic polypeptide (APOBEC) family of cytidine was evaluated by detecting various influences including deaminases, which is transcriptionally induced by proinflam- pathological examination. Flow cytometry revealed the apoptosis matory cytokine and chemokine, plays important roles in the and necrosis rate of MPC-83 were 46.13% (46℃ ) and 89.33% innate and adaptive immunities of human organism. APOBECs (50℃ ). Fourteen days after hyperthermia, the tumor growth rate can not only inhibit viral replication but also facilitate the were -0.64±0.73 and -0.72±0.79, which were significantly lower generation of cancer-promoting viral mutants; they can also than that in each control group (P<0.05). Compared with control facilitate the generation of driver mutations in the host genes, thus groups, tumor growth in the experimental group was markedly contribute to the development of cancers. APOBECs, as hallmark inhibited. Pathological examination showed that magnetic enzymes bridging inflammation and cancer, play an important role nanoparticles were distributed between tumor cells, and some of in cancer evolution. them were ingested by phagocytes. Fourteen days after Keywords: cytidine deaminase; mutation; neoplasms; evolution hyperthermia, there were no subcutaneous nodules with only the MF remaining. In each control group, tumor cells grew very well, R730.7 1000-7857-201430000035 and hyperchromatic nuclei and pathological karyokinesis were Application of Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance seen simultaneously. MFH can reach perfect therapeutic Imaging in Early Therapeutic Evaluation of Malignant Tumor 127 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 Treatment and Accurate Lymph Node Staging. TANG Jiao, autophagy ZHAO Yu, LIU Zhigang, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): 35-39. In Chinese. R734.2 1001-7399-201411001242 Over the past decade, functional magnetic resonance imaging Clinical applicability of xTAG liquidchip technology as EGFR (fMRI) has been widely used to study the early therapeutic mutations detection method in lung cancer. GUO Yuan-jie, evaluation of malignant tumor treatment and identification of WANG Wei, FU Sha, et al. Chinese Journal of Clinical and benign and malignant lymph nodes. Diffusion weighted magnetic Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1242-1246. In Chinese. resonance imaging (DWI) technology is one of the fMRI Purpose To analyze EGFR exon 18-21 gene mutations in lung technologies, which issensitive to the microscopic motion of water cancer, and compare xTAG liquidchip technology and Sanger molecules and allows for noninvasive characterization of sequencing technology in clinical practice. Methods 1139 tumor biological tissues based on their water diffusion properties. The tissue samples from phase ⅠⅣ to lung cancer patients were degree of restriction of water diffusion in biological tissues is randomly collected. DNA was extracted from the samples. EGFR related to tissue cellularities and the integrity of cell membranes. gene mutation status in exon 18-21 was detected by xTAG Thus, DWI may demonstrate early changes in cancers at the liquidchip technology and Sanger sequencing technology cellular level, such as the breakdown of cancer cells or the respectively. Results The mutation status of EGFR was obtained distortion of the microenvironment. This paper reviews published by xTAG liquidchip technology in 1134 patients, and 1105 by articles concerning both the early therapeutice valuation and Sanger sequencing technology, detection success rate was 99.56% identification of benign and malignant lymph nodes. As a and 97.01% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of xTAG noninvasive screening method with its high resolution and liquidchip technology Comparing with Sanger sequencing was functional imaging features, DWI has shown superiority compared 99.59% and 94.54%. Several cases of multiple mutations were with PET/ CT, bearing considerable development prospects. detected by both methods. All mutation types detected by two Keywords: radiotherapy; hyperthermia; diffusion weighted methods are fully consistent. Conclusions Comparing with Sanger magnetic resonance imaging; response; lymph nodes sequencing technology, xTAG liquidchip technology, which is able to detect mutations of exon 18-21 simultaneously, is more R738.1 0258-879X-201412001347 convenient and efficient for EGFR gene mutation detection in lung Autophagy of osteosarcoma MG63 cells induced by aloe cancer. emodin-mediated photodynamic therapy. TU Ping-hua, LI Keywords: lung neoplasm; EGFR gene mutation; xTAG liquidchip Kai-ting, CHEN Qing, et al. Academic Journal of Second Military technology; sanger sequencing Medical University, 2014, 35(12):《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 1347-1352. In Chinese. Objective To investigate the autophagy of osteosarcoma MG63 R730.59 1000-7857-201430000030 cells induced by aloe emodin-mediated photodynamic therapy, and Clinical Applications of Microwave Thermal Ablation. SHENG to discuss the relationship between autophagy and apoptosis. Lin, ZHAI Weiming, DONG Baowei, et al. Science & Technology Methods The cultured MG63 cells were divided into 4 Review, 2014, 32(30): 30-34. In Chinese. groups:empty control group, AE group, LED group, and AE-PDT Microwave thermal ablation is a high and new technology group. MG63 cells in AE-PDT group were treated with aloe emerging through the combination of modern physics and emodin combined with photodynamic therapy. The cell viability medicine in the 1970s. It has been widely used to cure benign and was measured by CCK-8, the DCFH-DA probe was used to detect malignant tumors since the 1990s when this technology was put cell ROS level, the autophagosomes were examined by MDC into use in the clinic, which is comparable with surgical operation staining and electron microscope, the apoptosis of MG63 cells was in treatment and curative effect of small liver cancer. Moreover, detected by flow cytometry, and the autophagy-related protein microwave thermal ablation has some effect in treatment of lung (LC3 and Beclin-1) expressions were assessed by Western blotting cancer and kidney cancer. In addition, patients who are attacked by analysis. Results Photosensitizer aloe emodin-mediated PDT benign tumors, such as thyroid nodules and uterine fibroids, significantly suppressed cell viability in a photosensitizer benefit from the development of this technology. Oncotherapy will concentration- and energy density-dependent manner. The ROS enter a brand new development stage with further development level and autophagosomes were significantly increased in the and spread of this technology. AE-PDT group, with classical autophagosomes found under the Keywords: umor thermal ablation; microwave ablation; ultrasonic electron microscope. AE-PDT induced autophagy and apoptosis of intervention; cancer treatment MG63 cells. The apoptosis rate was significantly increased when autophagy was inhibited by 3-MA (P<0.05). The results of R739.5 1001-7399-201411001247 Western blotting analysis showed that ratios of LC3-Ⅱ /LC3-Ⅰ Expression and significance of autophagic gene Beclin 1 and and Beclin-1/β-actin in AE-PDT group were higher than those in MAP1LC3 protein in cutaneous malignant melanoma. SU the single AE treatment group, single light irradiation group, and Yuan-ting, JIANG Cong-jun, WU Li-gao, et al. Chinese Journal of the empty control group. Conclusion AE-PDT can induce Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1247-1250. In autophagy in the MG63 cells. At the early stage of AE-PDT Chinese. treatment, autophagy can postpone apoptosis and hence exert a Purpose To detect the expression of autophagic genes Beclin 1 and protective effect. MAP1LC3 in cutaneous malignant melanoma and to explore the Keywords: aloe emodin; photodynamic therapy; osteosarcoma; relationship between autophagia and malignant melanoma. 128 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Methods 85 cases of speicmens including normal skin tissue, lymph node metastasis. The M3R expression was significantly intradermal nevi, radial growth phase melanomas, vertical growth correlated with smoking history. The survival time of M3R phase melanomas, and metastatic melanoma were collected, and negative patients was longer than that of M3R positive patients in the protein expression of Beclin 1 and MAP1LC3 were evaluated Kaplan-Meier survival curve. Conclusion The M3R expression in by immunohistochemistry of SP methods. Results The Beclin 1 primary SCLC tissues was higher than that in normal lung tissues. and MAP1LC3 expression were pretended to be 100% in normal M3R expression had some correlation with prognosis of SCLC skin tissue, and they were declined to 85% and 95% in intradermal patients. nevi, 58% and 50% in radial growth phase melanomas, 49.5% and Keywords: lung neoplasm; small cell lung cancer; muscarinic 44.4% in vertical growth phase melanomas, both of 17% in cholinergic receptor 3; immunohistochemistry; prognosis melanoma metastases (P<0.05). Conclusion Beclin 1 and MAP1LC3 autophagic gene expression were significantly R730 1000-1182-201405000441 decreased with tumor progression, as well as was correlated with Expression of serum and urinary vascular endothelial growth conventional histopathologic prognostic factors. factor-A and epidermal growth factor-like domain 7 Keywords: cutaneous malignant melanoma; autophagic genes; inproliferating hemangioma treated with propranolol. Ling immunohistochemistry Bin, Chen Manli, Liu Jie, et al. West China Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 441-445. In Chinese. R737.33 1001-7399-201411001228 Objective This study aims to investigate the expression levels of Expression of LC3B in cervical squamous carcinoma and its serum and urinary vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) relationship with Ki-67 expression. ZHAO Hong-ping, ZHOU and epidermal growth factor-like domain 7 (EGFL7) in Ying, WAN An, et al. Chinese Journal of Clinical and proliferating infantile hemangioma patients under propranolol Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1228-1231. In Chinese. treatment. Methods Propranolol (0.5-2 mg·kg-1) was orally Purpose To investigate the expression of autophagy-related protein administered to 30 infants every day for 4-8 months. The Achauer LC3B in cervical squamous carcinoma and its relationship with method was used to measure the tumor radius and thus evaluate Ki-67 expression. Methods To detect the expression of LC3B in 16 the clinical curative effects of the treatment. Enzyme-linked cases of normal cervical tissues and 126 cases of squamous cell immunosorbent assay was used to measure the serum and urinary carcinoma by immunohistochemical staining. In addition, Ki-67 concentrations of VEGF-A and EGFL7 at 0, 4, and 12 weeks after protein was also detected in 126 cases of squamous cell carcinoma the treatment. Results The treatment response was excellent in 2 in the same assay. The relationship between LC3B expression and patients, good in 11, moderate in 14, and poor in 3. Serum Ki-67 in cervical squamous cell《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 cancer was statistical analysis. VEGF-A (335.692 pg·mL-1±136.146 pg·mL-1) was high before the Results Expression level of LC3B were significantly lower in treatment and then significantly decreased after 4 weeks (264.853 cervical squamous carcinoma than normal squamous epithelial pg·mL-1±122.120 pg·mL-1) and 12 weeks (211.345 pg·mL-1± cells (P<0.05), and the expression of LC3B was negatively 104.035 pg·mL-1) of treatment (P<0.05). Urinary VEGF-A (76.234 -1 -1 correlated with Ki-67 (rs=-0.248, P<0.05). Conclusion It appears pg·mL ±24.169 pg·mL ) was high before the treatment and then that decreased levels of autophagy which indicated by low significantly decreased after four weeks (56.454 pg·mL-1±16.111 expression of LC3B may promote cancer cell proliferation in the pg·mL-1) and twelve weeks (34.728 pg·mL-1±12.656 pg·mL-1) of early stages of cervical squamous cell carcinoma, which provides treatment (P<0.05). Serum and urinary EGFL7 also decreased a clinical referential evidence for further explore the mechanism of after the treatment, showing a positive relationship with VEGF-A. autophagy in cervical cancer development. Conclusion Propranolol can be safely and effectively used to treat Keywords: uterine neoplasm; squamous cell carcinoma; LC3B; proliferating infantile hemangiomas. This treatment can reduce the Ki-67; autophagy; immunohistochemistry peripheral serum and urinary concentrations of VEGF-A and EGFL7 in affected children. R734.2 1001-7399-201411001237 Keywords: propranolol; proliferating infantile haemangioma; Expression of muscarinic cholinergic receptor 3 in small cell vascular endothelial growth factor-A; epidermal growth factor-like lung cancer and its clinical significance. HE Hua, MA Ai-ling, domain 7 ZHANG Shu-xiang. Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1237-1241. In Chinese. R737.33 1001-7399-201411001232 Purpose To investigate the expression of muscarinic cholinergic Expression of Toll-like receptor 4 and protein of PI3K/AKT receptor 3 (M3R) in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and the signal pathway in cervical lesion and their relationship with correlation between it and clinical characteristics of SCLC. HPV 16 infection. SHI Hai-yan, ZUO Yan-li, Lin Qi-rui, et al. Methods The M3R expression was examined in 60 SCLC patients Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, admitted using immunohistochemistry. The patients were 30(11): 1232-1236. In Chinese. evaluated by clinical history, physical examination and chest CT. Purpose To explore the expression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), Survival time was got through telephone follow-up. Results The PI3K, AKT and NF-κB in cervical lesions, and to investigate their M3R expression in primary SCLC tissues was higher than that in association with human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 infection. normal lung tissues. The M3R expression had no difference Methods Immunohistochemical SP staining was performed to between limited-disease and extensive-disease of SCLC. There detect the expression of TLR4, PI3K, AKT, NF-κB in paraffin- was no correlation between M3R expression and age, gender, embedded cervical tissue specimens from Uighur women with 129 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 chronical cervicitis, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and Jing, YANG Bing, et al. Science & Technology Review, 2014, cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC). The HPV 16 DNA was 32(30): 15-18. In Chinese. detected by PCR. Results The positive expression rates of TLR4, Hyperthermia has a long history of disease treatmentin China and PI3K, AKT, NF-κB in chronical cervicitis, CIN and cervical around the world. There are historical records of cure of diseases cancer were 32.0%, 59.4%, 77.8%, 28.0%, 56.3%, 73.0%, 24.0%, using hyperthermia. This article provides a comprehensive review 56.3%, 79.4%, and 8.0%, 48.4%, 81.0%, respectively. The of the history of the modern technology of hyperthermia from expression of them was higher in cervicitis than in CIN and three aspects: The technology, products, and clinical development, cevical cancer (P<0.05). The positive expression rates of HPV 16 introducingvarious technologies, such as microwave hyperthermia, in three groups were 8.0%, 48.4% and 81.0% (P<0.05). The radio frequency, ultrasound, and new technologies such as expression of TLR4, PI3K, NF-κB and HPV 16 was related to magnetic induction hyperthermia. The current hyperthermia cervical cancer differentiation (P<0.05). PI3K and AKT were technology has developed to a new height, with higher treatment significantly correlated with FIGOs' stages (P<0.05). NF-κB was temperature, more precise temperature control, less side effects, correlated with lymph node metastasis. The expression of TLR4 and better efficacy. In the field of cancer treatment, hyperthermia was significantly associated with HPV 16 infection in CIN and may become a new mainstream treatment, and will be more CSCC (r=0.303, P=0.015, r=0.633, P=0.000), and correlation with widely applied in common benign disease treatment as well. PI3K in CIN and CSCC (r=0.254, P=0.045, r=0.386, P=0.003). Keywords: hyperthermia; microwave; radio frequency; ultrasound; PI3K was associated with AKT only in CSCC (r=0.298, P=0.018). magnetic induction Conclusions The expression of TLR4 can be up-regulated by HPV 16 infection. High expression of PI3K/AKT signal pathway R73-361 0258-879X-201412001327 mediated by TLR4 may play important roles in the development Ibuprofen suppresses proliferation and metastasis of human and progression of CIN and CSCC, and HPV 16 infection may be non-small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H460 and breast a trigger factor affecting the molecular signal pathway. cancer cell line SKBR3. ZHU Li-shuang, WANG Hao, CHEN Jia, Keywords: cervical neoplasm; squamous cell carcinoma; Toll-like et al. Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University, receptors 4; PI3K/AKT signal pathway; HPV 16 2014, 35(12): 1327-1332. In Chinese. Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of ibuprofen on R730.21;R737.33 0258-879X-201412001337 proliferation and migration of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Expression pattern of HPV L1 in different cervical lesion cell line NCI-H460 and breast cancer cell line SKBR3, and to tissues. XIAO Chang-yi, SHI Yan-mei, LI Hui-hong, et al. discuss the possible mechanism. Methods MTT method was used Academic Journal of Second Military《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Medical University, 2014, to detect the proliferation inhibition of the two cancer cell lines 35(12): 1337-1346. In Chinese. after ibuprofen treatment for 24, 48, and 72 h;and Transwell assay Objective To explore the factors influencing the HPV L1 protein was used to study the cell migration in vitro. Real-time PCR and expression in tumor tissues and to understand the expression Western blotting analysis were used to detect the mRNA and pattern of HPV L1 protein in different cervical lesion tissues. protein expression of survivin and E-cadherin after ibuprofen Methods Different cervical lesion tissues were collected to detect treatment. Results MTT assay showed that ibuprofen treatment genotypes and genome physical states of HPV 16 and 18. ELISA, decreased cell growth in the two cell lines in a dose-dependent Western blotting analysis, and immunohistochemical staining were manner. Ibuprofen treatment (2 mmol/L, 12 h) significantly used to examine the expression of HPV L1 protein in the tissues. inhibited the cell metastasis in the two cell lines. Moreover, Results A total of 48 specimens were collected, with 42 being real-time PCR and Western blotting analysis showed that HPV16 positive and 3 being HPV18 positive. In HPV16 positive ibuprofen treatment caused a reduction in survivin expression and specimens, 25 harbored exclusively the episomal form, 7 carried elevation in E-cadherin expression at both mRNA and protein mixed forms, and 10 had integrated type. All the HPV18 positive levels. Conclusion Ibuprofen can significantly inhibit human specimens belonged to the integrated type. The results of ELISA NSCLC proliferation and metastasis in vitro, which might be and Western blotting analysis displayed that HPV L1 expression related to degreased expression of survivin and increased decreased with the aggravation of the lesion severities. The expression of E-cadherin. immunohistochemistry findings showed that L1 positive reactions Keywords: ibuprofen; survivin; E-cadherin; breast cancer; lung were of different forms and varied with different physical states of neoplasms; breast viral genome, differentiation degrees, and progression of lesion tissues. Conclusion HPV L1 expression in cervical lesion tissues R737.11 0258-879X-201412001315 has its structural foundation, and the expression levels are closely Key molecular events in renal carcinogenesis. LIU Yan, TAN related to many factors, including the physical state of virus Xiao-jie, SU Tong, et al. Academic Journal of Second Military genome in lesion tissues, differentiation degrees of tumor tissue, Medical University, 2014, 35(12): 1315-1319. In Chinese. and the state of virus gene sequence being inserted into host ones. Darwin's Theory of Evolution:inherited variation, natural selection Keywords: human papillomavirus; major capsid protein; and adaption to survive in the environment is vividly manifested uterinecervical neoplasms; geneome; physical state by the process of cancer cell evolution. For each step from precancerous lesion to cancer in situ and metastasis, cancer cells R730.59 1000-7857-201430000015 continuously mutate and subclones are selected by the pressure History and Prospects of Hyperthermia. TANG Jintian, GUO from tumor microenvironment. Cancer is characterized by 130 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts heterogeneity, which is also a reflection of cancer cell evolution. more higher than that in elderly group. Conclusion Ki-67 index in Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most common tumors in patients with triple-negative breast cancer, young age, lymph node urinary system and the incidence rate of RCC is rising in recent metastasis, larger tumor size and ER and PR negative were higher. years. Because RCC is not sensitive to radiotherapy or Ki-67 can be used as an important indicator to determine breast chemotherapy, systemic targeted therapy is the only option for cancer prognosis. patients with advanced RCC. This paper reviews the significant Keywords: breast neoplasm; Ki-67; molecular classification; molecular events during the evolution of RCC, revealing the high immunohistochemistry heterogeneity of RCC both in different patients and in the tumor itself. Understanding the characteristics of RCC evolution is a R735.7 0258-879X-201412001299 must to search specific molecular markers for early diagnosis and Role of hepatitis B virus integration in evolution of for practice of individualized therapy. hepatocellular carcinoma. JI Xiao-wei, NIU Jia-xin, CHEN Xi, Keywords: renal cell carcinoma; evolution; genetic heterogeneity; et al. Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University, targeted therapy 2014, 35(12): 1299-1303. In Chinese. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-human DNA integration is a commonly R737.25 0258-879X-201412001310 seen event in the evolutionary process of hepatocellular carcinoma Molecular mechanism in the development and progression of (HCC). HBV chronic infection induces HBV mutation, HBV prostate cancer. LIN Ji, HOU Jian-guo, SU Tong, et al. Academic integration and the inflammatory microenvironment alternation in Journal of Second Military Medical University, 2014, 35(12): the hosts, which provides a evolutionary soil for the 1310-1314. In Chinese. hepatocarcinogenesis. The second generation sequencing The incidence of prostate cancer has been greatly increased in technique provides a better approach for understanding the HBV China and it has ranked the 5th of the malignant tumors in Chinese integration mechanism in HCC. This review focuses on the males. Continuous environment stimulation causes chronic features of HBV integration and influences of HBV integration on prostatic inflammation, and infiltration of inflammatory cytokines human, virus genomes, and discusses the association of HBV such as INF-γ, TNF-α, and TGF-β can cause damage and repair of integration with HCC. prostatic tissues, leading to proliferative inflammatory atrophy Keywords: hepatitis B virus; virus integration; hepatocellular (PIA). Then a small subset of cells will develop somatic genome carcinoma; evolution alterations, including overexpression of MYC and the loss of NKX3.1 and PTEN, which can promote PIA into prostatic R737.9;R394 1001-7399-201411001206 intraepithelial neoplasia. Androgen《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 receptor mutation and Screening and primary analysis of microRNAs expression ERG-TMPRSS2 fusion will drive progression of prostatic cancer. profile in human breast cancer BT474 cells with different lever Keywords: prostatic neoplasms; molecular mechanisms; chronic of HER-2. ZHU Gui-lu, XU Cheng-chen, WU Zheng-sheng, et al. prostatitis; mutation Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): 1206-1210. In Chinese. R737.9 1001-7399-201411001220 Purpose To detect the expression profile of microRNAs (miRNAs) Relationship between the expression of Ki-67 and molecular in human breast cancer cells BT474 and BT474/ siRNA HER-2, classification and clinical pathological features in breast and to screen out miRNA expression profile related to HER-2. cancer. ZHANG Ying, REN Zhan-ping, ZHANG Yuan. Chinese Methods RNA interference was used to inhibit HER-2 expression Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, 30(11): in human breast cancer line BT474. The expression profile of 1220-1223. In Chinese. miRNAs was detected by miRNA microarray technique. Results Purpose To study the expression of Ki-67 in breast cancer with According to discrepancy power >2.0 and P<0.05, there were 338 different molecular classification, and to discuss the relationship miRNAs related to HER-2, including 110 up-regulated and 228 between the expression of Ki-67 and clinical pathological features down-regulated miRNAs. Conclusion miRNA microarrays can in breast cancer. Methods All 245 patients with breast cancer were detect the differentially expressed miRNAs in human breast cancer divided into different molecular classification through detecting BT474 cells with different level of HER-2. The miRNAs related to the expression of ER, PR, HER-2 by immunohistochemical HER-2 which play a role in breast cancer should be found after method. The expression of Ki-67 was also detected, and to study further analysis. relationship between the expression and clinical pathological Keywords: breast neoplasm; miRNAs; HER-2 features. Results The difference of Ki-67 index was statistically significant in different molecular classification of breast cancer. R737.9 1001-7399-201411001215 Ki-67 index in patients with lymph node metastasis and larger Study on the relationship between Epstein-Barr virus and tumor size were higher than that with no metastasis and smaller breast cancer. PAN Xin-yan, WANG Jing-yan, LI Gui-yun, et al. tumor size. Ki-67 index in patients with ER and PR positive were Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2014, lower than that negative, the difference was statistically significant. 