
APR1 3 194$ In H , Y , T WiiN TY - 11VB ASTOJl IL A CS • NBY YOAIC GEORGE SELDES, &IU"" 11re. lll.e&JWI" ltOoa ...u ftlt lbUe lloo.aaO lulliJir'Oa, D.c. Deal" lll"'l. ...... u. U wW be fl.,. ,_... oa ..., 10 "•' I fUIIUoiiM taa fiN\ t.a- of D rt.ar, allll be fU\b &llld."ft&l'7 tuu lt wl\b MI'O \baA U01 000 ,aid MlbeorlpU- aJI4 _.. \II!UI 7001 000 .......... "" ,....,,.. a 00,7 le ao... AUoaal, but •Ill' ,.,..•• , AO$&~ • .,.,... ot ooUlON u tAa flebU.C froata, toU M \bot weav, \bil"\7 or fltt, peN- rood •oil iaoi&O u\11 be ,aper 1a WOI'II Oil\. '1'lloro u ao otllor ,ublt.Uoa lA tile tJDlW a•\00 d.noted to •••lAc lUll! ti&IIU.C a\1.,. &aorlou faooU. - U.. -1, oorrup\ oo-roial pi'ON 1a oa1T ,art of lt. ,..,.,..1 18041111 AMrloo• Ia.,. alroo47 ••at a - .... to oownerato Ill rAar•o •-• aJI4 flt\b blr\*'• I woal.t 110 crat•ful for a - .... r.- 70ilo 1 0 & ra a K JL£ 1 0 111 • 110 .Aif1" A I & && P&at t .· -+U Y.,.. Me.. Ia Melt 1 1zd Ia aec1 s.. r ... s ...._.. • __. ca.. ...... Mu<tt n . N v . .....'"''· ..., .. IQ ,.. fll ..-......-c. • , ,...,. ••, ..v-.. (No. 236) Vol. XI, No. 2 ~ "' Aprlll6, 1945 (E~U:l,..l11f) WAR DEPARTMENT WARNS 1.0,000,000 SOLDIERS .. AGAINST -u; S.· FASCISM, AS VICTORY .NEARS N OCI'OBER t ltH thJo weeltb' publllbed one of lbo eoc..r-, DOio<bta u · ~ au~ ID 0 """'' I'J'poc1aJiiJ>Owt ~ 11> ~~~e )llato..,. pf lblf •w; fot<IDf ll>e ~""""""' Ill lilt ~11911 •! lh- olllclal Oonzral KanboU't onion 10 lbo Arm:l lo Gtbl lbo b'IDI ; ,-publlcalloDI. OWl pcopal'!nd~ tundl ~ alaO cuL campoiiD of lbe AmerlcaD prioo and Ill• Amortze rpdlo dire<~ apta.l lbo worltzn .of lbo naUcc wbo h;cs;Julll IV~ One US AJIII..J'qu,_. f~" 0 lh• war m,cblne which made vldory over tuda:D bit. u~ "' ~UT lbtfrct ~ DO lulowp ......,.nl available It 11w> llbb' lbol 11M Thll wu a wwld aeoop; II ....,.. """"""" ... Alb~ ~ - ~aUT bJ lbo us DtWIPIPt-rt whlt.b sptot mllUou tor new. had the etory ~L S...,. 12~000 - JD4 ,.._ wera p<e­ aDd eupp...- I~ bz<auae II pve ollldal DOU.,. to lbo fael pand tq Gtbl t.udlm, but lbo)' and 0,. pubUc were not lbat pr.. ~Dd racllo ._... aerv1na lbo ...._ b7 croaUOf • c lyea oiU... t,cll 0. P<OpePDda ap!MI taaclom. l'l'om !ffO hate arolnll labor, clllunlb', ooDllld. a... KanbaU de­ lo ltU lhe p..- of lbo .,.uoa wu 4Uocl wllh ot.ttemonlo clared that lbera wu only one frODI, !hal Alhllna Iron! and c:riUcal ot tbe morale ot Ut• armt4 tore~~, m01Uy 1n t.he homo trqnt we.n part ot the .aame war. tra.lnJni carop~:. Wllbln tho 'P"tl ,..,, llaa~ 10 lbo labor and lnnuence Anli·Fa.cut Teachint Oppo1ed · 'of llfaJor Qenenl F H Oollofl'• chief of the morale cllvltlon, lbo enU... altuaUon )lu been cha.,ed. ' won. NIJ.I Oermany 11 Moro than4 haU the war 11 about Not only hu the vut campaiiJl of tMluc:aUnl the army, cruthed between the AlUes on •the w,.