Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Issue No. 7306 200 Fils newsofbahrain 38444680 nob_bh

Premier to visit JO3082_BFC_Flag_Globe_DT_Hamper_6.7cmX8.5cm_Flag.inddQatar soon 1 2/1/17 2:59 PM DT News Network bin Hamad Al Thani, during by the Cabinet Secretary- about the official visit of Focus on agriculture Manama his visit. Prime Minister’s Qatar General, Dr. Yasser bin Isa Al Crown Prince to Kuwait, At the meeting, the Prime is Royal Highness Prime visit comes at the invitation of Nasser, said. lauding the strong fraternal Minister highlighted the Minister Prince Khalifa Father Amir, Shaikh Hamad The Cabinet session chaired relations between the two importance of developing Hbin Salman Al Khalifa will visit bin Khalifa Al Thani. by HRH Prime Minister was countries. the agricultural sector and Qatar soon. This was disclosed During the visit HRH attended by HRH Prince The session also stressed the gave directives to encourage by the Prime Minister at the Premier will broaden the Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, importance of visits by leaders exhibitions to market Bahrain’s regular weekly Cabinet session Bahraini-Qatari cooperation, the Crown Prince, Deputy and senior officials of the Gulf national products and boost held at the Gudaibiya Palace exchange views on issues Supreme Commander and Cooperation Council countries investment in the sector. yesterday. of common interest and First Deputy Premier. in enhancing joint cooperation In this context, the Cabinet Prince Khalifa will meet the discuss the latest regional The Prime Minister so as to be able to face regional lauded Bahrain International Qatari Amir, Shaikh Tamim developments, said a statement also informed the Cabinet challenges. Gardens Show held recently. Nod for ‘Moonlight’ shines at Oscars

Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa with Crown Prince during the Cabinet meeting held at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday

DT News Network The new pipeline will have 42km is subsea and 73km on Manama a capacity of 360,000 bpd. The land, will raise the transport he weekly Cabinet meeting 115-kilometre, 24-30-inch capacity from the current Theld yesterday approved diameter pipeline, will run 230,000 barrels per day 8P 14 a request by the Ministry of from the Abqaiq processing (bpd) to 350,000 bpd, with oil Works, Municipalities Affairs facility in Saudi Arabia to the flexibility to increase to and Urban Planning to acquire Quarriyah and then offshore 400,000 bpd. The project is x land for the $350-million to Al-Jazayir beach and finally jointly managed by Bapco and pipeline AB crude oil pipeline project to Sitra in Bahrain. Nearly Aramco. Unexploded WWII bomb linking Bahrain and Saudi 60km of the pipeline will be The new pipeline is expected detonated at surf mecca Arabia. onshore, while the remaining to open in the first quarter Lisbon Land for the $350-m The new oil pipeline to be 45km will be offshore. of 2018 and dismantling the emining experts built by Saudi Aramco and The new AB pipeline will existing pipeline is expected detonated an operated by Bapco will replace replace the ageing AB-1 to begin in the second half of Dunexploded World War AB crude oil project the existing AB-1 oil pipeline, pipeline, opened in 1945, 2018, according to reports. II bomb caught in the which provides Bapco’s Sitra which runs from Saudi The Cabinet session was fishing nets of a trawler off would be acquired Refinery with feedstock crude Aramco’s Abqaiq plant to chaired by HRH Prime Portugal’s surfing mecca of oil. Bahrain currently imports Sitra Refinery in Bahrain. Minister Prince Khalifa Nazare, navy sources said about 250,000 barrels per day The new 30-inch diameter bin Salman Al Khalifa at yesterday. soon (bpd) of oil from Saudi Arabia. 115-km pipeline, of which Gudaibiya Place. (See page 2) 2 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 First amphibious fuel station to come up in Budaiya village Muhannad Mansour/DTNN the ministry’s keenness on the huge number of fishermen [email protected] fulfilling the growing demand in the area,” Al Dossary said. for fuel stations in all four “This project is the first- Manama governorates of the Kingdom. of-its-kind in the region and he first amphibious fuel Shaikh Mohammed listened would help the amateur and station in the Kingdom to MP Hamad Al Dossary professional sailors. It would willT come up at Budaiya village and Northern Area Municipal save them the hassle and near the north-western coasts Council Member Abdulla Al risk of driving to Saar, filling of the island, DT News has Dossary, who conveyed to him gas in unsafe containers and learnt. The station, which will the necessity of establishing a transporting them back to the serve automobiles and boats, service station in Budaiya area, shore in their private vehicles,” will be established in the next which only has one station he said. two years, according to sources. serving a large population. The municipal Documents of the project Speaking more about the representative added that the were presented yesterday to Oil project to DT News was MP project is a necessity to the Minister Shaikh Mohammed Hamad Al Dossary, who residents of villages on Budaiya bin Khalifa Al Khalifa. It was confirmed that “the minister and Janabiya highways, presented and discussed while welcomed the idea and that it in addition to the newly the minister received the will see the light of day within established Northern City parliamentary and municipal the next two to three years”. MP Hamad Al Dossary, Oil Minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa and Abdulla Al Dossary housing project, which is set representatives of the area “A second fuel station is to open soon in the area and yesterday. During the meeting, needed in the area to serve the Budaiya, Janabiya, Al Jasra and The idea of establishing an reduce pressure on the existing includes hundreds of houses the minister emphasised on villages of Diraz, Bani Jamra, other north-western villages. amphibious station comes to gas station in Saar and to serve and public establishments. Tax sops likely for GCC projects DT News Network to the Ministerial Committee Affairs, in line with the Manama for Legal Affairs. The move is memorandum presented by he Cabinet meeting held in line with the government’s the Interior Minister and the yesterday at Gudaibiya keenness to revise services’ recommendation submitted palaceT discussed a draft work procedures and by the Ministerial Committee proposal on determining the mechanisms to ensure smooth for Financial Affairs and eligibility for customs tariff flow of the implementation of Rationalising Expenditure exemption for development government-funded projects regarding it. projects prepared as per a and programmes. A draft memorandum of resolution adopted by the understanding (MoU) on GCC Financial and Economic Financial disclosure endowments, to be signed Cooperation Committee. The Cabinet meeting has between the ministries and The draft resolution was approved a memorandum departments of endowments referred to the Executive presented by the Minister of and Islamic affairs in GCC Committee, as recommended Justice, Islamic Affairs and countries, was also discussed by the Ministerial Committee Endowments on amending the during the Cabinet meeting. for Financial Affairs and executive bill of the Financial Presented by the Minister of Rationalising Expenditure, Disclosure Law. The session Justice, Islamic Affairs and and presented by the Deputy endorsed a draft decree on Endowments, the draft MoU Premier and Chairman of the amending some provisions was referred to the Ministerial Committee. of the executive bill of the Committee for Legal Affairs. The session also discussed Financial Disclosure Law The session also endorsed a recommendation by the 32/2010, issued by Decree Bahrain-Turkey MoU in Ministerial Committee 82/2012. the field of civil service, and for Urbanisation and The Cabinet also approved commissioned the Minister of Infrastructure on amending a draft edict on determining Finance to sign it on behalf of Article (20) of the Municipalities the categories of fees levied the Kingdom after study of its Law promulgated by Decree- on licenses and services legal aspects by the Ministerial Law 35/2001, and referred it delivered by the Customs Committee for Legal Affairs.

his is in response to the Kingdom. the article ‘Panel okays The living expense of proposalT to slap fees on expatriates is on the rise, and expat students’, published the government had hiked on February 26, 2017. The the medical fees earlier Such authorities decision to hike the decisions will seriously affect educational fee of expatriate the expatriate community. Send your comments to students is another blow to [email protected] the expatriate community in Karan Kataria 2 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3 First amphibious fuel station Cop who died in to come up in Budaiya village Three men gets jail Muhannad Mansour/DTNN the ministry’s keenness on the huge number of fishermen mishapDT News Network reported. News conflictedlaid shortly before theto accident confirmedrest to DT News that [email protected] fulfilling the growing demand in the area,” Al Dossary said. [email protected] about the relation between occurred. “the accident was not related to for fuel stations in all four “This project is the first- the accident and terror attack, However, a spokesperson the attack and it only coincided for joining terror outfit Manama governorates of the Kingdom. of-its-kind in the region and Manama which targeted a police bus from Interior Ministry to occur on the same location”. DT News Network respectively, while the third he first amphibious fuel Shaikh Mohammed listened would help the amateur and he Bahraini policeman, Manama defendant was given three Tstation in the Kingdom to MP Hamad Al Dossary professional sailors. It would Twho was killed in a traffic hree men implicated in years behind bars. will come up at Budaiya village and Northern Area Municipal save them the hassle and mishap on Sunday, was laid to Tjoining Saraya Al-Ashtar Saraya Al-Ashtar Brigades, near the north-western coasts Council Member Abdulla Al risk of driving to Saar, filling rest in Muharraq yesterday. (Al-Ashtar Brigades) have a terror organisation, had of the island, DT News has Dossary, who conveyed to him gas in unsafe containers and Hundreds gathered at been awarded jail sentence, owned up responsibility for learnt. The station, which will the necessity of establishing a transporting them back to the Muharraq graveyard in the with two having their Bahraini several attacks targeting police serve automobiles and boats, service station in Budaiya area, shore in their private vehicles,” afternoon yesterday to bid nationality stripped. officers, including the Daih will be established in the next which only has one station he said. farewell to Ahmed Busharar, The first and second explosion that killed three two years, according to sources. serving a large population. The municipal who met a tragic accident on defendants, whose nationality police officers in 2014. Two Documents of the project Speaking more about the representative added that the King Hamad Highway in the were stripped received 15 years other men were also tried in were presented yesterday to Oil project to DT News was MP project is a necessity to the southern parts of the island on and seven years in prison, this case but were acquitted. Minister Shaikh Mohammed Hamad Al Dossary, who residents of villages on Budaiya Sunday evening. bin Khalifa Al Khalifa. It was confirmed that “the minister and Janabiya highways, As reported yesterday, the presented and discussed while welcomed the idea and that it in addition to the newly accident involved the off-duty Isa Qassim case postponed the minister received the will see the light of day within established Northern City policeman’s vehicle and police patrol vehicle. General Director DT News Network Bahrain. parliamentary and municipal the next two to three years”. MP Hamad Al Dossary, Oil Minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa and Abdulla Al Dossary housing project, which is set representatives of the area “A second fuel station is to open soon in the area and of Traffic Colonel Shaikh Manama According to court files, yesterday. During the meeting, needed in the area to serve the Budaiya, Janabiya, Al Jasra and The idea of establishing an reduce pressure on the existing includes hundreds of houses Abdulrahman bin Abdulwahab he High Criminal Court Qassim used some of the the minister emphasised on villages of Diraz, Bani Jamra, other north-western villages. amphibious station comes to gas station in Saar and to serve and public establishments. Al Khalifa confirmed yesterday will issue its ruling money raised illegally in buying that legal steps were taken and onT March 14 in the case of $1 million worth of properties. the Public Prosecution was infamous cleric Isa Qassim His Bahraini nationality was notified. and two other defendants earlier stripped for creating The mishap occurred on who are accused of money an “extremist” sectarian the same area of the highway Friends and relatives at the funeral of Ahmed Busharar(inset) laundering and financing atmosphere and working to Tax sops likely where a terror explosion was foreign organisations hostile to divide the Bahraini society. for GCC projects DT News Network to the Ministerial Committee Affairs, in line with the Manama for Legal Affairs. The move is memorandum presented by he Cabinet meeting held in line with the government’s the Interior Minister and the yesterday at Gudaibiya keenness to revise services’ recommendation submitted palaceT discussed a draft work procedures and by the Ministerial Committee proposal on determining the mechanisms to ensure smooth for Financial Affairs and eligibility for customs tariff flow of the implementation of Rationalising Expenditure exemption for development government-funded projects regarding it. projects prepared as per a and programmes. A draft memorandum of resolution adopted by the understanding (MoU) on GCC Financial and Economic Financial disclosure endowments, to be signed Cooperation Committee. The Cabinet meeting has between the ministries and The draft resolution was approved a memorandum departments of endowments referred to the Executive presented by the Minister of and Islamic affairs in GCC Committee, as recommended Justice, Islamic Affairs and countries, was also discussed by the Ministerial Committee Endowments on amending the during the Cabinet meeting. for Financial Affairs and executive bill of the Financial Presented by the Minister of Rationalising Expenditure, Disclosure Law. The session Justice, Islamic Affairs and and presented by the Deputy endorsed a draft decree on Endowments, the draft MoU Premier and Chairman of the amending some provisions was referred to the Ministerial Committee. of the executive bill of the Committee for Legal Affairs. The session also discussed Financial Disclosure Law The session also endorsed a recommendation by the 32/2010, issued by Decree Bahrain-Turkey MoU in Ministerial Committee 82/2012. the field of civil service, and for Urbanisation and The Cabinet also approved commissioned the Minister of Infrastructure on amending a draft edict on determining Finance to sign it on behalf of Article (20) of the Municipalities the categories of fees levied the Kingdom after study of its Law promulgated by Decree- on licenses and services legal aspects by the Ministerial Law 35/2001, and referred it delivered by the Customs Committee for Legal Affairs. his is in response to the Kingdom. the article ‘Panel okays The living expense of proposalT to slap fees on expatriates is on the rise, and expat students’, published the government had hiked on February 26, 2017. The the medical fees earlier Such authorities decision to hike the decisions will seriously affect educational fee of expatriate the expatriate community. Send your comments to students is another blow to [email protected] the expatriate community in Karan Kataria 4 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 BIGS 2017 winners announced DT News Network of His Majesty the King and presentation of items’. of variety commercial items Agricultural Development the exhibition. [email protected] Supreme Council for Women In the design category, the displaying. (NIAD) expressed her gratitude Meanwhile the Kingdom Chairwoman Chairperson Kingdom Enterprises scored The winners of BIGS prizes and appreciation to all the Enterprises signed agreements Manama of the Consultative Board 477 points winning the first were selected after a thorough local and overseas exhibitors with overseas companies from ahrain International of the National Initiative for prize followed by Alba (434) assessment by an expert panel. and the participants for their Canada, China, Italy and the Gardens Show (BIGS2017) Agricultural Development and the Royal Court (407). Shaikha Maram bint Isa efforts and contributions Netherlands on the side-lines Bconcluded yesterday with the (NIAD) HRH Princess Sabeeka Several local and overseas Al Khalifa, Secretary-General which ensured such aesthetic of their participation in BIGS number of visitors reaching bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa. companies won in the category of National Initiative for and successful showcasing of 2017. more than 40,000 from Works, Municipalities and countries around the globe Urban Planning Ministry won especially from the Gulf the first prize scoring 432 Cooperation Council (GCC), points followed by the Ministry authorities stated. of Education(397 points) in the The organisers also second place and the Supreme announced the winners of Council for Environment (375 BIGS prizes of this years show, points) in third. held under the auspices of His The winners were awarded Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al in the category of the ‘quality Khalifa with the support of Wife of exhibited items’ and the ‘best Other results Garden design - Green View company(477) Best exhibiting nursery - Hijair horticultural nursery (315) Best flower shop - Leaves shop (460) Best garden accessories - “Kamaliyat” shop (425) Best playground equipment - “Bait Home” (405) Best farming equipment company - Al Mahroos (337) Education Ministry (397 points) won the second prize in the category of the Best food products company - “Terra Creta” (346) ‘quality of exhibited items’ and the ‘best presentation of items’

REEF REAL ESTATE FINANCE CO. B.S.C.(c) Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016. These statements have been extracted from the consolidated financial statements on which BDO issued an unqualified audit report dated 27 February 2017.

Consolidated statement of financial position as at Consolidated statement of income for the year ended Consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Operating activities ASSETS Income Gross Ijarah income 655,736 955,316 Net profit for the year 1,205,406 618,291 Cash and cash equivalents 7,430,437 5,272,724 Adjustments for: Less: Depreciation on Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek (343,523) (429,115) Depreciation on property and equipment 23,841 31,884 Investment securities 14,635,962 12,228,591 Depreciation on Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 343,523 429,115 Murabaha financing - 4,439,397 312,213 526,201 Depreciation on investment in real estate 4,444 6,474 Net gain on sale of property and equipment - (40) Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 1,447,308 2,275,349 Profit from Mudaraba investments 37,875 76,186 Net gain on sale of investment in real estate (119,286) (132,519) Properties-under-development 414,480 412,180 Profit from Murabaha financing 344,501 611,936 Gain on sale of investment securities (2,015,120) - Investment in real estate 2,593,468 2,597,572 Fees from financing activities 4,402 19,969 Net unrealised fair value losses on revaluation of Net rental income from investment in real estate 69,394 106,368 investment in securities 1,044,016 153,299 Receivables and prepayments 248,454 687,128 Profit from investment securities 433,510 267,289 Foreign exchange losses on translation of investment in Property and equipment 15,244 36,357 Net gain on sale of investment in real estate 119,286 132,519 securities 1,455,855 40,767 Gain on sale on investment securities 2,015,120 - Net gain on the sale of property under development - (108,606) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Net gain on sale of property under development - 108,606 Total assets 26,785,353 27,949,298 Receivables and prepayments 438,674 1,679,897 Allowance no longer required for Ijarah Muntahia Other liabilities (99,581) 74,644 Bittamleek rental receivables, Murabaha financing LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’EQUITY and other receivables 231,101 116,292 Net cash provided by operating activities 2,281,772 2,793,206 Net gain on sale of property and equipment - 40 Liabilities Investing activities Other liabilities 476,278 575,859 3,567,402 1,965,406 Net movement in Murabaha financing 4,439,397 1,537,541 Additions in investment securities (6,674,354) (6,421,218) Net movement in properties-under-development (2,300) (59,635) Owners’ Equity Expenses Staff costs 378,121 492,471 Purchase of property and equipment (3,155) (1,439) Share capital 24,042,900 24,042,900 General and administrative expenses 301,360 293,897 Addition in investment in real estate (100,768) - Net movement in the foreign currency translation reserve (1,127,635) - Treasury shares (1,202,145) (1,202,145) Depreciation of property and equipment 23,841 31,884 Net movement in Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 484,518 940,608 Statutory reserve 1,332,524 1,211,983 Depreciation on investment in real estate 4,444 6,474 Proceeds from sale of investment securities 3,782,232 - Investment fees and charges 3,567 7,229 Proceeds from sale of properties-under-development - 1,285,981 Properties fair value reserve 989,463 989,463 Net unrealised fair value losses on revaluation of Proceeds from sale of investment in real estate 219,714 654,000 Foreign currency translation reserve (1,127,635) - investment securities 1,044,016 153,299 Proceeds from sale of property and equipment 427 40 Charity reserve - 97 Net foreign exchange losses 601,219 351,621 Allowances and provisions 5,428 10,240 Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities 1,018,076 (2,064,122) Retained earnings 2,273,968 2,331,141 2,361,996 1,347,115 Financing activities Purchase of treasury shares - (1,202,145) 26,309,075 27,373,439 Net profit for the year 1,205,406 618,291 Charity reserve movement (97) (2,197) Dividend paid (1,142,038) (513,922)