30(11): 1215-1219. In Chinese. Ki-67 expression difference was not statistically significant Purpose To study the relationship between Epstein-Barr virus between the two groups according to the median age (50 years (EBV) and breast cancer. Methods 246 cases of breast lesions at old). But when patients were divided into young and elderly different development stages were selected and EBV DNA, RNA groups by ≤40 and ≥60 years old, Ki-67 index in young group was and protein was used by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in situ 131 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 hybridization (ISH), laser capture microdissection (LCM), Keywords: advanced gastric carcinoma; docetaxel; 5-fluorouracil; immunohistochemistry (IHC) EnVision technology. Results No cisplatin; hyperthermic intraperitoneal perfusion chemotherapy expression of EBV latent membrane protein LMP1 was detected in all 246 cases of benign and malignant breast lesions. In 12 cases of Other Disciplines in Medicine and Hygiene breast cancer of EBV DNA, carcinoma in situ and breast lesions not EBV DNA was detected by PCR. However, using digoxigenin R-05;R342.4;R346;R394.6 1001-1978-201411001503 labeled EBV DNA probe for the 48 cases (including 12 cases of Advance in research on pharmacogenomics of vitamin. breast cancer specimens of positive PCR amplification) of benign ZHANG Yue-li, ZHOU Hong-hao, ZHANG Wei. Chinese and malignant breast lesions, no positive hybridization signal was Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1503-1507. In Chinese. detected in cancer cells, mammary epithelial cells and stromal Vitamin is necessary and important for humans and animals to lymphocytes. Using laser capture microdissection and PCR maintain normal physiological function, metabolism, and growth. amplification, cancer cells and stromal cells were captured The studies suggest that vitamin is one of the factors which play a respectively from 12 cases of PCR positive and 12 cases of PCR role in the activity of enzymes, and it is coenzyme of many negative of breast cancer specimens, we found EBV DNA was enzyme or an important component of coenzyme. The lack of only amplified in mesenchymal cells. In the detection of the EBER vitamins causes a metabolic vitamin deficiency. Pharmaco- expression with EBV RNA probe and in situ hybridization, the genomics research the relationship between human genetic results of 75 cases of benign and malignant breast lesions variation and drug reaction, using the information to solve the (including 12 cases of breast cancer by positive PCR amplification) different reactions among the different individuals of the same were all negative. Conclusions The results indicate that the drug. Vitamins, which constitute human tissues and maintain tumorigenesis and development of breast cancer have nothing to normal physiological functions, are also an important part for the do with EBV infection in all cases were chosen. pharmacogenomics study. Keywords: breast neoplasm; Epstein-Barr virus; polymerase chain Keywords: vitamin; deficiency; individualization; drug reaction; reaction; in situ hybridization; immunohistochemistry pharmacogenomics; single nucleotide polymorphisms

R735 1000-7857-201430000055 R-05;R191;R96 1001-1978-201411001485 Treatment of Gastric Cancer with DF Regimen Combined with Analysis of projects funded by National Natural Science Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Perfusion Chemotheraphy with Foundation of China (NSFC) in field of pharmacology during Cisplatin. WU Zhibing, WU Kan, LI Xiadong, et al. Science & 2004~2013. PENG Ying, JIANG Wei, DUAN Ya-jun, et al. Technology Review, 2014, 32(30):《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 55-58. In Chinese. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1485-1492. In This study aims to observe and compare the efficacy and side Chinese. effect of weekly docetaxel combined with 5-fluorouracil and Pharmacology can be defined as the study of substances that cisplatin intravenous treatment and weekly docetaxel plus interact with living systems through chemical processes. 5-fluorouracil intravenous combined with intraperitoneal perfusion Pharmacology plays an important role to bridge the translational (CHPP) with cisplatin treatment. Ninety patients with advanced gap between the basic medicine and clinical medicine. In this gastric cancer were randomized into intravenous chemotherapy article, the projects in pharmacology funded by NSFC during group (45 patients) who received docetaxel 36 mg/m2, iv, 2004-2013 were reviewed. The new features and new problems in 1wk×3wk, CF 200 mg/m2, iv, d1-5, 5-Fu 500 mg/m2, iv, d1-5, the projects of pharmacology were briefly analyzed. DDP 25 mg/m2, iv, d1-3, repeated every four weeks for two cycles Keywords: National Natural Science Foundation of China; pharma- and intravenous chemotherapy plus CHPP group (45 patients) who cology; projects funded; retrospective analysis; translational received docetaxel 36 mg/m2, iv, 1wk× 3wk, CF 200 mg/m2, iv, medicine; drug targets d1- 5, 5-FU 500 mg/m2, iv, d1- 5, DDP 75 mg/m2, CHPP, d1, and abdomen hyperthermia treatment with radiofrequency. The results R-332;R322.81;R338.1 1001-1978-201411001530 show that all patients were assessable for response in intravenous Effects of beraprost sodium on cerebral cortical neuron injury chemotherapy group and CHPP group. The overall response rate induced by chronic aluminum-overload in rats. YANG of intravenous chemotherapy group was 44.4%. The response rate Qun-fang, LEI Wen-juan, WEI Yu-ling, et al. Chinese of CHPP group was 66.7%, including one CR. There was Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1530-1534. In Chinese. statistical difference between two groups (P=0.038). The clinical Aim To investigate the protective effects of beraprost sodium on beneficial response (CBR) in intravenous chemotherapy group and cerebral cortical neuron injury in chronic aluminum-overload rats CHPP group were 64.4% and 82.2%, respectively. There was and its effects on PGIS-IP signaling pathway. Methods 75 SD rats apparent statistical difference (P=0.0458). The major toxicities were randomized into five groups:normal control group, chronic were myelosuppression, nausea/vomiting and neurotoxicity. There aluminum-overload group (model group) and beraprost sodium was no significant difference in side effect between the two groups. groups-low dose (6 μg·kg-1), medium dose (12 μg·kg-1) and high Docetaxel administered by weekly infusion plus 5-fluorouracil dose (24 μg·kg-1). Aluminum gluconate (Al3+ 200 mg·kg-1 d-1, once combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal perfusion a day, 5 d a week, for 20 weeks, p. o. ) was administered to rats of chemotherapy with cisplatin in the treatment of advanced gastric cerebral damage model. The rats of experimental groups were cancer is more effective than intravenous treatment. The side concomitantly treated with beraprost sodium (p.o.) daily for 20 effect of two groups was similar. CHPP therapy was well tolerated. weeks. After the model was built successfully, the spatial learning 132 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts and memory (SLM) function was done by Morris water maze. The interventional effects of fenofibrate. BAO Ying-ying, LU cortical neurons damage was detected by HE staining, SOD Yun-xia, CHEN Guan-jun, et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, activities and MDA contents. The 6-k-PGF1α levels in cortex were 2014, 30(11): 1557-1563. In Chinese. measured by ELISA. The expressions of PGIS, IP mRNA and IP Aim To investigate endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS)-mediated protein were also studied. Results Compared with the rats of high-fat diet and palmitic acid-induced insulin resistance (IR) in normal control group, the SLM function was significantly skeletal muscle and interventional effects of fenofibrate both in impaired (P<0.01) and considerable karyopycnosis was observed vivo and in vitro tests. Methods Female SD rats were randomly in model group rats. The SOD activities were weakened (P<0.01), subjected to a standard control diet (SCD) or high-fat diet (HFD) the MDA contents increased (P<0.05) and the levels of 6-k-PGF1α for 20 weeks, then the HFD group was divided into high-fat-diet raised significantly (P<0.01). The expressions of PGIS and IP group and high-fat-diet group treated with fenofibrate (HFD+FF, mRNA in the rats cortex obviously increased (P<0.01), so did the 30 mg·kg-1·d-1) for another 8 weeks. The changes of IR and expression of IP protein (P<0.05). Compared with the rats of expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α model group, the SLM function of rats in experimental groups (PPARα), glucose regulated protein 78 (GRP78) and transcription decreased significantly (P<0.01) and damage of cortical neurons factors GADD153 (CHOP) were assessed respectively. C2C12 reduced remarkably. The SOD activities increased (P<0.01) and myotubes were divided into normal control group (NC), model the MDA contents decreased (P<0.01). Besides, the content of group (palmitic acid, PA), postive control drug group (tunicamycin,

6-k-PGF1α, the expressions of PGIS mRNA and IP protein in the TM) and treatment group (fenofibric acid, FA+PA), the rats cortex decreased significantly (P<0.05) as well as IP mRNA expressions of GRP78 and CHOP were assessed respectively. (P<0.01). Conclusion Our results demonstrate that in cerebral Insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt was also analyzed to cortical neuron of chronic aluminum-overload rats, beraprost detect changes of insulin sensitivity in C2C12. Results The sodium has notably protective effects and the mechanism might be high-fat diet induced obvious IR and upregulated ERS markers related to PGIS-IP signaling pathway. GRP78 and CHOP in skeletal muscle of rats, and these responses Keywords: beraprost sodium; chronic aluminum overload; cortex; were attenuated by treatment with fenofibrate. Incubation of prostacyclin synthase; prostacyclin; prostacyclin receptor myotubes with palmitic acid or tunicamycin significantly increased expression of ERS markers GRP78 and CHOP. R-332;R284.1;R329.24 1001-1978-201411001547 Meanwhile, insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt was Effects of total glucosides of paeony on co-cultured osteoclasts inhibited obviously. Pre-incubation with FA markedly inverted and its mechanisms. ZHOU Ling-ling, WEI Wei, LIU Zhang-pu, PA-induced ERS and insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt. et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin,《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 2014, 30(11): 1547-1551. Conclusion Fenofibrate (fenofibric acid) has obvious effects of IR In Chinese. on skeletal muscle tissues and cells, which may be related with Aim To study the effects of total glucosides of paeony (TGP) on reduced expression of GRP78 and CHOP in ERS. the differentiation of co-cultured osteoclasts and the mechanisms Keywords: endoplasmic reticulum stress; skeletal muscle; high-fat of how TGP influences the osteoclasts. Methods The synovial diet; palmitic acid; fenofibrate; insulin resistance fibroblasts and monocytes of peripheral blood in adjuvant-induced arthritic rats were separated and co-cultured to induce osteoclasts. R-332;R322.11;R329.25 1001-1978-201411001543 The cells were treated with different TGP dosages (5, 50, 500, Hydrogen sulfide inhibits cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by 5000 mg·L-1, and 50 g·L-1) for 48 h. The proliferation, the TRAP acute myocardial ischemia in isolated perfused rat heart. XIE activity, and the bone resorption of osteoclasts were observed. The Ying-hua, MA Yan-shan, ZHANG Nan, et al. Chinese levels of IL-1, TNF-α, M-CSF and RANKL in the supernatants of Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1543-1546. In Chinese. osteoclasts were detected using ELISA. Meanwhile, the Aim To investigate whether hydrogen sulfide (H2S) inhibits expression of ERK, JNK and p38 was detected by real time PCR. cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by acute myocardial ischemia in Results The experiments revealed that 50, 500, 5000 mg·L-1 TGP isolated perfused rat heart. Methods The myocardial ischemia inhibited the osteoclast growth, the TRAP activity, and the injury model was replicated with Langendorff isolated perfused rat resorption pit area in a dose-dependent manner. TGP also inhibited heart, and the left anterior descending coronary artery was ligated the levels of IL-1, TNF-α, M-CSF and RANKL in the supernatants for 4 h. 40 male SD rats were divided [CM(22] into five groups and the expression of ERK, JNK and p38 in osteoclasts. The randomly:sham group, ischemia group, and NaHS groups (5, 10, appropriate concentrations were 50 mg·L-1 to 5000 mg·L-1 and had 20 μmol·L-1). The segmental heart samples were used for HE dose-dependent effects within this range. Conclusions TGP staining. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis was detected with TUNEL regulates the differentiation and activity of co-cultured osteoclasts. assay. The expressions of caspase-3 and Cyt-C in hearts were The effects of TGP are related to its inhibiting the cytokines determined with Western blot analysis. Results Myocardial cells secretion of synovial fibroblasts and the activity of MAPK were found to show serious disorder and coagulated zonal necrosis pathways. under light microscope, the apoptotic rate of cardiomyocytes and Keywords: total glucosides of paeony; rheumatoid arthritis; the expression of caspase-3 and Cyt-C were significantly increased osteoclast; co-culture; cytokine; signal transduction after ischemia for 4h. Perfusion of NaHS resulted in more clear cell morphology and milder pathologic changes of myocardiocytes R-332;R337;R394.2;R458.5 1001-1978-201411001557 according to the HE staining analysis, and the significant decrease Endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated high-fat diet, palmitic of expression of Cyt-C. After perfusion of 10,20 μmol·L-1 acid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and NaHS,the apoptotic rate of cardiomyocytes and the expression of 133 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 caspase-3 were significantly decreased. Conclusion H2S has to prevent the formation of procaspase-8-DISC and the subsequent certain protective effects on acute myocardial ischemic injury in activation of caspase cascade. Furthermore, c-FLIPL and c-FLIPS isolated perfused rat heart via inhibiting cardiomyocyte apoptosis. have multifunctional roles in various cellular signaling pathways, Keywords: hydrogen sulfide; acute myocardial ischemia; as well as up-regulating several cytoprotective signaling. Studies Langendorff; rat; cardiomyocyte apoptosis; cardioprotection show that upregulation of c-FLIP has been found in various tumors, and its downregulation has been shown to restore apoptosis R-332;R284.1;R392.11 1001-1978-201411001552 triggered by various chemotherapeutic agents, like the Pharmacodynamic analysis and related mechanisms of transcriptional regulating agents, trichostatin-A, camptothecin, pseudolaric acid B on contact hypersensitivity. LI Tan, DONG cisplatin, doxorubicin, etc. or other new biotechnologies, such as

Xiao-qing, WANG Yi-teng, et al. Chinese Pharmacological the specific siRNA. Therefore, c-FLIPS are important targets of Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1552-1556. In Chinese. cancer therapy. This review summarizes the results on the role of Aim To investigate the pharmacodynamic experiment and c-FLIP in cancer chemotherapy of traditional antitumor agents and molecular mechanisms of a diterpenoid from cortex pseudolaricis, siRNA, and to provide new ideas and rationales of searching for pseudolaric acid B (PB), on immunoregulation. Methods The the antiapoptosis effective compounds that can specifically mouse models of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) were induced by antagonize c-FLIP. 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB). Then, the ear swelling and Keywords: c-FLIP; TRAIL; antiapoptosis; cancer therapy; anti- spleen index were measured after administered orally with PB. tumor drug targets; chemotherapy agents; selective anti-tumor The pathological changes such as inflammatory cell infiltration in agents ear skin were observed by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining. Besides, the expression of peroxisome proliferater-activated Preclinical Medicine receptor γ (PPARγ) and the phosphorylation of Akt were analyzed by Western blot. The activity of PPARγ was further detected by R34 1000-7857-201430000059 luciferase reporter gene assay. Results The results showed that PB Clinical Analysis of Multi- center for Tumor Chemotherapy could both alleviate the ear thickness, inhibit the spleen index, and Combined with High Power Microwave-hyperthermia. reduce the inflammatory degree of their ear skin, which might be ZHANG Yueshan, GUO Fang, TANG Tiegang, et al. Science & involved in inducing PPARγ expression and activation, associated Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): 59-62. In Chinese. with suppressing Akt signaling pathway. Conclusion It is This paper compares the difference in efficacy of tumor suggested that PB might regulate PPARγ-related Akt pathway, hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy and conventional which indicates the possibility 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅of developing PB as a novel chemotherapy and their adverse reactions through comparative immunoregulation agent for treating inflammatory-immune observation. The former 13608 cases underwent whole body mild disease. hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy with high-powered Keywords: pseudolaric acid B; contact hypersensitivity; pharma- microwave hyperthermia machine, and the latter 15408 cases codynamics; inflammation; PPARγ; Akt; signaling pathway underwent standard chemotherapy. We analyzed the mechanism of chemotherapy under microwave hyperthermia and the R-05;R341;R345.57 1001-1978-201411001493 relationships among temperature control, time, course, and Research progress on NM23A (expressed in non-metastatic efficacy of treatment. The effective rate of treatment of cells)protein. WEI Qiu-hua. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, high-powered hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy was 2014, 30(11): 1493-1495. In Chinese. 81.15%, and that of standard chemotherapy was 39.03%. The NM23A protein is a kind of multifunctional protein distributed results show that the curative effect of the former is significantly widely in the nature and it exists in almost all the organism and better than that of the latter, and the adverse reactions were cells. Apart from owning the nucleoside diphosphate kinase apparently reduced. Hyperthermia is becoming an effective activity, NM23A also participates in the physiological process of therapeutic method for tumors. signal transduction, gene regulation, cell growth and development Keywords: microwave; hyperthermia; chemotherapy; tumor and so on. NM23A plays important roles in the pathology process of the tumor development and metastasis and central nerve system R329.25;R341.6;R394-3 1001-1978-201411001535 disease. Construction of Hi FGF2 eukaryotic expression plasmids and Keywords: NM23A protein; NDPK; physiologic function; its over-expression induced cell apoptosis. CHEN Zhong-lin, pathological function; anti-metastasis gene; opioid dependence JIANG Hong-yan, HONG Xiao-bing, et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1535-1538. In Chinese. R-05;R329.25;R730.5;R979.1 1001-1978-201411001496 Aim To construct eukaryotic expressing plasmid of hi FGF2 (high Studies on cell death and survival regulatory protein c-FLIP as molecular weight isoform fibroblast growth factor-2, hi FGF2) a target for cancer treatment. CHEN Li-li, CHEN Zhong-ming, gene and to investigate its effect on apoptosis after its over- WANG Guan-lin, et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, expression in HEK293 cells. Methods The DNA template primer 30(11): 1496-1502. In Chinese. was designed and synthesized. The pDsRed1-N1 plasmids were Many tumor cells are resistant to cell apoptosis through the digested by the restriction enzymes of Nhel and Hind Ⅲ . The hi expression of antiapoptotic proteins. c-FLIP is a major resistance FGF2 was ligated with linearized pDsRed1-N1 by T4 DNA Ligase. protein of antiapoptosis. In human cells, there are three types of The recombinant plasmid was identified by endonuclease c-FLIP, c-FLIPL, c-FLIPS and c-FLIPR. The c-FLIP binds to FADD digestion and sequenced. The recombinant hi FGF2 plasmid was 134 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts transient transfected into HEK293 cells by LipofectamineTM 2000 cycle arrest were detected by flow cytometry. Co-immunopreci- Reagent. The transfection efficiency was detected by fluorescence pitation was used to investigate protein-protein interactions. The inversion microscope. The cell apoptosis was detected by Annexin expression change of proteins was showed by immunohisto- V-FITC/PI apoptosis detection kit with flow cytometry analysis. chemistry. Western blot was applied to reveal the protein Results The pDsRed1-N1 eukaryotic expression vector was expression of related proliferous and apoptotic signaling pathway. consistent with the design. The recombinant hi FGF2 plasmid was The tumor growth inhibition was evaluated in tumor xenograft transfected in HEK293 cells. The transfection rate was more than model. Results FW-04-806 obviously inhibited cell proliferation 70%. The FITC/PI dyeing rate in hi-FGF2 over-expression and colony formation in HER2 positive gastric cancer cell lines -1 HEK297 cells was about (29.12±2.81)%. Conclusions pDsRed1- NCI-N87, OE19, with IC50 of (24.17±0.02), (29.61±0.03) μmol·L , N1 eukaryotic expression vector is successfully constructed and respectively;FW-04-806 induced G2-M arrest and apoptosis in a transfected into HEK293 cells. Over-expression of hi FGF2 dose-dependent manner;200 mg·kg-1 of FW-04-806 showed tumor induces cell apoptosis. growth inhibition of 48.0% (P<0.01). In addition, FW-04-806 Keywords: Hi FGF2; eukaryotic expression vector; transfection; dissociated Hsp90/CDC37 complex, followed by degradation of apoptosis; HEK293 cells; flow cytometry HER2 and Akt, inhibiting the phosporylation of HER2, Akt and ERK, and increasing expression of apoptotic proteins, such as R329.24;R73-351 1001-1978-201411001521 cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved parp. Furthermore, the combination Effects of α-enolase silencing on drug resistance in drug of FW-04-806 with lapatinib in vitro was synergistic in NCI-N87, resistant cell line K562/A02. GAO Xue, YE Zhou, WU Ke-xiong, which enhanced the inhibition of cell proliferation and increased et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1521-1525. apoptotic rates. Conclusions FW-04-806 shows potent efficacy In Chinese. against HER2-positive gastric cancer cell lines in vitro and in Aim Drug resistance is one of the major hinders on cancer vivo;FW-04-806 is synergistic with lapatinib. treatments. α-enolase (eno1) was closely related to the generation Keywords: FW-04-806; HER2-positive gastric cancer; cell cycle; and development of drug resistance. This article aims to study the apoptosis; proliferous inhibition; synergy effect of eno1 on cell growth and drug resistance in human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line K562/A02. Methods We screened three R322.4+1 1000-1182-201405000464 eno1 stable silencing cells K562/A02-sheno1 and its control cells Mechanism of the dentino-enamel junction on the resist-crack K562/A02-shcon. Cell count assay was performed to test cell propagation of human teeth by the finite element method. growth, MTT assay was used to test cell proliferation, flow Zheng Jingjing, Hou Tiezhou, Tao Hong, et al. West China Journal cytometry was used to test the intra-cellular《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Rho123 content, the of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 464-466. In Chinese. expression of genes were tested by real-time PCR assay and Objective This study aims to identify the crack tip stress intensity western blot assay on mRNA level and protein level, respectively. factor of the propagation process, crack propagation path, and the Results eno1 was over-expressed in K562/A02 cells and its changes in the shape of the crack tip by the finite element method. expression was increased by (2.85±0.56) times and (1.43±0.05) Methods The finite element model of dentino-enamel junction was times on mRNA level and protein level compared to K562 cells. established with ANSYS software, and the length of the initial However, there was no difference in cell growth rate between crack in the single edge was set to 0.1 mm. The lower end of the K562/A02 cells and K562 cells. K562/A02-sheno1 cells showed sample was fixed. The tensile load of 1 MPa with frequency of 5 lower cell growth rate and higher drug sensitivity to anti-cancer Hz was applied to the upper end. The stress intensity factor, drugs taxol and doxorubicin. Moreover the Rho123 content was deflection angle, and changes in the shape of the crack tip in the increased in K562/A02-sheno1 cells. The expression of MDR1 crack propagation were calculated by ANSYS. Results The stress decreased in both mRNA level and protein level in intensity factor suddenly and continuously decreased in K562/A02-sheno1 cells. Conclusion eno1 silencing could suppress dentino-enamel junction as the crack extended. A large skewed cell growth, reverse drug resistance and increase its drug angle appeared, and the stress on crack tip was reduced. sensitivity in K562/A02 cells, and the mechanism was associated Conclusion The dentino-enamel junction on human teeth may with the MDR1 gene. resist crack propagation through stress reduction. Keywords: human chronic myeloid leukemia; drug resistance; Keywords: dentino-enamel junction; finite element; stress K562/A02; cell growth; eno1; MDR1 intensity factor; crack propagation

