EXPLORING GSE, AIRFIELD EQUIPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE | WINTER 2016 | WWW.AIRSIDEINT.COM 25th - 27th APRIL 2017, MILAN Will global warming put an end to the need for snow clearance at major airports, except for a few places in the Polar 8 THROWING LIGHT regions? Absolutely not, says Airside’s Chris Lewis. World temperatures may be rising, and there could well be fewer ON AGL days with snow in many parts of the world, but snow still has the ability to take airport authorities, transport operators The latest on airfield and even weather forecasters by surprise ground lighting SNOW OR NO – THE SHOW MUST GO ON GLASGOW 14 PRESTWICK Big plans at the airport hen it does come, snow still has the ability to completely 25 AIR-CONDITIONING shut an airport down if it is not W properly equipped, or if ade- Breathing life into quate plans are not in place. Coupled with this airport PCA equipment is the intensity of today’s air traffi c. Whereas in the past global aviation might have been able to function with the odd runway here and there closed by snow, the system is much less tolerant today. Runways must be kept open if humanly possible. So the demands on snow clearance equip- ment will, if anything, arguably be greater than in the past. Weather is, of course, notoriously hard to Zurich Airport has a large fl eet of snow-removal vehicles INTER AIRPORT SOUTH EAST ASIA, 15TH - 17TH FEBRUARY 2017, SINGAPORE $WDQ\DLUSRUWHIĺFLHQF\DQGUHOLDELOLW\DUHZKDWFRXQW7KHVHWZRIDFWRUV UHFHLYHPD[LPXPDWWHQWLRQLQWKHGHVLJQDQGHQJLQHHULQJRIDOO*ROGKRIHU DQG6FKRSIDLUFUDIWWRZLQJWUDFWRUV$PLQLPXPPDLQWHQDQFHUHTXLUHPHQW LV WKH NH\ WR PD[LPXP DYDLODELOLW\ DQG UREXVW HQJLQHHULQJ WKH JXDUDQ WHHIRUORQJVHUYLFHOLIH&KRRVHDWRZWUDFWRUIURPWKH*ROGKRIHU*URXS IRUWKHPRVWHFRQRPLFDOVROXWLRQRQWKHPDUNHW $LUFUDIW7RZ7UDFWRUV_&DUJR7RZ7UDFWRUV_$LUFUDIW5HFRYHU\6\VWHPV WWW.GOLDHOFER.DE WWW.SCHOPF-GSE.COM FEATURE | SNOW CLEARANCE MIKE BRYANT YASMIN LYDON Editor Events Coordinator elcome to the Winter 2016 issue
[email protected] [email protected] of Airside International.