Total liabilities and Owners’ equity 26,785,353 27,949,298 Basic and diluted earnings per share Fils5.3 Fils2.7 Net cash used in financing activities (1,142,135) (1,718,264)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,157,713 (989,180) Consolidated statement of changes in Owners’ equity for the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the year 5,272,724 6,261,904 Properties Foreign currency Share Treasury Statutory fair value Charity translation Retained Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year 7,430,437 5,272,724 capital shares reserve reserve reserve reserve earnings Total At 31 December 2014 24,042,900 - 1,150,154 1,078,825 2,294 - 2,288,601 28,562,774 These consolidated financial statements have been authorized for issue in accordance Treasury shares - (1,202,145) - - - - - (1,202,145) Dividend paid for the year 2014 ------(513,922) (513,922) with a resolution of the Board of Directors on 27 February 2017. Charity reserve movement - - - - (2,197) - - (2,197) Net movement in properties fair value reserve on the sale of investment in real estate - - - (89,362) - - - (89,362) Ali Ahmed Al Baghli Saud Kanoo Net profit for the year ------618,291 618,291 Chairman Vice Chairman Transferred to statutory reserve - - 61,829 - - - (61,829) -

At 31 December 2015 24,042,900 (1,202,145) 1,211,983 989,463 97 - 2,331,141 27,373,439 Dividend paid for the year 2015 ------(1,142,038) (1,142,038) All financial statements can be viewed on our website: Charity reserve movement - - - - (97) - - (97) Foreign currency translation loss - - - - - (1,127,635) - (1,127,635) Reef Real Estate Finance Co. B.S.C. (c) Net profit for the year ------1,205,406 1,205,406 Transferred to statutory reserve - - 120,541 - - - (120,541) - Tel: (+973) 17558080, Fax: (+973) 17556333, P.O. Box: 18599,Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

At 31 December 2016 24,042,900 (1,202,145) 1,332,524 989,463 - (1,127,635) 2,273,968 26,309,075 Licensed as an Islamic Financing Company by the Central Bank of Bahrain 4 Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BIGS 2017 winners announced BBK B.S.C- Consolidated Financial Statements 31 December 2016 DT News Network of His Majesty the King and presentation of items’. of variety commercial items Agricultural Development the exhibition. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY [email protected] Supreme Council for Women In the design category, the displaying. (NIAD) expressed her gratitude Meanwhile the Kingdom As at 31 December 2016 Year ended 31 December 2016 Chairwoman Chairperson Kingdom Enterprises scored The winners of BIGS prizes and appreciation to all the Enterprises signed agreements BD ’000s BD ’000s Manama of the Consultative Board 477 points winning the first were selected after a thorough local and overseas exhibitors with overseas companies from 2016 2015 Attributable to the owners of the Bank and capital securities’ holders Non- ahrain International of the National Initiative for prize followed by Alba (434) assessment by an expert panel. and the participants for their Canada, China, Italy and the ASSETS Share Retained Proposed controlling Total Gardens Show (BIGS2017) Agricultural Development and the Royal Court (407). Shaikha Maram bint Isa efforts and contributions Netherlands on the side-lines Cash and balances with central banks 314,368 286,750 capital Others earnings appropriations Total interest equity B Treasury bills 401,635 394,090 Balance at 1 January 2015 103,014 141,461 82,017 31,402 357,894 1,458 359,352 concluded yesterday with the (NIAD) HRH Princess Sabeeka Several local and overseas Al Khalifa, Secretary-General which ensured such aesthetic of their participation in BIGS Deposits and amounts due from banks and other financial institutions 318,407 325,096 Profit for the year - - 53,212 - 53,212 177 53,389 number of visitors reaching bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa. companies won in the category of National Initiative for and successful showcasing of 2017. Loans and advances to customers 1,767,138 1,764,799 Other comprehensive loss - (33,100) - - (33,100) - (33,100) Total comprehensive income - (33,100) 53,212 - 20,112 177 20,289 more than 40,000 from Works, Municipalities and Investment securities 768,134 758,107 Share - based payments - - 269 - 269 - 269 countries around the globe Urban Planning Ministry won Investments in associated companies and joint ventures 43,923 35,823 Dividends paid - - - (20,179) (20,179) - (20,179) Interest receivable and other assets 64,769 56,970 Stock dividends 5,151 - - (5,151) - - - especially from the Gulf the first prize scoring 432 Premises and equipment 24,183 24,806 Donations - - - (1,390) (1,390) - (1,390) Cooperation Council (GCC), points followed by the Ministry TOTAL ASSETS 3,702,557 3,646,441 Movement in treasury stock - 2,223 - - 2,223 - 2,223 Unclaimed dividends - - 243 - 243 - 243 authorities stated. of Education(397 points) in the LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Movement in non-controlling interest - - - - - (73) (73) The organisers also second place and the Supreme Transfer to statutory reserve - 2,575 (2,575) - - - - Deposits and amounts due to banks and other financial institutions 259,911 179,404 Proposed appropriations - - (30,586) 30,586 - - - announced the winners of Council for Environment (375 Borrowings under repurchase agreement 184,016 174,508 Transfer to general reserve 2014 - 4,682 - (4,682) - - - BIGS prizes of this years show, points) in third. Term borrowings 206,109 204,677 Balance at 31 December 2015 108,165 117,841 102,580 30,586 359,172 1,562 360,734 Customers’ current, savings and other deposits 2,493,715 2,642,892 Transition adjustment on adoption of held under the auspices of His The winners were awarded Interest payable and other liabilities 84,591 84,226 IFRS 9 at 1 January 2016 - (16,880) 4,980 - (11,900) - (11,900) Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al in the category of the ‘quality Total liabilities 3,228,342 3,285,707 Restated balance at 1 January 2016 108,165 100,961 107,560 30,586 347,272 1,562 348,834 Equity Profit for the year - - 56,410 - 56,410 337 56,747 Khalifa with the support of Wife of exhibited items’ and the ‘best Other comprehensive income - 14,592 (3,738) - 10,854 - 10,854 Share capital 108,165 108,165 Total comprehensive income - 14,592 52,672 - 67,264 337 67,601 Treasury stock (1,206) (4,728) Share - based payments - - (31) - (31) - (31) Other results Perpetual tier 1 convertible capital securities 86,098 - Perpetual tier 1 convertible capital Garden design - Green View company(477) Share premium 39,919 39,919 securities issued - 86,098 - - 86,098 - 86,098 Statutory reserve 54,082 54,082 Expenses related to perpetual - tier 1 Best exhibiting nursery - Hijair horticultural nursery (315) General reserve 54,082 51,507 convertible capital securities issued - - (180) - (180) - (180) Best flower shop - Leaves shop (460) Cumulative changes in fair values (13,669) (12,304) Distribution on Perpetual tier 1 Foreign currency translation adjustments (11,558) (10,635) convertible capital securities - - (3,552) - (3,552) - (3,552) Best garden accessories - “Kamaliyat” shop (425) Dividends paid - - - (26,611) (26,611) (93) (26,704) Retained earnings 122,830 102,580 Best playground equipment - “Bait Home” (405) Stock dividends ------Proposed Appropriations 33,666 30,586 Donations - - - (1,400) (1,400) - (1,400) Best farming equipment company - Al Mahroos (337) Education Ministry (397 points) won the second prize in the category of the ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE OWNERS OF THE BANK 472,409 359,172 Movement in treasury stock - 3,522 - - 3,522 - 3,522 Best food products company - “Terra Creta” (346) Non-controlling interest 1,806 1,562 Unclaimed dividends - - 27 - 27 - 27 ‘quality of exhibited items’ and the ‘best presentation of items’ Total equity 474,215 360,734 Proposed appropriations - - (33,666) 33,666 - - - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 3,702,557 3,646,441 Transfer to general reserve 2015 - 2,575 - (2,575) - - - Balance at 31 December 2016 108,165 207,748 122,830 33,666 472,409 1,806 474,215 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended 31 December 2016 Year ended 31 December 2016 (c) BD ’000s BD ’000s REEF REAL ESTATE FINANCE CO. B.S.C. 2016 2015 Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016. 2016 2015 Net cash (used in)/ from operating activities (40,367) 233,009 Interest and similar income 128,556 114,613 These statements have been extracted from the consolidated financial statements on which BDO issued an unqualified audit report dated 27 February 2017. Net cash (used in)/ from investing activities (12,099) 7,890 Interest and similar expense (42,708) (41,907) Net cash from/ (used in) financing activities 57,877 (57,046) Consolidated statement of financial position as at Consolidated statement of income for the year ended Consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended Net interest income 85,848 72,706 Foreign currency translation adjustments (923) (3,376) 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) Share of profit of associated companies and joint ventures 5,467 4,215 NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 4,488 180,477 Other income 42,212 44,219 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 533,116 352,639 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December Total operating income 133,527 121,140 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE YEAR 537,604 533,116 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Operating activities Staff costs 33,453 31,343 ASSETS Income Gross Ijarah income 655,736 955,316 Net profit for the year 1,205,406 618,291 Other expenses 16,263 15,267 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION Cash and cash equivalents 7,430,437 5,272,724 Adjustments for: Depreciation 3,430 3,226 Year ended 31 December 2016 Less: Depreciation on Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek (343,523) (429,115) Depreciation on property and equipment 23,841 31,884 Investment securities 14,635,962 12,228,591 Net provision for impairment on loans and advances to customers 23,753 18,975 BD ’000s Depreciation on Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 343,523 429,115 Net (write back)/ provision for impairment on investments (1,115) 538 Murabaha financing - 4,439,397 312,213 526,201 Depreciation on investment in real estate 4,444 6,474 Investment, Net gain on sale of property and equipment - (40) Total operating expenses 75,784 69,349 Corporate International treasury and Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 1,447,308 2,275,349 Profit from Mudaraba investments 37,875 76,186 Net gain on sale of investment in real estate (119,286) (132,519) PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 57,743 51,791 31 December 2016 Retail banking banking banking other activities Total Properties-under-development 414,480 412,180 Profit from Murabaha financing 344,501 611,936 Gain on sale of investment securities (2,015,120) - Net tax (provision)/ benefit (996) 1,598 Operating income before share of profit of Investment in real estate 2,593,468 2,597,572 Fees from financing activities 4,402 19,969 Net unrealised fair value losses on revaluation of PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 56,747 53,389 associated companies and joint ventures 41,896 28,399 23,952 33,813 128,060 Net rental income from investment in real estate 69,394 106,368 investment in securities 1,044,016 153,299 Attributable to: Segment result 15,050 2,754 120 33,356 51,280 Receivables and prepayments 248,454 687,128 Profit from investment securities 433,510 267,289 Foreign exchange losses on translation of investment in Owners of the Bank 56,410 53,212 Share of profit of associated companies and joint Property and equipment 15,244 36,357 Net gain on sale of investment in real estate 119,286 132,519 securities 1,455,855 40,767 ventures 5,562 - - (95) 5,467 Net gain on the sale of property under development - (108,606) Non-controlling interest 337 177 Gain on sale on investment securities 2,015,120 - 56,747 53,389 Profit for the year 56,747 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Loss attributable to non-controlling interest Net gain on sale of property under development - 108,606 Receivables and prepayments 438,674 1,679,897 Basic earnings per share (BD) 0.049 0.050 (337) Total assets 26,785,353 27,949,298 Profit for the year attributable to the owners Allowance no longer required for Ijarah Muntahia Other liabilities (99,581) 74,644 Diluted earnings per share (BD) 0.044 0.050 Bittamleek rental receivables, Murabaha financing of the Bank 56,410 LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’EQUITY and other receivables 231,101 116,292 Net cash provided by operating activities 2,281,772 2,793,206 Investment, Net gain on sale of property and equipment - 40 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Corporate International treasury and Liabilities Investing activities Year ended 31 December 2016 31 December 2015 Retail banking banking banking other activities Total Other liabilities 476,278 575,859 3,567,402 1,965,406 Net movement in Murabaha financing 4,439,397 1,537,541 BD ’000s Operating income before share of profit of Additions in investment securities (6,674,354) (6,421,218) associated companies and joint ventures 36,338 28,171 25,805 26,611 116,925 Net movement in properties-under-development (2,300) (59,635) 2016 2015 Owners’ Equity Expenses Segment result 12,875 9,370 3,734 23,195 49,174 Staff costs 378,121 492,471 Purchase of property and equipment (3,155) (1,439) Profit for the year 56,747 53,389 Share of profit of associated companies and joint Share capital 24,042,900 24,042,900 General and administrative expenses 301,360 293,897 Addition in investment in real estate (100,768) - Other comprehensive (loss) / income ventures 4,215 - - - 4,215 Net movement in the foreign currency translation reserve (1,127,635) - Treasury shares (1,202,145) (1,202,145) Depreciation of property and equipment 23,841 31,884 Net movement in Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 484,518 940,608 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss; Profit for the year 53,389 Statutory reserve 1,332,524 1,211,983 Depreciation on investment in real estate 4,444 6,474 Proceeds from sale of investment securities 3,782,232 - Fair value through other comprehensive income reserve (equity Loss attributable to non-controlling interest (177) Investment fees and charges 3,567 7,229 Proceeds from sale of properties-under-development - 1,285,981 instruments) 4,113 - Profit for the year attributable to the owners of Properties fair value reserve 989,463 989,463 Net unrealised fair value losses on revaluation of the Bank 53,212 Proceeds from sale of investment in real estate 219,714 654,000 Items that are or may be reclassified Foreign currency translation reserve (1,127,635) - investment securities 1,044,016 153,299 Proceeds from sale of property and equipment 427 40 subsequently to profit or loss; Charity reserve - 97 Net foreign exchange losses 601,219 351,621 Total Assets (BD Millions) Equity (BD Millions) Allowances and provisions 5,428 10,240 Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities 1,018,076 (2,064,122) Movement in translation reserve: 4,000 3,646 3,703 500 474 Retained earnings 2,273,968 2,331,141 Foreign currency translation adjustments (923) (3,376) 3,501 3,500 3,108 3,231 2,361,996 1,347,115 Financing activities Movement in hedging reserve: 400 361 Purchase of treasury shares - (1,202,145) 3,000 359 26,309,075 27,373,439 Effective portion of changes in fair value 174 (304) 333 Net profit for the year 1,205,406 618,291 Charity reserve movement (97) (2,197) 2,500 290 Dividend paid (1,142,038) (513,922) Movement in fair value reserve (debt instruments - IFRS 9): 300 2,000 Net change in fair value 8,377 - Total liabilities and Owners’ equity 26,785,353 27,949,298 Basic and diluted earnings per share Fils5.3 Fils2.7 1,500 200 Net cash used in financing activities (1,142,135) (1,718,264) Net amount transferred to profit or loss (887) - 1,000 Movement in fair value reserve (available-for-sale financial assets - 100 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,157,713 (989,180) 500 Consolidated statement of changes in Owners’ equity for the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Bahraini Dinars) IAS 39): - - Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the year 5,272,724 6,261,904 Net change in fair value - (29,420) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Properties Foreign currency Other comprehensive Income/ (loss) for the year 10,854 (33,100) Share Treasury Statutory fair value Charity translation Retained Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year 7,430,437 5,272,724 Net Interest Income (BD Millions) Net Profit (BD Millions) Total comprehensive income for the year 67,601 20,289 90 86 60 56 capital shares reserve reserve reserve reserve earnings Total 53 Attributable to: 80 72 73 50 At 31 December 2014 24,042,900 - 1,150,154 1,078,825 2,294 - 2,288,601 28,562,774 69 50 45 These consolidated financial statements have been authorized for issue in accordance 70 66 Treasury shares - (1,202,145) - - - - - (1,202,145) Owners of the Bank 67,264 20,112 42 Dividend paid for the year 2014 ------(513,922) (513,922) with a resolution of the Board of Directors on 27 February 2017. Non-controlling interest 337 177 60 40 50 Charity reserve movement - - - - (2,197) - - (2,197) 67,601 20,289 30 Net movement in properties fair 40 value reserve on the sale of The consolidated statement of financial position, consolidated statement of profit or loss, consolidated 30 20 investment in real estate - - - (89,362) - - - (89,362) Ali Ahmed Al Baghli Saud Kanoo statement of other comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated 20 Net profit for the year ------618,291 618,291 Chairman Vice Chairman 10 Transferred to statutory reserve - - 61,829 - - - (61,829) - statement of cash flows and segmental information have been extracted from the consolidated 10 - 0 financial statements of BBK B.S.C. for the year ended 31 December 2016 which were audited by Ernst 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 At 31 December 2015 24,042,900 (1,202,145) 1,211,983 989,463 97 - 2,331,141 27,373,439 & Young who expressed an unqualified opinion on 19 February 2017. Dividend paid for the year 2015 ------(1,142,038) (1,142,038) All financial statements can be viewed on our website: Charity reserve movement - - - - (97) - - (97) Murad Ali Murad Aref Saleh Khamis Reyadh Yousif Sater Foreign currency translation loss - - - - - (1,127,635) - (1,127,635) Reef Real Estate Finance Co. B.S.C. (c) Above information available on Audited by Ernst & Young Net profit for the year ------1,205,406 1,205,406 Chairman Deputy Chairman Chief Executive Transferred to statutory reserve - - 120,541 - - - (120,541) - Tel: (+973) 17558080, Fax: (+973) 17556333, P.O. Box: 18599,Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain as a conventional retail bank At 31 December 2016 24,042,900 (1,202,145) 1,332,524 989,463 - (1,127,635) 2,273,968 26,309,075 Licensed as an Islamic Financing Company by the Central Bank of Bahrain

