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11re. lll.e&JWI" ltOoa ...u ftlt lbUe lloo.aaO lulliJir'Oa, D.c. Deal" lll"'l...... u. U wW be fl.,. ,_... oa ..., 10 "•' I fUIIUoiiM taa fiN\ t.a- of D rt.ar, allll be fU\b &llld."ft&l'7 tuu lt wl\b MI'O \baA U01 000 ,aid MlbeorlpU- aJI4 _.. \II!UI 7001 000 ...... "" ,....,,.. a 00,7 le ao... AUoaal, but •Ill' ,.,..•• , AO$&~ • .,.,... ot ooUlON u tAa flebU.C froata, toU M \bot weav, \bil"\7 or fltt, peN- rood •oil iaoi&O u\11 be ,aper 1a WOI'II Oil\. '1'lloro u ao otllor ,ublt.Uoa lA tile tJDlW a•\00 d.noted to •••lAc lUll! ti&IIU.C a\1.,. &aorlou faooU. - U.. -1, oorrup\ oo-roial pi'ON 1a oa1T ,art of lt. ,..,.,..1 18041111 AMrloo• Ia.,. alroo47 ••at a - .... to oownerato Ill rAar•o •-• aJI4 flt\b blr\*'• I woal.t 110 crat•ful for a - .... r.- 70ilo

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(No. 236) Vol. XI, No. 2 ~ "' Aprlll6, 1945

(E~U:l,..l11f) WAR DEPARTMENT WARNS 1.0,000,000 SOLDIERS .. AGAINST -u; S.· , AS VICTORY .NEARS N OCI'OBER t ltH thJo weeltb' publllbed one of lbo eoc..r-, DOioOwt ~ 11> ~~~e )llato..,. pf lblf •w; fote ~""""""' Ill lilt ~11911 •! lh- olllclal Oonzral KanboU't onion 10 lbo Arm:l lo Gtbl lbo b'IDI ; ,-publlcalloDI. OWl pcopal'!nd~ tundl ~ alaO cuL campoiiD of lbe AmerlcaD prioo and Ill• Amortze rpdlo dire<~ apta.l lbo worltzn .of lbo naUcc wbo h;cs;Julll IV~ One US AJIII..J'qu,_. f~" 0 lh• war m,cblne which made vldory over tuda:D bit. u~ "' ~UT lbtfrct ~ DO lulowp ...... ,.nl available It 11w> llbb' lbol 11M Thll wu a wwld aeoop; II ....,.. """"""" ... Alb~ ~ - ~aUT bJ lbo us DtWIPIPt-rt whlt.b sptot mllUou tor new. had the etory ~L S...,. 12~000 - JD4 ,.._ wera prld tucllm; II hu liNed ao order acata.l Army Komlntom hltl, which HJUzr slp>ed wllb man1 Dlllona, Jim Crow; It bas, ID a WO)', doao lbo aame kind ol oxpoofs aDd ll.t prc>palanda cllvlsloo which IJ>ddant.tU, DOI.tblf wblch IN F.&n It dolnf AmtrltiN tueh .. u:-concressman BamDtoo rtab, • · • 0 doraed. In eon.,_ .,pecloU1 lh..-e wu open 01>-'tlon Pflicjql 4~~ on TVali11f f~m lo edocaUna bolb tho ooldltdanl Tho omoo of Facti &. FI(UI'a-later called lha omce of meant ot lnform~Uoo aDd eorru:zuanJctUOa dare oot mention: War lntonnotlon-publl&bC!d a are.at document aaalntt world naUve A.merteao fNc::Jam. Not onl7 dOll lbe War Depart· tue.l.tm. Jt waa called •'DtvJde & Co.nqu~· and abowtd how mont brlnc thJo lo Uchl bul II IIIII the 116,000 orlent.tUon In the United Sta:tea men, ora:lnhiUon~, newtpapert, radio I.Dd ediJCIUOa oM~ Of tbt ltmed MrVJCIJ to hold dltc::UI­ commwtatorw and othen were tollowlnl the Hitler Unt ot alon llfOupo, prepare l..:luroa, ond'balp Prtpara lhe mlnda ol dlvldlnl tho Ame,rlcan peopt... Hatred of labor unl.of\1 our 10,000,000 now ID lb. Mrvlceo IQ -.bat oallvt tucllm (lpread by the Amorlcan PI"HHin the PitY ot corporatSonJ), al home wb... lbo7 ~ 1o clvU II~. rOllltOUI hatzoid, moollT anU~Uom, Jlmcrowlim, aDd Hera lllbe _,or part of lbe lui of lbo olllclal lnll:tu04M'I b)' lbo -lp. TE1T IF U· • UPIIE IF IITIVE FUIIII W A.R DEPA.IITMENT for - f1ohcn - IIMI o/ 11M 110fl4 lllal U j[IICIAU 0/ U WublnJic>o U, D C It llarcb ..., .. ,....'" ...... _.,. ._,--· 0//.. JAIOJIII I ...... , lo -tee "· ,.,..., "' m... "'!' II) , .. NO'IZ rQR THIS WUK"S DISCUSSION: criN; (I) /UdiM _.Ill ._., !0 -; (I) II en · .,_ , ...... , ,...... , W...,loldaftll!li--JIOO -'"--·"'-"'_.,._ - ....., -· ( f ) - ,... - ...... b1! ftor, Oftte '" J)OWtT, " U HIV to dc.moy. t It tmporte•i mald-o o.