-t (American.~ Brit. and tbenb7 raJ.alnC lta moral•, •ucCMded, b\.lt lht War 0,­ bh, C•nadlanJ, French) •nd tho Sovleta on tbe J:ul. The pa.rtm.ot hat been more tortbrtcht than what it 10 humor­ mo.t powertuJ ot aU tue~t countztu bu. ~n deleated. oualy called lhe Amerlcalllroa - The Wor Doparlmenl However, trom the bec:l:nnto.a of Pl• wa:r theft wu an hu tuued fact abeeta, ln.to:rmaUoo l\lldea. lec:ture 1ummarler, evident etrort made br ee~ln tnu.rerta and penon1 \0 hep ete, ICN'tll erltlcal of preu aDd radio on t.he labor queaUon; Ame:rle:a lanorant of what t.be war wu abouL Pearl Har­ it bu luued 1 pamphlet on Spain wbJcb llya the blame tor bor wat played up, it wu potnttd oU"t Uut America w., the Framo u-pc1J1ne 0q lntunatJonet taada:m. and expora atlack C!d aDd h•d to defend herself, tMt HJUer dec.lared war moot of lbe Ua publllbed In lbo Ia)' IIDCI clerkal preaa wu uld aboul lbo rul on lhe Unlled Sl.tleo, etc. Nolbtac acata.l 1bo Lo)'allata; II hu IDcllc~ bl& - !nlcala ca ..e ot lhe war, lbe lntemaUcmal fuclll plo~ lbo lUlU· bzhiDd wi>rld tucllm; II hu liNed ao order acata.l Army Komlntom hltl, which HJUzr slp>ed wllb man1 Dlllona, Jim Crow; It bas, ID a WO)', doao lbo aame kind ol oxpoofs aDd ll.t prc>palanda cllvlsloo which IJ>ddant.tU, DOI.tblf wblch IN F.&n It dolnf AmtrltiN tueh .. u:-concressman BamDtoo rtab, • · • 0 doraed. In eon.,_ .,pecloU1 lh..-e wu open 01>-'tlon Pflicjql 4~~ on TVali11f f~m lo edocaUna bolb tho ooldlt<J In lh4 lninlnc ca111po and lba lbo pert of taaclam II fallln& aport. dvlllan populaUon about the oature· ot ou.r entft\7, world ADd oow lbot !ful Ouman.y foUoWI ltaq In ckteat. and .Jape.o II Nte t.o follow tasclam.. In qukltez onlor, lbo War Dtpartmeol l.tkl'O a vaot alride ahead, a.Dd publllb,.. 1 lt:atlmtDl on 1 tubjec:t ,.,bich the Anti-Fa.ci.& Pamphlet Suppre,.ed znaJorlt)o of......_.,.... and racllo ~liolll aDd lbe al.tl>danl Tho omoo of Facti &. FI(UI'a-later called lha omce of meant ot lnform~Uoo aDd eorru:zuanJctUOa dare oot mention: War lntonnotlon-publl&bC!d a are.at document aaalntt world naUve A.merteao fNc::Jam. Not onl7 dOll lbe War Depart· tue.l.tm. Jt waa called •'DtvJde & Co.nqu~· and abowtd how mont brlnc thJo lo Uchl bul II IIIII the 116,000 orlent.tUon In the United Sta:tea men, ora:lnhiUon~, newtpapert, radio I.Dd ediJCIUOa oM~ Of tbt ltmed MrVJCIJ to hold dltc::UI­ commwtatorw and othen were tollowlnl the Hitler Unt ot alon llfOupo, prepare l..:luroa, ond'balp Prtpara lhe mlnda ol dlvldlnl tho Ame,rlcan peopt... Hatred of labor unl.of\1 our 10,000,000 now ID lb. Mrvlceo IQ -.bat oallvt tucllm (lpread by the Amorlcan PI"HHin the PitY ot corporatSonJ), al home wb... lbo7 ~ 1o clvU II~. rOllltOUI hatzoid, moollT anU~Uom, Jlmcrowlim, aDd Hera lllbe _,or part of lbe lui of lbo olllclal lnll:tu<Uon alml1•r Hltledan tacUcs were expaNd in the oft\clal US ahee\1 •• Mnt to lw r•cr b-y wrenl ~ one tn New aov\ pamphlet. 