4766-BBK Q4-2016-Financials Ads-DT-FP-32x26cm-V7-Final.indd 1 2/27/17 4:52 PM 6 Tuesday, February 28, 2017

someone is morally repugnant. We all have our areas of strength and abnormality. weaknesses. Nobody is a perfect specimen of humanity. One may So far from being a good sign, arrogance and conceit point toward Heart of possess more of wealth, academic acumen or prestige on account a deeper psychological malaise that needs addressing. It is therefore of various factors like circumstances, natural talent, availability of important that we teach our children early that there is a difference opportunity and so on, but at the basic level we are the same piece between healthy self-esteem and a superiority complex. While the the Matter of hardware and software! Taking the analogy further two Mac former will put us on the path of happiness and prosperity the latter Lamees Alhassar computers with exactly the same configuration could be used both will ultimately lead to strife and unhappiness. for watching movies and carrying out research on Quantum Physics. It is particularly important that children be taught while they That does not imply that the latter computer is superior to the other are impressionable because one’s attitudes harden it becomes very one. So the next time you talk to someone in a subservient position to difficult to reverse those. Children with their developing minds and you like an employee or even your own children, don’t talk down to attitudes often end up either as bullies or the bullied, because of the e are always advised to have a healthy self-esteem and rightly them. Treat them with the respect due to a fellow human being. They kind of inputs they receive from society around them. They may so for that lets us live life with confidence and self-assurance. will adore you for it. The medical profession has long held a tradition even learn racist and misogynist attitudes. It is therefore important AW person with self-esteem will likely do well in the important aspects of treating doctors as being those exalted human beings who are in that they be taught to stay clear of getting caught up in that sort of of life like career and relationships. However as the old adage goes the enviable position of healing people and saving lives. thing so early in their life and develop a healthy and open attitude there can always be too much of a good thing, and one should always This often resulted in an unequal relationship where doctors were toward life. In today’s highly competitive world, where people are be careful that one’s sense of self -esteem does not lead us to consider the benefactors and the poor paying patients were the recipients of forever engaged in competing with each other to get ahead, they ourselves superiors to the others. their largesse. Ironically, if anything the relationship should be the often turn into highly unhappy and dysfunctional people. In order This can make the same people who once admired us and looked other way round. The patients are customers paying for a service for them to break out of that situation, psychologists advice that they up to us, view us with hostility and suspicion. We see a live example and the doctors better give an account of themselves. But such was try and inculcate values like gratitude and empathy so that they get of this in how relationships between siblings sometimes deteriorate the arrogance ingrained in the very psyche of doctors that they back to being the way human beings are supposed to be-emotionally over time. Born to the same parents they in most cases grow quite would sometimes not even bother to take the right inputs from the and physical healthy. When you stop creating walls of distrust around close growing up together and more often than not watch out for each patients they were treating leading to far from satisfactory treatment yourself and step out of your ivory tower of superiority and cultivated other. However with time, it often happens that one sibling is more outcomes. This fact has been well recognized by medical schools arrogance, you will discover that life can be a profoundly beautiful successful in making friends, rising in one’s career, making money around the world, and medical students these days are taught patient experience indeed. and so on. communication as part of their academic curriculum. Why should anyone deny themselves the wonderful experience In the beginning the other sibling will not grudge his or her own Inculcating the ability to have healthy self-esteem, as opposed to that life truly is by shutting people out because of one’s perceived flesh and blood the success they are having, but if they detect a change arrogance and a feeling of superiority over the others is not only sense of superiority? One is of course not by any stretch of the in the attitude of that person, and see conceit and disdain in place desirable, but necessary in order for all of us to live in harmony imagination suggesting that one become very docile and withdraw of love and affection, their own love and regard for that person can and peace with each other. The very basis of human conflict is the into a shell, Be as confident as you ever were, but do extend the same easily sour. If this is how fragile one’s relationship with one’s own propensity of individuals and groups of people imagining that they courtesy to the others and don’t treat them with utter disdain. Strive blood relatives can be, one can well imagine how susceptible our are better and superior than the ‘others.’ That this need not be so for that perfect equilibrium between your sense of self-worth and that relationships with those around us are to any trace of haughtiness or and is harmful to society is borne out by psychology which while of the others and you will witness a million flowers bloom. superiority that we might display towards them. maintaining that it is beneficial to have a healthy ego, also holds (The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily Come to think of it, the very notion that we may be superior to that a vastly exaggerated sense of one’s own importance is a sign of reflect the policy or position of this newspaper.)

The Benefit Company BSC (C)

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY as at 31 December 2016 AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME for the year ended 31 December 2016 Bahraini dinars Bahraini dinars for the year ended 31 December 2016 Bahraini dinars 2016 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company Non controlling Total equity 2016 2015 Share capital Statutory Retained Total 2016 2015 reserve earnings Interest Assets At 1 January 2016 3,110,400 1,586,838 11,336,009 16,033,247 336,326 16,369,573 Furniture and equipment 916,072 1,149,256 REVENUE System software 1,316,182 1,079,117 Switch 5,223,925 4,492,358 Profit and total comprehensive Capital work in progress 34,800 56,551 CRB 1,004,783 1,029,420 income for the year - - 3,651,498 3,651,498 117,166 3,768,664 Bonus shares issued ------BCTS 604,155 619,745 Dividend declared for 2015 - - (1,866,240) (1,866,240) - (1,866,240) Total non-current assets 2,267,054 2,284,924 EFTS 426,779 28,213 Transfer to statutory reserve - 12,195 (12,195) - - - Card services 980,665 948,913 At 31 December 2016 3,110,400 1,599,033 13,109,072 17,818,505 453,492 18,271,997 Cash and bank balances 3,435,414 4,138,215

Balance with Central Bank of Bahrain 2,964,885 2,503,206 2015 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company Non 7,118,649 Balance with other central banks 1,066,020 1,273,103 Total operating revenue 8,240,307 Share capital Statutory Retained Total controlling Total equity Deposits with banks 4,142,645 6,677,641 reserve earnings Interest Treasury Bills 4,874,224 - Staff cost 1,995,844 1,784,368 At 1 January 2015 2,592,000 1,313,589 9,695,590 13,601,179 201,344 13,802,523 Trade receivables 347,652 380,305 Cost of card services 315,334 349,007 Profit and total comprehensive Prepaid expenses and other receivables 108,121 108,483 Cost of other services 781,979 691,900 income for the year - - 3,080,068 3,080,068 134,982 3,215,050

Depreciation and amortisation 847,164 490,157 Bonus shares issued 518,400 - (518,400) - - - Total current assets 16,938,961 15,080,953 Dividend declared for 2014 - - (648,000) (648,000) - (648,000) Other operating expenses 676,798 712,253 Transfer to statutory reserve - 273,249 (273,249) - - - Total assets 19,206,015 17,365,877 At 31 December 2015 3,110,400 1,586,838 11,336,009 16,033,247 336,326 16,369,573 Equity and liabilities Total operating costs 4,617,119 4,027,685 Share capital 3,110,400 3,110,400 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Statutory reserve 1,599,033 1,586,838 Operating profit 3,623,188 3,090,964 for the year ended 31 December 2016 Bahraini dinars Retained earnings 13,109,072 11,336,009 Interest income 145,476 124,086 2016 2015 Total equity attributable to the Operating activities shareholders of the Cash received from switch operations 5,223,925 4,496,907 Parent Company 17,818,505 16,033,247 Profit for the year 3,768,664 3,215,050 Cash received from CRB operations 1,013,498 1,004,522 Non-controlling interest 453,492 336,326 Cash received from card services 945,446 890,741 Cash received from BCTS operations 614,131 613,726 Other comprehensive Total equity 18,271,997 16,369,573 Cash Received from EFTS operations 442,149 - income for the year - - Payments for operating expenses (3,678,068) (3,528,772)

Liabilities Payment for directors’ remuneration (120,000) (84,000) Provision for employees’ leaving Total comprehensive income Net cash generated from operating activities 4,441,081 3,393,124 indemnities 102,778 121,561 for the year 3,768,664 3,215,050 Investing activities Purchase of furniture and equipment (121,616) (803,505) Total non-current liabilities 102,778 121,561 Attributable to: Purchase of software (672,879) (662,333) Payments for capital work in progress (34,800) (56,552) Trade payables and accrued expenses 776,895 819,135 - Equity holders of the Movement on deposits with banks 2,662,266 - Deferred income 54,345 55,608 parent company 3,651,498 3,080,068 Purchase of treasury bills (4,862,550) - - Non controlling interest 117,166 134,982 Interest received on current account 6,533 6,024 Total current liabilities 831,240 874,743 Net cash used in investing activities (3,023,046) (1,516,366) 3,768,664 3,215,050 17,365,877 Total equity and liabilities 19,206,015 Financing activities Dividend paid (1,866,240) (648,000) Audited by: KPMG Fakhro Net cash used in financing activities (1,866,240) (648,000) Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents (448,205) 1,228,758 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 7,914,524 6,685,766 Abdulla Hussain Mohammed Malik Abdulwahid Janahi Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 7,466,319 7,914,524 Chairman Vice Chairman Cheif Executive Officer Cash and bank balances 3,435,414 4,138,215 Balance with Central Bank of Bahrain 2,964,885 2,503,206 Balance with other central banks 1,066,020 1,273,103 Licensed by Central Bank of Bahrain as Ancillary Service Provider. 7,466,319 7,914,524 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 MIDDLE EAST 7 Citi Islamic Investment BankBUSINESS EC STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION as at 31 December 2016 USD’000 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-15 ASSETS (audited) (audited) Bank balances 424 304 Murabaha receivables 12,815 13,707 Other assets 45 65 Iraq forces Total assets 13,284 14,076


31-Dec-16 31-Dec-15 Payables and other accrued expenses 482 339

Total liabilities 482 339 retake key EQUITY

Share capital 10,000 10,000 Statutory reserve 3,195 3,195 Retained earnings (393) 542

Total equity 12,802 13,737 MosulSouth of mosul Brigadier Generalbridge Yahya connection of the western Total liabilities and equity 13,284 14,076 raqi forces battling the Rasool said. side’s active front lines to the Islamic State group in The spokesman for the Joint already retaken east bank. INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 31 December 2016 USD’000 westI Mosul reached the Operations Command was Rasool said that the city’s southernmost bridge referring to the southernmost Rapid Response force had 2016 2015 (audited) (audited) yesterday, a key step in efforts of five bridges -- all of which now fully retaken two INCOME to defeat the jihadists in their are damaged and unusable -- neighbourhoods on the west Income from murabaha contracts 462 1,233 stronghold, a spokesman said. across the Tigris River that bank, while forces from the Fee from restricted investment accounts 135 368 Income from advisory services 94 49 The move, a little more divides the northern Iraqi elite Counter-Terrorism Other income 5 - than a week into a major push city. Service have retaken another on Mosul’s west bank, could “That means the bridge is further west. Total Income 696 1,650

allow Iraqi forces to extend under control on both sides,” “The street fighting is EXPENSES a floating bridge between said Rasool. intense, these are populated Staff Cost 531 470 the city’s two halves and pile Government forces retook neighbourhoods,” Rasool Other expenses 558 578

pressure on the jihadists. the east bank from IS a month said. “But our forces are Total expenses 1,089 1,048 “The Rapid Response ago, completing a key phase fighting deep in the west, the force and the federal police in an offensive on Mosul that enemy is broken.” (Loss) / Profit for the year (393) 602 have liberated Jawsaq began on October 17 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY neighbourhood and now and has involved Desert advance for the year ended 31 December 2016 USD’000 control the western end tens of thousands Iraq forces were also retaking 2016 (audited) Share Capital Statutory Retained Total of the fourth bridge,” of fighters. desert territory southwest of Reserves earnings Engineering the city in order to further As at 1 January 2016 10,000 3,195 542 13,737 units will cut off Mosul from IS-held Losst for the year - - (393) (393) Total recognised income and expense for the year - - (393) (393) be expected territory in Syria. Dividends paid - - (542) (542) to deploy “In general, all the As at 31 December 10,000 3,195 (393) 12,802 a so-called troops are moving forward “ribbon bridge” as planned and doing so 2015 (audited) Share Capital Statutory Retained Total across the rapidly,” Staff Lieutenant Reserves earnings Tigris General Abdelamir Yarallah As at 1 January 2015 10,000 3,135 790 13,925 Profit for the year - - 602 602 that told from Talul al-Atshana, Total recognised income and expense for the year - - 602 602 will the highest point in the Dividends paid - - (790) (790) allow Nineveh province, of which Transfer to statutory reserve - 60 (60) - the Mosul is the capital. As at 31 December 10,000 3,195 542 13,737 Nearly a month after STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS wresting back full control of for the year ended 31 December 2016 the city’s east bank from the jihadists, Iraqi forces launched 2016 2015 A member of the Iraqi forces flahes the V-sign as troops (audited) (audited) a fresh push on the western OPERATING ACTIVITIES advance through Mosul’s Jawasaq neighbourhood side, which is a little smaller Receipt of advisory income 482 1,391 Iraqi forces reach key Mosul bridge Receipts of income from murabaha contracts 94 49 Iraqi forces claim to have taken control of the western side of a bridge but very densely populated. Receipts of income from restricted investment accounts 135 368 that would link the government-held eastern bank with the ongoing They made quick initial Payment to employees and suppliers (832) (890) offensive against remaining Islamic State militants in the west gains, blitzing through the Management fees paid (114) (97) last open areas south of the Net Cash (used in) / from operating activities (235) 821 city limits, facing limited City limits Mosul INVESTING ACTIVITIES resistance from IS as they Proceeds from sale of equipment 5 - retook the airport and a IRAQ Cash flows from investing activities 5 - T i g r i s nearby military base. IS fighters have hunkered FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividends paid (542) (790) MOSUL down deep inside the city, and while Iraqi forces are still Net Cash flows used in financing activities (542) (790) ISLAMIC All five bridges spanning advancing steadily, the battle STATE Tigris destroyed by Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (772) 31 CONTROL is expected to get tougher the coalition airstrikes Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 14,011 13,980 farther they venture towards Old city the centre. Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 13,239 14,011 IRAQI FORCES Some of its streets are Great CONTROL Cash and cash equivalents comprise: Mosque too narrow for military Bank balances 424 304 Murabaha receivables 12,815 13707 vehicles and will oblige Iraqi forces to undertake perilous Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 13,239 14,011 dismounted operations. The financials statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 27 February 2017 What the jihadists still hold Military of Mosul is their last major Atiq-Ur Rehman Usman Ahmed Aid agencies base urban bastion in Iraq, and its Chairman Chief executive officer estimate there Monday: Troops reach are around 750,000 foot of Fourth Bridge – recapture would crown more The published figures have been extracted from the financial statements audited by KPMG, who civilians trapped in army engineers plan to than two years of a bloody expressed an unqualified audit opinion on 27 February 2017 western Mosul Mosul restore it to bring in counter-offensive to retake Licensed by CBB as an Islamic Wholesale Bank 2km airport reinforcements and supplies from east the third of the country it lost 1.25 miles to IS in 2014.(AFP) Sources: Institute for the Study of War, Wire agencies Picture: Google Earth © GRAPHIC NEWS Citi Islamic Investment Bank EC 8 BUSINESS Tuesday, February 28, 2017 LuLu-Phils opens first 24-hr branch Manama Region, LuLu International the new branch, the exchange uLu-Phils International Exchange LLC, Sunil Kumar, house currently has three Exchange, Inc. a wholly GM, LuLu-Phils International branches in the Philippines licensedL subsidiary of UAE- Exchange, Inc., dignitaries and including at Robinsons Place based LuLu International other senior management. Mall in Las Pinas City and Exchange LLC, yesterday Speaking on the sidelines Ermita in Manila. commenced operation of its of the inaugural function, “We are proud to add a third branch in the Philippines Adeeb Ahamed, who is also new branch to our network. and first 24-hr outlet offering the Executive Director of LuLu The credit for LuLu-Phils forex services at Terminal 1 International Exchange BSC International Exchange’s of Ninoy Aquino International (C) said, “Philippines is one of growth and success over Airport in Manila. The the fastest growing economies the years in the country is new branch is also LuLu and one of the most sought after attributed to its relentless International Exchange’s 136th destinations by tourists. The pursuit of excellent customer global branch. need for financial services are service and customer The branch was inaugurated also growing at an incredible satisfaction. Our priority by Adeeb Ahamed, President pace. Recognising the potential has always been to provide and Chairman of the board and need for those services, convenience to our customers of LuLu-Phils International we are proud to open our first and the new branch opening is Exchange, Inc. in the airport branch in Manila.” yet another significant step in presence of Dante B Basanta, LuLu-Phils. International expanding our coverage,” said Terminal Manager, Ninoy Exchange, Inc. headquartered Surendran Ammittathoday, Aquino International Airport, in Manila, Philippines began Vice President – Asia Pacific Adeeb Ahamed, Executive Director, LuLu International Exchange (C) inaugurating the 24-hr Surendran Amittathody, its commercial operations in Region, Lulu International branch of LuLu-Phils International Exchange at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila, Vice President – Asia Pacific May 2014. With the opening of Exchange LLC. Philippines

Invitation to the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders. All forclear

The Board of Directors of Bahrain Family Leisure Company B.S.C. cordially invites the shareholders to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held on Wednesday 15th March 2017 at 12.00 Shiraa Meeting Room at the Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain. In case the quorum was not reached on this first meeting, the second meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd March 2017, at the same venue and BHB’s board approves establishment of Bahrain Clear time to discuss the below agenda and to take appropriate decisions. Manama A. Agenda of AGM he Board of Directors of 1. Reading out the previous AGM minutes held on 21st March 2016 and Bahrain Bourse (BHB) issuedT a resolution to establish

approving it. Bahrain Clear Company with 2. Discussing the Chairman’s report about the group business for the year an issued capital of BD5 million ended 31st December 2016 and approving it. and paid-up capital of BD1m. 3. Listening to the auditor’s report on the Company’s financial position for Bahrain Clear will provide the financial year ending 31st December 2016. services in the areas of settlement, depository of 4. Consider and approve the Company’s financial statements for the year securities, custodians, and st ended 31 December 2016. other services to companies, 5. Appropriate the Net Profit for the year ended 31st December, 2016 upon investors, and other related the recommendation of the Board of Directors as follows: parties. a) Transfer of BD 15,563/- to Statutory Reserve. The board also nominated the members and executive b) Transfer of BD 140,068/- to Retained Earnings. management of the company. 6. To discuss company’s compliance with the Corporate Governance The decision was taken Guidelines and the Central Bank of Bahrain’s requirements. during the second meeting Abdulkareem Ahmed Bucheeri Sh Khalifa bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa 7. Discharge the members of the Board of Directors from their liabilities for for the year 2017 held on the latest developments at supervisory authorities in the financial year ending 31st December 2016. 22nd February 2017 chaired Bahrain Bourse, where the aspects related to listing, by Abdulkareem Ahmed strategic review of BHB’s disclosure, and investors’ 8. Appointment/Reappointment of external auditors for the year ending Bucheeri, Chairman of the operational plan for 2016 protection as well as the st 31 December 2017 and authorize the Board of Directors to determine Bourse. was presented by the Chief obligations of issuers of their remuneration. During the meeting, the Executive Officer of the Bourse, securities. 9. New matters that may arise as per Article 207 of the Commercial board also approved BHB’s Shaikh Khalifa bin Ebrahim BHB’s strategic plan for Companies’ Law. financial results for the year Al-Khalifa. 2016-2020 was briefed on ended 31 December 2016 as Furthermore, the board the occasion by the Chief well as the recommendation to approved the Listing Rules Executive Officer of the Bourse, Abdul Latif Khalid Al Aujan the shareholder to re-appoint in order to enhance the role Shaikh Khalifa bin Ebrahim Chairman of the Board the Auditor. of BHB as a Self-Regulatory Al-Khalifa, as the board agreed Discussions focused on the Organization (SRO) by to focus on key actions that go topics on the agenda including expanding its legislative and in line with BHB’s vision.

