Proceedings of the 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium

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Proceedings of the 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium United States Department of Agriculture Proceedings of the 2006 Forest Service Northeastern Recreation Northern Research Station Research Symposium General Technical Report NRS-P-14 April 9-11, 2006 Bolton Landing, New York Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Policy Statement The objective of the NERR Symposium is to positively influence our profession by allowing managers and academicians in the governmental, educational, and private recreation & tourism sectors to share practical and scientific knowledge. This objective is met through providing a professional forum for quality information exchange on current management practices, problems, and research applications in the field, as well as, a comfortable social setting that allows participants to foster friendships with colleagues. Students and all those interested in continuing their education in recreation and tourism management are welcome. NERR 2006 Steering Committee Members Kelly Bricker - W.I.L.D. - U Robert Bristow - Westfield State College Robert Burns - West Virginia University (Proceedings Editor) Chad Dawson - SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry Alan Graefe - Penn State University Andrew Holdnak - University of West Florida Deborah Kerstetter - Penn State University Diane Kuehn - SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry (Website Coordinator) Walter Kuentzel - University of Vermont Gerard Kyle - Texas A&M University (Program Chair) Bruce Lord - Penn State University Thomas More - USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Research Station James Murdy - University of New Haven Robert Robertson - University of New Hampshire Ellen Drogin Rodgers - George Mason University Rudy Schuster - SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry David Solan - Mansfield University Sharon Todd - SUNY Cortland Gail Vander Stoep - Michigan State University Hans Vogelsong - East Carolina University Clifton Watts - Texas A&M University Rodney Warnick - University of Massachusetts at Amherst Thomas Wickham - California University of Pennsylvania Greg Wright - USDA Forest Service - Green Mountain National Forest Maureen Wakefield - SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry (Conference Logistics) Harry Zinn - Penn State University Cover Photo Courtesy of Harry Zinn. The findings and conclusions of each article in this publication are those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. All articles were received in digital format and were edited for uniform type and style; each author is responsible for the accuracy and content of his or her own paper. The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Forest Service of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2006 NORTHEASTERN RECREATION RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM April 9-11, 2006 Program Chair: Gerard Kyle Texas A&M University Compiled by: Robert Burns West Virginia University Karen Robinson West Virginia University Sponsors: USDA Forest Service Venture Publishing Published by: U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station CONTENTS TOURISM MARKETING I Do Sport Tourism Events Have a Brand Image? .................................................................2 Kyriaki Kaplanidou, Christine Vogt Image of the United States as a Travel Destination: a Case Study of United Kingdom College Students .................................................................................................8 Sung Hee Park, Pavlina Latkova, Sarah Nicholls An Examination of Constructs in Determining Behavioral Intention to Visit a Festival Among Visitors with Different Demographic Variables.....................................16 So Yon Lee FISH AND WILDLIFE I A Longitudinal Comparison of Activities and Motives of Vermont Trappers: 1994, 2000, and 2005 .......................................................................................................24 Rodney R. Zwick, Bob Muth, David Solan State Game and Wildlife Area Recreation Use Assessment: Michigan’s Maple River State Game Area, Fall 2005 .....................................................................................33 Charles M. Nelson, Eric Steffey, Eric Clark PLACE MEANING A Deconstruction of the I-M-L Commitment Segmentation of Forest Recreationists ......42 James D. Absher, Gerard T. Kyle The Role of Time in Place Attachment .............................................................................47 David Smaldone Wilderness as a Place: Human Dimensions of the Wilderness Experience ........................57 Chad P. Dawson Examining the Relationship of Place Attachment with Pro-environmental Intentions ....63 Elizabeth Halpenny The Subjective Experience of Solitude ..............................................................................67 Christopher Long, Thomas A. More, James R. Averill TOURISM MARKETING II New England’s Travel and Recreation Markets: Trends in the Geographic Target Markets Beyond 2000 .......................................................................................................78 Rodney B. Warnick, David C. Bojanic Portfolio Analysis of a Destination’s Tourism “Product Line” ..........................................89 Harold Daniel Demographic Characteristics and Motivations of Michigan Agritourists .........................98 Deborah Che, Ann Veeck, Gregory Veeck Understanding Travel Information Search Behaviors by Levels of Information Technology Adoption .....................................................................................................104 Junghye Angela Kah, Christine A. Vogt, Kelly MacKay LEISURE AND GENDER I Effectiveness of Metaphoric Facilitation Techniques in a Challenge Course Program on the Empowerment of Women Participants ..................................................112 Penny A. James, Lynn Anderson, Anderson Young Exploring Gender Differences in Information Search Among Domestic Vistors to Yellow Mountain and Guilin, PRC .............................................................................120 Hui Xie, Jigang Bao, Duarte B. Morais RECREATION RESOURCE ALLOCATION Open Space Preservation, Property Value, and Optimal Spatial Confi guration ..............128 Yong Jiang, Stephen K. Swallow The Privatization of Public Lands ..................................................................................135 Thomas A. More FOUNDER’S FORUM A Geographer’s View on Recreation: “Zusammenhang,” the Connectedness of it All ...........................................................................................................................144 Robert S. Bristow POSTER SESSION Hiking Shared-use Single-track Trails: a Look at Hikers and Hunters Along the Falls Lake Trail..........................................................................................................152 Christopher M. Snow, Roger L. Moore Mountain Bikes and Metropolitan Park Districts: Issues and Trends Identifi ed by State Parks and State Park Districts in Ohio ..............................................................157 Eric L. Longsdorf, Ruthie Kucharewski Outdoor Education in the Mid-Atlantic States: an Assessment of Market Segmentation ..................................................................................................................165 Stephanie L. Young, Megan L. Hash, Roy Ramthun Recreation Fees: Attitudes and Perceptions of Region 6 Forest Service Employees in Recreation Positions and Non-recreation Positions ....................................................170 Karen Robinson, Robert C. Burns, Alan Graefe Stakeholders’ Relationships with the USDA Forest Service at the Spruce Knob- Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area, West Virginia ...................................................176 Katherine A. Thompson, Chad D. Pierskalla, Steven W. Selin The Infl uence of Leisure Resourcefulness and Recreation Specialization on Life Satisfaction Among a Sample of Senior Adults ...............................................................180 Jerry L. Ricciardo Tourism in New England Towns: a Threat to the Rural Fabric .......................................185 Robert S. Bristow Watershed Management and Landowners’ Environmental Perceptions ..........................190 Kathleen G. Scholl, Yuka Inui, Samuel V. Lankford Connecting West Virginia Fee-fi shing Businesses with the Larger Tourism Market Through the Development of Tourism Package ..............................................................197 Zongxiang Mei, Chad Pierskalla, Michael Shuett Recreational Use in the Headwaters of the Chattooga River ...........................................206 Wade M. Vagias, Robert B. Powell, Lance T. Haynie LEISURE AND GENDER II Men’s Wilderness Experience and Spirituality: a Qualitative Study ................................216 Paul Heintzman Recreation Specialization and Gender: a Comparison of Massachusetts Freshwater Anglers ..........................................................................................................226 Laura E. Anderson, David K. Loomis FISH AND WILDLIFE II The Texas Saltwater Angler Population: a Longitudinal Perspective (1989-2005) ..........234 Yung-Ping (Emilio) Tseng, Robert B. Ditton A Time Series Approach to Estimating the Economic Impacts of Exogenous Events on a Local Economy ............................................................................................240
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