0"'- - I>04M'I b)' lbo -lp. TE1T IF U· • UPIIE IF IITIVE FUIIII W A.R DEPA.IITMENT for - f1ohcn - IIMI o/ 11M 110fl4 lllal U j[IICIAU 0/ U WublnJic>o U, D C It llarcb ..., .. ,....'" .........._.,. ._,--· 0//.. JAIOJIII I .......... ......, lo -tee "· ,.,..., "' m... "'!' II) , .. NO'IZ rQR THIS WUK"S DISCUSSION: criN; (I) /UdiM _.Ill ._., !0 -; (I) II en · .,_ , ............, ,.. ....., W...,loldaftll!li--JIOO -'"--·"'-"'_.,._ - ....., -· ( f ) - ,... - ........... b1! ftor, Oftte '" J)OWtT, " U HIV to dc.moy. t It tmporte•i mald-o o.&r deaocreq, \DOrJt. OU ARE AWAY FROM HOM:!, sei>ueted trom your Tbe tuclltl lmew that aU bellevut m demoerae1 wer• farnJUet, no lonae.r at a clvUJan Job or at se:hool end tbeJr eoernlet. TbQ' lmew that U.. tundameot.a1 prlnclple Ymo_ny of you' are rJ.Jklnr your very Uvet bec.luse of a lhln• of democracy-talth In tbe c:ommoo NnM ot the common called tasclml. • peopl6-wu the o~te ol the ludol priD<Ipte ol rule by We Am~rlcl na have bH:n ft.cbUnr tudtt:l fDr more than the eUt. few. So' Lbey t:oueht democracy in all Itt pbUN. three years. When Cecil Brown. one or ~· leacliAJ wn , •. Tiley played tho pollllca~ "IIIIOUI, OO<i•l and o<onomic correspondents, came back from the batUe t.ronu, he went arouP. aplnat each other and ~ tel&ecl power while these on o trip that took blm Into b l& ciUu and amall towna aU ll'OUIIO llf\alod acalnlt poch ~thU. ovc:r America. He ttlked and Uttened to an kinds of people. lie found lhlt moJt American• a.re va.rue about JUit what L#Uls B.uin&l &lray,d fascism really meanJ.. He found few Ame.rlciJlJ who were Ql,ie~Uon: How 'could &he Juellta k:M,p thel.r contradictory confident lhey would recoenbe 1 taJCJJt 11 they aw one. proml.te:t. ooce they 10t 1n powuT How cUd thelr pro1r1m 'And a.re. we in uniform any more c:e:ruln whet tucllm iJ aHually work out? . - whel'e It came from-what made tt stron(? Do we know It wu easy enouP tor the fuc.WI to prorpllo all tbln&l to how t:uclsm leadt men to do lhe thin.- done to people at aU people before they wore t.o power. Once U..7 were ac· Metdanek? Do we know bow it leadl them to attack help­ tuall,y in ~wer, they could not. ot COW"'I.. keep their eootra .. leu natlont? Are Mtldanekl and war lneviU.ble ravJU of dlctory prOmitea. They bad tbtoodecl In advance to brt.a.k: faad&tl)? Do au faaellt.l •peak onl(r German, Itallen or J apa .. some. and they did break thOH they )lad made to tbe middle nes:e-or do JOme ot them apeak our lanauaaet WID mm .
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