8 BUSINESS Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 BUSINESS 9 BUSINESS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME As at 31 December 2016 Bahraini Dinars 000’s For the year ended 31 December 2016 Bahraini Dinars 000’s 2016 2015 2016 2015 LuLu-Phils opens first 24-hr branch ASSETS Interest income 6,464 4,926 Manama Region, LuLu International the new branch, the exchange Cash and balances with the Central Bank of Bahrain 4,191 4,295 Interest expense (2,454) (1,754) Due from financial institutions 6,776 7,134 uLu-Phils International Exchange LLC, Sunil Kumar, house currently has three Due from other entities of the Head Office 10,521 3,970 Net interest income 4,010 3,172 Exchange, Inc. a wholly GM, LuLu-Phils International branches in the Philippines Available-for-sale investment securities 44,882 39,911 L Held-to-maturity securities 8,876 7,574 Fee and commission income 606 584 licensed subsidiary of UAE- Exchange, Inc., dignitaries and including at Robinsons Place Loans and advances to banks 2,016 15,155 Gain on foreign exchange 207 162 based LuLu International other senior management. Mall in Las Pinas City and Other operating income 169 515 BBK posts Loans and advances to customers 72,729 55,482 Exchange LLC, yesterday Speaking on the sidelines Ermita in Manila. Property and equipment 255 227 Net operating income 4,992 4,433 commenced operation of its of the inaugural function, “We are proud to add a Other assets 1,508 1,268 Staff expenses 1,208 1,122 third branch in the Philippines Adeeb Ahamed, who is also new branch to our network. Total Assets 151,754 135,016 Premises expenses 269 266 and first 24-hr outlet offering the Executive Director of LuLu The credit for LuLu-Phils Depreciation 76 70 LIABILITIES AND HEAD OFFICE FUNDS Other operating expenses 736 675 forex services at Terminal 1 International Exchange BSC International Exchange’s of Ninoy Aquino International (C) said, “Philippines is one of growth and success over Liabilities Total operating expenses 2,289 2,133 Customer deposits 114,545 90,618 Airport in Manila. The the fastest growing economies the years in the country is Due to financial institutions 20,000 20,790 Profit before provisions for impairment 2,703 2,300 new branch is also LuLu and one of the most sought after attributed to its relentless Due to other entities of the Head Office 16 7,569 BD56.4m Other liabilities 2,329 3,516 (Provision) / Reversal for impairment of loans and advances – net (4) 1 International Exchange’s 136th destinations by tourists. The pursuit of excellent customer global branch. need for financial services are service and customer Total Liabilities 136,890 122,493 Profit for the year 2,699 2,301 The branch was inaugurated also growing at an incredible satisfaction. Our priority Head Office Funds Other Comprehensive Income by Adeeb Ahamed, President pace. Recognising the potential has always been to provide Capital 2,300 2,300 Items that are or may be reclassified in subsequent and Chairman of the board and need for those services, convenience to our customers Unremitted profit due to Head Office 10,725 10,420 periods to profit or loss: Fair value reserve 1,839 (197) Net change in fair value of available-for-sale investments 2,036 (160) of LuLu-Phils International we are proud to open our first and the new branch opening is Exchange, Inc. in the airport branch in Manila.” yet another significant step in Total Head Office Funds 14,864 12,523 Transfer to profit or loss on disposal - (323) presence of Dante B Basanta, LuLu-Phils. International expanding our coverage,” said net profit TOTAL LIABILITIES AND HEAD OFFICE FUNDS 151,754 135,016 Total comprehensive income 4,735 1,818 Terminal Manager, Ninoy Exchange, Inc. headquartered Surendran Ammittathoday, Manama Aquino International Airport, in Manila, Philippines began Vice President – Asia Pacific BK yesterday announced Adeeb Ahamed, Executive Director, LuLu International Exchange (C) inaugurating the 24-hr Surendran Amittathody, its commercial operations in Region, Lulu International Ba net profit of BD56.4 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS branch of LuLu-Phils International Exchange at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila, Vice President – Asia Pacific May 2014. With the opening of Exchange LLC. million attributable to owners For the year ended 31 December 2016 Bahraini Dinars 000’s Philippines for the financial year ended 2016 2015 31st December 2016, 6.0 Cash flow from operating activities per cent higher compared Profit for the year 2,699 2,301 Adjustment for: to the previous year (2015: Depreciation 76 70 Gain on disposal of investments - (271) BD53.2m); with earnings of Gain on disposal of property and equipment - - 49 fils per share (2015: 50 fils Dividend income (19) (7) Provision for impairment of loans and advances 4 (1) per share). The board also Amortization/discount on investments 198 161 Provision for employees’ end of service benefits 32 52 recommended distribution of 30 fils cash dividend per Profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities 2,990 2,305

share. Working capital adjustments: Operating revenues Balance with central bank (mandatory reserve) 700 (189) Due from other entities of the Head Office 3,770 (3,770) increased by 10.2pc to Loans and advances to banks 13,139 2,340 Loans and advances to customers (17,247) (12,902) reach BD133.5m compared Other assets (249) (335) to BD121.1m recorded Customer deposits 23,927 51 Due to financial institutions (790) 20,768 during the previous year, Due to other entities of the Head Office (7,553) 6,810 Invitation to the Annual General Assembly driven mainly by a growth Other liabilities (1,219) 2,465

Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders. All forclear of 18.1pc in net interest Net cash generated from operating activities 17,468 17,543

income to reach BD85.8m Cash flow from investing activities (2015: BD72.7m), as the bank Proceeds from disposal of investments 90 3,073 Purchase of investments (4,520) (19,584) The Board of Directors of Bahrain Family Leisure Company B.S.C. cordially invites restructured its balance sheet Dividend received 19 7 Murad Ali Murad Reyadh Sater Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment - 9 the shareholders to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held by focusing strategically on Purchase of property and equipment (104) (44) th more profitable segments income for 2016 stood at loans portfolio stood at on Wednesday 15 March 2017 at 12.00 Shiraa Meeting Room at the Gulf Hotel, Net cash used in investing activities (4,515) (16,539) such as retail, reducing BD67.3m compared to BD1,767.1m (December 2015: Kingdom of Bahrain. In case the quorum was not reached on this first meeting, the thinly priced exposures and BD20.1m for the year ended BD 1,764.8m). Customer Cash flow from financing activities nd Profit remitted (2,394) (831) second meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 March 2017, at the same venue and adequately controlling the 2015, mainly due to the deposits stood at BD2,493.7m BHB’s board approves establishment of Bahrain Clear Net cash used in financing activity (2,394) (831) time to discuss the below agenda and to take appropriate decisions. cost of funding. In addition, significant improvement compared to BD2,642.9m as Manama strong performance by the in fair value of investment of end of December 2015, Increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the year 10,559 173

A. Agenda of AGM he Board of Directors of bank’s strategic investments securities. with a very comfortable loans Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 8,175 8,002 contributed to the growth For the three months to customer deposits ratio 1. Reading out the previous AGM minutes held on 21st March 2016 and Bahrain Bourse (BHB) Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year 18,734 8,175 issuedT a resolution to establish in operating revenues as the ended 31st December 2016, of 70.9pc (December 2015: approving it. Bahrain Clear Company with bank’s share of profits of BBK reported a net profit 66.8pc). STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN HEAD OFFICE FUNDS 2. Discussing the Chairman’s report about the group business for the year an issued capital of BD5 million associated companies and of BD13.2m, compared to BBK successfully issued For the year ended 31 December 2016 Bahraini Dinars 000’s ended 31st December 2016 and approving it. and paid-up capital of BD1m. joint ventures increased by BD13.0m recorded during its award winning perpetual 29.7pc from BD4.2m reported the corresponding period Tier 1 capital securities, 2016 Unremitted Fair value 3. Listening to the auditor’s report on the Company’s financial position for Bahrain Clear will provide Capital profits reserve Total in 2015 to BD5.5m for the year of 2015. Total revenues for increasing the bank’s capital the financial year ending 31st December 2016. services in the areas of As at 1 January 2016 2,300 10,420 (197) 12,523 settlement, depository of ended 2016. Other income the prior-mentioned period by BD86.1m. As a result 4. Consider and approve the Company’s financial statements for the year Profit for the year - 2,699 - 2,699 securities, custodians, and (fees and commission, foreign amounted to BD32.6m of this issuance, and the ended 31st December 2016. exchange and investment (2015: BD31.7m), while total growth in profits during Other comprehensive income other services to companies, Net change in fair value of available-for-sale investments - - 2,036 2,036 5. Appropriate the Net Profit for the year ended 31st December, 2016 upon investors, and other related income) for the year 2016 operating expenses stood at the year, the bank’s equity Transfer to profit or loss on disposal - - - - amounted to BD42.2m (2015: BD14.7m (2015: BD13.4m). attributable to shareholders the recommendation of the Board of Directors as follows: parties. Total other comprehensive income - - 2,036 2,036 BD44.2m). The net provision as of end of December 2016 a) Transfer of BD 15,563/- to Statutory Reserve. The board also nominated Total comprehensive income for the year - 2,699 2,036 4,735 the members and executive Operating expenses requirements for the final stood at BD472.4m, 31.5pc b) Transfer of BD 140,068/- to Retained Earnings. Transfers to head office - (2,394) - (2,394) management of the company. increased moderately by quarter of 2016 amounted higher, which reduced the 6. To discuss company’s compliance with the Corporate Governance The decision was taken 6.6pc for the year ended 31st to BD4.2m (2015: BD5.2m). need for liability financing At 31 December 2016 2,300 10,725 1,839 14,864 Guidelines and the Central Bank of Bahrain’s requirements. during the second meeting Abdulkareem Ahmed Bucheeri Sh Khalifa bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa December 2016. Nevertheless, Commenting on the and reflected positively the cost-to-income ratio results, Chief Executive, on the capital adequacy 2015 Unremitted Fair value 7. Discharge the members of the Board of Directors from their liabilities for for the year 2017 held on the latest developments at supervisory authorities in Capital profits reserve Total st 22nd February 2017 chaired Bahrain Bourse, where the aspects related to listing, improved to 39.8pc compared Reyadh Sater said, “BBK ratio which remained the financial year ending 31 December 2016. As at 1 January 2015 2,300 8,950 286 11,536 by Abdulkareem Ahmed strategic review of BHB’s disclosure, and investors’ to 41.1pc as of 2015. was once again able to break well above the regulatory 8. Appointment/Reappointment of external auditors for the year ending Bucheeri, Chairman of the operational plan for 2016 protection as well as the The bank has decided to previous record profits, requirements. Profit for the year - 2,301 - 2,301 st 31 December 2017 and authorize the Board of Directors to determine Bourse. was presented by the Chief obligations of issuers of early adopt IFRS 9 following and vigorously pursue and During the same meeting, Other comprehensive income Net change in fair value of available-for-sale investments - - (160) (160) their remuneration. During the meeting, the Executive Officer of the Bourse, securities. the approval received from achieve a notable progress the board discussed other Transfer to profit or loss on disposal - - (323) (323) the Central Bank of Bahrain with the implementation of important issues on its 9. New matters that may arise as per Article 207 of the Commercial board also approved BHB’s Shaikh Khalifa bin Ebrahim BHB’s strategic plan for (“CBB”) replacing IAS 39. its new strategy.” agenda such as the Corporate Total other comprehensive income - - (483) (483) Companies’ Law. financial results for the year Al-Khalifa. 2016-2020 was briefed on ended 31 December 2016 as Furthermore, the board the occasion by the Chief This has resulted in higher BBK’s balance sheet stood Governance Report, the Total comprehensive income for the year - 2,301 (483) 1,818 net provision charges of at BD3,702.6m as of end of Board recommendations on Transfers to head office - (831) - (831) well as the recommendation to approved the Listing Rules Executive Officer of the Bourse, Abdul Latif Khalid Al Aujan the shareholder to re-appoint in order to enhance the role Shaikh Khalifa bin Ebrahim BD22.6m, compared to December 2016 compared the different appropriations At 31 December 2015 2,300 10,420 (197) 12,523 Chairman of the Board the Auditor. of BHB as a Self-Regulatory Al-Khalifa, as the board agreed BD19.5m during 2015. to BD3,646.4m as of end and the Donations budget for Discussions focused on the Organization (SRO) by to focus on key actions that go Total comprehensive of December 2015. The the year 2017. Audited by KPMG Fakhro topics on the agenda including expanding its legislative and in line with BHB’s vision. 10 BUSINESS Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 BUSINESS 11 GCC Financial Almoayyed goes Forum begins Manama joined the opening panel of the he GCC Financial Forum, day, alongside Farouk Soussa, co-hosted by Euromoney Middle East Chief Economist ConferencesT and the Bahrain for Citi. The second panel of Economic Development Board the morning, which featured (EDB) began yesterday at the Elyas Algaseer, Head of MENA Four Seasons Hotel, Bahrain. Corporate Banking at The More than 800 leading financial Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, and Participants during a photocall experts, government officials, Hasan Al Jabri, Chief Executive business leaders and members Officer of SEDCO Capital, Manama greenDT News Network energy, will meet the entire of the media attended the event focused on defining the GCC he Bahrain based Islamic banking group, Al Manama AIG compound’s lighting from across the region. financing challenge. Panellists TBaraka Banking Group (ABG) organised a lmoayyed International requirements, the company David Pritchard, Non- discussed how financial specialised diploma programme in AML / CFT AGroup (AIG) announced said in a statement. Executive Director of institutions can help to drive in collaboration with the Union of Arab Banks it has installed a 20KWh AIG said it will showcase Euromoney Institutional economic development and and the Beirut Arab University last week. Solar Energy Systems at its the pilot project to its clients Investor gave the welcome corporate growth in the region The programme, held at the Group’s headquarters in Ma’ameer over the coming months address on behalf of and addressed the potential for ABG holds headquarters in Bahrain Bay, continued for as part of the company’s and will hold an awareness The solar energy systems at Almoayyed Euromoney. The opening further integration of the GCC three days from 21 till 23 February 2017, and was “Go-Green” initiatives. roadshow for solar and remarks were followed by a financial markets on the global lectured by specialists and experts bankers. 21 The move, according to renewable energy options that with LED lights, the group has customers and 24/7 service. keynote interview with Khalid stage. staff from various units of the Group participated one of the leading family it offers within its portfolio of reduced its lighting load to “We are delighted to add Al Rumaihi, Chief Executive of Hisham Al Rayes, Group in the programme. The executive management owned business groups in services. half and the initial investment a cost-effective and low- the EDB. Chief Executive Officer of GFH of the Group led by Adnan Ahmed Yousif, the Kingdom, is part of its The solar panels are for the solar system will be maintenance solar solution The forum audience then said: “The Forum provides a Member of the Board and President & Chief “Power Strategy”, which is expected to produce 35921 recovered in six years’ time to our businesses that can heard from two international great opportunity for the specialised a four-year plan to reduce KWh per year of the average period. help address Bahrain’s energy speakers: Francis Fukuyama, financial community in the Executive of Al Baraka Banking Group was also COUNTRY/CURRENCIES BUY SELL participated in the opening of the programme. reliance on the conventional lighting energy consumed Almoayyed Trading & and water challenges. I am Political Commentator, GCC to come together for open The programme included a presentation of power grid and utilize the by AIG’s operations. AIG Contracting (ATC), an confident that the solar Futurist and Author, and Lord and honest debate and to tackle AUSTRALIA 0.2971 0.2947 core subjects in the field of combating money abundance of solar power. added that the solar system engineering division of AIG, system will help organisations Adair Turner, Chairman of the the key challenges that we face BANGLADESH 0.00506 0.00475 The 20KWh solar grid implemented avoids 25.0 commissioned the 20KWh improve their performance, Institute for New Economic in the region.” CANADA 0.2945 0.2914 laundering and terrorist financing, such AML DENMARK 0.0569 / CFT laws, KYC law, diligence due customer, power generating system, tons of CO2 per annum, an solar panel. ATC’s technical eliminate electricity costs Thinking, who provided some Day one also featured a EGYPT 0.0361 0.0219 Diploma in compliance, role of compliance officer, FATF which is also the first phase initiative to reduce carbon team is well equipped with the and boost competitiveness”, global contextualisation to the ‘town-hall’ interview with EURO 0.4059 0.4038 Recommendations, Basel Recommendations, of company’s long planned footprint. entire necessary infrastructure said Mohammed Almoayyed, discussions which followed. Rasheed Al Maraj, Governor, HONGKONG 0.04983 0.04943 risk based approach, governance, procedures initiatives for sustainable After installing solar panels to provide timely assistance to Chairman of AIG. Both keynote speakers also Central Bank of Bahrain. INDIA 0.00582 0.00577 and policies, international sanctions, de-risking, INDONESIA 0.00002997 0.00002894 financial crimes caused by ePayments, current IRAN TUMAN 0.00010959 challenges in international situation and other IRAQI DINAR 0.000294 topics. (c) JAPAN 0.003520 0.003450 BMI Bank B.S.C. AML/CFT Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 JORDAN 0.5346 0.5351 KOREA 0.00038401 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF INCOME STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME KUWAIT 1.2580 1.242 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 MALAYSIA 0.087500 0.0873 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 NEW ZEALAND 0.2767 0.2744 ASSETS Income from financing contracts 15,286 13,921 NORWAY 0.0473 NET (LOSS) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (2,461) 7,468 Cash and balances with Banks and the Central Income from Sukuk 642 1,824 NEPAL 0.00387 0.00353 42,957 Bank 125,363 Gain on sale of investments and Sukuk - 2,505 OMAN 0.97962 0.98262 Sovereign Sukuk 9,309 31,450 Other comprehensive income (loss) to be reclassified Murabaha receivables from banks 36,852 9,419 Interest income on loans and advances under to statement of income in subsequent periods: 0.00365 0.00360 conversion - 4,584 PHILIPPINES 0.00777 0.00753 Corporate Sukuk 323 11,804 Unrealized gain reclassified to statement of income on Loans and advances under conversion 23,090 32,759 Interest income on non-trading investments - 3,186 disposal of available-for-sale investments 363 (2,017) QATAR 0.10381 0.10376 Murabaha financing 92,429 100,000 Less: (7) SAUDI ARABIA 0.10061 0.26810 Mudaraba financing 83,427 84,521 Profit paid on Murabaha & Wakala Unrealised loss on available-for-sale investments (363) Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 55,718 61,982 payables to banks (618) (190) Exchange difference on translation of investment in an SINGAPORE 0.2730 0.2710 Musharaka 567 575 Profit paid on Wakala payables to associate 4 (267) SOUTH AFRICA 0.03120 0.03110 Non-trading investments 2,017 2,017 non-banks (2,641) (7,151) SRI LANKA 0.00277 0.00249 CFA Bahrain Research Challenge 2016-2017 Investment in an associate 3,030 2,469 Profit relating to equity of investment Net other comprehensive income (loss) for the year to SWEDISH 0.0451 . Investment in joint venture - 632 accountholders (39) (38) be reclassified to statement of income in subsequent Premises and equipment 1,967 3,500 periods 360 (2,647) SWITZERLAND 0.3826 0.3801 Other assets 5,774 2,751 12,630 18,641 Dividend income 341 6 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE (LOSS) INCOME FOR THE SYRIA 0.001740 0.0123 YEAR (2,101) 4,821 TAIWAN 0.012800 TOTAL ASSETS 357,460 469,242 Fees, commission and other income - net 3,456 3,637 THAILAND 0.010990 0.010990 BIBF wins 2017 CFA LIABILITIES, EQUITY OF INVESTMENT Foreign exchange gains 525 629 TURKEY 0.1105 ACCOUNTHOLDERS AND OWNERS’ EQUITY TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 16,952 22,913 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS UNITED KINGDOM 0.4796 0.4766 LIABILITIES Staff cost 4,663 5,557 2016 2015 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0.102800 0.102810 research challenge Murabaha and Wakala payables to banks 46,058 91,634 Premises and equipment cost 1,165 1,700 BD ’000 BD ’000 Wakala payables to non-banks 98,796 161,689 OF AMERICA 0.37800 0.37805 Depreciation 1,840 2,056 YUAN 0.058500 0.0585 Manama The winning team will President of CFA Society Current accounts 105,566 104,649 Net cash used in operating activities (84,497) (61,793) ahrain Institute of Banking compete in the regional final Bahrain said: “Participation Other liabilities 15,078 15,455 Other operating expenses 3,216 3,485 Net cash from investing activities 33,292 89,089 Rates are for indication purpose only. For firm rates or for currencies not listed above please TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 10,884 12,798 Net cash used in financing activities (1,752) (734) call Bahrain Financing Company. Telephone: 17228888, Website: & Finance (BIBF) was in Prague, Czech Republic in the research challenge is TOTAL LIABILITIES 265,498 373,427 announcedB the winner of the between 26-29 April 2017. a fantastic opportunity for (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUITY OF INVESTMENT ACCOUNTHOLDERS 28,067 29,819 Net profit before provisions and results of an EQUIVALENTS (52,957) 26,562 2016-17 CFA Institute Research The successful team will then aspiring financial analysts to TOTAL LIABILITIES INCLUDING EQUITY OF associate and joint venture 6,068 10,115 Challenge in Bahrain, beating compete in the Global Final in learn from leading industry INVESTMENT ACCOUNTHOLDERS 293,565 403,246 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 127,429 100,867 other universities in a close the same location. experts and compete with peers Share of profit (loss) from an associate and joint CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE OWNERS’ EQUITY venture 563 (78) YEAR 74,472 127,429 competition hosted by CFA The competition featured from the world’s top schools.” Share capital 58,530 58,530 Provision for financing and investment - net (9,092) (2,569) Reserves 5,365 7,466 Society Bahrain, the Kingdom’s five teams from Bahrain Each team was closely NET (LOSS) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (2,461) 7,468 pre-eminent association for Polytechnic University, Ahlia mentored by a professional COUNTRY 1 US DLR 1 UK STG 1 SFR 100 YEN Arabian Computer News, a TOTAL OWNERS’ EQUITY 63,895 65,996 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNERS’ EQUITY local investment professionals. University, Royal University research analyst and CFA leading technology publica- TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY OF INVESTMENT 2016 2015 BAHRAIN 0.3770 0.4699 0.3732 0.3316 The competing teams analysed for Women and two from charterholder during the initial tion, has featured Dr. Jassim ACCOUNTHOLDERS AND OWNERS’ EQUITY 357,460 469,242 BD ’000 BD ’000 KUWAIT 0.2855 32.4614 0.2826 0.2511 the financial performance of University of Bahrain. The research process. After drafting Haji on its cover page with a Balance at 1 January 65,996 61,175 Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), teams presented to a panel of the report and receiving comprehensive and detailed These statements were extracted from the financial statements, on which Ernst & Young issued an unqualified audit report and have been authorized for issue in accordance with a resolution of the OMAN 0.3849 0.3888 0.3810 0.3385 Net (loss) profit for the year (2,461) 7,468 which were then judged by judges an equity research report feedback from the designated interview. Dr. Haji, a Bahrain Board of Directors dated 26 February 2017. Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year 360 (2,647) QATAR 3.6420 3.6791 3.6052 3.2032 CFA Society Bahrain and on Alba followed by a Q&A mentor, each team writes a technology and executive, Total comprehensive (loss) income for the year (2,101) 4,821 Alba representatives based on session led by the judges. final research report which is Yousif Taqi Dr. Anwar Al Sada UAE 3.6730 3.7105 3.6359 3.2304 has been featured by vari- Balance at 31 December 63,895 65,996 accuracy, insight and thorough Congratulating the winning presented to a panel of experts ous tech magazines for more BMIBank/BH/FAD/Q3/21-02-2017 Chairman Director & CEO SAUDI 3.7500 3.7883 3.7121 3.2982 analysis. team, Mahmoud Nawar, CFA, from top financial institutions. than 15 times Licensed and regulated as a conventional Retail Bank by the Central Bank of Bahrain 17 508080 | Tuesday, February 28, 2017 BUSINESS 11 GCC Financial Almoayyed goes Forum begins Manama joined the opening panel of the he GCC Financial Forum, day, alongside Farouk Soussa, co-hosted by Euromoney Middle East Chief Economist ConferencesT and the Bahrain for Citi. The second panel of Economic Development Board the morning, which featured (EDB) began yesterday at the Elyas Algaseer, Head of MENA Four Seasons Hotel, Bahrain. Corporate Banking at The More than 800 leading financial Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, and experts, government officials, Hasan Al Jabri, Chief Executive business leaders and members Officer of SEDCO Capital, greenDT News Network energy, will meet the entire of the media attended the event focused on defining the GCC Manama AIG compound’s lighting from across the region. financing challenge. Panellists lmoayyed International requirements, the company David Pritchard, Non- discussed how financial Group (AIG) announced said in a statement. Executive Director of institutions can help to drive Ait has installed a 20KWh AIG said it will showcase Euromoney Institutional economic development and Solar Energy Systems at its the pilot project to its clients Investor gave the welcome corporate growth in the region headquarters in Ma’ameer over the coming months address on behalf of and addressed the potential for as part of the company’s and will hold an awareness The solar energy systems at Almoayyed Euromoney. The opening further integration of the GCC “Go-Green” initiatives. roadshow for solar and remarks were followed by a financial markets on the global The move, according to renewable energy options that with LED lights, the group has customers and 24/7 service. keynote interview with Khalid stage. one of the leading family it offers within its portfolio of reduced its lighting load to “We are delighted to add Al Rumaihi, Chief Executive of Hisham Al Rayes, Group owned business groups in services. half and the initial investment a cost-effective and low- the EDB. Chief Executive Officer of GFH the Kingdom, is part of its The solar panels are for the solar system will be maintenance solar solution The forum audience then said: “The Forum provides a “Power Strategy”, which is expected to produce 35921 recovered in six years’ time to our businesses that can heard from two international great opportunity for the a four-year plan to reduce KWh per year of the average period. help address Bahrain’s energy speakers: Francis Fukuyama, financial community in the reliance on the conventional lighting energy consumed Almoayyed Trading & and water challenges. I am Political Commentator, GCC to come together for open power grid and utilize the by AIG’s operations. AIG Contracting (ATC), an confident that the solar Futurist and Author, and Lord and honest debate and to tackle abundance of solar power. added that the solar system engineering division of AIG, system will help organisations Adair Turner, Chairman of the the key challenges that we face The 20KWh solar grid implemented avoids 25.0 commissioned the 20KWh improve their performance, Institute for New Economic in the region.” power generating system, tons of CO2 per annum, an solar panel. ATC’s technical eliminate electricity costs Thinking, who provided some Day one also featured a which is also the first phase initiative to reduce carbon team is well equipped with the and boost competitiveness”, global contextualisation to the ‘town-hall’ interview with of company’s long planned footprint. entire necessary infrastructure said Mohammed Almoayyed, discussions which followed. Rasheed Al Maraj, Governor, initiatives for sustainable After installing solar panels to provide timely assistance to Chairman of AIG. Both keynote speakers also Central Bank of Bahrain.