R329.24;R329.25;R735.2 1001-1978-201411001513 R332 1000-7857-201430000080 Efficacy and mechanism of FW-04-806 against HER2-positive Molecular Mechanism of Far- infrared Therapy and Its gastric cancer cell lines. ZHANG Min, CAO Pin-rong, WU Applications in Biomedicine. WANG Yang, SHUI Shanshan, Qun-dan, et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): WANG Xia. Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): 80-84. 1513-1520. In Chinese. In Chinese. Aim To investigate the efficacy and mechanism of FW-04-806 Physical therapy is an integrating domain of medicine resorts to against HER2-positive gastric cancer cell lines, and the physical modalities for the work-up, diagnosis, and treatment of combination effect of FW-04-806 with lapatinib. Methods MTT disorders and defects. As a representative physical therapy, assay was used to assess cell proliferous inhibition of FW-04-806. far-infrared radiation (FIR), an invisible electromagnetic wave The inhibitory effect of colony formation was tested by colony with wavelength ranges 3-1000 μm, has been an adjuvant formation. The protein expression, apoptotic induction and cell treatment for various diseases with good clinical effects, including 135 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease; progesterone; TNF-α; IL-1β; NF-κB however, the molecular mechanism through which FIR works remains elusive. In the present study, by systematic literature R329.25;R392.11;R392.12 1001-1978-201411001526 review and text mining, we analyzed the effects of FIR on Regulatory effects of CD44 antibody-A3D8 on IL-3Rα and signaling transduction networks including cell cycle, cellular downstream PI3K/Akt pathway in NB4 cells. CHEN Ping, self-defense, second messages and post-transcriptional regulators. YUAN Qin, JIANG Xi, et al. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, The results showed that the possible mechanisms of FIR therapy 2014, 30(11): 1526-1529. In Chinese. were closely associated with the inhibition of growth, invasion and Aim To investigate the effect of CD44 antibody-A3D8 on the metastasis of cancer cells, increased nitric oxide production and expression of IL-3Rα and downstream PI3K/Akt in NB4 cells. modulation of the expression profiles of some circulating miRNAs Methods The expression of IL-3Rα mRNA was detected by and heat shock proteins, and through which, it may be a beneficial real-time quantitative RT-PCR, the IL-3Rα protein expression and compliment to some chronic diseases without any side effects. changes of PI3K/Akt signal pathway in NB4 cells treated with Finally, we summarized the application of FIR therapy in the field A3D8 were analyzed by Western blot. Annexin-V-FITC/PI double of biomedicine. staining flow cytometry was utilized to detect the apoptotic cells. Keywords: physical therapy; far-infrared radiation; molecular The inhibitor of PI3K/Akt signaling LY294002 combined with signaling transduction A3D8 was used to inhibit the PI3K/Akt in NB4 cells. Results After treated with A3D8, both the transcriptional level and translational R318 1000-7857-201430000040 level of IL-3Rα were remarkably reduced, and the PI3K/Akt Novel Magnetic Bone Cement for Tumor Magnetic Hyper- pathway was inhibited. LY294002 improved the inhibitory and thermia. WANG Xiaowen, HU Yanwen, LI Liya, et al. Science & apoptotic effects of A3D8 on NB4 cells. Conclusion CD44 Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): 40-44. In Chinese. antibody A3D8 can downregulate the expression of IL-3Rα and Magnetic bone cement is a novel magnetic medium that generates inhibit the downstream PI3K/Akt pathway. heat under alternating fileds for bone tumor treatment as well as Keywords: CD44; A3D8; NB4; IL-3Rα; PI3K/Akt pathway; recovery of bone fracture. Seven kinds of metal microspheres were LY294002 chosen to test their heat-generating abilities and magnetic properties. The selected materials were then mixed with calcium R318.03 1000-7857-201430000050 phosphate bone cements (CPC) at different powder liquid ratios. Thermal Field of Water-cooled Microwave Ablation Antenna The setting time, mechanical tests, magnetic properties, and with Three Antennas. LIU Youjun, YAN Kai, NIE Xiaohui, et al. heat-generating abilities of the cement《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 were analyzed. The results Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(30): 50-54. In Chinese. showed that the novel CPC-based magnetic bone cement had The single antenna of water- cooled microwave antenna for satisfactory heat-generating ability, which could be further applied treating tumor cells with a diameter less than 3 cm has satisfactory for magnetic hyperthermia clinically. therapeutic effect, but it is not ideal for large tumor cells. Based on Keywords: magnetic hyperthermia; bone tumor; bone cement a new type of microwave antenna with three antennas, this paper discusses its characteristics under different power and time, R329.24;R392.12;R745.7 1001-1978-201411001539 including the effective ablation area and temperature distribution. Progesterone protects neurons against impairment induced by Bovine liver was ablated in vitro under different microwave power Aβ activated astrocytes. WU Jie, WU Hong-hai, YU Yang, et al. and time, the temperature rising curve was recorded at the Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2014, 30(11): 1539-1542. In measuring points, and the ablation size was measured. The results Chinese. show that within 15 min, the maximum ablation area under 40 W Aim To investigate the effect of progesterone (PROG) in was 25.627±2.400 cm2, the maximum ablation volume was 3 protecting the neurons against impairment induced by the Aβ1-42 81.655±3.500 cm , and the aspect ratio of the ablation area was activated astrocytes, and the underlying molecular mechanism. within 0.660±0.020. Within 15 min, the maximum ablation area Methods The astrocytes were divided into 5 groups:control, Aβ, under 60 W was 49.803±2.900 cm2, the maximum ablation volume and Aβ plus PROG groups treated with 3 different concentrations was 244.965±4.000 cm3, and the aspect ratio of the ablation area of progesterone for 24 h. Then, Aβ and progesterone were was 0.777±0.010. When the tumor diameter <5.3 cm, and the removed, and neurons were co-cultured with the treated astrocytes. longitudinal diameter <6.9 cm, 40 Wis recommended for use. MTT assay was used to evaluate the viability of cultured When the tumors are larger and with a quasi-circular shape, 60 W neurons;ELISA was used to detect the levels of IL-1β and TNF-α is recommended for use. Low-power and prolonged treatment in culture media of astrocytes;immunofluorescence and Western helps clinicians to accurately control the ablation range, avoiding blot were performed to detect the activation of NF-κB in ablation of other organs and tissues. astrocytes. Results PROG dose dependently protected against Keywords: microwave ablation; thermal field; in vitro; microwave

Aβ1-42 activated astrocytes induced via-bility decrease in antenna co-cultured neurons. Aβ induced release of IL-1β and TNF-α from astrocytes, and increase of NF-κB activity was abolished by Special Medicine progesterone treatment. Conclusion PROG protects the neurons through inhibiting the reactivity of astrocytes, and the underlying R811 1000-3436-201405050202 mechanism involves the NF-κB signal transduction. Study on ultra-small gold nanoclusters as X-rays computed Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; β-amyloid; astrocytes; neurons; tomography contrast agent. SONG Shasha, WANG Junying, 136 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts CHEN Jie, et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 446-449. In Chinese. Processing, 2014, 32(5): 050202. In Chinese. Objective To investigate the changes on the number and To assess the feasibility of ultra-small GSH-protected Au distribution of myoepithelial cells (MECs) during parotid gland nanoclusters (NCs) employed as X-ray computed tomography (CT) regeneration. Methods A total of 54 Wistar rats were divided into contrast agent and study the effects of efficient uptake and eight experimental groups and one normal control group, with six clearance, CT values and time-dependent two- and three rats in each group. The right parotid ducts of the rats in the dimensional images were recorded. The CT values of tumor region experimental groups were ligated for 14 days and then reopened. showed that the enhanced comparison gradually increased with the The parotid tissue specimens were harvested at days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, time. And the high enhanced comparison can also be reflected by 10, 14, and 21. The histological changes of the regenerating gland distinct images until 6 h later. Therefore, high uptake of cancerous were examined using hematoxylin-eosin staining. Immunohisto- cell was proved by the CT values and two/three-images, which chemical labeling was also performed to investigate the changes in contributes to the application of Au NCs in tumor target imaging. the number and distribution of MECs at different time points of High CT values of bladder were detected from the beginning, parotid regeneration. Both the histological and immunohisto- showing that Au NCs can permeate kidney tissue and be cleared chemical changes observed in the experimental groups were by bladder. And the enhancement comparison of kidney revealed compared with those in the normal control group. Results The the possible application of exploration damage and lesion as parotid gland showed marked atrophy 14 days after ligation. Most probe. acinar cells disappeared, but the number of duct-like structures Keywords: Glutathione; Au nanoclusters; X-ray CT imaging; obviously increased. MECs apparently increased in number and Contrast agent were mainly located at the periphery of the duct-like structures. Three days after duct reopening, the number of acinar cells Stomatology significantly increased and the duct-like structures significantly reduced. Meanwhile, MECs also decreased in number and were R783.4 1000-1182-201405000455 mainly located at the periphery of the newly formed acini and

Changes in expression of phospholipase C-gamma1tyr783 in duct-like structures. The number of MECs noticeably decreased 3 young rat condylar cartilage during functional mandibular and 5 days after duct reopening. At 14 days after duct reopening, protraction. Sheng Haiying, Zuo Yanping, Chen Xiao, et al. West the glandular structures and the number and distribution of MECs China Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 455-458. In Chinese. returned to normal compared with those in the normal control Objective To investigate the changes in the expression of group. Conclusion The number and distribution of MECs returned phospholipase C-gammaltyr783 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅(PLC-γ1tyr783) in the condylar to normal condition after parotid gland atrophy. Parotid cartilage of a young rat during functional mandibular protraction. regeneration mainly occurred within 5 days after duct reopening.