&r deaocreq, \DOrJt. OU ARE AWAY FROM HOM:!, sei>ueted trom your Tbe tuclltl lmew that aU bellevut m demoerae1 wer• farnJUet, no lonae.r at a clvUJan Job or at se:hool end tbeJr eoernlet. TbQ' lmew that U.. tundameot.a1 prlnclple Ymo_ny of you' are rJ.Jklnr your very Uvet bec.luse of a lhln• of democracy-talth In tbe c:ommoo NnM ot the common called tasclml. . . • peopl6-wu the o~te ol the ludol priD their lanilll.. by relun\ mall ID ptu. Jan ol uh...... F'asdsm is a way to rqD a countcy-Jt'a th!. way Italy w14 " The tudata d.olved" unemployment b7 convet'Ufll' their run, and the way Germany and .Japan are ruq. Ul FaaeJ.Jm patlo'n.s Into atant war machlnes. The u.q.employ~ were Js the prCcJse opposf\e of democracy. The peop1e. rup demo­ elther con.acdpted. into the arm,y or oraantztd in labor bat· cratic government$, bue tascllt eovemm~nta run the people. taUona and put (o work In -;..ar planbl. · : Fa.scbm ts aovernment by the few and for the few. The objective Is seizure &.Q.d control ot the economJc, poliUcal, Why Fa~cilu 4 re 4,U.Union . soeJal, and cultural Ute or the state. Why? The democratic Deprtft4 ol lbeu 1UIIoM. lbe -~ _ ... could be way of Ute Interferes with their methOdt and deJ!re tor: drlvea. io work loacar aa4 ~er fw te. aD4 •-·moa.e)', ( 1) conducting buslneu; (2) llvlna \'lith thelr te1loW.men; 10 that those who aubaSdized and ran tuclam could arow (3) having the ftnttl PY In matter.t concemlna othen, ., woU richer. By wjplna 9ut aU internal compeUtlon-apeclelly as lhemsclves. The \>asle pd.nclplts ot democr•cy atand in the tmaU and medlum·&lzed bua:lnesa ~protlt.s were tn· the wa.y of Lheir desJres; hence-democracy mu1t 101 An7· creased atiU htiher tor tho handful oo• top. In aome cases, one who is not a member of theh· lnne.r a ang hts to do whot the tuclsta uien iobbled conLtol oJ the top corPorations. The he's told. They permJt no dvn Ubertl~, no equality ~tore . UYlDI ttandardJ 'of the mauet ot: tho people dedined, o r the law. ... They ma.Jntoln themselves in power by use ot Coune. AI they earned leu and leu, they were able to torte combined with propa&anda bastd on prlmlttve Ideas buy leu and lea of lhe'aoodl they produced• . • . of ''blood'' and ''race," by s\lllful manipulation of fear and Once the tAJ<:bts were In control of the gove.mment. not hate, and .by false promlse of security, The propa1anda even the on top wa• aa.te trom U.t own rne:mbert. The,re It to aana glorifi es war and intlats Is sma.rt and "re•lbtJc·'' be would be more loot and (M>"!8.f pof ta.act.t leader If some pltnes:s and violent. fucllt ln den were elfmlnl ted. Some ot the pa.ny ''bll· Question: How does t:asclsm get ln power? How cen a vio­ .ahoL&" and aom• of thOH -.yho had hel~ them take ov~ r lent pro(l'am that enslaves the people win any Jupport? were therefore ''puraed." Many would·be partners ln the Financial lntereau Behind Ftucum dictatorship, lncludlna tome lndUit:riJIII;'ts, wound up In Jail, In eXile, or dead. [:(I Fu clsrp ceme to power·Jn Germany, Italy and Ja,pan et a time ot social and economle unrest. A small arqu p of men, I UJ)PQt ltd In ~r-et by powerful AnancJal and mllltal')' In· ..... (:'C!'f II flpp~rt Hflr,t - ~ --· Some Americana would ltve an t:mphaClc "No" to the terests, convinced enou&h lruecure people · that l atcllm 1 would give Ulem the thlnga they wanted • •. . (luertlon 'Can tatcltm c:oirie to America after It baa been de,. At the very time thtt the ta.aclata procletmed that their teated abroed?" The7 would say that Ame.rlcana are too party wos the party ot the "average dt:l.ten," they .were in .. smut, that they a:re aold on the democr-atic way ot Ute, tbat the pay ot: certain bla lndwtdaUsts and ftnanclea who they wouldn't permit eny croup to put faac.t.Jm over ln wanted to run the people wllh an lron hand. America. FaacJ.tm, some ml.&ht paY, ,. aomethinl peeuUar that And only awa•Ukaa, who 'I'he fU<:LIO promlaed evCcylhinl to everyone: They would you IJDOI\f peot>-1' wba"-llke make the poor rich and the rich ,l'lc:het.\ To the farmers, llke to llJte.n to apeeche. trom balc;on!a Jn Rome, or who the fascists promllcd land throu.IH ellmJneUon ot lara:e es· like to think lbal thelr em,peror 11 aod. TheJr reaction ~~-~t t ales. To the workers they promlted elimination of unem­ be tblt it Ia tomethtnl "torelp" l.bat Americans would rec· ployment--jobs tor all at htah wean. To tho small bualnea oenlu In a minute, Uke lhe aooee-ltep. Tbey ml1ht feel men they proml.sed more customen and profttl lhroulh the that we'd lauab It out or e.xbtlnee ln a burry. · elimination of la!ae buslneu en'lerprbes:. To bJ& buatneu men and the Jndwtrhallat.l they •ecretly promJM