BMI Bank B.S.C. (c) Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF INCOME STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 ASSETS Income from financing contracts 15,286 13,921 NET (LOSS) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (2,461) 7,468 Cash and balances with Banks and the Central Income from Sukuk 642 1,824 42,957 Bank 125,363 Gain on sale of investments and Sukuk - 2,505 Sovereign Sukuk 9,309 31,450 Other comprehensive income (loss) to be reclassified Murabaha receivables from banks 36,852 9,419 Interest income on loans and advances under to statement of income in subsequent periods: conversion - 4,584 Corporate Sukuk 323 11,804 Unrealized gain reclassified to statement of income on Loans and advances under conversion 23,090 32,759 Interest income on non-trading investments - 3,186 disposal of available-for-sale investments 363 (2,017) Murabaha financing 92,429 100,000 Less: (7) Mudaraba financing 83,427 84,521 Profit paid on Murabaha & Wakala Unrealised loss on available-for-sale investments (363) Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 55,718 61,982 payables to banks (618) (190) Exchange difference on translation of investment in an Musharaka 567 575 Profit paid on Wakala payables to associate 4 (267) Non-trading investments 2,017 2,017 non-banks (2,641) (7,151) Investment in an associate 3,030 2,469 Profit relating to equity of investment Net other comprehensive income (loss) for the year to Investment in joint venture - 632 accountholders (39) (38) be reclassified to statement of income in subsequent Premises and equipment 1,967 3,500 periods 360 (2,647) Other assets 5,774 2,751 12,630 18,641 Dividend income 341 6 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE (LOSS) INCOME FOR THE YEAR (2,101) 4,821 TOTAL ASSETS 357,460 469,242 Fees, commission and other income - net 3,456 3,637 LIABILITIES, EQUITY OF INVESTMENT Foreign exchange gains 525 629 ACCOUNTHOLDERS AND OWNERS’ EQUITY TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 16,952 22,913 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS LIABILITIES Staff cost 4,663 5,557 2016 2015 Murabaha and Wakala payables to banks 46,058 91,634 Premises and equipment cost 1,165 1,700 BD ’000 BD ’000 Wakala payables to non-banks 98,796 161,689 Depreciation 1,840 2,056 Current accounts 105,566 104,649 Net cash used in operating activities (84,497) (61,793) Other liabilities 15,078 15,455 Other operating expenses 3,216 3,485 Net cash from investing activities 33,292 89,089 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 10,884 12,798 Net cash used in financing activities (1,752) (734) TOTAL LIABILITIES 265,498 373,427 (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUITY OF INVESTMENT ACCOUNTHOLDERS 28,067 29,819 Net profit before provisions and results of an EQUIVALENTS (52,957) 26,562 TOTAL LIABILITIES INCLUDING EQUITY OF associate and joint venture 6,068 10,115 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTHOLDERS 293,565 403,246 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 127,429 100,867 Share of profit (loss) from an associate and joint CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE OWNERS’ EQUITY venture 563 (78) YEAR 74,472 127,429 Share capital 58,530 58,530 Provision for financing and investment - net (9,092) (2,569) Reserves 5,365 7,466 NET (LOSS) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (2,461) 7,468 TOTAL OWNERS’ EQUITY 63,895 65,996 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNERS’ EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY OF INVESTMENT 2016 2015 ACCOUNTHOLDERS AND OWNERS’ EQUITY 357,460 469,242 BD ’000 BD ’000 Balance at 1 January 65,996 61,175 These statements were extracted from the financial statements, on which Ernst & Young issued an unqualified audit report and have been authorized for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Net (loss) profit for the year (2,461) 7,468 Board of Directors dated 26 February 2017. Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year 360 (2,647) Total comprehensive (loss) income for the year (2,101) 4,821 Yousif Taqi Dr. Anwar Al Sada Balance at 31 December 63,895 65,996

BMIBank/BH/FAD/Q3/21-02-2017 Chairman Director & CEO

Licensed and regulated as a conventional Retail Bank by the Central Bank of Bahrain 17 508080 | 12 Tuesday, February 28, 2017

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Com- mander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa attended the wedding ceremony of Shaikh Khalifa bin Rashid Al-Khalifa, grandson of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. The wedding ceremony which was held at the Premier’s palace in Riffa, was also attended by royals, senior members of the Royal Family, VIP guests and other invitees

Minister of Education Dr. Majid Al Nuaimi yesterday inaugurated the 7th edition of the Engineering Professions Exhibition which is organised by Bahrain Society of Engineers (BSE) in its premises in Juffair. Many public and private institutions are taking part in the two-day event, alongside the University of Bahrain (UoB), to familiarise students from secondary schools on higher education opportunities

HM the King’s Adviser for Media Affairs & Chairman of Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD) Board of Trustees Nabeel Alhamer, yes- terday received the Ambassador of Paki- stan to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Javed Ma- lik. The two sides dis- cussed the coopera- tion as well as various topics of shared inter- est, especially in the media field and ways to develop these ties

As a part of Seef Properties on- going CSR initiatives and com- munity outreach program, the Chairman of Seef Proper- ties, Essa Najibi, presented a BD5,000 donation cheque to the Treasurer of Bahrain Down Syndrome Society, Ahmed Al Ali, in the presence of the so- ciety’s President, Mohammed Al Mannai. Vice Chairman and Head of the CSR committee at Seef Properties, Dr Mustafa Al Sayed, Board Member, Fouad Taqi, Chief Executive of Seef INJAZ Bahrain organised its annual appreciation day for its participating schools and uni- Properties, Ahmed Yusuf and versities yesterday. Educators, Ministry of Education officials and school coordinators who CSR committee member An- were actively involved in the organisation’s programs were honoured in the presence of war Ghuloom were also pres- Shaikha Hessa Bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Executive Director of INJAZ, Ahlam Al Amer, Di- ent rector of Private Education at the Ministry of Education and INJAZ Bahrain Board Members 12 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 13

Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa received Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa at the Gudaibiya Palace yes- terday. The two leaders reviewed the latest re- gional and global devel- opments, stressing that any rapprochement of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Com- the Gulf Cooperation mander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa Council (GCC) countries with other countries and attended the wedding ceremony of Shaikh Khalifa bin Rashid Al-Khalifa, grandson BDF Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa yester- economic blocks will of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. The wedding ceremony day received the Abu Dhabi-based Military Attache of The Netherlands accredited to benefit the region and its which was held at the Premier’s palace in Riffa, was also attended by royals, senior the Kingdom, Antonio Tas and reviewed the bilateral friendship, cooperation ties and economic development members of the Royal Family, VIP guests and other invitees various topics of shared interest

Information Af- Arab Gate Events fairs Minister Ali Organizers have bin Mohammed begun prepara- Al Rumaihi yester- tions for hosting day received First the (STEEB) solar Deputy Speaker energy exhibition Ali Abdullah under the patron- Al-Aradi and age of Electricity stressed keen- and Water Affairs ness on boosting Minister Dr. Hussain cooperation with bin Ali Mirza. The the legislative exhibition which branch to pro- will display the lat- mote the national est renewable ener- development gy equipment will and civilizational take place at Bah- gains under the rain International Minister of Education Dr. Majid Al Nuaimi yesterday inaugurated the 7th edition of the Engineering Professions Exhibition which is organised by Bahrain Society rule of His Maj- Exhibition and Con- of Engineers (BSE) in its premises in Juffair. Many public and private institutions are taking part in the two-day event, alongside the University of Bahrain (UoB), to esty King Hamad ventional Centre in familiarise students from secondary schools on higher education opportunities bin Isa Al Khalifa September

HM the King’s Adviser President of Bahrain for Media Affairs & Authority for Cul- Chairman of Bahrain ture and Antiquities Institute for Political (BACA) Shaikha Mai Development (BIPD) bint Mohammed Al Board of Trustees Khalifa yesterday Nabeel Alhamer, yes- received Japan’s Am- terday received the bassador to Bahrain, Ambassador of Paki- Kiyoshi Asako, and stan to the Kingdom discussed boosting of Bahrain, Javed Ma- culture cooperation. lik. The two sides dis- Joint projects for en- cussed the coopera- hancing bilateral cul- tion as well as various tural exchange were topics of shared inter- discussed, as well as est, especially in the the Japanese partici- media field and ways pation in Bahrain’s Jin Qian, wife of the Chinese ambassador along with all female staffs of the Chinese Embassy visited the 2017 Bahrain International Garden Show to develop these ties cultural activities yesterday

As a part of Seef Properties on- going CSR initiatives and com- munity outreach program, the Chairman of Seef Proper- ties, Essa Najibi, presented a BD5,000 donation cheque to the Treasurer of Bahrain Down Syndrome Society, Ahmed Al Ali, in the presence of the so- ciety’s President, Mohammed Al Mannai. Vice Chairman and Head of the CSR committee at Seef Properties, Dr Mustafa Al Sayed, Board Member, Fouad Taqi, Chief Executive of Seef INJAZ Bahrain organised its annual appreciation day for its participating schools and uni- Properties, Ahmed Yusuf and BITS Group of Companies Chairman & Managing Director Dr Sajimon Parayil received Russian Diplomatic Golden Peace versities yesterday. Educators, Ministry of Education officials and school coordinators who CSR committee member An- Makers Club’s award from International diplomatic club Amicability’s President Sergei Dvoryanov in the presence of were actively involved in the organisation’s programs were honoured in the presence of war Ghuloom were also pres- Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Russian Federation Ahmed Abdulrahman Al Saati ,UN Information Centre Shaikha Hessa Bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Executive Director of INJAZ, Ahlam Al Amer, Di- ent (UNIC) Director Nejib Friji, Mamedvelievich, Abbas AlMosawi,Dr.Nabeel Abdulrahman Al Asoomi, SPAC Group Chairman rector of Private Education at the Ministry of Education and INJAZ Bahrain Board Members P Unnikrishnan, BITS Group CEO Dr Mashael Alotaibi,Country Head Prasanth Jagan, Business Executive Prabhath Joy 14 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Tuesday, Febraury 28, 2017 15

Stephen Mulhern ‏@StephenMulhern Am now fed up of hearing about the Oscar mistake! Get over it. People make mistakes...there are more important things in life! Unbelievable!