This work also explores the function of PLC-γ1tyr783 in the rat Keywords: myoepithelial cell; parotid gland; atrophy; regeneration mandibular condylar cartilage bone remodeling, which could provide experimental evidence for clinical bone orthopedic work. R781.7+5 1000-1182-201405000459 Methods A total of 60 four-week-old male Sprague-Dawley (SD) Cone beam CT radiographic diagnosis of submandibular rats were used in this study. The rats were divided equally and radiopaque sialolithiasis. You Meng, Xu Laiqing, Jiang Meng, et randomly into experimental group and control group. The al. West China Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 459-463. In functional appliances that were fitted to the upper incisors of the Chinese. animals in the experimental group were worn 24 h a day after the Objective To investigate the radiographic features of rats were fed for 7 d with homemade pellet feed. The animals in submandibular sialiths in cone beam CT (CBCT) images. Methods the experimental group, along with their matched controls, were Eighty-four patients with submandibular radiopaque sialiths were sacrificed after 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 d. The bilateral condylar was included in this study. The clinical features of gender and age and fixed, decalcified, dehyded, and then conventional paraffin the radiographic features on CBCT, including the number, embedded. Immunohistochemistry of PLC-γ1tyr783 was applied to morphology, size, and location, were recorded for further observe its express distribution and variation. Results The statistical analysis. Results A total of 128 sialiths were detected expression of PLC-γ1tyr783 decreased gradually in the control group, from the 84 subjects; 22 subjects (26.19%) had multiple sialiths. which showed age-related changes (P>0.05). On the 14th day, The morphology of the sialiths was classified into five types: spot,

PLC-γ1tyr783 expression in the experimental group was round, spheroid, elongated, and irregular shapes. Among these significantly higher than that in the control group. PLC-γ1tyr783 types, the spheroid shape was the most frequently detected. A expression began to appear statistically and significantly different correlation was observed between the size of the sialiths and their between the two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion PLC-γ1tyr783 is location, with the large sialith located at the posterior portion of involved in the bone remodeling process of the rat condylar the duct. About 39.06% (50/128) of sialiths was located at the cartilage after functional mandibular protraction. anterior portion of the duct, and 60.94% (78/128) was located at Keywords: functional mandibular protraction; condylar cartilage; the posterior portion. The horizontal position of the sialith was phospholipase C-gammaltyr783; bone remodeling significantly correlated with its vertical position (P<0.0001). Conclusion The CBCT images showed important data for the R781.7 1000-1182-201405000446 evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment plan of the submandibular Changes of myoepithelial cells during regeneration of parotid sialolithiasis. gland. Mao Yulong, Zhang Weiwei, Zuo Jinhua. West China Keywords: submandibular glands; sialolithiasis; cone beam CT 137 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 After the orthodontic treatment, 51 papillae were at level Ⅲ and R782.2+2 1000-1182-201405000432 68 papillae were at level Ⅱ . The PH of the 102 papillae was 2.84 Correlative factors on the articulation disorder of patients mm±0.62 mm after orthodontic treatment. This result indicated with cleft palate. Guo Chunli, Ma Li, Yin Heng, et al. West China significant difference compared with that of pre-orthodontic Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 432-435. In Chinese. treatment (1.69 mm±0.57 mm) (P<0.05). Conclusion After initial Objective To investigate the correlation between articulation, therapy, moderate orthodontic teeth movements may reconstruct velopharyngeal function, and surgical age by comparing the the interproximal soft tissue, with esthetic improvement of the changes in articulation after velopharyngeal closure is performed. papillary level and resolution of the periodontal defects. This study is also conducted to investigate the influencing factors Keywords: periodontal initial therapy; orthodontic treatment; of omission change between pre-and post-operation. Methods A gingival papilla; black triangle; esthetic total of 48 patients, including 18 males and 30 females, mean age (13.3±5.8) years, with non-syndromic cleft lips and palates were R783.4 1000-1182-201405000450 selected from January 2011 to December 2011. Their speech data Photoelastic analysis of the biomechanical behavior of the and articulation between pre-and post-operation were bone interface of Tension More implants. Su Yingmin, Song retrospectively analyzed using non-parametric tests. Correlation Guangbao, He Lingfeng, et al. West China Journal of Stomatology, study was performed to analyze the influencing factors of the 2014, 32(5): 450-454. In Chinese. changes in articulation. P<0.05 was considered statistically Objective To photoelastically investigate the difference in load significant. Results The difference in articulation after distribution of Tension More (TM) implants with different conical velopharyngeal closure occurred was significant (Z=-3.796, angle designs. Methods The following five groups of implants of P=0.000). A negative correlation between the ratio of different conical angles were designed: cylinder implant, upper 1/3 post-operative normal articulation and surgical age (R=-0.487, TM implant (taper length of 3 mm); 1/2 TM implant (taper length P=0.000) was observed. The change in omission was positively of 5 mm); lower 1/3 TM implant (taper length of 7 mm); and correlated with surgical age (R=0.589, P=0.000) and gender bottom TM implant (taper length of 10 mm). The implants were (R=0.404, P=0.047). By comparison, the change in omission was centrally located in individually photoelastic models consisting of negatively correlated with follow-up time (R=-0.235, P=0.040). a simulated trabecular bone and a 1 mm-thick layer of cortical Conclusion Articulation and intelligibility are significantly bone. Vertical and 45° oblique static loads were applied at the improved after velopharyngeal closure is performed. These center of the superstructures. The resulting stresses were parameters are negatively correlated with surgical age to some monitored photoelastically and recorded photographically. Results extent. In addition, the change in《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 omission is positively correlated With vertical loading, the cylinder implant showed higher stress with surgical age and gender, whereas the change in omission is levels in the cortical bone and trabecular bone than the upper 1/3 negatively correlated with follow-up time. TM implant, 1/2 TM implant, and lower 1/3 TM implant. The four Keywords: articulation; velopharyngeal closure; consonant groups of TM implants showed lower stress levels in the cortical omission; correlative factor bone than the cylinder implant under oblique loads. The least favorable stress concentration in cortical bone was observed in the R781.4 1000-1182-201405000436 upper 1/3 TM implant under vertical and oblique loads. Esthetic reconstruction of the anterior teeth area following a Conclusion TM implants of rational conical angle designs seem to combined periodontic-orthodontic treatment in be effective in stress distribution. For all designs and load adultperiodontal patients. Zhu Lihong, Li Sa, He Fei, et al. West directions, the upper 1/3 TM implant is the most favorable around China Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 436-440. In Chinese. the crest. Objective To evaluate the role of the combined Keywords: biomechanics; implant; photoelastic analysis; stress periodontic-orthodontic treatment in the esthetic reconstruction of distribution the anterior teeth area following periodontitis. Methods Thirteen adult patients with anterior teeth displacements were treated. The R783 1000-1182-201405000467 probing pocket depth (PD; 102 teeth, 612 sites), bleeding on Quality assessment of randomized controlled trials related to probing (102 teeth, 204 sites), papilla index (PI; 128 papillae), and dental implant. Yang Shuliang, Xie Yijia, Ou Guomin. West papillary height (PH; 128 papillae) of each patient were assessed China Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): 467-471. In Chinese. at baseline, 3 months after the initial therapy, and the end of the Objective To assess the quality of reporting by randomized orthodontic treatment. Non-parametric and paired-sample t tests controlled trial (RCT) related to dental implants in China during were carried out for the statistical analysis of the data. Results 2000 to 2012 by using the revised Jadad scale and consolidated Three months after initial therapy, the sites with PD≤3 mm standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) (2010) statement. accounted for 79.58% (487/612) of the observed teeth, and Methods The following electronic databases were searched: 88.73% (181/204) of the buccal and lingual sites of the teeth Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, Database for Chinese showed negative bleeding on probing. These findings were better Technical Periodicals, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, than those at baseline [26.31% (161/612) and 22.06% (45/204), PubMed, and EMBASE. A total of 19 journals of stomatology in respectively] (P<0.05), but no significant difference was observed China were also searched manually. The qualities of RCT with compared with pro-orthodontic treatment (P>0.05). Prior to dental implant published between 2000 and 2012 were assessed orthodontic treatment, the levels of the PI of 8 and 21 papillae using CONSORT (2010) statement and revised