Secret Department of Defense Jtf Gtmo-Cg 24
SECRET DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE JOINTTASK FORCE GUANTANAMO GUANTANAMOBAY, CUBA APOAE 09360 REPLY TO ATTENTIONOF JTFGTMO-CG 24 Januaw2004 MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthern Command, 3511 NW 9lst Avenue,Miami, FL 33172. SUBJECT: (S) Transfer Recommendationfor GuantanamoDetainee, Kako Kandahari, ISN: US9AF-000986DP,to the Control of Another Country for ContinuedDetention 1. (S) Personal Information: Kako Kandahariis an Afghan nationalborn in 1970(age34) in unknown town in Afghanistan (AF). He is in good health. 2. (S) Detention Information: US SpecialForces arrested detainee after a raid on a compound where Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were being manufactured. Detainee was arrestedwith ISN: US$-000987, Haji Ghalib, whom detaineerefers to as the Security Chief for the village of Ghunkiel,AF. Detaineeclaims to havebeen a simple farmerwho worked part time as a security guard for Ghalib. Detaineewas subsequentlytransported to GuantanamoBay Naval Base,Cuba, on 17 July 2003 becauseof his possibleknowledge of anti-US activities and a local warlord, Mulawi Kabir, in the Nangarhar and Konar provinces, connectedto the Hezb-E-IslamiGulbudin (HIG), the Al-Qaida, as well as his possible involvementwith IEDs. 3. (S) Reasonsfor Continued Detention: Detaineehas not beencooperative and we have ascertainedlittle information about him. Detaineewas arrestedduring a raid becauseof his involvement as an insurgent and his suspectedexpertise in IEDs. Detaineewas reportedly a leader of a small security unit under Ghalib. Additionally, he is suspectedof having knowledge of warlard Mulawi Kabir, who attendeda meeting in Pakistanwith HIG members, JalaluddinHaqqani, and severalAl-Qaida members. Detaineeis believedto be a low-level insurgent fighter working on behalf of a local warlord who is opposedto US intervention in Afghanistan.
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