Hollywood story of a young African- screenplay -- one of three Moonlight,” American struggling to on the night for the film. a poignant find his place as he grows Later, after the mistake, “story of human up poor in Miami. he told reporters: “It’s connection and The prize was only unfortunate things self-discovery in given to the film after a happened the way they did the tough projects massive on-stage mix-up but damn, we won best Hollywood of southern Florida, that led to “La La Land” picture.” asey Affleck won the best first being given the award Played by three completed picture Oscar on -- an Oscars moment sure different actors at various hisC awards season Sunday, besting to rank among the most stages in his young life, victory lap on favorite “La La infamous in history. Chiron, the film’s central Sunday with a Land” -- though “I told my students, ‘Be character, grows up best not without drama. in love with the process, among drug addicts as he actor Starring Mahershala not the result.’ I really Producers (L) and Adele Romanski (C), winners gradually comes to terms Oscar Ali and Naomie Harris, wanted this result,” of the award for Best Picture for ‘Moonlight,’ pose with film- with his homosexuality. for his the film by director said as he accepted maker Barry Jenkins The film has won plaudits. restrained, Jenkins tells the life the award for best adapted (AFP) devastating performance The Oscars in Kenneth Winners in the main categories Best... Lonergan’s Picture family drama Actor Actress “Manchester by the “Moonlight” Casey Aleck Emma Stone “Manchester by the Sea” “La La Land” Sea.” Foreign film eavily-backed favourite won the best The American actor had “The Salesman” supporting actor Oscar on Sunday for his portrayal already picked up a Golden (Iran) ofH a drug dealer in coming-of-age drama “Moonlight” -- Globe and British Bafta for becoming the first Muslim film star to pick up a golden the acclaimed turn, but he Animated film “Zootopia” statuette. A first-time nominee, the 43-year-old actor had to hold off a late surge saw off competition from Britain’s Dev Patel, veteran US from “Fences” star Denzel Director Damien Chazelle Documentary actors Jeff Bridges and Michael Shannon and newcomer Washington to pick up his “La La Land” film Lucas Hedges. first Academy Award. “O.J.: Made “I want to thank my teachers, my professors,” Ali said. “One of the first people Original in America” “One thing that they consistently told me... ‘It’s not about who taught me how to act screenplay “Manchester by the Sea” you. It’s about these characters. You are a servant. You’re was Denzel Washington, Documentary in service to these stories and these characters’.” and I just met him tonight (short) Adapted screenplay He thanked his fellow cast members -- and his wife, for the first time. Thank “The White “Moonlight” Helmets” who gave birth to their first child, a girl, just days you,” the laconic 41-year- Hollywood Supporting actor Supporting Cinematography earlier. old star said. (AFP) Mahershala Ali actress mma Stone completed a “La La Land” Viola Davis “Moonlight” Eclean sweep of Hollywood’s Oscar host “Fences” From Golden Globe to Oscar major acting prizes on Source : AFP Photo/Getty Images/Kevin Winter/Oscars Jimmy Kimmel Sunday with an Oscar for her Golden Globe winners who went on to win Oscars over the last 20 years performance as an aspiring Best Globe + Oscar Globe only Hit Rate % actress in the romantic musical “La La Land.” Actress 95 Her best actress prize Actor 70 was probably the least surprising victory of Director 55 a glittering night for Film 60 Damien Chazelle’s Hollywood Hollywood nostalgic musical, as ricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting 1998 2001 2006 2011 2017 amien Chazelle on the 28-year-old also Pfirm responsible for tabulating Oscar ballots, Source: IMDB Sunday became picked up trophies at apologised for an “error” in the announcement of theD youngest ever the Golden Globes, the best picture award Sunday, admitting Warren filmmaker to win the British BAFTAs Beatty and Faye Dunaway were handed the wrong Oscar for best director and Screen Actors envelope. he shocking best picture who is still alive. use of my for his whimsical Guild Awards. The embarrassing mix-up saw the Oscar mix-up wasn’t the only Janet Patterson, an image musical “La La Land,” “To the women incorrectly given to musical “La La Land” TOscars night flub. Australian costume in place which took home a total in this category... you before the actual winner, coming-of-age drama During the event’s “In designer who died in of my of six awards. were all so extraordinary “Moonlight,” was finally handed the prize. Memoriam” segment October, was shown not great Chazelle’s latest Damien Chazelle and I look up to you and I “We sincerely apologize to ‘Moonlight,’ ‘La La honouring film industry with her picture but with friend movie, an opulent admire you more than I can Land,’ Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar figures who died over that of the well-known and Jan Chapman tribute to the musicals Globes and numerous put into words.,” said Stone viewers for the error that was made during the award the past year, the show’s Australian producer Jan longtime of Old Hollywood, has trophies from of fellow nominees Isabelle announcement for Best Picture,” the company said in a producers mistakenly Chapman. collaborator Janet already earned a record Hollywood’s various Huppert and Natalie Portman. statement. (AFP) flashed a photo of a woman “I was devastated by the Patterson,” Chapman told. haul of seven Golden guilds. (AFP) 14 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Tuesday, Febraury 28, 2017 15

Stephen Mulhern ‏@StephenMulhern Am now fed up of hearing about the Oscar mistake! Get over it. People make mistakes...there are more important things in life! Unbelievable!

Hollywood story of a young African- screenplay -- one of three Moonlight,” American struggling to on the night for the film. a poignant find his place as he grows Later, after the mistake, “story of human up poor in Miami. he told reporters: “It’s connection and The prize was only unfortunate things self-discovery in given to the film after a happened the way they did the tough projects massive on-stage mix-up but damn, we won best Hollywood of southern Florida, that led to “La La Land” picture.” asey Affleck won the best first being given the award Played by three completed picture Oscar on -- an Oscars moment sure different actors at various hisC awards season Sunday, besting to rank among the most stages in his young life, victory lap on favorite “La La infamous in history. Chiron, the film’s central Sunday with a Land” -- though “I told my students, ‘Be character, grows up best not without drama. in love with the process, among drug addicts as he actor Starring Mahershala not the result.’ I really Producers Jeremy Kleiner (L) and Adele Romanski (C), winners gradually comes to terms Oscar Ali and Naomie Harris, wanted this result,” of the award for Best Picture for ‘Moonlight,’ pose with film- with his homosexuality. for his the film by director Barry Jenkins said as he accepted maker Barry Jenkins The film has won plaudits. restrained, Jenkins tells the life the award for best adapted (AFP) devastating performance The Oscars in Kenneth Winners in the main categories Best... Lonergan’s Picture family drama Actor Actress “Manchester by the “Moonlight” Casey Aleck Emma Stone “Manchester by the Sea” “La La Land” Sea.” Foreign film eavily-backed favourite Mahershala Ali won the best The American actor had “The Salesman” supporting actor Oscar on Sunday for his portrayal already picked up a Golden (Iran) ofH a drug dealer in coming-of-age drama “Moonlight” -- Globe and British Bafta for becoming the first Muslim film star to pick up a golden the acclaimed turn, but he Animated film “Zootopia” statuette. A first-time nominee, the 43-year-old actor had to hold off a late surge saw off competition from Britain’s Dev Patel, veteran US from “Fences” star Denzel Director Damien Chazelle Documentary actors Jeff Bridges and Michael Shannon and newcomer Washington to pick up his “La La Land” film Lucas Hedges. first Academy Award. “O.J.: Made “I want to thank my teachers, my professors,” Ali said. “One of the first people Original in America” “One thing that they consistently told me... ‘It’s not about who taught me how to act screenplay “Manchester by the Sea” you. It’s about these characters. You are a servant. You’re was Denzel Washington, Documentary in service to these stories and these characters’.” and I just met him tonight (short) Adapted screenplay He thanked his fellow cast members -- and his wife, for the first time. Thank “The White “Moonlight” Helmets” who gave birth to their first child, a girl, just days you,” the laconic 41-year- Hollywood Supporting actor Supporting Cinematography earlier. old star said. (AFP) Mahershala Ali actress mma Stone completed a “La La Land” Viola Davis “Moonlight” Eclean sweep of Hollywood’s Oscar host “Fences” From Golden Globe to Oscar major acting prizes on Source : AFP Photo/Getty Images/Kevin Winter/Oscars Jimmy Kimmel Sunday with an Oscar for her Golden Globe winners who went on to win Oscars over the last 20 years performance as an aspiring Best Globe + Oscar Globe only Hit Rate % actress in the romantic musical “La La Land.” Actress 95 Her best actress prize Actor 70 was probably the least surprising victory of Director 55 a glittering night for Film 60 Damien Chazelle’s Hollywood Hollywood nostalgic musical, as ricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting 1998 2001 2006 2011 2017 amien Chazelle on the 28-year-old also Pfirm responsible for tabulating Oscar ballots, Source: IMDB Sunday became picked up trophies at apologised for an “error” in the announcement of theD youngest ever the Golden Globes, the best picture award Sunday, admitting Warren filmmaker to win the British BAFTAs Beatty and Faye Dunaway were handed the wrong Oscar for best director and Screen Actors envelope. he shocking best picture who is still alive. use of my for his whimsical Guild Awards. The embarrassing mix-up saw the Oscar mix-up wasn’t the only Janet Patterson, an image musical “La La Land,” “To the women incorrectly given to musical “La La Land” TOscars night flub. Australian costume in place which took home a total in this category... you before the actual winner, coming-of-age drama During the event’s “In designer who died in of my of six awards. were all so extraordinary “Moonlight,” was finally handed the prize. Memoriam” segment October, was shown not great Chazelle’s latest Damien Chazelle and I look up to you and I “We sincerely apologize to ‘Moonlight,’ ‘La La honouring film industry with her picture but with friend movie, an opulent admire you more than I can Land,’ Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar figures who died over that of the well-known and Jan Chapman tribute to the musicals Globes and numerous put into words.,” said Stone viewers for the error that was made during the award the past year, the show’s Australian producer Jan longtime of Old Hollywood, has trophies from of fellow nominees Isabelle announcement for Best Picture,” the company said in a producers mistakenly Chapman. collaborator Janet already earned a record Hollywood’s various Huppert and Natalie Portman. statement. (AFP) flashed a photo of a woman “I was devastated by the Patterson,” Chapman told. haul of seven Golden guilds. (AFP) 16 Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HOW TO REACH US “Out & About’, a ready reckoner for the events taking place on the island, is published from Friday BAHRAIN FOOD FESTIVAL to Tuesday. To be included, Date: Ongoing HIGHLIGHT Venue: Bahrain Bay please use one of the following: JOURNEY TO THE PLANET OF THE SENSES [email protected], or Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Date: March 2 onwards call 38444680. Authority (BTEA) has launched the Venue: Different venues second edition of ‘Bahrain Food Festival’. The festival is considered The Spring of Culture is presenting the colourful and as one of BTEA’s significant events interactive kids dance show “Journey to the Planet of the for the year 2017 and will run for a Senses”, and the street theater Argentinian popup circus period of ten days until the 6th of artist Edgar Groll, both starting Thursday March March with the aim to attract food 2 and running for three days. Choreographed enthusiasts from the Kingdom and the for an audience ranging from infants to eight neighboring GCC countries. More years, “Journey to Planet of the Senses” than 50 prominent outlets are taking invites children on a journey through part this year including businesses outer-space to discover intriguing aliens heights and cycling on the tiniest bike and concepts related to the food in a neon-clad world while learning about in the world, among many more tricks industry such as restaurants, cafes, sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. designed to suit all the family. hotels, nutrition, kitchen appliances “Journey to the Planet of the Senses” will Edgar Groll’s shows will be free and will and many more. The Bahrain Food play for three days beginning Thursday with run for three days, commencing Thursday Festival will offer visitors varied a single show at the Alumni Club in Adliya at with a single show at the Riffa Palms next to cuisines including Middle Eastern, 5pm and followed by three shows daily on Friday Riffa Views International School at 3:30 pm and Western, Asian, Indian, Organic, and and Saturday at 10:30am, 3pm and 5pm at the same followed by two shows each day on Friday and Saturday Healthy options. The second edition venue. Tickets for the event will be sold at the Spring at 4pm and 6pm in Amwaj Lagoon, Dohat Arad, Prince 2017 FORMULA 1 GULF AIR of the Bahrain Food Festival will of Culture stand at City Centre Bahrain Entrance Khalifa bin Salman Park (Hidd) and Amwaj Lagoon BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX take place in three main locations- Four and online at the festival’s official website www. respectively. Date: April 14-16 at Bahrain Bay during weekdays Argentinian circus artist Edgar Full details of the Spring of Culture and its Venue: Bahrain International from 5:00pm to 10:00pm; at Block Groll combines humor and fantasy in his shows and various activities are available on the website www. Circuit (BIC) 338 in Adliya during the weekends dazzles his audience by spinning balls at incredible from 5:00pm until midnight; and at Tuesday will be the last chance Capital Club which is hosting Latin for motor racing fans get an Early America’s 37th Chef, Gerrado Lugo, specific obstacles. The program the participation of Hasan Hujairi. contrast between the traditional self- Bird discount of up to 15% for the who we will be showcasing authentic starts on Friday 3rd March 2017 and sacrificing, selfless, altruistic symbol 2017 Formula 1 Gulf Air Bahrain Mexican cuisine from the north and includes 6 x 90-minute sessions each BAHRAIN ANNUAL FINE ARTS that Mecca has always represented for Grand Prix. south of Mexico. Friday, a 6-week Spartan Lifestyle EXHIBITION 43 Muslims, and the contemporary self- The offer ends at midnight the Challenge and a Tribal Fitness Date: On-going till 17 March 2017, centered, selfish, egocentric aura that same day, after which, ticket prices GINGHAM IN BLUE - AN ART T-shirt to represent on the big day! 8:00 am 8:00 pm has become synonymous with one’s will return to their original rates. EXHIBITION The program is limited to 20 people Venue: Bahrain National Theatre journey to our most holiest of places. The Early Bird discount covers Date : 1 Mar 7 pm - 04 Mar 6 pm (Members and none-members are The Bahrain Annual Fine Arts tickets to the Main Grandstand Venue : Words BookstoreCafé- welcome). Exhibition, in its 43rd edition, PAACT MUSICAL PROGRAM and Turn One Grandstand. A Jannusan celebrates the creativity and ingenuity Date: April 21 Main Grandstand seat now costs I have always been interested BUY ONE GET ONE FREE of the local artists. Every year, the art Venue: Jashanmal Auditorium, BD127.5 instead of its original price in drawing faces and people. In CHOCOHOLIC FRIDAY BRUNCH community gathers to present their Indian School, Isa Town of BD150, while the Turn One seat this series of paintings I have Date : 03 Mar 13:00 - 16:00 finest work, uninhibited by a subject INTERADS in association with is BD85, reduced from its original tried to incorporate both my love Venue : Sheraton Bahrain Hotel- or theme. The result is a colorful Palakkad Arts and Cultural Theatre price of BD100. of texture and textiles combined Manama display of styles, techniques, through (PAACT) is organizing a musical There is also a 10% discount on with my drawings and paintings. Live cooking station, seafood different mediums of expression. program ‘Pathinte Niravil Paact- tickets to the Batelco Grandstand, My paintings are built on layers items, cold cuts, International main Swaralayam’ on Friday, April 21 University Grandstands and Victory of drawing, paint, stencils, stamps course plus extravagant selection THE SELFLESS HOLY GROUND at Jashanmal Auditorium, Indian Grandstands. A Batelco Grandstand and pieces of fabric, hence the title, of desserts and crepe station with Date: Sunday - Thursday 19 March - School, Isa Town. ticket now costs BD108, down from ‘Gingham in Blue’ . The gingham loads of chocolates every Friday from 13 April , 8 am - 8:00 pm The morning session, Chembai its original price of BD120; while a fabric is present and significant in 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Venue: Art Centre Sangeetholtsavam 2017 Season 4, University and Victory Grandstand all the paintings of this collection. The exhibition features interactive from 9am to 2.00pm will be devoted ticket costs BD54 apiece, reduced NOCTURNE FOR PIT ORCHESTRA installations by artist Othman to Indian classical music followed from the original price of BD60. WALKING TOUR OF Date: March 9 Khunji created through the use by a melodious evening event, The Bahrain Grand Prix is MUHARRAQ SOUQ Venue: Bahrain National Quarry and application of cutting-edge Niloltsavam 2017 Season 4 from scheduled to take place April 14 to Date : 01 Mar 9 pm – 11 pm A sound live performance involving technology, including Arduino 5.00pm until 11pm. 16 in Sakhir. It will be the third of Venue : Muharraq the laborers of the Bahrain National sensors/actuators, 3D printing, laser In case of enquiries, please contact 20 races in the 2017 FIA Formula 1 Explore Bahrain’s Pearling Trail Quarry. A project by Ilaria Lupo in cutting, and water jet engraving. The PAACT President Jyothykumar World Championship. (a Unesco World Heritage Site) and collaboration with Rabih Beaini, and collection explains and portrays the Menon on 39851646. Aside from Formula 1, the join us for a walk through part of weekend’s events will also the former capital of Bahrain. We include racing from other major will visit some traditional houses HIGHLIGHT international and regional and will go to the old Souq to enjoy championships, plus loads of family the handicrafts and merchandise MAKE YOUR MOMMA M.Y.M.P., an acoustic band from the Philippines entertainment. showcased there. PROUD LIVE consists of five members. It is a tribute to lead All tickets are for all three days Date: 3rd March 2017, 6.30pm singer Chin Alcantara’s mom. She saw him start of the Formula 1 weekend. The SPARTAN 6-WEEK PREP Venue: The Indian School Ground, with the guitar but never got to see him play prices offered by BIC are amongst PROGRAM Isa Town professionally. They have rose to stardom through the most competitive in the world Date : 03 Mar 08:00 - 09:30 the release of their soulful albums many of which for any event on the Formula 1 Venue : Tribal Fitness- Maqaba One of the biggest and well-known has been certified as Platinum. It is MYMPs first calendar. Join our resident Spartan Coach, music bands in the Philippines is performance in the Kingdom and promises to Tickets can be purchased at the Ari as he prepares you for the coming to Bahrain exclusively for be a mesmerizing experience for the Filipino BIC stand located at Bahrain City Bahrain Spartan Race on 14th April Modern Exchange customers. Make Your Momma community. The process of getting a pass for this Centre, online at www.bahraingp. 2016 in Riffa, Bahrain.This 6-week Proud known popularly as M.Y.M.P will be performing exciting program is quite simple. Do a transaction of com or by calling the BIC Hotline program will enable you to cut live on March 3 at the Indian High School Ground, any amount to the Philippines from Modern Exchange on +973-17-450000. weight (fat), improve your relative Isa Town. before 03rd of March and get a free pass for the event. strength and be ready for Spartan- Tuesday, February 28, 2017 17 : Bahrain best classifieds


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Al Burhama, Rakan Center, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 17556862 Flat/shop 18, Bldg. 1947, Road 5447, Block 354 Fax: 17556863 Email:[email protected] 18 COOL ZONE Tuesday, February 28, 2017 CROSSWORD Your star today Find some new ways to expand your (Mar 21st - Apr 20th) horizons. The web has an infinite amount of YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION information to explore, and your community and local colleges offer many courses from which to choose. Think about what you’d enjoy learning. Perhaps a new skill for your job or a crafts class that shows you how to make things.