Jadad scale. were ⅢⅡ and , respectively, among the 128 observed papillae. Results Twenty-eight RCTs related to dental implants were 138 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts identified. The quality of reporting in 28 articles was low. The FK506 D in CYP3A5AA group was 3.5-fold that of CYP3A5GG mean revised Jadad score was 1.29±0.71 and the CONSORT group ([0.14±0.03] mg·kg-1·d-1 vs [0.04±0.01] mg·kg-1·d-1, P=0.00) (2010) score was 9.75±3.60. Conclusion The methodological and the FK506 D in CYP3A5AG group was 1.75-fold that of qualities of the included studies on dental implants are generally CYP3A5GG group ([0.07±0.03] mg·kg-1·d-1 vs [0.04±0.01] -1 -1 low, and reporting quality remain unsatisfactory. mg·kg ·d , P=0.00), the FK506 C0 in different CYP3A5 genotypes Keywords: dental implant; consolidated standards of reporting reached the same target concentration. The initial FK506 C0/D was trials; randomized controlled trials; quality evaluation not associated with different ABCB1 (exon12 [C1236T], exon21 G[A]2677T and exon26 [C3435T]) genotypes or their haplotypes R781.05 1000-1182-201405000427 in renal transplant recipients. Conclusion Appropriate initial daily The technology of apical infection control. Yu Qing, Yang Yang, dose of FK506 should be selected according to CYP3A5 genotype Chang Bei. West China Journal of Stomatology, 2014, 32(5): in order to quickly achieve the target immunosuppression in renal 427-431. In Chinese. transplant recipients who are switching immunosuppressive Root canal therapy is the most efficient way to treat pulptitis and regimen from CsA to FK506. periapical inflammation, which can clear infections of root canal Keywords: cytochrome P-450 CYP3A5; P-glycoprotein; systems, fill the root canal firmly, and avoid reinfection. However, cyclosporine; tacrolimus; single nucleotide polymorphism; kidney the variations in root canal morphology and complexity of transplantation infection confer difficulty in thoroughly eliminating micro- organisms and their by-products in the root canal system, Transportation especially in the root apex area (including the top one-third of the root canal and periapical tissue), which is described as the hardest Highway Transportation area to clean during endodontic treatment. Infection is difficult to remove entirely because the apex area is hard to approach using U46 1674-7259-201411001185 dental instruments and because of the existence of special Application research on wide frequency domain harmonics morphological structures, such as apical ramification, intercanal and resonance suppression on traction network. ZHANG anastomoses, and lateral branch of root canal. This review gives a DingHua, ZHANG ZhiXue, LIU HuaDong, et al. Scientia Sinica brief introduction of the characteristics and difficulties of apical Techologica, 2014, 44(11): 1185-1196. In Chinese. infection and knowledge on how to control such infections, Wide frequency domain harmonics and resonance often appear in including root apex preparation, irrigation and disinfection, and small capacity of traction network while high power, high density, root canal filling. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅and different kinds of locomotives take power in the same power Keywords: apical infection controlling; root canal treatment; root supply arm. The mechanism of wide frequency harmonic was canal morphology; bacteria biofilm; laser; apical microsurgery provided by the analysis of locomotive converter topology and modulation of ac locomotive. The harmonic distribution diversity Surgery of different types of locomotive assembly was proved by testing the two typical locomotives. The new compensation scheme R699.2 0258-879X-201412001320 including a H-bridge cascaded active power filter (HCAPF) and a Impact of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 polymorphisms on drug high-pass filter (HPF) was invented , The former compensates switching from cyclosporine to tacrolimus for individualized reactive power and restrains low order harmonics, and the latter treatment of renal transplant recipients. WANG Xue-bin, absorbs high order harmonics and provides fixed capacitative WANG Zhuo, GAO Shen, et al. Academic Journal of Second reactive power. Combining the demonstration project, the Military Medical University, 2014, 35(12): 1320-1326. In Chinese. parameter design and performance were introduced in detail. The Objective To investigate the impact of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 object power quality parameters were compared by the 24 hours polymorphisms on the initial individualized treatment with data before and after the proposed system put into operation. The tacrolimus (FK506) in renal transplant recipients during switching results show that the voltage distortion rate average is decreases from cyclosporine (CsA) to FK506. Methods Polymerase chain from 4.324% to 2.934%, and every harmonic voltage is improved reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism method obviously. The max volatility of network voltage reduce form (PCR-RFLP) was employed to investigate CYP3A5 (A6989G) and 14.5% to 10.7%. ABCB1 (exon12[C1236T], exon21G[A]2677T and Keywords: traction power supply; AC locomotive; wide frequency exon26[C3435T]) genotype data. The initial trough domain harmonic; active power filter; high pass filter; cascades concentration/dose (C0/D) values were compared among different CYP3A5 genotypes in renal transplant recipients switching from U416.1 1000-7857-201432000032 CsA to FK506 using one-way ANOVA. In addition, the initial Numerical Simulation of Blasting in Highly Filled

C0/D values were also compared among different ABCB1 Embankment Soil. WEI Lianyu, LIU Yanzhu, LI Haichao, et al. (exon12[C1236T],exon21G[A]2677T and exon26[C3435T]) Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 32-36. In Chinese. genotypes and their haplotypes using one-way ANOVA. Results Since there is a certain degree of difficulty to carry out a large

The FK506 C0/D values were significantly different between number of large-scale blasting experiment studies, this paper uses different CYP3A5 genotypes (AA, AG and GG) at the 7th, 14th, 21th an explosive fluid dynamics numerical analysis method to and 28th day of conversion from CsA to FK506 in renal transplant simulate the explosion cavity formation and the effect of soil recipients (P<0.05). Only on the 28th day of conversion, when the compaction around the explosion cavity. First the explosion wave 139 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 velocity collected from blasting test are analyzed to derive the relevant parameters of the soil, and then with the Integrated Transportation ANSYS/LS-DYNA ALE algorithm for multiple materials, the problem about blasting the cavity of the soil is analyzed. The U-9 1000-8608-201406000644 relation between the explosion chamber and the degree of Research on optimal allocation of rescue resources for forest compaction of soil before blasting, and how the soil density fire in Daxing'anling. YANG Zhong-zhen, GUO Li-quan, DONG around the explosion chamber changes with the blasting distance Xia-dan. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2014, 54(6): are obtained. There is a good agreement between the blasting 644-650. In Chinese. results of numerical simulation and field blasting test results. For the rescue resources allocation system consisting of single depot Keywords: highly filled embankment; blasting; explosion chamber; and multi-demand sites in Daxing'anling forest fire emergency, the density existing flame spread trend model is firstly improved by studying the regularity and characteristics of the forest fires which had U46 1674-7259-201411001197 happened in Daxing'anling, the factors affecting the flame spread Study on the electrode's balance for electrochemical double- and the flame spread styles. Secondly, based on the flame spread layer capacitor. RUAN DianBo, WANG ChengYang, YANG Bin, speed, the damage degrees in the sites are distinguished and the et al. Scientia Sinica Techologica, 2014, 44(11): 1197-1201. In allocation priority of rescue resources is determined. Finally, the Chinese. problems of allocating rescue resources and dispatching fire engines Cube-electrochemical double-layer capacitors with different are studied. For the former, a model is established under the electrode thickness have been prepared from composite activated condition of minimizing the forest loss and rescue cost. For the latter, carbons via slurry, vacuum dring, aging formation and so on. After a multi-objective optimization model is built with the objective to accelerated cycle-lifetime's testing, we comprehensively analyzed minimize the needed time and costs, and immune clonal algorithm is the changes in specific capacitance and internal resistance. The used to solve the model. Examples prove that the model can result shows that after been accelerated cycling test for a long time, improve the rescue resources allocation system for forest fire, and the separator became yellow and black, what's more, when the provide guidance for reasonable resources arrangement. positive thickness was over negative side, the EDLC would Keywords: systems engineering; forest fire; emergency rescue; embrace a more stable and much little expansion rate. Furthermore, vehicle scheduling; logistics engineering if the negative side was fixed and the electrode balance coefficient is 0.2, the EDLC would exhibit an optimal performance. U177 1000-7857-201432000067 Keywords: electrochemical double-layer《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 capacitor; electrode thick- Sediment in the Formation in Wet CO2 Environment of ness; capacitance; internal resistance; coefficient of electrode balance Pipeline and Quantitative Study of Its Corrosion Effect. ZHANG Jiangjiang, LIU Jining, GAO Qiuying, et al. Science & U46 1674-7259-201411001154 Technology Review, 2014, 32(32): 67-71. In Chinese.