(Apr 21st - May 21st) Step out of your routine. Do this every so often to increase your knowledge and expand your horizons. The planetary aspects favour this. Walking to a different beat can give you far more than you imagine. Try something you’ve never considered before. Go to a new place. Change your desk around to gain a new perspective. (May 22nd - Jun 21st) Are you satisfied with your current career? If not, start by making a plan. There are specific steps that you can follow to take the greatest advantage of the available opportunities. Consider visiting career-related websites or ask a career counsellor for advice. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. See what you can find, and move toward a more fulfilling future. (June 22nd - July 23rd) Don’t fear any changes that lie ahead. Even if you think you don’t adjust well, you have more adaptability than you realize. Without change, life would become stagnant. It wouldn’t be long before you became dissatisfied and bored with the same old thing. Try to see change Down as an adventure and a gateway to greater Across happiness and fulfilment. 1 Latvian, e.g.; 2 Suffix with buck; 3 1998 Sarah McLachlan hit; 4 (July 24th - Aug 23rd) 1 Ancient Semitic for “Lord”; 5 Eureka!; 8 Mrs. Dithers, in “Blondie”; 12 Make your dreams a tool for gaining insight. In Passion; 14 Make ___ for it; 15 Bedouin; 16 River of Tours; 17 Like cus- Forsaken; 5 Jason’s ship; 6 Embrace; 7 Any unnamed object; 8 Singer Vikki; 9 Cream filled cookies; 10 Temple leader; 11 Put down; 13 It had the past, some rulers believed that their dreams tard; 18 Musical McEntire; 19 Back and forth; 21 Pulsates; 23 ___ Paulo; held great insights and they employed people 24 Bashful; 25 Sprechen ___ Deutsch?; 26 Tried out; 30 Sarcastic; 32 a part in the Bible; 14 Dynamic start; 20 Craze; 22 London’s ___ Park; to interpret them. Whether you think dreams Foil maker; 33 Reconciliation; 37 Fluff egg whites; 38 Conductor Solti; 24 Night noise; 26 Bar bills; 27 Waiting for the Robert ___; 28 Swindle; are mystical insights or random brainwaves, 39 ... ___ saw Elba; 40 Visual signaling apparatus; 42 Brush a horse; 29 Bottom line; 30 Mall unit; 31 Board for nails; 33 Ages; 34 Switch there is much to be gained. Recurring dreams 43 Sierra ___; 44 Whatever person; 45 Turkish honorific; 48 Hung. ending; 35 Element #10; 36 Duration; 38 Monstrous; 41 ___ moss; 42 hold significance. They can point to something neighbor; 49 Andy Capp’s wife; 50 “Fiddler on the Roof” setting; 52 Raised part of a sundial; 44 Swiss peak; 45 Moving; 46 Wraith; 47 ___ (Aug 24th - Sep 23rd) that you need to take care of. Cartographer; 57 Legal wrong; 58 “___ She Lovely?”; 60 ___ a cus- Grows in Brooklyn; 49 Destiny; 51 Hot times abroad; 52 Queue before Follow your instincts. Even if you have tomer; 61 Fortuneteller’s start; 62 Foot covering; 63 Drat!; 64 Hwys.; Q; 53 Work without ___; 54 Actress Deborah; 55 Kitchen add on?; 56 a tendency to listen more to reason, put it 65 Short flight; 66 Deuce beater; Optimistic; 59 HBO alternative; aside today. While your ears hear words, your intuition can hear what’s between the words and unsaid, providing you with a bigger picture than whatever is presented. If everything sounds right but feels wrong, you’d be better off trusting your feelings.

R (Sep 24th - Oct 23rd) Feed your mind new knowledge. Visit BEETLE BAILEY a bookstore or read some interesting information on the web. If you have more time, visit the library or find out about some courses that might be perfect for you. There’s knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you’re open to receiving it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something, if that’s what you need. (Oct 24th - Nov 22nd) Try to see nightmares as safe ways to understand feelings. No one likes to experience them, and we’d sooner forget them once awake, but the best way to ensure they don’t return is to understand them. What’s frightening you? Why do you feel insecure? Consider these questions and look for answers. Fear, pain, and anxiety are the most common ingredients of a real cold-sweat nightmare. (Nov 23rd - Dec 21st) Are you living your dreams? Are you still in touch with them? The energy from today’s planetary aspects can lend strength and encouragement to U YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION this part of your life. Seize the opportunity to take S U D O K hold of the things that you want most of all. Ask yourself what you want people to say about you after you’re gone. Get back on track to a fulfilled life by taking steps toward your desires. (Dec 22nd- Jan 20th) Check out advancing your career or education today. The energy can favour expansion and growth. When was the last time you learned a new skill? It doesn’t have to be work related. If flower arranging, skydiving, or massage therapy is something that appeals to you, go for it. Never stop looking for ways to expand your knowledge.

(Jan 21st - Feb 19th) Do you recognize your intuition as a valuable asset? Some people do and some don’t. Which group are you in? It’s easier to trust in concrete, factual reality than in things you can’t see or touch. But your intuition can serve you more than you may realize. That gut feeling you experience can guide you with caution and alert you to danger. Use your creativity to make things happen today. (Feb 20th - Mar 20th) Remember that creativity doesn’t always take the form of a finished product. Use it to come up How to play: with innovative ways to approach a task, project, Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each or problem. Trust in your ability to discover such row across, each column down and each 9-box square possibilities. You’re an intelligent and creative contains all of the numbers from one to nine. person. Combine the two to make an unbeatable tool for finding solutions to almost anything. Tuesday, February 28, 2017 19 z #PollToday Israeli forces shoot Palestinian woman Qalandiya She had ignored repeated ‘, Palestinian woman orders to halt and they suspected of intending opened fire. Ato attack Israeli guards at The Palestinian woman Will Trump’s proposal to a West Bank checkpoint was lightly injured and increase defence spending into Jerusalem was shot and taken by Israeli ambulance aggravate the China- injured by security forces for treatment, Samri added, Russia-US arms race? yesterday, police said. without specifying if any rape and Yes No Can’t Say The 30-year-old walked suspect items were found in towards the guards at the her handbag. Qalandia checkpoint using Since a wave of violence the vehicle-only lane “all the broke out in October time clutching her handbag 2015, 252 Palestinians, 41 Representative picture in a way that made them Israelis, two Americans, a slavery’ suspicious”, spokeswoman Jordanian, an Eritrean and a Luba Samri said. Sudanese have died. This budget follows through UK child sex abuse inquiry opens on my promise on keeping London Theresa May set up the giant supports victims, said there Americans safe. It will include ngland’s mammoth inquiry in July 2014 when she was good evidence that Britain a historic increase in defence inquiry into historical was the interior minister. knew of the poor standards of Hostage beheaded by childE sex abuse held its first The probe started yesterday care in Australian institutions spending” public hearings yesterday, by looking at the child but failed to respond. Donald Trump Philippine militants hearing of the “torture, rape migration programmes, in “Some of what was US President Manila and slavery” suffered by which some 150,000 children done there was of quite slamic militants in the child migrants shipped to were sent abroad, according unacceptable depravity. IPhilippines have beheaded Australia. to a 1998 parliamentary Terms like sexual abuse are Rest in sight the German hostage they The wide-ranging study. too weak to convey it,” she were holding for ransom, the Independent Inquiry into To cut the cost of caring said. Iran tests missiles in naval government in Manila said Child Sexual Abuse opened for lone children and to “This was not about exercises yesterday. by looking at the scheme that meet labour shortages in the truly voluntary migration, A video posted by the Abu Iran’s navy has test-fired the sent thousands of vulnerable Commonwealth, youngsters but forced or coerced Sayyaf group, which was latest versions of the Nasir children to far-flung parts of were sent to Australia, and deportation.” monitored by intelligence and Dehlaviyeh missiles dur- the Commonwealth. also Canada, New Zealand Some children were said to group SITE, showed Jurgen German nationals Jurgen ing military exercises in the David Hill broke down as and what is now Zimbabwe, have suffered “torture, rape Kantner being killed by a Kantner and his wife Sabine Gulf, local media reported he told the inquiry of the between 1945 and 1970 -- and slavery”. knife-wielding man. Merz pictured in Berbera, yesterday. “endemic” sexual abuse at often without the consent of The hearings are being held Shortly after the video Somalia on May 5, 2009 the school he was sent to in their families. at the International Dispute appeared, government envoy found the German’s body. Australia. But the promise of a good Resolution Centre in London. Three killed as fire Jesus Dureza confirmed the In Germany, Foreign “I hope this inquiry can upbringing and an exciting The opening phase, dealing engulfs Mogadishu’s German’s death. Minister Sigmar Gabriel said promote an understanding of new life in the sun was often, with Australia, is expected to main market “We grieve as we strongly Berlin had not yet received the long-term consequences in reality, a world of forced last 10 days. condemn the barbaric official confirmation from and suffering of those who labour, brutal treatment The inquiry was established beheading of yet another Philippine authorities that were sexually abused,” he and sexual assault in remote following revelations that kidnap victim,” Dureza said the video was genuine. said. institutions run by churches Jimmy Savile, a popular in a statement. “Up to the “If this video is confirmed, “Many never recover and and charities. television presenter, was in last moment, many sectors then of course this is one are permanently afflicted “They sent us to a place fact one of Britain’s worst including the Armed Forces of the most horrible things with guilt, shame, diminished that was a living hell,” victim serial paedophiles, who of the Philippines exhausted imaginable,” Gabriel said. self-confidence, low self- Clifford Walsh told the BBC. carried out abuse unchecked all efforts to save his life. We The Abu Sayyaf had esteem and trauma.” Aswini Weereratne, of the in a range of public all tried our best. But to no demanded a ransom of 30 British Prime Minister Child Migrants Trust which institutions. (AFP) A massive fire destroyed avail,” said Dureza. million pesos ($600,000) be large parts of Mogadishu’s Military officials in the paid by Sunday to spare the main market on Monday, south said they had not yet 70-year-old. leaving three people dead, including two children, and ‘Game of Thrones’ actor several others wounded, police said. German court jails two Neil Fingleton dies at 36 Sri Lanka prison bus shoot- London ing kills seven: police illegal street racers ame of Thrones” actor Attackers opened fire “GNeil Fingleton, who on a prison bus outside was named Britain’s tallest Colombo on Monday, kill- man, has died of suspected ing five prisoners and two heart failure at 36, according to armed guards in the worst the London-based Tall Persons gang-related violence to hit Club. Sri Lanka in decades. A forensic expert likened the scene of the Standing at 232.5 centimetres accident to a ‘battlefield’ (seven feet and six inches), he UN seeks new drugs was best known for his role of against 12 supergerms Berlin than manslaughter. Mag The Mighty in an episode The UN’s health agency German court yesterday The prosecution argued of the hit American television urged the world on Monday Aconvicted two illegal that even if the men did not show. “Sadly it has come to our to create new drugs to tackle street racers who caused a plan to kill anyone during their attention that Neil Fingleton, 12 killer superbugs which are deadly high-speed car crash race on February 1, 2016, they Britain’s Tallest man, passed Fingleton was best known for his role of Mag The Mighty resistant to antibiotics. of murder and handed had accepted the likelihood of away on Saturday,” a statement them life prison terms in a deadly consequences. posted on the Tall Persons started his career as a into early retirement in 2007. For more, catch us landmark ruling. The murder verdict means Club Facebook page read. professional basketball player He then started an acting online at: Hamdi H. and Marvin they will spend a minimum “Our thoughts and for teams in the United States career, appearing in feature N. were each sentenced to 15 years behind bars and condolences go out to his and Spain, after being awarded films including “X-Men: First maximum jail terms after came as Germany is seeking family,” it also said. a scholarship at the University Class” and “Jupiter Ascending,” /nobonline the prosecution sought a to toughen its laws against Born in 1980 in Durham, of North Carolina. and in television on Doctor /newsofbahrain conviction of murder rather illegal street racing. northern England, Fingleton But an injury forced him Who. 20 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 A tale Life after of two Afghan friends Bati Kot, compensation?’” Guantanamo two years before legitimacy to fanatics like duress and torture”. a patchwork of rolling hills wo Afghan friends were After burnishing his Ghalib. Muslim Dost.” “It is now 16 years since and orange and melon farms incarcerated together at reputation as a fearsome Guantanamo, opened in the US began its intervention sandwiched between Taliban GuantanamoT Bay, but they commander against the Seedbed of terrorism 2002, remains a lightning rod in Afghanistan and 15 years and IS bastions. chose starkly divergent paths Soviets and the Taliban, A gifted demagogue, Muslim for anti-American sentiment. since it sent the first Afghans His loyalty is undergirded after release —- one became Ghalib was serving in the Dost spent his time inside Nearly a quarter of the total to . Yet the conflict, like partly by personal tragedy. In an Islamic State jihadist, Afghan police in 2003 when Guantanamo praying and number of detainees were America’s dilemma of what 2013, the Taliban killed his the other joined the US-led he was unexpectedly accused preaching to other inmates Afghans, most later found to to do with its legacy of war brother guarding a highway government fight to crush the of insurgent links. about jihad alongside 9/11 be noncombatants who were on terror detainees, shows no project in Nangarhar. group. Authorities ignominiously accused Khalid Sheikh mistakenly apprehended sign of ending.” Just weeks later, the Haji Ghalib and Abdul stripped him of his post, tore Mohammed. or wrongfully turned over Taliban dug explosives at Rahim Muslim Dost, whose his uniform off publicly, and “When he preached by local bounty-hunters or ‘Won’t let him go alive’ the grave site where Ghalib’s friendship coalesced around sent him to Guantanamo the inmates wept,” Ghalib personal rivals. Barack Obama, who sought extended family had gathered a shared love for poetry, until the American military recalled. “They were “Arbitrary detention was to shut down Guantanamo, to mourn, killing 18 people were scooped up in the post- concluded in 2007 that he left shaken by his loud, a powerful factor driving shipped detainees out until including his two wives and 9/11 American dragnet and was “not assessed as being a mesmerising voice.” some Afghans to insurgency, the last days of his presidency. grandchildren. shipped off to the prison member of Al Qaeda or the Muslim Dost scribbled helping spark a new phase But Trump may be set to bar His eldest son brought camp in Cuba. Taliban”. poems on drinking cups for in a long and bitter conflict,” the transfers and bring in new more sobering news, a walkie Their journey encapsulates When freed, Ghalib lack of writing material. said “Kafka in Cuba”, a recent detainees, US media have talkie snatched from the Guantanamo’s failed legacy channelled his resentment One verse published in the report from the Afghanistan said, citing a draft executive Taliban dangling from his in the fight to expunge to fight not the Americans book “Poems of Guantanamo” Analysts Network. order. chest, as Ghalib spoke to AFP radicalism, as President but those he calls the “real by US law professor Marc The report by AAN analyst “America may consider inside his fortified base. Donald Trump appears set to enemies of Afghanistan” -- Falkoff reads: Kate Clark revealed Guantanamo a necessity, A close relative, who had reverse previous US efforts to the Taliban and, recently, “Consider what that eight of but they need to poured him tea just minutes scale it back. Islamic State jihadists, who might compel a man to the longest- differentiate earlier, had been killed in a “Guantanamo is the worst are making inroads into the kill himself, or another // serving Afghan between hit-and-run shooting as he place on Earth,” said Ghalib, country. “Does oppression not detainees were fundamentalists stepped out of the base. who estimates he is 49, deep That includes his former demand some reaction held on “vague and patriots,” Ghalib turned pensive, his creases lining his gaunt face. friend Muslim Dost, who against the oppressor?” accusations, Ghalib said. face dropping into his hands. “Every day I ask myself Western and Afghan “Guantanamo is a seedbed rife with Ghalib, seen as “People like Muslim Dost the same questions: ‘Why officials describe as a top of terrorism,” said Kako, hearsay, gross a loyal US ally, is are fighting foreigners but was I taken? Why did they IS commander in eastern 35, who was imprisoned errors of fact the district chief mostly killing Afghans,” he ruin five years of my life? , and along with his cousin Ghalib and testimony of Bati Kot in said as he composed himself. Why is there no justice, no who was released from and returned to be a corn obtained Nangarhar, “If I ever see him on the farmer. “It gave under frontline I won’t let him go alive.” (AFP)

Afghan governor of Bati Kot District of Nangarhar Province Haji Ghalib who was imprisoned for five years at Guantanamo Bay Tuesday, February 28, 2017 21

Most of the United States’ 11.1 million unauthorised immigrants live in just 20 major metropolitan areas, according to new estimates AREAS WITH LARGEST NUMBER OF UNAUTHORISED IMMIGRANTS Philadelphia Seattle UNITED STATES Boston New Chicago San Francisco York Denver San Jose Washington D.C. Los Las Vegas Angeles Riverside Atlanta Phoenix San Diego Dallas Austin 1 million Orlando Houston 250,000 100,000 Miami BY THE NUMBERS Trump’s planned wall 1 New York-Newark-Jersey 1,150,000 2 Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim 1,000,000 3 Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land 575,000 4 Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington 475,000 5 Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach 450,000 6 Chicago-Naperville-Elgin 425,000 7 Washington-Arlington-Alexandria 400,000 8 Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell 250,000 9 Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario 250,000 10 Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale 250,000 11 San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward 240,000 12 Boston-Cambridge-Newton 180,000 13 San Diego-Carlsbad 170,000 14 Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise 170,000 15 Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington 160,000 16 Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue 150,000 A float featuring US President Donald Trump is pictured 17 Denver-Aurora-Lakewood 130,000 as fools parade through the streets of Frankfurt am Main, 18 San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara 120,000 western Germany, on Carnival February 26, 2017. 19 Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford 110,000 20 Austin-Round Rock 100,000 Picture: Associated Press Source: Pew Research Center (based on 2014 American Community Survey) © GRAPHIC NEWS

Washington decrease in non-military “follows through on my promise resident Donald Trump programs. on keeping Americans safe.” New options to fight IS yesterday teased a budget plan “Most federal agencies will see a “It will include a historic Pthat includes a substantial increase reduction as a result,” the official increase in defence spending.” Washington Syria and Iraq and have inspired attacks in defence spending and cuts in said. His comments come a day he Pentagon has finished plans on the West. foreign aid. There will also be a “large before he addresses a joint session to intensify the fight against the That review is now complete, Previewing a plan that will reduction in foreign aid,” he of Congress, an important agenda IslamicT State group, officials said and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will attempt to translate campaign added, on condition of anonymity. setting event for new presidents. yesterday, presenting Donald Trump present the findings to Trump’s top promises into dollars and cents, The proposal, which will be The initial outline did not with options to meet a key campaign national security advisors later Monday. Trump promised a “public safety picked over and must ultimately include proposals for mandatory pledge. Trump made defeating the Islamic and national security budget.” be approved by Congress, would spending or tax proposals, which “The White House will begin State group a key pillar of this election An administration official said increase defence spending -- make up the bulk of outlays and reviewing the recommendations,” the campaign. that Trump’s plan would include already the largest in the world receipts. official said on condition of anonymity. The group is already on the back a $54 billion increase in defence -- by almost 10 percent. The budget is a keystone Trump had demanded that top brass foot, losing territory around Mosul and spending and a corresponding Trump claimed that his budget statement of Trump’s priorities find additional ways to defeat jihadists with its self-declared capital of Raqqa for the coming years. who still control a swath of northern looking increasingly vulnerable. The nearly four trillion dollar annual federal budget is a President Donald Trump has hinted at the possibility of a new arms race, declaration of intent that puts the saying he wants the United States to rebuild its nuclear arsenal so that president’s policy goals down in US takes seat at UN rights council it remains “top of the pack” black and white. Geneva marginalised. ESTIMATED NUCLEAR WEAPON STOCKPILES: 1960-2017 It also separates affordable he US claimed its seat on the But the 47-member panel has had Warheads (000s) Global (stockpile and retired) U.S. Russia campaign promises from Human Rights Council under the successes -- thanks to support from 1962: Cuban 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall the fanciful and is the final newT presidency of Donald Trump. Barack Obama’s administration, civil 80 missile crisis arbitrator after turf wars between Over its 11-year history, the council society groups say. 1979 1991 departments and powerful has come in for criticism, including Many of the issues prioritised by 70 SALT II START† interest groups. allegations that it has, at times, been Obama’s UN envoys -- including 1972 Trump has promised to cut co-opted by rights abusers who push violations in North Korea, Myanmar, 60 SALT* I waste and duplication in federal resolutions attacking their geopolitical Sri Lanka and South Sudan -- remain 2010 spending. rivals, with genuine rights issues on the agenda. 50 New US president after US president START‡ has made similar promises on 40 coming to office, before delving into a text that runs in the Restrictions India’s top 30 2002 thousands of pages and tossing the plan into the thicket of Congress. could wreck diplomat to 20 SORT§ Trump has oodles of campaign 10 promises to pay for, but faces a US Cup bid visit US national debt set to hit $20 trillion Nyon New Delhi 0 on his watch and a deficit at 3.1 EFA president Aleksander ew Delhi’s top diplomat will travel percent of GDP and rising. Ceferin warned the United to Washington this week for talks 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Trump’s promises -- from UStates that travel restrictions could Nwith US officials as anger grows over * Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty 2017 stockpiles (estimated) building a wall on the Mexican torpedo any hopes of hosting the the death of an Indian expatriate in † Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty 4,300 border to stepping-up the 2026 World Cup. Measures that a suspected hate crime. Thousands of ‡ Treaty requires that by Feb 2018, 4,000 U.S. and Russia must limit their Russia U.S. deportation of undocumented prevent players, fans or journalists Indians visit the US every year for work arsenals of strategic nuclear weapons 1,950 1,740 immigrants -- carry an estimated from entering the US would count or study, and the killing of 32-year- to equal levels for 10 years price tag of $5.3 trillion, according against a bid to host football’s old engineer Srinivas Kuchibhotla § Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty Deployed to the non-partisan Committee showpiece, in a Kansas bar last week has caused Source: FAS Picture: DOD Defense Visual Information Centre © GRAPHIC NEWS for a Responsible Federal Budget. quoted Ceferin as saying. shockwaves around the country. 22 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 SPORTS GPIC claim victory Karting: Mattar,

Bapco team Almuammari shine Manama Other scores (bowler, high game, PIC (40 points, 18,180 pins) high series): defeated Batelco (38, 18,868) 6-2 Gulf Air (Yasser Al Khan, 235, 637) Gwho dropped to second place after bt Pioneers (Mahmood Omran, 226, the eighth round of matches in the Abdul Latief Hassan 593) 8-0. Bahrain Industrial Bowling League Electricity and Water Authority at the Fun Land Bowling Centre in (EWA) (Ruel Cruz, 226, Emad Al Sitra Mall. Jahromi, 555) bt Tatweer (Hassan Top scoring for GPIC was Ahmad Kamal Hubaishi, 216, 572) 8-0. Fareed (278) for high game of the week and (659) for high series and for Results: Batelco Fawaz Abdulla (221) game Standings after 8 Rounds (points, pins): and (671) series. GPIC (40, 18,880), The Ministry of Interior (32, Batelco (38, 18,868), DT News Network while Hussain Hassan (+5.173) hard-earned win in the SSWS Final, 18,538) stay in third place despite MOI (32, 18,538), Manama finished third and aside from the also held over 15 laps and finished being beaten by Bapco (28, 18,409) Gulf Air (30, 18,104), ohammed Mattar was the overall classification, all three ahead after a tough fight from Adam Ministry of Interior (MOI) (32, Bapco (28, 18,409), EWA (26, 17,864), overall victor in round drivers were also ranked as the top Salem (+4.122) and Abdulla Buhindi 18,538) remain in third place with 32 M Banagas (22, 18,115), four of the Bahrain Rotax Mojo three in the Max category. (+4.342) who also made the podium. points despite being beaten by Bapco Pioneers (20, 18,256), Max Challenge (BRMMC) and Youngster Talal Beshara Abubaker Ali, Bader Mubarak (28, 18,409) 6-2 who remain fifth. Tatweer (20, 17,787). Bye: Bapco. Almuammari claimed first place (14:54.625) was the winner in the and Khalid Alwazzan rounded out The main scorer for Bapco was Tonight’s schedule: in round six of the Bahrain SWS Junior Max class and a distant the top six from the 17 competing Abdulla Abdul Kareem (248) game MOI vs EWA, Sprint Championship (SSWS) as second was Alexander Bekkers drivers. and (673) high series of the week and Batelco vs Bapco, part of the Bahrain Karting Sprint (+28.581), while Luca Santiago Mohammed Jalal was the Pre- for MOI Abdulla (234) game and Gulf Air vs Tatweer, Championship (BKSC) at Bahrain (+32.876) came in third. Final winner, but dropped all the Emerson Gutencio (600) series. Pioneers vs Banagas. Bye: GPIC. International Karting Circuit Anthony Genoccio was also a way to a disappointing 13th. (BIKC) in Sakhir. winner in the round, claiming the Buhindi (171) continues to top Both the BRMMC and SSWS are a first place trophy in the Max Masters the championship standings after part of the BKSC with all the action class. Following the BRMMC’s the sixth round, while Almuammari Last chance for Early bird held along BIKC’s 1.414-kilometre fourth round, Mattar (121 points) (159) used his win to close the gap in Manama Grandstands. A Batelco Grandstand Commission Internationale de leads the Max championship second place, with Ahmed Ebrahim oday is the last chance for ticket now costs BD108, down from Karting (CIK) Track. standings, while Hassan (117) is (122) in third. motor racing fans get an Early its original price of BD120; while a In the BRMMC, Mattar (14 second and Alsaei (94) ranked third. The next meeting of the BKSC, BirdT ticket discount of up to 15 per University and Victory Grandstand minutes 42.337 seconds) claimed Santiago (73) leads the Junior featuring round five of the BRMMC cent for the 2017 Formula 1 Gulf ticket costs BD54 apiece, reduced first place after completing their Max, while Genoccio (90) paces and round seven of the SSWS, Air Bahrain Grand Prix, with the from the original price of BD60. 15-lap Final, followed in second the Max Masters. Meanwhile, will be held on 24 March and the offer ending tonight at midnight The Bahrain Grand Prix is by Khaled Alsaei (+2.648 seconds), Almuammari (18:18.260) claimed a penultimate event of the season. before prices return to their original scheduled to take place from April rates. 14 to 16 in Sakhir and is the third of The Early Bird discount covers 20 races in the 2017 FIA Formula 1 tickets to the Main Grandstand World Championship. and Turn One Grandstand. A The weekend’s events will Hsine, Gabana win in Al Areen run Main Grandstand seat now costs also include racing from other Aidan Payne/DTNN points of the earth. were presented with medals. BD127.500 instead of its original major international and regional [email protected] The setting is unique as it is one of In second placed place in the men’s price of BD150, while the Turn championships, plus lots of family bdellatif Ait Hsine (31.38 five designated Bahraini preservation category was Nawaf Al Dhaen (33:56) One seat is BD85, reduced from its entertainment. All tickets can be minutes) and Marine Gabana heritage areas in the Kingdom and and Pierre Pierre Plumejau (34:36), original price of BD100. purchased at the BIC stand located A(44:27) won the men’s and women’s the only one on land, with the other while second place in the women’s There is also a 10 per cent at Bahrain City Centre, online at overall categories respectively in four in the sea. The race began with was Bethan Lewis (46:18) and Alex discount on tickets to the or by calling the Nando’s Al Areen Wildlife Park the junior runners aged from five to Catallo (47:26). Batelco Grandstand, University the BIC Hotline on +973-17- and Reserve venue run over 10kms 15 years in various categories running Vice chairman of the BRR Mohsin Grandstands and Victory 450000. and organised by the Bahrain Road inside the Reserve and all who had Al Sharif said, “It was a fantastic turn Runners (BRR). registered were presented with medals. out for all in this annual event on This is one of the most popular runs As for the adults, they had a 10km our calendar and especially seeing so on the BRR calendar and attracted run in cool conditions and plenty of many youngsters taking part and we Lanceley triumphs around 400 runners including 140 crosswinds to contend with in the welcome more in future events.” Manama junior runners age from 5 to 15 years open park environment and faced The event was open for all im Lanceley (36 stableford points) and participated by both Bahraini smallish inclines and then reciprocated participants and friends a chance to won the second round of the Audi and expatriate communities from all by declines to the enthusiasm of the see the park and the animals. JQuattro Cup Series at the Royal Golf runners, especially the ones who were Trophies were awarded to the Club to propel himself to the top of Results struggling. All the adult runners who top three in each age category male/ the series order of merit with 69 points Other results (first category winner): participated and completed the race female. and pushing last month’s winner, Sam 1) M16: Abdullah Abushabab (36:34). Hobday (64) into second place on the 2) M30: Amer Ebrahim (38:02). leader board. 3) M40: Tom Vaughan (36:45). The winners Youngster Ali Al Hakam (34) 4) M45: Colin Gardiner (39:45), 5) M50: Andre Le Lerre (36:10). narrowly clinched the runners up spot 6) M55: Michael Atkinson (41:19), in the February qualifier on count back, 7) M60: Neil Gilbert (43:43). while Nasser Yaqoob and Rehman Tipu February winner Jim 8) M65: Mohsin Al Sharif (46:35). won the 2s Club on hole 12 and Steven Lanceley in action 9) F16: Rana Rana Abdulghaffar Al Alawi (47:49). Hill won on hole 16. A field of over 10) F30 Sarah Lawson (47:54). 50 players turned out to do battle in Results: 11) F40: Leanna Baker (53:13). the prestigious series, with the winners 1) Jim Lanceley (36 points), 12) F45: Monika Subbiani (57:07). having an opportunity to compete in 2) Ali Al Hakam (34 on count back). 13) F50: Isabelle Petit (54;36). the World finals, which this year will be 2s Club: 14) F55: Caroline Hamilton (59:30). 1) Nasser Yaqoob/Rehman Tipu (hole 2), 15)F60: Catherine Abouzaid (1:23.08). held at Quivira Golf Club in Cabo San Luca, Mexico, in December. 2) Steven Hill (hole 16). SPORTS Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23 Ibra thanks kids, Mourinho London Ibrahimovic said: “Let’s see latan Ibrahimovic thanked what happens. his children and Jose Ibrahimovic, 35, added: MourinhoZ for getting him to “If we speak about the coach sign for Manchester United but (Mourinho), England, the refused to commit his future to Premier League, the club the club after his goals helped has to thank him because he them win the League Cup. called me and asked me to Ibrahimovic’s contract expires come here, otherwise I would at the end of the season. not have been here. “Even His double against the Saints my two kids wanted to see took his tally for the campaign me play at United. I had my to 26 goals and helped him win mind somewhere else. Before, the 30th major trophy. Asked everything was coming on top about his plans for next season, of the table, then Jose called.

Everton legend Alex Young dies London verton legend Alex Young, an integral part ofE the 1963 title-winning side and then the 1966 FA Cup, has died aged 80 his family said yesterday. The Scottish international striker, who earned the nickname “The Golden Alex Young Vision” from Northern Irish in Everton’s title-winning icon Danny Blanchflower season. Young, capped eight during his time at Everton, times, went on to become scored 87 goals in 273 player-manager of Northern appearances in his eight Irish outfit Glentoran years there after joining from before finishing his career Hearts. Young, whose goals at Stockport County and also helped Hearts to two subsequently ran the family’s league titles, scored 23 goals upholstery business.

Dubai defeat. Phelps frustrated oger Federer is Roger Federer of Federer playing the Switzerland serves the happy tookR the event for the ball to France’s Benoit with how opening 13th time, Paire I played, step in improving I was able to his bid to 48-5 in stay aggressive,” for a the emirate Federer said as the record where he event began it’s 25th eighth keeps a edition. “I couldn’t have title training had a better first round at the base. start. Dubai Federer “I still cannot belive my Tennis won his start to the season.” Michael Phelps (file) 11th Paire had his ankle strapped Washington a build-up to the Games Championships match trailing 4-1 in the opening set and S swimming legend dogged by drugs scandals and yesterday with a comprehensive 6-1, since then lost serve as Federer took a Michael Phelps has revelations of a state-backed 6-3 defeat of Benoit Paire. losing to 5-1 lead. The third seed wrapped it spokenU of his frustration Russian doping program Federer, playing his first match since Tomas up after less than 30 minutes with a at the possibility rivals were across multiple sports. “Rio winning a record 18th Grand Slam title Berdych service winner. using drugs at last year’s Rio was also unique because of a month ago in Melbourne over Rafael in the 2013 The second set was equally one-way de Janeiro Olympics. Phelps, increased doping concerns,” Nadal, had been unsure of his form semi-finals. as Federer went through in well under in written testimony released Phelps wrote in his statement. after dealing with a leg injury picked He has yet an hour. ahead of his appearance on “In the year leading up to the up at the Australian Open combined to lift an eighth Spanish sixth seed Roberto Tuesday at a US congressional Games there was uncertainty with a month off court after his title title at any event Bautista Agut advanced over Russian hearing into drug use in sport, and suspicion. I along with triumph. having achieved hope Karen Khachanov 6-1, 7-6 said he and teammates were a number of other athletes But he need not have worried seven in Dubai, (7/4) while 2014 semi-finalist Philipp left wondering whether they signed a petition requesting as he defeated Paire for the fourth Wimbledon, Kohlschreiber moved to within two were competing on a level that all athletes be tested in the time without a loss with the streaky Basel, victories of his 400th career win after playing field in Rio. It followed months prior to the Games.” Frenchman treated on his right ankle Cincinnati he defeated eighth seed Gilles Muller and also jeered for tossing a racquet and Halle. of Luxembourg 6-4, 7-6 (7/1) in the second set as he was crashing to “I’m “I didn’t know, actually, to achieve my record would be great,” the 33-year- Netball schedule old German said. “It would put me in ive matches are scheduled Dilmun Club A and second First round the semi-finals. Ftonight in the DHL Bahrain placed Rugby Club A playing Gael Monfils (FRA x4) bt Mohamed Safwat (EGY) 6-4, 6-3 “But I still have a few years to play on Expatriate Netball League at British Club B. At 8.10pm, Roger Federer (SUI x3) bt Benoit Paire (FRA) 6-1, 6-3 the Tour, so I’m pretty confident that the Bahrain Rugby Club in Saar Division Two leaders Dilmun Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) bt Gilles Muller (LUX x8) 6-4, 7-6 (7/1) I’m gonna make 400-plus, hopefully.” starting at 7.30pm. The semi- Club B face Dilmun Club C Spain’s Marcel Granollers put Marcel Granollers (ESP) bt Jiri Vesely (CZE) 6-3, 6-2 finals knockout of Division and second placed Sri Lanka out Czech Jiri Vesely 6-3, 6-2 while One gets underway at 7.30pm Club play British Club C. The Guillermo Garcia-Lopez (ESP) bt Viktor Troicki (SRB) 6-4, 6-3 Guillermo Garcia-Lopez defeated Serb following a four-team round- evening concludes with Rugby Roberto Bautista Agut (ESP) bt Karen Khachanov (RUS) 6-1, 7-6 (7/4) Viktor Troicki 6-4, 6-3. (AFP) robin with top placed British Club B playing St Christopher’s Club A taking on third placed at 8.50pm. Federer off to P23 smooth Dubai start SPORTS 2424 Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Barcelona fastest overall after Hamilton And Felipe Massa, back in supporters -- albeit a ewis Hamilton fired a stepped into the cockpit. business for Williams after mammoth three seconds warning to his title rivals With radically new rules flirting with retirement, was slower than Hamilton. yesterdayL with the Mercedes the 2017 F1 cars are wider another enjoying himself at American team Haas will man pipping Ferrari’s and more powerful than the Montmelo circuit. take away plenty of positives Sebastian Vettel on the their predecessors. The Brazilian completed from their performance with opening day of pre-season And combined with 103 laps and posted the Kevin Magnussen producing testing in Barcelona. Pirelli’s wider tyres their third-fastest time. the fourth-quickest lap. Vettel topped the extra oomph was plain to see But the pre-season testing But Red Bull had issues, timesheets in the first session in Barcelona with the fastest woes that have haunted with Daniel Ricciardo only but the Briton Hamilton, lap time for the entire eight McLaren returned, with the managing four laps before taking over the wheel of days of last year’s testing once all-conquering British lunch, the Australian making Mercedes’ imposing 2017 car lowered several times on day team spending more time up for lost time in the second from new teammate Valtteri one. in the pits than on the track. stint to post the fifth-fastest Bottas, clocked the day’s best Mercedes’ daunting Fernando Alonso had to time. lap of 1min 21.765sec. reliability was underlined wait over seven hours before This was the first of four The Finn Bottas, world by the German constructor’s putting his first timed lap on days testing this week, with champion Nico Rosberg’s car completing over 150 laps. the board. another four-day session replacement at Mercedes, But Ferrari fans will take The Spanish two-time starting next Monday, ahead had topped the times at heart from Vettel, in action former world champion of the opening Australian one stage in the morning in both sessions, also putting eventually mustered 29 Grand Prix in Melbourne on but slipped to only sixth- in the miles with 128 laps. laps in front of his home March 26. (AFP)

Times on the first day : 1. Lewis Hamilton (GBR/Mercedes) 1min 21.765sec (73 laps) 2. Sebastian Vettel (GER/Ferrari) 1:21.878 (128) 3. Felipe Massa (BRA/Williams) 1:22.076 (103) 4. Kevin Magnussen (DEN/Haas-Ferrari) 1:22.894 (51) 5. Daniel Ricciardo (AUS/Red Bull) 1:22.926 (50) 6. Valtteri Bottas (FIN/Mercedes) 1:23.169 (79) 7. Sergio Perez (MEX/Force India) 1:23.709 (39) 8. Carlos Sainz Jr (ESP/Toro Rosso) 1:24.494 (51) 9. Nico Hülkenberg (GER/Renault) 1:24.784 (57) 10. Fernando Alonso (ESP/McLaren) 1:24.852 (29) 11. Marcus Ericsson (SWE/Sauber) 1:26.841 (72)

Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team’s British driver Lewis Hamilton drives at the Circuit de Catalunya

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