Thermal design optimization of laminated lithium ion battery This paper studies the influence of the wetting phase in CO2 based on the analytical solution of planar temperature corrosion environment with bottom sediments on the corrosion of distribution. WU Bin, LI Zhe, ZHANG JianBo. Scientia Sinica pipeline. In the pipeline bottom, the wet analysis is conducted on Techologica, 2014, 44(11): 1154-1172. In Chinese. the composition of brine, the sediment of scaling tendency, the Thermal issues constitute a major barrier to the deployment of sediment formation and the types of pipeline internal sediment. large-format lithium ion batteries on electrical vehicles. Thermal The electrochemical noise technique and the metallographic # modeling is a powerful tool to investigate the thermal design and analysis are applied for the 20 low carbon steel in the wet CO2 improve the thermal performance of the battery. There are two environment, with no sediment covered under the potential noise, methods to solve thermal models, the numerical simulation and the the current noise and the corrosion resistance noise, and the analytical solution. Most of the thermal modeling works reported corrosion morphology is observed. The results show that, in the literature are based on the numerical simulation. However, compared with the 20# carbon steel without sediments, the the analytical solution is highly desirable for optimization as it potential noise and current noise have a time-varying volatility in allows the effects of mutiple thermal parameters to be evaluated the wet CO2 environment, and the resistance noise is reduced by simultaneouly, thanks to its low computational cost. This work 87.5%-95%. With the sediment removal and a regular monitoring firstly proposes and validates a numerical thermal model for a 25 of the corrosion inhibitor corrosion weight loss and corrosion and Ah laminated lithium ion battery. The simulated temperatures other parameters in laboratory and field experiments, the regular agree well with the experiment results from multiple cleaning deposit and corrosion inhibitor levels of the 20# low thermocouples. Secondly, an analytical solution to the planar carbon steel sheet, can, respectively, be reduced by 80%, 43%, and temperature distribution is deduced using the integral transform 57%, 92% for the point corrosion rate. technique, assuming that the temperature distribution is Keywords: wet phase CO2; sediment; electrochemical noise; two-dimensional and the heat generation rate is uniform. These quantitative; corrosion of 20# carbon steel assmuptions are justified from the simulation results. Finally, the analytical solution is used to optimize the battery thermal design, Railway Transportation including the optimal core aspect ratio and the tab displacement. Keywords: lithium ion battery; thermal model; thermal design; U216.3 1000-7857-201431000041 analytical solution An External Railway Geometric Parameter Measurement 140 Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts System Based on GPS. FU Qinyi, LIU Zhiping, LI Kunwu. theory, a mathematical model of spatial arrangement is constructed Science & Technology Review, 2014, 32(31): 41-45. In Chinese. for the reflective targets and motion-sensitive cameras. For the An external geometric parameter measuring system is designed convenience of discrimination, a representation is derived to using the GPS positioning technology. The traditional track analyze whether the targets are within the visual field of camera. inspection technology and GPS positioning technology are This study indicates that the QTM optical system, with high combined into the system. The system is composed of a four- position resolution and fast response properties, is applied to the componentsatellite system, track inspection apparatus carrying a complex motion measurement in various experiment conditions receiver, control network and GPRS station. The track observation for two-model towing tank tests. It is expected to achieve its broad network is built at first while GPS base stations are already set up. application in the dynamic motion captures of ship models. At the same time, the GPS receiver is loaded on the existing track Keywords: optical system; contactless measurement; motion inspection instrument as a moving station. The data acquisition response at six degree of freedom; two-model towing tank module of the measurement system consists of GPS base stations tests and a moving station. Then, real-time location information is collected by the GPS stations while the track inspection instrument U662 1007-7294-201412001453 walks along the track. The positioning data are processed by the Application of the Improved Collaborative Optimization on double differencing carrier phase algorithm. The integer ambiguity Ships' Conceptual Design. YAO Zhuang-le, CHEN Chao-he. resolution based on LAMBDA (the least-squares ambiguity Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1453-1459. In English. decorrelation adjust method) is the key problem of the GPS The development of multidisciplinary design optimization method positioning. Next, the position of the antenna center is calculated. and its broad application prospects in ship design are presented. Finally, using internal geometric parameters and antenna center The collaborative optimization is described in detail. According to positioning data, the external railway geometric parameters are its disadvantage, a dynamic penalty function method is proposed. calculated. The results of the static experiment and field test It is based on the modification of the system level optimization confirm the validity of the measurement system. On the one hand, problem, and is turned into an unconstrained optimization the static observation error is within 0.5 mm while the dynamic problems. It can reduce the difficulties and improve the calculation measurement error is less than 15 mm, on the other hand the labor accuracy. A resistance and structural optimization problem of cost of the system is low due to high automation. certain SWATH is simplified and solved, and the final result Keywords: GPS; external railway geometric parameters; control lowers fuel consumption, and shows that this algorithm network; field test application in ship's conceptual design is feasible. 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅Keywords: collaborative optimization; dynamic penalty function; Waterway Transportation small waterplane area twin-hulls ship (SWATH)

U661.3 1007-7294-201412001534 U661.4 1007-7294-201412001524 A Review of Short-term Prediction Techniques for Ship Cabin Noise Control on Large Oil Tankers. WU Wen-wei, YIN Motions in Seaway. HUANG Li-min, DUAN Wen-yang, HAN Xue-wen. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1524-1533. In Yang, et al. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1534-1542. English. In English. Onboard noise level is becoming one of the major design criteria The survey and assessment of the short-term prediction of of commercial ships in design stage as IMO proposed more techniques ship motions are presented. Description and definition rigorous requirements of onboard noise control, and, subsequently, of ship motion short-term prediction are presented, and the the enforcement of compulsory regulations was made. To meet the categorization and difficulties of short-term prediction techniques challenges due to the modifications of the code on onboard noise, are further discussed. Short-term prediction models based on fast modeling strategy for cabin noise based on SEA is proposed various theories are reviewed and the corresponding characteristics and implemented. By employing the developed cabin noise of those approaches are analyzed to pinpoint the advantages and software, the acoustic design of a large oil tanker in early stage is disadvantages. Recommendations for further research and demonstrated, which shows that, compared to general commercial development are made. software, this cabin noise prediction platform is more efficient to Keywords: review; short-term prediction techniques; ship motions help the engineers to make decisions on design modification and material selection. U661.73 1007-7294-201412001424 Keywords: cabin noise; airborne noise; oil tanker; SEA (statistical Application of Optical System QTM in the Towing Tank Tests element analysis) for Two Ship Models. XIAO Wen-bin, DONG Wen-cai, WU Hao. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1424-1433. In English. U661.43 1007-7294-201412001460 The optical system of Qualisys Tracker Manager (QTM) for short, Experimental Study on Biaxial Compressive-Compressive is an effective contactless tool to measure the ship model's motion Fatigue of T Junction. SHEN Wei, YAN Ren-jun, XU Lin, et al. response at six degree of freedom, which is achieved by the Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1460-1471. In English. location changes of the infrared reflective targets tracked by the It was demonstrated by experiments that crack can grow under motion-sensitive cameras in the calibrated coordinate system. A cyclic compressive loading. However, this kind of crack growth notable advantage of QTM is that it can overcome the interactions phenomena is difficult to be observed and described accurately by to the ship model's own motion. According to the space geometric mathematical methods, especially for multiaxial fatigue. In 141 Chinese Science Abstracts www.csad.org.cn Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015 addition, cracks may close under compressive loading, which also of ship steels subjected to high strain rates. SHPB, Notched increases the complexity of the problem. Submersibles have many tension tests were taken to investigate the constitutive relation and components which were designed to be compressively stressed. As fracture characteristics with B-W damage criterion. Taylor impact a typical research object of compressive fatigue, the end structure tests are numerically simulated in velocity range from 150 m/s to of horizontal girder (T junction) suffers the complex cyclic 250 m/s. There are four stages in the process of Taylor bar compressive-compressive loading. This paper described and impacting the target. Three failure modes generate:large plastic summarized multiaxial compressive fatigue crack initiation and deformation, ductile damage and shear damage, which stress propagation characteristics through several biaxial fatigue tests. triaxiality have an obvious effect on. And concepts such as Effective Short Fatigue Cracks (ESFCs) and Keywords: low-velocity impact; the effect of stress wave; stress Dominant Effective Short Fatigue Crack (DESFC) were triaxiality; ductile damage; shear damage; SHPB (Split Hopkinson introduced to explain the interaction of short fatigue cracks. Pressure Bar) Unlike uniaxial compressive fatigue, multiaxial compressive- compressive fatigue has the hybrid characteristics of multi-point U661.4 1007-7294-201412001505 crack initiating, short crack group growth behavior and long crack Research on the Design of Hull Crashworthiness Structure propagating behavior. based on Sandwich Plate System. LIU Kun, WANG Zi-li, Keywords: T junction; biaxial fatigue; compressive-compressive ZHANG Yan-chang, et al. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, fatigue; crack initiation; crack propagation 18(12): 1505-1514. In English. Sandwich Plate System (SPS) with superior mechanical U664.34 1007-7294-201412001515 performance is widely used in ship repairing. The core has good Influence of Rotation Direction of Impeller on Noise buffer function so that it can be used as crashworthiness structures. Performance of Waterjet. LI Liu-yang, WANG Yong-sheng, FU Based on ABAQUS, the crashworthiness of SPS side structure Jian, et al. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1515-1523. under collision load was analyzed, such as damage deformation, In English. collision force and energy absorption. Then the crashworthiness of Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and direct boundary element SPS was compared with traditional side structure. The results method (DBEM) were used to calculate the influence of rotation show that SPS side structure has better crashworthiness than direction of impeller on noise performance of waterjet. Firstly, traditional side structure. CFD was applied to calculate and analyze the open-water's pump Keywords: sandwich plate system (SPS); side structure; collision; performance of a mixed flow waterjet pump, the numerical result crashworthiness was compared with the manufacture's《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 data in order to verify the credibility of numerical method. Secondly, the unsteady field of U664.21 1007-7294-201412001482 the ‘hull+ duct+ waterjet' was calculated based on the steady result, Responses of Longitudinal and Transversal Nonlinear from which the dipoles of the blade, stator, hub, shroud and the Coupling Vibration of Ship Shafting. YANG Zhi-rong, ZOU element node information of the solid surface could be obtained. Dong-lin, RAO Zhu-shi, et al. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, Lastly, the direct boundary element method was applied to 18(12): 1482-1494. In English. calculate the acoustic strength distribution of waterjet. The result Ship shafting with multi-support and lumped mass is studied by show that the maximum pressure fluctuation is located at the the FEM based on the nonlinear stiffness and mass matrix of the impeller inlet, the pressure fluctuation amplitude increases from beam element. Responses of longitudinal and transversal coupling hub to shroud; in the impeller inlet the pressure fluctuation vibration are calculated by the combination of the Newmark amplitude of the inward pump is stronger than the outward, but in method and Newton-Raphson method and the results are analyzed. the interaction area the outward pump is stronger. Between the It shows that the dynamic responses of longitudinal and 10-1000 Hz, the interaction area of the impeller and stator is the transversal coupling vibration are larger than the responses of main acoustic source, the total sound pressure lever of inward linear vibration due to strong interaction between longitudinal and pump is 2.4 dB larger than outward. transversal vibrations in the time-history domain. Furthermore, Keywords: ship; waterjet; radiated noise; dipole; CFD; BEM; they have more exciting frequency components in the frequency rotation direction of impeller domain. So the natural frequencies of the design system not only should avoid the excitation frequencies but also should avoid the U661.4 1007-7294-201412001495 combined excitation frequencies. The law of the responses of Influence of Stress Wave on Dynamics Damage Character of nonlinear coupling vibration with different excitation force Ship-build Low-carbon Steel Based on Low-velocity Taylor amplitudes and different excitation frequencies is investigated. The Impact Bar. LI Xiao-bin, LI Ying, ZHENG Yuan-zhou. Journal of calculation results have certain guiding significance to practical Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12): 1495-1504. In English. engineering research for ship shafting design. Taylor impact tests are used as experimental and numerical tests Keywords: ship shafting; longitudinal and transversal coupling for determining the mechanical behavior and damage performance vibration; FEM; non-linear effect; dynamics design

(Editor in charge: WANG Shuai-shuai)

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